#i’m on mobile so they’re purely to help me navigate my own blog
xenaxena · 11 months
my name is xena (not really) and this is a side blog i have purely for sexy times (smut, porn, call it what you want)
my masterlist — i have written for dean winchester and beau arlen
i’m 20 years old, and if you interact with me you must be over the age of 18. (almost) every post will be nsfw, you are responsible for your content consumption and i won’t be held accountable.
i’m planning to write for supernatural, the boys, marvel, dc, and other stuff with those actors/actresses. (no rpf, only the characters they play)
currently writing for most jensen ackles characters (dean winchester, ben/soldier boy, beau arlen, jason teague, jake gray, alec/x5-494) and taking requests.
if you have a request don’t hesitate to send it! i will not be writing w*ncest or non/con but other then that, ask away! (if i’m uncomfortable with the request i will simply voice that and move on, no hard feelings)
i only right “x female reader” but the character(s) can be any gender
ps - if you find my main blog, please keep this blog separate (name, fandoms, etc) thanks. also, i would very much appreciate it if you let me know you connected the dots lol (either through anon or messages just please let me know!!)
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calamitousrpg · 4 years
Hi. This could be a long shot but I used to rp on jcink and I left it almost a year ago to take a break as I found the communities very toxic. I miss my characters and I forgot you there were rp communities on tumblr! I have never rp'd on tumblr before and I'm not sure how it works, as in where is the actual place where written character posts are or where members chat? I'm a newbie to tumblr rp and would love to join. I would appreciate some advice on how to start! xx
Hey there! Thank for for taking the time to reach out to us, we’re more than happy to try our best and give you to tumblr RP rundown! Sorry to hear you had a poor experience elsewhere - rest assured, if you want to be part of Crooked, we don’t bite! (We even have Game Nights !)
A summary of what I’ll try cover: 
Your blog is where you post as your muse/character per se, you can reblog musings and anything you like about your character(s) on here for the group to see. 
Your replies/roleplay interactions are also on here where you can post responses to open starters and engage in all that’s happening! (If you don’t use discord - we use it as our OOC platform, your OOC communications will go on your blog(s) too!)
So, to begin, the way the process of on the dash RP-ing works is generally: You create a tumblr account separate to your personal/main. You can use a little trick in the sign-up process to avoid creating new emails and losing track. For example: 
[email protected] can be used for your personal tumblr escapades! And then, for an RP one, you can use the same email, but format it like this: [email protected]. (It still goes to your same inbox, but it allows you to have multiple accounts - if you’re using them for different groups.)
I already feel like I might have lost you a little here - so, let me continue off this topic... we can always help you set-up later! 
Once you have a tumblr account, you can then decide if you want to keep it organised in the sense of individual character blogs or if you want to compile multiple characters onto one blog; then use the tumblr tagging system to make it clear which you’re using if you have gathered a few muses! We have a mixture in the group who use Mumu blogs (multi-muse) and those who use individuals - it’s purely personal preference! Despite using a Mumu myself here in Crooked, I generally prefer individuals because it makes it a little easier to keep up with the replies I may owe! 
Alrighty, so there’s that ramble added... It’s honestly much simpler to navigate than I may be making it out to be - my apologies! Essentially, you reblog interactions at your pace and create new ones for those to engage in and your threads are you ongoing interactions. If you would like some examples, I’ll list the admin blogs below so if you wanted to have a quick scroll for examples of how we kind of interact - there’s not really a right or wrong way! 
@crxxkedevil , @twistedxpromises & @eternallyxcrooked 
These listed above are all mumu blogs - so we have multiple characters we have compiled into a single blog, whereas we have members that have a main blog and then add side blogs for each picked up OC character. But you should be able to see the method of roleplay in each of these. There is also no rule on length or tense you write in ... you’ll see some variation, I’m sure. As long as it’s understandable and we can gauge interactions, you’re on for a win! Hurrah! 
I feel like that’s the getting started basics kind of covered? Everyone has their own tumblr tagging system on their posts to be able to retrieve former interactions and such. 
A beneficial program (I’d recommended getting.) is a free add-on for google chrome browsers called XKit as it offers the ability to edit posts once they’ve been posted and you can reblog just the newest interaction instead of swarming the dash with previous/repeat engagements. Honestly, if you haven’t realised I’m Queen of the Rambles - you... do now... but truly, we’re all friendly and willing to help you every step of the way! You’ll pick it up in no time, I’m sure! A lot of information and step-by-steps are covered in sections of the Main blog that might give you some insights beyond my explanations! 
As for discord, this is the OOC platform we use for out of character interactions and general day-to-day conversations. (Also, game nights... and lots of other chaos.) It’s also free and is available on both mobile & desktop. There’s no obligation to be part of the server there - but you’re more than welcome to get to know your fellow members and RP-ers! Helps with plotting threads and interactions too.
As a last addition: we’ve broken down the process a little on the Navigation page (Mobile Navigation, here.) so you’re able to look at things pre-application and then post-application to try encourage an ease of access for all. Hopefully by looking at some blog examples of ours and having a meander through the CrookedSoulsRPG main blog that you should find some helpful resources. We also have a resources blog, here if you want to look at gifs and icons... especially if you’re potentially not used to using gifs/icons/gif icons in your interactions, we try to where we can and there’s many faces for inspiration if you haven’t acquired an arsenal of faces yet! 
Thank you again for sending this in! I hope that this somewhat helped you in your starting up process? If you need clarification on more, you’re more than welcome to hit us with all the messages you like, or if you want to pop in an application if you think you’e got the ropes and an idea of what muses/characters you wanna throw into the Crooked world. A quick read down our guidelines to check they’re all good for you and you’re away! 
We’re more than happy to continue helping you through the process in any way we can - we’re all very welcoming! Please, don’t be shy! Believe me, we’re all been there before, we all start somewhere! 
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bdneiceme · 5 years
Every year, at the end of the year, I always do a reflection of what the year has taught me. More recently I began writing Facebook posts, but 2019 taught me so much that I figured a blog would be much better...
2019, all in all, wasn’t a bad year at all. Uncomfortable? Extremely! Bad? No. I will say, it definitely wasn’t “my year”. I grew in ways that I could of never guessed. I hit record lows, but I gracefully recovered. And with God’s grace I’ll be blessed to enter into the last year of my 20s next week. So here are some take-a-ways that I learned.
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1. Rejection is necessary. I can honestly say, my life has been extremely easy for the most part. The life I’ve experienced doesn’t hold a candle to some of my friends. It was imperative that I understood the string of losing, and constantly losing at that, so that I could appreciate how much life has been a breeze. I have seen more closed doors this year than ever in my life. I was angry. I was pissed. It was everybody else, and never me. It became a lot...It wasn’t until I talked to God that I understood that the rejection was protection. Even though the closed door looked like the end of the World, what was on the side coulda been way worse. Learning to take rejection and not turn it inward is an uphill battle, but 2019 definitely equipped me to better navigate those feelings. I’m grateful.
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2. Love isn’t enough. With Disney+ shaking the table and having all streaming sites shook, it’s a good time to revisit a lot of our favorite childhood movies. When I was a Therapist I would refer to the “Disney effect” that many Millennials, in my opinion, are cursed with. We saw so many Princesses fall in love, go through trauma, but in the end true love prevailed. In my own opinion, we allowed Disney to romanticize some downright awful relationship standards and through some fairy tale music to it. And now many of us still follow under the unction that “true love” will always be enough. I believed it too, until it wasn’t. I found myself in a relationship this year that I was literally blindsided with. I ignored all logic and hanging out a few times a week turned into a year and half of complete and utter bullshit. Time wasted because love wasn’t enough. That little voice, the pit in your stomach, the lump in your throat...that’s not fear of commitment. That’s God literally giving you signs that, “This ain’t it Chief!” Listen to it ! If you start allowing it, you’ll have to continue to allow it and you don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve that. So I cleaned the slate. I pay T-Mobile every month for an alarm clock, but that’s okay. The peace I have is so much greater. I guess my first point goes hand-in-hand with this one. Though I felt rejected, I THANK GOD FOR HIS PROTECTION ! I’m grateful. P.S. Don’t become what hurt you !
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3. “No new friends”. When Drake released that track I instantly caught an attitude. At the time, my new friends was better than my old ones and I didn’t get it. Until I did. I felt so alone this year. Not depressed. Just alone. This year I had to depend on me. I didn’t have the support that I desired, I wanted. I went through some of the darkest moments of my life alone. This isn’t a jab at my friends, but I had no idea how much I needed to be alone. I needed to depend on me and only me. I had to be isolated. I didn’t need anyone to try to sugarcoat the reality of me at a fork in the road. I couldn’t afford to fallback into the same pattern of things. Truth is some of the closest people to you will stunt your growth because they don’t want to see you grow, because what happens when they outgrow you? So they plant seeds by telling you it’s everybody else and not you. So while you stay stagnant, they grow, and eventually they’re the ones that outgrow you ! I thought I was abandoned. Friends that I thought I could lean on, I realized quickly, they were not my friends. Friends I had for years were now acquaintances. I was alone. But in those moments, I found me. I had the tough conversations about my own toxic, negative behavior, and in those moments I became a better version of myself. And now I’ve met me again. I’ve been able to meet people,and let my own guard down, who really do care about little ole me. I’ve rekindled friendships that I hindered, some hindered me. But all-in-all, I’m grateful.
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4. The power of no. I give great advice. Like really good, but I don’t always listen to my own, but I do give it. I had to learn to say no. This year I felt so drained, until I started saying no. I really do think it means something when someone calls when they could of called anybody. But in the same breath, can you call them? Because of that little revelation I’ll tell someone in a heartbeat now, HELL NO ! Lol but serious when I’m not in a good head space, I tell people I’m sorry, I can’t today, we’ll have to talk about it later. I’m not losing my own sanity so you can process through yours. I’m not caring the weight of your burdens so I can weigh my own self down. I can’t. I won’t. Stress literally triggers so many physical responses that I literally started dealing with my anxiety again. Like can’t breath, gotta take a walk or a drive because I’m so overwhelmed, overstimulated. So I learned to say no. The attitudes will catch you off guard initially, but the freedom of ‘no’ goes a long way. My phone LIVES on DND 🤧 because I’m allowed to be selfish with my time. I’m allowed to not want to hear bad news. My spirit feels lighter. My mind stop racing, I was able to rest, all because I learned the power of no. I’m grateful.
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5. Silence is golden. My mother used to tell me all the time that just because something needs to be said doesn’t mean you have to be the spokesperson. Earlier in the year I defended someone who I truly do care about. Ch...I got called everything but a child of God after I did it lol. It doesn’t matter what was actually said, because of my personality anything I say or do is always dragged to the 10th degree. So by the time I read through texts and phone calls, I was, yet again, the wrong one. But the situation taught me that because people already have so many preconceived notions about who and what we are anyway, why waste my time, energy and breath. Learning to silence myself and let things be what they’ll be has truly been a journey. I internalize a lot. Like a lot. I genuinely like to be liked by people. But this year I learned those committed to misunderstanding you will always do just that. I may do some off the wall stuff but my heart is pure. I’ve helped people who have slandered my name and I never told a soul what they did to me, and never will. As sure as I’m writing this blog, it’ll come out. It always does. But I what I have to learn to do is not allow someone to pull that type of behavior out of me. I even started going back to therapy because of it. I’m learning. I’m growing. I’m grateful.
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6. It’s okay to be mad, just don’t stay mad. I’ve spent so much of my life bitter. Truth is I wasn’t over so many of the things that were done to me and instead of telling someone I let it turn me bitter. I was angry. I was hurting. I saw so many of my peers have people to lean on and mentor them through the processes and then there was me....I hated it. I still felt like a 6 year old little girl some days. As a child, I was talked about like I was grown. So once I got older, I learned to snap back 10x harder to ensure the disrespect would never occur again. You hurt my feelings? Cool, I’ll demolish yours. 🤷🏽‍♀️ But at 28 who tf wants to live like that? I wasn’t raised like that. It was draining. Then people looked at me to be the bitter one. You know the “jokes” they tell but in all actuality it’s the shade they don’t want to say flat out. It was my narrative. I was sick of it. Letting that fester....it ate at me. I had to give it to God. I always desired to be like everybody else until God touched my heart. It’s a process, but I’m better ! He’s healing me. Working on me. Allowing me the unique opportunity to grow through my own issues has allowed me to give grace to others for theirs. I’m grateful.
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7. I’m sorry. I’m ending the blog with 7 points because this one is the most important. I’m learning to take responsibility for my own mistakes. Having the courage to embrace my own shortcomings. I apologize to those I ridiculed, betrayed, lied to, beat up 🥴, humiliated, embarrassed and disrespected. I know this doesn’t excuse the offense, but from the bottom of my heart I’m sorry. In my own disappointments and insecurities I took it out on you, and that you didn’t deserve. Learning to swallow your own pride makes room for the blessings you let pass you by, because your heart wasn’t in the right place. My heart is healing and I literally squirm thinking about some of my past behaviors. At the time, I meant every bit of it, because I was operating from a hurt place. I never gave myself an apology for the person I was trying to survive. I’m trying. Learning to not allow what happened to me, consume me. Forgiving myself for every mistake. Owning who I am and who I am called to be. I don’t want to turn 40 and then start living life 😕 I want to do it now. But I couldn’t get to it because I was my own stumbling block. God has a funny way of humbling you, but what he will do is just that, humble you ! And because of that humility, I can now let some light in I know how wrong I was, but the glory is...it’s a process...but I’m grateful.
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I made sure to end every point with ‘I’m grateful’ because I truly am grateful. I’m grateful for it all. The good. The bad. The ugly. I’m grateful. Why? Because I’m still here, so that means it didn’t kill me. It could of, but it didn’t ! This year, this decade....taught me so much. My goodness my 20s taught me some things okay lol but I thank God for the grace He gave me to try to get it right. I’m ready for Scene 29 and I am beyond ready to see what 2020 has to offer ! I deserve it ! Be grateful !
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Wysiwyg Web Builder For Mac Os
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wannawrite · 6 years
Crystals In The Night
who?: Wanna One’s Lai Guanlin genre: 🌸 type: bullet point, part of Christmas collab wink wonk blog navigator. • last instalment of mine for the collaboration with @onlyjihoons and @hwinkinghwi • you and Guanlin plan to meet at Orchard,,,but as usual, things never really go to plan oh shit, this collaboration has drawn to an end sooner than I expected, oh dear I’ll miss it terribly. It was an amazing experience working with such talent, skilled and competent authors, they are definitely seniors in this field. Thank you to my bebs for putting up with me and never hesitating to help me when I got stuck. Sorry for how messy all my works have been, and how inconsistent my schedule is :( Looking forward to collaborating with you guys again!!!💓 If anyone would like to work with us, please reach our dms! - Admin L 
• Orchard Road - the busiest road at this time of the year • I’m doing a lot of explaining in this collaboration but basically, Orchard Road is equivalent to Hollywood Boulevard or downtown • something like that • history: the whole stretch used to be a fruit plantation but that was gone ages ago so now in replacement, a concrete shopping stretch • the most popular outlet for avid shoppers and tourists alike • in summary, Orchard Road is where you go if you want to shop • now • a couple of days ago, your internet best friend - whom you had met in real life a few times - called you to say that he would be in Singapore for work around Christmas time • his name is Lai Guanlin by the way • you had screamed in excitement and immediately, the two of you planned to meet up along the Orchard Road stretch to admire the blinking Christmas decorations • on Christmas Eve • tbh Guanlin was a shady person • he never once mentioned the kind of work he did • you had put your trust in him but still... • he never seemed to be on social media anymore IG, Twitter, private Snap • Guanlin had talked about ‘photoshoots’ and ‘studio time’ so you just assumed he was a model • you wouldn’t bat an eye if he was • how did you get so lucky? your internet friend had turned out to be a the handsomest man you had ever talked to • and probably the sweetest too • the first time you guys had seen each other face to face was in Taipei, Taiwan when you were on a family holiday • disclaimer: I’m not exactly sure which part of Taiwan Guanlin is from but let’s just say he was in Taipei for work ;) • you were stumbling around like a lost sheep on the streets of Ximending - another shopping hotspot - frantically calling Guanlin’s phone • and he was not answering • the bright city lights, the flashing signboards and the bustling busyness of the crowd threw you into worry • a dozen thoughts raced in your mind • ‘was he a real person?’ • ‘what if it was all a scam?’ • ‘do I even know who he truly is?’ • your parents would have thrown a fit but thankfully, your uncle had occupied their time by ushering them into a nearby eatery • and your cousin had accompanied you to search for the Houdini of an internet friend you had • ‘come on y/n, you can’t give up like this! you’ve known him for...2 years? it’ll be worth it!’ she encouraged, elbowing you in the ribs • you shoved through the crowd, still calling his mobile • ‘the number you have dialled is currently unavailable. Please-‘ • an upset groan slipped past your lips yet you refused to give up • suddenly, you heard a familiar voice yelling in the distance • a voice you had heard a thousand times • on Snapchat • wishing you goodnight • telling you about his day when you face timed • Lai Guanlin • your feet thudded in the direction of his voice, ears craning to hear more • you had to find him • and he found you • Guanlin had a slender, fine-boned figure, one any catwalk model would be jealous of. His skin was honey tan, kissed by the warm golden rays of sun. • dark glossy locks framed his sculpted face, his full brows furrowed and his pink lips pursed • he seemed to be speaking furiously to an older teenage girl, a scowl marring his handsome features • but it was Guanlin for sure • and if your guess was right, that teenager would be his older sister • still hidden as a mere face in the crowd, your shaking hands had dialled his number again • his phone was buzzing in the pocket of his jeans • sighing, he turned to his sister. ‘I’m sorry but they’re calling, it’s been four times, I have to answer.’ • ‘hi y/n! ugh sorry I didn’t pick up. where are you right now?’ Guanlin’s hopeful eyes began scanning the crowd but not in your direction. • when all he received back was your heavy breaths, he panicked, fearing you had lost your way • lol I’m just behind you turn around • ‘l-look...behind you’ • puzzlement crosses his face but he obeys nonetheless and that confusion is replaced by pure shock and happiness • y’all do have that warm, massive hug like any internet best friend would have • how cute • just reminiscing about it makes you all soft and warm • to the outside world, you must look like a complete lunatic staring into space, slender fingers curled around the straw of your frothy Starbucks drink and stirring it slowly • strange • ‘oi that person a bit suspicious hor, kuai da dian hua gei mata.’ [quick, call the police] • but you pay those inquisitive eyes no mind and continue breathing your own air • just thinking about your friend makes your heart start to flutter madly again • 💓💓💓 • ooooh ;) • the only thing that stabbed your heart was that you were sitting in Starbucks for a long time now • and it was a Starbucks further away from Orchard Road because you didn’t want to have a first look at the lights without him • so sweet :”) • my friends would be like ‘lol we’re looking at them already you were late’ • hi i’m always late • Guanlin said he could get off at about 7.30pm so you said ‘let’s meet at 8pm’ • the illuminated screen of your phone revealed that it was 8.15pm • *sips tea* • you swiped to check your texts • you: hi lin, i’m here • you: where are you? • you: call me when you reach okay! • the LED screen shut off before there ever was a reply from him • but like the understanding best friend you are, you brushed it off, constantly reminding yourself that he was probably busy at work and would be fired if he checked his handphone for even a second • you stirred the drink on your table again • hmm, it still wasn’t melting • 8.20pm • your lips curved around the top of the straw, taking a sip, eyes darting to locate Guanlin • how interesting would it be to meet a stranger’s eyes as they glared out of Starbucks’ glass window, sitting ramrod straight in the plush booth, shoulders stiff and shoes tapping the ground anxiously • it appeared as if lasers from your eyes could cut holes through the glass • 8.35pm • don’t get mad don’t be mad don’t worry stay calm breathe stay collected • no new messages • hah Guanlin what the hell • you focused on your pleasant surroundings instead of the thing making you lose your temper • it was an appropriately busy time at Starbucks • meaning, the baristas and staff were able to put up with the workload and there wasn’t some kind of ridiculous snaking queue of 30 people • hi i’ve been in one. it was when Starbucks here was offering one for one and the queue went outside the shop and it was all students • me too sis me too • you watched the baristas as they effortlessly mixed delicious drinks • delightful aromas wafted through the air • the smell of ground coffee beans, the fluffiness of fresh whipped cream, all the different types of candied spice made your mouth water • even as the night progressed, the cashiers still took customers order with joy, beaming and wishing them ‘merry Christmas’ • muffins and other sweet and savoury treats were being swiped off the shelf before your eyes • speaking of eyes, your own were tired, a little droopy and glossed over • but you knew that as soon as you saw Guanlin, they would light up like a candle in the night, bright with alertness and burning with energy • he really had that effect on you, goodness • was it love? • CHRISTMAS LOVERS • but you couldn’t give it much thought as the calming ‘tick-tocks’ of the wall clock went by and the delectable smells of the kitchen lulled you into a deep sleep • head buried in your arms on the table, hoodie keeping your lap warm • your dream comprised of you, Lai Guanlin and a mistletoe hanging over both your heads • it made you smile • no new messages 9.45pm • one unread message 10pm • hi I found out that Starbucks at The Cathay is open 24/7 while researching for this fic • finally, your eyelids began to flutter open, brain trying to process all that had happened in a span of two hours • after all, you did have a pretty wonderful dream so all was good • oh • Guanlin • his disappearance and not answering your calls • your face fell immediately, heart sinking to the bottom of the ocean - the worst part was that it had floated to the top of ‘lake happiness’ with your dream • it was only a while after that you realised a man sitting in front of you • well you hoped so • right up to his nose was covered by a cotton black mask that hugged his jaw and he had pulled a red bucket hat over to hide his coloured hair • but it wasn’t Guanlin - his eyes were a different shade of hazel • but this guy was equally cute • ‘oh! hi,’ you greeted awkwardly, face beginning to heat up as you probably looked like a mess • it seemed like he smiled, then realised you couldn’t see through the mask, eyes widened before he pulled it off and grinned again • snaggletooth • ‘hi! I’m Woojin, Guanlin’s friend. He told me to sit with you until he came back.’ • you nod, smiling • wait • golden bronze skin, snaggletooth, large brown eyes..... • coloured hair, trying to hide his identity • you lowered your voice by a notch, creeping closer • ‘a-aren’t you...Park Woojin?’ • pause • explanation: you know bits and pieces of the k-pop world but because you’re kind of slow and oblivious you can’t catch up fast enough, thus, you know nothing about Wanna One other than what your friend’s tell you at school • honestly, I only know two people in my school who stan Wanna One so • you only know Woojin because your best friend has a huge sticker of him on her file • Woojin raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised and nods • ‘wow Guanlin never told me you were a fan, hanging out with him must be a dream come true.’ • wait wha- • ‘he most likely won’t ever tell you so I will. Please don’t get mad at him for being late, he had a huge argument with our manager today because even after our shoot was over, he wasn’t letting us go for the free time that was scheduled. So they fought and now he’s probably in deep shit but whatever, at least he has you.’ • manager? shoot? • your throat tightened, chest constricted • oh my god • GUANLIN IS AN IDOL • A REALLY POPULAR ONE AT THAT • ‘he’s outside talking to our manager now. I should go get him.’ • so now you’re kind-of-friends with another idol what is happening • all I wanted was my baby boy Linlin • but hey, you aren’t complaining • hehehe time to text my other best friend >:) • the soft rattle of the bells by the door is picked up by your sensitive ears, it feels as if time stops and all you can zoom in on is Guanlin • before he knows it, you launch out of your seat and right into his arms • thank God he’s tall and strong • he’s a paper fairy irl I’m sure of it • your hands grip his thin shirt tightly, eyes squeezed shut in happiness as your chin rests on his shoulder • ‘you’re here, it’s really you,’ you whisper so it’s only audible to the two of you • and maybe third-wheel Woojin • Guanlin went all out to protect his identity. mask, glasses and a baseball cap • he smiles through his mask, you can practically feel the happiness radiating from him • ‘you didn’t get in too much trouble, did you? I’m sorry.’ you ask, voice low. feet trailing behind as you exit Starbucks • Guanlin’s eyes frost over with sadness. ‘No, no, don’t be. I’ll work it out, don’t worry. I’ve already told hyung...wait, how did you know?’ • he whips round to face Woojin, who casually says, ‘You know I had to.’ • Guanlin can only sigh and agree • however, as you walk down the busy street, cool breeze brushing past, he cheers up • ‘come on, let’s go see those Christmas lights!’ • without thinking, he slips his hand into yours and happily skips towards Orchard Road • MY HEART SOMEONE HOLD ME • Woojin quickly sneaks off to meet Jihoon • you don’t say a word, enjoying the feeling of your hands entwined together • ‘woah.’ the gasp leaves your lips before you can stop it, but it’s safe to say everyone is blown away by the Christmas decorations • government invests in this okay • I think so • a lot of people invest in these things here • there’s a massive arch greeting you at the entrance, calming blue and purple wire Christmas trees illuminate the structure, giving it a ‘wonderland feel’ • HYPE • Guanlin clutches you close, partly afraid of losing you in the crowd, partly because he feels reassured when he’s around you • both of you venture further, admiring all the sights of the busy road • you step through a futuristic portal Narnia entering The Walk Of Wonder, the reflective silver fabric blankets a myriad of blue fairy lights. it feels like magical creatures dancing among you, welcoming you into their universe • Guanlin’s phone camera does all the work • he has an adorable gummy smile on his face as he shows you pictures he took • ‘oh god! delete that! I wasn’t ready!’ • but he doesn’t listen and sets it as his wallpaper • Guanlin looks so amazed by what he’s seeing, like a small child, amusement evident in his cheery gaze • love love love love • you’re busy looking around for mistletoe • The Tree of Time indicates there’s only a couple of hours left before Christmas • maybe a few more hours til your first Christmas kiss • ooh ;) • ‘hey,’ Guanlin calls. ‘What’s that?’ He gestures to what seems like a mini village, warm lights emitting from the set up • shrugging, you venture forward to find Endless Wonder Christmas Village • btw you can find more about all these/if you need a visual representation of all this, click here • exchanging smug grins, you and Lin dash in the direction of delicious food • me too • you guys settle at a white picnic table, feasting under the stars • ‘oh god,’ Guanlin says. ‘I can’t believe I’m eating at this hour. I’m going to get fired.’ • you roll your eyes. ‘Shush, you’re 63kg [profile weight during pd101] at the most you need to gain weight. Don’t worry, I’ll fire your manager then.’ you drop another cookie into his mouth • mouth full, he grins widely, eyes forming slender crescents • ‘i’m happy seeing you eat. Idol life is stressful, take care of yourself.’ • ‘you sound like one of my hyungs,’ he teases playfully • ‘I mean it and I’m sure they do too. You should relax and enjoy yourself.’ • Guanlin daps a napkin on the sides of his mouth, hanging his head to avoid being spotted by fans • then, he meets eyes with you and smirks, reaching for your hand • ‘let’s go have fun!’ • fun? Pop-up amusement rides sound fun • ‘Guanlin I swear if you get me on this thing I’ll-‘ • *screams* • as the Teacup ride starts spinning • he laughs mercilessly. ‘This is a ride for kids, y/n!’ • he tells you ridiculous stories of his hyungs after. ‘Minhyun can’t ride the Viking ship ride, ever. He has nightmares of it.’ • Guanlin visibly loosens up once you know his idol status, but he does worry that someone might recognise him • despite his worries, he throws caution to the wind just to spend more fun times with you • lol fck rumours, fck paparazzi, I deserve to hang out with my best friend and enjoy too • eventually, you two pack up and continue exploring the lights as the night grows darker • ‘mhm, I’ll tell you my whole idol story when we get ice cream at midnight,’ he promises • you seal it with your pinky • a dozen more pictures fill up both camera rolls as you two pose beside candy canes • snowmen • gingerbread men • which Guanlin buys the edible kind for you at the Christmas market • ‘hehehe hyungs must be so jealous of all the good food we’re eating >:)’ • guys, whenever I see this ‘>:)’ it just reminds me of Red Velvet during Peek-A-Boo • I can’t dksjskdksjsbd • ‘omg y/n you’re so evil you bit off his head.’ • GUANLIN’S REFERRING TO THE GINGERBREAD OF COURSE • ‘hehehe >:)’ • also you: ‘stfu Guanlin don’t lie and say you wouldn’t too.’ • walk walk walk • ‘truth or dare lin?’ • ‘dare.’ • ‘I dare you to take an ornament from that tree.’ • PLEASE DON’T ACTUALLY TAKE ANYTHING THIS CHRISTMAS • you ended up with a new purple star ornament in your arms • Guanlin signs it with a heart using a borrowed Tokyo Hands marker • ‘can’t ignore my adoring fans :”)’ • you sigh his baseball cap, which he’s surprisingly thrilled about • after all the excitement has died and the two of are worn out, you settle at an ice cream parlour that’s still open • maybe since its the holidays • you talk while spooning ice cream into each others’ mouths • how romantic • where is mY MISTLETOE GOD DO YOUR THING LET’S GET IT • ‘I enjoyed my time today, it was so good to have a break and spend it with you,’ Guanlin says, honesty in his voice. ‘I’ll miss you so much. You truly light up my life.’ • aha this collaboration cannot end without my puns • you chuckle, placing your hand in his again. ‘Ahh, I’ll miss you too. Please don’t make your manager mad and you can tell me more about your group the next facetime. I’ll be sure to buy your album on iTunes.’ • cue gummy smile before a devilish grin overtakes his cuteness • ‘you better, if not,’ he pauses to launch tickles at your sides. ‘I’ll tickle you to death.’ • laughing, you fight him off, gently pushing his hands away • comfortable silence fills the gaps as you stare out at the streets, still lively, still bright like stars against the midnight sky • ‘go,’ you say softly. ‘go make me proud. go be my star and shine on stage.’ • he nods, heart bursting with love for you. ‘I will. Don’t worry. Ooh, you should come to our performance sometime.’ the sides of his mouth blossom into a smile at the thought of you cheering in the crowd for him • ‘ehhh, does that mean my Christmas gift this year is a Wanna One lightstick?’ • Guanlin puts his hands up in mock surrender. ‘you caught me, what can I say?’ • you both collapse into laughter but truthfully, he knows there’s a prettily wrapped Wanna One lightstick sitting in your P.O box • and maybe, you get his more of his love than usual💖 • MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️💚
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topicprinter · 4 years
Hey Guys,I'm a consultant in a growth marketing agency and LinkedIn is my primary lead generation channel.Marketing tools are 40% of my gameplan, I'm always experimenting and trying out the newest marketing automation tools. So I'll not show you 45 tools that I don't use personally.There are 6 tools and it's more than enough.If you're planning to invest your time on LinkedIn marketing and short on manpower, these tools can help you automate a bunch of stuff.Plus I'll give you some use cases for inspiration. Also I'm going to share additional articles to show you how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator and so on.(You can ask me anything)Here we go.#1 Phantombuster – The best overall LinkedIn automation toolPhantombuster is by far the most used tool in my kit. I use it while I'm sleeping, awake or even on a holiday because you set it up once, and it does the rest for you. As you may guess, it’s working in the cloud so it works 24/7.Phantombuster will be your main engine for all your LinkedIn lead generation efforts. Also, the combination of the LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Phantombuster is super effective.You can automate almost everything with Phantombuster but we’ll go over the 5 features we use most. To see all LinkedIn phantoms and features you can click the link.#1 LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Export and Profile Scraper PhantomsLinkedIn Sales Navigator is the most effective B2B tool to pinpoint your potential customers. If you don’t know how to use it, you’re missing out a lot.So here is a possible use case: You want to surround yourself with high-quality prospects and create new opportunities. You found thousands of potential customers on the LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Now you want to extract all of their data to send them connection requests, automated messages.Plus, running these two phantoms will give you tons of information about your leads such as,Name, title, current position, company, bio, education and so on. Well basically, you can make your own LinkedIn CRM.What’s next? Now that you extracted the profiles, it’s time to add the prospects and set a LinkedIn message automation.Alternative if you’re not using the sales navigator: Then you can find your target audience with LinkedIn search and export the results with LinkedIn Search Export phantom)#2 LinkedIn Network Booster PhantomYou have extracted thousands of prospects. Why don’t you send them automated connection requests and messages to start a conversation?People on LinkedIn want to expand their network and the platform is not as saturated as the other social media platforms. So the acceptance rate is quite high, with 70-90%.Here is what you’ll do briefly.You’ll use the data you extracted in the first step and write a personalized message to your prospects. Then watch Phantombuster do the networking and prospecting for you. Besides creating lead generation opportunities, this process will also help you to:Expand your business network.Increase in engagement (if you’re planning to share content). As your network expands, the number of people sees your content will also increase.If you add your prospects and likeminded people, you’ll become a thought leader in the long run.#3 LinkedIn Message SenderLet’s say you have 5.000 people on your connections. If you’re thinking 5k is a lot, it’s not. One of my colleagues has 11k connections and I kid you not.Onwards to the use case:You wrote a great eBook that solves a major business problem for your target audience. Remember, you were adding your potential customers in the first two steps. So the majority of people on your list could be interested in your new eBook, right?So why don’t you send it to them with a super personal automated message? This is what this phantom can do. It sends automated messages to the people who are already on your list.Zero budget and super targeted distribution. You don’t have to pay for ads and etc.#4 LinkedIn Profile URL Finder PhantomSometimes the data you collected can be challenging. It may lack some vital pieces of information such as contact number, e-mail and so on.But wait a second and don’t shift-delete those datasheets. Because this phantom can help you to transform your missing data into something meaningful.How? It helps you to find LinkedIn Profiles from first names, last names and companies. And after you find them, you can send them automated connection requests and messages.#5 LinkedIn Search ExportThis is a flexible tool and could do miracles in its master’s hands. It helps you to download every result of a LinkedIn Search to an excel spreadsheet.Why is it so flexible?Because you have five sub-elements in the search function: People, jobs, content, schools, groups, companies.Use case #1: The normal search function has fewer filters than the sales navigator. But still, you can automate prospecting with it by using the available filters.Use case #2: LinkedIn now is a business content platform. And it is easy to find what type of content people engage most on LinkedIn with the search function. You can generate ideas for your lead magnets, blog or strategy by exporting and spotting the most popular content.Use-case #3: You can monitor the activity of a list of companies to develop recruitment and sales strategies.There is room for more possibilities. You can make tailor-made automation for your needs.Bottom line.I'm a fanboy of Phantombuster. There are countless phantoms (features) that you could use for LinkedIn such as post auto-liker, event inviter and auto profile views and etc.This tool could be your gateway to marketing automation tools. Because Phantombuster is not limited to LinkedIn automation and offers much more in different platforms like:FacebookInstagramTwitterQuoraSlackEmailand the list goes on.There are many outdated “LinkedIn automation tools” articles out there. And most of them mention an old tool called LinkedIn helper. Don’t fall for it.Using LinkedIn helper instead of Phantombuster is like using a Blackberry (in case you forgot, it’s a mobile phone) in 2020. It’s not convenient, hard to use and lacks many features.#2 Duxsoup – A cheaper and less versatile alternative to Phantombuster.I'll not go into detail for Duxsoup. It’s a Google Chrome add-on and can also automate some of the key actions you’ll need:View ProfilesEndorse SkillsConnect With ProspectsSend Personalized MessagesSend Drip/Follow-Up CampaignsSave Notes & Tags to ProfilesBut as you see its power and features are limited compare to Phantombuster. And here is the major downside: it doesn’t work in the cloud, so your computer must be always on.#3 Skrapp.io – Find the emails of leads in bulk.Skrapp.io is doing one thing and doing it very well. It finds B2B emails of contacts from Linkedin’s regular or sales navigator search results.How does Skrapp.io find those emails?Their algorithm indexes public web pages based on LinkedIn account and simulates emails based on companies’ email patterns. It also verifies the emails by interacting with email servers.You can find thousands of high-quality prospects on the sales navigator. And with Skrapp.io you can get their emails in bulk and start your email campaign right away.(I use Autopilot for my automated email drip campaigns)If you’re serious about LinkedIn lead generation, it should be in your toolkit. As you know, email marketing is not getting old, it is still the most effective marketing medium.They’re deadly duo with Phantombuster. Imagine you’re sending 5k people email then the day after adding them on LinkedIn and sending automated messages.Note: Skrapp.io also has a Google add-on that scans the web pages for B2B emails.#4 Lusha – Easily find B2B contact informationLike Skrapp.io, Lusha finds you the email address (and maybe phone number) of a specific LinkedIn account. It’s cant find bulk emails or doesn’t integrate with search or the sales navigator.But if you’re manually prospecting on LinkedIn, it enriches the contact data as soon as you browse a Linkedin profile. Lightning fast, definitely a handy tool.#5 Data Miner – Extract any data in secondsLet’s start with a use case I've done recently. This way you’ll understand why Data Miner is a precious tool.LinkedIn has its own influencers. These people posting almost every day and getting thousands of engagement and impressions.So we found one of these LinkedIn marketing influencers which had like 300-400 comments and over thousands of likes. Then I extracted all the data of the people who commented on the post. (Only comment because it shows that they’re active and interested)Then I added them to our network with Phantombuster and reach them out with my new eBook. The results were insane, almost everyone answered to our request and wanted to check the eBook.So as you see, Data Miner is a powerful tool, it helps you to extract any data you can see on a web page. What you can do with it, is up to you.#6 Crystalknows – The app that tells you anyone’s personality.Crystal is pure magic. The first time I was trying, it was shocking because it really knew who my friends are and gave me a detailed personality analysis.It’s easy to use. Download the Google Chrome plugin and browse the LinkedIn account of a person you know to get fascinated. Then you’ll have enough proof to use it for your prospects.Crystal tells you information such as:Type of personalityWhat profile likesWhat profile avoidsOverview of personality.What motivates the profile.What stresses the profile.How to communicate with the profile.And tons of other info.It also gives you communication and selling playbooks to provide you the best approach. It’s tons of fun, please try it once, really fascinating A.I job.That's it. I hope this list can help you to find new ways to grow your startup or business.------If you want to bookmark this article, here is the link.Additional resources: These are some of the use cases on how to use these tools.Data miner + Phantom buster in action/guide.LinkedIn Sales Navigator + Phantombuster guideAnother use case.
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