#i think the ''what does this say about adrien's agency'' reading of the show is fair and an interesting perspective
buggachat · 3 months
Sometimes I think about how Adrien, throughout the series, constantly grapples with his fear of abandonment. Gabriel conditioned him to believe that any love he receives is purely transactional, and that to earn affection he has to prove his utility. Adrien is constantly trying to prove his worth to his father for scraps of affection, and Chat Noir infamously crumbles on-screen any time he feels as though he is replaceable to Ladybug. It's a constant insecurity of his, like everyone will just dump him like a sack of potatoes the moment they find out how useless he is.
Meanwhile, all Marinette wants to is ensure that Adrien is happy. Because she loves him. She doesn't give two shits about how """useful""" he is. She holds him and tells him that she will never abandon him (both as Ladynoir and as Adrienette), and her fantasies are about saving him, not about him being "useful" to her. Throughout their relationship, Adrien is forced to disappoint Marinette constantly for reasons outside of his control (amok commands), and yet Marinette is still there for him.
At Adrien's lowest point, when he is forcibly torn away from everyone who had ever showed him genuine care, locked away in an all-white room and at his most "useless", right after disappointing Marinette and unable to even join the final battle or contribute in any way, she still saves him. She still loves him. Because he doesn't have to prove anything to her. Because he is loved and cherished for who he is, not for what he does, and that love is not conditional. Adrien's "happy ending" at the end of the first arc wasn't about him finally proving how useful he can be, because he never actually cared about being useful — he just saw it as the only means to feel loved and needed. Instead, in the end, he found out that he was loved and needed no matter what.
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gentil-minou · 2 years
So much of the Adrien salt I see comes down to like "Adrien doesn't stand up for himself" or "Adrien is too passive" and I just don't understand how people can have that take after seeing the way he grew up in isolation and controlling and with a lack of empathy/space to be emotional and free and read that as something a 14 year old should have "grown out of"
And also like what???? What show???? Are you???Watching???? He totally has agency, he literally leaped at the chance to become a hero and he's extremely gung-ho about it to the point where he follows his instincts.
I feel like people forget he's literally learning how to be a part of society after being isolated for years. He's gonna make mistakes. He's gonna do what he does sometimes because that's what he was taught.
He is gonna try to avoid confrontation with Lila because that's what he learned to avoid conflict with his father.
He's going to listen to his father because that's all he knows and what he's been taught to, and yeah maybe it's not the abuse people picture but it's still abuse.
He's going to be passive cause that's what he learned, but he's also actively unlearning it. That's why season 3 starts with him stepping back from conflict with Lila to directly addressing her and making as much of a threat as he could (cause he's still such a sweet kid).
That's why the whole series starts with his first big rebellion from his dad (or at least the first one we've seen that's actually been successful) and the current conflict is him having to address that he does need to escape his had to be happy (see Chat Blanc and Ephemeral)
And its clear that whenever he does try to fight back his father he can't because the man is literally a villain trying to control him. Because he thinks he's totally alone, but he isn't and that's the next thing he needs to realize before he can actually escape his abuser.
Like sometimes I see people who salt on Adrien and don't think he has reasons to act the way he does and I'm like do you guys need the show to say "this character is abused" or do you not understand how cinema works? Do you not recognize that abusers can be both awful human beings but also show slivers of kindness/concern that is part of the reason why their victims stay trapped for so long? Like this show does such an amazing job showing the nuances for an adult audience while still making it fun and is clearly making an effort to show kiddos with the rings and I just can't deal with people who take all that info and find it to be shallow when it really, really isn't.
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
Sorry for making you see this, but what's your opinion here? [REDACTED]
Redacted the link with my usual rule of having to read the whole post first because it was long and also my brain zeroed in on the obvious red flags similar to the "Syren" post.
Here are some highlights:
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My first video on "Kuro Neko" contained a showcase of clips featuring Ladybug either complimenting, checking on, or reassuring Chat Noir. Most of them were Season 4, so... no. Depending on one's point of view, "entirely" is either a complete lie or total exaggeration.
The post is also screaming "Adrien stan." Like--
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"Chat Noir did nothing wrong, and even if he did it's okay because it's Ladybug's fault anyway!"
That's the Adrien stan logic in a nutshell.
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Engaging in disinformation or being in denial? You decide.
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Gonna take a wild guess and say that Adrimi is totally fine and cool with them and "Marinette deserved it for hesitating."
Anyway, it's a common Adrien/Love Square stan argument to deny Marinette of agency and act like she's not allowed to love other people, and if she does then that's disrespecting Chat Noir, who "deserves" her love because of "everything he's done for her," but Adrien is allowed to be with whoever he wants for x/y/z reason.
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They literally called Catwalker "Kuro Neko," I can't--
Also, them acting as if Ladybug knew/eventually learned that Catwalker was Chat, which is wrong. She had no idea that he was changing himself and even told Catwalker herself that she didn't want him to change himself for her when he offered to laugh at her jokes, so clearly that's her ideal relationship overall.
(And they basically say outright that Chat Noir is perfect the way he is and it's Ladybug who has to change herself for him, not him for her. I guess civilians should also just act exactly the same as heroes when given miraculouses because doing anything else - like taking things more seriously - is "changing themselves.")
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How rich of Adrien stans to talk about Ladybug """only thinking of herself.""" Plus, 10/10 hilarity for saying that Ladybug shouldn't bring in more heroes to make things quicker (who cares if the akuma is damaging Paris/harming people?) because it hurts Chat's feelings (something she isn't even aware of because neither he nor Plagg told her at the time).
Ladybug literally can't exclude Chat because she isn't the one calling him to battle. If he doesn't show up or she needs some extra hands, she calls other holders. That's consistent throughout nearly all of Season 4.
Good lord, the show even implies that Chat Noir is equivalent to like--four+ temps (as that's about the amount Ladybug brings when Chat Noir doesn't show up for repeat akuma), yet that's still not enough for them.
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parismystere · 2 years
Saw your valentines day post and 100% agree! There are soo many weird implications in the show if Adrien is a sentimonster, that I genuinely do not think were ever discussed by the creative team (or at least not taken seriously)
i think the answer is really simple - the team simply doesn't recognize what they wrote into the show as abuse. you don't say what thomas said about chloé if you have a serious understanding of abuse, y'know? (which is partly why i think all those 'sentidrien is a metaphor for abuse' people are delusional about the intentions of the show) if sentidrien has been planned since season one, then astruc's co-creator saying that gabriel loves adrien, just 'not the right way', should be a hint about what their intentions were with these characters.
this is the show that has a character who is read as abused, is objectified by others in-universe and his existence is hinged on a literal object, is submissive, has no agency in life, is very emotional and desperate for romantic love (and was probably created based on the emotion of love), and then just made sure to point out every season how inferior that character is lol. i don't see much awareness about this either.
at best, if i have to assign some allusion to sentimonsters, i'd say they mean to represent humanity's callous and careless treatment of other beings/the earth, but... how does this fit into a silly rom-com? ml is biting off more than it can chew again.
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dakotacrisis · 4 years
Deal’s End (2)
Marinette's demon pushes her buttons to try and get her to make a deal with him. Push them in the right order though and you may trigger a meltdown.
(Read on AO3)
Marinette had about five seconds of blessed calm the next morning. Her alarm had just gone off to the tinkling music that roused her quietly from her sleep. She opened her eyes to greet the day and screamed.
“Lucifer, you are loud.” Her demonic headache from yesterday wiggled a finger in his ear. “That was right in my ear you know.”
“Marinette!” Her dad came running up to see what was wrong, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
She looked at the demon who gave no response other than a shrug.
“Uh a...a spider. There was a spider on my pillow.” She stammered out a reply. “It’s gone now.”
“Okay. You scared your mother so bad she spilt her tea.” he laughed with a shake of his head, “Come down and get some breakfast.”
“I will in a minute.” Marinette told him. He closed the door and Marinette went right back to glaring at the demon who thought it funny to be laying right next to her in her bed.
“Something on your mind?” The demon asked.
“Why are you in my bed?”
“It was comfier than the chaise.” He stretched his arms out, “But I do have to say the wake up call was rather jarring. Do you always scream bloody murder first thing in the morning?”
“I do when demons are nesting in my bed.” She kicked him off. “Do you even need to sleep or were you just doing it to get a rise out of me?”
“No and yes.” He stood up and dusted himself off. “I had no complaints from you last night when I laid down for a snooze. You are rather a cuddly sort aren’t you? Every so often I would wake up and there you were wrapped around me. At some point I stopped fighting it and let you hold on.”
“I--I--” Marinette couldn’t stand the thought that she had been unknowingly cuddling a demon all night. “I am going to kill you.”
“Don’t know how to tell you this but you can’t exactly kill a demon.”
“I’ll find a way.” Marinette stomped down to breakfast.
“You know how to get rid of me.” He was sitting on her couch. “Make a deal and you’ll never have to deal with me again.”
Marinette ignored him as she went about eating her breakfast. The sour expression on her face now a permanent mask as she got ready for school. The demon boy was back in her room when she was trying to change so she unfolded her dress screen and stepped behind it. If he was going to stick around then she could provide herself with a little privacy even if it was all for nothing. He probably had x-ray vision that let him see through it but the act alone let her believe she had some agency.
“Okay, how about this.” Marinette said from behind the screen. “Hypothetically speaking, if I were to make a deal with you what would the price I need to pay be?”
“Ooh, we’re finally getting somewhere.” He sounded so relieved, “I may have mentioned before that the price tends to fluctuate depending on what it is you want. The standard wishes like fame, wealth, love, revenge, and death would all cost your soul. There are lesser wishes that wouldn’t take your soul but would take something of equal value.”
“Like what?”
“One that gets used a lot by the goody-goodies is asking for a loved one to be cured of their sickness. The standard price to pay for that wish is that the wisher now has the disease and same odds of beating it as the person they just cured.” he said, “Other wishes would most likely take years off of your own life depending on how big the wish is. Say you wish to get into the university you want? That’d be around ten years off. Or say that you wished to give birth to healthy happy child. Those run upwards of twenty years.”
“What if I wished for a stick of gum?” she stepped out from behind the screen now fully dressed. “Would that take like a minute off?”
“Demonic deals don’t work like that. It has to be something that you truly desire. Whatever you wish for you have to really want.”
“Can I wish for you to go away cause I would love that.”
“That loophole got ironed out back in the fifteenth century. Try again.”
“Alright, if I promise I will think about it, seriously think about it, will you please leave me alone in the mean time? I hate having an invisible nuisance distracting me during class.”
“If that’s what it takes then alright.” he raised his hands in defeat. “Have a nice day at school.”
In a blink of her eye he disappeared. Something about that didn’t sit right with her. He was a demon. A pain in her side that found a way to torture her at almost any chance he got. He wouldn’t agree to stop so easily.
Suspicious of whatever he was planning Marinette grabbed her bag and made her way towards the school. No sign of him inside. She stuffed her stuff in her locker and went up to class. Maybe he really was going to leave her alone.
Or maybe she was going to perform an exorcism in this school. She walked into class and saw a familiar figure sitting in her seat. He wasn’t in his usual crisp red suit. Now he looked like teenage television heartthrob number two hundred and six. Black jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt and a dark red leather jacket. His feet were propped up on her desk and his usually perfectly styled hair was mussed so that a few strands hung in front of his eyes.
While that may not have been surprising the scene surrounding her demon was. The other students were talking to him. The others could see him! Why could the others see him?
Alya came in beside Marinette and asked why she had stopped in the doorway. “Alya,” Marinette whispered, “What’s going on at my desk?”
“Oh you mean the new kid?” Alya smiled, “He got here a couple minutes ago. Said he was a new transfer student. I think he said his name was Felix.”
“Right. Great.” Marinette was going to kill him.
The demon locked eyes with her and his small smile split into a wide shit-eating grin. “Hey Marinette, come on over.”
All heads turned towards her. Calmly as she could she parted through the crowd next to him. “Hi.” She said blandly. “You’re in my seat.”
“Surprised to see me?” He asked.
“Yes. Not as much as I feel I should be though.” She muttered. She glared harder at him but he only smiled in response. This cheeky pain in the ass…
“Do you two know each other?” Kim asked Marinette.
“I’ve run into him once or twice.” She waved the question off. She shoved the demon’s feet off of her desk.
“Oh come now, love,” He stood up wrapping an arm around her shoulders, “We’re better acquainted than that.” He threw a wink at her that was anything but subtle.
“Can I talk to you a moment?” Marinette didn’t bother waiting for an answer before she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back out into the hall. The class was whispering behind her but she could care less about their gossip. She needed to have a word with her new classmate.
“Watch it!” He groaned as she threw him against a wall, “I may be a demon but I can still feel pain.”
“You are going to be in a lot more pain if you don’t explain yourself right now.” Marinette jammed a finger in his face. “I told you I didn’t want to see you hanging around at my school!”
“Ah ah ah,” He shook his head, “You said, and I quote: ‘I hate having an invisible nuisance distracting me during class.’ Well now I’m not invisible.”
“That is not what I meant and you know it!”
“You should have been more specific then.”
“You insufferable plight on my life!” Marinette was going to throttle him, “What do you even get out of this? Does seeing me angry make you feel better about your own miserable life? Is it some kinda sick kick of yours?”
“I gotta pass the time somehow and annoying you is the only real entertainment I’ve found.” he shrugged. “Of course you know how to--”
“Shut. Up.” She stressed through clenched teeth. “You’re not cute. You’re not funny. And instead of giving me time to think on my own about this whole messed up situation you have inserted yourself into my day to distract me again. Are you happy?”
“I want to say yes but I am worried that if I do you will end up throwing me down the stairs so I’m just not gonna say anything.”
“Smart choice.” She sighed and leaned against the wall next to him. Her head buried in her hands as she tried to banish the headache forming. It’s too early for her to be this mad.
“Hey Marinette,” Her head whipped up as she saw a different blonde walking down the hall. “Who’s your friend?’
“Hi Adrien,” She couldn’t fight the easy smile that crept onto her face as she looked at her green eyed crush. “This is...uh…”
“Felix.” The demon stuck out his hand, “Felix Graham. I just transferred.”
“Nice to meet you, Felix.” Adrien shook his hand. “Is Marinette showing you around?”
“Yes she is.” Felix placed his arm around Marinette again. “The teacher asked if anyone would like to volunteer and her hand was the first one up.”
“That’s Marinette for you.” Adrien smiled, “You have a great guide. Marinette is not only class president but she is basically friends with everyone in the school. Now that you’re here she just had to make you her friend too.”
“I have a feeling that Marinette and I are going to be great friends.” Felix squeezed her more firmly. “Isn’t that right, love?”
“Yeah. Gotta love making friends.” Marinette forced a smile.
Adrien smiled at them once more, his gaze sliding to the arm wrapped around Marinette before entering the classroom. Once he was gone Marinette shoved the demon off. She let out an aggravated sigh and glared at the boy next to her.
“Since when is your name Felix?”
“Could have always been my name. Not that you bothered to ask. That is incredibly rude now that I think about it.” Felix scoffed.
“So is peeping on girls while they’re in the bath.”
“Well I needed a name if I was going to be able to pass as a human. I didn’t know what was popular this era so I just pulled a name out of that novel on your desk.” Felix shrugged.
“Novel? Wait, are you talking about The Prince of the Burned Princess?”
“Yeah. I got bored last night so I read a bit. I think I’m a little like that Felix fellow in the story. Tall, brave, intelligent…a little sexy?”
“Well thank you for ruining one of my favorite series forever.” Marinette sighed. She wasn’t gonna be able to read that without her demon popping into her mind now.
She shuffled back into the classroom and plopped down in her seat. Felix sat down a couple seats away which was fine with her. Maybe she could get through this day if he kept his distance. First period wrapped up and Marinette stood to go to the next one when she felt a shiver go up her spine.
She turned around and saw Felix standing behind her. “Can I help you?”
“You’re showing me around, remember?” He grinned.
“Right. Of course.” She hated having to play his stupid game but no one else knew the truth about Felix. To her classmates he was a regular transfer student. If she was a jerk to him for seemingly no reason it would not reflect back on her well.
He tried to put an arm around her but she blocked the maneuver and instead grabbed his arm to haul him to their next class. She shoved him into a seat far from hers and sat down. Alya took the seat next to her.
“So,” Alya leaned closer to Marinette, “How do you know Felix?”
Well have you ever accidentally summoned a demon by having a nosebleed over a design you were sketching and then said demon refused to leave you alone so he followed you everywhere including the bathroom? “It’s a long story.” Marinette reached for her textbook.
“And here I thought I knew them all by now. Is he like an ex-boyfriend or a former crush?”
“Ew no. Why would you think that?”
“He seems awfully comfortable around you. Also I know that your type is tall, blonde, and a nice smile. All of which mister leather jackets has.”
“It is not like that in the least.” Marinette couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did other people think that Felix was an ex-boyfriend that she still had feelings for? Where were they? She needed to talk some sense into them.
“Excuse me,” the shiver was back. Felix was next to Alya’s desk. “I was wondering if you would mind trading seats with me. I focus much better at the front.”
“Sure thing. I prefer sitting in the back anyway.” Alya collected her stuff. “I can sneakily listen to music from back there.”
“Alya!” Marinette pleaded with her eyes to not leave her alone with him.
“Chill, girl.” Alya winked at her, “Good luck.”
“Alya!” Marinette whined but her friend was gone and Felix slid into the spot she had previously been. She turned an ice cold stare at him. “I hate you.”
“Should I be keeping a tally of how many times you say that? Maybe a punch card!” He teased, “If I get ten ‘I hate yous’ can I trade it in for a deal so I can go home?”
“You are determined not to make this easy on me, are you?”
“Not a chance.”
Marinette suffered through the rest of classes with Felix glued to her side. She put on a smile and acted like the sweet girl everyone expected all the while thinking of whatever she could do to get back at him for this. She was seriously considering the holy water spray bottle. He liked to act like a nosy cat so why not treat him like one?
She started the walk back home and noticed Felix walking next to her. “Are you visible right now?” she asked.
“Yes?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “What does that matter? I’ve been visible all day.”
“Yeah but you’re following me back to my house.”
“Yes. That’s what I do. I follow you around because I am stuck with you.”
“No. I get that. But not everyone else knows that you are bound to me. All they see is the new kid following me home.”
“And is that so terrible?”
“In my opinion, yes.”
“Why? Scared they’ll think you actually like me?” he ruffled her hair. “I heard what your friend Alya said about me. Am I really your type?”
“Shut up right now.” She picked up the pace. “I can’t stop you from coming but the second we are inside you need to go invisible again. We’ll go in through the residential entrance instead of the bakery.”
“It smells so good though.”
“No! I am not explaining who you are to my parents. So please--”
She looked back at the bakery entrance and sighed. Why couldn’t he let her have one thing? She stepped inside her parent’s bakery. Felix was over at one of the display cases eyeing up the operas. She grabbed him by the collar and made to pull him back out of the shop.
“Hello sweetheart,” Her mom waved from the register, “Who’s your friend?”
“Hi mom,” Marinette waved back. She relinquished her hold on Felix’s coat. “This is Felix. He’s a new student.”
“Nice to meet you, Felix.” Her mom beamed. “Did you stop in for some after school snacks?”
“Actually, Marinette invited me over.” Felix replied easily. “I have a lot of catching up to do and she so generously offered to help.”
“That’s my girl. Always helping those that need it.” Her dad called from the kitchen area. “You kids take anything from the shop to eat while you study.”
“Thank you sir.” Felix smiled. He gently requested a couple of the operas and Marinette decided to grab a couple strawberry macarons. No reason for the demon to get fresh backed treats and not her.
They cut through the back of the bakery to the stairwell leading up to the apartment. “Oh these are so good!” Felix gushed as he stuffed and opera in his mouth. “I haven’t had fresh baked cake in a long time. Ooh, can I have one of those?” he reached for her macarons.
“Nope!” she slapped his hand away. “Demons don’t deserve macarons.”
“On the upside, I think your parents like me.”
“Only because they don’t know you.” Marinette climbed up the steps to her room. She kicked off her shoes and set her homework on her desk. She’d get to it in a bit but she needed some downtime first.
She sat down at her computer and booted up Mecha Strike. Felix stood behind her watching and trying to sneak one of her macarons from their box.
“How about instead of staring over my shoulder you sit down and play a game.” She handed him a controller. “Beating the crap out of you virtually will probably make me feel better.”
“You think you can beat me?” He sat down next to her. “I would love to see you try.”
“No using your demon powers though.”
“Well that’s no fun.”
“Alright, I’ll play fair if you give me a macaron.”
“Geez, fine,” she tossed him one. They spent the next hour playing and Marinette was absolutely creaming him. It felt good destroying his mech over and over and over again. The fun ended when he got mad over losing and broke the controller in half.
She pushed him out of the room to cool off and opened up her school work. In true demonic fashion he popped up in her room five minutes later. He paced around the room snooping through her things for about ten minutes before he settled next to her again.
“Hey.” he poked her cheek. “Hey. Marinette. Hey. Marinette. Marinette. Marinette. Marinette. Hey. Look at me. Marinette. Marinette. Marine--”
“What!” she roared. “I am trying to do my homework!”
“I’m bored.”
“I don’t care.” she turned back to her math worksheet. “Find some other way to entertain yourself. Read a book or something.”
“I don’t want to.”
“That’s your problem. I need to focus.”
“Felix!” She screamed at him in a fury. She had stood up so fast the chair toppled to the floor. Felix took an instinctive step back as she backed him into a wall by sheer anger alone. “You showed up at my school when I asked for space, you introduced yourself to my parents when I asked you not to, you broke my game controller, and you continually invade my privacy. For once can you please just do as I ask and leave me alone so I can get my work done or I swear to god I will not rest until I find a way to exorcise you from this life and the next! Are we understood?” 
For once he seemed actually shocked. His wide silver eyes staring at her almost in awe of the sheer amount of anger radiating off her.. “Okay. You need some alone time. I can take a hint.” He slid along the wall around her and sat down on the chaise. “I’ll be over here. Quiet as a mouse. Alright?”
“Good.” Marinette huffed. She righted her desk chair and got back to work. God that felt good. But she was also a little disappointed in herself. She’s calmer than that. She’s the rational one. No matter how annoying someone is she’s always been patient. This demon though was stretching her limits. She didn’t know how much longer she could go on like this.
After a couple therapeutic macarons stuffed down her gullet and a solid hour of studying she finished her work. She almost didn’t want it to end since it also meant an end to Felix’s blessed silent compliance.
She couldn’t pretend forever though. She put her work back in her bag and spun around in her chair. Felix was still on her chaise but he now held one of her sketchbooks.
“These are rather good for someone so young.” He said without looking up. “Are you sure you don’t want to use your wish to become a famous designer? With work like this I see no reason you would need to feel that your success was undeserved. Think of the wish as a fast forward button if you will since you’re so opposed to cheating.”
“No thanks.” Marinette took the sketchbook out of his hands.
He shrugged and got up. He went over to her board filled with pictures of her friends and took one down. “What about this guy?” he waved a picture of Adrien in her face, “You’re obviously smitten with him. What about a little love action?”
“No. I would never force Adrien to love me against his will. Also, if that weren’t enough I’m not too keen on selling my soul and dooming myself to eternal damnation because of it.”
“That’s...fair.” He pinned the picture back up. “I know you’re tired of hearing it and I am tired of saying it but you need to think of something. My bosses are not going to like that I am spending so much time up here on the same human.”
“Demons have bosses? What? Does Satan sign your paychecks?” she giggled. He sent her a stern look and the laughter died in her throat.
“So the more it benefits me the worse the payment is.” She pondered as she started to pace the room. “What if I wish for something not for me? What if I wish for someone else to be successful or to find love? My friends have a band they’re in. Could I wish for them to get a record deal or something?”
“A genuine selfless wish?” he thought about it before shaking his head. “I’ve only ever had one truly selfless wish asked of me before. While I do not doubt your intentions are well meant it is not the deepest desire you hold. Only a completely selfless wish that is also your one true desire could spare you from paying a price. A wish like that is far rarer than anything.”
“Well crap. I thought I was onto something there.”
“Marinette,” her parents called from the floor below, “Dinner is ready.”
“Coming, mom.” She called back.
After dinner she got a quick shower and changed into her pajamas. Before turning off the lights she grabbed Felix and sat him down. “Listen, this is not an ideal situation for either of us but if we are going to be stuck with each other then I want to lay down a couple of ground rules.”
“Cause that has worked out great so far.” he rolled his eyes.
“Please, listen. Rule number one: Absolutely no watching me while I’m in the bathroom or while I’m changing. Rule number two: You cannot pester me while I am working. And rule number three: When I wake up I do not want to see you in my bed.”
“If I follow these silly rules of yours will you give your wish more thought?”
“Yes. I promise. So long as you promise too.”
“Sure. Then you have my word.” he raised his hands, “No peeping, no pestering, and no sneaky cuddles. Did I get them all?”
“Yes.” She turned off the lights and climbed into bed. She could still make out his silver eyes watching her in the darkness. Were they glowing? She turned on her side so her back was to him. It didn’t stop the familiar chill that went with knowing he was staring at her though. “Good night, Felix.”
“Good night.” he replied. Another shiver ran up her spine as the words echoed quietly in the room. Looks like she was in for another restless night.
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@sannsibarr @miss-mysterys-blog @maribug-adrienoir
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dishwater-blondie · 4 years
Why I drink that sweet, sweet Fuck Emilie Juice and you should too
I woke up this morning and immediately wrote this whole-ass essay. At this point, I’m sure y’all are sick of me grasping for evidence that Emilie is gonna be a villain when and if she comes back. I apologize. 
But also, if you haven’t already, read To Stand Among Ruins by Windcage, because my conversation with her about this show (which slowly evolved into us writing full essays back and forth to each other) is where all of this speculation originated from. 
Anyway, here’s what I manically wrote earlier today: 
I present my speculation so confidently sometimes that even I forgot it’s just that - speculation. But evil!Emilie is the one thing that I am convinced about. I’ll don my wig and clown nose if I must when the time comes. I don’t understand wanting/expecting Emilie to be without considerable agency and without a major objective. Here is a woman we know next to nothing about. Of her, we have seen nothing but a motionless body, the beginning of a film where she didn’t speak, and countless depictions of her ranging from family photos to idols. This creates tension that won’t be satisfied by the revelation that she was exactly how everyone expected her to be. 
Emilie will be a thousand times more interesting if she is intelligent, ambitious, and the driving force of this miraculous agenda. We already know Gabriel didn’t activate the butterfly until after her disappearance, so unless they were both using the peacock, which I highly doubt, Gabriel was definitely less involved in their goal than Emilie. If Gabriel is the sole “evil” spouse, then either Emilie remains asleep and the audience accepts this use of the fridging trope and determines she had no control (which is boring), or she comes back somehow and attempts to usurp power from her tyrannical husband - a struggle we won’t have time to care for because we haven’t gotten to know Emilie, because we have only ever seen this relationship through Gabriel’s eyes. It’s a relationship framed as his struggle to overcome.
In fact, one can argue that she already has agency on a thematic level despite being hidden away in the coffin. Gabriel is totally responsible for his own choices, but beneath the surface, Emilie permeates everything he does, even the things that have nothing to do with Hawkmoth (his fashion designs on his screen bear a striking resemblance to his wife). She’s not at fault for his decision to terrorize the city, but his unhealthy dependence didn’t spring out of nowhere, and it is not a coincidence that it is her portrait, her eyes that loom over his shoulder in nearly every shot of this man. Gabriel is imprisoned in the past, and though the door is open, Emilie is the cold, dark cell that seems so warm and inviting because it has become comfortable. He’s to blame, yes, but I think it would be naive not to consider that there’s not more to this story that we are deliberately not exploring, three seasons deep. 
Also, as much as Emilie made Adrien happy, the audience is not made to root for her return so he can find happiness in her once more. The show makes it evident that a reunion with his mother is not what Adrien wants. He wants to be with Ladybug. He wants to go out into the world and make friends. He wants his father to be happy. This he expresses in Felix, when on the anniversary of Emilie’s disappearance, he doesn’t lament to Gabriel, “I wish mom was here”, or even, “I miss her.” He says, “If Nathalie can make you happy again, then she’s already part of the family.”
If Emilie is coming back, she’s not here to stay. Adrien knows exactly what Gabriel has to learn, that it’s okay to move on, and that moving on will ultimately make him happier. The narrative doesn’t exist to disappoint Adrien. 
And everyone has said it already, but Emilie certainly is just as much to blame for Adrien’s isolation as Gabriel. And I know this because Gabriel is disobeyed more often than he is listened to. Adrien, Nathalie, and the bodyguard have all deliberately defied Gabriel’s orders. At least on Adrien’s end, we can’t believe this was a regular occurrence when Emilie was around because he only started sneaking out after she left. Perhaps he had other ways of rebelling when he was younger, but we haven’t been made aware of these, aside for him and his cousin pretending to be the other, but that’s less rebellion and more joking around. 
Personally, I refuse to believe that the primary reason for Gabriel’s looser grip on the house is that it’s simply less convenient for him to be a tyrant. That’s a weak writing choice. It’s in every way more interesting if Gabriel is a man trying to maintain power over something that was never in his power to begin with, because it was always in Emilie’s. It’s in every way more interesting that Emilie - the mystery character, the idolized woman -  is not just an object for Gabriel to obsess over, but the authoritative and ambitious force at the heart of this plot.
Not to mention, the most recent webisode suggests that Nathalie’s advisements regarding Adrien are genuinely in the interest of helping Gabriel be a better father, and this would include the decision to let him go to school. She helps him be a better Hawkmoth too, but first and foremost, Nathalie is a catalyst of change, not a perpetuator of events that set Gabriel’s development backwards. If she managed to convince Gabriel to let Adrien go to school because he’d have more time to be terrorist, that contradicts Nathalie’s thematic purpose and mars the authenticity of the “affection” Nathalie herself feels her Adrien. It also makes any sort of positive development in Adrien’s life from there on out inherently linked to his father’s inability to be present. And that challenges the optimistic tone of every scene in which Gabriel and Adrien manage to spend quality time together.
All that said, evil!Emilie is not so much a justification for Gabenath as it is the conflict surrounding the damaged father-son relationship, and possibly the means through which it can be repaired. Obviously, none of us can say for certain if Emilie is in any way directly responsible for either the tension or the existence of Hawkmoth, but she does represent a disparity between Gabriel and Adrien’s response to loss and change. I argue that having her be the “evil” one, having her be the character at the forefront of this miraculous agenda, results in a more compelling story and more compelling character development down the road.
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Of Lattes and Lingerie- Adrienette Coffee Shop AU Chapter 3
A few quick notes about this, if you’re interested in being added to the taglist please let me know via replies or dm me. Its really encouraging when people tell you they actually want to keep up with your stories. 
If you haven’t already, you should read the first two parts
1. and 2.
Also, if you’re on desktop, you should check out blog’s home page because I updated the theme (not my code but there’s a link that gives credit to the creator) and it looks dope as shit. I added links to all my original work (art and fics alike) so if you’re interested in that kind of thing, check it out.
I am gonna add a few end notes to this as well regarding the actual content so I’m not giving spoilers at the beginning. Please forgive me because it took a lot of effort to write this. I hate setting up plots (part oft he reason I’ve never really attempted to publish a fic) but I’m really excited to get into the nitty gritty which should start in the next chapter.
 Marinette thought she was going to fall over and die. Her face was blazing, her eyes were wide and when she opened her mouth, all she could manage was a squeak.
She was back at the office again with Audrey and she had never been more thankful to be sitting down in a chair.
“Marinette, the fact of the matter is we don’t have enough models booked for the event and you’re the perfect size. We just need one and quite frankly I’m tired of the agency we’ve been using. So the obvious solution is to use you.”
“But I’m not a model! Audrey you know how clumsy I am! And I can’t wear lingerie! In Public! I’ll die!” Audrey rolled her eyes.
“Don’t be a prude Marinette. You designed them; you can wear them. Besides. I’m not asking. You owe me for the fiasco that was yesterday. Don’t think I didn’t notice that your assistant is still here. Even you can handle walking down a catwalk for 2 minutes without falling over. We’ll practice.”
Marinette was now positive she would fall over and die.
The ringing of Adrien’s phone never surprised him. It was common for his phone to ring regularly throughout the day, whether it be work, or Chloe or Nino, there always seemed to be someone that urgently needed to talk to him about something that was never really urgent. No, the ringing was unsurprising. What was surprising however was the Caller ID when Adrien picked up the phone. Adrien nearly dropped it when he looked.
Adrien paced anxiously around his bedroom, thumb hovering over the red button. He didn’t know if he was ready to confront his father. About anything. He had almost been relieved lately that his father had decided to just ignore him. It had let his anxiety just kind of creep around in the background where Adrien could pretend it wasn’t there. But Adrien knew that he had to speak to his father eventually and it had already been weeks. So with a sigh, he squeezed his eyes shut and hit the answer button.
“Hello? Father?” Adrien winced at the frantic sound of his voice.
“Adrien. It’s Natalie. Your father would like for you to come home to discuss a few matters with you.” Adrien rolled his eyes.
“I don’t suppose he could’ve called me himself to tell me that.”
“Your father is very busy. He has a very important show coming up.”
“Yeah, yeah, when does he want me to come?”
“Tonight. 5:30. He’d like to have dinner with you.”
“I guess there’s a first for everything. Tell him I’ll be there.” The phone clicked. She had hung up. Natalie never had been one for pleasantries. Adrien groaned as he flopped backward onto his bed. Just like that, his anxiety had leapt to the foreground and bitch slapped Adrien, as if to say Don’t forget about me fucker.
While realistically, Adrien knew there was nothing his father could hold over his head, he still felt like his freedom was about to be yanked from his fingers as quickly as he’d grasped it.
“Alya, what the hell am I gonna do?” It had been four hours since Marinette had gotten the news and she was still frantic. Alya on the other hand was thoroughly amused.
“Think of this as an opportunity. You can show the world that you can do it all.” It took everything Alya had not to laugh into the phone.
“But I can’t do it all! I can’t just walk across a stage in underwear! I can’t even walk across a stage with clothes on!” Marinette was speaking in hushed tones. She had walked into Dunn’s and she was sure she didn’t want anyone to overhear her predicament. She knew all too well how easy (and fun) it was to eavesdrop in a small coffee shop.
“With a little practice, I’m sure you can pull it off. You just have to be in the right mindset! You’re the most stubborn person I know Marinette, if you tell yourself you’re gonna do it, then you’ll figure out a way to do it.” Marinette put her free hand over her face and groaned as she walked to the coffee line.
“This is a disaster.”
“I guess it’s a triple shot of espresso kind of day huh?”  Marinette’s head immediately snapped up to see Tim staring at her expectantly from behind the counter. Marinette flushed as she approached, pulling her wallet out of her purse.
“I’m gonna let you go Alya, talk to you later.”
“Bye girl!” Marinette hung up the phone and looked back at Tim.
“It’s a little embarrassing how well you know me,” she grumbled, throwing a wad of cash onto the counter.
“You learn a lot about a person from their coffee habits,” Tim teased. He counted her cash and handed her the change.
“I’ll bring it out when its ready.”
“Thanks,” Marinette said unenthusiastically. As she walked back to her usual spot, she glanced around. She was disappointed to see that there was no cute blond boy in sight. Nothing to distract her from her thoughts. Not even a project. God, she’d give anything for a project right now. She was spiraling. Contemplating if she really needed a job. Maybe she could just be homeless. Live under a bridge. Beg people for money and then impulsively spend it on coffee. Maybe she could move back home and work in the bakery, forever a failure. That sounded nice.
When Tim handed her the coffee, she took it in her hands and leaned back in her seat with a long deep sigh. She had no idea what the hell she was gonna do.
Adrien subconsciously chewed on his lip as he stared at the gate in front of his father’s house. He was definitely not ready for this. He prayed to every god he could think of that at the very least, the night wouldn’t end with death. On second thought, maybe that was too much to ask for.
“Come in Adrien.” Natalie’s robotic voice emanating from the comm system brought Adrien out of his thoughts. He approached hesitantly as the gates opened. He paused at the front door, thinking for just a moment about running away. Locking himself in his apartment with Plagg and never leaving again. Living off Camembert and tap water. Becoming the reclusive cat lady of floor three. That sounded nice.
The front door opened, and Adrien sighed as he walked in.
“Hello Adrien.”
“Hi Natalie. Is my father here?” Natalie gave a curt nod.
“He should be downstairs shortly. He’s finishing up a conference call. He asks that you wait for him at the dinner table.” Adrien nodded and walked back to the dining room. He suddenly felt massively uncomfortable. He took a seat in his old spot at the table and glanced around with uncertainty. This wasn’t his house anymore. So sitting alone in a room, of a house he didn’t live in (or feel welcome in for that matter), made Adrien feel out of place.
“I apologize, I was taking care of some business.” Adrien looked up to see his father entering the room. He sat at the opposite end of the table.
“Oh, uh its alright father,” Adrien stuttered. This was so awkward. He had no idea what to say.
“Um, what did you want to talk to me about?” He finally said.
“I have a proposal.” Adrien stiffened a little. He did not like where this was going at all.
“Okay,” he said cautiously. Gabriel cleared his throat.
“I understand why you want to move out. You were right when you said you were an adult and you are able to make your own decisions.” Adrien was holding his breath. He had no idea where this was going but he was grateful at the very least that there was no yelling. That seemed like it should be a good sign.
“However, you still have a responsibility to your family.”
“What the hell does that even mean,” Adrien thought to himself.
“What exactly are you suggesting father?”
“I want you to publicly support the Gabriel Brand.  You would appear at my events and conduct yourself in a way that upholds our public image. Understand that this means you’d still have to behave in any public setting, not just professional events. I will not hear of my son acting like a rebellious teenager. In return, I will respect the professional decisions and leave you to do as you please, within reason, without complaint. Put simply, respect my career and I’ll respect yours.”
“How do my actions affect your public image?” Adrien asked sourly. He crossed his arms.
“Because you are my son and whether you like it or not, everything you do reflects on me. And in my industry every reflection of me matters, whether it be my work or the actions of my son.”
Adrien sat in silence for a long time, contemplating. On the one hand, his father wasn’t really in a position to make demands. The only thing Gabriel really had to offer Adrien at all was his approval. On the other hand, Gabriel was still his father and as much as Adrien hated it, his fathers’ approval was still very important to him. It occurred to Adrien that if he wanted any kind of positive relationship with his father, this was really the best-case scenario.
As dinner was being served, Adrien began to weigh the pros and cons of “supporting” the Gabriel brand. For instance, since he was no longer modeling, he’d actually be able to enjoy the food at his father’s events, which meant that he might be able to actually enjoy the even itself. He wouldn’t really be working as much as socializing and honestly, Adrien could really use socialization. But Adrien didn’t like the way his father threw in the part about “public image.” He hated saving face for the sake of the media and one of the best parts about quitting the whole modeling thing was that he didn’t have to think constantly about every public decision he made and how the media would portray it. There was a little less pressure in this new scenario but not by much.
Gabriel ate quietly, glancing at Adrien every so often, trying to decipher his thoughts. Adrien had always worn his heart on his sleeve but the conflict in his face made it clear to Gabriel that Adrien was wrestling with his decision. After nearly ten minutes of silence, Gabriel spoke up.
“You don’t have to answer me today.” Adrien glanced up from his meal.
“Okay father.”
“But I’d like an answer soon,” Gabriel said. Adrien winced.
“How soon?”
“I have a very important show next month and I’d like to know whether to reserve you a seat by next week.” Adrien nodded.
“I understand.”
Next Chapter
I fuckin suck at ending chapters I’m sorry, I’m working on it.
Can you see where I’m going with the fashion show? Foreshadowing brings me great joy. Even if its not subtle. 
I’m not sure if you guys picked up on it but I’ve decided to write Adrien as very anxious because I feel like thats what comes with having a dad thats super over protective in the way that Gabriel is. If anyone feels like I’ve written Adrien in such a way where I need to put trigger warnings please let me know. I don’t know if I’m going to go in a direction thats so dark that its necessary, but I also like characters with actual dimension so I guess we’ll see how it goes. 
Anywhoo thanks for reading!
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lovelylapins · 5 years
time travel
day 30: time travel for @auyeahaugust
“So, how does a time traveler like you wind up in a place like this?”
“I’m not a time traveler,” Adrien shuts down, smiling even as he says it. He’s knocking back a glass at probably the dingiest bar in the city, and knows better than anyone else who’s talking to him. He watches out the corner of his eye as Chloé climbs up on the seat next to him, finger raised to motion the bartender to come over for her order.
“Yeah, you are,” she responds. “I know the term you use is probably fancier- “
“Reality shifter,” Adrien provides.
“Yep. Just as I thought, it’s total bullshit too. Anyways, fact of the matter is, you hop back in time, do some things, and come back to the present to collect your prize.”
“And,” Chloé continues, “I was just wondering if you were up for a little job.”
Adrien shifts in his seat, looking at Chloé. “A job?”
“Yes, a job. Why else would I have tracked you down to this dirty bar, got up on a barstool that’s definitely seen better days, and talked to you while you’re deep in your wallows?”
“Maybe because you’re my friend, Chloé?”
Chloé smiles, putting a hand on his arm. “Adrikins, I’m a lot of things, but I can assure you even as your friend I wouldn’t do this unless I was desperate. And I am,” she says, looking like she swallowed something bitter as she admitted the last thing.
Adrien’s brow goes up, surprised. “You’re desperate?”
“Yes, I am,” she practically hisses out. “You are maybe the only person I can fathom pulling off something like this, and you’re also the only person who possesses even the ability to go back and do your thing. The agency doesn’t even come close to that thing, and it’s no use trying to convince the heads to try and make one.”
“My thing?”
“Your time travel thing.”
“Reality shift,” Adrien corrects.
“Whatever.” Chloé waves her hand, brushing off his words. “It doesn’t matter what you call it, but we just need to get this done quick and fast. You in?”
“Fine,” Adrien says after a moment. “I’ll bite. What’s the job?”
She smiles, sliding her bag off of her shoulder and digging through for a file. Chloé slides it to him as she speaks, letting him open and read through.
“Two weeks ago, an up and coming fashion designer, Marinette, flat-out disappeared from her apartment complex. No cameras showed what happened, no clues went off about where she went, and no one alerted on her end that something was up. Nada. It was like she vanished from thin air.”
“So missing person’s case?” he asks, reading over the file.
“I’d chalk it up to that too, and almost did. But, three days ago, we recently found out she might’ve been kidnapped by another up and coming fashion designer, Lila something. For a newbie, she’s got lots of influence, reportedly was feeling threatened by her, and wanted to put an end to her before she got to the top.”
“I dug around, found some old gossip and rumors,” Chloé says, leaning her elbow on the bar and perching her head as she spoke. “Apparently, this girl didn’t like that other one at all. She lied and spread a few things, tried ruining her reputation. Nothing worked. So, something makes me think she’s apart of what happened to this girl. And on top of that, we found out something else about her, something you might find interesting.”
Adrien waits, ready for what else Chloé has to say.
“We think,” she continues, “that this Lila chick had something to do with three other missing person’s cases, all revolving around girls who were doing really well, made her get threatened, and just had to go.”
“So you’re telling me, that potentially, we’re dealing with a serial killer?” Adrien asks, shutting the file. “And not just that, but potentially a powerful one at that?”
Chloé shrugs, smirk on her face. “I knew you’d be up for this job. It’s just too good to turn down, right?”
Adrien sighs, already knowing his choice on this. He grabs his glass, taking one last swig from it and downing the rest down his throat. Slapping it back down on the bar, he shakes his head.
“What do I have to do exactly?”
“I need you to go back to the day before it happens. Convince that Marinette girl to go with you, tell the damn truth if you have to. Bring her back here, where you can keep close watch on her while we draw Lila out and get proof connecting her to these other missing cases.”
“You want me to keep watch over that girl?” Adrien asks.
“Of course,” Chloé says, snorting. “I’m certainly not going to do it, and I doubt she would even listen to me if I was stuck with her. With you, pretty boy, I’ll bet she won’t mind being by your side.”
“You’re incredible,” Adrien mutters, cheeks growing warm.
“And you aren’t saying no,” she says, leaning in closer. “So, are you in?”
“I’m in. Let’s save this girl.”
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edendaphne · 5 years
“Discordant Sonata” Chapter 4
Hey guys! I finally finished the next chapter of “Discordant Sonata”!
Read it here on Ao3
Read it here on Wattpad
(cw: panic attack)
Mood Music:  Medley from Frozer and Mayura (piano) - arranged by Corpington 
I can’t believe I’m doing this, I can’t believe I’m doing this, why am I doing this, this is super dumb, this is a very bad idea, why am I going through with it, do I look okay, do I have lipstick on my teeth, why did I have to open my big mouth, why do I turn into a numbskull anytime I‘m around him, why does he have to be so dang wonderful and gorgeous and kind and — Ladybug anxiously rambled and fretted internally as she walked towards the designated meeting area at the Trocadero.
Sighing, she looked up the Sunday evening movie times for the 10th time and checked her cardigan pockets (yet again) to make sure she’d brought enough money for snacks. While she knew that Adrien could afford his own fare, she wasn’t sure if she’d be the one to pay because she was the one who invited him.
What even is date protocol?! What even is date protocol when you’re a SUPERHERO?
Marinette had only ever gone on a handful of dates, none going further than awkwardly holding hands or maybe a quick peck on the cheek at the end. Her parents were high school sweethearts, which meant they were of no real help to her because they had spent practically every waking moment together since they were kids; the way they’d gone about their courtship was entirely relaxed, natural, and informal. So essentially, she was entirely lacking in experience in this field.
She finally spotted said object of her affections leaning against a pillar wearing a red zip-up hoodie, as promised. He wore his hood up, and yet he almost seemed to glow ethereally despite the dim evening light. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards him in what she hoped looked like a carefree and relaxed gait and not like a platypus, which is what she felt like in her disguise. To borrow a phrase from her school nemesis: utterly ridiculous.
A few dozen meters away, Adrien rubbed his hands nervously, then opted to stick them in his pockets to try to avoid drawing attention to himself. Plagg had snickered the whole way there and even now he kept busting out into fits of uncontrollable giggles every so often. Adrien rolled his eyes. Maybe Plagg was right and this was a horrible idea. And although Plagg did eventually warm up to the concept of going on a date with Ladybug, Adrien suspected that it was just because he wanted to watch him crash and burn.
He shook his head in determination, reminding himself that he was there on a mission: to investigate and determine whether Ladybug was trustworthy or whether she was two-faced.
Behind him someone abruptly cleared their throat. He turned to look at whoever was trying to get his attention and came face to face with a stunning young woman wearing a stylish, long sleeved cardigan and a flowing mid-length skirt. Her long, raven hair was in a low ponytail and she sported large Hello Kitty eyeglasses with tinted lenses that looked slightly out of place with the rest of her ensemble but somehow pulled the look together nonetheless.
“Hello,” he greeted. “Can I help you?” The thought entered his mind that maybe this was one of his fans and she had recognized him despite wearing his hood.
“Um,” the young woman replied, rubbing her arm nervously. “Hi Adrien. It’s me.” She waved with a gloved hand and smiled shyly, her lips shimmering with a soft pink lip gloss.
Adrien moved closer so he could see her face more clearly. He squinted for a moment, then his eyes widened in recognition. He gave a small gasp and started to exclaim, “Ladyb--!”
Ladybug surged forward and put her hand over his mouth, and raised her other hand to made a “Shh” sign. Adrien finally noticed that she was wearing her mask under the tinted glasses. He realized that she was transformed under the clothes she was wearing. He had half expected her to show up as herself, although, all things considered, that may have been a very bad idea. He had also wondered if she’d show up in her civilian form and potentially reveal her identity, but Ladybug wasn’t reckless enough to do something like that. He hadn’t considered the possibility of her wearing a disguise over a disguise.
Ladybug stood on her tiptoes and put her free hand on his shoulder so she could whisper into his ear, her breath tickling his neck pleasantly, “I didn’t want us to attract any attention but I had to come while transformed. Miraculouses have glamour magic that helps protect the wearer's identity, otherwise there’s a chance I’d be recognized.” She lowered herself and asked timidly, “I-is that okay?” 
Adrien felt like his heart was trying to jump out of his chest and he desperately hoped he wasn’t as red as he felt.  At this proximity, even without his enhanced Chat Noir sense he could still subtly smell her familiar floral scent, which always brought him inexplicable comfort. He could count the adorable tiny freckles speckled on her nose, could feel the warmth radiating from her hand in spite of the thin material of her suit, could see the lights from the Eiffel Tower reflected in her piercing, azure eyes. Suppressing a dreamy sigh, he nodded slightly and let out a muffled, “Mm-hmm.”
Ladybug gasped. “Oh! I’m sorry!” she sputtered and released him, then put some distance between them.
Wringing her hands, she spoke softly, her cheeks pink, “Thank you, by the way. For coming here. I realize this... ‘outing’ may not be exactly what you’re used to, but... it means a lot to me that you even showed up.”
Ladybug’s captivating smile almost caused Adrien’s knees to buckle, which confused him to no end. We’re literally just standing here talking, what is WRONG with me??
Shaking himself out of his slight haze, he replied, “Thanking you for inviting me. I’ve been looking forward to it,” he half-lied. She didn’t really need to know just how terrified he’d been.
“Thanks, Adrien. I appreciate it. But, having said that,” she added anxiously, “I... I wanted to give you one last chance to back out. I don’t want you to feel obligated to go through with it.” She looked up at him, eyes filled with apprehension and dread. “I’ll totally understand if you change your mind. Really. I wouldn’t want you to have to do something that you’re uncomfortable with.” 
Adrien smiled at her fondly. She was so unexpectedly considerate, as she’d proven to both sides of himself. He wasn’t accustomed to being given a choice, of having the agency to do whatever he was comfortable or not comfortable with doing. Her thoughtful gesture filled his chest with warm tingles, and he found himself suppressing an indescribably strong urge to hug her.
Grinning sympathetically, he took a step towards her and offered her his arm. “Shall we?”
Ladybug beamed and her whole countenance brightened, then she took his arm. “Yes!”
It was extraordinarily difficult for Adrien to keep his attention on the movie. All around him everyone laughed and exclaimed at the protagonists’ antics and misadventures, but, as if by some magnetic force, his eyes were pulled elsewhere; he unwittingly yet frequently stole glances at his masked companion, who laughed along with the rest of the audience. Her radiant smile and unbridled laughter was so infectious, he couldn’t keep himself from grinning widely himself whenever he peeked at her. Anytime their hands brushed while sharing snacks (which, after a short debate on who would pay for what, they’d settled on her buying the tickets and him buying the snacks), it would send his heart racing for reasons he could not fully comprehend. At one point their eyes met and she grinned cheerfully at him. He returned the smile and was infinitely grateful that the theater was dark, since he was pretty sure that his face was beet red instead of its usual color.
Ladybug seemed so ordinary here, but in the best way. A way that made her extremely approachable and warm. A way that put his nerves at ease while simultaneously setting fire to his chest. In the battlefield she had always seemed so fierce and intimidating to him, but that was not how he felt now. He felt perfectly comfortable and, dare he say it… safe . How was this chipper and animated girl that same intense and formidable opponent that he was so used to seeing as Chat Noir? It was baffling, to say the least.
UGH, I need to stop thinking and actually try to focus on the movie so I can have something to talk about afterwards, he scolded himself.
Instead of paying attention, however, Adrien found himself wondering about just that: what exactly they would be doing after the movie. The plan was for them to go to an outdoor cafe so the darkness would help to conceal Ladybug’s presence from others, followed by a walk along the Seine.
He wasn’t really sure what was considered “normal,” as this was the first date he had ever actually agreed to go on. All of his previous (and numerous) other dates had been arranged by either Nathalie or his father and added to his schedule without him even being consulted about it; each and every one of them meticulously fabricated for some strategic socioeconomic or business purpose. Some of those dates ended with a bored, cordial handshake from both parties (much to his relief), but most of the time his companions were superficial and flirtatious, always aiming to take advantage of him and benefit from their affiliations, which only worsened as he got older. His dates had become increasingly provocative and pushy, which he detested and almost feared.  
However, since this date had all been entirely voluntary and Ladybug was letting Adrien participate in all the decision making, did that also mean that he would also get to choose how to end his date with her?
Is there a handshake? A hug? Is there a k-- A kis-- AUGH!!
His stomach flip-flopped anxiously just thinking about it. What was the traditional way of doing things? Although, he supposed, this date wasn’t exactly like a traditional date, to say the least.
 Before he knew it, the movie was over and Ladybug reached over to touch his forearm, since apparently she’d been trying to get his attention.
She smiled sweetly and asked, “Um, shall we go? Unless you really wanted to stay til the end of the credits.”
Adrien stammered as he stood, “Oh- uh, no, it’s fine. We can go.” They walked over to the garbage and recycling bins to get rid of all their empty wrappers and containers, then walked out of the auditorium.
As they made their way towards the theater’s exit, Ladybug asked, “So how did you like the movie?”
Adrien’s brain froze, but he managed to stutter out, “Uh, it was… it was really something, huh?”
Ladybug replied enthusiastically, “Yes, it sure was! I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard!” she giggled and continued, “What was your favorite part?”
Drawing a complete blank, Adrien desperately tried to remember an event from the movie, just anything at all. “W-well, it- it was…”
“Holy crap, is that Adrien Agreste?!” a voice exclaimed from a few meters away.
Ladybug and Adrien whipped their heads around towards the source of the yelling.
“Oh no,” Adrien let out a bleak sigh.
Instantly more excited cries chimed in.
“No way! It’s really him!”
“It’s the legit Adrien Agreste!”
“Wow! He watches movies like regular people!”
“Oh my goodness, let’s get his picture!”
Within seconds they were surrounded by squealing fans, all shuffling to try to get as close to him as possible.
It was then that Adrien realized that he’d forgotten to put his sweatshirt’s hood back on. He groaned internally, berating himself for his absent-mindedness. This situation could very quickly spiral out of control.
Ladybug touched his shoulder apprehensively. “We need to get you out of here,” she whispered to him. He glanced at her nervously and nodded. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders protectively and they began their attempt to shuffle away from the mob of starry-eyed teenagers.
In the commotion, Ladybug cried out as she was jostled roughly and knocked over against Adrien, who instinctively caught her by the waist. She held tightly onto his arms, stabilizing herself.
“My L- uh... hey, Ladybug, are you alright?” he asked quietly, concern lacing his voice.
Ladybug looked up at him, her eyes still wide and startled, but a beat later she relaxed a bit then smiled at him, replying softly, “Yeah. Thanks.”
Adrien could feel his face flush as he stared down at her, the latter looking more vulnerable, more… human than he was used to. He smiled back and gently helped her right herself, hands still on her waist. She held his gaze, her own cheeks a bit pink as well... most likely flustered from being shoved by the crowd, he surmised. Her eyelashes fluttered slowly, her bright eyes contrasting against the deep red of her mask.
...Her mask.
He could see her mask.
Adrien’s expression changed from one of fondness to one of complete shock, and Ladybug’s face scrunched in confusion.
Mortified, Adrien stammered, “Y-your glasses—”
Ladybug reached up to touch her face and realized that they’d fallen when she was pushed. She quickly scanned the floor, trying to spot her fallen glasses. After a few moments of searching she realized that it would be near impossible to find them in this crowd.
“Forget it,” she said, shaking her head. “There’s no way I’ll find them. Let’s just leave.”
Beside them, a fan yelled, “Is that Ladybug?!”
More voices clamored, “It is Ladybug!”
“What? She’s here??”
“She’s with Adrien!”
“A celebrity date?! How romantic!”
“Someone get a picture!!”
Adrien winced and let out a grumble. “Great.”
He whipped around and snatched Ladybug’s hand. “Run!” he cried.
Ladybug made no objections as they bolted through the crowd, making their way out of the theater and into the enormous shopping center. As it was indoors, Ladybug couldn’t swing them away from the crowd using her yoyo, which would have been ideal. Instead, they were forced to try to leave the mall through the proper exit. Unfortunately, said exit was quite a ways from their current location; additionally they were on the third level.
Deciding to skip the escalators altogether, Ladybug picked up a very surprised Adrien and leaped to the floor below. Adrien let out an involuntary gasp and wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders, pressing himself close to her small yet powerful frame. They landed gracefully and Ladybug uttered a quick apology as she set him down, taking his hand once again.
The two quickly made their way towards the exit… only to encounter another sizable group of teenagers who were loitering near the doors of the shopping center, as it was closing time. Despite them still being a few meters away, Adrien was instantly recognized and they approached the pair. He swore under his breath, then pulled Ladybug in the opposite direction.
As they ran back, they caught sight of the previous crowd from the movies making their way down the escalators, who would no doubt notice them in a few moments. Stopping short, Ladybug let out a short whimper and looked up at Adrien, her expression full of worry and clearly having run out of ideas. His eyes darted around looking for another escape route. A beat later, he located a possible hiding spot and tugged on Ladybug’s hand to get her attention. She quickly understood and followed him.
Together they dashed into a small side hallway and scrambled into a storage closet at the far end, shutting the door quietly.
Panting from the exertion of having sprinted across the mall, Ladybug and Adrien met each others’ eyes, chuckling awkwardly as they stood tightly pressed up against each other in the tiny room, which was full of large, heavy boxes.
For a few of minutes neither of them spoke a word, but strained to listen to the commotion outside, trying to figure out if they had been discovered. 
Once the noise dissipated (no doubt due to the crowd being ushered outside by mall security), they shared a hopeful look. Breathing slowed as they took the time to loosen their postures and relax. Head still reeling from what had occurred, Ladybug asked him, “Is… is it always like this? With your fans?”
Adrien shrugged, resting his back against the closed door. “Well, not always. But…” he mused, “We did have a photo shoot a couple of weeks ago and, uhhh... there was a lot of leather.”
Ladybug’s eyes widened in confusion and her head tilted to the side. “...Leather?” she queried. “Sounds like an… interesting shoot.”
Flustered, Adrien clarified, “Th-that is...! Leather clothes! Leather pants and leather jackets, motorcycles, the ‘bad boy’ look, that sort of thing.”
Ladybug realized that she knew exactly which photo shoot he was talking about. In fact, she remembered it very well. It was her new favorite magazine spread of his. He had always played the part of the angelic, flawless, studious blonde model who you’d want to take home to meet your parents over dinner. The leather photo shoot, however, complete with deadly smouldering eyes and sinful parted lips, was a complete change from his usual innocent portrayal. She’d already purchased two copies of the magazine... although she wasn’t about to divulge that information to the aforementioned model while standing chest to chest against him in a tiny closet.
“Aha, gotcha,” she replied nonchalantly. She looked up at Adrien who chuckled sheepishly, cheeks tinged with a delightful shade of pink which was visible despite having a dim light bulb as the only light source.
“Well, I bet you looked amazing. Especially if this is the reaction you’ve been getting lately. Maybe you should wear leather more often,” she teased with a wink.
Adrien blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, um, well, I guess- maybe,” he stammered timidly. Was she flirting with him? Not that he was opposed to the idea. They’d flirted playfully as Chat Noir and Ladybug many times, but he wasn’t used to being flirted with as Adrien by anyone without ulterior motives. It was… nice.
They stood in silence for a few moments, neither knowing what to do or say next.
Mood Music: The Dark Side - Muse
Eyeing the door across from her, Ladybug decided to take the initiative and speak first. “Well, I’m sure all your rabid fans are gone,” she said as she tried to go around him and failed because of the lack of available space. She abandoned that idea and instead she reached across to grab the doorknob next to Adrien’s waist. “We should head out too, since it’s getting pretty la-” she suddenly went quiet and her eyebrows furrowed. She tried turning the doorknob again, but as before, it didn’t budge.
It was locked from the outside.
“Wh-what’s wrong?” Adrien asked nervously in spite of himself, already suspecting exactly what was wrong.
Ladybug quirked her mouth to the side. “It’s stuck. Or locked.”
Adrien’s hand instantly reached for the door for confirmation. He roughly twisted and yanked on the doorknob in desperation, his hands suddenly becoming clammy and slick. 
Ladybug noticed his erratic movements and grew increasingly concerned. “Hey, are you feeling alright?”
Adrien didn’t answer. Was he trembling? She looked closely at him and noticed his pupils becoming dilated. His breathing was rapidly becoming more and more shallow. His other hand was clenched into a painfully tight fist and he appeared as though he’d collapse at any moment.
He looks woozy and disoriented… Is he sick??  
“It’s going to be okay, Adrien,” she attempted to reassure him. “We’ll find a way out and we can find someplace for you to lie down if you’re not feeling well.”
But it was like he hadn’t even heard her. He quietly muttered, “No, no, no… We’re trapped. We can’t get out of here and we’re stuck, just- trapped. What if we never get out? What-what if we can’t-- Don’t keep me in here, please, please let me out...” he trailed off, mumbling absently.
Ladybug’s eyes popped wide open in realization. Adrien was claustrophobic. He was having a panic attack.
Oh no… What have I done?
Guilt flooded into her like a waterfall. She never should have brought Adrien here. This whole thing was wrong. She shouldn’t have approached him as Ladybug. He didn’t know anything about her, and “Ladybug” wasn’t supposed to know anything about him. Getting close to him would only put him in danger. If Hawkmoth were to find out that he’d been associated with her it would be disastrous. But she’d been too careless, too selfish, too self-absorbed and infatuated to think clearly and now Adrien was the one paying for her grievous lack of judgment.
Ladybug was brought back to reality as Adrien’s breathing hitched sporadically and his chest heaved laboriously. She braced herself in case she needed to catch him were he to pass out from lack of oxygen, but she hoped it wouldn’t come to that.
Watching Adrien helplessly as he continued down a spiral of fear, she knew she had to do something. She tried desperately to stay calm and level-headed for his sake. She needed to help him get through this.
Pulling herself together after a brief self-pep talk, she tried to reassure him softly, “Hey. It’s okay, Adrien. I’m right here with you, you’re not alone. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. You’re not going to get hurt, I promise.”
Adrien squeezed his eyes shut. She could tell that he’d heard her and was trying to process her words. She waited a few moments and added, “Are you okay with physical touch? Is it alright if I touch your arm?”
Adrien paused, then nodded slightly in response.
Ladybug’s hand reached over slowly and tentatively touched his forearm. Once she was sure that he really was okay with the contact, she eased upwards to his shoulder and rubbed it gently.
She tried again, “We need to slow down your breathing. Try to take some deep breaths.”
Frantic, he stammered, “I ca- I can’t! I’m... it-it’s too… I can’t!” he cried.
Ladybug slowly took his hand and gently pressed it up to the area just below her neck at the collarbone. She held it there with an almost featherlight touch.
As calmly as she could, she cooed soothingly, “Breathe with me, Adrien. Follow my lead.”
His head turned and he stared at where his hand rested on her. Finally meeting her eyes, his pupils finally began to focus again. With a last shaky breath, he nodded.
Adrien accepted Ladybug’s other hand and placed it on his own chest, his larger hand covering hers completely.
She took deep breaths and he did the same, their hands a physical indicator to help him follow along. Their breaths intermingled during their synchronizations, and Adrien’s trembling steadily decreased, as did his heart rate.
Ladybug smiled comfortingly. “You’re doing so awesome, Adrien. Would it help if I rubbed your back?”
His eyes were still squeezed shut, but he replied, “Y-ye-… Please.”
Ladybug reached behind him and gently placed her hand on his back when he suddenly lurched forward to crush her into a tight embrace, holding onto her as if she were a tether to reality. She leaned her head against his as she practically held up his body from falling over. It broke her heart to see him like this, to learn of yet another hardship he had to struggle with.
Pushing those thoughts aside, she whispered softly, repeating, “Everything’s okay… you’re okay… We’re going to be completely fine… we’re not in any danger. You’re doing so great…” Her hands gently slid in wide, smooth strokes and circles on his back.
They stayed that way for a few minutes, the only sounds were Adrien breathing and Ladybug’s peaceful ministrations.
Adrien practically nuzzled into her as he whispered, “Thanks, Ladybug.”
Ladybug blushed despite herself. Adrien had been able to push through and recover from his panic attack. Butterflies swelled within her and she was so immensely proud of him; she couldn’t help but smile.
“We won’t be in here forever,” she spoke soothingly. She knew she needed to talk about the situation rationally to try to help Adrien keep his fears under control.  “Even if we can’t get out right this moment, someone will find us eventually.”
“But that could take hours,” he replied, gulping, and pulled away slightly. “The mall doesn’t open until 9am.”
They both thought for a few moments, trying to come up with an idea.
“Couldn’t you like… punch the door open?” he asked. “You’re pretty strong. I could always pay the mall back for the, uh… vandalism.”
Ladybug scrunched her face in consideration. “I could possibly kick it open. But… there’s not quite enough room for me to raise my leg. Plus, you’re right in front of the door and you’d be in the way, since I can’t go around. I might hurt you. I don’t want to risk that.”
Adrien breathed out through his mouth, much calmer than before but obviously still distressed. “What else can we do?” He looked at her hopelessly.
Ladybug frowned. There weren’t a lot of options. She couldn’t use her Lucky Charm for self-gain. Detransforming while Adrien closed his eyes so Tikki could unlock the door was out of the question also (Fu had made it crystal clear that she was never to trust anyone with her detransformation, no matter the circumstances).
She looked around, examining her surroundings. Above the boxes behind her she spotted a single vent on the ceiling. It was the only escape route. If they made their way through the air ducts, it would lead them back out into the mall and they could finally leave.
We could climb up the vent, she thought. However... it looks too small for Adrien. She furrowed her brows, deep in concentration.
Adrien followed her gaze and noticed the vent as well. He shook his head. “That won’t work. I’m way too big, I’d never fit through that hole. But...” He stopped suddenly, eyes wide and he looked back at her, throat dry. “But you could.”
“No! No, don’t worry, Adrien. I wouldn’t leave without you,” she quickly reassured him. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Adrien continued resolutely, “I don’t think we have a choice. I think you need to do it.”
“What?! But Adrien, I-” she cried, bewildered. “I can’t leave you alone in here! There’s gotta be another way,” she argued, arms flailing as much as the available space allowed.
He placed both his hands on her shoulders and gave her a small smile. “I’ll be fine, really. Unless you want to spend the next 10 hours in here without food or a bathroom break, you have to. I...” he stopped and considered carefully. “I’ll be alright. I believe in you,” he said quietly.
Ladybug bit her lip, debating his proposal. She twisted the edge of her cardigan nervously. She didn’t want to leave him lest he have another panic attack. He was right though. They had to escape unless they wanted to wait an obscenely long amount of time locked in a closet together. Which, had she been asked prior to this experience whether she’d be okay with being stuck in a closet overnight with the love of her life, she would have gladly leaped at the chance. But she’d never known about his claustrophobia. She felt horrible about this. How could she not have known? Had he ever told anyone?
All things considered, however, it made perfect sense. If anyone knew a thing or two about what it’s like to be trapped, it was Adrien Agreste. He could hardly ask for a drink of water without being closely monitored. It was a miracle that he’d even been allowed to go on a date with a girl his father hadn’t run a background check on. Or… had he snuck out? How would he be able to do it without being detecte-
“Ladybug?” Adrien asked uncertain, interrupting her thoughts and bringing her attention back to the current situation.
She finally looked up at him, expression resolute. “Okay, I’ll do it. I won’t be long, I promise.”
Ladybug reached into her pocket and pulled something out; a flash of red caught his attention.
“Here, take this,” she said, holding out the item out in front of her. Adrien’s eyes widened as he realized what it was.
“Your yo-yo?!” Adrien stammered. “W-why? I don’t know how to use it.”
Ladybug placed it on his hand squeezed reassuringly with both of hers. “You don’t need to. I want you to hold onto it. That’s how you’ll know that I’m coming back and that you’re not alone.” She looked straight into his eyes earnestly. “So you know that I would never leave you behind.”
A shiver ran up Adrien’s spine and his stomach twisted into knots. He had never seen her without her yo-yo. It was her only defense and weapon. 
And Ladybug trusted him with it. Trusted him.
Breathless, Adrien nodded.
Ladybug quickly shrugged off her outer clothes so all that remained was her regular costume. Adrien gathered up as much courage as he could, watching her climb haphazardly up the tall mountain of boxes at the back of the room. She stuck her fingers between the vent slats and easily pulled it out.
Turning her head back towards Adrien, she called at him with forced cheerfulness, “See you in a minute!” Then she disappeared.
Adrien was alone. It was just him and the darkness.
He squeezed his eyes shut and leaned up against the door, working hard to keep his breathing even. He could feel his heart begin to race and and a wave of nausea hit him yet again. He struggled and fought to push away the thoughts of hopelessness, clutching Ladybug’s yo-yo tightly against his chest, which gave him a sense of security and control.
Plagg peeked out from Adrien’s pocket before he emerged to perch on his shoulder. “Hey, kid, you know I could get you out in a jiffy! I could touch the door and KABOOM! Free as a bird!” “What?! Plagg, no!” Adrien protested.
Pouting in response, Plagg muttered, “Party pooper.” He amended, “ Fine. I guess I could just phase through the door and unlock it for you.”
Adrien seemed to consider Plagg’s suggestion for a second but replied, “No, we can’t do that. How would I even begin to explain it to her?” With fake cheer, he dramatized, “‘Hey Ladybug! By the way, I had my kwami open the door for me, I hope you don’t mind,’” then added sarcastically, “Because that’s not suspicious at allllll.”
“So we’re just going to sit here and wait?” Plagg protested.
Sighing, Adrien said, “Yeah. We have to trust Ladybug. She’ll get us out.”
Storing that thought for later teasing when Adrien wasn't so emotional, Plagg flew to the top of Adrien’s head to lay down and assured him, gently patting his head, “Don’t worry, buddy. She’ll get here soon.”
Concentrating, he thought of Ladybug assisting him with his breathing earlier; he visualized their hands on each other, remembering the rhythm of their breaths. He followed along with this memory, inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly, his mind focusing on thinking about Ladybug and her calming presence instead of thinking about where he was at the moment. He thought about her words, her whispered reassurances that his situation was only temporary, that the chances of him being stuck in that closet forever were slim to none.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
I can do this. She’s coming back.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
She will come back. She’s not like Father. She’ll keep her promise, right?
Breathe in. Breathe out.
After what felt like an eternity, there was a jiggle at the doorknob. Adrien’s back straightened like a shot and he stepped away from the door, waiting expectantly.
The door swung open, and there stood Ladybug, who looked concerned at first, but upon seeing that he was relatively calm and not panicking, she smiled brightly at him.
“Ta-da!” She said in sing-song. “I’m back! A little dusty but no worse for wear.” More quietly, she asked, “How about you? Are you alright?”
He said nothing but walked up to her slowly practically dragging his feet and stopped right in front of her. She looked up at him through her lashes, eyebrows slightly upturned, eyeing him curiously. Bending over, he hugged her, a shudder racking his large frame, which suddenly felt smaller than Ladybug had ever witnessed. He buried his face into the crook of her neck, gripping her tightly.
“Adrien…”  Ladybug was speechless and confused, yet she gingerly wrapped her arms around him in return.
“You…” he panted as he squeezed her tightly. “You came back for me.”
“Oh, Adrien.” She reached up with one hand, gently stroking the back of his head, threading her fingers slowly through his soft (yet a bit damp from sweat) hair. “I would never abandon you. Not ever.”
They stayed that way for a while, both relieved to be out of that horrid, musty space.
Mood Music:  Someone to Die For - Jimmy Gnecco
The night air was fresh and crisp and the breeze felt particularly amazing after their unprecedented ordeal. Adrien let out a relieved sigh, clearly elated to be out in the open once again.
“This is much better, huh?” Ladybug sighed lightly, having donned her previous disguise again.
“Absolutely,” Adrien replied airily, stretching his arms over his head. “It always feels amazing to be outdoors.”
Ladybug glanced towards the direction of the café they were supposed to go to and frowned. There was still enough time to do a quick meal before it closed, but she knew it would be useless to try to salvage this poor excuse of a date and retain any semblance of normalcy after what had just happened.
“Listen, Adrien, I…” she started as she turned to face him. “I think I should take you home,” she said contritely.
“...Oh.” Adrien replied, feeling somewhat disappointed for some reason. He looked away, not knowing what to say or how to proceed. “I understand,” he finally answered, rubbing the back of his neck. Truth was, he didn’t entirely understand. But he wasn’t about to argue with Ladybug, so he allowed her to pick him up and carry him home.
Minutes later, Ladybug carefully avoided the Agreste mansion’s cameras and swung them both into Adrien’s bedroom through the large, slightly open window. After setting Adrien down, he and Ladybug stared at each other, both wanting to say something but not knowing what or how.
Ladybug shuffled her feet awkwardly and spoke first. “Adrien, I’m… I’m sorry about tonight.” Her gaze dropped, unable to look at him anymore. “I’m really, really sorry. I totally messed up.”
Adrien could see that she was struggling to keep her emotions under control. She inhaled sharply and resumed, voice quavering, “I didn’t keep your safety in mind, which is the most important duty I have to all of Paris, and I was irresponsible. I should have known better,” she said bitterly, clearly angry with herself.
Adrien stood stiffly, unsure of how to respond. He was so taken aback by this sudden outburst; he’d never seen Ladybug display any kind of negative emotion that wasn’t aimed towards Hawkmoth or at himself as Chat Noir. It wasn’t like her at all to show any sort of flaw in front of anybody, much less in front of someone who she thought was merely a civilian, someone who would depend on her strength and confidence to feel safe.
His father had always taught him that you must never show even the tiniest hint of insecurity or vulnerability in front of others because it would give your opponents the upper hand. They must never see you weak. Adrien had failed at meeting this principle countless times, although not from lack of trying. He always had figured he just wasn’t strong like his father, and that he needed to try harder to meet his expectations.
However, his current situation was causing him to examine and reconsider this ideology. Was showing “weakness” truly a weakness? He didn’t think any less of her after finding out that she made mistakes, and not only that, but she owned up to them and accepted the consequences of her actions. If anything, it made him feel better about himself to know that she experienced negative emotions like regret, frustration, and self-doubt. The knowledge that he wasn’t the only one out of the two of them, the ladybug and cat miraculous wielders, who had these faults, it felt… comforting. It felt right.
Ladybug quickly wiped away a tear, taking a deep breath. “I should have known it would be a disaster. People like me aren’t supposed to be doing stuff like this.” She scoffed with a grimace, “Some ‘hero’ I am, endangering a civilian, maybe even risking you getting akumatized in there. I’m supposed to protect you, not put you in harm’s way. It was selfish of me to try to pretend I was normal, I guess.”
Adrien guiltily recalled the conversation they’d had while dancing at the ballroom akuma attack a couple of nights prior:
“Just let me have your miraculous. We could stop fighting and then you’d never have to see me again. I’d be out of your hair and you could live a normal life and be a normal girl who worries about normal things, and not have to worry about all of this.”
He couldn’t help but feel empathy for her. She was just a regular person who’d been chosen out of everyone in one of the most populated cities in Europe to take on a huge power and burden, and she was doing it alone. And she had been for years; she’d been just a kid back then. It was a lot of pressure. He couldn’t blame her for wanting to reach out to someone and not feel as lonely.
Enemy or not, Adrien couldn’t stand to see her cry, especially not because of him.
“Ladybug, hey,” he lifted her chin and wiped away a stray tear with his other hand. “It’s okay. Really. I’m fine now.” He shrugged. “Maybe we both didn’t exactly make the best decision about doing this but I’m not upset with you, and I don’t regret it.” He then added without thinking, “And... I think you’re doing a great job trying to protect everyone. In fact, I really admire you.”
Wait, what?   His brain short-circuited.
Ladybug sniffled. “R-really?”
Do I really?!  Adrien internally yelled.
He couldn’t deny that she was impressive. He had his father on his side while she was by herself. Or maybe she had the guardian to help her, he wasn’t sure. But out in the battlefield it was just her. They’d gotten close to defeating her a few times only to have her turn it around on them using only her wits and creativity. And while it had been frustrating every time it happened, looking back on it, it really was quite remarkable, if he were to be completely honest with himself. He always did appreciate the tenacity of an underdog.
Smiling, Adrien replied decisively, “Yeah. I do.”
Eyes shining, she beamed at him and said, “Thank you. That’s so sweet of you to say.” Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink (most likely because she’d just been crying, he figured); nevertheless he felt his own face reddening as well.
She sighed and hesitated before speaking again. “In any case, this experience taught me that I must stick to my responsibilities and can’t make the same mistake again. I… I’ll stay away from you from now on. I won’t give you any more trouble and you’ll be out of danger. I’m sorry to have bothered you.”
Adrien felt a pang of inexplicable sadness upon hearing these words. But why? Why should he care that Ladybug couldn’t be seen hanging out with some random citizen? He understood why it would be risky from her perspective. And she didn’t owe him anything. They didn’t even know each other... Theoretically. It was for the best, he supposed.
And yet... it still hurt for some reason.
“I understand, Ladybug,” he finally replied, masking his disappointment. “Don’t worry about it, I’m not offended. And, for what it’s worth…” he added shyly, rubbing his neck. “I’m glad you asked me. To go out with you, that is. I really did enjoy spending time with you.”
“Really??” Ladybug replied incredulously, her face turning almost as red as her mask. “T-thank you, Adrien. That means a lot.”
Adrien held back a sigh. “I know you said we wouldn’t be hanging out with each other anymore but…” he said timidly, “If you ever see me around, will you- uh… will you be sure to stop and say hello? Don’t be a stranger.”
Grinning widely, she replied, “Of course.”
Her eyes bore into his, as if carefully considering his words. Hesitantly, Ladybug took a slow step forward so that their bodies almost touched. She tentatively took his hands and held them between hers, causing goosebumps to spread all over his body. As he was almost a whole head taller than she was, she craned her neck upwards so she could see in his face if her actions were unwelcome. Adrien’s heart skipped a beat in anticipation as he waited, unconsciously tilting his head down slightly.
Then it happened. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl and everything was silent. Ladybug gracefully stood on her toes and leaned forward to place a most delicate kiss on his cheek. He let out a soft gasp despite himself, heat flooding his face, chest swelling with a feeling he couldn’t identify. She didn’t pull away for a few moments, her soft, warm skin remaining on his, and he distinctly felt a sense of rightness, or belonging. It was as if their heartbeats and their breathing were in sync, like gears in a clock that fit together perfectly. What was this feeling, and more importantly, why was he yearning for more?
Before he could ponder it further, he felt Ladybug smile and she whispered, “See you around, handsome boy.”
With a quick wave, she sauntered towards the window and zipped away, leaving a very dazed and blushing Adrien behind holding his cheek, which almost seemed to tingle at that point.
Breathless, he muttered out loud, “Did… did she just call me ‘handsome boy’?”, which was followed by shrill hysterical laughing coming from his pocket.
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