#i’ve never posted a teaser for a fic but i kinda wanna announce this fic
selfcarecap · 2 years
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Rebel Angels Fic Series Announcement, Cover reveals, and Teasers!
Rebel Angels is a fic series based around the three angels of Supernatural that mean the world to me. Castiel, Lucifer, and Gabriel. The backstories and storylines of these three angels break my heart. 
Castiel thought he was following his father's orders only to find out he wasn’t and that his “father” didn’t care. So he rebelled. Chose two humans over his heavenly home. He made the right choice in my book. 
Lucifer, this one breaks my heart most. He was the angel of light and he loved his father more than anything. Was suppose to be his father’s favorite. But what father, not only corrupts his son with a mark to lock away his sister, but once he refuses to love something more than his father he’s forced out, and his father makes the sibling Lucifer loved most do it. Than Chuck makes him thank maybe they could start over only to abandon him AGAIN! Then he has a chance to be a father himself and I am convinced without a doubt Chuck wouldn’t let that happen because Lucifer would have been a better father than Chuck. You could see the love for Jack he had in his eyes the minute he laid eyes on him. Hell, the minute he heard his son’s name. That should have been his redemption point. 
Gabriel, all he wanted was for his big brothers to stop fighting. It was too much for him to bare so he left which made him a rebel angel in his own way. Then when he tricked Lucifer into thinking he killed him, he was betrayed by those damn gods and sold to a prince of hell. He did die a hero, but he should’ve had to die at all. 
AUTHOR NOTE: OK so this series is AU in a few ways, but nothing too big. Castiel isn’t in that deal with the shadow. 
Chuck isn’t a monster (other than his bad parenting stuff).
Jack, Lucifer, and Gabriel are alive.
I think that’s about it. Also, this story series is still in the writing stage. 
WARNINGS: This series will deal with some trigger warnings. Mentions about sexual, physical, and emotional abuse mainly. Some violence. Insecurity issues. 
There are three books in this fic series. Each angel mentioned above has their own fic. I will post the title of the fic, the cover, and all the teasers I have for each fic. 
Fic #1: Her Blue Eyed Angel
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SUMMARY: Castiel goes on a coffee run for his brothers. What happens when he hears the desperate prayers of a girl there. When he answers this prayer for help little did he know it would change things in an amazing way for him. 
"Is something wrong?" Castiel asked. 
"Castiel I," she started trying to fight the panic attack she felt building up. 
"Yes?" Castiel asked. 
"Castiel I love you," she finally blurted out. Castiel just stood there for a minute. He wasn't sure what to say. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything," she turned to leave, but Castiel gently grabbed her hand.
The boys and Cas Met at a diner after a ghost hunt. "Dean where is Lya?" Cas asked. 
"She's back at the hotel," Sam answered. 
"Was she not hungry?" He asked confused. 
"Cas, don't freak out," Dean said, "but she kinda got hurt,". 
"What do you mean she got hurt, Dean?". Cas asked worried and a bit angry. 
"She sprained her ankle," he said. As he turned to Cas he was already gone. "What's his problem?". 
"Dean, can't you tell?" Sam asked as Dean gave him a confused look, "he's in love with her,". Cas appeared in her room and spotted Lya on her bed. She was asleep. He saw her foot. It was turning dark purple. He could see her shivering from pain and being cold. He gently touched her foot and soon it was normal color again and her shivering died down as the pain went away. He covered her up and just stared at her for a moment. He had answered this beautiful human's prayers and had somehow fallen for her. He brushed a strain of her dark brown hair from her face. He leaned down and gently kissed her cheek. He smiled when he saw a soft smile appear on her face.
Castiel sat in the bunker map room with Sam and Dean. "You ok Cas?" Dean asked. 
"I'm confused Dean," he admitted. 
"About Lya?" Sam asked. 
"Yes," Cas said looking down at the floor, "she makes feel things I have never felt. Not even when I was human,". 
"Talk it out Cas," Dean said. 
"I can't stop thinking of her. I smile whenever she's in the room. I find myself checking on her through the night while she sleeps. When she talks I can't stop listening. It's like her green eyes enchant me. When she compliments me my cheeks start to flush," he rambled on. 
"Cas can angels fall in love?" Sam asked. 
"I suppose if two angels matched, but I've never heard of any angel couples," he explained. 
"Ok, but can they fall in love with humans?" He asked. 
"There have been stories of it happening," Castiel said, "why do you ask?". 
"Thank about it Cas," Dean said. Castiel gave him a confused look before it dawned on him. He was in love with a beautiful green-eyed human.
"I love this song," she said as she turned the radio up a bit, "It's a good slow dance song,". 
"I don't know how to dance," Castiel admitted. She smiled and held out her hand. 
"I can show you," she said.
 "Oh um that's ok," Castiel said feeling somehow nervous, but she gently grabbed his hand. 
"Please Castiel?" She asked. Her green eyes seem to sparkle. Castiel noticed that happened when she was happy and he found himself wanting to make sure she was happy as much as possible. He nodded and stood up. 
"What do I do?" He asked.
"Just put your arms around my waist," she said as she helped him, "and I'll put my arms around your neck and we just move to the music,". Castiel was a bit off rhythm at first, but soon he got the hang of it. Before too long her head was resting on his shoulder as they danced. Castiel smiled and hoped the song didn't end for a while.
Castiel sat in the empty hospital waiting room. Dean walked in and sat beside him. "Cas, what are you doing?" He asked. 
"I can't Dean," he said, "I can't trust myself around her anymore,".
 "Cas, it was an accident," Dean said, "you didn't mean to hurt her,". 
"But I did Dean," the angel said looking up at his brother with tears in his eyes, "I didn't aim right and I hit her. I'm the reason she's in here,". 
"Cas, back there against those demons yes you hit her with your powers accidentally, but you not seeing her now is hurting her more," Dean explained, "when you refused to come in her room and walked away she teared up,". 
"I don't wanna hurt her again Dean," Castiel said wiping the tears from his eyes, "I love her," 
"I know Cas and she loves you too that's why she forgave you the minute it happened," Dean said, "go see her Cas,".
"I trust you with my life Castiel," she said, "I hope you trust me too,". 
"I do trust you Lya," he said standing up, "there's one way an angel shows trust," she heard loud thunder and saw bright flashes of light for a moment. When her eyes adjusted she gasped. Castiel had shown her his wings. They were sheer and black. 
"They're beautiful," she said, " would it be ok to touch one?". Castiel nodded as his wings went from sheer to solid. She softly and very carefully placed her hand on one of the feathers. It was soft and fluffy. She noticed Castiel smile and blush a bit. "Is this bothering you?" She asked not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable. 
"It's fine," he said, "Our wings are sensitive and when touched it can make us feel like a human would if kissed or touched in a loving way,". She smiled and hugged him. She soon felt his soft wings wrap around her.
Cas was hanging around the bunker Library. It's usually what he did when everyone else was asleep. He was reading a book about vampire hunting when he heard Lya scream. He popped into her room to find her sitting on her bed hugging her legs to herself. She was crying. “Lya, what's wrong?” he asked sitting beside her. She instantly hugged him. He tensed at first, but relaxed and hugged her back. He held her until she calmed down. 
“Are you ok?” he asked. She finally calmed down enough and broke the hug. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, “it was just a really bad nightmare,”. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Cas asked. He hadn’t known her very long, but he felt an urge to protect her.
 “I’m fine Castiel,” she said, “sorry I worried you,”. 
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he said, “Try to sleep again. I’ll sit with you until you have fallen asleep,”. She nodded and laid back down. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt calmer and more relaxed around the angel that had actually answered her prayer. She couldn’t explain it, but just looking into his piercing blue eyes comforted her. Castiel sat beside her until he knew she was fast asleep. He knew a way to make sure she could sleep peacefully. He gently pressed his lips to her forehead. Her face glew golden for a moment.
 “Sleep well Lya,”. Castiel spent the rest of the night reading his book outside her bedroom door just in case she woke up again.
Lya sat snuggled up on Castiel’s lap in a big comfy chair. She was wrapped in a soft fuzzy cover. They were reading a book together. Castiel noticed her staring at him. “Why are you staring at me?” he asked. 
“Sorry,” she said, “I was just wondering about you,”. 
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“Your past, stuff like that,” she said, “but I won’t be nosy,”. 
“If you want to know, I’ll tell you but,” he said suddenly breaking eye contact with her and looking away. 
“What is it Castiel?” she asked as she ran her hand through his soft, black hair. The feeling made him feel a little calmer. 
“I have done things and been things I’m not proud of,” Castiel said looking at her, “I’m afraid some of it will make you fear me or hate me,”. 
“No judgment I swear,” she said. So Castiel told her everything from when he first met the boys he now considers his family up to when he met his son Jack. 
“That’s everything,” he said looking down, “do you hate me?”. She gently cupped his cheek in her hand and made him look at her. She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. 
“No I don't hate you Castiel,” she smiled, “you’ve had a hard road, but its made you the amazing angel you were meant to be and I love him very much,”.
“Come on Cas,” Dean called from the other side of the bathroom door, “let's see how you look,”. Castiel walked out and instead of his usual suit and trench coat he was wearing a nice pair of black pants, a white collar shirt with a dark blue and gold striped tie, and a black jacket. Dean nodded, “not bad, but here,” he said rolling the sleeves of the jacket and shirt up a bit. 
“I don't look, silly Dean?” The nervous angel asked. 
“No, she’ll love it,”. Dean assured him. Castiel had finally gotten the nerve up to ask Lya out after learning she had feelings for him. 
“I hope so,” Castiel said, “I want her to be happy on our date,”. 
“Really like her don’t you?” Sam asked. Castiel nodded.
“I love her Sam,” Castiel said. 
“Well, all you need now is some cologne,” Dean said walking into the bathroom. He came back out with a small blue bottle. He sprayed the angel with it twice. 
“Why do I need to wear cologne?” Castiel asked confused. 
“Well, to smell nice on your date and when she smells it from now on she’ll think of you,” he explained. 
“So is this the date?” Sam asked. Castiel looked confused again.
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“Are you gonna ask Lya to be your girlfriend?” Sam asked. 
“Yes,” Castiel said, “I hope she says yes,”. 
“Well go get her tiger,” Dean said.
Cas walked Lya back to her room when they got back to the bunker from their date. “Castiel,” she said grabbing his hand, “Tonight was amazing. I haven’t felt this special ever,”. 
“You are very special Lya,” he said. He gently put his hand on the side of her neck and softly pushed her against her bedroom door. She smiled as he softly placed his lips on her’s. She ran her hand through his hair as she deepened the kiss. When he pulled away she gave him a hug. She opened her door, but before she walked in Castiel grabbed her gently by her waist and gave her another soft kiss as she giggled.
“Goodnight, my handsome, blue-eyed angel,” she said. 
“Good night my beautiful green-eyed girl,” he said back and she smiled at the big smile and small blush on his cheeks he tried to hide by looking away as she closed the door. 
“Well,” Dean said standing in the hall, “good date I take it?”. 
“It was an amazing date,” he said. 
“Well come into the library and tell us about it,” Sam said.
 Lya studied herself in the mirror. Butterflies were swarming in her stomach. Castiel had asked her on a date. She had to bite her tongue to keep herself from leaping up and screaming yes. She was wearing a long dress that stopped just above her feet. It was black with white flowers on it. It had a slit that ended right above her thigh and she wore black heels. Her dark brown hair flowed past her shoulders in thick curled locks. She was applying some clear vanilla lipgloss as there was a knock on the door. “Be right there!” she called. She sprayed on a few squirts of rose scented body spray and looked herself over one more time. Hoping she would impress the angel that stole her heart.
Lya just sat there holding back tears as Castiel just glared from across the room. “So you’re not speaking to me now?” she asked. 
“It was a very foolish thing you did Lya,” Castiel said, “you could have been hurt,”. 
“I didn’t have a choice,” she stated. 
“You should have stayed here,” Castiel raised his voice a little, “where it's safe,”. 
“I thought they hurt you Castiel!,” she argued back, “I couldn’t just sit here and hope you’d be ok!” tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she looked away. Upon seeing her tears Castiel’s mood softened a little. He walked to her and took her hands helping her stand up and embraced her in a hug. 
“My apologies Lya,” he said, “I didn’t mean to be harsh. I was scared of you getting hurt,”. 
“I was scared of you being hurt to Castiel,” she sniffed. He pulled her away far enough to wipe the tears from her eyes and gave her a soft kiss. “I love you,” she said looking up at him.
“I love you too,” he said as he just held her for a while and ran his hand through her hair.
“Hey guys,” Lya said walking into the library, “would you guys mind if I made Thanksgiving dinner?”. 
“Really?” Sam asked.
“That's a lot of work Lya, plus the cleanup,” Dean said, “I don’t know,”. 
“Not even if I made my secret chocolate apple pie?” she said and Dean looked up at her. 
“Chocolate apple pie?” he asked. She nodded. 
“My own recipe,” she said. 
“Hell I’m game,” Dean said, “sure,” Lya smiled and headed off to the kitchen to make a grocery list.
They arrived at the hotel in the town the boys were hunting a vampire in. Lya got her room and hurried there. As she was looking through her bag she heard the familiar flap of wings and then a strong pair of arms wrap around her. She smiled. 
“Hello Lya,” Castiel greeted kissing her cheek. 
“Hi handsome,” she said turning around and giving him a soft kiss. 
“How are you?” he asked. 
“I’m good,” she said, “I was thinking of going to the pool if you wanna join,” 
“I don’t know how to swim,” he answered. 
“Ok, how about the jacuzzi then?” she suggested. He made that adorable face he always made when he didn’t understand something. 
“What's that?” he asked.
“It's like a small pool that heats up,” she explained, “can be really relaxing,”. 
“Ok, but I don’t have a swimsuit,” Castiel said. 
“Maybe Sam or Dean can lend you a pair of swim trunks,” she said. He nodded and zapped off to go ask as she grabbed her bathing suit and went to change. When she got to the Jacuzzi Castiel fluttered in. He was wearing a black pair of swimming trunks. Lya wasn’t sure if it was bad to check out an angel, but she couldn’t help but notice Castiel’s body. He was gorgeous. 
Castiel stood there frightened. He didn’t wanna stare at Lya and make her feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't help but admire her. She looked very alluring in the white two-piece swimming suit she had on. She climbed into the jacuzzi and sighed relaxing at the warmth. Castiel climbed in too and sit beside her. She scooted a little closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “Perfect way to relax,” she said closing her eyes. Castiel smiled and kissed the top of her head.
“I agree,” he said.
Cas was headed to the bunker map room when he passed Lya’s room. He heard her talking to someone. “Erica, I’m fine,” she said, “these guys are actually pretty cool,”. 
“Wow, are they hot?” he heard a voice say over the phone. He knew eavesdropping was wrong, but he couldn’t help but listen. 
She giggled, “Well Dean seems like your type now and Sam was my type in high school. And Castiel,” she stopped. 
“Castiel?” she asked.
“Erica, he’s perfect,” she said. This took the angel by surprise.
“Really?” her friend asked. 
“He’s sweet, caring,” she continued, “so adorable. You could say he’s a truly angelic guy,”. Castiel could feel his cheeks get warmer with each compliment and couldn’t help, but smile. 
“Is someone smitten?” her friend teased. 
Lya sighed,”I am, but there’s no way he could be interested in me. I couldn’t get that lucky,”. This confused Castiel. Why would this beautiful woman think he couldn’t be interested in her?
“Have you told him how you feel?” Erica asked. 
“No, I mean why embarrass myself,” she said, “but Erica trust me if I thought I had a chance. He saved me and I fell for him, but I don’t think he feels the same way,”. Castiel did feel the same way, he just didn’t know how to tell her.
Lya had convinced Castiel to come to one of her favorite places. The local animal shelter. “Why are all these dogs locked in cages?” Castiel asked confused. 
“It’s to protect them I guess,” she said, “sometimes they’re hurt, or sick, or don’t get along with other dogs,”. He noticed her face fall as she reached the last cage. 
“What's the matter Lya?” he asked. In the cage was a female dog with long black fur. 
“This is Lassie,” Lya said, “she’s a Scottish terrier,”. 
“Why are you sad Lya?” He asked. 
“She’s sick,” Lya said, “they don’t know what's wrong with her. She barely eats or drinks and she barely moves around,”. Castiel noticed a tear slide down her cheek. “They may have to put her down,” she said. 
“I’m sorry,” he said as he pulled her into a hug, “is she your dog?”
“No, but I have been coming to see her for the past few months,” she said, “I wanted her, but it wasn’t allowed,”. He noticed the sadness deepen on her face. He hated seeing her so sad. “I’m gonna go to the restroom then maybe you can join me for lunch?”. 
“I would like that,” Castiel said as she hurried off. Castiel looked at the dog and knew what he had to do.
Lya was in the kitchen cooking away. It was two days before Thanksgiving and she was working on getting all the sweets done first. She was gathering the ingredients together for homemade banana pudding when Castiel walked in the room. “Hello Lya,” he greeted, “you’ve been busy”. 
“Yeah, I’ve always loved to cook and bake,” she said. 
“I don’t really know how to cook,” the angel said. 
“Not even when you were human?” she asked. He shook his head. “I can teach you,” she offered. 
“You don’t have to go through the trouble,” he said. 
“Please, you could help me cook some stuff,” she pointed out, “we’ll start with something easy,” she said, “would you like to stir the pudding mix for me?”. 
“How do I do that?” he asked with a small little smile. 
“Just take this mixer,” she handed him the electric one, “stick it in the mix and press the button on the top,”. He nodded as she went to work on something else. As soon he turned the mixer on pudding mix went everywhere. Castiel turned it off and looked down at the ground like a child would if they did something wrong. 
“I didn’t mean too,” the angel said sounding sad, “I’m sorry,”. 
“Castiel, it's ok, accidents happen,” she said walking over to him. She giggled as she grabbed a dish towel and wiped the pudding from his face. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t help,” he said. She smiled and kissed him softly. 
“It’s ok, I’ll remake the mix again and this time you can stir with a wooden spoon,” she said, “it’ll be easier,”. 
“You’re not upset?” he asked. She smiled and hugged him. 
“No my handsome blue-eyed angel,” she said, “I’m not upset,”. He smiled and agreed to help again. She mixed another batch of pudding and handed him the spoon to stir it with. She hugged him from behind resting her head on his shoulder and watched. He smiled the whole time he stirred.
Castiel stood just outside Lya’s hospital room door. After his talk with Dean, he felt bad for how he acted. Especially since he hurt the feelings of the girl he loved. He walked in but didn’t look up at first. When he did finally glance at her he saw the sadness in her eyes and looked back down in shame. He walked over and pulled a chair to the side of her bed and sit there for a bit. He could feel her eyes on him. He grabbed her hand in both his and gently ran his thumbs up and down the back of her hand. “Lya, I am so sorry,” he started, “I am so sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I hurt you physically back with the demons. I swear I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry for earlier when I walked away. I didn’t mean to hurt you emotionally either. The thought of me being the reason your hurt at all terrifies me,” he admitted. 
“Castiel, look at me,” she said. He slowly did. The sadness and fear she saw in his dark, ocean blue eyes broke her heart, “I’m not mad, I was hurt when you walked away, but I understand. Castiel, I know you didn’t mean and would never mean to hurt me,”, Castiel moved from the chair to sitting next to Lya on the hospital bed.
“Do you forgive me?” the angel asked. The sadness in his voice further broke her heart. 
She sat up and pulled him toward her giving him a soft kiss. 
“Of course I do my handsome blue-eyed angel,” she said. He smiled and leaned in to give her a longer, soft kiss.
Lya sat in the Library of the bunker. It was nice and quiet in the room as she lost herself in her latest sketch. She had been working on it since she started realizing her feelings for a certain blue-eyed angel. She knew she was falling for him, but she knew she wasn’t worthy of the love of an actual angel. It sucked if she was honest. Having to act like everything was normal even though all she wanted was to tell him she loved him. Hug him, kiss him, but she couldn’t. 
So she was stuck to drawing the handsome blue-eyed angel as she daydreamed about being the girl lucky enough to be loved by the sweetest angel to ever be created.
Lya and Castiel were sitting at the bunker while boys were out getting food. Lya was bored. 
“Are you ok Lya?” Castiel asked. 
“I’m just bored,” she said, “hmm hey Castiel, do you wanna play a game?”. 
“What game?” he asked. 
“I have a deck of cards,” she said, “maybe something like crazy eight?”. He made that adorable confused face. 
“How can the number eight be crazy?” he asked. She giggled. 
“It’s just the name of the game,” she said, “wanna play? I can show you how,”. He nodded. She grabbed the deck of cards from her room and they headed to one of the tables in the library. “Ok see how I threw an eight card down?” he nodded. 
“Since I did that that means I can change the suit,” she said, “so I’m gonna change it to spades,”. 
“What if I don’t have any spades?” he asked. 
“Then you draw cards from the deck until you find one or you get an eight card,” she explained. Castiel drew about four cards before he drew a five of spades and threw it on the discard pile. The game went on like that for a while until Castiel threw down a seven of spades. “Ok, now you threw down the seven of spades right?” she asked and he nodded. “Ok now say I wanna change the suit, but I don’t have an eight,” she started, “but if I have a seven of any other suit I can change it,” she said throwing down a seven of hearts. 
Once Castiel got the hang of it he got pretty good at the game beating Lya several times.
Castiel and Dean lurked around the jewelry store. Castiel refused to settle for just any ring. He was determined to pick out the best one. The right one. “I gotta say, man,” Dean said, “I’m surprised you’re doing this?”.
“Why?” Castiel asked. 
“I guess I never gave any thought to an angel settling down,” he said. 
“Years ago when I first came to earth,” Castiel started, “I wouldn’t have ever thought of it either. I was trained as an angel of the lord. A warrior. Feelings are things that I’ve come to learn angels can only discover if they’re on earth for a while. Thanks to experiences and my meeting with you and the others I’ve come to call family I’ve adapted to many emotions. Love the strongest, but the love I feel for you and Sam and Jack and the other hunters and members of our family is very different from the love I feel for Lya,”. 
“I get it,” Dean said, “you not only love her you fell in love with her,”. The angel nodded. 
“We’re happy for you,” Dean said, “we all already think of Lya as family,”. 
“Thank you, Dean,” Castiel said just as he spotted the perfect ring. It was sterling silver and had a heart-shaped sapphire gem that was framed in small diamonds. 
“That's it,” he said, “that's her ring,”.
Castiel snapped his fingers and “Thank God I Found You” by Mariah Carey started to play from nowhere. He knew it was her favorite song. She put her hands on his shoulders and he placed his on her hips and they started to slow dance. “You sure know how to make a girl feel special,” she said with a big smile on her face. 
“Out of all the girls on earth Lya, you are the one most special to me,” he said. 
“And out of all the angels in existence Castiel you are the only one special to me,” she said. He smiled and leaned in and gave her a small, soft kiss. He twirled her around and when she came back her back was to him and he wrapped his arms around her. She rested against him and he rested his head against her neck. A small gasp escaping her lips as he brushed his lips against her neck and shoulder. They stayed like that for while swaying to the music. 
“I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight Lya,” Castiel said. 
“Castiel, as long as I’m with you,” she stated, “any date is enjoyable,”. When the chorus of the song came up she sang it to him as she looked into his eyes. 
“Thank god I found you
 I was lost without you
my every wish and every dream somehow became reality 
when you brought the sunlight
completed my whole life 
I’m overwhelmed with gratitude
cause baby I’m so thankful I found you,” 
“You sing beautifully Lya,” he complimented her with a big smile and a light blush on his cheeks. 
“Castiel,” she said, “I love you,” 
“I love you too Lya,” he said as she leaned over and gave him a sweet and passionate kiss as they continued to dance.
After they got back to Lya’s room after they relaxed in the jacuzzi. Lya was sitting on her bed still drying herself off. Castiel set beside her. They were still in their swimwear. 
“Did you enjoy the Jacuzzi?” she asked. 
“It was warm,” Castiel said, “but I enjoyed it because I was with you,”. Lya smiled and hugged him. Castiel hugged her back, but she could since he was a little uncomfortable. 
“Castiel, can I talk to you about something?” she asked. 
“Of course,” he said. 
“Do angels,” she started trying to think of the best way to word her question, “sleep together?”. 
“You mean have sex?” he asked trying to understand better. She nodded. 
“We don’t have the desire too,” he explained, “but angels can if they want I guess,”. 
“I know when you were human you had sex,” she said, “but would you be ok if you fell in love with someone who didn’t have the desire for sex?”. 
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“My whole life while other girls in their teens were fooling around I never really felt the need too,” she explained, “and my ex, the one you saved me from really didn’t take no for answer,”. 
“He forced you into having sex?” Castiel asked. She swore his sapphire eyes got darker for a minute. 
“Yeah,” she answered, “if I did say no it just got worse,”. 
“Lya, do you fear me when I touch you?” he asked. She saw a flash of sadness in his eyes. 
“Castiel, of course not,” she said cupping his cheek in her hand, “you are nothing like that. With you Castiel I feel safe, happy, protected. Like I can be myself. Like its ok to be affectionate and it not have it lead to something sexual,”. 
“I would never make you feel any other way,” Castiel said pulling her into a hug, “I’m perfectly happy with the love we share,”. Lya smiled.
“Me too, but I’ll still take a pizza man kiss every now and then though,” she giggled as he gave her a small smirk and one of those kisses the pizza man taught him.
Lya stood in the front of the mirror in the room she and Castiel shared. She was studying the dress she had on. It was long ending just above her feet. The top of it was solid black, but the bottom was black with pinkish-red flowers on it. She wore a pair of black wedges. She had just put her hair up in a fancy bun. It was the fifth time she had changed today. She did that a lot when she nervous. 
“Lya, you look beautiful,” Castiel said walking over and putting his arms around her. She leaned against her angel. 
“I just wanna make a good first impression,” she said, “I want her to like me,”. 
“She’ll come to love you,” he said, “just like I do,”. She smiled and kissed his nose. 
“I must say,” she said, “you look really good in that suit,”. Castiel was dressed in a dark gray suit with a white dress shirt and a blue and white striped tie, “One little fix though,”. She turned around and fixed his tie. 
“I always make sure to have a tie on when I see her,” he said. Lya smiled. 
“Well I happen to agree,” she said, “I think you’re adorable in a tie,”. He smiled and she noticed the little blush on his cheeks. She giggled and kissed his cheek. “Well better get back to everyone before Dean tries to sneak any pie,” she said as they headed back to the kitchen. 
Dean slowly peaked into the kitchen and didn’t see anyone. His eyes instantly locked onto the chocolate apple pie cooling on the counter top. He figured he’d just steal a small bite and no one would notice. Just as he was about to dig in Lya and Castiel walked in. “Dean Winchester, don’t touch the pie!,” Lya ordered. 
“Damn it,” Dean said as Sam walked in with a chuckle followed by Donna and Bobby. 
“Our first two guests have arrived,” Sam said. Dean hugged them and Castiel nodded to them. 
“Donna, Bobby,” he started, “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Lya,”. 
“It’s nice to meet you both,” she said shaking their hands. Donna looked at everything Lya had made for the Thanksgiving dinner. 
“You’ve been hard at work haven’tcha?” she said. 
“Yes, but all three boys helped at times,” she said. 
“Do you still need help with anything else?” Donna asked. 
“I do need to get the table set up,” Lya said. 
“Me and Bobby will help,” Donna said. Boby gave her a look but didn’t argue as they all grabbed plates and silverware and headed into the dining room. Dean looked over at Castiel. 
“She still nervous?” Dean asked. 
“Yes, but I think it’ll be ok,” Castiel said, “I think they’ll get along,”. Just as they finished setting the table as the rest of the guests showed up. 
“They’re here guys!” Sam called. Castiel noticed a look of worry on her face. He hugged her. 
“It’ll be fine,” he assured her. She smiled and kissed his cheek. He grabbed her hand as they headed into the next room to greet everyone.
Lya sat on the couch in the bunker's living room. She was as far into the corner of the couch as she could get and kept her eyes on her lap as the three boys talked. “Is she ok?” Sam asked. 
“She’s scared,” Castiel said, “she was abused in many ways by her husband,”.
“I say we visit the son of a bitch and give him a taste of his own medicine,” Dean suggested.
“That's unwise,” Castiel said, “from what she told me the man is trying to kill her,”.
“So we gotta gain her trust so she’ll tell us the whole story,” Sam said.
“She seems more relaxed toward me,” Castiel said, “I’ll tell her the truth,”.
“The truth?” Dean asked.
“About me, you, everything,” Castiel said, “it’ll help the process of her trusting us,”.
“Your move,” Dean said as Castiel walked over to Lya and gently sat down beside her.
“Lya,” he called and she jumped a little, “We need to tell you something so you’ll trust us,”.
Castiel sat in the coffee shop and enjoyed a small cup of coffee as he waited for the boy's orders. Just as he finished his coffee he started to hear a voice. He knew instantly it was a prayer. He concentrated on it.
"Please, if anyone can hear me please help me. Please don't let him find me,". Cas looked around and spotted a young woman in a far back corner booth. She was alone and Castiel could feel her emotions straight away. Sadness, fear, and hopelessness. As he walked over to her he noticed she was crying and she had a black eye. She looked up and as soon as he looked into her green eyes he knew he had to help her.
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Fic #2: Change of Heart
SUMMARY: Lya Stone had been on her own since she was fifteen when she ran away from her physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive father. She was now twenty-five and worked at a small coffee cafe and lived in a rundown old house. It was warded of course. She wasn’t dumb to the supernatural world out there. She was determined to always be alone. Not even willing to fall in love. Who needs the pain? 
But things get shaken up when a certain archangel who pretty much thinks the same way she does falls into her life. Will they keep their distance or will they both have a change of heart?
Lucifer looked at her as she was looking out the window. The feelings stirring inside him scared him a bit though he’d never admit it. He knew he was falling for her. Falling for a human. He walked over to her and sit beside her. She looked at him, but not with fear even though she knew who he was. He’d never admit this either, but it was nice not to see fear in their eyes or hate when someone looked at him. 
She gave him a small, warm smile. He scooted closer to her and leaned in gently pulling her to him. She could feel him shaking. She could see a bit of worry in his crystal blue eyes as his lips touched hers. Picking up on the fact that he was worried about scaring her or hurting her she gently touched his arm with her hand as she ran the other one softly through his shaggy blonde hair and kissed back. As she closed her eyes his shaking stopped.
“Back there when you helped me with those demons,” Lucifer said, “when you said you understood me, what did you mean?”. She took a big breathe and looked up at him. He spotted a glossiness to her eyes. 
“You were right, still are,” she started, “humans suck. Some of us can be worse monsters than anything else out there,”. 
“What do you mean?” Lucifer asked. He didn’t know how and he didn’t know why, but he could sense a pain so strong from her, it was affecting him. She looked away, but not before he noticed a tear escape down her cheek.
“Growing up, I wasn’t a child to my parents,” she started, “I was property. If they weren’t beating me, they were pimping me out to anyone who would pay enough for their drug habits of course that was only when my father wasn’t using me for his own sick pleasures,” more tears were falling now. Lucifer found himself pacing around the floor, behind the couch she sat on, “I lived in that human hell for fifteen years, before I got a chance to escape, but the trauma still lingers,”. 
“And your parents never looked for you?” he asked. 
“No, mother died a few months after I left,” she said wiping some tears away with the sleave of the hoody she was wearing, “and last I heard daddy dearest was running his own prostitute ring,”. She excused herself to the bathroom. Lucifer stared out the window. A wave of anger raging in him he hadn’t ever felt before. His eyes went from crystal blue to burning red in seconds. The only thought on his mind was paying her father a visit.
Lucifer woke up on a bed in a room he didn’t recognize at first until he remembered the night before. A girl had saved him from some angels who tried to kill him. They had managed to drain his grace before she got to him. That's when he noticed a small bottle on the floor next to him glowing full with grace. He picked it up, opened it up, and drank it in.
He walked into the next room and saw the girl who had helped him sitting on a couch reading a book. She looked up when he entered the room. “I left your grace in there for you,” she said. 
“You might not have done that if you knew who I was,” he cooed.
“I know exactly who you are,” she said closing the book, “Lucifer,”. 
“Why aren’t you freaking out or cowering?” he asked amused. 
“Let me ask you something,” she started, “I get who you are and all, but don’t you ever get tired of someone looking at you and feeling the urge to run. Especially when you have no intention of even giving them any attention at all?” 
“What's your name?” he asked. 
“Delilah,” she sighed, “sadly enough,”. 
“How long have we been here?” he asked, “don’t want those angels finding me again,”. 
“Don’t worry, this place is warded,” she said, “I’ve met a few hunters in my life,”. 
“Were you hunting me?” he asked even more amused and a bit cautious now. She laughed. 
“I’m not the smartest person on earth,” she said, “but I’m not stupid,”. He stared at her for a moment taking in her look. She was pale skinned. She had long black hair that was streaked red and green and she had hazel eyes. A bit of shock hit him as he found himself thinking she was kind of attractive.
Sam knocked on the door of the room Delilah had locked herself in. “Can we come in?” he asked. 
“Just leave me alone,” she called back. He could hear the sadness in her voice.
“Please, we just wanna talk,” he said. She didn’t answer. Sam slowly turned the knob and found it wasn’t locked this time. He opened the door and when they entered the room she was just sitting on the bed looking at her phone.
“What?” she asked not even looking them in their eyes. 
“We thought you might be hungry,” Sam said, “we brought you some lunch,” he said placing the plate with a sub and chips on it on the end table. She still said nothing. Dean rolled his eyes. 
“Look we saved you ok?,” he said, “so how about you drop the pouty act,” She looked at them this time and both brothers were surprised to see the anger in her eyes. 
“You think you saved me?!” she said, “saved me from what?!”. 
“Lucifer is a monster ok?!” Dean argued back, “hell he killed an innocent guy while you were shacked up together,”. She started laughing, but they could since it was laced with anger. 
“That innocent guy,” she said as she made finger quotes, “was a fucking monster!. He was my father who not only physically and sexually abused me, but many other girls too!. Lucifer killed him to free me from looking over my shoulder the rest of my life and in doing so also saved many other girls and to be honest that's the very moment I fell for him!” she said then tears filled her eyes, “but now you have him locked away in a cell and you won’t even let me see him,”. She turned her back toward them as the tears finally broke free. 
“He must have really brainwashed you,” Dean said. 
“Brainwashed me?” she asked sounding insulted. 
“Or tortured you,” Dean said. She stomped toward him and slapped him hard across the face. 
“He never once harmed me!” she stated, “he protected me!,” 
“I don’t believe that,” Dean said. 
“You think I’m lying? Have your angel buddy check,” she said as Cas fluttered in. He walked over to her and placed his two fingers on her forehead. The brothers waited until he was done. 
“Well?” Dean asked. 
“She’s telling the truth,” Castiel said, “Lucifer has never harmed her and he won't ever harm her,”. 
“What do you mean?” Sam asked. 
“When an archangel bonds with someone it’s unbreakable true love and compassion,” Castiel explained, “in fact, Lucifer would be at his calmest only around her,”.
“Hello Lucifer,” Castiel appeared in front of the cell they had stuck him in. Sam had made sure no one but, he and his brothers dealt with the cells in hell. 
“Leave me alone Castiel,” the archangel demanded displaying his glowing red eyes, “I don’t want any visitors,”. Castiel snapped his finger. 
“I hope that doesn’t include me,” he heard someone say from behind him. He turned to look and there stood Delilah. He hurried to her and hugged her tight. She could feel him shaking. 
“It’s ok Lucifer,” she said running her hand through his wild, blonde hair, “it’s ok, it’s me,”. He soon calmed down and his eyes went back to crystal blue as he pulled away to look at her. He gave her a long, soft kiss. 
“I’ve..missed you,” he said resting his head against her’s. She smiled and caressed his cheek. 
“I’ve missed you too,” she said.
“How are you here?” he asked. 
“I convinced them to let me come see you,” she said, “I wasn’t taking no for an answer,”. 
“I’ve convinced the boys to let you stay for a few hours,” Castiel said, “I’ll be back to get you later Delilah,”. With that, the angel fluttered off. Lucifer pulled her into another hug. She softly ran her hands up and down his back before running one through his hair again.
She was sitting on the kitchen counter the next morning eating a bowl of cocoa puffs. Lucifer was standing next to her watching her as she put another spoonful in her mouth. “You know,” he said with a smirk, “I’ve never really tried cereal before,” before she could finish the bite he kissed her hard and passionately. She giggled kissing back, tugging her hands through his hair. When they broke the kiss he rested his forehead on her’s. 
“Well?” she asked. 
“Not bad,” he said, “you know some people would say you are crazy to be with me,”. 
“Hmm,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, “If being crazy means being with you then I hope I’m never sane,”. 
“You have a thing for bad guys?” he asked. 
“Not bad guys,” she said taking another bite of her cereal, “rebels,”. He smirked again as he gave her yet another hard passionate kiss.
She had been hiding behind a big crate. She had heard some commotion while walking to the parking garage to get her car and decided to check it out. She peeked over the crate and gasped to herself. There were two angels standing around someone they had trapped in a holy fire ring. She couldn’t see who it was, but he was trying hard to talk his way out of the danger he was in. 
“Enough Lucifer,” one of them said as she slid an archangel blade from her sleeve, “no stalling is gonna help you,”. 
“Look, you took my grace,” she heard him say, but sounded like he was struggling to talk, “let's just call it a night and we all go our separate ways,”. She peaked back over the crate and had to hold in another gasp. The archangel looked badly beaten. One eye looked so swollen it was closed shut. She couldn’t explain it, but the want to help him overtook her. Good thing she had a few hunter friends who had taught her how to deal with angels. She knew she couldn’t take both of them so she needed a distraction. 
She saw a big rock and picked it up. With all the force she could summon she threw it across the street and it broke loudly through a window which caught the attention of both angels. 
“Go check that out,” the female angel ordered, “ in fact check the whole block,” the male angel nodded and flapped off. She stayed hidden until she knew he was gone. She grabbed the angel blade from her bag and slowly walked toward the angel who luckily had her back toward her laughing Lucifer.
“You better take it in now serpent,” she hissed, “it’s finally your last night of life,”. Lucifer rolled to his side trying to stand up. He had noticed the human girl while the angel kept talking. She pressed her finger to her lips telling him not to say anything.
“You know,” he said, “All I did was show I could think for myself,”.
“And look where that got you,” the angel said, “locked up like the animal you are,”. The angel froze when she felt the blade in her black. 
“Put the fire out,” she ordered, “now,”. 
“Don’t be foolish,” the angel said, “he has to be killed,”. 
“Do it or I stab you,” she said. The angel waved her hand and the fire ring vanished. 
“You realize you’re trying to save a monster,” the angel said. 
“yeah well from stories I’ve heard angels aren’t so innocent either,”. A bright light burst from the angel as the girl shoved the knife in her back. She wiped the blade off and threw it back in her bag when she noticed a small, glowing bottle roll out of the angel’s coat pocket. She grabbed it and put in her bag and hurried over to the hurt archangel. He was on his side and barely awake. 
“Hey, come on,” she said helping him up. He looked at her. 
“Who are you?” he asked. 
“I’ll introduce myself later,” she said, “let's get you out of here,”. She helped him get some balance and hurried to her car. 
“Why are you helping me?” he asked. 
“Because believe it or not some of us understand you,” she said,” and agree with you,”
“No one ever asks about my side of the story,” Lucifer said slamming the bible he found shut and tossing it across the room, “no one even tries to listen,”. She sat on the bed beside him Indian style and gently laid her hand on his leg.
“I’m listening,” she said. He looked over at her. She noticed the anger in his blue eyes, but she also saw the hurt he tried to hide. 
“What?” he asked. 
“There are two sides to every story,” she said, “everyone knows your father’s side, but your side deserves to be heard too, so I’m listening. Tell me your side,”. So he did. Told her everything from when he and his brothers helped lock Amara away to when his father locked him away. He even told her about the battle with his brother and everything after. He looked up at her after he was done and was surprised to see tears in her eyes. 
“That's everything,” he said. She could see he was shaking. She scooted over to him and very gently and slowly so he wouldn't think she was up to anything wrapped him in a hug. He didn’t hug back, but she didn’t care. She softly ran her hand through his hair. 
“Lucifer,” she said, “I know it means nothing probably, but I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve what happened all because you didn’t love something else more than you’re father,”. She soon noticed his shaking calmed and was a bit surprised when she finally felt him hug back.
She sat on the old couch in the rundown house she hid away in with her legs stretched out. Lucifer was sitting by her side right against her. Not hard enough to hurt her. It was more of a protection thing. He was shaking so bad he was bouncing his legs up and down. She was in a bit of shock too. She was walking to her car from work when she was jumped by some guy who kept bugging her for weeks. If it wasn’t for the archangel hearing her pleas she would have been sexually assaulted. She was deep in thought when she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her. Lucifer held her tight to him and she hugged back and softly played with his hair. It had become the usual way to soothe him and she didn’t complain. Whenever she hugged him she always got a whiff of fancy cologne and hickory smoke. She had come to love the smell and she wasn’t ashamed to admit she felt safe in the arms of the rebel archangel. There was honestly no other place she’d rather be.
She laid on the bed in the bunker room she woke up in. Tears stained down her cheeks as she swiped through her phone. Fresh tears fell as she came across pictures she had taken with Lucifer. One was kinda blurry as she was trying to teach Lucifer how to take pictures on a cell phone. That memory made her smile a little. The next one Lucifer took of them together. They were snuggled up and he kissed her cheek as he snapped the picture. The next one she took, but Lucifer had snapped and made a pair of fake devil horns appear on their heads and they made silly faces for the picture. The next one made her heartache. 
It was one she took where Lucifer was behind her with his arms wrapped around her and his head rested on her shoulder. She kissed the top of his head as she snapped the picture. She turned the phone off and tossed it to the side. She grabbed the brown jacket lucifer was always wearing. It was cold in the old house that night and he had let her wear it since archangels don’t get cold. She hugged the jacket to her chest. A faint scent of cologne and hickory smoke hit her nose causing more tears to fall.
It felt lonely not being around the archangel. Like part of her was missing. That's when she heard wings flutter. 
“Are you ok?” Castiel asked, “I could sense your sadness,”. 
“Then you know I’m not ok,” she said looking up at him with tear filled eyes.
Lucifer and Deliah sat on the makeshift wooden seat of the cell. She had been in there with him for about two hours. They just talked. Being near him again made her feel whole. Lucifer was holding her hand and softly rubbing his thumb over the back of it. She smiled. “If you wanna leave now you can,” the archangel said, “I know it's boring just sitting here,”. 
“No,” she said, “I’m with you and that's enough for me,”. She smiled as he pulled her onto his lap. She giggled and kissed his cheek. “When I get you out of here we should definitely go away for a while,” she said. 
“Close your eyes,” he told her. She looked confused but complied. She felt him touch her forehead before things went silent. She opened her eyes and she wasn’t in the cell anymore. She was standing on a flat sparkling rock in the middle of a decent sized pond, with a small waterfall. There were beautiful trees and flowers everywhere. “Wow,” she said as she felt Lucifer’s arms wrap around her. 
“I thought you’d like it,” he said. 
“How are we here?” she asked. 
“Archangel magic is very strong,” he explained, “Our physical bodies are still in the cell. This is kinda like a very lucid dream,”. 
“So you created all of this?” she asked. 
“I got the idea from all the nature magazines you have,” he said, “I could gather you love waterfalls,”. She smiled. “Now, since we’ll be swimming,” he said as he snapped his fingers and she was suddenly dressed in a black two-piece swimsuit that decently covered her and Lucifer was wearing a pair of black swim trunks. 
“Swimwear suits you,” she complimented.
“Please, I look good in anything,” he said and she giggled.
Delilah and Lucifer were just sitting around the old rundown house. It was a rather cold summer night and she started to shiver a little. Lucifer chuckled a little and took off the brown jacket he had been wearing and draped it over her shoulders. “Wear it,” he said, “to warm up?”. 
“What about you?” she asked. His smile grew as he leaned down and gave her a slow kiss. 
“Archangels don't get cold,” he said, “I just happen to look good in a jacket,”. She giggled. 
“I agree,” she said giving him a kiss back. She sat and read as Lucifer enjoyed a glass of scotch. She was startled when she a heard a thud and looked over to see Lucifer on the floor. She ran over to him. “What's wrong?” she asked. 
“I don’t know,” he said as she helped him up, “the room is spinning,”. She noticed he was unbalanced a bit and his speech was a little slurred. He went to walk and almost fell luckily though barely Delilah was able to catch him. 
“Ok ok,” she said, “let's get you over to the couch,” just as she got him on the couch the front door burst open. Three guys walked in. Two dressed in flannel and one with an old trench coat. Lucifer wobbly stood up and pushed Delilah behind him. 
“Leave her alone,” the archangel tried to warn. 
“We’re not the ones holding her hostage,” the boy in the dark blue flannel said. Delilah looked at him confused.
“No one is holding me, hostage,” she told them. 
“Lucifer, make it easy on yourself,” the guy in the trench coat said, “and just come with us,”. Just as Lucifer raised his hand to snap a purple glow locked his hands behind him as a red-headed woman walked in. The taller of the boys grabbed Lucifer’s arm and started heading outside. Delilah tried to run after them, but the shorter one stopped her. 
“Hey you’re ok now,” he told her. 
“What are you talking about? I was never not ok,” she said, “where are you taking him?”. 
“He can’t hurt you anymore,” the guy said. 
“He never hurt me,” she said running to the front door. They were forcing Lucifer into an old black Impala. “Please let him go,” she said as she headed for the car, but the taller one stopped her. 
“Hey it's ok, he can’t control you anymore,” he said. She rolled her eyes.
“Let me go,” she tried to push past him, but he held her tight from behind. That's when her eyes caught Lucifer’s from the window of the car. There were tears in his eyes as they stared at each other. Then she heard his voice in her head.
“I love you,” tears filled her eyes. The red-headed lady and the shorter guy got in the car and started to drive. 
“No please let him go!” she said struggling to break free from the taller guy, “Lucifer!” she called out. All the Archangel could do was watch as they got further away. She continued to call for him and struggle against the tall guy until the guy in the trench seemed to appear in front of her in a flash. He touched her forehead and things went dark.
Delilah was sitting in the library of the bunker. She tried to take solace in reading to escape the heartbreak she was feeling, but it did little to help. Usually when she was reading Lucifer would be standing behind the couch his head resting on her shoulder reading with her, or playfully annoying her by asking her questions about the book when she tried to read. Her favorite was when he would snatch the book away so she’d pay attention to him. A sad smile crossed her face.
“There’s my beautiful book worm,” she heard a familiar voice say. She looked and shot up. 
“Lucifer?” she asked. At first, she thought her mind was playing tricks on her. 
“It’s me,” he said, “but I don’t know who zapped me here,”. She ran to him and pulled him tight to her as she gave him a deep, longing kiss. She didn’t wanna let him go for fear he would fade away or vanish. She relaxed a little when he hugged her just as tight. When they broke the kiss she rested against him with her head on his shoulder. She didn’t notice at first, but she had tears in her eyes.
“So you have no idea how you got out?” she asked. 
“We do,” Dean said walking into the room. Following behind him was a scrawny, scruffy looking man. She noticed he had the same piercing blue eyes both Lucifer and Castiel had. She noticed a hard expression on Lucifer’s face. 
“Delilah,” Dean said, “This is chuck, or you may know him as God,”. 
“Hello Delilah,” he said and looked at Lucifer, “Son,”. 
“Don’t call me that,” Lucifer forced through clenched teeth. 
“You’re angry with me,” Chuck said, “I understand,”. 
“Angry?!” the archangel spat, “I hate you!”.
“You don’t mean that,” Chuck said. 
“Yes I do!” the archangel yelled, “I thought we were getting somewhere! I finally started to forgive you and then you leave me alone again!” Delilah started to notice his eyes glowing red. She gently touched his hand. He looked at her and his anger started to fade and he just walked away. 
“He’s a little dramatic,” Chuck said, “always has been,”. 
“Dramatic?” she asked feeling somehow insulted, “how is he dramatic? Because you locked him away for millions of years? Expected him to love something you created more then he loved you. Thinking it wouldn’t hurt him that you picked some creature you created over another you considered your own child? That’s not dramatic. That's pain, and that's hurt, and that's heartbreak. Especially since he was right Chuck. Humans suck,”. 
“How can you say that about your own kind?” he asked. 
“How can I say that?” Delilah asked, “don’t you dare ask me that. I prayed to you! You know what I went through. You did nothing to help me as I was touched and used in ways no creature should ever be,”. Chuck stayed quiet. She started to walk off. 
“Could you ask him to come speak with me?” he asked. She turned around. 
“I’ll ask,” she said, “but I won't tell him he has to and if he wants I will be sitting right there next to him,”. She walked off.
She found Lucifer sitting in a chair in the room she had been using. She could tell he was extremely upset. She hadn’t ever seen him shake that much. She touched his shoulder and he looked up. Her heart broke. He had tears in his beautiful blue eyes. She hugged him tight and softly ran her hand through his hair. She didn’t say anything. She knew he’d talk once he calmed down. After his shaking calmed down she lifted his face to look at her wiping the stray tears from his cheeks. He gently pulled her into his lap and just held onto her for a while. “I don’t know If I can talk to him again,” he said in almost a whisper tone. 
“It’s your choice,” she said, “but whatever you decide I’ll be right there with you,”. 
“He told me he was sorry, but yet he left again,” Lucifer said, “didn’t even bother to ask Amara where she sent me. No one thought to even question it,”. She kissed the side of his head. 
“It’s not fair how you get treated Lucifer,” she said, “but letting them anger you is also letting them hurt you,”. 
“What do I do?” he whispered. 
“if you choose to speak with Chuck again, let it be known how you feel and then let yourself be at peace with that,”. She said.
“And you’re willing to be there with me?” he asked. 
“Of course,” she said, “if you want me there then I’m there,” He leaned up a little and give her a small, sweet kiss.
Lucifer was lost in thought when a huge wave of emotion hit him. It was complete sadness and he knew right away it was Delilah. He had to focus through the emotion just to get to her mind. “Hey my beautiful book worm,” She heard. Her crying calmed enough to hear him. “Please calm down. Focus on my voice,” She closed her eyes and focused. “Please try to rest,”. Soon she was out like a light. When Lucifer finally felt the sadness fade away it was replaced with anger. Someone had upset Delilah and he wasn’t happy about it as his eyes went from blue to red.
Delilah sat in the bunker dining room with the boys and a bunch of other hunters. It was some kind of hunter-gathering the boys planned. Cheap food and a poker game basically. 
“So who's the new girl?” A hunter woman named Jody asked. 
“She’s an old friend,” Dean said, “ doesn’t hunt, but knows about it,”. 
“Nice to meet you,” she said with a sympathetic look, “broken heart?”. 
“Yeah,” was all Delilah said. 
“What happened?, if I can ask,” Jody said. 
“My boyfriend, “she explained as she caught Dean rolling his eyes, “is unfairly locked up,”. 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Jody said but didn’t press it. 
“Speaking of locked up I hear you boys caught Lucifer again,” a hunter said. Delilah fought the urge to flinch. 
“Yeah, we caught him bunkered down in some old run down house,” Dean said refusing to make eye contact with Delilah. 
“Yeah,” a blonde hair girl chimed in, “I heard he had a girl held there,”. 
“Yeah,” another hunter chimed in, “had the girl thinking she was in love with him,”. Delilah tried so hard to stay calm. Every fiber in her screaming at her to defend her archangel. 
“Who could love something like him?” the blonde girl said, “he’s like the worst of monsters,”. Castiel noticed Delilah clenching onto the arms of her chair so tight her knuckles were turning white. 
“You figured being touched by the serpent would taint you,” another hunter said from the back of the room. 
“Excuse me,” she said and hurried out of the room as the three boys looked at each other. She ran into her room and barely made it to her bed before she broke down. Tears slid down her cheeks as she hugged Lucifer’s jacket tight trying to keep the sobs from being heard by anyone else. She couldn’t stand being in the room any longer and hearing them talking about him like that. 
“I wanna know who upset her!” The angry archangel yelled at Castiel Who had come to explain what happened so he’d stop constantly calling him. 
“It was a hunter-gathering in the bunker,” Castiel explained, “somehow word of your capture traveled. They got to the point of insulting you and she couldn’t take it after a while,”. 
“I swear Castiel if anyone hurt her,” the archangel threatened, “they will regret it,” .
“She’s fine Lucifer,” Castiel stated, “just the emotional toll of the insulting hurt her,”. 
“Is she really ok?” Lucifer asked. 
“She was asleep when I checked on her,” Castiel said. 
“When she wakes I wanna see her,” he said, “and from now on during the Winchester’s little pal gatherings I want her here with me,”. The angel nodded and fluttered off. 
The next morning Castle had snapped Delilah to Lucifer’s cell. As soon as she popped in the archangel had her wrapped in his arms. She smiled and hugged him tight and ran a hand through his hair like she always did. “I’m ok,” she said. 
“If anyone hurt you I’ll deal with them,” he said. 
“No one hurt me,” she said, “just couldn’t take how they were talking about you,”. 
“What were they saying?” he asked as they sit on the bench. She didn’t wanna tell him, but he had a right to know she figured so she told him everything she heard. He sat there for a minute hands clasped together looking at the floor. 
“Do you believe them?” he asked. 
“No, I don’t,” she said. He sensed the sincerity in her voice. 
“But, you know everything I’ve done,” he said looking up at her. 
“Yes I know,” she said, “but, just because you’ve done bad things in the past doesn’t mean I should judge you on them,”. 
“What if I do bad things again?” he asked, but he didn’t look at her. He only did that when he thought he wouldn’t like the answer he was about to hear. She gently took his hands in hers. 
“Even if you did,” she started, “my feelings for you, I don’t think they’d change, but I also believe you’re strong enough to fight the urges you feel to do something bad,”. She noticed him fighting back tears. She very gently turned his head so he’d look at her, “talk to me?” she said as she softly ran her thumb over his cheek. 
“I do have urges to hurt someone or to do something bad,” he admitted, “but the minute you enter my mind or I’m around you they just go away. I usually wouldn’t admit I fear anything, but I fear every day that I’ll give in and then I’ll lose you when you find out,” He blinked the tears in his eyes away.
“Lucifer,” she said getting his attention. “You don’t have to worry about that, because I don’t believe you’ll give in to your urges,” 
“Why?” he asked curiously. 
“You told me about your hate for humanity, for humans,” she said, “but Lucifer you have never once, ever hurt me, you’ve never even been harsh with me. That's why I believe you have a good side, you just never get a chance to show it. No one gives you a chance to trust them or yourself enough to show it,”. 
“I could never hurt you,” he said, “I realized that the day after you saved me from those angels. I couldn’t understand it at first, it actually kind of scared me. I wasn’t sure what it was at first until the night you asked me to tell you my story. When you hugged me it hit me. I was falling for you. Then when you let me kiss you and you kissed back, I couldn’t deny it anymore,”. 
“Same here,” she said smiling at the memory. 
“I couldn’t stand it if you started looking at me like a monster,” Lucifer looked at her. The sadness and tears in his sky blue eyes broke her heart. She stood up and hugged him.
“I will never look at you like a monster,” she said sitting in his lap, “because you’re not a monster. You’ve never been shown anything, but negative emotions. I won’t do that to you,”. He hugged her tightly and smiled. 
“So, I guess I’ve really stolen your heart huh?” he asked his mischievous nature back which made her smile. 
“What can I say,” she said giving him a soft kiss, “guess I have soft spot for rebel angels,”.
Delilah had just finished brushing her teeth before bed. When she turned around Lucifer was behind her. She couldn’t help but stare. He had managed to find some boxers in the closet and he had no shirt on. He chuckled pulling her into a soft, passionate kiss. He lifted her up and held her against the bathroom door never breaking the kiss. She giggled and wrapped her legs around his waist. She couldn’t help, but run her hands over his chest and stomach. The archangel’s grin grew, “Like what you see?” he asked. 
“Very much,” she said as she kissed him again. He carried her over to the bed and gently laid her on it and hovered over her. He could see the tiniest bit of worry in her eyes. 
“I won’t hurt you,” he assured her. She gently brought her hands up to caress her cheeks. 
“I know, I trust you,”. He leaned down and started to softly kiss her neck as he did he lightly touched her side and a wave of pleasure shot through her body causing her to moan. 
“Hmm, if you’re gonna make sounds like that I can do that all night,” he said looking up at her with a smirk and chuckle. 
“No no,” she said, “pulling his face toward her, “no one likes a tease,” She kissed him again just as he touched her again causing another wave of pleasure that made her moan into the kiss. 
“You know,” he started whispering so closely into her ear she shivered, “I am an angel, so if you want me inside you I need to hear the magic word,”. He continued to kiss her neck. She giggled and whispered back in his ear. 
“Yes,” she said as he looked up at her.
“Are you sure?” he asked not wanting to scare her, she nodded and he gave her a hard, passionate kiss. That night was beyond amazing to her. The way he touched her. The way he kissed her. The way he moved. It was nothing, but pure pleasure. It was like he knew exactly how to please her. It was the first time she ever truly made love, and she’d never forgot it.
She laid on the sofa wrapped in a thick quilt reading one of the many books she collected, or she was trying to at least. But her mind kept roaming to earlier with Lucifer. The range of emotions flashing in his blue eyes as he told her his story were many. He tried to play them off, but she noticed each one. Hurt, anger, desperation, fear. It all made her heart break for him. She listened to every word. Yes, he did bad things, hurt people, but she honestly couldn’t blame him. He was punished by being locked away for millions of years all because he refused to love a lesser creature more than he loved his father. It was extremely unfair and unjust. 
Then her mind drifted to when she hugged him. At first, he didn’t hug back. She hadn’t expected him too, but she felt like she needed to hug him. And she felt like she needed to tell him that at least she was sorry for what he had to endure. She was surprised when he hugged back, but if she was being honest it felt right to be in the archangel’s arms. It felt...safe. The soft feel of his hair as she ran her hand through it felt right. When she hugged him a faint scent of cologne mixed with what she could only describe as hickory smoke tickled her nose. She smiled as she drifted off to sleep to the memory.
Lucifer sat on the bed for a while after Delilah left the room. He was confused. What he was feeling was very strange to him. He shrugged it off at first, but then she asked him to tell her his story. He could tell she was actually listening. No one had ever listened to his side. The tears in her eyes when he finished surprised him too, but the one the thing that shocked him most was when she hugged him. No fear, nothing. And she apologized and told him he didn’t deserve the punishment he was given.
What shocked the archangel, even more, was he couldn’t fight the urge he felt to hug her back. How right it felt to hug her. How it felt nice when she ran her hand through his hair. He walked out into the living room. Delilah was asleep on the couch. It looked like she fell asleep reading. He sat on the coffee table in front of the couch and leaned over enough to brush a lock of her hair from her face. “What have you done to me?” he asked himself. Even now he couldn’t help but feel the need to protect her. “This can’t be right!” he argued to himself as walked around the house. He was trying so hard to deny it, but it was undeniable. He was falling for Delilah. The part that scared him the most was that he wanted to.
Lucifer sat in a chair right beside Delilah’s bed. It had been about two hours since the rescue mission to get her back happened. Lucifer couldn’t block the image of the angel who took her stabbing an angel blade straight through her. He reached over and lightly grabbed her hand. She looked so peaceful. Like she was sleeping. “You have to wake up.” the archangel whispered, “please wake up. I can’t be without you, not now,” He got up and set beside her on the bed and gently stroked her hair. “Not after everything we have, everything you’ve given me,” he kissed her hand again as a few tears escaped his eyes. “Please Delilah wake up,” he pleaded, “ don’t leave me please,”. Chuck walked in. 
“It may take a few hours, maybe a day,” Chuck said, “if it worked at all son,”. Lucifer looked up at his father not bothering to even hide the tears running down his face. 
“It has to work,” he said in a choked whisper, “she has to come back,” Chuck nodded. 
“Patience is all we have for now son,” he said and walked out. Lucifer turned back to Delilah and kissed her hand again. She still felt warm so that gave him a tiny spark of hope.
“Lucifer what's going on?” Delilah asked. Her mischevious archangel had made her close her eyes as he zapped them somewhere. 
“Don’t worry,” he said, “you’ll love it,” he took her hands and lead her somewhere. She heard him open a door and they walked inside. Once they were in far enough he let go of her hands. A few seconds later she felt his arms wrap around her from behind as he rested his chin on her shoulder. “Ready?” he asked and she nodded. “Open your eyes,” he said. She did and gasped as her eyes widened. Lucifer had transformed the old run down house they used into a clean, rebuilt, library. All Delilah’s books were placed on dark, wooden shelves all in genres and alphabetical order. She swore it reminded her a lot of the library from Beauty and The Beast. 
“Do you like it?” he asked. She hadn’t said anything in a few minutes and he was starting to worry. 
“I love it Lucifer,” she said, “You did this all for me?”. He turned her around in his arms and rested his forehead on her’s. 
“I’d do anything for you,” he said playfully rolling his eyes, “I knew you wanted to keep this place and well I had to give my beautiful bookworm her own library,”. She smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “I even tried to make it look like the library from Beauty and The Beast,” he said, “I know it’s your favorite story. I am kinda the beast to your Belle,”. 
“No,” Delilah said as she placed her hand on his cheek, “I’m the princess to your prince and of course I couldn’t say goodbye to this place. It’s where the best part of my life unfolded,” He smiled and gave her a soft, loving kiss. She smiled. “It’s where an amazing rebel angel stole my heart,” he smiled and held her close to him in a tight hug.
Delilah walked into the room of the bunker she and Lucifer had been sharing and saw a bag sitting on the bed. There was a note by the bag. She picked it up and read it. It simply said in Lucifer’s handwriting to wear this for tonight. She opened the bag and pulled out a gorgeous black and purple, sleeveless corset dress. She changed into the dress and stood in front of her mirror. It stopped just above her knees. The black sheer design on the top of the dress matching with the purple color brought out her pale skin. She also saw there was a pair of strappy, black heels to go with the dress and put them on. She had to admit Lucifer had style. 
She decided to put her hair in a ponytail and curl it. Lucifer seemed to love when she had her hair up. He would hug her for longer periods of time just to play with the ponytail and she loved it. She added some black eyeliner to her eyes and some peach flavored lip gloss to her lips. Just as she finished curling her ponytail she heard the familiar flap of wings and smiled. She turned around to see him staring. He didn’t say anything and she started to wonder if she didn’t look as good as he wanted. 
“Do I look that bad?” she asked. He smiled and walked over to her. 
“You look even more beautiful than I pictured,” he said as he cupped her face in his hands and pulled her into a kiss. She smiled as she felt him tugging lightly at her ponytail when she hugged him. “I guess I should get ready now,” he said as he stood back and admired her for a minute, “Hmm,” he said as he snapped his fingers. He was suddenly dressed in a black and purple tuxedo. The suit its self consisted of black pants and jacket over a white shirt while the tie was striped purple and black with a fancy design on it and a matching handkerchief in the pocket. He had his hair combed back. Her mouth fell open.
“How do I look?” he asked with that devilish smile on his face. 
“Where ever we’re going,” she said, “I’m definitely the luckiest girl there,” he chuckled and pulled her to him. 
“If anyone is the lucky one it's me,” he said. 
“So where are we going?” she asked. 
“Can’t say,” he said, “but don’t worry my beautiful book worm tonight is all about you,”.
Delilah was reading on the couch when suddenly her book vanished. She giggled and rolled her eyes as not even two seconds later Lucifer was stretched out on the couch with his head on her lap. “I’m more interesting,” he said as he closed his eyes and relaxed. 
“Yes you are,” she said as she softly played with his hair. She smiled as she looked down at the archangel. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful. Like he was sleeping. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. He smiled. 
“I was wondering something about angels,” she said. 
“What?” he asked.
“Well from what I’ve read angels don’t trust humans much, but if they do there’s something special they do, but the book didn’t say what,”. Lucifer sat up. 
“There is something we do, but we really have to have a high level of trust in order to feel comfortable enough to do it,”. 
“Oh,” she said, “what is it?” 
“We show our wings,” he said, but she noticed he avoided eye contact. 
“I won’t ask you to show them,” she said, “it sounds like a personal thing and should be your choice when you trust me enough,”. He sat there for a moment. He looked lost in thought than a small smile formed on his face. He stood up and took her hands helping her stand. He walked with her to a more opened space in the room. 
“Delilah Stone,” he said, “you are the only being in creation I trust,” he stood up straight. Bright light coming from him as he rolled his shoulders and soon a set of big, black wings sprouted from behind him. They were sheer for a moment then went solid. She walked over to him and looked them over. She noticed feathers missing and some were bent. She very gently reached her hand up and softly touched them. They felt even softer then bird feathers. 
“They’re not as glorious as they once were,” he said. She could hear the sadness in his voice. She looked at the bent feathers. 
“Do they still hurt?” she asked. He shook his head. She very softly touched one of the bent ones. It was rough but still felt softer than most feathers.
“They’ve been this way since,” he started to say, “anyway, just another hideous thing about me,”. She looked up at him. 
“You are not a hideous being Lucifer,” she said, “your wings are the most beautiful wings I’ve ever seen,”. 
“How can they be?” he asked, “they’re missing feathers and others are bent?” 
“They are damaged Lucifer yes,” she said as she places her hand on his cheek, “but they are not broken. You, are not broken Lucifer. I’ve seen the beauty you have inside. The love, the passion. Anyone with all that in them can not be hideous. They just don’t see their own beauty,”. He smiled as he pulled her into a soft, sweet kiss. Her heart flipped when she felt his wings wrap around her.
Delilah sat in the room of the bunker that had become her’s since the Winchesters turned her world upside down. It felt more like a prison than a room. She was sitting on the bed looking at an old book Lucifer had given her. It was a book written completely in angel language. He said it was an ancient book that chronicled the lives of him and his brothers and sisters before the world was created. They would sit and decode it together all the time. Lucifer even taught her how to write and read in Enochian. He would even write little notes for her to decode. Usually sweet compliments. She kept them in between the pages of the book. She was reading them again when there was a knock on the door. She put the book back in her bag. “What?” she called out. It sounded harsh, but she didn’t care. These jerks had taken away so much from her. No way in hell was she gonna show kindness toward them. 
A woman poked her head in. “Hi, can I come in?”. 
“Um sure,” Delilah had never met her before, but she seemed nice. She had long black hair and bright green eyes. 
“I’m Lya Winchester,” she introduced herself walking in and closing the door. 
“Are you their sister?” she asked. 
“Not really,” Lya said, “more like sister-in-law. I’m with Castiel,”. 
“You’re dating an angel?” Delilah asked. Lya giggled. 
“Seems like we already have one thing in common,” she said, “we got a thing for angels,”. Delilah giggled for the first time since she’d been in the bunker. 
“It would seem so,” she said. Lya noticed a look of sadness on her face. 
“You really are in love,” Lya said it as more of a statement than a question, “I know that look,”. 
“Lya, for the first time in my entire life I had someone who showed me true love and affection,” Delilah explained, “someone who showed me they cared. Someone who showed me I didn’t need to flinch every time they touched me. I was,” she stopped herself, “I am in love. I was happy and believe it or not so was Lucifer. Then they broke in and took it away from me,”. 
“I know it seems unfair Delilah,” Lya said, “but Lucifer did kill someone,” 
“Trust me Lya someone who can physical and sexual abuse their child her whole life is a real-life monster,” Delilah said. 
“Who did he?” Lya started to say before she looked at Delilah. She recognized the look of pain abuse can leave in a person’s eyes, “it was your father wasn’t it?”. 
“Yes,” she said, “I told Lucifer one night what I went through and he told me as I drifted off to sleep that I wouldn’t ever have to worry about my father again. Yes, I knew what he did, but it wasn’t a bad thing to me. He freed me. Lya I know to everyone else he’s a monster, but to me, he’s the one I’m meant to be with, hell he’s my hero,”. 
“I understand Delilah,” Lya said, “anyone with a brain knows we don’t pick who will fall in love with. Our hearts do,”. 
“Lya, they won’t even let me see him,” Delilah said, “‘I’ve asked so many times and every time they say no because he could hurt me,” she rolled her eyes on the last part. 
“That sounds like them,” Lya said. 
“Lya, have you ever been apart from Castiel for more than a day?” she asked. 
“There was one time where he hunted with the boys for about two weeks,” she said. 
“How did that feel to you?” Delilah asked. 
“I was ok at first,” Lya started, “but then around day three I started to miss him. At times I felt so lonely, by the end of that first week it felt like,” 
“Part of you was missing?” Delilah finished for her. Lya nodded, “that’s exactly how I feel Lya,”. 
“I’m so sorry Delilah,” she said. 
“Please Lya,” she pleaded as tears escaped her eyes, “please talk to them,”. 
“I’ll try, but they can be so stubborn,” she said. 
“I know, but they have locked him up which is unfair enough,” Delilah said, “but they have no right at all to keep me from him. I can’t see him, talk to him, hell Dean gives me such a disgusted look when I even mention him,” tears were running completely down her cheeks now. Lya’s heart went out to her. She suddenly noticed a small smile on Delilah’s face. 
“What?” she asked. 
“I don’t know if it’s where we’re so close he can feel my emotions, but even being apart he can tell when I’m upset,” she explained, “but every time he senses I’m upset I hear his voice in my head calling me by the nickname he gave me,”. 
“What's the name?” Lya asked. 
“Around our house,” Delilah paused for a minute fighting back another wave of tears, “I love to read so around the house are a bunch of books. One night, he leaned over the back of the sofa and was watching me read. I looked up and smiled at him and he said I was the most beautiful book worm he’d ever seen,”
“Do you have a nickname for him?” Lya asked. 
“I always call him my rebel angel,” Delilah said. 
“Delilah, I’ll take to them and do what I can to get you to see him,” Lya told her. 
“Thank you Lya,” Delilah said giving her a hug.
Lucifer was sitting at the kitchen table reading the copy of beauty and the Beast Delilah seem to always have within reach. He decided while Delilah was sleeping he would read it. She seemed to really love the story. When he was about five chapters in he heard a noise coming from the bedroom. It sounded like Delilah was crying. He put the book down and hurried to the bedroom door.
“Delilah,” he called cracking the door open a bit, “may I come in?”. 
“Yeah,” she answered and he could hear the pain in her voice. He walked in and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed clutching her stomach. 
“What's the matter?” he asked walking over to her. 
“its nothing, don't worry,” she said blushing. She didn’t know if angels knew about what human females went through every month. 
“You're in pain,” he said lifting her face gently to look at him as he wiped stray tears from her cheeks, “What's going on?”. She sighed. 
“just cramping really bad,” she answered, “it can really suck being a human girl one or two weeks a month,”.  Understanding he went around to the other side of the bed and laid down. 
“lay with me please?” he asked. She slowly scooted to him and snuggled into his side. Resting her head against his neck, “May I try something that could help?”. She nodded. He gently lifted up the bottom of her shirt to expose her stomach. He gently placed his hand on it. She felt warm for a moment then sighed and relaxed as the pain faded away. Lucifer couldn't help but smile at the feeling of her breath against his neck. 
“Try to sleep more,” he said as he softly and repeatedly ran his hand through her hair. 
“Lucifer,” she called in a sleep filled whisper. 
“hm?” he responded.
“I love you,” she said as she finally drifted off
“So how do you use one of these things?” Lucifer asked holding up Delilah’s phone, “All I know is how to answer them and make calls,”. 
“I can show you how to take pictures,” she said sitting beside him on the bed. 
“Well, of course, my handsome face should be on your phone,” he said with that classic smirk of his.
“You know,” she said kissing his cheek, “I agree,”. She grabbed the phone and turned it on and brought up the camera. Lucifer watched carefully. 
“When you bring the camera up to make sure it's facing you then click the circle in the middle at the bottom to snap the picture,” she explained handing it to him. She watched as he held up the phone until he was in view and took the picture. When he looked at the picture it was blurry. 
“How did that happen?” he asked confused and she held in a giggle. 
“Sometimes that'll happen if the phone isn’t steady,” she said as she crawled behind him. she put her arms around him and grabbed the phone. She got the phone ready and rested her head against his as she snapped the picture. Lucifer watched as she made the picture the background on her phone. He smiled. 
“Can I try again?” he asked. She nodded and handed the phone to him, “come here,” he helped her get situated until she was sitting in front of him. He pulled her back to him and kissed her cheek as he took the picture. He watched as she made that one her lock screen photo. She took the next picture, but before she did Lucifer snapped his fingers and a set of toy devil horns appeared on their heads. She giggled as they each made a silly face as she took the photo. Lucifer then pulled her closer until she was rested against him and laid his head on her shoulder. 
She smiled and kissed the side of his forehead as she took another photo. He then gave her a soft, sweet kiss. She tossed the phone to the side, turned slightly in the archangel’s arms, and gave him a soft, but loving kiss back. “No picture this time?” he asked. She smiled.
“Some moments are just for us to see,” she said as she gave him another loving kiss.
“What is this?” Delilah asked looking around the room. It was a master bedroom. Inside was a queen size bed, a dresser, mirror, and even a private bathroom. There were even fully stocked bookshelves. 
“This is our room when you’re here with me?” he told her, “I wanna make sure your happy when you’re here,”. She smiled and hugged him. 
“This is so sweet,” she said. 
“I just wanted to show you how thankful I am for you agreeing to do this with me,” he said as he pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “so what do you say we break it in,”. He placed his hands behind her thighs and lifted her up. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. 
“Well if you’re not too busy Sir,” she said. 
“I can squeeze you in,” he chuckled giving her a soft kiss, “I bet you never thought your story would have ended with me,”. 
“Well, it’s not the usual fairytale road,” she said, “but I did end up with my prince charming,”. 
“And I ended up with my queen,” he said, “I love you, Delilah,”. 
“I love you too Lucifer,” she said.
“Thank you for rescuing me,” he said, “from myself,”. She smiled. 
“We rescued each other,” she said leaning in and giving him a gentle, but loving kiss.
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Fic #3: Sweet As Candy
SUMMARY: Sterling Weathers had so much on her plate. She was now in charge of her family’s candy shop after her mother passed. In fact, if it wasn’t for her favorite sweet-toothed customer Gabriel her life would be completely dull and sad. She has had feelings for the guy for a while now, but she knew she didn’t stand a chance. He wasn’t the kind of guy who was into chubby girls. 
Will Gabriel prove her wrong?
Will Weatherly help him somehow?
Will she find out he’s an archangel? 
Sterling weathers sat in the office of her family’s candy shop. It was only her and her mother. Her mother had started the shop before Sterling was even born. Her mom had recently passed away and she left the shop to her. Sterling was worried though. When her mother passed the candy companies who worked with them all stopped business with them. If she didn’t find a new company soon, the shop would close for good. She was looking over some papers when the bell above the door jingled. A sign someone walked in. She looked up and smiled. “Hi Gabriel,” she greeted with a small smile. 
“Hey there candy girl,” he greeted. Gabriel had been visiting the shop for years. They had become good friends only she had no idea he was really an archangel. “How ya holdin up?” he asked. 
“Stressfully,” she said. He walked over to her and gave her a hug. 
“What's going on?” he asked. She explained about the candy situation and how if she can't find a new company soon the shop would close. 
“I don’t know what to do,” she said, “I can't let me my mom’s dream just fade away,”. 
“Hey,” Gabriel said as he kissed the top of her head, “it’s gonna be ok I can help,”. 
“How?” she asked. 
“I never told anyone this, but my family owns a candy company,” he said, “sure they’d help,” 
“You’d do that for me?” she asked. 
“Of course,” he said. He would do anything for Sterling. He was in love with her.
Sterling stared at herself in the mirror. She wasn’t fat, but she was chubbier than most other girls. Her hair was a soft blonde color, but naturally very curly. Most of the time she loved her hair, but sometimes she hated it. Always convincing herself the curls made her chubby face stick out too much. The one thing she never found ugly about herself was her grey eyes. They were the one feature she had she didn’t hate. But she knew she would never be beautiful enough to get the attention of the guy she wanted to notice her most, Gabriel. She had started growing feelings for the mysterious guy about a year ago. She loved being in his company. He always made her laugh. He smelled like candy. She found his sweet tooth so adorable. Every time they saw each other he would give her a lollipop or a sucker and call her candy girl. Of course, she never ate them. She had everyone he ever gave her in a box stored away in her pantry. She hated feeling this way, but she’s seen the girls Gabriel was into. They were models compared to her and her thick build. She knew she had no chance of getting his attention. She sighed turning away from the mirror and sat in the computer chair across from it in her room. She looked at the picture of her and Gabriel that was taken during a Halloween party at the candy shop last year. He came as a pirate which oddly matched her costume. “What can I do to make you notice me Gabe?,” she thought to herself, “why can’t I be enough?”.
“Gabriel, what are you doing?” Sterling asked as he held up a blindfold. 
“Trust me, candy girl,” he said, “it’s a surprise,”. He put the blindfold on her and started walking her down the street. When they got to her candy store she heard the bell ding above the door when he opened it. 
“Are we at the shop?” she asked. 
“You’ll see,” he said leading her inside, “ready?”. She nodded and he slid the blindfold off. He eyes got wide. The shelves, machines, and bins were filled with candy. From suckers to gum, to candy bars. Some brand names and some she didn’t know. 
“Gabe,” she said turning to face him, “did you do all this?”. 
“Guilty,” he said popping an orange lollypop in his mouth. 
“How did you get in?” she asked. 
“I..may have had a key made,” he lied. 
“When?” she asked. 
“That’s not important,” he said, “what do you think?”. She looked around once more and then hugged him. 
“It’s awesome Gabriel,” she said, “thank you so much,”. 
“And I talked to the person who runs things and the company will restock when you need it just let me know,”. He informed. 
“Gabe, you are so amazing for helping me,” Sterling said. 
“Hey anything for you candy girl,” he said, “how about lunch, I feel like something sweet,”. 
“You always feel like something sweet,” she said giggling as they left the shop.
Sterling and Gabriel were sitting in her living room. He had insisted on bringing dinner. He chose Chinese food and made her give him her order earlier over the phone. When he arrived they picked a baking show to watch while they ate. She had ordered honey sesame seed chicken, veggie fried rice, and an egg roll. Gabriel brought a bottle of white wine. She was doing good. She had managed to eat a good portion without it triggering a moment. “I don’t know about you candy girl,” Gabriel said, “but I could go for dessert,”. He pulled a white box out from a bag. He opened it and inside were fresh sugar cookies. He held the box to her and she grabbed one. 
“Thank you,” she said with a small smile. As she looked at the cookie she could hear those old thoughts slipping in. “Do you really think you should eat that?” She heard the voice in her head say. “It’s bad enough you devoured all those calories for dinner,”. She tried to push the voice away as she bit into the cookie. “What about Gabriel?” the voice asked mockingly, “Do you really think he’d date a porky girl like you?”. She glanced over at him and he looked a little uncomfortable. 
Was it because she actually took a bite of the cookie? Was he testing her? “See what you did?” the voice chimed, “because of you eating so much he just wants to leave. Probably to find someone thinner, prettier,”. That had her fighting back tears. The all to familiar urge getting stronger. “Excuse me, I gotta go to the restroom,” she hurried off not noticing the whole time Gabriel was watching her. She hurried into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. She leaned against the sink looking into the mirror hanging above it. She repeated over and over again that she could fight this. She reminded herself that its been months since she’d done it. She looked over at the toilet. She could just do it once and that would be it. 
“Please don’t,” she heard a soft voice say from behind her. She looked in the mirror and Gabriel was standing in the doorway.
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