#i want avalon to go on his roomba cycle around the woods once a week
nellie-frogblanket · 5 months
my hopes for the hollow woods update
first and foremost BIRDIE MUST SURVIVE!! i am a proud member of birdie nation and i hope they are still in hollow woods. if they have a new look or not i dont mind im comforted by birdies present and birdie deserves to be here
the cows look more naturally placed and less constipated. idk if its just me but the cows look so.. forcefully placed?? maybe its just me im not sure
WILDLIFE EVERYWHEREEE i know this has been shown in the teasers but id like hollow woods (and jorvik in general) to have some more wildlife as honestly it seems a bit dead. i live five minutes away from woods and its teeming with life so i hope hollow woods mirrors this.
building off my previous point id like it not to have such a grey tinge. ive seen some other ppl comment on this but from what ive seen the updated woods look super green. like brocoli.
idk if it has a specific name but id like the little building on the river with the watermill to still be there, its so cute.
keep the flowers please. the current ones are quite garish in colour but theyre still quite pretty, a new colour would suit them. i think the island needs more flowers in general
tbh id like the secret stone circle to be more secluded, imo it seems quite out in the open. i think if it was hidden more it would add to the whole vibe of the druids (what sentence has my keyboard just written)
the summer house to be even more scary, it creeps me out and i wish it did more
MORE TREES i know there cant be too many otherwise it would be impossible to manoeuvre but when i was riding round for my previous post i noticed there wasnt actually that many trees. i mean its hollow woods
sophies race to have the same course just look different. i quite like her race because its a little challenging but not too much, esp as i dont do it often
this isnt a hope just a comment. im so excited for fina ways (her name is so ridiculous i love it) orienteering its gonna be sm fun with the update. im gonna get my bf to do it and watched him get vexed
the shore of the silversong river to be luscious. i dont have any specific ideas but i really like it and i cant wait to spend some time there i find it quite peaceful
thats all folks, if you made it this far then thankyou!! im so excited for the update, my bf said he wants to explore it with me which is so sweet. please say your ideas or wishes for the update, id love to hear them <3
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