#i thought about drawing the characters (human) with their cat outfits. maybe i'll do it
octocats of cotc and ot2
so there's this wonderful game pixel cat's end where you have cats. and i made some of the octopath characters into cats in that game! (spoilers: one endgame character of ot2.)
cotc cats:
auguste and gilderoy (they're gay. hehe):
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prome!! (still waiting for him to finally come to global cotc...)
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sazantos (sansan with a bunbun 💖. and he's a student cause he's not an adult yet. smol):
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on to the ot2 cats!
temy and crick (with rainbow flower petals falling on them because gay. and look at the tiny isopods at temy's paws! they're supposed to look like tiny sheep.):
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fun fact! they have kittens. they are tiny.
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and now the... less popular characters. here's cubie beloved:
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and, the mint. (her hair is made of seaweed.)
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honorary mention: kaldena. i don't have her yet so here's only a pic from the cat sandbox (the pattern looks like her face but unfortunately it's a really rare one):
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that's all of them! i care them... (except mint she can die.)
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pinewoodpipit · 11 months
bloodwritten silver fic - Midpoint Meta (Chapter 5)
Chapter 5 is out, so it's time for another meta post!
Other meta posts for this AU
Fic beginning meta
Fic end meta
General thoughts and fic notes
Venshire was named after Venice. Venice is huge in Valorant lore and on top of that, the Range is on Venice, and since Reyna treats the entire guild in Venshire a bit like a constant training session, I wanted to play with that idea. “Shire” just seemed to fit the mood and time period of the fic, so I landed on Venshire as a final name.
As I’ve mentioned before, I picture Venshire as something similar to Resident Evil Village or a Soulsborne kind of vibe. RE8 especially looks very similar to what I picture for this AU, particularly since there’s even a manor in Venshire’s valley (albeit it’s largely abandoned now the werewolf coven is dead).
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I’ve done some reference work for Fade here. Her outfit design is discussed later on in the “clothing” section of these notes, but I’ll show some her body references here. For the final meta post when the fic is completed, maybe I'll draw references for both Fade and Neon's outfits, but for now we've just got a body au and some discussion!
Werewolves in this AU are huge wolves which mostly resemble real-world wolves in terms of general anatomy, but their hips and hind legs are designed in a way which legs them stand up. Their forelimbs are also much closer to human arms than wolf forelegs, with lower elbows and fingered hand-paws. I drew these out in my initial pen sketches of this au (which can be found here) but I wanted to show them off in a proper reference.
I like the idea that werewolves have unique markings (similar to birthmarks) - Fade’s nose bridge marking and her “eyeshadow” are one of those, which is why they’re both permanent and visible on both her human and wolf body. That said, the cat paw marking in her canon design is actually a set of four large claw marks running across her shoulder, which we will learn the history of later in the fic. (This detail was inspired by a friend of mine, @/unidooty on Twitter! They helped inspire a bunch of Fade’s look in this fic, which I expand on in the clothing section of these notes.)
Her henna and criss-cross gloves in canon are actually her scars from the trap in chapter 1 of this fic. They will never go away since they were made with silver. This wound will also, unfortunately, cause her chronic pain for the rest of her life.
I have a chronic pain illness which I deal with, which is the inspiration behind a specific AU which I plan on writing in the future, but I do like the headcanon of Fade experiencing chronic pain. Her fatigue, insomnia, and general apparent high pain tolerance all seem like they suit someone who would deal with something like this, and so I find it a comforting headcanon which means a lot to me, and I will include it in my AUs where I can.
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(Another character I enjoy in media to have a chronic pain headcanon is Kai’sa from League of Legends. I have a very long fic featuring her, my mozzfic, but chronic pain wasn’t mentioned there. I’d love to write a fic about her someday which does go over this, and in fact I do have a little story idea in mind for her.)
The valley around Venshire is bitterly cold, especially in winter, when this fic is set. As such, most people wear very thick, layered clothing, often with lots of fur. The best comparison I can give is these sorts of outfits from Game of Thrones.
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Hazal is an outlier specifically. She’s a werewolf, and they kind of come with a bit of their own heat source, so they can get away with lighter clothing. Her normal outfits will include a thick fur coat, mostly as a disguise but also a little bit as a shelter from the cold, and beneath that she’ll usually wear thinner blouses and baggy trousers. Uni, my friend I mentioned earlier, suggested Ottoman-styled outfits for her beneath her cloak, which I agree she would like in this AU! When she’s transforming, most of her regular-use clothes are enchanted to shift with her and disappear until she returns to her human body, but when she doesn’t have any enchanted clothing on hand (as her supply is limited), she’ll stick to a very large pair of pants which she’ll leave unbuckled and then belt tightly around her waist when she’s in her human form - this is because her wolf form is so much larger than her human body, and so she’s doing her best to make do with a huge clothes size difference. This method leaves her titties out when she isn’t wearing her enchanted clothes, but it’s better than nothing. This was another suggestion from Uni - their help has really helped me solidify exactly what Fade has going on appearance-wise and I appreciate their help a ton!
The beast hunter guild, on the other hand, has a uniform similar to the Bloodborne hunter’s outfit, but with a thick fur cloak over the top to protect them against the vicious cold. Tala and co wear this while on hunts, but when they’re simply training or patrolling, they’ll often wear much simpler clothing. Hazal didn’t see Tala in this outfit until chapter 5, and it’s why she suddenly found it so attractive.
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Playlist (expanded)
These are songs which I added to the playlist after I started writing, but I still think they fit.
Exit Music (For A Film) - Radiohead
Climbing Up the Walls - Radiohead
Street Spirit (Fade Out) - Radiohead
Sound the Bugle - Bryan Adams (Spirit soundtrack)
A Forest - The Cure
Soldier Side - System of a Down
The Wolf - SIAMES
Mr. Fear - SIAMES
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Wake Me Up When September Ends- Green Day
labour - Paris Paloma
Hayloft II - Mother Mother
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
God’s Whisper - Raury
Repeat Until Death - Novo Armor
From Eden - Hozier
Yeah, quite a few of these are Radiohead. Their music really does fit Fade extremely well. These particularly, along with the other new songs listed here, fit this AU very well in my mind. It has a lot of themes of grief, existentialism and general… unhealthy coping mechanisms and responses to grief, on everyone’s parts.
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saltycharacters · 4 years
Alright well since this is the last day of the decade, and that's how long I've been alive (born 2000), I wanted to do SOMETHING so uuuh I'm gonna show off the characters I'm the most proud of making!
-Stonks: I'm really proud of her design, she was made during my first day of college (during my statistics class) and in a way represents my introduction to the next step of my life, so I'm very fond of her for that. I also like her story and personality, as she's written as a generally sweet, nervous nerd who's head over heals over a girl in her office while still having a few secrets she has to keep under wraps, as her horrible town corrupts anyone that lives in it. Also her name is a meme and I love that too
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-Goby Powehi: Again I'm all about design and I enjoy hers a whole lot. She was roughly based off a pervious character which was inspired by an old fakemon, from back when I made over 200 in elementary (and started my passion for character design). So she has some pretty special origins. She's also the star of her own story and one of my favorites, as well as having a fun personality and secrets as well, although easily uncovered. Plus she has awesome powers and sci-fi/fantasy origins that I enjoy writing
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-CeeCee: I could argue that ALL of the ocs that managed to get popular through my flipnotes are my favorites, not necissarily because of design/story but because they achieved a level of recognition and love I've always wanted for my characters. My ocs mean a lot to me and have contributed to my happiness throughout my whole life, so I feel like a proud parent when others love them as much as I do. CeeCee is the prime example of this, as she's arguably my most popular character/animation. I don't draw her much because I like to focus on all of my characters and she already gets more attention than anyone else, but she still holds a very special place in my heart. Overall, she's helped me achieve what I thought I could not, and it's amazing to think how I almost sold her as an adopt, years ago, and this would have never happened.
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-All of the Fruit Citizens: This may be a bit of a cop-out, but it's true. Although I have a select few that I prefer over the others, all of my Fruit Citizens have designs and stories I'm very proud of. The entire premise itself is one of my most complete and developed stories yet, and has elements I really enjoy working with. Even if I haven't done anything other than draw characters, this is the closest to starting a project I've ever gotten, something I've wanted to do so badly for all of my life but haven't been able to due to my adhd and lack of time. I really completed 48 fully colored refs for this one thing and I haven't felt this productive since my flipnote days. I can't express how happy and proud I am for how well it's been received, and I hope people continue to ask me about it as I develop it more. Also I accedentally made 5 new fruit citizens so expect more refs lmaooo
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-Cavity: Not to toot my own horn but out of all of my designs I consider this one of the most clever/coolest. I love the combination of a geode with a hoodie, and using the crystal motif to also give them the apperance of a rabbit. I'm still working on their story, and this image could be better, but for the design alone Cavity has become one of my favorites.
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-Uri: He has always been a comfort character to me. I don't know why, but I always felt like I could relate to Uri the most, even though we're vastly different. I suspect I latch onto bold male characters because thats what I want to be at times, and to this day I find comfort in his confidence and ability to create his own world and circumstances just by being himself. He's more like a close friend than a character at this point, and I always return to him when I'm out of ideas. He's changed a lot over the 7 years I've had him, both in personality and apperance, and even now his design and story is being worked on, but there's no denying that he holds a special place in my heart.
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-Mokaro: I consider him my first real character ever, so it's easy to see his significance. I think I created him back in 2012, as a keronian inspired off of my animal jam outfit, and although now he's a human there's still elements to him that have never changed. He's been there for me through thick and thin, he has a lot of personality and story to work with, his design needs a little polishing but overall suits me fine, and like Uri, he's a comfort character so I really treasure everything about him. His significance to my lore is also immeasurable. To say he's special would be an understatment; he really is one of a kind, and it'd be wrong for me not to include him in this character highlight.
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-Captain Dark Kitty: This one is self explanatory. She's the official mascot of my work and just as recognized as CeeCee, being the face of my flipnotes for many years. I drew myself as her for most of my middle school and highschool years and considered her my avatar until recently. She was everything I wanted to be: hardcore, red eyes, black hair, cool outfit, literally part cat. As I grew up though, my dream apperance deviated from hers- especially when my preferences stopped including any semblance of femininity. Now I just draw myself as a cartoon version of myself, and instead made CDK her own character. She still has a place as my mascot and will continue her role as one of the most important characters in my roster.
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-Bail: He's the closest thing I've had to a consistently favorite character and I love him so much. I love writing his personality and story and drawing him and everything else, there's very little I can say honestly other than he's very special to me and I'll probably never think otherwise.
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-Honorable mentions (or as many as I could fit at least):
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So for the next decade, I sincerely hope I can continue making characters and content I can be proud of and maybe even make something really big and cool at some point! Thank you all so much for staying with me, see you next year!!
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Name: Verdona Levin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday (Zodiac): January 16; Capricorn
Species: 50% Human, 25% Osmosian, 25% Anodite
Ethnicity: White / Alien?
Native Language(s): English
Nationality: American
Appearance Info
Height: 5'9"
Skin tone: Light
Eye shape/color: Round; Green
Hair style/color: Long Wavy; Black
Outfit style: Oversized Sweaters and Jeans
Accessories: Charms
Markings (birthmarks, scars, etc): N/A
Alignment Info
Hero/Villian/Civilian: Hero
Rank: Vanguard League (Supernatural Department)
Natural Powers (By Mother) 
    -Mana Manipulation
    -Mana Absorption
    -Mana Detection
    -Memory Manipulation
    -Portal Creation
Anodite Powers (By Mother)
    -Anodite transformation
    -Astral Projection
    -Size Alteration
Matter Absorption (By Father)
Fighting Style: 
    -Taekwondo (Taught by Mother)
    - Jujutsu (Yaught by Mother)
    -Spell Book
    Verdona is very nonchalant, she tends to be very relax and reserve with people. She's kind and can be motherly to some of the other members, making sure they're fine if not then she would offer her healing. She enjoys music, it's something that puts her in a good mood. She's not nesessarily quiet but she's also not very talkative. She's the type that needs to be spoken too, however she has her moments when she gives a remark. She can be somewhat sarcastic but it's something that makes other laugh. She's very helpful and is a good ear, listening to other people's problems and helping them out.
    Born in Bellwood her parents had always given her a nice life. Making sure to not let their jobs or plumbing take up too much of their time. She was raised to be skilled in fighting, so when she's older she can help people like they did. Kevin, her father, had taught her how to use her osmosian powers in ways of defense and even offense. He gave her an insight to the good places to brokers. Her mother however taught her the ways of magic and being Anodite, even gave her lessons in some martial arts.
    Having these skills made Verdona a nice assest to a team, so she had asked about maybe joining the Vanguard League. Her mother was glad she would be wanting to join heroes, her father didn't seem to care. He was a villain and a hero, very hard to pick a side. But he was happy that she's doing something she wants. She teleported to Townsville and had search but managed to find the Vanguard League, where she met Damian. Son to Danny Fenton and Valerie. She had grown a crush on him. However she kept it professional and asked to join. After showing all of what she had the League had seen her as a valuable member for the team and she was accepted.
    She was excited and even transferred to the local school. Of course she teleports to the school and League whenever needed, she just needed a reason to be somewhere new. Plus she got to see Damian more. She was growing a liking to him and even wondered if she had a chance with him.
- Gwendolyn Tennyson Levin (Mother)
- Kevin Ethan Levin (Father)
- Ken Tennyson (Uncle)
- Ben Tennyson (First Cousin Once Removed)
- Max Tennyson (Great Grandfather)
- Verdona (Great Grandmother)
- Frank Tennyson (Maternal Grandfather)
- Natalie Tennyson (Maternal Grandmother)
- Mrs. Levin (Paternal Grandmother)
- Zed (Pet)
    Her parents and her get along well. Gwen and Kevin have their moments when they argue about the way one another trained Verdona but in the end they have seen that she's grown to be a wonderful daughter and fighter. She gets along well with her father being daddy's little girl, however she also gets along well with her mother. They are supportive and helpful with Verdona's future.
    Damian is the leader of the Supernatural Department she's in. She had grown a liking to him after their first encounter. Something about his scaredy-cat personailty made her smile. She just wanted to be there to help and protect him. In fact in battle she tends to be very protective of him and the team. She stays by his side and listens to his commands, and sometimes at school she can't help but ogle him from her locker. 
    As for Envie, the two seem to get along well. However they have their moments when they engage in a sarcasm battle that some people in the team wonder if they're fighting or just casually having fun. It's usually the latter.
    Vivian is someone Verdona has a hard time getting along with. Mainly due to her being unable to withstand Vivi's obnoxious and loud personality. Verdona tries to avoid her as best as she can but being in the same team it tends to get difficult. 
Small Stories w/ Characters:
    As she saw Damian walk by she nervously waved a hand at him, hoping to get his attention without scaring him. He stopped in his track and looked up at her.
    "Hey Damian, I don't mean to hold you up long, but... I was just hoping if you'd like to read this in your free time." She smiled and cautiously handed a small black journal to him, his hands took it curiously and opened it, skimming through it's content.
    "What is it?" He asks, but quickly realizes that it appears to be a journal filled with poems.
    "Just some poetry, I heard that you liked poetry so I wanted to show you some of my stuff. Maaaybe you can let me know if they're any good? I want to go to a poetry slam but I'm just too afraid that my work is ... well childs work."
    Damian smiles and gladly takes the book, he looks up at her eyes, "Thanks, I'll give it a read and let you know what I think about them tomorrow." With that he walked off, leaving Verdona to respond to his dissappearing body.
    "Awesome! Thank you-" she pauses, "Wait tomorrow morning?!" He was gone and she was nervous, was he planning on reading them all in one night? She creates a portal sending herself home, hoping for tomorrow to come sooner.
            Next Morning
    She walks around a room in the league where she ran into Damian the day before. She impatiently fiddled with her scarf before seeing him phase through a wall into the room.
    "Ah there you are," Damian spoke softly and she responded in the same manner.
    "So? What'd ya think?"
    He thought for a second and reassured her with a smile, "It's good. I think these would be perfect for a poetry slam."
    She blushed, taking her journal back she hugged it in her crossed arms and smiled at him, "You think so?... Hey maybe if you aren't busy, you'd like to join me friday for the slam?"
    He smiled, "Sure, Just text me the details and I will meet you there." She nodded, and with that he left again. She excitedly texted the details right away and walked out of the room her book still in her arms as she internally squealed with joy.
    It had been a while and Vivi hadn't stopped talking, she was talking to another member in the group and they didn't seem to mind her constant blabbering. However Verdona was starting to get a bit irritated, and with the potty mouth Vivi has Verdona found herself finally speaking up.
    "I know this space is free for members to socialize and relax but do you think you could maybe tone down the profanity?" She dodn't want to come off as a goodie goodie but she just wasn't a fan of profanity, mainly due to her high intelligence she found slang to sometimes be unnessecary.
    "Oh shit sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt yer quiet time," she reponded, only to turn back and continue her conversation. Her profanity had lessen but that only lasted less than a minute before she continued to do it again. Not on purpose, just out of habit.
    Verdona groaned, she just wanted to be in this room and enjoy some poetry reading with Damian, but he was running late and she was running out of patience.
    "We have a language filled with so many words that can replace that vulgar slang street talk of yours," she said slamming her book shut.
    "Why are ya bitching so much? I have the right to use any words I want, freedom of speech look it up."
    Her hands became fists and she stood up from her seat,"For your information I am fully aware of the Amendments-"
    "Well are you fully aware you got a stick up your ass that needs to be taken out?"
    Without another word Verdona gave up and grabbed her book and walked out, Damian had just walked in but quickly followed after her.
    Vivi sat there, a bit confused,"What's her problem?" 
Welp that's it for my entry oof took forever
But I'm glad with the outcome, I love both of my new children and if neither wins I wont even be mad, I just love them too much xD
Sorry if any character is OOC, if I need to change things just let me know!
Bio Template (C) MintQuetzal 
Vivian (C) ppgzmlpfimlover 
Verse, Opal, Damian, Vivian, Serena, Kandi (C) PrincessCallyie 
Art, Junji, and Verdona (C) @japanda-draws
Any other character belongs to their rightful show and creator
She will be in @ej-cappy-universe 's GRS series: The Neighbors.
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