#i still havent decided on a name
lilyssims · 1 year
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​♡ 🇸​​🇴​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇼​​🇪​ ​🇬​​🇪​​🇹​ ​🇹​​🇴​ ​🇲​​🇪​​🇪​​🇹​ ​🇭​​🇮​​🇲​ ♡
Annie and Ryan had some difficulties but are working through it together. She suspected Ryan being unfaithful to her and they argued a lot, and Annie did have thoughts of leaving. But she loves him too much so she stayed and hope to make things work between them - especially with the baby’s due date closing in.
The pregnancy was unexpected for both of them, and while they enjoy being free souls, they couldn’t bring themselves to give up on the growing life in Annie’s belly. Ryan is really excited to become a father and loves to feel his son kick. He’s acutely aware of his mistakes and flaws and know he isn’t perfect and he certain doesn’t expect Annie to be. Even more than before he is determined to become a better chef and provide for his family, though it pains him Annie has to put her studies on hold for the time being, he know they will do just fine.
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hollis-art · 1 year
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quark is too gleeful about odo having gotten caught doing something illegal that he doesn't care that he has also been caught doing something even more illegal
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p1x1x · 4 months
my little yuri guys so far
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siruerto · 1 month
adrian doodles. :) his younger days:
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i can't choose which hairstyle to go with for his older days
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froggiesir · 17 days
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got bored so yeah Oh yeah also extra doodles under the cut
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Some of my favorite names for OCs I have currently:
A fellow Garlicnose oc haver!!!!
I got mine's name from a generator hehe
also Graymorning so pretty <3
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caramelmochacrow · 5 months
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the sasago sisters!!!!
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strangledlullaby · 11 months
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some other sprites of my pokepasta from a while back, the girl is the rival/partner but she wasnt actually intended to be a focus.. i ended up messing around w her sprite the most anyways (works out for story reasons i suppose)
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nana2009 · 2 years
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cool and serious big sis n her requires-mad-amounts-of-warmth lil sis
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veronicathegoddess · 1 year
i hate when someone invites me to like do something or go somewhere but they also invite someone i dislike, that they know i dislike and when i say i don't want to come because that person is there they're like it's fine, just ignore them...because i want to spend money i barely even have to spend time around people that have hurt me????? like if i don't like the person, idc who else is there and if i can ignore them, i'm not gonna put myself into a situation like that and idk why that's so hard for people to get
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zkretchy · 6 months
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Randomly thought of an oldie but a goodie and decided to (re)draw this lil guy just to see how much my artstyle has change and/or improved as well from //squints October 2015 ......where the fuck did time go
anyhow here is the october one i was digging for
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acaciapines · 6 months
nano day twenty-four
words today: 4725
words total: 62862
took a day off but im BACK babey!!! wrote more than i thought i would, too, i was really struggling near the start but mustve hit the zone bc i do not remember writing those last 2k words lol. but i did! whoo!!
we're SO CLOSE to the end now you guys. i have my whole outline for this last chapter and these scenes im so so excited to write and then that's for the future. its. wild. so so wild. i cannot understate how much this series has taken over my life and seemed insurmountable and now im like, within reach of the ending. what the fuck?
my favorite part of what i wrote today:
What am I? they asked him. He’d startled a bit, which was really funny on the big Titans ‘cause it made them like fuzzed-up mountains. What do you mean? was his response. You’re yourself. Was there any doubt of that? Dunno, they said, but they were shaking their head when they did, the heavy way Titans did ‘cause they had horns to think about. I’m not like you ‘n the others. Their friend was quiet for a moment. Then he said, you are a fallen star from above. A bit of sraf that travels the universe. You ended up here because sraf finds sraf, does it not? They’d shrugged. Maybe they once might’ve said sraf is a funny word, ‘cause it didn’t describe stuff right like stardust did. Maybe once they might’ve just hopped back off and gone to poke the other baby Titans awake ‘cause they wanted to play wrestling and pouncing games and the best way to learn to fish was to do in a whole big group ‘cause then at least when the fish scattered probably one would be caught. What he said instead of any of that was, but I’m not sraf. I’m stardust. At the end of the day, said their friend, they are more or less the same. In the here and now they stare at the sky. They made it this way. All painted purples and blues. “I don’t think it is,” they say, “I think sraf’s gotta be something different. ‘cause King talks about it, ‘n I think something that we aren’t looking at the same stuff at all.”
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i finally caught up on story quests...
i saw so many spoilers and thought i knew what was gonna happen, but NONE OF YALL MENTIONED THE PLOT TWIST WAS THAT AL FONTAINIANS ARE OCEANIDS WTF
oh my god when i say my pre-modern day lore obsessed brain started whirring like a broken ceiling fan at the implications
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"I'm intimidated by the amount of characters you have" okay i made another one btw
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shes an awakened sylvari and also a cowboy :)
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harvestmoth · 2 years
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i love doing the same things twice just slightly different
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gendrie · 1 year
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plot threads for arya and yes, im feeling totally normal thanks for asking <3
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