#i was already in love with Copia before but NOW?! HE'S EVEN MORE HANDSOME IN PERSON
bloodycopia · 8 months
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I've been thinking about bat Copia since my ritual non stop! The wings fit him so well ;3
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ramblingoak · 10 months
How about "you're gonna get lipstick all over me"? Choose your papa 🥰
Love u!
I want nothing more than lipstick marks from Papa. Any Papa. But for you I chose Copia 💙
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Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader (gender neutral reader, sfw, just Copia being silly, 700 words)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Well?  What do you think?”
You couldn’t shake the stupid grin on your face as you watched your Papa strut around in front of you.  He had dragged you out of your office an hour ago under the guise of needing help with tour prep, but it had quickly become obvious that all Copia really wanted to do was show off.  Even so you obediently had sat down on the couch in his office to watch him move around the room.  When he turned to look at you expectantly you couldn’t help but mess with him a little so you crossed your arms and scrunched your nose up.
“Hmm, I’m not sure.”  His mouth fell open and you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing at him.  “Don’t you already have one of these?”
“Si, si but not in this color.”
“You needed another one?” 
“D-dolcezza!”  You wondered if anyone would believe you that Papa sometimes stomped his foot like a child.  “This is for the fans.”
“What about the blue one, was that for the fans?”
“Hmm and the red?”
It was Copia’s turn to cross his arms as he glared at you while you stared at him from the couch.
“People had been asking for the red to come back for a while, dolcezza.”
“Oh, have they?  I hadn’t noticed.”  You hummed and tapped a finger on your chin as you watched him mutter to himself in Italian.  “So now you needed a, what, silver one?”
“Silver?”  Copia looked about ready to throw a fit, holding his arms out while he glared at you.  “You think this is silver?”
“Isn’t it?  Wait, hang on.”  He watched you warily as you hopped up to wander over.  Copia held still as you walked around him, running your fingers across his shoulders.  “Ok, I’m sorry Papa.  It’s not silver.”
“Si, grazie.  Silver wouldn’t be very exciting so that’s why I asked for a go–”
“Brown is kind of boring though, don’t you think Papa?”
“Brown?!”  He looked down at his jacket and back up to you a few times before finally growling and advancing on you.  “Why you little brat.”
You shrieked when he tried to grab you around your waist, quickly moving away from him and stumbling back towards the couch.  He caught you right before you fell onto it, his hands on your waist helping to ease you down.  Copia climbed up after you, straddling your legs and leaning forward to make his eyes level with yours.
“Do you enjoy riling up your Papa, dolcezza?”
“Yes actually, it’s a lot of fun.”  He snorted, shaking his head while he straightened up.  You let your eyes wander over him, admiring how handsome he looked in his Papal paint and his fancy jacket.  “The gold is very pretty.”
Copia smiled and grabbed your hand to place a kiss on the back, his lipstick leaving a smudge of black on your skin.  
“You really think so?  It’s not too much?”
It always broke your heart a bit when he sounded timid, like he was afraid of your answer.  As if you couldn’t possibly be hopelessly in love with his stupid handsome face.  Still, it wouldn’t stop you from messing with him.  Just a little bit.
“No Copia, I don’t think three sparkly jackets are too much.”  You laughed when he growled and leaned down to plant a sloppy kiss on your cheek.  “It’s not too late to get another.  Maybe a pink one!”  He planted another kiss on you and you reached up to rub a hand over your skin.  “Ugh, you’re getting your lipstick all over my face!  I have to go back to work, you know.  Not all of us can spend the day playing dress up.”
“I’m Papa.  I can do what I want.”  When you raised an eyebrow at him he let out that dirty chuckle you loved so much.  “You should take the rest of the day off.”
“Oh?  And do what?”
His eyes darkened as he gently took your chin in his hand, rubbing a thumb across your lower lip.  
“How about we see where else I can leave lipstick marks, hmm?”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
Papa's reactions to their S/O wearing that shirt that says "Don't bully me I'll cum :("?
I love this, yes. MDNI, suggestive but none are NSFW. Papas x GN!Readers, Established Relationships
"What does your shirt say?"
You almost roll your eyes at your lover, from the way he leans in and down to stare at your chest. The words printed on it are bold and bright enough that he definitely could've read it from across the room, even with his aging eyesight.
His fingers even come up to trace the words, his eyes crinkling with mirth. Then he glances up at you, eyes warm. "Really, sweetheart?"
"What?" You feign innocence but he starts to chuckle. Setting down your book, you frown at him. "What, Primo?"
He doesn't buy it, not from his smile. "You know I could never bully you, my love." It's said with a kiss, one pressing to the top of your head. He pulls back, smirking now as he moves back to the kitchen to grab his mug of coffee. "So I hope you don't mind being edged for a while."
"You are not seriously wearing that."
"What's wrong with it?"
Secondo sighs, a deep and labored sound. With his index finger and his thumb, he pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm not playing this game."
"Game?" Your lips are twitching, as you walk over to his desk. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"If I bully you, you will cry."
"That's your assumption. I bully you all the time, and you never cry." There's a pause. The silence of it rings heavily in your ears, and suddenly you're moving over to him, resting your hands on his shoulders. When he doesn't look up at you a chill runs down your spine. "Secondo, wait, were you - have you ever -"
He turns his head to you, fully smirking. "No. But I could try to make you cry, if that's what you want, tesoro."
You give a light smack to his shoulder, taking a step away. "Asshole."
When you move to walk away, he's quickly grabbing your wrist, rare laughter pouring out of the usually stoic man. He drags you into his lap, arms wrapping around you securely while he presses a kiss to your neck. "You love it."
That you do.
He's smirking the second he reads over your shirt, eyes lighting up. "You want me to be mean to you, amore?"
You curl your lips, cocking one hip out to rest your hand on it. Just in the shirt and a pair of his boxers. "Maybe. Though-"
"Let me finish." You move over to crawl into bed, where he's already laying down for the night, tucked under the covers and in probably just a pair of pajama bottoms if not naked. A surprise for you to uncover later. Right now you move to kiss his forehead. "I don't think you have a mean bone in your body."
He pouts. "I can be mean."
"You can be bitchy. That's not the same as mean."
"There's a lot to bitch about." Lips curl still and he moves to wrap an arm around you. His words come as a purr, while he moves to kiss your shoulder. "Come on, amore. Let me bully you."
You smile, moving a hand through his hair. "Alright. Give me your best shot, handsome."
"I... Baby, I don't get it."
Standing there before him, in only the shirt, you had expected a bit more of a reaction. You had gotten it a little when wide eyes looked over your bare legs before it reached your shirt and then his brow just began to furrow. Tugging at the hem of the shirt, you pull it away from you to read the print. "What don't you get, sweetie?"
"I don't bully you." It's said plainly, while he sits on the edge of the bed. He's still in his suit, legs slightly spread so when he rests his arms over his knees, his hands hang between them. "But I make you cum all the time."
You have to suck in a breath, trying not to laugh. It's hard because he looks so adorably confused. "It's a subtle way of me asking you to be mean to me."
"Oh." Now his eyes widen, and he considers it carefully. "I can do that." Then he lets his lips curl, raising a hand to point his index finger at you before curling it back towards himself. A come hither motion, that you follow, stepping towards him. "Such a good little, slut."
He holds out his hands and you settle into his lap, hands coming to his shoulders while he smirks at you. You shiver in his hold.
"You want your Papa to be mean to you?" His hand comes up to cup the back of your neck. A gentle squeeze to keep your eyes focused on his own, while he keeps a firm grip. "To call you names?"
"Yes, Papa." You breathe out, his new tone spiking heat through you.
"Yeah, that's what I thought, you fucking idiot."
You burst into laughter, unable to hold it. Copia doesn't bother to hide his smile, holding you to him. Once you've calmed down, he smiles at you. "I don't think I can be mean like that to you, amore."
Curling your lips, you lean forward to kiss him. "Thank you for trying."
His hand tightens against your neck once more, keeping you just a few inches away from his mouth. "I can still call you my whore though, right? My pretty little slut?"
You whimper, and he laughs, moving in to kiss you. He was more than happy to explore bullying you in other ways.
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silverofthunder · 3 months
● if you open your heart ●
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Secondo x GN Reader (background Terzo/Omega)
content: 2k words || criminal au, drama, lots of feelings, grief, hope...
!! things aren't described very graphically but the topics can be disturbing so 18+ is valid, i guess. !!
summary: It might not be the best way to start whatever was slowly blooming between you but you only had one life to live.
This is it - the end. It's kind of sad even though this has been sitting finished for a few weeks already. It was such a lovely journey to write this and I'm proud that I finished this. This part is my absolute favorite. ❤️ Hope you enjoy!
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The life after your return fell into a pretty decent patterned one. On the one side you lived your life outside the brothers’ group and on the second side you helped them to reach their goals as criminals. You balanced between the two lives which was surprisingly easy and got easier as the time passed. You had actually started to enjoy working with the brothers and even most of the time when you were supposed to be enjoying your day offs you found yourself in their company.
Now you were all gathered to the small private room that was a part of the club the brothers owned. You had your drinks and you were playing a mix of ’Spin the bottle’ and 'Truth or dare?' – such cliché games but no one had dared to decline as Terzo had suggested it. However, the game was also a good way to get to know more about each other. So far the truths hadn’t been very revealing and you couldn’t help but think if everyone deliberately avoided too personal questions.
When the empty bottle stopped to point at you, you let out a small groan, and Terzo grinned at you.
”Truth or dare?” he asked and you thought for a moment which one would be good to choose.
”Truth,” you decided and Terzo’s grin only widened as he rubbed his hands together. You waited what he could come up with, the dread rippling within you.
”Who is the most handsome of us brothers?” Terzo asked, earning a shove from Omega. He apologized to his boyfriend with a sweet smile and a quick kiss on Omega’s lips before his eyes settled back on you.
You swallowed, gaze moving between the brothers who didn’t seem that surprised by Terzo’s question.
”You can’t ask that,” you tried to come up with some lame excuse so you didn’t have to answer.
”I just asked and you have to answer,” Terzo said, still grinning. ”The rules…”
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip from your drink, before burying your face into your hands. To you the answer was clear as a day and you were pretty sure that everyone else in the room knew it, too.
”You know it already,” you mumbled, looking up.
”Just say it,” Terzo pressured and you knew you had no options. With a sigh you gave the answer.
Terzo whistled and others – except Secondo – clapped, grins on their faces. You kind of wanted to hide somewhere but waited until their reactions settled, your eyes finally meeting Secondo’s properly. His expression didn’t give much away but he was relaxed, a small smile tucking at his lips and it was enough to ease the dread within you.
You didn’t know exactly what was between you and Secondo but it certainly was something different. It had been different right from the start.
”Hey, Secondo, this is the one you should not let go, ever,” Copia said and you saw the look in Secondo’s eyes changing as he stared at you. The softness that you had seen more lately, was there now.
”I know,” Secondo said, voice low and sure, and it made your heart jolt, warmth creep onto your cheeks. There were more whistles and clapping before Primo’s voice interrupted it.
”Alright, enough.”
You flashed him a grateful smile – he knew when to step in and calm the situation and everyone respected him. They quieted down, took sips of their drinks and Terzo had a quick – probably very sweet – conversation with Omega and Omega moved his chair closer, throwing his hand around Terzo’s shoulders and resting his head against Terzo’s.
They were cute together but you didn’t miss the way something tugged your chest – while you were glad they had each other, seeing them like that reminded you of your past. Of what you had lost and what you longed for.
It hurt less now and you could easily put that feeling aside and focus on something else. So you reached for the empty bottle on the middle of the table, setting it spinning – signaling that the game was still on.
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Everyone else had already left the base but you had stayed to write some code, yet, and try some new things out. Secondo had stayed, too, and was now in his room and you knew not to disturb him unless there was an emergency. You were so focused on your code writing that you didn’t notice the man coming close by before he cleared his throat behind you.
You jumped at that, nearly knocking over your mug – luckily it was empty. Otherwise the coffee might have ended up on the keyboard.
”Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” Secondo said quietly and you brushed it off with a wave of a hand.
”Are you leaving?” you asked, continuing writing the code.
”No,” Secondo replied. ”I need to show you something.”
You stopped your task, tilting your head so you could look at Secondo.
”Just follow me,” he said and you blinked, watching as he started to head towards his room. Hesitantly, you stood up and walked after him, wondering what he wanted to show you. He stopped by the door, nodding as an invitation to go into the room, and you stepped into it, immediately starting to take in the contents of it.
”You said you wanted to know more about why we do this all. This explains it,” Secondo said behind you and you heard the door closing.
There was a desk on the right side, filled with papers, files, and a picture with frames. On the left there was a wall full of pictures, pieces of papers, notes, a map with marks. It reminded you of those criminal series where the cops put together all the information and tried to find out who was behind the murders.
You walked over to the desk, hesitantly reaching for the framed picture, taking it your hands. There was a woman and a child – a little girl – in it. With furrowed brows you slowly turned to Secondo and you didn’t have to even ask as Secondo spoke, eyes filled with sadness.
”My wife and daughter. They were murdered seven years ago.”
It felt like a blow straight to the heart and you gasped. Your thoughts started to roll like whirlwind, putting together one plus one while images of your own past mixed in.
”We never found out who was behind it,” Secondo continued after a while, his voice sounding… broken. ”And that’s what we’ve been trying to find out. Or I am. My brothers have tried to make me stop but I won’t. I can’t.”
You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut, feeling the tears burning in them. It all started to make sense now – the way Secondo had acted and why he had been so guarded. But now, as you opened your eyes again, you could see the man’s walls breaking down, showing all the pain he carried within himself.
With a shaking hands you placed the picture back onto the desk, then stepped closer to Secondo, your heart breaking at the sight of him. You knew how he felt – you knew how much it hurt to lose someone you loved and you knew what it was like to live and not to know who had killed them. Secondo’s eyes were moist and he was breathing sharply, clearly trying to hold it together. Carefully you lifted your hand up to cup his cheek as your tears finally got free. He flinched slightly but didn’t pull away and you let out a shaky breath.
”Nearly four years ago…” you started, collecting your courage, ”…someone I loved was killed. I was devastated. The police didn’t find out who was behind it and it certainly wasn’t an accident. So I took the matter in my own hands and tried to find the killer. I spent weeks going through all the information I could get – some of it found by hacking – but I always ended up in a dead end. I was angry and disappointed but it was all I could do. Then I had to give up. I had to start living even though it felt so hard.”
A single tear escaped from Secondo’s eye and gently you wiped it away while your own tears run down your cheeks.
”I realized that no matter what I did, it wouldn’t bring them back. If I had continued to search for the answers, it would have killed me eventually,” you continued, voice thick and rough with emotions.
”I can’t stop,” Secondo said, the tone of his voice being like a cut to your heart.
”Because this all makes the pain at least a little more tolerable.”
The words broke your heart even more, you could feel the burden of grief weighing you down, and you hoped that you could somehow take that pain away from Secondo, from yourself. But you knew that there was no such a power in this world that could do so. So you did the best thing you could do – tried to reason with him.
”Secondo, please…” you pleaded, moving your other hand up, grabbing a fistfull of his shirt on his chest. ”It’s been so long… You are only harming yourself by keeping doing this.”
Secondo let out a pained noise, more tears escaping from his eyes.
”You have to stop. I didn’t know them but I’m sure they wouldn’t want you to do this. They would want you to live.”
Secondo shook his head, his hands finding their way to your sides, fingertips pressing into your sides hard. You brought your face closer to his, gritting your teeth and laying out your heart.
”I won’t let you do this anymore. I can’t let the one person who has made me feel something in years to destroy himself. The feelings that I thought I would never feel again. So please…”
By now you were so close that you could feel Secondo’s breath on your face. Secondo blinked, a mix of emotions passing in his eyes. You let go of his shirt and pumped your fist against his chest quite hard. Quickly he took a hold your wrist while his other arm wrapped around your back and you swallowed as his expression turned to threatening, gaze filling with fire. For a moment you thought you had crossed a line but that thought was soon wiped away as his lips smashed against yours.
The kiss was rough, Secondo putting all of his anger, grief and despair into it and you took it all as it was. As the air became needed, you pulled away, breathing heavily, eyes searching for Secondo’s. His expression was now softened, yet you could see how conflicted he still was on the inside.
”You…” he started, releasing your wrist and moving the hand under your chin, running his thumb over your lower lip. ”You’ve been getting under my skin right from the start and I don’t know why.”
One of your brows shot up, a small grin tucking at your lips.
”Life has its mysterious ways but maybe we can try to find out what this is.”
Secondo seemed to hesitate for a moment before he leaned his forehead agains yours.
”We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Your grin only got wider.
”We definitely should,” you stated and pulled the man into another kiss.
While there was still a pile of things to unravel, you were finally starting to feel the puzzle pieces find their places. During the months you and Secondo had found a common ground, learned to care about one another in your own way, and now you were united by a tragic past, sharing and understanding the pain of loss. It might not be the best way to start whatever was slowly blooming between you but you only had one life to live.
And you would be crazy not to live it to the fullest.
This might be a small step on your joined path but who knew, maybe it would eventually lead to something greater. Something more profound. And maybe it would someday let you both have that peace you longed for deep within.
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cowboyemeritus · 1 year
Pour Some Sugar On Me (Papa IV/Reader)
A little something something in honor of the Spillways collab. (18+)
Read on AO3
“Woah there, amore!” Copia wraps an arm around your waist as the two of you stumble into the bedroom. It’s about two in the morning, and the little shin-dig to celebrate the release of the Spillways collab is finally starting to wind down. You’re still feeling the effects of the drinks you’ve consumed over the course of the evening, and although you wouldn’t consider yourself “drunk,” per se, you are definitely a bit lubricated. You have no idea where Copia is at right now, but it seems he’s in less of a state than you are.
Giggling, you turn to face your lover and begin covering his face in kisses. For the sake of his papal paints, you’ve had to hold back for most of the night, only giving him chaste pecks on the lips at opportune moments. It was hard, but you were so brave about it. Now that the two of you are alone, however, you’re free to do what you like.
“I’m so proud of you baby,” you sigh, pressing your mouth to his. Your arms reflexively come to rest on his shoulders, a hand reaching up to run through his hair. “I hope you’re proud, too. You deserve this.” Copia smiles, his eyes filled with warmth. After years of being with him the white eye has ceased to be intimidating. Now, it’s one of many things you find breathtakingly beautiful about him. Copia, your Papa. The thought makes your stomach flutter.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he says. You break away from him, waving dismissively.
“Oh, enough of that,” you exclaim, wobbling over to the bed and flopping down. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” You drape one of your arms across your forehead and sigh dramatically. “And it tears me apart, caro!” Copia can’t help but laugh at the way you butcher his accent. He’s still a bit tipsy himself, but Sathanas, you have no idea just how hammered you actually are. He kicks off his shoes before he saunters over to the wardrobe and begins unbuttoning his vest. Sparing a glance in your direction, he sees you’re still sprawled out.
“Do you want to come get ready for bed, bellissima?” He asks, making a mental note to get you to drink some water soon. It’s not often you let yourself get this loose, especially in front of the wider Clergy body, but he suspects it wasn’t entirely your doing. Those fruity little drinks Swiss likes to make can really sneak up on a person. That’s a lesson he’s learned the hard way… several times.
You hum and nod. “In a sec,” you mumble. It feels like you’re sinking into the mattress. “I’m having… I’m having horizontal time.” Copia raises an eyebrow but ultimately lets you do your thing.
“Okie-dokie, then. Suit yourself.” He goes back to undressing, and your half-lidded eyes widen just a bit as he removes his vest and moves on to unbutton that frilly black dress shirt you love so much. You can’t help but admire the soft contours of his body as more and more of his skin is exposed to the low light of the bedroom. He’s just… ugh, it’s hard to put into words how much you love this man and are hot and bothered for him at the same time.
It’s a bit of a struggle, but you’re able to purse your lips just right to make a sharp wolf-whistle. The noise startles Copia out of whatever thoughts he was lost in and he jumps just a little.
“Hey, handsome. Come here often?” He chuckles and rolls his eyes.
“As a matter of fact, I do. And I have a very lovely lady to thank for that.” You squeal, warmth already pooling in your abdomen. Copia shoots you a self-satisfied look. He’s clearly proud of himself for that one. “Yeah? You like when I say nasty little things to you?”
“I do, Papa,” you nod. “You make me feel…” You start to trail a hand down your body and sigh. When you don’t finish he looks to you expectantly and gestures for you to continue.
“I make you feel..? Use your words, topolina.” The tips of your fingers just barely brush over your clothed sex and you let out a small moan.
“You make me feel so hot.” You start to massage yourself through the fabric of your black cocktail dress and Copia hums in agreement.
“That is quite a coincidence,” he purrs. “You make me feel the same way.” With all the buttons undone, he makes a show of taking the shirt off, choosing to toss it onto a nearby chair instead of hanging it up. Dancing to unheard music, he starts unlacing his pants. You cheer him on as he does so, giving you a nice ass wobble every so often. His cock is already straining against the fabric, and he sighs with relief when he’s finally able to shimmy the garment down his legs. You’re almost taken aback when it springs free; you keep forgetting that these pants leave little to no room for underwear; not that you really mind.
This whole time you’ve been touching yourself with increasing speed and pressure. The sight of Copia in front of you, naked save for his socks, has you approaching your climax a lot faster than you were expecting. To keep from spoiling the fun, you have to force yourself to back down.
“Mmm, baby, come here,” you beg, reaching out towards your lover. He can’t help but laugh when you start making grabby hands at him. Much to your disappointment, you watch as Copia retrieves his discarded shirt, hanging it back up in the wardrobe before slipping into a pair of boxers. You stare at him incredulously as he pads over where you’re laying on the bed. In what feels like an instant, he’s leaning over and practically shoving his tongue down your throat. You gasp into his mouth when a hand snakes up your dress and roughly grabs your core. 
As soon as it starts, it’s over; you’re left breathless, reeling, and grasping at reality as Copia meanders into the bathroom. Your gazes meet for a fraction of a second as he’s shutting the door and you see it; you see that look in his eyes that screams work for it, and your resolution just crumbles. He’s outmaneuvered you again, the son of a bitch. 
In a drunken trance, you manage to strip yourself of your shoes, then your dress, bra, and panties, before practically crawling after him. Opening the bathroom door, you find Copia in the process of rinsing off his paints for the night. You stand in the doorway, swaying ever so slightly as you wait for him to finish. It’s only after he’s done drying his face that he finds you kneeling before him. The cold tile is harsh against your knees, but the look of satisfaction on Copia’s face drowns out the unpleasant sensation. He barely has time to lean back against the bathroom counter before you’re sliding the tip of his cock past your lips. You both shudder as he fills your throat completely.
“Oh, cazzo,” is all he has to offer before he’s fucking himself into your mouth like he hates you. And Sweet Satan, it certainly feels like he does. You’re gagging and sputtering almost immediately, moaning around his cock whenever you have the breath for it. Copia gathers your hair into a ponytail and twists it around his fist so he can more precisely guide you along the length of his shaft. Your head spins with the euphoria of oxygen deprivation, and when you reach down to tend to your own needs, the vibrations from the moan you let out make Copia grimace.
“Lucifero all’inferno, la tua bocca è diabolica.” The use of his mother tongue goes straight to your core, and your hips buck into your hand. You’re already sopping wet, and the relaxation the alcohol brings makes slipping two fingers into your cunt a relatively easy task. You moan once again and Copia gasps, pulling partway out of your mouth and pinching his thumb and forefinger in a ring around the base of his cock. He goes completely still and for moment you think you’ve brought him over the edge. When he fails to cum down your throat and retreats from your mouth entirely, a thread of salvia connecting your tongue and his head, you know you’re in for a real treat. You cheekily try to chase after him, but that only earns you a harsh tug to your hair that jerks your head back.
“Keep touching yourself, amore mio,” he pants. “I want you to cum for me.” You don’t need to be told twice and go back to fucking your fingers into your pussy. Your other hand shifts down to play with your clit, and Copia bites his lip at the pathetic noise you make. With one hand still gripping your hair, he begins to slowly stroke his cock with the other, letting out a groan when your eyes meet. The hungry look on his face sends you careening towards your orgasm.
“Oh, Papa,” you sigh in the most pornographic voice you can muster. He’s got you exactly where he wants you: kneeling at his feet and ready to gush all over the bathroom floor. It’s not long before you’re doing just that, contorting your body as waves of pleasure slam into you. The way your head spins is almost nauseating, and if not for Copia’s firm grip keeping you upright, you’re certain you would have keeled over by now. That’s your darling Papa, always taking such good care of you.
As you come back to the waking world, Copia is jerking himself faster and harder. From the way his face is ever so slightly scrunched up, you can tell he’s close. Trying to spur him on, your hands come up to squeeze and caress your breasts, and you bend back ever so slightly to present your chest to him. The sight has Copia groaning, his fist flying up and down his length.
“Cum all over me, baby,” you whine, sticking your tongue out ever so slightly. He’s so lost in his own pleasure that the grip on your hair slips, enabling you to quickly lean forward and lick a stripe over the head of his cock. When your tongue makes contact with the slit, Copia falls over the edge at last. You swear you could cum again just from the gorgeous moan that leaves his mouth as the first warm rope of seed streaks across your face. By some miracle, he narrowly misses shooting directly into your eye.
“Madre empia,” he manages to choke out, bucking and twitching into his fist. He coats your face and chest in a profuse amount of cum before slumping back against the sink, running his clean hand through his hair. Your job finished, you finally collapse on the tile, rolling onto your back and shutting your eyes as you scramble to catch your breath. There’s some shuffling, some opening and closing of cabinets, and then you feel the warmth of Copia’s body as he gently cradles you with one arm, beckoning you to sit up. You hum appreciatively as he wipes his spend from your body with a wet washcloth, your eyes cracking open when he presses a glass to your lips. The cold water is like nectar and you gulp it down greedily.
“That sober you up,” Copia asks, “or did that just make it worse?” You snicker, shrugging.
“Either way, I’m going to be feeling absolutely wonderful in the morning.” And although you can already feel the dreaded hangover pressing behind your eyes, you smile, just happy to have pleased your Papa.
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skywarpie · 1 year
Never Love an Anchor
I have a lot of feeling about Imperator as a mother. Best if having listened to this song, which gave me the inspiration and title. 
Tags: typical angst, Imperator as a mother, and a baby Copia
AO3 Link ---  3,316k words
Her heels clack against the marble floor, her figure swaying to and fro. A hand rests protectively against her still flat belly, something that will surely change in the months to come. If she’s being honest, Imperator has never really seen children in her future. Not because she dislikes them or anything. More along the lines of knowing she’ll never be able to fully tie herself to one person in such an intimate manner. Or well, that’s what she thought anyway. Current circumstances speak differently.
There’s just something about Nihil that makes her drop all her defenses (her clothes also apparently). Maybe it’s because he’s such a smooth talker. Or it could be that he’s devilishly handsome. Or maybe it’s just because she sees something in him that she’s never seen in anyone before. 
She grimaces. Smooth talker he is indeed. His three sons that reside within the ministry, each having a different mother are subject enough to that. Imperator scoffs under her breath. It’s also evident that Nihil is not the ideal father, but she’s not too worried about that. It’ll be easy to put him in his place. It’s only when he’s out of the ministries walls that issue will arise. She can’t risk there being a fifth Emeritus. It’s already bad enough her own child will be fourth in succession.
The heavy doors to the Whisky  a Go Go give way easily under her pull and she makes her way inside the dimly lit building, climbing the steps to have the highest view of the man in question. At the moment he’s singing – fuck, she honestly has no idea what song he’s even singing. Half of the time she’s hardly paying attention to that, occupied with other activities. 
The ghouls that stand behind him strum and finger their instruments in time with Nihil’s vocals. It’s a hypnotizing scene. They all make for the perfect sight. Nihil portrays the brilliant flawless leader and his ghouls emitting a threatening atmosphere. It’s intoxicating.
Imperator’s attention is dragged from the scene in front of her as a woman to her left shrieks with laughter. It’s an annoying, earsplitting laugh and her disdain only grows as she watches the woman blow out a plume of smoke after taking a drag from her cigarette. 
Her deft hand darts out and snatches the afflicting object from the clumsy hands of the drunk woman beside her. 
“Hey! What the fuck –” her voice is cut off by an equally shrill yell as Imperator presses the burning end of the cigarette to her skin. Thankfully (for the girl) she isn’t too drunk to get the message and quickly stumble away. 
She smiles, proud of herself. Maybe she does have a motherly instinct somewhere deep inside her. Her hand once more places itself on her abdomen, rubbing absentmindedly. The plan is to tell Nihil after the show and once he’s good and wasted. He’s a fucking sappy drunk and it’s the perfect time to drop such a bombshell on him because come morning he’ll be armed with the knowledge and nowhere to go.
The song he’s singing finishes and Imperator makes to wave at him but she stops dead in her tracks, eyes widening and face falling.
Nihil leans down into the crowd, grabbing every woman near he can, planting disgustingly wet kisses onto their mouths. Her hands that have planted themselves on the banister begin to curl, her sharp nails digging into the wood beneath them. One, two, she’s not sure how many he kisses. More than she wants to admit. 
It’s then that he glances up to the balcony, mismatched eyes landing on her. She knows by the expression he wears that he’s panicking internally. Not because he’s worried he made her mad, but more so that she caught him in the act. She doesn’t give him the chance to hop from stage and stumble toward her before she turns and marches out, now on a mission of her own.
She sniffles, despite herself. It’s hormones. She tells herself. Mainly because she’s never been one to openly show emotions in any sense. Fucking stupid idiot. She slings articles of clothing and some of her personal belongings into the suitcase stretched out on her bed. The idea that Nihil could be a perfect father was nothing but a figment of her imagination and now she’s paying the price. Not only is she angry with him, but this thing inside of her is forcing her to leave the only home she’s ever accepted as her own. 
She steps back and takes a deep breath. Her hands flexing at her sides. It’s not that baby’s fault. She has to remind herself of this over and over, otherwise she knows she’ll do something that she’ll more than likely regret in the long run. 
“We don’t need him.” She rests her hand on her belly again. “He’ll only make things harder. You’ll be so much better than him.” 
Grumbling, Imperator slams her suitcase shut and slings it off the bed, tugging it down the ministry halls. Nihil hasn’t returned yet which is good. She doesn’t think she can deal with his whining and bitching right now without snapping. 
She makes her way out of the large wooden doors and down the concrete stairs to the taxi that waits at the bottom. The driver practically jumps out of the car upon seeing her, rushing forward to take her suitcase from her. More than likely he’s hoping to get lucky. A smirk crosses her face. Pathetic little man. 
Once placing her belongings safely in the trunk, the driver rushes forward to yank her door open for her. She gives him a small smile, surprisingly it’s genuine. The man practically melts under her attention. 
“Where – uh where to, Miss?” He stumbles over his words as he practically dive bombs into the car. 
She hums, looking out the window and pulling her fur shawl tighter around her delicate shoulders. “Airport. I have a plane to Italy to catch.”
His eyebrows almost rise off his face as he regards her in the rearview mirror. “Someone special waiting on you there?” 
Imperator has to physically keep herself from rolling her eyes. What is it with men and thinking they’re entitled to know every aspect of a woman’s life? As if she would even consider lying next to him. “No.” She sniffs. “It’s a treat for myself.” Her eyes meet his and the man drops contact immediately, realizing he’s not getting lucky anytime soon. He nods and the car begins to pull out of the long driveway.
She looks out the window, capturing every detail of her church and confining it to her memory. She’ll be back, she obviously knows this. It’s just, she doesn’t know how long that will be. It will obviously be the typical nine months but…what if she changes her mind from what she’s decided? What if she can’t part with the baby and remains at the new branch of the church, confined by her love and care for some small crying blob. 
No. She straightens herself in her seat, cracking her neck. She’ll arrive in Italy, seek out that branch of the ministry, stay there long enough to have her baby, and, as much as she hates it, she will leave them with the nuns there. There’s no way to return home with a child and try to explain it off as “Oh I just found this sweet little thing.” 
Besides, it’s best if the baby grows up as far away from Nihil as possible. Otherwise it will always be destined to fail.
As the months progressed, Imperator as it turns out, had nothing to worry about when it came to Nihil bombarding her with shitty love letters. None ever arrive and it’s honestly a breath of fresh air. 
She’s fallen into a nice routine here. She wakes, helps the sisters of sin, listening to sermons and does what few chores she’s been assigned. Her belly is nearly the size of a beach ball now and it makes certain tasks hard to do. That accompanied with how winded she easily gets now, the sisters are loath to let her overwork herself, but she insists that she can do more. It lands on deaf ears.
It’s a warm summer day in late July when it happens. She’s tending to the small garden of herbs that decorate one of the many window sills along the kitchens when the pain hits her. She takes a step back as she gasps, grabbing at her side. Just a cramp. She tells herself, but it’s quickly proven to be a lie as another cramp engulfs her. Imperator doubles over, cradling the large outline of her stomach as she screams. Has it already been nine months? Her thoughts are cut short as she crumples to the ground. Several sisters rush forward, trying to get her up and to the infirmary. 
She doesn’t remember much after that. Well, except for the excruciating pain that lasts for what feels like years, but is more along the lines of twenty hours. There’s far too many people in the room for her liking but she’s not really in any condition to argue. 
Eventually it does it and she’s handed a tiny screaming bundle wrapped in a blue blanket. Ah, a boy. Imperator knows she should refuse to hold him. If she holds him it’s only going to make leaving even harder, even though she knows it’s best for him.
A sister offers up the bundle again and she caves, taking the baby into her arms. The tiny scrunched up face relaxes and a smile crosses the tiny features as he acknowledges his mother for the first time. 
Imperator caves. She blames it on her raging emotions as she begins crying, holding the baby close to her chest. The tiny grin never leaves his small face, even as he yawns and begins to drift into a fitful sleep. Suddenly it feels like everything was worth it. That the whole ordeal with Nihil, the long months here in Italy, the painfully long labor, it feels like it was all for a reason and that reason is buried in a blanket in her arms, cooing softly.
“Have you chosen a name, Sister?” One of the younger siblings asks. Her accent is thick and Imperator silently hopes that maybe when she meets her son again he’ll have the same. It’s very distinguished. 
“Ah, brave ruler. A strong name!” The sister grins.
A strong name indeed. For a ruler he will be, one day.
Originally Imperator had told herself she would leave after a month. That would allow time for her body to recover, somewhat, and long enough for the baby to get accustomed with his new caretakers.
That plan had quickly been scrapped as the second month quickly approached her, then the third, then the fourth, then the fifth. Each day baby Riccardo grew more and more and she loved watching and learning new things. He was already trying to crawl, which was something advanced for his age. 
Imperator feels herself fill with pride as she watches him figure out what hole his block shapes fit into. Each time he gets one right she lets out a small yay lightly clapping her hands, the baby giggles and squeals in delight. 
Finally one day a sister spots her in the hallway and waves her over. Imperator readjusting the baby on her hip that’s content to play with the free strands of her hair. 
“Sister.” The sibling quietly begins. “It has been nearly six months since he arrived.” She motions to the baby.
Her brows knit together. “And?” She knows where this is going.
“Well,” the sister twiddles her thumbs together. “You don’t have to leave him. Not if you don’t want to.”
Imperator’s stare turns cold. “You think I’m unaware of that?” The baby in her arms pats at her cheek lightly. “Riccardo, stop.” She grabs his small hand before turning back to the sibling. “I have thought well and hard about this. I know what I’m doing.”
The sibling nods and tucks their head as they hurry off. She watches them and bounces the baby on her hip. She’s already been here too long. Imperator knows what she has to do.
It’s a cold and rainy day early in the new year when Sister has a ghoul haul her suitcase to the waiting car. Funny. The day she had arrived here it had been sunny and only peaceful. It seems fitting that her departure would be accompanied by rain. 
She walks around her room bouncing the baby that sleeps in her arms. He’s grown so much and he’s so smart. Her heart swells with pride. This is her son. The only indication of who his father is is the mismatched eyes that adorn his small handsome face. 
Imperator makes her way to the parlor as slow as possible, trying to savor any little moment she can, imprinting everything to memory. She gnaws her lip. It’s what’s best for him. She reminds herself and she reluctantly places the baby into the waiting arms of a sibling. Theirs, along with the others present, have their sorrowful mood plastered on their faces. But she ignores it.
Riccardo’s tiny arms stretch as he wakes up and for a moment Imperator feels her heart sink. This would be so much easier if he were to stay asleep but he doesn’t. His tiny eyes blinking open as he yawns. He blinks as he looks at the sibling holding him and then to his mother.
“My sweet boy.” She smooths his brunette hair back. Her hands cup his tiny face as she plasters kisses on them with dramatic mwah’s, making him laugh. “You be good.” Sister pulls back to look at him. So young and yet it feels like the baby staring back at her is twice his age. He knows what she’s doing. “You’ll take good care of him?” It’s a demand but it comes out more like a question. 
“Of course.” A sibling places a hand on her shoulder. “You can visit whenever you want.” They smile.
Imperator doesn’t match the sentiment. “I will send for him once he has finished his schooling.” That’s such a long time. A pit forms in her stomach and she feels a wave of nausea settling over her. He’ll be grown. It sinks in that this is the last time she will ever see him as he is now, small, round, and full of joy. Her hand lingers on Riccardo’s cheek a second longer before she pulls it away. “Thank you.” She nods to the sibling and turns to make her way toward the door.
Riccardo wails. His small arms flail as he reaches out for his mother.  Imperator steals herself. She knows if she turns around she’ll stay right here with her little boy and never leave. She bites her lip and walks out the doors. Her baby’s screams and cries are the last thing she hears as she piles into the car, looking out the opposite window, refusing to look back at the tiny human that pleads for her to return.
“I don’t understand what’s so great about this Cardinal.” Nihil’s voice drips with poison. 
“He’s the youngest in our congregation to achieve the status of Cardinal. You don’t think that’s something great?” Imperator’s voice matches his as she crosses her arms. It’s been nearly three decades since she’s returned from Italy on an impromptu trip. Claiming she needs space from Nihil after the incident at the Whisky a Go Go. Being the idiot he is, Nihil accepts it with no qualms. 
“I suppose.” He groans. “But it seems incredibly unnecessary to bring in another Cardinal when we already have several.” 
Imperator rolls her eyes. “He’s arriving and you will meet him this evening.” She turns to leave but stops, turning back around. “And you will be nice.” 
Nihil cocks a brow but nods.
She’s sitting at her desk, signing off on church finances when there’s a knock at her door. “Come in.” She doesn’t look up at the ghoul that enters.
“Ms. Imperator,” the ghoul starts, “Cardinal Copia.” They move out of the way and motion to the man behind them. 
Now she does look up. Copia? That’s not his name, no it’s – why do you think he should keep the name that a mother who abandoned him gave to him? She rubs her forehead and motions for the man to enter. The ghoul bows then closes the door behind them as they exit.
Now she gets a good look at the man. His features have filled out nicely, making him quite handsome. His sharp nose accentuates his rounded face. Sideburns decorating his jaw and the pencil thin mustache that adorns his lip gives him a suave aura about him. His black cassock makes him look taller than what he really is, but it suits him. Surely siblings are practically knocking down his door every night. 
The man clears his throat, wringing his hands in front of him. “Uh, Si-Sister Imperator, I am –”
“Copia.” Riccardo, her mind screams. She motions for him to sit in the chair across from her, which he does but his gloved hands twitch like they don’t know where they’re supposed to settle. 
“I was – I was rather surprised that you chose me to join your sect of the church.” He laughs awkwardly, mismatched eyes looking anywhere but at her. 
He’s just nervous. The thought that this is a result of her leaving settles deep in the back of her brain. “And why’s that?” She steeples her hands under her chin.
Now he looks entirely dumbfounded. “I – well – I – I mean there are others far more qualified for this position than myself.” There’s that nervous laughter again. It causes Imperator to frown. She doesn’t like the way he speaks of himself.
“Cardinal, you are the youngest to ever gain such a title in our church. Do you not think that’s something worth acknowledging?” Her brow quirks. 
Copia swallows thickly and fidgets in his seat uncomfortably. “I – I did work rather hard.” He doesn’t meet her gaze.
“Ri – Cardinal,” she catches herself, practically shouting the title and causing the nervous man before her to squeak. “There are no others in this church that have arisen to the title of Cardinal at the age of thirty. You are the first.” She begins to feel that bit of pride swell inside of her again.
“Right.” He nods. 
The longer she studies him, the more Imperator sees her own features in the man. She sees some of Nihil too, unfortunately. It’s not his fault his father is a fucking idiot and he bears resemblance in some sense to him.
Briefly she wonders if he recognizes her. Does he remember her singing to him? Holding him? Kissing and hugging him? No, of course not. That was thirty years ago. Any semblance of memory relating to her has since dissipated.
“Have you been shown your rooms?” She breaks the silence. 
“Oh – uhm, no. No.” He shakes his head. “I was instructed to come here first.” 
So he follows orders? That’s good. Something she can keep filed away for when she sees useful to use it. “Come then.” She stands and motions as she makes her way to the door. “I will show you.”
A brief wide eyed look crosses the Cardinal’s face, but he nods. The man awkwardly stumbles against the chair he was seated in as he makes to follow her. 
She can’t help the brief smile that stretches across her lips. Her son is finally home. He may not know that he is her son, and he may be a bit awkward and clumsy, but he’s home. Imperator doesn’t plan on letting him go a second time.
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carbo-ships · 11 months
Post Hoc - Chapter VII
Start: Chapter I Previous: Chapter VI
Ardis felt herself growing more and more anxious as the rehearsal went on. Why was Aether flirting with her again? They’d talked about this. He’d been very sensitive to their unfortunate situation up until Terzo’s arrival. Sure, he’d sent a few smug grins her way, but nothing like this. It was like her first couple of weeks all over again. His hip thrusts were directed at her once again, the winking was back, he was showing off his biceps every chance he got… The angel was startled out of her thoughts when Terzo’s hand wrapped around her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. His nimble fingers rubbed slow circles into her arm, grounding her with his presence.
She couldn’t help but think about what Terzo had said the night before. Jealous. What right does he have to be? She felt a pang in her heart. He had a point. As much as it hurt to admit it to herself, the ghoul had no claim over her. There was no shame in enjoying Terzo’s attention. She hardly knew the man, but he’d been so sweet to her in the short time since they’d met. He was handsome and charming, and while he was the catalyst for Aether’s sudden change in behavior, he was also a welcome distraction from it. She relaxed under his touch.
Swiss could see things were getting out of hand. Aether was overdoing it and pushing the girl away. He and Papa were hopeless when they tried to meddle with her heart. He’d thought they would have realized by now that being genuine was their best bet. But no. One ghost shows up, and suddenly everything they’d learned was out the window. He'd told Aether to roll his sleeves up, not strut around like a bird trying to impress a potential mate! Aether must have been desperate. She was falling right into Terzo’s trap, and Swiss had to intervene. Once the song they were playing ended, Swiss extended his hand to Ardis in a silent invitation to join him at his microphone. She hopped up and made her way to him with a smile on her face, Terzo temporarily forgotten behind her. The ex-pope shot the ghoul a quick glare before reassuming a neutral expression. Swiss ignored him. He was more than happy to be the girl's safe harbor as she tried to survive her last couple of weeks at the satanic church. He only hoped that singing at his side would be enough of a distraction from both Aether and Terzo.
It worked initially. The next few songs passed without any incidents. She focused her attention on her harmonies, and he managed to recapture her gaze with his silly dance moves whenever her eyes drifted to either of the other two men. However, his plan fell through when it was time to rehearse "Ritual".
"Still performing that old thing on tour, are you?" Terzo asked, a pleased grin on his face as he turned his attention to Ardis. "I used to sing that one too, you know."
Ardis’s eyes lit up. "You did?"
"I did indeed. During that Popestar tour a few years back. We’ve been singing it since Primo’s days, if you can believe it. Copia, would you mind if I did the honors?" he requested, already standing out of his seat.
Papa forced a smile and held out the microphone for him "Of course not. Please, be my guest." He knew he had to play along.
Ardis was clearly excited. She now knew from experience that her new friend had a lovely voice, and she was eager to hear more. Each musician prepared themself, and Papa took a seat against the back wall. He was nervous. Quite frankly, he didn't even want to look. The idea of Terzo trying to seduce Ardis made him squirm, and now he had a front row seat. He’d simply have to trust in Ardis’s steel will and her lingering crush on Aether.
Sodo started up the song, followed by Mountain and Aether, then finally Rain and the ghoulettes. Aether showed off a bit during his initial riff, eager to draw her attention before Terzo inevitably stole it away.
“Tonight, we’re summoned for a divine cause,” Terzo began, his voice ringing out strong. He had his eyes fixated on Ardis, singing to her. “Rememberance, no, but for their future loss.” Flirting was as natural as breathing for him, especially when he was performing. He knew exactly what to do with his expression and every single muscle in his body. Every time Ardis looked at him, he was staring directly into her eyes. It made her look away in embarrassment. She didn’t understand why he was choosing to perform like this, but it gave her butterflies.
Aether gritted his teeth. He wouldn’t sit idly by while Terzo went about his mission. The ghoul stepped closer to her, too. Ardis tried to focus on her harmonies as the first chorus rolled around, but found it difficult as both men seemingly vied for her attention. Her heart started to race. She didn’t like what was happening.
By the time the second chorus came around, Aether and Terzo were far too close for comfort. Aether flexing his arms, Terzo rolling his hips – Ardis was starting to feel trapped. The moment Terzo sang “to procreate the unholy bastard” with a few thrusts sent in her direction, the angel snapped. She couldn’t take this anymore. She abandoned her spot next to Swiss, slipped past the two men, and ran out of the rehearsal hall.
The music stopped abruptly. "Ardis!" Papa called after her, scrambling to get out of his seat. Terzo untangled himself from the leads, only a pace behind his successor as they tried to follow her out of the room. Aether was the last of the three out the door, slowed by needing to set down his guitar. By the time all three men had made it into the hallway, Ardis had seemingly vanished. Aether swore under his breath. He and Papa shared a helpless glance. They'd done it again.
Terzo pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. This was proving to be more complex than he anticipated. "Does she have a habit of taking off like this?" he sighed.
"She did it the first time I tried to kiss her," Aether admitted, guilt making his ears burn.
"Brilliant," Terzo huffed sarcastically. "I'm going to try to find her and calm her down. I suggest you do not intervene with my efforts further. You've made enough of a mess for one evening." He picked a direction to begin his search for the angel and started down the hallway.
Aether and Papa were momentarily frozen in place. This was bad. "We can't let him find her first," Papa said, taking the words from Aether's mouth. “If you find her, do whatever you must to regain her trust.” Papa and Aether took off in two different direction.
Ardis sat in the chapel's confessional, her knees hugged tight against her chest. The ornate wooden cabinet had two chambers, each with a door – one where Papa tended to sit, and the other for repentant parishioners. She was hiding in the confessors side, overwhelmed and wanting to be alone. Every now and then, she heard her name echo down the hallway or muffled from outside. She stayed put for what seemed like an eternity, not ready to face anyone. She was embarrassed for having reacted the way she did, but what choice did she have?
A stray tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away with her sleeve. She couldn't understand why Aether was acting like this. Was his so-called jealousy over Terzo just an excuse to try to convert her again? For that matter, it seemed Terzo had certainly taken an interest in her. Was he in on it too? She didn't know what to believe or who to trust.
She was startled out of her thoughts when she heard the chapel door open. Ardis quickly dimmed her halo and wings, not wanting their light to shine through the lattice designs carved into the wooden confessional. The footsteps got louder and louder. She held her breath as the shadow paused outside of the confessional.
The door to the adjacent chamber opened and closed, and she heard someone sit down on the priest’s wooden bench with a sigh. "Ardis?"
Next: Chapter VIII
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Could you please please please! Do Papas/cardiac and ghouls reacting to S/O being nervous to do anything because their trans, or coming out to them? (FTM and MTF)
First post in a long time and it’s not even my work! This is something @solofreakk answered for us FOREVER ago that I never even go around to pressing the 8 buttons to post it. How absolutely lazy can I be. But please enjoy (-kat) 
*cracks my knuckles* alright Oingos and Boingos and Those Who Are Neither i’m gonna do my best at this as a trans/nonbinary guy but i definitely don’t speak for everyone’s experiences, so… if you don’t like this i apologize. I want everyone to be supportive of you so if they sound repetitive I’m sorry! And I apologize in advance for not including MTF :( I just feel like trans women and men can have some similar experiences but in the end I don’t think it’s my place to write for them. If there are any trans women out there writing stuff for Ghost i would say Please Shamelessly Shout Yourselves Out In The Replies Ladies.
Papa I: He’s a bit too old for most activities that would reveal you being trans imo. A pride parade is too crazy for him, he doesn’t have the energy to go to the pool or something. If you did he’d just lay there in the sun with a ghoul waiting to open an umbrella when he’s about to start getting too crisp. So if you didn’t go swimming, or take your shirt off, it literally would not raise any questions. He’s not in the water. He might make an offhand comment about how you should enjoy yourself but you could very easily tell him you’d prefer to be sitting with him, and you melting his old man heart like that kills any other question he might’ve even had. If you do end up explaining it to him later, he kindly reminds you there’s nothing wrong with knowing who you are. Encourages you to feel comfortable around him, you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide who you are because of your past. No further questions asked. You can say what you’d like about yourself but he won’t press or get in your business.
Papa II: This man is totally comfortable with nudity. You being opposite is… weird. He’ll ask. Are you insecure? You can say it’s something like that. He’ll be able to tell that you’re kind of dodging the question and he’ll leave it alone. But you’ve piqued his curiosity now. He’s gonna watch you just a little bit closer than he did before. He’ll suggest you guys take a swim, or go to the beach, and when you shoot that down too, he’ll ask. “Is there a reason why?” You can try to make excuses, or be vague, or say a half-truth, but those mismatched eyes see right through you. He probably already knows. When you ask him if he does, he’ll just wrap you in a nice strong Papa II Rare Tender Hug™. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about, you know. It’s okay to decide you’re not what everyone said you were. It’s part of becoming your own person.” Would probably be more bold in asking what your future plans are for yourself. Later on quietly reminds you not to bind for too long, or helps you with shots, or is making sure you’re laid up in luxury if you get top surgery. Supports you even if you’re gnc and don’t bind or don’t plan to transition and would impart his death glare upon anyone who dared to misgender you or treat you poorly.
Papa III: Hope no one shoots me down for saying “Papa III trans man” but *eyes emoji*. He’s gonna recognize your behavior immediately. You sweat at the idea of going to the pool or the beach, you don’t wanna change in front of him, you get nervous if someone calls you pretty instead of handsome. He’ll see you very very discreetly tugging at your binder, or taking deep breaths. And he just knows. And he’s elated. He’s like “OH I AM GONNA MAKE YOU FEEL SO HANDSOME.” Immediately deploys plan “Compliment Anon ‘Til He Dies”. He’s telling you that your hair looks great today, your laugh is so masculine, I love the way your arms look, That shirt is so handsome on you, I’m lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life. Anything it takes to have you know how great you are. If you’re busy melting over the compliments, you might not immediately realize he’s caught on. You’ll probably think he’s just doing his regular Papa III schmoozing. Eventually, it clicks in your head. He’s lauding on you ‘cause he knows. So because he seems so cool with it, you finally work up the nerve to tell him. And he smiles at you and he’s taking his shirt off and whoa whoa WHOA HEY IT’S WORK HOURS MAN- oh. Oh. I see. That’s why. He buttons his shirt back up and pats you on the head and asks if you wanna get top surgery too, and if you say yes he’s literally writing you a check on the spot. He wants you to feel as comfortable in your body as he does in his and if you have any dysphoria woes he is all ears. He’s seriously like ride or die for you bro.
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: He thinks your nervous behavior is totally normal, only because he is also nervous all the time. So he doesn’t even read into it. He’s totally clueless. You don’t wanna go swimming? Okay, yeah, actually he doesn’t really want to do it either. He’s pale, he’d just get burnt. Let’s stay inside all day in our pajamas. You don’t wanna put your pajamas on in front of him? That is also ok, hell let’s change in different rooms. You don’t even have to explain yourself, he just Gets It™. Eventually if you start wondering why he hasn’t asked about your odd behavior, you’ll just ask him. “Did you notice that I’m kinda… weird, about some stuff?” He’ll say he’s weird about stuff too, why should he pry into your personal business? So you press on and tell him you’re trans. You don’t want anyone else to know, for a myriad of reasons. You might start rambling about it, complaining about stuff, talking about what you want. And he’ll just… listen. Nod sometimes to let you know he’s hearing you, and you can keep going if you want. Finally you’ll end it with an exasperated and maybe slightly embarrassed sigh, but before you can apologize he’s pulling you into a hug. You are free to talk about it as much as you want, especially if you don’t tell anyone else. You’ve got all this stuff weighing on your mind and no one to vent it to, and he’s flattered you finally felt comfortable enough to let him know something so personal. 
Dewdrop: Dare I say it… I headcanon Dewdrop as trans too… He’s much more like me though, feisty and kinda gnc. Like III, he’s gonna catch onto your behavior immediately. He’s not gonna make any moves to let you know that he knows, though. Just quietly be in your corner. Well, as quiet as Dew gets. He’s gonna… violently be in your corner. If he finds out someone misgendered you or committed some related act he considers a heinous crime, they’re losing some teeth. He’ll take a chunk out of them if someone isn’t there to rein him in. Eventually when you confide in him that you’re trans, he’s telling you that’s cool. You ask him why he’s so chill about it and he’s just smirking at you. “What…?” You ask. “Seriously, what? Why- ooohhh…” You’re free to not bind around him because most of the time, he doesn’t. He’s not gonna judge you for anything. Whether you wanna be traditionally masculine or be lax about gender norms, he’s gonna tell you you’re cool as Hell no matter what. Admires your courage in coming out to him and will take your secret to the grave.
Aether: First may I start this off by saying I may or may not have asked Aether, like irl, if he said “trans rights”. To which Aether kindly and genuinely said, “Does [Aether] say “trans rights”? Of course trans rights!” So there you have it Fosters and Peoples. Mr. Quintessential Ghoul himself did indeed say trans rights and I’ve never been happier to have asked someone that. I digress… He’s not gonna focus too much on odd behavior or nerves. It’s not because he’s got his head in the clouds, it’s just because this is a Judgement Free Zone™. If and/or when you come out to him, expect him to say, “Hell yeah, you do what’s right for you!” He’s got your back. If you want help with something, say an outfit or you need a new binder, he’s gonna help you figure it out. If you ask him not to tell anyone else, his lips are sealed. 
Mountain: He is so used to being taller than everyone else so if you’re a short king (like me 5’3 man gang rise up [but not too high]) that does not make him ask any questions. He’s also out of your business when it comes to how you dress, or messing with your shirt, or not wanting to do certain activities, etc. He just… it’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s that he’s chill about everything. So chill in fact that eventually one day you just casually mention it. And he’s like, “Neat, you have lore.” Which is hilarious. He’s probably likely to ask if you’re making sure not to wear your binder for too long. He wants you to take good care of yourself, y’know, you’re really cool and you should treat your body kindly. He’ll ask if anyone else knows and if you tell him you’d rather they not find out immediately, he’s already giving you a thumbs up and making sure any question directed at your gender is immediately shot down.
Swiss: Swiss is too focused on having a good time and being good to everyone who deserves kindness to worry about why or why not you don’t want to go to the pool with them. You’ve got your reasons and that’s enough, although he’ll sorely miss you because he could use the extra help in fending Dew off in the water gun fight that most definitely will end in bloodshed if Aether doesn’t step in. Eventually he’ll convince you to maybe go, but not before you cave and tell him you can’t be seen with your shirt off. He’s smart enough to know what that means. No worries! And you know what? In solidarity he just won’t take his off, either. Will support you regardless of how you choose to present yourself and will sometimes casually gift you a new shirt or something, “because I think you’d look really handsome in it.”
Rain: Tender boy. He literally would not pry or push you to tell him anything you didn’t seem like you wanted to say. If you come out to him, that’s completely on your terms. I think he might eventually have a feeling, but he’s not going to make assumptions about you and will let you tell him when you’re ready, and even if you never do, that’s ok too. When you do tell him, he’s completely supportive and won’t make you feel any less of a man about yourself. Is a bit sad to know that you may struggle with dysphoria and he wants you to know that you’re a wonderful person, inside and out, even if you don’t always see it.
Cirrus: She notices your odd behavior, but she’s polite and chooses not to say anything about it. She doesn’t want to make you feel like she’s judging you or scare you or make you uncomfortable. She probably doesn’t flat out make assumptions about you, but she does think about it occasionally. Eventually when you come out to her, she completely understands. Sings her praises about how nice it is that you trust her enough to tell her something so personal about yourself, and says she’s thankful to have such a great person in her life. Also she’s always been your protective mom friend, but if you need anyone to get punched for saying anything transphobic, just let her know. Mama bear has got you. Mama bear has got claws. Hell, Cumulus will even help beat someone up. She doesn’t even need to know the reason. If Cirrus is verbally or physically abusing someone that’s good enough reason for her. You now have two powerful and protective mom friends, use this power for good.
Cumulus: She’s not gonna notice if you’re acting nervous or weird about anything. She’s focused on hanging out with you and having a good time and making sure you’re having a good time and that fun things are happening. If you go to the beach and don’t take your shirt off, not weird. Neither of you are even in the water, you’re probably making an impressive sand castle on top of a sleeping Mountain. If you’re at the pool, she’s okay with sitting on the side talking your ear off about anything under the sun (which currently includes all the other ghouls as it was a family trip to the pool). She wouldn’t notice if you tugged at your binder or had a higher voice or anything someone might think would be conspicuous. If and/or when you eventually come out to her, she’s like “Ooohhh, okay!” And honestly? She might forget. And then remember. And then forget again, and remember again. It’s just another thing about you, like your hair colour or what music you like. Doesn’t make you any less wonderful to her, and wouldn’t change anything about your relationship.
- @solofreakk
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ramblingoak · 10 months
How about „kissing in the rain“ with the Cardinal? 👀
Mmm yes, I bet those would be very nice. Prompt is from this list of Kiss Prompts!
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Rainy Kisses
Cardinal Copia x GN Reader (sfw fluffy sappiness, 1,400 words)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Try again.”
Copia sighed and put the key back in the ignition.  The result was the same as the other five times he’d done it: nothing.  Just a series of clicks.  He murmured something in Italian under his breath and then turned the key off before he leaned back in the seat and stared ahead watching the rain fall. 
“No, I’m not your dolcezza, Copia”  Even though you desperately wanted to be.  “Try.  Again.”
You waved your pointer finger at the key, but he just turned towards you and bit his lip before shaking his head.  You huffed and slid across the bench seat reaching for the keys but he batted your hand away and you glared at him.  His hair had started to curl from the rain and you watched a drop roll down his forehead and dangle at the tip of his nose.
You resisted the urge to lick it off.
The feelings you had toward the Cardinal were becoming unbearable.  They had been building and building for weeks now.  Weeks of helping him in his office and then running into him at the library late at night.  Weeks of making sure his new tour wardrobe was ready.  Weeks of being near him all the time...the innocent crush you had been nursing for months now had only gotten worse.  
Today had been the final straw.  Sister Imperator had sent you to assist him at a religious conference a few hours away.  So hours spent in the car listening to him sing along to the radio and feeling surrounded by the smell of his cologne.  Then an entire day of watching him schmooze and flirt and kiss the hand of any sister or brother that even looked at him.  It was just too much.  Too many other people getting what you wanted.  Something he never had shown any interest for from you, besides the normal amount of flirting he did with everybody.
“Hey, what’s wrong?  You’ve been acting odd all day, dolcezza.  Is everything uh, okie dokie?”
Damn him.  You huffed and slid back across the seat, watching his eyes widen when he saw yours had started to fill with tears.
“No, everything is not okie dokie.  I can’t do this anymore, Cardinal.”
“Eh?  Do what?  I’m sorry about the car, we can take a look when the rain sto–hey!  Dolcezza!”
You could barely hear his voice when you rushed out of the car into the rain.  Even though you were already freezing, the cold downpour helped calm you down.  You hugged yourself and took some calming breaths, groaning when you heard a door slam and the sound of shoes on gravel getting closer.  A gloved hand gripped your shoulder gently, but you pulled away and put some more space between you.  You knew your behavior was ridiculous, but you just couldn’t help it.  Copia at least was owed an explanation of some sort. 
“Hey, let’s get back to the car, ok?  You’ll catch a cold out here.”
His hand appeared to the side of you, held out to try and get you to take it.  You took a deep breath and turned around, ignoring the hand and the rain beating down on you both.  Copia’s makeup was already starting to run.  Thin trails of black sliding down from his eyes to his chin.  His already tight black suit was even tighter after becoming soaked.  The normally perfectly styled hair now plastered to his head.
He was still so handsome it almost hurt to look at him.
“Dolcezza?  I’m sorry if, if I’ve done someth–”
“Copia, I’m in love with you.”    
The man in front of you froze and your heart dropped.  Of course he didn’t feel the same, why would he when he had so many other options?  If he had felt the same he would’ve said or done something by now!  You were glad the rain would cover the tears that began to fall.  There’s no way you’d be able to keep working with him now.  Imperator would probably send you to the kitchens or to confessional cleaning duty or to–
“Hey, hey.”  Copia’s voice broke you out of your thoughts and you gasped when you looked up to see him right in front of you.  He was wearing the most dazzling smile as he reached out and held your face in his hands.  “You love me?”
“Yes!  Yes, I have for weeks now you stupid idiot.”
He snorted and leaned towards you so his forehead rested against yours.
“I’m sorry, dolcezza.  I didn’t know.”
“Yes, well, I probably could have said something.  Maybe.”
You timidly wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled yourself a little closer.  He straightened up and you felt his warm lips press into your forehead briefly before he tilted your face up.
“You said something now and that’s all that matters.”  Both of you jumped when lightning flashed overhead.  Copia wrapped his arms around your shoulders and tugged you against his chest.  “Let’s get back to the car, eh?  I can tell you how much I love you and then we can make out a little.”
It was your turn to snort, gripping his waist tighter when he tried to pull away.
“No, kiss me out here.  Please.”
He adjusted his arms and cradled your face again, looking at you with a soft expression that was only slightly ruined by more of his eye makeup being smeared everywhere.  The continued lightning and thunder was ignored as he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips into yours.  You moved your hands from his back to grip the front of his suit jacket and did your best to deepen the kiss.  This was something you had wanted for so long and knowing he felt the same was amazing.  Feeling his hands and lips on you was amazing.  
You wanted more and you wanted everything.
His mouth opened over yours and when his tongue prodded at your lips you let him in, flicking your own against his.  Copia groaned and tilted your head slightly, one hand staying on your cheek while the other moved to right under your jaw.  His thumb stroked back and forth, rubbing the cool rain water into your skin that was slowly heating up.  He nipped playfully at your tongue and then your lips when you pulled away to glare at him.
“Time to get back inside, dolcezza.”
You sighed and nodded, smiling when he turned to head back towards the car while keeping you tucked against his side.  The rain was still coming down strong, but the thunder seemed to have subsided for the moment.  Copia reached out to pull open the passenger door but cursed when it didn’t budge.  He cursed again when the back door had the same result. 
“Please tell me you didn’t leave your keys in the car.”
“Eh, one moment per favore.”  You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter as Copia jogged over to the other side.  When neither door opened he slammed a fist against the top of the car.  “Merda!”
You quickly made your way around and back to his side, offering him a smile as you pulled your phone out of your pocket.  Copia leaned in and helped shield you as you typed a quick text to Aether.  After a promise from the ghoul to get a tow truck out to you right away you turned it off and tucked it away again.  When you looked back up at Copia he quickly glanced away from your lips with a smirk.  
“Now we just have to wait.”  You reached up and swiped your thumb across his bottom lip.  “Whatever shall we do?”
“Will you tell me again, dolcezza?”  
He caught your hand and pressed a kiss into your palm before tucking it against his chest.  You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him quickly before you answered.
“I love you, Copia.”
“Bene, molto bene.  I love you too and I have for quite some time.”  His lips against yours prevented you from squealing in delight, but you were still smiling like an idiot when he pulled away.  “Wanna make out while we wait?”
“Of course I do, you stupid idiot.”
He laughed and wrapped you tighter in his arms.  The rain continued to fall as his lips met yours again and again and again.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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