#i wanna collect little shavers
gunkbaby · 5 months
I get so excited when I buy new shaving stuff. Idk why. But I love shaving. I like looking at my hair detached and feeling like a fish in water. But mostly I like my little shaving device. It’s so cute.
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e350tb · 6 years
Steven Universe: Marooned Together - Chapter Three
When the storm washed away the barn, Lapis had grabbed everything she could from it in an absolute panic. As a result, she had ended up with a rather quixotic collection of trinkets, possession and, in more than a few cases, plain junk. These had been gathered in a small cave a few hundred metres from the sea, and for the most part, Lapis was content to leave them there.
Now, she found herself back in the cave, watching Stevonnie dig through a box of random items. She’d tried to help a little, but after being informed that a pencil, a rubber band and a broken keytar were not in fact razors, she decided to sit it out.
“This might work.”
Stevonnie pulled out a strange black object with a metal end. They turned it around and opened a port at the back.
“Hmm... needs batteries,” they said to themself.
They put it aside and began digging again.
“Why don’t you just let the... fuzzy stuff grow?” asked Lapis, “I mean, you do that on your head…”
“I let it grow on my head because I don’t wanna be bald,” replied Stevonnie, “Facial hair’s different.”
“So you want to be face-bald?”
For a moment, Stevonnie seemed to show a ghost of a smile. Lapis frowned - that wasn’t supposed to be a joke…
Their expression darkened.
“I don’t want to be reminded of them when I look at my reflection,” they said.
“You mean…” Lapis racked her brain, trying to remember Steven’s dad’s name. “Greg, right?”
Stevonnie nodded, pulling a pack of batteries out of the box.
“And my other dad,” they said, “Doug. He had a sort-of beard, and…”
They said nothing, carefully inserting some batteries into the black object. They pressed a button and it began to buzz.
“I’m never gonna see them again, Lapis,” they said bitterly, “Why hurt myself thinking about them?”
Lapis nodded. That made sense - she often tried to forget Peridot. But then, she always came back, no matter how hard Lapis tried - and sometimes that was okay. Sometimes they were good memories, comforting memories. Would it be worth losing those to get rid of the pain of knowing she’d never see her again?
She thought she should say something, but decided against it. No sense getting Stevonnie upset with her.
For a minute or so, she watched Stevonnie run the object up and down their face, the removed hairs wafting gently to the ground. Then, suddenly, they winced and dropped the device, clutching the side of their face.
“Stevonnie!” exclaimed Lapis, quickly darting over to them, “What happened? Did it attack you or something?”
“Stupid shaver cut my skin,” replied Stevonnie, withdrawing their hand. Lapis could see a small, dripping red spot on their skin.
“Oh,” said Lapis, “Uh, well, you can heal that, right? You can…”
Stevonnie buried their head in their hands, their chest heaving. Lapis swallowed - they were crying again.
“I-It’s just a cut, isn’t it?” she replied, “It’s gonna heal…”
“It’s not about the stupid cut!” exclaimed Stevonnie, “It’s... it’s... I can’t even explain it. Why am I still crying?!”
Lapis bit her lip.
“Maybe... maybe it’s because you’re still sad,” she suggested, sitting down carefully against the uneven stones below. “Because, you wanna go home,” she continued nervously, “Just like I wanna go home. But we can’t. We’re stuck here.”
“But I don’t want to be stuck here,” replied Stevonnie, “I... I want my family back, Lapis…”
They took a deep breath and rubbed their arm over their eyes.
“... I don’t wanna forget them,” they said, “I don’t wanna stop thinking about them... but I don’t wanna hurt anymore…”
They took another few deep breaths, carefully timing them, one after the other.
“I think... I think I wanna go back to the beach now,” they said.
Lapis nodded wordlessly.
It had been a while since Lapis had set up the hammock. It sat in the cave with the other miscellaneous human objects for years - it had felt so much like a barn thing, and with the barn gone…
But Stevonnie couldn’t keep sleeping on the floor - apparently that gave humans back problems. So, up the hammock went, hanging from a few strong branches she had found along the edge of the beach. It seemed sturdy enough to hold their weight.
The sun was down now, the only light was the hazy orange glow of an old lantern. Lapis sat on the floor next to the hammock, reading an old magazine. She’d read this one many times, but it was a particular favourite - she liked the pictures.
“Have you ever explored this planet?” asked Stevonnie.
Lapis looked up at them. They were staring at the ceiling, and they looked like they were deep in thought.
“Not much,” replied Lapis, “I’ve always stuck around here. I’m not even sure what the Diamonds used this planet for.”
She rubbed her chin thoughtfully.
“Although,” she said, “I did see a tower on the other side of the island. You can’t see it from here because there’s a hill in the way, but…”
“You wanna go check it out?”
Stevonnie was leaning over the side of the hammock now, looking down at Lapis.
“... I... I guess we could,” replied Lapis, “I mean, it... it might be dangerous, but I guess with the two of us…”
She’d never actually considered exploring the tower. It wasn’t one she recognised - it was probably either very late Era-1 or very early Era-2, when she had been trapped in the mirror. Come to think of it, she’d never actually left the island - there was a whole world out there she hadn’t seen. Maybe now it was time to finally take a look?
“Can we do it tomorrow?” asked Stevonnie.
Anything could go wrong. They could find some kind of killer robonoid, or a Homeworld death squad could warp in, or they could be crushed by a collapsing roof, or they’d find out some other terrible thing that the Diamonds had done, or they’d accidentally summon them, or-
Lapis covered her mouth, surprised at her response. Okay? No, it was not okay, she couldn’t…
For the first time since they’d crashed onto the island, Stevonnie smiled. Lapis cursed internally - she definitely couldn’t say no now, could she?
Lapis swallowed and nodded.
“Okay,” she said again, “Let’s... let’s do it. It’ll... it’ll be fun! ...Well, maybe, I don’t…”
She lay on her back and stared at the ceiling.
What had she gotten herself into?
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BTS-When You Move/Take His Stuff
I was in the shower and was thinking what would happen if like my stuff had been switched and I would cry and then it developed into this so.... enjoy! It’s not my best tho.........
unedited tho
Pretty fluffy although some has strong sexual hints (COUGH BLANTENT MENTIONS COUGH)
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“Jagiyaaaaaaaaaa,” Jin called from the kitchen. “Where are the chips?”
Your eyes widened, and you swallowed, “What chips?”
“You know, my favorite cheddar ones! I only bought them yesterday!” You could hear JIn rummaging around the pantry, opening and shutting cabinets, and even the fridge. You could listen to his loud sigh and his heavy footsteps leaving the kitchen towards the living room where you sat with a book ... and Jin’s chips in your lap.
Quickly, you rolled up the bag and stuffed it under the couch while wiping the crumbs from your fingers. Holding your book to make it seem like you hadn’t done anything wrong.
A pouting Seokjin moped into the room and threw himself at the couch cushion next to you. “I was really craving chips.” He rotated to lay his head on your lap, moving your book to the side, his long legs hanging over the armrest.
He looked so sad that you couldn’t help but lean down and give him a quick kiss, forgetting about the cheddar dust on your lips.
“Y/N, I love you but I don’t think I can continue this relationship if you plan to continue betraying me this way.” You giggled at Jin’s over-dramaticness, pulling out the bag of chips and leaning in to kiss him again.
Soon enough, your book lay long forgotten.
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“Y/N? Do you know where the CD I had laying on the dresser went to?” Yoongi asked, poking his head in the room, looking a little flustered.
“Uh, the one in the purple case that’s been collecting dust for weeks?” You looked up from your book.
“That’s the one. Where is it?”
“Oh um, well it was just sitting there so I thought it wasn’t very important...” You trailed off.
Yoongi walked towards you, slightly concerned. “Babe... What did you do with it?”
“Nothing bad! I just brought it out to my car to listen to it. I was hoping it would be a bunch of the songs you’ve been working so hard on.” You smiled nervously, knowing what was actually on the CD.
Yoongi sighed, “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag now. Hold on, I’ll be back in a sec.” He walked towards the bathroom.
The CD that you thought would be full of finished or demo BTS songs, was actually full of Yoongi’s personal love songs that, in the very last song, he had dedicated to you.
Yoongi came back, holding a hand behind his back. “See, I had planned on taking you for a drive coincidentally and playing you each track and then for the last songs there would be signs on the road with the lyrics. Specifically the last few lines.”
He bent in front of you, not really the kneeling type and casually handed you the box. It was so perfectly Yoongi that you wouldn’t have minded either way.
In a soft tone, he began carefully rapping the last few lines of your favorite song from the CD, “Y/N, my perfect suit to a T, wanna marry me?”
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“TAEHYUNG!" A loud holler came from the back of the boy’s shared apartment. “IM GOING TO KICK YOU!” Which was then followed by a loud, puppy-like squeal and a scared Tae running from an angry Hobi.
Tae, the smart little thing he is, ran and hid next to you, knowing that you’d protect him from your scary boyfriend. You quickly went up to Hoseok and put your arms around him.
“Babe, what’s going on?” You asked softly.
“He stole my favorite shirt again!” Hoseok whined, burrowing his face into your neck. You stiffened, glad you had put a hoodie on over the same shirt Taehyung was being accused of stealing.
“Hyung! This time it wasn’t me! I bet it was Kookie. He’s got those beady eyes, perfect for a life of crime!” An innocent Tae pleaded towards your boyfriend.
“Taehyung, do not blame poor Kookie for your ‘crimes’!” Namjoon hollered from his seat on the next couch over. Tae harumphed and crossed his arms over his chest, still standing behind you.
“Hon, maybe Tae didn’t steal your shirt. Maybe it’s still in the laundry or something. But even if he did steal it, or anyone for that matter, you should forgive them and just be ... happy!” You soothed, hoping Hoseok listened to you well. You heard a soft Thank you, Noona from the beagle behind you.
Hobi sighed, “Fine, sorry Tae. I guess you probably didn’t steal it. Y/N is right.” Hoseok snuggled his face deeper into your neck, accidentally shifting your hoodie and revealing the shirt that had caused so much controversy.
Hoseok pulled back sharply. “Jagiya.”
“Yes?” You squeaked.
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You stepped out of the shower, fuzzy blanket wrapped around your body. Namjoon stood up from his seat on top of the bathroom countertops.
“Nope, no, not happening. Joonie I just got clean.” You lightly pushed his bare chest away from you, ignoring his protests. “Take your shower. I’m going to get dressed and make breakfast.”
“Jagiyaaaa, our shower is big enough for two, so we should take this opportunity, right?” You just looked at his puppy face with a stoic face. Internally, you were about to break, but Namjoon didn’t need to know that. “Alright fine. I’ll join your clean club.”
“Good boy! Who’s a good boy! Aw, look at my wittle baaaby!” Namjoon gave you an unimpressed stare, quickly glancing downwards with an eyebrow raised as if to say Am I really that little? Wink wonk and promptly turned towards the shower.
You left the bathroom with a grin on your face. The bed was still frumpled and messy from all of last night’s - and this morning’s - activities. You sighed because you know that Namjoon would just skip away from the mess, leaving you to clean it up. Stalking into the ‘her’ closet, you pulled on a random pair of sweatpants that really belong in the ‘his’ and a plain white t. (I’M ROLLING: HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT’S IT LIKE IN NAMJOONS BED??) You grabbed your ring, threw the covers on the bed back up haphazardly and left towards the kitchen.
It was then that you heard Namjoon’s screams of terror. You ran back into the bathroom, heart pounding in your ears. “Namjoon! What is it?”
You heard a loud sigh from the other side of the curtains.
“You moved the body wash again, Jagi. Now I have sugar scrub in my hair and when I realized, I spun too fast to look at the bottle that I knocked your shaver and it cut my arm.” Namjoon whined, poking his head out from behind the curtains. You couldn’t help but let out a large cackle, finding your fiancé’s misfortune hilarious. 
“Maybe I should join you and kiss you better. My razor can be a bitch.” You smirked to yourself.
“I think that’s your best idea yet, Jagi!” His face was an adorable mix of his smile and his smirk. You stripped quickly, carefully setting your ring on the bathroom counter thinking how lucky you are that Namjoon’s razor was gonna prick you hard.
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“Jimin.” “Jimin.”
“Y/N, shut up. I’m trying to sleep.”
“But Jiminie, you stole all the covers and I’m freezing.” You complained, shivering on the other side of Jimin’s bed.
“There’s blankets in the closet over there,” He pointed very vaguely towards the hallway? Or maybe the closet? You couldn’t tell.
“Jimin, please share your covers with me?” You tried once again. Your childhood best friend was so annoying. He even forced you to stay at his new apartment after helping him unpack because he wanted to celebrate, but you had a feeling he was just a little scared.
You got no response. “Okay, Jimin. I’m gonna call Namjoon to pick me up, then.” That made him react.
He sat up - slowly but progress is progress - and looked at you with a pointed glare. “Y/N. No. I’m your best friend. You don’t need to be with him all the time. I’ll go get you a blanket. I’ll even get you that fancy heated one that your mom gave me.” He clambered out of his bed, making his way into the hallway.
You smirked. “He is my boyfriend, ya know?”
He grumbled quietly to himself, stretching up to the top of the closet for the blanket. “Yeah, I know.” He finally grabbed it and made his way back to his room where he found you curled up with his blanket, passed out. 
“At least she’s in my bed tonight,” Jimin mumbled bitterly, throwing an arm over you and snuggling into the person he’s been in love with for 18 years. The person who will never love him back.
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“Baaaabe! Please talk to me!” You pleaded toward Taehyung who was stubbornly refusing to even look at you after he found you curled up in his chair.
See, when you had forced Taehyung to go shopping with you a week and a half ago to replace your old, dingy furnature in your shared living room, he had fallen in love with a creme colored leather rocking recliner. It came with swing out cup holders and even a phone charging port.
When he sat down in the chair at the store, he not only shed a tear, but woldn’t let you sit in it so that you “wouldn’t feel heaven and therefore would never steal his chair from him.” You groaned at him before flagging down a salesperson to show you to the more practical, cuddle-able couches.
Instead, Taehyung asked them for a brand-new, never sat in chair to be sent to your house.
“You were teasing me Tae! I couldn’t not know what it felt like after you’ve been pushing your feelings for this chair down my throat for an entire week!”
Taehyung flared his nostrils at you before picking you up and dramatically tossing you on the couch. “You picked yours and I picked mine, Noona.” He sunk into the cool leather. “Oof, the seat is warm from you.”
“Good! Embrace my body heat. I’ll sit on the couch all alone and stretch out, and even though this couch is perfect for two people to lay on, it’s even better for just one.” You said loudly, trying to guilt trip the man.
Two days later, a distraught Taehyung, and a trip back to the furniture store, you and the oversized manchild sat on an even newer brand new couch. One that was basically two creme colored rocking recliners with slide out drink holders and phone plugins but they were connected. Perfect for cuddling and sharing body heat.
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“I thought you loved me. I thought wrong.” Jungkook said before he turned tail and walked right back out of the kitchen where you had been eating cereal with his special golden spoon.
“Ya! You used all of the other silverware and I was hungry!” You chased after him, abandoning your bowl. You found him looking out of the window dramatically.
You giggled a little to yourself before swallowing Jungkook in a backhug.
“Y/N, you have your own spoon so why did you have to use mine?” He asked very sternly. He was referring to the two sets of silverware you bought when you first moved in together. All of yours were pink and whle you tried to beg him to get the blue ones to match, he chose the golden ones. Of course, you had regular silver sets as well.
“My spoon was dirty,” You answered simply.
“And what about the guest spoons?”
“You used the last one yesterday so right now they’re in the dishwasher.”
“Why didn’t you use a fork? I know there’s plenty of those.”
You rolled your eyes against his back, “I can’t exactly eat cereal with a fork, can I?”
“I’m sure it’s possible.” You gripped him tighter and pressed a few short kisses to the back of his neck.
“Kook, what can I do to make it up to you?” His breathing started to get heavier from the kisses paired with the tone of your voice. Your breathing followed suit.
He turned in your arms to face you, “You can buy me a new spoon. That one’s ruined now.” He lightly pushed you away and walked off towards your room.
Wow okay I’m thinking of making Jimin’s into a mini-series. Thoughts?
Thanks for reading guys! Hope you enjoyed! Oof
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