#i'll talk about the “polycule” thing some other time cuz i have a lot of thoughts about the three of them
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decided to do a little "return to form" with some silly pixel art!! :3
i don't remember what possessed me to draw these two specifically hanging out but whatever, it was fun! i had fun!!!
alt version where he's rambling about the weird fucked up polycule situation he put himself in lol
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actualbird · 1 year
I don't know if this has been asked before but what's your hc on how Giann and Marius interact? would they bicker a lot or does giann being 10 years older change things?
hi anon!! i never really wrote a specific hc posts about how i think giann and marius interact, cuz ive written several fics where i Do Make Them Interact in scenes themselves HAHA
so i'll just take the time here to do some shameless self fic recs (with further detailing on what abt the interactions specifically are seen)
standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun) | aka the fic where giann returns and finds out marius is dating the nxx5 in a polycule situation
T rated | nxx5 polycule + giann & marius feels | complete fic | 17k words total
while this fic involves the entire nxx5 interacting with giann, the entire thing does delve deep into how giann sees, acts, and recalibrates his relationship with marius given all the changes that have happened.
the 1st, 4th, and 5th chapter have scenes in particular where giann and marius directly interact but as a brief (VERY brief. this fic is 17k for a reason, so i cant bullet point it all JHVKSJHF) summary on those interactions:
despite the 10 year age difference, i absolutely think theyre close as hell, both in the past and in the present of the fic that i ended up writing out.
i also say a huge Yes to bickering, because thats the casual way the ended being accustomed to communicating but that that can be a drawback sometimes. it's the whole "ack, sincerity and vulnerability with my sibling is WEIRD even if we're close, because UGH we're supposed to be cool and calm all the time"
and on a related vein, yes as well to like, how both of them Do talk to each other, but a lot of the time, not much is being Truly Said. i think marius had to have learned the art of putting up a mask from somewhere, and so both giann and marius (especially when distressed) end up brushing off their own problems so that the other wont worry
how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form | aka the fic where the von hagens are secretly magic dragons and marius is stuck as a serpent noodle
T rated | no ship + nxx found fam + marius & giann & austin feels | incomplete fic | 15k words currently
once again, while this fic is a little more geared towards exploring the team's dynamic with marius and each other, since the whole magic dragon thing is a Von Hagen thing, the fic does tackle marius' relationship with his family. as opposed to the last fic where it's from giann's pov, this one is from marius'. the fic has a few bits of marius and giann directly interacting in the 1st chapter, and the super tiny quick bites from that is
it's in this fic that i doubled down on how giann is very protective over marius. we are told this in canon, so this isnt much of an hc but still, i rlly like this about giann.
aside from the usual things we think abt when we hear the word "protective" (like hover-y, worry, ready to go fuck ppl up if u hurt the person being protected etc etc), i also think in general that giann was like, the closer Adult Figure marius had and the one he trusted a bit more or found it easier to trust
this is veering away from giann & marius and more into austin & marius now, but i rlly hc that theres a disconnect between marius' relationship with his dad. not to say that austin is a bad dad, but that in losing giann (which already happens after austin lost his wife too), marius and austin kinda lost their key bridge of connection as well
aaaaaand lastly
you can run, you can hide, but this email WILL find you! | aka the fic told completely through emails and the fic that im still proudest of in this fandom
T rated | no ship + vyn & giann + giann & marius + vyn & marius | complete fic | 4.3k words total
this fic actually does not have giann and marius directly interacting AT ALL, but in my defense, it doesnt have....anybody directly interacting. bc this fic is told thru emails omfg. buuuut
throughout the fic, i wanted it clear that giann really, really cares about marius and goes to great lengths to ensure that marius (and also vyn, because vyn is his friend) are prepared for everything, even giann himself disappearing
additionally, marius really really is cares to and likes his brother, and was 1) very excited to be able to see him in person and 2) devastated by giann's disappearance, and 3) protective (through his determination to find giann) right back at giann
these arent really Interactions, but i figured it deserved a place on this response anyway as a good conclusion as to how i think marius and giann are with each other: mutual shitheads, close as hell but with trouble being completely sincere, protective of one another, and in general just a couple of ride or die or siblings
this was a very long response that answered your question only indirectly jahdvjhVKJVKJ. still, thank you for the ask! i feel really deeply about giann & marius cuz ive also got siblings im very close with, and just knowing tht other ppl r interested in the von hagen brother dynamic too is a treat in itself already :D
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Ay sorry for being dead again have some angst
School's awful- the only thing I could've done in these days was doodle dump on my school diary and literally all my school notebooks and share the doodles with my buddies on Discord-
So since I caught a bad cold, I had some time to do more stuff- other than sleeping because I'm kinda feeling like shit-
Recently I joined a Sweet Cap'n Cakes Discord server and basically everyone was drawing SCC getting plugged by the wires sjjdjsd so I had a very evil idea- like- a very evil one-
But it's not only that.
This is canon
Yes I'm evil. Yes I'm sorry ajdjsj
Basically the wire forcely plugged itself, pretty much destroying most of his head, cuz- y'know he didn't had any actual holes or som for the plug. This explains the broken screen. Being wired causes MIDI to lose his memory in a way that nothing is actually new to him, he just can't understand why or how he feels like he's already seen the places/people he ends up into.
If that wasn't enough, the wire drains most of MIDI's energy and makes it really painful to talk or move a lot. Because of that he's mostly standing very still in the same position and being almost completely non-verbal. He can only give very small responses, usually one-worded ones. I was thinking about sign language for communication, but I'm still not sure, for now I'll stick with writing on a notebook. He can get unplugged by Ralsei casting Pacify, unless you go for Snowgrave.
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[click for better quality I don't even have to explain why nsjd]
This gave me the chance to rewrite a bit the relationship that MIDI has with SCC before and after getting wired. I'm just going to dump them all here under the read more so you can read whenever you'd like sudjd
Ok so basically
This will be super long and awfully written you've been warned ok sidjj
The idea that came to my mind was that SCC was indeed a struggling band. This is because other more modern and advanced music robots were gaining more popularity. MIDI was pretty much in a phase of "I'm not like other girls"(boys in this case lma) cuz basically he liked to explore different music genres than the more popular ones, like SCC. Sweet, between the three, was the one that was more pissed off by the thing. But like- really pissed off. I mostly see Sweet as the oldest, but since they let themselves get dragged away by their emotions, they end up experiencing said emotions in a more amplified way, maybe even exaggerated. They felt like MIDI was "stealing their spotlight". Cap'n was pissed off too, but not that much. K_K, on the other hand, didn't really care about getting angry at any other robot being more popular than them.
Of course MIDI caught the attention of Queen in no time because no one could deny that he was pretty skilled. Queen so invites MIDI at the palace to make him her new musician, although without telling him the existence of SCC. When MIDI finds it out, he's super pissed, he's a nice guy after all, he didn't want to steal anyone's job. So, all that stuff from my recent fic happens. If you didn't see it yet, it's on my first post about MIDI. But basically, MIDI got slightly interested into K_K, and decides to improvise being the hero and save SCC to gain their trust, and maybe be able to know the trio, but specifically K_K, a bit more.
Sweet and Cap'n are quite concerned of MIDI's behavior with K_K, because in fact, they both are in a polycule with K_K. Sweet could try to be nice to not just- straight up be rude to the guy who just saved them- but they just can't. They lose their temper, also because they're convinced that MIDI has some sort of plans going on etc etc. Cap'n is on Sweet's side, but of course he tries to calm them down, also because they surely brought MIDI into a panic attack. MIDI didn't know about the trio being in a relationship and he felt so fucking bad for trying to sneak in out of nowhere, invading their personal space.
Cap'n then had an idea. If K_K was also interested in MIDI, they would've talked it out. MIDI just acts normally until K_K actually starts getting slightly closer to him, of course without ignoring their bfs. MIDI is nervous to start talking about the polycule topic, so he waits for K_K to do it themselves, which doesn't take long at all. Sweet and Cap'n want K_K to be happy, and if they were happy with hanging out with MIDI too, it was ok for them to enlarge the polycule a little bit.
So, MIDI and K_K start slowly getting into a relationship, altho this was- sorta hampered by Sweet still being way too overprotective. Despite that, MIDI kept hanging out with Sweet and Cap'n too, also because it would've been pretty much an asshole-move if he didn't. He genuinely liked to hang out with them as best homies.
Seeing how nice MIDI actually was despite Sweet continuing to be passive-aggressive towards him, Cap'n slowly changed his mind on what he thought about MIDI. Maybe he even started to get slightly interested in him.
One day, Sweet send MIDI away to get some scrap parts for them, just to stop Cap'n from flirting with him. On the way home, MIDI suddenly gets attacked by the wires and ends up getting plugged by one of them.
Not being able to remember anything, MIDI was tired and constantly in pain. SCC are hugely worried about him, and try everything to let him out of the control of the wire. Seeing MIDI like that, Sweet felt horrendously awful for being that shitty with him. Moreover they blame themselves more than everyone, as if they didn't send MIDI out because of their stubbornness, maybe he wouldn't have been plugged by the wire.
But of course I wanted to end it in a good way. If you don't end up doing Snowgrave, SCC will go ask for help to Ralsei, who will cast Pacify on MIDI, unplugging the wire. After he gets repaired he magically manifests pupils because I say so skdk but also gets his memory back. Sweet won't stop apologizing for quite a long time, as they still think it's their fault. MIDI would eventually explain to Sweet that it's not their fault at all and that he understands that he got so overprotective. Plus, MIDI actually admires Sweet's determination in wanting to protect who they love.
Sweet and MIDI won't be going any step further from "friends/homies", while with Cap'n and K_K, MIDI will establish a proper relationship. This being more in a romantic way for K_K's case.
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chemicalarospec · 3 years
💖 🏅👖 and 📊
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Oh hmm. Maybe that it's versatile? I feel like I can change it up sometimes on purpose. Or maybe that I'm good at poetic bits :D
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc)?
It was a bit ago, but maybe finishing Welcome to Jubilee? It also reached 300 hits on ao3 recently and that's pog haha. Also I showed an IRL the ghostbur poem-fic recently and they said it kinda made them want to write poetry and that was pretty pog.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
Oh, panster, very much. I mean, I envision scenes in beforehand sometimes, and sometimes work things out, but the most written planning I've ever done is when the Demolition Duo bullet fic kinda became planning because I'm working on a prose version lol.
📊 Current number of WIPs
(I don't have any other fandoms lol. For non-fic, there's Scholastic submissions -- still haven't finished a poetry collection for that rip (I think I'll do two: one for snippets and one that's all the B-tier poems lol) -- and I'm kinda writing a script for a video about every band named Lovejoy I could find? Gd knows if it will get made but it's farther along than I expected it would get.)
I am going to talk about them because I want to <3 but under the cut because I don't want to clog people's dashes <3
1. Benchtrio sees them at the casino. This one I finished but I haven't had the time to go over and make it funny because the writing was bad lol.
2. Demolition Duo!! (Demolition Lovers AU) - I'm most determined to finish this one. Hopefully it won't take as long as Daniel Inflammable lol (why I have written multiple things involving Youtubers and MCR worldbuilding). The plot's changed a *little* bit since the bullet fic but I'll point anyone interested there so I don't restate everything. It's currently 4k, and there's a few major sections I'll definitely add, so it's getting along haha. I think I might title it smth like "snow falls on desert sky" cuz I'm obsessed with that accidental parallel.
3. Tntduo get together within DSMP world. This is the one I'm least likely to finish lol -- basically I took some stuff out of Demolition Duo and wrote a bunch of dialogue snippets and it would be kinda awkward to work them all together. Has a solid beginning tho.
4. Modern AU inspired by the solitaire post lol but not about it. Somehow most of what I wrote here is actually about c!philza?? Idk what to do with him; he's kinda an irredeemable father but I also kinda redeemed him. Like I wrote a really good letter of apology from his POV but c!philza would need a LOT of work to get there lol.
(also in this one I was gonna name techno Techno Blake Pig but I wanted to call him Technoblade so I made that his name for continuity lol. Tommy Nut Pig. The Pig brothers. alks;djf :D ^_^ at least I please myself haha. Also idk if I'll have Fundy in it but Ace and Sally kick Wilbur out of the polycule (nicely) alksdjf)
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