#i want to be courteous but i think this post is pretty neutral in tone? but if you think it deserves a tag i will absolutely add it!!!!!
ohnobjyx · 3 years
I remember reading something about wyb being mad and saying xz choose some commercial over him or something. Was that fake or nah?
Hi, anon!
I do remember that particular post, which was based on a video (I can’t find the post, tumblr why? I reblogged and I tagged it 🥺). The video the post is talking about is Bombology, which has two parts. Here is the first, and here is the second. I highly recommend to watch it, it’s quite worth it!
Disclaimer: fake fake fake.
In short, anon, I think it’s true to a 90% degree (old bxg have probably seen the video, and may skip the points I think are true, I just go over the video adding my opinion).
(As a note, one of the first solo interviews I watched of dd was one of the Bombology interviews, and I was apalled by the sheer difference with his attitude. Now ofc I see that there was reason behind it, but still... who are you and where is the cute dd I know?)
Points I think are true and why:
1. Dd really, absolutely was in a awful mood that day. We all know that he’s usually unable to hide it. Just compare that to his mood in any other interview/tv show, where he’s more neutral (for max comparison, compare to Happy Camp 180707, even if he wasn’t talking, he was very relaxed, smiling in the background). He ofc, remained professional throughout the interviews, but the cutting comments was of a frustrated unhappy mood. 
2. A representative from Olay actually confirmed that gg was supposed to be filming both the 14th and the 15th, and that it was gg himself who pressed them to film in just one day. This, deducing from this guy’s words, was decided after the schedule had been set in 2 days of filming, but gg insisted on going to Hunan TV, so they wrapped up in a day instead of two.
3. The words choice and the man’s voice tone suggest that it was actually very disrupting that gg asked to film in just one day, and that he was displeased by it. Gg actually had to go and apologize, which is... actually pretty important? Because gg wasn’t so famous then, CQL had just began airing, but he insisted anyway. It’s very out of character for someone like gg, who tries very hard to be accommodating to anyone, so we know that the program on July 15 was important for him.
4. Compare gg and dd in Happy Camp vs gg and dd in TTXS. Happy Camp looks like an extension of the bts: they are playing around, having their own little moments, and being terribly cute overall. However, dd in TTXS is tense at the beginning, silent for dd-with-gg standards, and there were many awkward moments that speaks of something behind the scenes. 
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Like, I’d say he’s much more relaxed here...
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Than here.
Some of the most awkward points are:
This moment from the video is a highlight of the whole situation: after dd rebukes him twice, gg starts saying “for today, let’s stop (xiu)... stop...”. It can’t be explained by any other reason, nor there’s any other significance for the words that gg says before stopping himself. However, he doesn’t complete the phrase, most likely because they are on camera and he didn’t want to fuel those nasty rumours of them hating each other, and because he doesn’t want dd to be angry or sad anymore.
The moment in which the MC asks about whether they had discussed beforehand about gg going to TTXS. You can see how gg is hesitant to answer, but dd looks very sure on his feet. And gg looks at dd until it’s dd who answers, so he knows he’s on safe territory. It’s one of the first times dd actually smiles in the interview, and you can see that he’s somewhat appeased.
However, by the time they are filming the actual episode, dd looks much more better than in the interview. And by the end of the episode, they are back to “gg-dd” normality, of having their little convo aside from the others, pushing each other around and laughing together.
5. Gg, from start to finish, is being particularly obliging and courteous to dd. I dunno about you, but he reminds me of children who have done things wrong and are particularly obedient to try to appease their parents (of course, I don’t actually mean that he did anything wrong, it’s just that he seemed eager to make dd feel better).
Point I find OOC and probably untrue:
The actual fake rumour sounds a little bit fishy, which is why I think it belongs to the “exaggerated real event cathegory” (I highly recommend this post on how to approach fake rumours!).
The fake rumour said that dd was “screaming ‘between two options, you don’t choose me!’”. Don’t you find it out of character? He was in public (the fake rumour specifies that in the restroom), where people could hear him.
And while I do think he was a bit angry at gg for not going with him to TTXS (at first), in my opinion he wasn’t that mad as the video or the fake rumour wants to make us think. In the interviews, whenever gg was brought up, he still praised him whenever he could, and even that the “who is the silliest?” question was answered good-naturedly. I don’t think he’d have said any other name than gg’s.
That’s why I think that rather than angry, he was a little bit sad. Because it’s one of the few occasions in which they’d work together and appear together in public with good reason. And because no matter the reason, it’s bound to make you sad to miss a opportunity to see your loved ones. Sometimes it’s easy to mistake sadness with anger, and to focus on the emotion that’s more manageable, but based on his behaviour, I don’t think dd was really actually angry with gg.
Of course, that’s based on observations and it’s speculation, and all fake rumours are to be taken with a grain of salt.
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anyu-blue · 6 years
Rant negative thing.
I'm looking forward to the day I no longer need these so much. To the day I'm happily just chugging along and feel no need to type out words with such negative feelings attached to them.
Unfortunately... I feel that day may only come when all of my blood family is behind me. Is physically at least out of my life.
I could be very wrong. Life has many, many challenges. Some have gotten easier in ways to deal with.. like work and bosses and bills... Not that they still don't suck cuz they do, but when it's one at a time and there's the ability to step back... They're not so so bad.
But with my family... Everything is all stress.
One reason I love my friends so much is when they're having a bad day or time of it, or when I am, even if positive words and support can't fix everything, it's still a receptive give and take. No one bites the other person's head off for no reason... Or if heads are being bitten, we know the source and are able to forgive one another. It takes a lot of pressure off.
My mother's side of the family seems to have a problem with this. I'd say it's because we're in close contact a lot, but we're really not... Everything is just an attack.. when it's really not. Words are spoken, intent is clarified.. and still you get bitten because the way you say even one word is 'disrespectful' and they don't like that. Which I get it... Tone is WAY more important than I've sometimes given credit for... But for me if someone's snarking and I point it out and they tell me it's not me... I tend to believe it's not actually me. My anxiety issues have calmed enough I don't take it personally when someone tells me not to. I may not enjoy someone's tone or snark... But it's up to me to push that aside.. and things get so much easier for everyone, especially me, when I manage it.
Very few people are out to get me. And a good chunk of those who are, aren't necessarily doing it to me specifically on purpose. Like my mother. She's a shit person in a lot of ways (as am I), but that's just who she is. And if I can't handle that.. I move away from it. Because if I don't it will keep hurting me.. and I don't want to end up really hurting the other person in return- especially not intentionally.
... Tevie has been trying to call me out on something recently. Believing I am holding a double standard. Perhaps I am.. I'm not entirely sure.
She asked me why I don't get angry or upset when she uses female pronouns heavily and extensively for me, but I will get uncomfortable when our mother does it...
My reasoning is I don't get upset with her because any time I mention it, Tevie corrects herself and then continues to be 'correct' the entire day following, and will voluntarily be neutral with me other days- even correct herself when she slips sometimes- especially in my presence.. because it's honestly more comfortable for Tevie to refer to me neutrally or as a guy because she knows me so well. Knows I don't do girly in pretty much any sense of the word and never truly have (or I was miserable trying so hard to).
Whereas my mother... She sees me exclusively as her daughter. After reminded I'm not entirely comfortable with that, she will correct herself once.. and the rest of the day will go off as she normally does and ignore or get upset with any reminders. And every new time I see her.. it's another reminder. Another upset for her. Another trial. It really wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't caught her introducing me to 3 new people- same day, hours apart, as her daughter.. when I specifically asked that day to be called her kiddo and she agreed, only to not do it. And then to catch that awful post on her FB... Showing me she really doesn't believe anything we've discussed.. not even the science of mine and thousands of others' physical brains and chemistry. It's not an attack on ME specifically.. it's just another piece of how she views the world... And that's why I'm upset more with her than when Tevie slips up. She's attacking something important to me indirectly and then gets upset when it's pointed out.
As clear as I can explain it.. I want to be seen as ME, and not the parts... People who don't know me and don't particularly care about me will always see me as my parts, and I get that... Its kinda our societal rule. But Those that do care (or claim to in my mother's case) shouldn't rely on that.. namely when I've asked them not to AND they've agreed. Time and Time again. Just see me as a person, please. Because that's what I am. Not my parts.
Tevie doesn't rely on my parts to call me her family. Nor does my dad, step mom, 5 other siblings, or my friends (well one does.. and I've been avoiding him like the plague because I'm not entirely sure how to deal with it, though he's still an awesome dude in all other ways. He even knows about my avoiding him and stuff and is totally cool with it). My mother does. (While she swears it was a different time and has sorta proven as such, my being the way I am was the only thing we were told we would be disowned for.) She's still upset I won't have sex or be a mother so she can have grandbabies though. (Tried to convince me to get knocked up when I was in highschool.. I'm still reeling over that one). It makes me wonder, though, how she would see me should I want and manage any drastic change..
Is it a double standard that I will let some slip up without being upset and others not? Probably... I am sorry for holding it against people... But I do have my reasons. To me there is a difference between the two, if there isn't much of one to others.
But anyway.. I am looking forward to potentially more mutal relationships in the future... Ones where I'm not the only one analyzing all my flaws and trying to work with them.. Tevie says she is... I do believe she might be.. it's just that progress is invisible when it's not discussed at all.. and it is obviously in a different area... Because I can tell her hey, you're not being cool right now (and you've told me nothing's going on so there's actually no reason for it) but yet you're still continuing to be uncool and downright rude. What the heck? I'm literally trying to be extra nice right now. You've asked me to be sure you're comfortable before doing things so I'm following through and still you're biting my head off and yelling at me and completely ignoring what I have to say because you think I'm just going off on a tangent... When I was literally asking you a question and not trying to be all ranty or anything...? Seriously? That's rude. I'm trying to be courteous and you assume I'm just trying to bother you with something stupid.
Ugh. Not the first time she's done this to me... I get ranty, yes, but I stop when she asks me to. I ask her first if it's okay to rant (I've gotten eally good about that). Alongside other things like this.. she'll just assume and completely ignore what I have to say, even if I tell her right off the bat it's entirely different.
Sounds kinda like entering discourse here on Tumblr... You can cite every fact and go in as clear and concise and even as kindly as possible - no sarcasm in sight- and still people will get all twisted and refuse to acknowledge a thing and just keep going off where they think they're right and/or valid.
I'm not the easiest to live with I'm sure.. but that's just exhausting. I'll be happy to not live with it anymore... Eventually. Tevie definitely needs to find something out there worth living for and not her half wanting to live just because I might need her protection.
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ummmomreview-blog · 7 years
a dark wave party in a cold cave
by: art kay
Two houses down someone shot themselves. Thought it was Danish. Danish wore all black and skinny jeans. It wasn’t Danish.
It was fall and the sky was grey – a vast wall of grey. The wind was chilled and bitter.
Halloween was coming and decorations were up. Horror movies were on. I biked to nowhere with no purpose.
Crows picked at soggy bread and Danish walked himself home.
There were five or six of us there. Couldn’t really tell. Everyone wore black and no one really talked.
Had a pair of black suede shoes that Johannes liked. Didn’t know Johannes. He liked my shoes. I was in his car.
Walked home from wandering and Johannes pulled over and said “You need a ride?” and I said “Sure.”
He said “Where to?” and I said “Wherever.” He said “Alright.”
Trees passed like projections and I was back in sixth grade rollerskating. It was a field trip. Round and round and round and round and round.
Pictured Sister Geralynn popping my blister. Pictured the creation of the world. Bursting through my pineal. Through my skull. Becoming my current existence.
Thought “DMT. Tree of Life. Do monks do drugs? Probably not.”
Johannes passed me a pipe and I looked at it. It was hand carved. He said it was from a semester in Africa. There were little black bricks inside – some triangles inside. Thought it was hash. Wasn’t sure. He said “You wanna hit?” and I said “Sure.” Took a hit and coughed and Johannes took a hit and did two baby coughs in a semi-gay tone.
We drove to Wal-Mart and Johannes parked. There was a Wendy’s across the street and the windows were down. The Wendy’s girl’s face was plastered all over and there was a giant frosty that said ninety-nine cents. (In numbers not words.)
Felt my pocket for change. Zoned out. Continued feeling pockets for change.
A nice wind came in and Johannes was back with a bag full of Robitussin and soda. I didn’t say anything. I think the soda was Sprite. He didn’t say anything. We drove off and I wished I would have said something. Wished I would have gotten a frosty.
Johannes drove and said “We’re going to a party,” and I said “coo.”
Realized just then I knew Johannes.
Saw him nearly everyday.
He walked in the woods where I walked my dog. He’d say hey when I said hi. We’d both nod and wave. His wave was limp and never went past his waist. Mine was this two finger salute type thing that I saw my dad do as a kid. It was usually around head height.
He’d stare at the ground and flick his hair and I’d continue on and say “Come on Raven, come on Raven, Raven come on,” because Raven is a dog and she can do whatever she wants.
Paranoid and embarrassed, I wondered if Johannes knew I didn’t recognize him. Thought “Maybe he recognizes me. Recognizes that Im just now recognizing him. Just choosing not to say anything. Maybe he recognizes me and thinks I recognize him. Just neither of us has acknowledged it. Maybe he doesn’t recognize me at all. I don’t know what to say. Should I say something?”
I didn’t know what to say.
I didn’t say anything.
We parked at a park and Johannes put the soda and Tussin in a backpack. I think the soda was Sprite.
“You do it?” he said. I said “What?” He pointed to the Tussin and soda. “For my friends” he said. I said “Oh.”
Headed to a trail where there were two post and a chain with a sign that said no littering. There was litter everywhere. Litter and dog shit.
The trail led to a river and a dam and more trails and some old kilns once used for limestone bricks. Said “laying bricks,” to myself. Laughed. Said it again. Johannes said “We’re here,” and I didn’t say anything.
Arrived at the cave and found it was a coulee. Cave sounded better. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to break Johannes’ spirit. I didn’t say anything. Cave sounded cooler.
“Maybe he knows it’s a coulee,” I thought. “He probably knows it’s a coulee. Cave sounds cooler, I guess.”
There were five or six of us there and it was dark and everyone wore black. No one really talked so I couldn’t really tell.
One kid was rapping and I laughed and he stopped. I felt the spotlight and said “Yea man!” and no one responded. Neutral facial expressions all around. A bunch of blank faced Janes. Johannes said “Hey guys,” in his semi-gay tone, and things resumed as before.
I stood.
Rapping kid whipped out a speaker dock and played various trap beats. He skipped through a few. He stopped. Said “Drizzy yo!” and lit a blunt. Johannes divvied out Tussin and soda. Im pretty sure it was Sprite.
Thought “This isn’t what I was expecting. Expected dark wave music. Expected a dark wave party in a cold cave. Expected slow goth dancing and a general reluctance. Joy Division t-shirts and lip rings. Greenish-blue hair and skinny jeans. A general reluctance. Didn’t expect purple drank and Drizzy. Blunts and trap beats. Rapping kid and a coulee. What is this? Why am I here? I should leave.”
Johannes handed me a cup and I shook my head and felt bad. Thought “It could be fun. Probably should have taken it. Would have been fun. Polite. Courteous. Just want that blunt. Shouldn’t have laughed at that kid’s shitty freestyle. He’ll probably never pass me the blunt.”
Twenty minutes later I stood and told Johannes Im heading out. I thanked him and walked home and thought “Neil Young. Old Man.”
Looked at a waterfall and river. Kicked rocks. Listened. Thought “I like this. This is good.” Put my hands in my pockets, then behind my back. Put them back in my pockets. Thought “That kid sucked. Fuck that kid. Fuck him.”
Passed a tree that said eat acid and a can that was half buried in the ground. Remembered the no littering sign. The litter and dog shit. Thought of how Johannes and all his friends were probably going to litter. Litter and not give a shit. Got slightly upset. Didn’t like Johannes and his friends anymore.
Thought “Why spray paint a tree?”
Returned home and laid on the couch. Hid my face in my arms and thought “That was the best party I’ve ever been to… yea.”
Pictured dog shit and litter.
Litter and dog shit.
Wasn’t angry with Johannes and his friends anymore.
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