#i still regret not finding time to run another one over the holidays 😭
gothwizardmagic · 2 months
I am SO glad you ran Our Flag Means Party. It remains one of my favorite fandom experiences. Thank you SO much for always being so willing to be my Kiwi expert and answering all my ridiculous questions without judgment. I've learned so much (and enhanced my Spotify playlist tremendously). You are such a delight and I'm so very happy our paths crossed through OFMD! 💕
MARIANNNE 😭 youre such a darling & im so happy to know you aaauagh i love all our chats & the incredible fics you manage to spin out of them!! im so grateful to have met you through ofmp and soososo glad you enjoyed it!! 💕💕💕
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snowblossomreads · 2 years
Verse Four: And Then It Gets Much Worse
Previous Chapter: The Only Solution Was To Stand And Fight
Summary: In where a piece of paper causes [Y/n] to find out that her situation can get much worse.
Pairing: Severus Snape x FemReader
Warning(s): Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Sexual Assault/Rape (but nothing explicit in this chapter), Mentions of not being able to eat due to stress, Angst (of course), That's about it let me know if I missed something.
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: Gasp finally another chapter? It's much than the previous one so I'm sorry 😭The holidays have had me running around and it already takes time for me to write. Consider this particular chapter as an interlude if you will. Also if you're waiting for the smut don't worry because you're going to get it real soon. Now off you go, I'll see you at the end!
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“No stop! Please stop!”
They were just a few of the pleading words that fell from her lips almost every other day from the nightmare that she was being forced to live through. It started the day after she tried to escape. Instead of her food normally appearing on the desk in the room, she had found herself facing Snape again when he decided to personally bring her breakfast up to her. 
If it was hard for her to eat before, it had been impossible when he closed the door behind him, essentially trapping her with him in the room. Then he made his way over to her at the desk where he leaned over her, his lips millimeters away from her ear before he commanded her to,
And when she refused, pushing the food away and turning her head as a petulant child would do, he pushed the plate towards her once more and implored her to do as he asked. Though this time it was more of a warning than anything. Apparently, she had still yet to figure out that egging on someone who was capable of what he had done and could possibly do was not a good idea. 
“You eat it.”
She had come to regret the words. That morning she had unwillingly become his breakfast. Afterwards, he left her in the locked room, slick and spit leaking from between her thighs as tears dampened her skin. The food stayed untouched. 
Day after day passed and the routine would stay the same of him bringing her meal up to her. Some days she would eat when it was brought, not wanting to anger him nor feeling fiery enough to back talk him. On those days, a low rumble of ‘good girl’ would leave him causing her to quiver at his tone. 
A hand would linger on her shoulder as he reached over her to grab the plate leaving a chill to crawl up her spine and a tingle on her skin. On other days though, she wouldn’t obey, sometimes she would make a comment, and sometimes she wouldn’t. But more likely than not on those days, she would find herself being yanked out of her chair roughly. 
The sound of the wooden object crashing into the floor loudly while an equally loud yelp would leave her. In the end, she would either be forced on her knees with his cock being shoved down her throat as he called her ungrateful, reminding her that she was lucky to be alive, or she would find herself on her back. Arms and legs tied and splayed out for him as he forced her to orgasm on his tongue and fingers over and over again. It hurt so bad. Even in the moment when he would bring her over the top making her come, there was a tinge of pain in her chest even if the rest of her body enjoyed it. 
What had she done to end up in such a fucked up situation? Why her? Being left in tears was now an almost daily occurrence. And it was so exhausting, dizzying when she didn’t have a clue about what was going to happen to her each day she was trapped. 
It was tiring, depleting her of any rationality each time something happened and little by little her sense of self began to whittle away even if she didn’t acknowledge it. Today, she thought, would be no different than those other days as she heard the door open and the sound of his footsteps approaching her turned back. Yet, it wasn’t until he had tossed down that day’s edition of the Daily Prophet instead of food did she realize that the nightmare she was in could indeed get much worse.
That was the headline splashed across the front of the newspaper in screaming bold letters. Sensationalism at its finest was her second thought as her first one was one of bafflement, not sure why he was suddenly giving her reading material. It wasn’t until her eyes fell on the moving picture in the middle of the page did she begin to realize what exactly was happening. 
She saw a familiar young witch whose eyes seemed to twinkle even in the black and beige pages of the newspaper as she bashfully smiled up at the photographer. And around the young witch who was smiling, [Y/n] saw an older witch and wizard along with a young wizard beaming proudly at the camera as they stood with their Auror uniforms on.
They were impossibly happy, so alive, even in the photograph of a newspaper. So much so that she caught her eyes softening as she gazed at the people in the photo and brushed her fingertips along the face of the older couple before moving to the younger wizard. The happiness was contagious as it almost had her lips tugging into the smallest of smiles as she gazed at them. She watched as they smiled brightly at her and waved before the older wizard pulled them tightly together so they were all closer as they burst into laughter.
But then she remembered. And the smile on her lips gradually began to fade into a frown as her eyes landed on the names of the photo below. 
Her name was there. It was first surprisingly, and next to it in parentheses were the words ‘missing’ in bolded, capital letters. And next to her name, were the names of her mother, father, and older brother each of them with the same parentheses next to them. But, instead of the word ‘missing’ they had another word in them. A word that had her heart pausing and her breath catching in her throat.
At first, she stared at the captioning dumbfoundedly, unable to process the word next to her family members' names. It seemed like they were just a bunch of letters thrown together with no meaning as they were placed now. Deceased? That couldn’t be, right? All of them were amazingly skilled  Aurors top of their year at that, and they were simply dead? 
No. Absolutely Not. 
Ungluing her eyes from the photo, she found herself furiously skimming over the words of the entire article making sure she had read it wrong. Over and over again her eyes read them and over and over again she couldn’t digest what she was reading.
They had been searching for her. Adamant that she wasn’t dead as her body hadn’t been found yet. They even went so far as to go to the Minister of Magic himself and demand that a team be sent to look for her. She was their beloved daughter and with their positions being lead Aurors for their respective teams they did have some pull. But it seemed like all would be for naught because on the fourth day of the search none of them had come in for their shift causing a visit to their home. It was there where the bodies had been found. 
Her parents were both in the hallway while her brother’s body was at the entrance of a bedroom.  There had been a struggle it sounded like from what she had read but when you’re surprised in your own home where you’re supposed to feel safe the outcome was understandable.
The words on the page became blurry as tears began to cloud her vision and silently streaked down her cheeks. Her fingers that were wrapped around the edges of the paper gripped it harshly, rumpling the pages as her head stayed lowered. Her parents, her only brother. She loved them greatly, cared about them, and had deep warmth for them, even if she had argued with them all the time about having to be an Auror. 
They were her family and families argued. But now they were gone. There would be no more arguments, no more laughter at something one of them had done, no more holidays sitting around being with one another, nothing. All the while the thought of them dying and never knowing that she was still alive sunk into her mind. 
“I am truly sorry,” Snape murmured quietly. A tinge of remorse seemed to line his voice, as his hand went to rest on her shoulder.
Yet she could barely process what he had said to her as the moment he placed his hand on her, she automatically shrunk in her seat. Her body and mind were all too trained to know what usually came when he put his hands on her. And she couldn’t handle it. Not today, not ever honestly, but especially not with the news she had just received. 
“Please,” her voice was tiny, just a pitiful whimper as she felt his fingers wrap around her shoulder with a light grip. “Just leave me alone, p-please.”
He had never listened to her pleas before and in her mind she felt as if it was useless to even beg. But to her surprise, even if she could barely show it as tears dampened her face, she felt the hand on her fall away. 
“I’ll send your food up later [Y/n].”
His voice was still soft as he gazed over her shoulder and watched her hang her head low over the newspaper. She didn’t respond to him and he didn’t expect her to as he turned to take his leave.
When the sound of the door closing met her ears, her upper body instantly went slack against the chair. Her arms wrapped around the newspaper tightly as she brought the crumpled paper to her chest cradling as if her life depended on it while she rocked back and forth in the chair.  
Tears poured down her face without end as the dam of emotions finally broke. Her chest heavy and in pain was finally able to release the broken loud sobs that racked her as those in the silent memory smiled and looked back up at her. Those memories and any others that could have been made would now stay silent forever.
Whatever game they had been playing. He had undoubtedly won with this.
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Closing the door behind him he stayed silent as he listened to the piercing wail that left [Y/n] as soon as the door was firmly shut. He stood for what felt like hours with his back to the door hearing her sobs before finally locking it and taking his leave down the hall toward the stairs.
His face carried the same neutral expression he had worn when delivering the news as he walked down the stairs toward the living room where a man was sitting with one leg crossed above the other and a glass of wine in hand. Footsteps tapping against the wooden floor alerted the man that someone was approaching and he lazily turned his head to see Snape standing underneath the doorframe. 
A sly grin replaced the man's bored expression and there was a twinkle in his gray eyes as he wasted no time in questioning Snape.
“So did it work?” 
“Perhaps,” Snape replied in the affirmative, bringing a hand up to massage his forehead as if he felt a migraine come on from his more chatty visitor. “She was more controlled than I expected when I showed her but after I left. Well, I’m certain even you could hear her from down here.”
A haughty look crossed the other man's face as he sat the glass of wine down and stood up grabbing the black cane with a glinting snake head on it from the side of the chair. Walking up to Snape, there was clearly smugness written all over the blond man's features as he stood next to the other man.
“I told you so.” 
That statement was met with Snape rolling his eyes as the other man proudly continued to rattle off just how brilliant the idea was.
“It would have been a waste to tell her the actual day it happened considering how soon her meddlesome family started to look. Best leave such news as a finale. No?”
“Do you want me to praise you for your idea Malfoy?” Snape drawled, a little glare flickering in his eyes as he watched the blond basically throw himself a congratulatory celebration.
It was hard not to want to roll his eyes at him even if he considered him a friend. He was a bit meddlesome at times even if he had very good ideas when it came to these types of things. Mental games that is. 
“A little appreciation from an old friend is always welcome, Severus,” Malfoy spoke, shrugging indifferently while tapping his cane on the floor as he walked past Snape.
Silently, they made their way to the front door, and once there Malfoy went to grab his coat from the rack near the entrance. Taking his time to shrug the heavy article on, he turned to Snape when he finished, an inquisitive look on his features. 
“So do tell what is next for that pitiful little thing?” He asked, eyes narrowing curiously at the man. “She has no family left, I'm told. A perk of being in a family of Aurors I no doubt believe.” 
“No more family you say?” Snape tried his best not to be surprised at that revelation. Though it wasn’t a bad thing. Not for him at least.
“Ironic, but yes, though I think that makes it easier for you as the Ministry no longer has to deal with her family demanding for them to search for her.” A smirk returned on to Malfoy’s face as he continued. “I bet before long they’ll just write her off as another casualty. Pity.”
“I see.”
“Indeed. Well, I don’t wish to hold you any longer, I am quite glad my little plan worked out for the best,” he said, opening the door and stepping out though a little grimace flashed across his features as he looked out on the dilapidated house around him. “Do let me know whenever you need more help with your little project or something else.”
He was clearly alluding to the less than opulent area of Spinner’s End and Cokeworth as a whole with its dreary scenery and dirty streets. Very much not to the taste of a pure-blood wizard like Malfoy. Turning around to face the man standing in the house, Malfoy gave a curt nod,
It was returned with an equally short farewell,
Before Snape closed the door. But as he went to lock it, he couldn’t help but feel a small quirk at the corner of his lips as he remembered what Lucius had said to him before leaving.   
“Best leave such news as a finale.”
Finale? Oh no, they weren’t at the finale just yet. He still had one more thing he wanted to try with the woman. And she had unknowingly taken the bait. 
Next Chapter: I Never Knew My Killer Would Be Coming From Within
A/N: Oh my it looks like Severus has a helper. I wonder if we will be seeing him again...
This chapter made me remember why I don't write long ficsđŸ„ŽđŸ„Ž! I kept going back and forth with how I wanted to write this particular plot point and finally landed on what was in here which is not originally what I intended (the original was way less tame)
But I'm quite happy with this honestly! Let me know if you saw any mistakes and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Please let me know what you thought and I'll see you on the next part! ❀❀❀
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