#i think i had an old one named eliza?? or elizabeth?? or was it lucy...
eldritch-nightmare · 6 months
When I finished making her. She had a thick looking eyepatch, a facemask that covered both her mouth and neck. Has albinism because i thought there wasn't creepypastas that had albinism at the time. Plus she a tomboy and around 4'11 tall.
(this is where the BATIM sorta comes in) The youngest of the quintuplets. 1 sacrificed himself for her to live. So quintuplets turned to quadruplets now. All grown-up to be around 19 to 20 yrs old. They were a group called Quadra Death/Quadra Fatality/Quadra Suicide. Though I am leaning more towards Quadra de la Muerte (It's too much cringe I know ಠ ل͟ ಠ )
She has 3 more older brothers. In total there are 8 of them (including the one who died). They are all special ink demons. Except the one who died.
Her hoodie ended up looking like Toby with the stripes so I changed it to a black ripped up poncho to match her ripped jeans. BUT THEN PUSS IN BOOTS THE LAST CAME OUT and her top ended up looking like Death (the poncho).
Why does she traumatize and kill people? Because in order for her to continue living she has to make people believe she exists so she does not slowly fade away (in other words die) she is pretty immortal. unless all the people she met and befriended even her enemies. They forget who she is and don't believe she is real.
I am very much aware I made her too overpowered so I never bothered to anything with her. Other than let her live rent free in my head. The lore is pretty confusing to make sense but I'm trying to make it realistic. Been wanting to make comics and art about her and the brothers tho. But wouldn't know if anyone would be interested in the possible chaos they do
English is not my 1st language ಥ‿ಥ
VERY VALID REASON TO KILL PEOPLE TBH i too would do heinous nefarious things if my existence relied solely on whether or not people believed i was real
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Everyone’s posting their HOA couple’s kids headcanons, so can we see yours? 👀
LOL hi Anon! I actually did a future kids headcanon a long time ago, which you can find here, but several of my opinions have changed since then so that’s super out of date. So yes, of course I’ll tell you about what I think now! I’m just gonna do Peddie and Fabina kids, but lmk if you want any more.
Fabian and Nina’s child:
- Okay, so I’ve only recently warmed up to the idea of these two ever getting back together, and honestly I much prefer them as an angsty love that burned out too quickly ship.
- HOWEVER, I don’t think it’s beyond the realm of possibility that they got together again later on by chance. But no I don’t think Fabian sought her out or scoured the earth for her like I think a lot of other people do. That feels kind of pathetic to me honestly.
- So their kids? I think Nina had a child out of wedlock with someone else before they found each other again. The first child Fabian ends up helping to raise isn’t his.
- I headcanon that child’s name being Sarah Elizabeth Martin (later changed to Rutter), going mostly by Eliza.
- (This is similar to my original headcanon, but different backstory)
- She surprisingly looks a lot like Fabian despite her not being his. (Nina had a type clearly). She’s freckled, pale, average height, kind of scrappy, with dark brown hair and green eyes. Eliza grew up mostly taking care of herself—not that Fabian was a bad dad; he was just a busy dad. Besides, Eliza is a strong, capable girl; always was. She’s a little goofy and awkward, and she doesn’t have a long attention span.
- Despite her not being his, Fabian loves her anyway.
- Life is dangerous for the Chosen One, her partner, and their child since Nina’s constantly having to break curses or find artifacts— you know, because she’s unfortunately at the gods’ and spirits’ beck and call.
- However, she and Fabian do find time to have a second child— together this time. A boy.
- His name is Berend Martin Rutter (shoutout if you understand the reference), and he’s every bit his father: quiet, bookish, and brave. He follows his older half-sister around like a puppy, but isn’t afraid to stand up for himself either.
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Patricia and Eddie’s kids:
- For a while I had them as identical twin boys, but I kind of like the idea of them not being identical, but still a set of twins: a boy and a girl: Lucy and Max (bonus points if you get the reference).
- They are carbon copies of their parents appearance wise and it’s a little scary.
- Max is older by like five minutes, and he’s a total jerk about it all his life. However, he actually takes after his aunt quite a bit in the sense that he’s very into music.
- In fact, he’s something of a prodigy. Nothing like his Auntie Piper, but certainly very, very good.
- Lucy is a total jock like her parents. She excels at pretty much any sport you put her in, but she’s particularly fond of football— the British kind, to Eddie’s dismay.
- She’s also very headstrong like her mother. As soon as she’s at school, she dyes her entire head pink. And the colors are constantly changing. She makes Patricia very proud.
- They actually end up at Anubis House once they’re old enough, since Eric was able to pull a few strings to get them in cheap.
- Trudy is delighted by them. Truly.
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We Shall Meet Again
Darkness was everywhere around him. The clouds, the trees, and the very air he breathed were all infested with the Scourge he had wrought upon the world. Every inch of every mile was saturated in an ever-growing blackness that the Gods themselves could not vanquish. The once lush gardens of the courtyard were withering away with each passing day; the sun was no longer visible; the blessed, life-giving star had been snuffed out by the thick clouds years ago. In turn, life as everyone knew it would soon be no more.
The Harbinger, spiteful and wicked, made his way through the dying forest behind the Crown City. His shoes left shallow prints upon the fragile, browning grasses with every step he took. His stride, though as graceful as the blessed summer rains, was uneven and painful. He had been walking for several miles, and he had several more to go still. Despite his agony, he continued the journey, taking in the sight of the dead trees as he passed them by. The barren branches were like skeletons, jutting out toward the blackening heavens above them in search of warmth. In an ironic way, they had reminded the Fallen King of himself.
He continued on his way, the pain in his left leg flaring in protest as he ascended a steep hill, Just a little ways to go now. He coached himself, You must. You have to. For her. His mind might have been long gone from his two-thousand years of forced, solitary captivity, but his heart was still very much intact. It still beat for the people he loved; even if they were as gone as the age in which they were born. The many faces he had seen, the names he had learned, the people he had healed, and the praising voices of his people; his broken heart still beat like a drum for them. Though, there was one person that he found himself thinking of as he crested the hill,
Eliza. The maiden he had fallen for, the one constant in his life, was all he ever thought about. From the day they met, to the present, her name and face were always with him. He could see her now in his mind’s eye. Her fair skin, lightly freckled at her cheeks. Her long, thick, earthy hair. Her beautiful, baby blue eyes that shone like twin stars in the night. Her soft, pale lips; as sweet as honeysuckles. To him, she was a maiden like no other. A goddess, a Valkyrie, a garden in spring; he had called her many things. One of them, was ‘his’.
It had been a cool, autumn night when they had taken to the forest. He had donned his coat, tunic, and vest. She, a beautiful, white dress with golden trim. The sleeves were long and flowing, much like her hair as the breeze combed through it with careful fingers. Her collarbone was slightly visible, granting the young King partial sight of her breasts. Though, he did not care for such sights when he was already lost in her presence. The moon casted its silver glow upon her hair, making her appear as though she wore a halo. To top off her look of purity, a crown of pink and blue flowers rested atop her head.
Hands clasped together, they rushed beyond the trees, and into a clearing, wherein a friend waited. He was rather old, with a receding line of white hair. His beard was snowy as well, with a few, rare strands of coal buried within. In his weathered hands, a book of sacred texts rested, “Are we ready, friends?” He rumbled as he opened the ancient volume to the centermost passages. The young King, still holding onto his love, stepped forward,
“Indeed we are, friar.” His response was unsteady from the building excitement as he stood before Eliza.
“Then let us begin,” The friar began to read through each verse in his deep, rough voice, “Thus, the Gods deem every man, woman, and child worthy- Oh piss on it,” he smiled as he gazed upon the couple, “If I were to read everything, we would be here all night. Let us commence with the vows,” He cleared his throat, “O’ wondrous Gods, please look down upon these lowly mortals, and see that they love each other as they love you. Look upon them, give them your blessings, and allow them to bear children in your names.” He paused for a moment,
“Ardyn Lucis Caelum, son of Corrin Lucis Caelum. And Elizabeth Saxham, daughter of Frederick Saxham. I bring these two before you in holy union. Do you, Ardyn Lucis Caelum, take Elizabeth Saxham to be your wife?”
“I do,” Ardyn replied whole-heartedly as he gazed upon his wife-to-be. He saw the world in her; his world.
“And do you, Elizabeth Saxham, take Ardyn Lucis Caelum to be your husband?”
“I do!” She replied with equal fervor, staring into Ardyn’s ember depths.
“Then so shall it be,” The friar closed the tome, “I now declare thee husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Without delay, Ardyn crushed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. At last, they were wed. They could be together under the protection of the Six, and no one could stop them. However, as the dawn began to break the following day, disaster struck; Eliza was hunted down, deemed a witch, and burned at the stake. While Ardyn was tortured and executed.
The elder Scourge bringer had finally descended the hillside, his vision blurred by his own tears as he approached a lone, seemingly-unmarked grave. Time had not been kind to the old headstone that had once named the resting soul beneath it. It was covered in hanging moss, and the engraving was weathered away. Still, Ardyn could see the name as clearly as the day he had stumbled upon it. The worn letters, which were indecipherable to most, spelled out the sacred name: ‘ELIZA’. Ardyn, as silent as the eternal night itself, sat before the grave, his feet under him,
“Hello, love,” Ardyn croaked as he wiped away the stinging tears, “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” He allowed his cognac eyes to roam over the neglected flowers that littered the site. Most of them were dead, lying upon the dirt like broken bodies. However, three of them were somehow still alive. Pink and blue wildflowers, like those that made up her crown, offered some warmth amid the growing, sunless cold. The sight brought a pained smile to his face,
“I had that dream again. Us being married in the forest. You, in that beautiful dress, with flowers in your hair.” He sniffled, “That was the best dream I’ve had in ages. Hell, it’s the best memory I have of those days.” He composed himself before continuing,
“I’m sorry for not stopping by for so long. I had quite a bit of work to do. You see, I’ve-” He paused to reign in his overflowing emotions, “I’ve been getting things ready for my last days here,” He managed to keep smiling as tears flowed freely down his cheeks. He had spent every moment of his time on Angelguard, and every second of his days in Nifelheim, planning his final moments on Eos. He had wanted rest -Gods, he needed it-, and he was going to have it. However, rest was the last thing on his mind.
“I’m not sure when it will be, but I shall be coming to see you.” He could feel every part of his foundation crack as more tears flowed freely down his face, “I promise we will be together again.” Much like the day he found her grave, his words were met with silence. His body trembled as his breath hitched,
“Eliza, please,” He sobbed, “Please be there to greet me in the afterlife. I need to see you.” Silence. He sat there for what seemed to be an eternity, sobbing. His soul was exposed to Eliza’s grave. It was raw, bleeding, and broken; longing for mercy, love, and understanding. As his eyes ran dry and his trembling ceased, he could hear the faint roar of a familiar engine. The Chosen King was approaching the ruined city,
“I’m afraid the time is nigh. I must have my final audience with the Chosen King.” With new resolve, Ardyn rose to his feet, and turned away, “Fare thee well for now, Eliza.” Without looking back, Ardyn trudged toward the hill, his tear-stained face hardening with every step,
“We shall meet again when dawn break. I love you.” He crested the hill, and began the journey back to the Citadel, steeling himself for the agony he would no doubt face.
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thenamegarden · 7 years
The Name Garden: Q&A Monday
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Q&A Monday! Sorry for the lack of Q&A’s the last couple of weeks - I hadn’t had internet due to moving house, then we found out we were too rural to have internet and needed to order in a satellite, followed by the death of my computer and the death of my partner’s computer! Most of these issues have resolved now, and I’ll be getting my new computer today. As always, I am also ill, and at this time am unfortunately going through quite a big flare. I’m hoping that I can queue posts for each day to make sure that content isn’t lacking, but please do understand if there’s a day or two of missing content!
Anyway, off that topic, and onto the new: How has everyone’s holidays and new year been? I hope you’re having a wonderful time! Here are the questions that I received anonymously over the holidays - let’s jump back into the baby names!
If you have a question that you’d like to see featured in next week’s Q&A, please submit it here.
Q: Can you find any middle names that go with Elika?
A: Elika is really interesting, I really like it! Here are some ideas for you:
Elika Brynn
Elika Paris
Elika Lilly
Elika Morgan
Elika Rochelle
Elika Miriam
Elika Wendy
Elika Jane
Elika Reese
Elika Jordan
Elika Jade
Elika Dominique
Elika Sabine
Elika Madeleine
Elika Josefine
Elika Danielle
Elika Lucille
Elika Robin
Elika Valerie
Elika Charlotte
Elika Lovelle
Elika Raven
Elika Jacqueline
Elika Celine
Elika Daisy
Q: Stonep.
A: Hey there. I’m not sure if this was a spelling error or not, or if it was a request for me to post the name. Could I just get you to clarify for me, so I can help out? Thanks!
Q: Hello, I'm writing a story about a female detective, could you suggest a few name please? She's an extrovert and has a tendency to attract problems.
A: Sure! Here are some ideas for you:
Q: What do you think of the name Myla but spelt Milsa?
A: I’m sorry, but I’m not a fan at all. I don’t think it’d be natural for anyone to pronounce it the way that you’re wanting. How about removing the ‘s’ and making it Mila?
Q: Which is your favorite out of Fredericka, Augusta, Claudine, Henrietta and Wilhelmina? Do you think any of them are usable for a child?
A: I think that they’re all very usable for a child! The current trend is slowly bringing older names right to the forefront of the popularity charts, so I say go for it! My favourite of the names is Henrietta.
Q: Do you prefer Melody or Rose as a middle name for Carole?
A: I like Melody, I think it’s really sweet. It’s also a little more unique compared to Rose. They’re both very pretty, but Melody is my choice.
Q: What’s a cute middle name for Hazel? Last name begins with a W.
A: I love the name Hazel. Here are some ideas for you:
Hazel Maeve
Hazel Clara
Hazel Grace
Hazel Millicent
Hazel June
Hazel Catherine
Hazel Iris
Hazel Anne
Hazel Claire
Hazel Lillian
Hazel Valerie
Hazel Dorothy
Hazel Violet
Hazel Jean
Hazel Florence
Hazel Joy
Hazel Evelyn
Hazel Rose
Hazel Emma
Hazel Louise
Hazel Marie
Hazel Vera
Hazel Charlotte
Hazel Martha
Hazel Lucy
Q: Please help! My baby girl is due soon but we don’t have a name for her! Her sisters are Callie Grace and Payslie Rayne, so the names have to sound good together. We’d also really like to stay with the “e” or “lee” sound ending.
A: Congratulations on your little girl! Here are some ideas that may work for you:
Emily Sloane
Avery Faith
Lily Madison
Sophie Brooke
Trinity Ava
Molly Summer
Chloe Elizabeth
Hailey Paige
Maisie Hope
Daisy Piper
Sadie Ella
Natalie Skye
Ashley Jade
Lacey Nicole
Riley Charlotte
Sydney Rose
Destiny Cadence
Everley Skylar
Bailey Hannah
Brinley Willow
Aubrey Anne
Jolie Claire
Harley Sophia
Kimberly Emse
Hadley Amelia
Q: How do you feel about the name Adelaide? Like, love or hate?
A: I like it quite a lot. It’s very old fashioned, beautiful, sweet, charming, and works for a person of any age.
Q: Hi. We’re looking for a girls name to suit the last name Ryan. If we have a boy, his name will be Elijah James Ryan. We want a name with the same vibe as Elijah, like unique and not really common. Thank you.
A: Hello! Elijah James is sweet. Though I should let you know that if you’re searching for a unique and uncommon name, Elijah is currently in the top 50 in the US, England, Wales, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So it’s not all that uncommon at all! For that reason, I’ll give you two lists of names - one for the same vibe as Elijah, and one with the same vibe that are out of the top names.
Names with a similar vibe, ignoring the top 100:
Isabelle Ryan
Olivia Ryan
Alexia Ryan
Savannah Ryan
Sienna Ryan
Ava Ryan
Sophia Ryan
Chloe Ryan
Lily Ryan
Scarlett Ryan
Gabrielle Ryan
Zoe Ryan
Evie Ryan
Delilah Ryan
Amelia Ryan
Ivy Ryan
Charlotte Ryan
Sadie Ryan
Ella Ryan
Lucy Ryan
Lydia Ryan
Penelope Ryan
Isla Ryan
Lila Ryan
Alice Ryan
Ruby Ryan
Layla Ryan
Names with a soft feel, that are out of the top 100:
Elena Ryan
Lucille Ryan
Evangeline Ryan
Felicity Ryan
Luna Ryan
Eloise Ryan
Estella Ryan
Juliet Ryan
Phoebe Ryan
Annabelle Ryan
Adelaide Ryan
Elise Ryan
Lorelei Ryan
Natalia Ryan
Rowena Ryan
Amalia Ryan
Edie Ryan
Arabella Ryan
Anneliese Ryan
May Ryan
Melody Ryan
Helena Ryan
Talia Ryan
Viola Ryan
Aurelia Ryan
Giselle Ryan
Rosalie Ryan
Lilia Ryan
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Chapter 4
August 25, 2019 3:00 pm
“So what do you think?”
“I think it’s a good idea," Jennifer responds.
“I won’t stay if you don’t want to. It is entirely up to you.”
“And yet you were the one to check it out. Lizzie, I said yes. If you decided it has been thoroughly considered. I’ll go out there.”
“I’m sorry. I was thinking too much. I thought you wouldn’t want to.”
“I just don’t want to be separate from you. Like we promised last year. I want to get away and back to you.”
“The nightmares have gotten worse.”
---- ---- ----
December 10, 2011 4:00 pm
“Liz, this is Jennifer. Jennifer, this is Elizabeth.” Roxanne says, from my left.
I sigh at the use of my full name and roll my eyes to look at the third person.
“Jennifer is going to be your new bunkmate. Since you’re older show her the way, Liz. I hope you’ll get along.”
I hear the threat in that statement and smile sweetly at Roxanne.
“You almost fool me every time.” She says, before turning and walking away.
“Hi, I’m Jenny.” The little girl says taking a step closer.
“I’m seven. How old are you?”
I open my mouth to answer.
“Do you have siblings? What happened to your parents?”
I glare at the girl.
“Don’t ask those questions here.” I grind out.
The girl jumps back and folds into herself. She’s shaking and keeps opening her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” I say, sighing. “People aren’t going to want to answer you and some might respond worse than me.”
I put my book down and scoot back on my bed.
“Come sit by me and tell me about yourself since you want to talk.”
Jennifer twists and turns. I’m about to pick back up my book when the weight changes on my bed.
“You remind me of my cousin. You’re younger but she was always engrossed with something.”
Engrossed? From a seven-year-old? Before I can answer she continues talking.
“My mom died in childbirth and my dad died flying an airplane when I was 4. Aunt Samantha took me in. I lived with her and my cousin Lucy until two months ago. They died in a fire. I only survived because L-lucy woke me up and Aunt Samantha threw me out the, the window.” Jennifer starts crying.
I put my arms around her and glare at anyone in the room to keep them away.
“I’m sorry, Jenn. I’m so sorry for all that has happened in your life.” I whisper in her ear.
And just like that, I feel like I’m being pulled back to reality.
----- ----- -----
August 25, 2019 6:30 pm
“So you’ve decided…” Delilah prompts.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize I’d paused. I like the teachers, the town,” I look around. “And all of you.”
“Thanks,” Belle says grinning. “What did Jennifer say?”
“She’s cool with it.”
“Yay!” Allison says, jumping up and hugging me.
“I take it you’re happy?”
“She’s been talking of nothing else for two days,” Mandy says.
“Ok, then. We’ll just have to get your transfer papers.” Belle says.
“We’ll go do that and arrange your flight to get your things and your sister.”
Belle glares at Delilah but I don’t think about it long. I’m thinking of all the flying I’ll be doing.
“Yes, we’ll be doing that,” Belle says. “Girls, entertain yourselves. Stephan is a call away if you want to go anywhere.”
“Thank you,” Mandy says.
The sisters walk out.
“So movies?” I ask.
“It’s too bad Finn and Nicole are busy,” Allison says. “They love the home theater.”
These girls spend the summer with him. This should be eye-opening.
----- ----- -----
August 27, 2019 12:00 pm
I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up.
“Finn? What are you doing here?” I ask, sliding off my headphones.
“Flying back to school. Same as you.” He says, sitting next to me.
“Yes, but when did you get here?” I ask and then frown. “Obviously you’ve been on the plane the whole time.”
“Yup. Didn’t my dad tell you I was coming?”
“No. He said that a security guy would be flying back.”
Not that I need it but I wasn’t going to argue with Timothy Campbell.
“And here he is.”
“I would feel safer if it wasn't you,” I say, laughing. “Wait, why did you only wave when I said hello hours ago?”
“I was up until three training and then getting lectured. Sorry for sleeping at 10 in the morning.” He says sourly.
“Well, if you want to be like that,” I say, picking up my headphones.
Finn taps me again after a few minutes.
“Look, I shouldn’t have said that. There’s just a lot going on.”
“Anything you want to talk about?”
“Not today. Not yet. I’ll tell you in a couple of days.”
“But Jennifer and I are flying back then.”
“I’ll tell you at breakfast. I’m supposed to drive you both to the airport.”
The phrase supposed to isn’t lost on me but I don’t say anything.
Finn starts talking about all the different times he’s been on this plane flying to and fro school and on vacations.
“The Simms must really like your family.”
“I guess. Dad’s worked for them for 10 years. But more than that they just like helping out.”
Yes, I know. I owe them a lot.
“If you know this plane so well can you tell me what’s over there?” I ask, nodding towards it.
“What?” Finn asks, not even looking.
“Seriously?” I stand and pull him up.
“What is that?” I ask, pointing to the blue paper on a chair’s wooden armrest. “It wasn’t there a few days ago. It says don’t remove yet it doesn’t seem like it’s holding anything up.”
“You care about the most random things. Does it really matter?”
“It could be life-changing. I will find out.”
“All your secrets,” Finn adds, mocking me.
“Whatever. Hidden things raise the suspicion of curious people.”
“Just remember.”
“Please don’t say curiosity killed the cat.”
“Actually I was going to say revelations may give you more than you expected.”
“That is true.”
“All passengers take their seats. We’re entering landing.” The captain says.
“All? Is there another person on board?”
“Don’t be facetious, Eliza. It was just a slip of the tongue.”
I grin at Finn and ask him more about his summer breaks.
----- ----- -----
August 30, 2019 10:00 am
“I heard you were leaving but I didn’t believe it.” Milly’s voice makes me stop.
“Just ignore her,” Lindsay mutters as I turn around.
“Is it the clothes and lifestyle we have that drove you out? Or the fear that you couldn’t be first this year, either?” Macey asks, coming to stand next to her sister.
“We have 25 students in our year and you have Milly to tutor you. And yet, have you ever even been on the top 15?” Lindsay asks.
Macey mutters and Milly glares at her. That sure quiets her down.
“I don’t care about money as much as Macey does but that must be it since no one denied it. I thought better of you than that.” Milly shrugs. “Anyway, I’ll miss the competition for second after Lindsay.”
Lindsay blushes and starts pulling me away.
“Probably just about how much I’ll miss having a Musgroves in every class,” I say.
I’m glad I didn’t just let them talk, I think smiling. Until I see Finn’s expression that is.
“Really, Eliza?” He asks. “Do you have to be sarcastic with them?”
“Why do you always come at the part that makes me look like the bad guy?”
Finn sighs and shakes his head.
“Where are the others?” He asks.
“They’re sitting on Jennifer’s suitcase trying to make it close,” I say.
“That’s not going to work.” Finn states.
“And why not?” Lindsay asks, glaring at him as he walks to the car.
“Because it’s full of books if I know her. Sitting not going to make them more compact.” He says. “I’ll go get them.”
I nod and he leaves.
“How’s he going to help?” Lindsay asks.
“Sneering isn’t attractive, Linds. He had a duffel bag with him. I’m guessing he’s going to give it to Jenn.”
“And he saves the day.”
It’s just a bag. But I know it isn’t.
“Lindsay, what now?”
She turns to me and her expression softens.
“You decided you like him when school resumed in January. And then ‘your oldest friend’ disappeared for the rest of the year. You can see why I’m not happy with this development.”
“He was busy.”
“The boys’ academy is 3 blocks away.”
“Fine, let’s just say I agree. What does that have to do with now?”
“His dad works for the Simms family. They offer a slight scholarship for their employees’ children. If he wanted to be closer to home, for I don’t know ten weeks, they would make it happen.”
I don’t see why that would be a bad thing. But I don’t get to voice that.
“Alright, we’re here,” Bianca says.
“What’s this?” Nascha asks.
We all gather around the trunk.
“It’s my luggage.”
“Why is it still here?” Mikayla asks, confused.
Finn looks at them and then me.
“They forgot to tell you?”
“Who forgot to tell who what?” Jenn asks.
“The Simms and my dad asked me to be your bodyguard. I’m moving back. I’m going to school with you two.”
“You’re moving back with your parents for ten weeks to work for your dad and go to the boys’ academy?” I ask.
“You’re right until the academy part.” He replies.
“He is going to school with you and Jenn. He’s going to the girls’ academy.” Lindsay says.
I hear the anger in her voice and hope that it’s as lost on Finn as it is my dorm mates.
“You’re going to be the only guy in an all-girl school?” Tess asks.
Finn nods.
“I would not trade places with you,” Rizalyn says.
Nascha says something I don’t hear as I’m being dragged away.
“If I was going to an all-boys school, Nascha.”
“See? And it’s worse than I expected.” Lindsay whispers once we’re a safe distance away. “He’s going to be around you all the time.”
“Not all the time.”
“He’s a senior and your bodyguard. He’s going to have your exact schedule.”
“And if he does?” I ask more confident than I am.
“Just take care of yourself, Mistress."
“We’re loaded,” Jenn calls.
We walk over.
“Line up,” I call.
They get in line, in age order.
“Lindsay and Mikalya are in charge. I will be getting weekly emails so… Yes, Bianca?”
She puts her hand down.
“I’m older than Mikalya. Why can’t I be in charge?”
“You’re only older by a few weeks. And you’re the troublemaker.”
The girls start laughing.
“As I was saying, I will be getting weekly emails so don’t act any differently than you would if I was here. If you don’t, the winter of 2019 will not be a happy one.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The girls say, standing taller.
“Mikalya, I know this is a new position but I’m sure you can do it.”
“Thank you.”
“Tess and Bianca, I expect you to take care of yourself.”
“We will,” Bianca says looking at Tess. She nods.
“Are you saying we can’t?” Rizalyn asks, shyly.
“I know you can. But the academy is a big change so I want you to use the resources you have. I wish Lindsay and I had more than Headmistress when we were your age.”
Nascha nods.
“Otherwise, keep up the good work. And Rizalyn, follow Tess around.”
“Why would you tell her that?” Tess asks, wary.
I'm losing control of this meeting.
“It’s good for you to be together. However, you should try to be more independent, Rizalyn.”
“I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”
“The commander is having another meeting. They’re so weird.” Macey says.
Ugh, will I ever get through this?
“Do you think they’re actually scared of her?” Bea asks.
“From how they’re standing, I think they are. She can’t even have friends when they live with her.” Macey says, louder to make sure I hear her.
“Nascha, this was going to be my advice anyway but thanks to that, I’m sure you understand why. Don’t let anything said to you or about you get you upset. But at the same time don’t let praise make you egotistical.”
She nods with big eyes. I think she’s starting to understand the dynamics of the academy.
“Lindsay, don’t forget to keep in touch.”
“As if I could.”
I smile and hug her. This ends the meeting and we’re surrounded.
“You’re moving in with the Simms, right?” Bea calls, as we separate.
“Yeah,” I answer back just to be polite.
“Don’t think that just because you look like them, with your big eyes and face structure, they’ll take you in. You will always be, well you.” Macey says.
“That’s not insulting, Macey,” Milly says, leading a driver past them into the building.
That’s the second time today that she semi stood up for me.
“They just had to come back to school early,” Mikalya says.
“We’ll miss you,” Tess says.
“We will too,” Jenn replies as we get in the car.
“Love you,” Bianca calls, leading the group backwards.
“Love you too,” I say.
0 notes
’Its been pretty hard to miss what’s been going on at the Yearning for Zion Ranch near Eldorado, Texas. In case you haven’t heard, here’s a quick recap: the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which believes in polygamy, (which is different than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) has a large following near Eldorado where this YFZ Ranch is located.In late March, the Texas Child Protective Services hotline received a call from a girl claiming to live at the ranch who said she was being abused. This led to a huge raid by Texas law enforcement and child welfare officials, who ended up removing 452 children (some pregnant and/or already mothers) from the ranch. So, that’s the rundown. I think there has been plenty of media coverage, so I don’t need to go into great detail. Just Google “Yearning for Zion” for more information. Instead of rehashing what has already been splashed all over the Internet, let’s look at some notable polygamists. Joseph Smith, Jr. Let’s start with the founder of the Mormons, Joseph Smith, Jr. While it was well-known that his “main” wife was Emma, he may have had up to 33 wives in addition to her. The ages ranged from 14 years old to 60 years old. It would seem that Emma sometimes supported the polygamist lifestyle and was sometimes vehemently opposed to it. Although she actually attended one of the weddings of her husband and another woman, she also went on record saying that her husband had only one wife and that polygamy was never advocated in their household. Some theorize that Emma really didn’t know much about his other marriages ““ Joseph knew she disapproved and he secretly married others anyway, including some of her friends. It’s unknown how many children Joseph Smith had "“ DNA tests are still being done on people who claim to be his descendants. Brigham Young By contrast, Joseph Smith’s successor, Brigham Young, had marriages that were extremely well documented. In order, he was married to Miriam, Mary Ann, Lucy, Augusta, Harriet, Clarissa, Emily (who was also married to Joseph Smith), Clarissa, Louisa, Eliza, Elizabeth, Clarissa, Rebecca, Diana, Susanne, Olive (also married to Joseph Smith), Mary Ann, Margaret, Mary, Emmeline, Mary Elizabeth, Margaret, Olive (also married to Joseph Smith), Emily, Martha, Ellen, Jemima, Abigail (who was the mother of Brigham Young’s first wife, Miriam), Phebe, Cynthia, Mary Eliza, Rhoda (also married to Joseph Smith), Zina (also married to Joseph Smith), Amy, Mary Ellen, Julia, Abigail, Mary Ann, Naamah, Nancy, Jane, Lucy, Mary Jane, Sarah, Eliza, Mary, Eliza, Catherine, Harriet, Amelia, Mary, Ann Eliza, Elizabeth, Lydia and Hannah. That’s three Clarissas, three Elizas, three Mary Anns, three Marys, two Olives, two Abigails, two Elizabeths, two Harriets, two Lucys, two Margarets, five who were also married to Joseph Smith and one mother-daughter duo. With so many wives, it’s almost surprising that he only had 57 children. To accommodate his gigantic family, Brigham Young had the Lion House and the Beehive House built. One of Young’s contemporaries wrote, "It was amusing to walk by Brigham Young’s big house, a long rambling building with innumerable doors. Each wife has an establishment of her own, consisting of parlor, bedroom, and a front door, the key of which she keeps in her pocket”. The Jeffs  First, we have Rulon Jeffs (that’s him on the left with two of his wives). He was the eighth prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, serving from 1986 to 2002. As mentioned before, the FLDS is a sect of the Mormon Church ““ when the Salt Lake City-based Mormon Church banned polygamy in the 1890s so Utah could become a state, the FLDS was created because, among other reasons, they still believed in polygamy. Jeffs had 19-20 wives, 27 daughters and 33 sons. That brings us to Warren Jeffs (on the right), the son who declared himself the ninth prophet of the Fundamentalist Church after his father’s death. He married most of his father’s widows, making him the stepfather of some of his brothers. He also married women who were close relatives, but claimed that it was necessary because as a descendant of both Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ, he needed to preserve the family bloodlines. He believes that a man must have at least three wives to make it to heaven, but the more wives, the better. He is estimated to have somewhere between 70 and 80 wives, including Naomi, who married his 90-year-old father when she was only 17. Warren was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List in 2006 for arranging marriages between adult men and underage girls. He was arrested a couple of months later and charged with that, plus sexual conduct with minors and incest. He was found guilty of two counts of rape as an accomplice and sentenced to 10 years to life in prison, which he is now serving. Tom Green  Now, the FLDS members know their beliefs are taboo when compared with that of most people’s, so they tend to keep a low profile. But not Mormon Fundamentalist Tom Green (not THAT Tom Green). He appeared on Dateline NBC, Queen Latifah, The Jerry Springer Show and The Sally Jesse Raphael Show to promote a polygamist lifestyle. He pretty much dared police to come after him, saying that marrying as many women as he wished was his constitutional right. They accepted the dare and came after him when they discovered that his first wife, Linda Kunz, was born in 1973 and had her first child in 1986 "“ which means she was only 13 when she had sex with Green. He was convicted in 2002 for child rape and was released from prison last year. He’s still married to Linda. Oh, he had five wives altogether "“ Linda, Carrie and Hannah, who were sisters; and Shirley and Leanne, also sisters. He has 25 children with the five wives. Ervil LeBaron  When the Mormons abandoned the idea of polygamy, several families, including Ervil’s, moved to Mexico so they wouldn’t be under United States jurisdiction. When Ervil’s dad died, his eldest son, Joel, became the leader of the community, which he eventually called the Church of the Firstborn in the Fullness of Times. In 1972, Ervil and Joel were warring over control of the Church. Ervil split off into a group of his own called the Church of the Lamb of God. He had Joel killed. Younger brother Verlan then assumed leadership of Joel’s group, so Ervil tried to have him killed too. He was unsuccessful that time, though. However, he was successful in having his followers (often his wives) kill rival polygamous leaders and their wives. He has also been linked to the death of his own daughter, Rebecca, who criticized the group. Ervil was arrested in 1979 and taken to the U.S., where he was convicted of having ordered the death of one of his rivals. He was sentenced to life in prison at the Utah State Penitentiary, but died of natural causes after serving less than two years. For the short time he was in prison, though, he kept instructing his wives, children and followers to continue to murder. It’s estimated that at least 25 people were killed from LeBaron’s orders in prison. His daughter, Jacqueline, is wanted by the FBI. Tran Viet Chu Not all polygamists are Mormons or Mormon offshoots, though. Tran Viet Chu of Vietnam says he has no problem keeping up with his 14 wives and 80-plus children. "Poor me, every time I see a voluptuously shaped woman I find no way to resist my sensitive feeling. I seem to have been born with this flirtatious tendency,” he told the Cong An Nhan Dan (People’s Public Security) newspaper. He lives with some of his family, with each wife supporting her own children. Chu provides for himself. He says he’s lost count of all of his wives and kids, but says he has “at least” 14 wives. And yes, polygamy is illegal in Vietnam, and so is having more than two children per family. Saleh al-Sayeri  This 64-year-old businessman has had 58 wives, but doesn’t remember the names of most of them. He has 10 sons and somewhere between 22 and 28 daughters ““ he’s not exactly sure. He does know, though, that all of his marriages and settlements have cost him more than $1.6 million. Islamic law allows men to have up to four wives at a time, but he says he has kept the same three for the past 20 years or more "“ it’s the fourth wife he rotates out. "It’s the one for renewal,” he said. “I like to change my fourth wife every year.” One of his sons, Fahd al-Sayeri, said he was out with friends when they heard celebratory gunshots coming from a tent, signaling a wedding. When he conversationally asked who got married, Fahd was informed that it was his own father. Again.  
Mental Floss
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