#i’m so predictable lol
pastelsandpining · 2 years
I am aware you are writing it (maybe?) but part 2 of “a date for your thoughts” where maybe she gets in trouble and Link is kind of upset with her but not really (because let’s be honest, he could never truly be upset with her) so she decides to actually do a little date thing with him (after he saves her life from the yiga) and then during said date she starts flirting with him and won’t stop because it comes so easily to her and can’t stop because she keeps talking without thinking and at the end she realizes she loves Link in some way! How about that?
anon. hey anon. how’d you get in my brain???? hello??????
you got my plans almost on the nose. ALMOST!!!
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rotomartsblog · 1 month
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Little concept doodle of some redesigns for the Crumbs and Ginger
Helga and Gus look a bit too young woops
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lupinetail · 11 months
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asmidge · 8 months
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⚙ Kloktober Day 11 - Horror Movie Crossover ⚙
*Senator Stampingston voice* gentlemen, our traps expert, civil engineer John Kramer
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comebackali · 17 days
for our phantom menace rewatch this week we are doing a “qui gon touch count” to count how many times qui gon (bad) touches anakin
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placeinthisworld · 2 months
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arolesbianism · 5 months
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Some very lazy concept doodles for my swap au Wendy
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flyingwide · 7 months
NBC decided it fucking hated me tonight so no rundown other than GABI STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH THIS MAN
also I am already predicting a Very Jealous and Possessive Sir doing the whole “he will never know you, see you, like I do. you will always be hiding your true self from him because he’d turn from you if he really knew you. but I never will” thing
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unordinary-diary · 1 day
I think Keon and Kassandra might be related.
... ok hear me out.
first of all, their hair colors are similar, which is often a narrative shorthand for “these two characters are related”, especially in stuff like anime where hair colors are much more unique. Additionally, their speech bubbles are almost the exact same color.
But if you want actual evidence? Keon is the first character in the story to show suspicion of Headmaster Vaughn.
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Much much later in the story, Kassandra also shows suspicion, and launches an investigation on him.
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It’s reasonable to assume that Keon could have planted that first seed of suspicion in her head, if the two of them have some connection. This goes especially since they both work for the authorities, but Keon doesn’t work for a department that could authorize him to launch an investigation like that. Kassandra has the authority to do all the things with Vaughn that Keon is frustrated about not being able to do. If they’re related, Keon probably asked Kassandra to launch the investigation.
It would also explain Keon’s interest in Wellston, considering he used to work in or near New Bostin which is far away, if Kassandra went there.
Keon also looks like he’s old enough to be her dad. He doesn’t have to be her dad specifically, but my age estimate for Kassandra is 24 (assuming I mathed right), and Keon looks like he could be in his 50s or 60s, which is a reasonable age to have had Kassandra. (Kassandra’s age calculation is a maximum btw. She can’t be older than that unless she was held back or sm.)
So basically, it could be true.
[At the time of this prediction, the latest chapter is 345]
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devilsskettle · 3 months
dinner in america is such a “take what you want from it and leave the rest” movie for me because i do think it’s very cute and i can buy into some of the wish fulfillment nature of the story but admittedly there are some parts that really don’t work for me, there are some parts that fall a little flat either in terms of the characters or humor, and the pacing is a bit of a challenge tbh. but it’s unbelievable what the human brain can overcome by virtue of simply Just Liking That Guy
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my little brother (9) wrote a fanfic today, thought you guys might enjoy it :)
(posted with his permission ofc)
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the-void-writes · 4 months
Out Of Context Line Game
Thank you @sergeantnarwhalwrites for the tag! I’ll tag @bloodlessheirbyjacques @tryingtimi only if you’d like, and leave it open for whoever else comes across it.
“We discussed this, remember?” Cyrus said with a smile. “You’re not my servant, you’re my son. The only thing you should be doing is sneaking out after curfew and trashing your room, and saying ‘You don’t understand me, old man!’”
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moonrpg · 1 year
breaking bad has some of the worst writing I’ve seen and also some of the best. truly an enigma of a show. but I won’t even lie I looked exactly like this when he stole that baby
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and that’s what television is all about
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
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@castorochiaro YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT 😭
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foxgonyoom · 1 year
Season 4 spoilers for Lego Monkie Kid below
Keep in mind I haven’t watched episode 10 yet, as I’m saving that for when the English dub comes out. If my theory contradicts that episode, don’t tell me. I’m avoiding spoilers for it.
Also keep in mind that I’m taking this all from the visuals alone, since the episodes I’ll be talking about don’t have English dubs or subs yet, as far as I know.
Alright so here’s my train of thought:
In the Wood Wolf Star episode (the one with the pretty purple guy with constellation magic where Mei meets her ancestor the White Horse Dragon) the guy looks like he lost his lover
In the same episode, he tries to kill Mei’s ancestor with a knife, in what appears to be in a sort of ritual-like fashion
So, my guess is that he was going to sacrifice either Mei or her ancestor’s life so that he could revive his dead lover
Moving on ahead to later in the season, when the crew escapes the memory scroll, Wukong is still trapped inside.
This I gathered from the fact that they put emphasis on this one piece, the fact that MK tried to get it back, and the fact that when it accidentally got sliced in half, everyone looked shocked and sad.
So Wukong is dead, (the irony of which is astounding. Seriously heaven spent so much time and effort trying to kill this guy and the thing that does do him in is an accident between the people who care about him, oh my skies) and the Azure Lion seems very mad about it.
So my theory, is that somebody’s gonna get sacrificed so Wukong comes back to life, like in the Wood Wolf Star episode. Now this might not be correct, cause considering what I’ve seen of the Azure Lion, he doesn’t seem like the type to sacrifice a guy just to get this other guy back. (Especially a guy who he feels betrayed him, judging from the looks of that flashback sequence he showed MK).
If someone DOES get sacrificed (or rather if the Azure Lion does attempt to sacrifice someone, I doubt they’d actually let anyone die from something like that) it would probably be MK, considering how he’s Monkey King’s successor and has all his power and such.
That or he’d go after someone else to use, as a form of revenge against them (probably a celestial being like Nezha or one of the soldiers we see, he doesn’t seem to particularly like those guys after all)
This, or getting Wukong back is a simple task of supergluing the scroll piece back together with magic sky ooze from the celestial realm or something.
But yeah that’s my theory. Like it, hate it, overrate it, I just kinda put it here to have fun lol. If someone DOES almost get sacrificed that would be metal as all the underworld but even if they don’t I’ll be happy with whatever the writers give us.
If you reply to this post please try to avoid spoiling anything in the dialogue of the season or in episode 10, or mark it with a spoiler warning. Im saving discovering that stuff for when the English dubs/subs come out.
Thanks for listening! Have a nice everyday :3
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michi-chelle · 2 months
i finished slow damage!
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