#i was hoping gatomon or mikemon would be
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humaudrey · 1 year
I Tried Giving Digimon Partners to Descendants Characters (Part 1)
You've seen posts about assigning Pokemon teams to Descendants characters, but I've never seen anyone try to give them Digimon Partners.
It wasn't easy (and it still isn't, which is why this is part 1 lmao) and required research but I think I've found Digimon to match the aesthetic/vibe of these four characters.
Starting with best girl, Uma.
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Syakomon ▶️ Ranamon ▶️ Calamaramon ▶️ AncientMermaimon
There aren't many octopus or octopus adjacent Digimon. I figured Syakomon would be a good Rookie to represent Uma's beginning. That, and the shell could be a loose callback to Ursula's Necklace. Then it eventually evovles into the ancient spirit of water, AncientMermaimon, which parallels to Uma's heritage and (possibly) being a demi-goddess in her own right.
Crest: Ambition or Tenacity.
Next up is her first mate, Harry.
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Otamamon (Red) ▶️ Hookmon ▶️ CaptainHookmon ▶️ Boltboutamon
Harry was a bit more difficult. I found this evolution line on Reddit after discovering Hookmon and CaptainHookmon were a thing (which inspired this post loo). Starting off as a water based Rookie greatly compliments Uma and Harry. I originally wanted like a crocodile like Digimon but the only one that exists is like a mecha robot and that didn't work. Plus I think the color scheme works very well.
Crest: Devotion
And now, our literal king, Ben Florian
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Patamon ▶️ Angemon ▶️ MagnaAngemon ▶️ Seraphimon
I literally stole this from T.K Takaishi, a character from Digimon Adventure. I thought about a beast like evolution, but I was too lazy to find anything and felt that this was too good of a matchup, especially with Seraphimon. Seraphimon is the leader/king/ruler of all Holy Digimon, and if that isn't fit fo a king, what is?
Crest: Hope
And finally, the other best girl, Audrey
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Salamon ▶️ Mikemon ▶️ Beautymon ▶️ Mastemon
What I like about Audrey's is that her Rookie, Salamon starts off as a Holy Digimon. But, as she loses her Holy Ring (the collar), her evolution changes. I'd like to think during or prior the events of D3, rather than evolving into the typical Gatomon, she evolves into Mikemon, due to the spirit of Nyaromon (the baby evolution before Salamon) resting inside of the Rookie and manifesting into a Champion. Perhaps that spirit could represent the grief and pain that Audrey held on to in D1. Then, after D3, some of that darkness still manages to latch on but it's not overwhelming like it was for Audrey. You could even have the lost Holy Ring represent the loss of her potential future with Ben, who's Digimon is a Holy God in a way.
Crest: Redemption
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