#i’m sorry I keep posting about this
writtenbyevie · 2 years
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are they a cowboy or do they just have a yeast infection. the world may never know
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running around in circles. nimona and ballister. do you get it. she wakes up from a nightmare and immediately calms down when he comforts her because she trusts him. he quite literally jumps off a balcony because he knows she’ll catch him. she tells him what shapeshifting feels like. lets him bandage her leg. he’s absolutely overjoyed when he sees her again at the end. he goes from rejecting her to accepting her to begging her to come back to rejoicing when she does. not only does she come back to life but she comes back to HIM. to her HOME. SHE FINDS HIM AGAIN IN ANOTHER LIFETIME. SHE GOES BACK TO HIM ON PURPOSE. DO YOU GET IT.
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shima-draws · 4 months
One Piece where everything’s the same except Cora doesn’t die but Law’s still determined to absolutely beat the shit out of Doflamingo anyway. Cut to post Dressrosa where Law gets a VERY frantic phone call from Cora who’s like what the actual FUCK I saw the newspaper this morning you went up against Doffy all by yourself?? You promised me we would do this together you little SHIT do you have any idea how fucking scared out of my MIND I was when I saw the headline and I thought something happened to you, Law I swear to god, and Law’s like yes Cora I went up against him by myself, like HELL I was going to let him lay a single finger on you. And Cora’s like THAT’S MY LINE!!! You’re MY kid and I should be the one protecting YOU!! And Law’s like what with your shitty devil fruit powers? What could you have done? You would have fallen on your ass and gotten hurt or shot or worse and I’d be too fucking worried about you to focus on anything else. And Cora’s like this conversation is NOT over but I’m so so glad you’re okay. And he starts crying and he’s like oh my GOD Law you know how insane Doffy is I could have lost you. And I wouldn’t have even known until after the fact. And Law goes all quiet and he’s like I know I’m sorry but I could have lost YOU and I couldn’t handle that. I couldn’t. And Cora’s sobbing and he’s like I love you so much Law and Law’s like yeah. I love you too 🥺
Meanwhile the Strawhats witnessed this entire conversation and they’re like. Wow okay that was a lot to unpack. Law’s got a dad and they’re very protective of each other and apparently his dad is Doflamingo’s brother?? And Law literally dismantled Doflamingo’s entire criminal organization and DIDN’T bother telling his dad about it?? No wonder he’s pissed. And they’re also like awwwww we’ve never seen Law so soft and vulnerable before 💕 and Law looks at them and he’s like. You repeat ANY of what you just heard and I WILL kill you. And they’re like ‘Mhmm okay yup we hear you loud and clear. Btw what’s your dad like’ with the BIGGEST shit eating grins and Law’s like Okay! Killing you now!! And proceeds to chase them with his katana
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rawrsatthetree · 4 months
Astarion x Tav fic concept
Cw: virginity mention, allusion to sexual trauma
An Astarion x Tav fic where Tav has trauma around virginity and Astarion being the man he is always making his little jokes about it. Tav tries to just ignore it but as they grow close it hurts them more and more until they either just snap or completely withdraw from him. Leading to him confronting them about it and a long talk. Astarion not sure how to comfort them offers, “if it would help darling, I could be your first.” Tavs is confused by this at first but he continues that virginity is a stupid concept anyways. Then he asks more properly, “Tav, would you do me the honor of giving me your virginity?” Followed by a night of him treating them like the most delicate innocent prince/Princess making sure they’ll never remember anyone before he crash landed in their life.
After he drops the virginity joke replacing them with teasing Tav about taking theirs.
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only-one-brain-cell · 4 months
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“None of which we had access to for security.” Oh really? Then how the fuck was JJ able to play Scrabble with her then?????
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lemony-and-zesty · 5 months
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gay asses
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jounosparticles · 10 months
the way dazai is smiling the whole time and sigma looks so pissed off is perfect. thank you bones for doing them so good this scene.
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the-amazing-spider-bi · 10 months
reading a game of thrones and fuck. robb doesn’t get to be a narrator (he’s lyanna stark he’s the dead girl in the pool he’s the narrative’s most special ghost) but he barely has to. we’re watching him from every point of view but his own. he’s the lannisters’ second thought, a teenager pretending to be the man his father was. he’s jon’s best friend, his older brother, the guy he compares all the others to, snowflakes melting in his hair forever. he’s catelyn first son, it was just the two of them for so long, her boy who looks like her but takes after his father so much it aches, and yet is never like him quite enough, a boy soldier leading men to war when he can barely grow a beard. in private, he listens to his mother’s lessons about command as if she was a school teacher, blushes when he gets the answers wrong, then he earns the lords’ respect in public, like he is older than his years. her son slipping between her fingers when he’s right here.
but most of all in the first book we see him through bran. he’s lord robb, who commands his men and fights wildlings and only has to say one word for his wolf to rip an attacker’s fingers off. he’s robb the brother, who comes into bran’s bedroom in the evening to cry because he’s scared, actually, he’s so scared that he’s going to die, that he has no right to order all these people to die for him, that his father isn’t here and he went south and starks never come back from the south, and now he’s the fifteen year old boy on the throne of a war hero with no idea what he is really doing. he’s scared and he does it anyway. ned tells us very early in the book, after the execution, that it’s the only way to be brave and we don’t know yet that he’s talking about his son. robb haunts the narrative and he’s not even dead yet
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holidaybrews · 1 year
I don’t think I’ve seen many people talk about this scene and it’s one of my favorite moments. red guy immediately does his best to try and distract duck once he starts freaking out about the situation and he’s so sweet about it. he talks to him about the current lesson and everything that’s happened, and then once yellow walks away, duck seems to be much more relaxed. this episode is my favorite just because of how aware the three are about each other it makes me so happy
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dead-loch · 5 months
I honestly believed the world was getting kinder, in general, that we were moving away from weird creepy parasocial relationships with celebrities, that we were slowly going to stop putting celebs on a pedestal, that we were going to stop dissecting every single move they make and thing they say, because at this point we have put them up just to watch them fall hundreds of times and it could not be more clear that being famous does not make you perfect and it does not make you an expert on anything and it does not make you a good or bad person automatically. it does not give you wisdom or magically give you the correct answers to ensure you’ll never offend or hurt anyone.
instead so many people on social media continue to put celebrities on pedestals, simply so that they can gleefully tear them down over literally any move they make. and y’all are so happy to hate. and not only that, but to immediately brand anyone who doesn’t pile onto the bandwagon as the enemy.
if you find yourself wishing death on people over a fucking tv show, you’re the asshole. period. don’t even bother asking.
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my-maehem · 4 months
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Made a INPRNT store so y’all can get these as prints 🤲
You can hang em, make it a gift for someone, or eat it if you want… there’s no judgment here
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samglyph · 4 months
From Hazbin, to the PJ show, to half the shows on Netflix, it is so obvious that the “eight episode season” is damaging to storylines and in the long run kills interest, but I have no idea how to get execs to stop doing this since in the short term it looks better for their bottom line.
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elysiumcalled · 10 days
Next time somebody at work asks if I can help I’m just saying no idfc anymore
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sracha · 9 months
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rose. BIRDDDDD🔊🔊🔊
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devils-reign · 29 days
i can’t believe my first smosh live stream i saw literally my two favourite male cast members kiss. it was all the homosexuality i’ve been exuding recently
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rosaacicularis · 11 months
au where scar is the royal guard assigned to keep prince grian safe as he travels to a neighbouring kingdom for a peace treaty but they get ambushed and have to survive in nature until they can get to civilization <3
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