#i want someday do the humanoid versions of them. BUT MY SCHOOL IS FUCKING WITH ME.
salamoniacsoup · 8 months
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dhmis objects designs! (and shrignold) I will do healthy band soon, maybe.
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psychangels · 2 months
feel like talking about my robot ocs (sort of? it's kind of complicated for two of them. you'll see), so here's some stuff about them! :]
angel (halo/ae/wing) (named after angel's food cake) (technically a self-insert, but also not really? not sure where the line is drawn in this case, honestly...)
halo is a defective va-ser that barely managed to escape from qa-1mil by pure chance. halo went into hiding afterwards, not wanting to get, y'know, Killed for just having fucked up pain processors.
wing's a yellow va-ser that's covered in chicken scratch. most of it is notes for wings various stories that wing wants to write someday. the scrolling text on wings midsection changes in accordance with whatever wing is currently doing (e.g. if wing is talking about something wing likes a lot, the text changes to something like, "rambling about bullshit").
ae likes to collect and wear button-up shirts. ae has to ruin most of them in the process (well, more than they were Already ruined, anyways, considering that ae finds them in the trash), though
at some point, angel meets the next oc(?) i'll be talking about, and the two have stuck together ever since. :]
dev (it/her) (named after devil's food cake) (technically not an oc, but also kind of an oc?)
it's...the decaf bot! in the metal! it's been hiding out ever since That Whole Thing.
she's a pgr-0101, but her appearance has been heavily (self) modified. she's blue instead of green, and the gold strips reminiscent of zanzo's coat have been torn off. her visor displays a pair of eyes when she has it on, rather than the regular squares. said eyes change to reflect her emotions.
similar to angel, it likes to wear clothes! specifically, it wears a torn up cloth lab coat that's covered in spray paint, alongside a fanny pack that's also covered in paint
gngr (he/she) nori's (the head of production in my au, escapism) assistant! he was built by xem a few years back for a school assignment. xe kept them around because xe needed someone that would always be there, looking out for them
since she was built to, essentially, be a caretaker, she knows how to cook, she cleans, is a shoulder to cry on...y'know, all that Stuff.
he has a screen for a face, which he displays emoticons (e.g. :D, :(, :P) on. he can also put text on it!
now, the next four aren't humanoid in any way. they're like the kem-0n0 and vu-t0r1. but i wanted to talk about them, and they Are robots that I Made, so! it's also important to note that they only exist within my au, escapism, because they were designed by the head of R&D in said au, sunny
LEO-031 the LEO-031 was designed to be the ultimate bodyguard. they're quick, strong, and practically unbreakable! well, unless you have fists of steel that are strong enough to break sunny's improved version of z-shielding, known as SP 100, which most people do not.
they're sold to the public, and the department heads and the ceo himself all have one of their own! the models sold to the public differ from those that were given to the heads and ceo by sunny, as theirs were designed to be specifically for them.
they look like a robotic lion with a small mane. their mane becomes more prominent when they feel they/their owner is being threatened
LEN-N31 the LEN-N31 is the smaller, friendlier sibling of the LEO-031. they are the ultimate companion! they're soft, lovable, and entirely non-lethal! however, that doesn't mean that they're weak! they're just as sturdy as their siblings, and are waterproof, so you can have fun in the pool and the rain!
they're very good at cohabitating with others, so if you have other pets, they'll get along swell! they even come equipped with emergency response systems in case you or any of your loved ones are in danger.
they're one of, if not the most popular unit sold by vandelay technologies!
they look like a robotic lion cub.
PACK-13 the PACK-13 was designed to be the ultimate tracker and is excellent at hunting down groups. this is because it itself is a group of robots, which all combine into one massive mech.
unlike its predecessors, the LEO-031 and LEN-N31, it's made entirely of solid steel. no soft fur or cutesy appearance here; just a mechanical machine built to hunt...and kill. its bite is strong enough to break through bone.
it is not intended for public use.
it looks like a giant mechanical wolf. the separate units look similar, just, well, smaller.
L0N3-WLF the L0N3-WLF was designed to be the second ultimate tracker and is excellent at hunting down singular targets. its a smaller, quicker, singular version of the PACK-13.
sent out less often compared to its siblings, but that doesn't mean it's not as capable. somewhat concerningly, there are some reports of L0N3-WLF units getting in the way of PACK-13s...but that's probably just some weird malfunction.
it is not intended for public use.
it looks almost the same as a single unit that makes up the PACK-13, but slimmer and sleeker.
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jonaswpoetry · 4 years
10, 23 and 25?
10. what do you feel about the idea about someone unearthing your unseen or discarded drafts someday, long after your death? what about your personal journal?
I have virtually no handwritten work (disability, ya know), so they’d have to be looked up on my laptop, which I suppose could happen, if it survives long enough. My ‘works in progress’ folder currently has 334 documents in it, most of which are little more than a bare idea to go back to later, so I’d worry that a person viewing would think what I often do when I look at them: “what the fuck was past-Jonas thinking with that one?”
23. how did you get started with writing?
I was an avid reader, even as a very young child, so I think it makes sense that after surrounding myself with so many wonderful stories I’d want to write some myself. But I don’t fully remember. It could easily be twenty years since I first wrote something.
25. what is your earliest work you can remember?
The earliest poem I can remember is one I wrote for school called Cats’ Movements, when I would have been around 8 years old. The version I wrote is hanging up in my mother’s bathroom. She was so proud of it.
The earliest prose I can recall was an attempt at what I suppose would be called a Wallace and Gromit fanfic by the name of Wallace and Gromit and the Humanoid Washing Machine. It was about a washing machine gaining sentience after being struck by lightning while next to a computer, and then going on a rampage. I’m not sure how old I was, but my guess is between 6 and 8.
Thanks for asking!
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synthaphone · 5 years
doing this whole OC meme thing for me mostly, very likely not interesting to anyone else (because I’m not really explaining who any of these guys are and I don’t expect anyone to know all of them, also its formatted badly and i didn’t edit it well) so i’m putting it under a cut
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The oldest OC I still bring back occasionally is Bluebell, who is an alien creature I invented in 6th grade. She used to be named Hana, because I was taking Japanese lessons and was in that phase of elementary school where you think that naming your characters after a word in another language is always the best and coolest idea
The newest OC I have that’s like, a main character is I guess Viarnne, but my newest OC that’s not a fan character is Slice the rainbow layer cake dragon
I can’t pick a favorite OC very easily- I love Pike and Tu personality-wise a whole lot out of my Dialien characters, and I think Viarnne is my favorite Neopet right now. OH also i love my old character Alkaline
picking a favorite OC design is even harder- of my neopets, Alxxa has the coolest design I think, both to draw and as far as general appearance goes. For all original characters, my favorite for a long time was the character I made whose design was... literally adapted from Alxxa but not a Neopet. I think I called it Tiramisu?? its been a while since I’ve actually drawn Tiramisu
My main reason for making OCs is sort of different for different types of characters- I think part of it is that I legitimately want to tell stories, but the biggest thing IS that I just find character design fun, in particular designing and drawing creatures.
Uhh it’s different for different characters but it usually involves finding something fun to draw and then drawing it a bunch, to see if it stays fun, or if I can keep it fun. If I don’t have fun drawing a character, they tend to sort of fall away- like, you don’t see me drawing Jukebawks often, even though I had fun coming up with a design, because she’s... hard to draw, and doesn’t have as much range of expression as a lot of my other characters. (plus I don’t have a personality for her- if I have a backstory I’m really invested in for a character, I can basically draw very similar pictures of them over and over again and have fun because I like their story so much, which is probably a bit of a flaw)
I don’t really ship my OCs with anyone else’s- I’ve never even really shipped my OCs with like, canon characters from anything? I’m not necessarily opposed to the idea of shipping my characters with someone else’s, but I’m not very good at communication or roleplaying, and a lot of my characters aren’t really what I would call ‘shippable’, so it tends to be easier to just work by myself on that kind of thing.
uhhh i have a couple ocs who I ship but i’m really self conscious about doing so, so i talk about most of them almost never. I ship Sam and Viarnne but I want to actually have a story where it makes sense for them to end up forming a relationship like that, so for now i’m mostly focusing on how their friendship will work (also, just like, assume none of my OCs are fucking I guess?? even the ones i ship together- that’s one of those things that’s just never really been interesting to me, and i mostly just don’t want to deal with jokes about it because like, please?? i like relationship stuff but i just don’t get anything out of sex stuff, jokes or otherwise, most of the time. also please don’t take this as a moral judgement if that’s something you do, i don’t care as long as its not like, something morally reprehensible, you do you). oh i also have Alxxa and Sensurround (neopets), Zotyre and Gyronaut (neopets), Alkaline and Skurl (original story), uhhh kind of not sure if Tu and Iris are gonna end up having a romantic relationship in my Dialien story, i need to do more thinking
weirdest... oc... uhhhhh i’m not sure what that would entail, exactly. my fursona might be the weirdest just from like, not having any sort of world or story or anything, she just floats in space and picks up space radio signals and stuff
I don’t really have enough villain ocs- I guess at this point, Chexerton is kind of a villain, he’s like a shitty space security guard for Virtupets. most of my completely original stories don’t have villains- Dialiens (it needs a better name- maybe just Dial) is more about mental health struggles and potentially capitalism or colonialism, and with LOSER (a story i think i have barely ever talked about on here, its the one with Skurl and Alkaline) i straight up can’t decide whether its a fun road trip where character flaws are explored and then like, amends are made, or if it ultimately ends with the characters not overcoming their flaws and destroying each other. its kind of been both in my mind for a long time which is why i can’t write it- can’t decide whether the relationship should be ultimately healthy or toxic
This is a tough question- I don’t think of my OCs as real people, exactly, that I could be mean to or ‘torture, muahaha i love seeing my babies suffer’- but they’re deeply personal to me, and I don’t think its always useful to see them as constructs unworthy of being treated with kindness. I guess what I would consider being ‘nice’ to my OCs is trying to realize them better and have them make sense and function properly in whatever stories I’m trying to tell using them. In that regard, I guess there’s some I theoretically ‘neglect’ by not really focusing on them very often, or by getting tired of their stories but never officially ‘getting rid’ of them?? Plus I don’t have time to develop literally every character I’ve ever had. I have all kinds of old OCs that i’m not planning to do anything with anymore, but they meant something to me at some point, and its not like they’re going to pile up and take up space in my house if I don’t, like, sell them. I like knowing that if I ever need to look back at my old stuff for ideas, there’s a bunch of stuff I might be able to use or repurpose again someday.
Again, I don’t really think about it as ‘killed’. I guess I don’t have the main character from Skurl’s original story anymore, who was like a mammalian Invader Zim-esque fantasy evil fortress knight?? and Skurl was the funny animal curmudgeon sidekick. I made that protagonist up because the story needed a protagonist, and he never even really had a personality to speak of- his rival was better defined, the mad scientist from the idea had a more interesting character design- basically every other character from that story I might bring back, but that protagonist is probably gone for good. Maybe I’ll bring back his weird ear decorations that smushed his fabric-y rabbit ears down, those were kind of the most interesting thing he had going on. OH if you mean literally killed off in a story, in the nightmare angst version of LOSER Skurl ends up like, not DEAD exactly, but severely fucked up to the point where he’d be better off dead. And Viarnne is technically dead
Oh man years ago I had an OC named O-BR who was a robotic panda bear toy who was possessed by the soul of some dude who died who was a father, and now is kind of the robotic parental figure of the child who owns the bear toy. i don’t think that actually works well as a story- i never even figured out what that dude’s name was, just the name of the bear. it’s name was O-BR because its ears were like, floating purple plastic cheerio shapes that hovered next to his head. this was another ‘i’m obsessed with invader zim’ era character
80% of my Neopet OCs at any given time- also 80% of my non fandom based OCs at any given time. I don’t have time to come up with stories for all of them, and I tend to just focus on whatever is interesting enough that I remember it
I hate drawing Jukebawks... i’m sorry jukebawks........ maybe i should like, offer her up for trade, but i’m not sure anyone else would want her?? i like the idea of her!! i should actually probably design her to be easier for me to draw, in all honesty. When it comes to writing though, Moe has given me so much grief because I honest to god don’t know how he fits into the story and group dynamic in Dialiens. He’s like, kind of an asshole loner who keeps to himself and doesn’t want people to bother him?? i’m not even confident he uses ‘he’ pronouns. i don’t know
this feels like its more designed for people who have more humanoid ocs where they’re heights are more, like, similar, so being short or tall is a thing?? like, for Neopets, Alxxa’s the tallest because he’s really long, and Viarnne is the shortest because he’s an oval that’s like a foot tall. as far as the only character heights that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about, the Dialiens, tallest to shortest, are: Pike, Moe (not counting the ears), Iris, Chives, Tu
I guess my oldest ocs are Zotyre, Gyronaut, and that mutant Moehog lady- youngest would be Chilston, i guess. and as far as OCs, i have no idea, i don’t think enough about age. approaching characters from the angle that they’re Cartoons!!!! and then deciding to try and give them nuance later means that everyone’s just sort of nebulously adult-ish
Do I dislike any of my OCs, like, as characters, or as people? I think Pike, despite being one of my favorite OCs, would irritate me quite a bit in real life, because his personality is heavily influenced by traits that annoyed me about other people I’ve met, but like, trying to see them more sympathetically?? but he’d get on my nerves. Iris fits this a lot too- I don’t think I’d like Moe much either?? i dunno its a weird question, i like them because they’re my characters and also because they’re not real. i don’t think most of them would be friends with me or anything if they were real, even if so many of them are based on parts of me
oh i’ve made self inserts- i definitely had a self insert Invader Zim character that i drew maybe a single time, and then pretended to be in daydreams in my head while bored during school. she had an angsty backstory. then after that i pretended to be Trigger in my daydream stories all the time in school for like, 3 years (like, during points in time where i was zoning out during class, or walking between classes)
uhhhhh I regret not doing more with these characters, and i regret that i can’t answer a lot of important questions about characters I’ve had for years Now. i’ve had them for years, so they feel really definitive and rock solid in my mind, so they’re hard to change, but also they’re really not as nuanced as i want them to be. its a bit tough
well someone in freshman year of college who i ended up cutting ties with because of some kind of wild friend group drama and like, important political and philosophical differences, actually knew me from deviantart and remembered one of my OCs. that was pretty wild. that’s one person though... uhhh, are any of my OCs popular?? I’m just excited when anyone finds a character i’ve come up with interesting. I’m glad other people seem to like Viarnne!!! it fills me with terror that i’ll like, ruin him by writing a bad story, but its also exciting and validating to come up with a character story and for other people to also enjoy it
uhhh its Viarnne again. i drew him to try and demonstrate how a robot Kiko could be an appealing character design and it backfired on me. i love drawing Orb with a Face and Arms and i am happy when i see him as my active pet on neopets. I guess Pike also qualifies- when I initially drew the Dialiens, I had very vague personality ideas for them, and I felt like he would be the bully. he has since become very much NOT the bully (like, he seems more like a person who would get bullied) and I’ve grown really fond of him. also i created Trigger to be a Chuck E Cheese style mascot back before fucking Five Nights At Freddy’s existed and destroyed that that as an original idea (fuck you FNAF i have two characters now who are basically... that and you can’t ruin that for me. i was here FIRST (this is a joke its not even that great of a premise, my shit isn’t horror, and i’ll deal)). he was also based on a glow in the dark grey alien and a skeleton and lived in an abandoned pizza entertainment building and was basically an evil villain, and then high school me decided that instead of being that he was gonna be a mutated teenager and it was going to be really angsty. I don’t really have as much interest in that backstory anymore??? but I sure had a lot of fun with it for like 4 years so i think that counts
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