#i should have it proofread and hopefully posted within a week :D
!!!!! I just finished writing my ranpoe crack fic!! It still needs to be edited but im so happy I finally figured out the ending :D
Im a little frustrated that it took me two months to finish when most of it was written in one night but hey I suck at endings so not surprising.
Shoutout to everyone who voted on this poll to help motivate me to work on it. Once I finish proofreading it i will make a post with the fic link like I did for my first fic.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Let’s write something fantastic
Name: Surisse Nicknames: Suri/Su Age: 26 (be 18+) RP Experience: I cannot say for sure collectively, but I have been writing on and off since I was roughly twelve years old. I consider myself literate if such labels are even in use anymore. Timezone: Eastern. I welcome those in different timezones with open arms!
The RP
-Will be set in modern fantasy. Modern fantasy to me means that supernatural, fantasy, and mythical creatures all reside within the human world. They blend in, hiding in plain sight, and follow their own set of rules. -Will be mature. Use of strong language, blood and gore, suggestive themes, etc. I tend to like darker, grittier themes and I almost have no limits. Teenage molestation and forced intercourse are a part of my character’s background; however, it will not be written out. I will not entertain you in that regard. -May contain elements of crude humor, fluff, and angst. My character is a sarcastic ass and tends to believe he’s the funniest guy in the room–anyone else, not so much. My character also tends to push people away so plenty of options for drama there. -Will be over Skype. Skype has been my main roleplaying for years and it’s just so hard for me to change platforms. I feel it’s also the most intimate tool because you can talk in real time versus sending private messages/emails. -Will hopefully be long-term. I’m in it for the long haul once it seems like we’re compatible. I usually determine this by writing samples. I tend to favor samples that are from old or current roleplays. Give me something that shows how your character thinks/feels, how he might interact with others; your most beloved post in other words. Don’t just give me something random, and don’t say you don’t have any.
What You Can Expect from Me
-For now, I am going to say weekly replies. If you want something faster, you will be disappointed. I write out a draft of my reply then let it sit and come back to it, rewriting that draft into a “second draft” before I finalize it. Most of the time, I may do research to solidify anything I write to make it that much more believable. After that is when the second guessing begins, when I’m unsure of whether I’ve written is up to standard or if I should scrap it and start over. Creative writing is both an escape and a curse for me. -Third person, past tense. I’ve tried first person and it’s extremely difficult for me to separate myself from what I’m reading and it’s truly an unenjoyable feeling. The same goes for second person, just no. I’ve always done third person and that’s what I’m sticking to. You cannot convince me otherwise. -Detailed posts. Scenery has always been a weak point for me. I normally average five paragraphs but it can vary. Please note that I do have a cap of roughly four pages. Example of my minimum post length: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18Imxnq2REI1pOrk4LsAn8JpNzinOjwyWg5bmR_Qj2oU/edit?usp=sharing Example of my average post length: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ekrc1pGjwaie317L4RlNCt_adkKaLS-tNxZZJwhzgPY/edit?usp=sharing Example of my maximum post length: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fnUf8AM6jgRGL0w4igUE-gRVd5Yp3esBfHk2wv15tbY/edit?usp=sharing -Consistent availability. I’m always on Skype, even if I don’t particularly feel like talking or posting, at least I’ll let you know. -Multiple pairings. Maybe not starting off with a lot right away, but gradually adding more in.
-What I’m Gonna Expect from You
-Tell me a bit about yourself, why you’re contacting me. Don’t just say, “hi RP?” I’ve taken the time to write this ad out. At least make me feel like it was well worth it. I’m aware Skype’s add contact button doesn’t allow you to say too much. -Writing samples. Don’t say you don’t have any as I’m not going to look the other way. You knew when contacting me that I’m expecting these. -Your own ideas for the plot. I will provide some ideas, but be aware, nothing’s ever set in stone with me. -That you put real effort into your posts. I’m not a grammar nazi so I’m not super judgemental on typos and such, however, if it’s apparent you didn’t even bother to proofread your post, I might get a little annoyed. I would love it if you could match my average without fillers and repeats. But I understand not every scene requires a wall of text. -That you’re versatile in your characters/roles. I will NOT roleplay with anyone who only plays tops or bottoms. I’ve tried and it honestly ruins the roleplay for me. -Weekly replies. I feel that is fair. I’m not going to expect you to talk to me everyday, but dropping a simple “hey” every once in a while would be nice. I’m so done with people that vanish for a week at a time or more.
Plot: So, I’ve mentioned that this will be a modern fantasy roleplay in the beginning of this ad somewhere. I typically build the plot off the characters. I’m a big fan of saving the world from a catastrophic end. I do not have my own world/town/city/whatever made up. We will most likely be using a major city to save time. I can say that I believe angels are in control of earth and have banished demons to hell after some great war. Maybe demons are scheming revenge on angels, or another race is plotting behind the scenes to free them. I also believe that roleplaying is a collaborative effort so please don’t expect me to come up with everything. I obviously have more to add to this but would love to hear your ideas.
Character: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SgTEhcEFIrcUptdIOaWfLCd-gj6G7WeY-PI5e0QC8Z0/edit?usp=sharing
Some things to Note: Ash’s timeline is not perfect. He should probably be a lot older than he is, but what fun is it to play against an old man?
Contact Details: Ashtainw
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quarkie-blog1 · 7 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan art/fic collab?
So recently I’ve had a few thoughts, I was wondering whether anyone wanted to collab with me? Was thinking of partnering up with a fanfic writer or a fan artist who might also be interested. 
My main motivation:  1. Quarkie wants to meet more people and find more friends on Tumblr here in the Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom.  2. I really want to improve my art, in particular structure and background. You can find samples of my art here, under the “quarkie’s art” tag.  3. I’ve always wanted to do a collab or art trade, but have been kind of nervous about it since I felt like I should improve on my art first in the past. 
I’m not really sure how to ask around for these requests, so if you could suggest a better way, maybe you could tell me? Or asking artists/writers you know would also be appreciated.
At the moment, the ideas are only around GX, Zexal and Arc V. I’m definitely happy to hear your own ideas for any of the series in general. Please note I am still in the middle of finishing 5Ds though, so I won’t know as much about that. ^_^; 
If you’re still interested, here are the few ideas that I had in mind below. 
Please read the notes section at the end! =D
1. Post-series Fanfiction & Fanart of Judai Yuki’s adventures Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Looking for: fanfiction writer.  Summary: Wouldn’t it be funny to see how Judai Yuki would fend of cassowaries in Australia? Or what about trying to find his way out of the Catacombs in Paris? Or just simply dropping by to see how his friends are after graduating? The overall theme is just Judai’s adventures in different parts of the world. We could have the two of us discuss about the actual contents/structure in the fanfic and artwork. One person can write the fanfic and the other can do drawings to accompany it. 
2. Post-series fanart of Judai Yuki’s adventures Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX & Bonds Beyond Time Looking for: artist Summary: Similar to idea 1, but instead the two of us are both drawing? Perhaps after Judai-kun matures after the series, he might think of sending a postcard or photo to his friends on rare occasions. A lot of these could be photos of him posing or doing something near an interesting tour sight. For fun, we could also add in a few four panel comics of random silly/funny situations that Judai-kun might find himself in.  (Maybe we could also have a photo of him with Yusei and Yugi, as post-Bonds beyond time =D)
3. Post-series fanfiction and fanart of Zexal Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Looking for: fanfiction writer Summary: After the series ends, Yuma’s parents came home, what was the Tsukumo family reunion like? What would the characters from Heartland do when they see all seven Barians in their world? Would Tron ever see the Arclight brothers again? (And I bet Yuma would be crying with tears of joy calling everyone’s name. Even at Vector LOL). Similar to idea 1, we can have a few separate writings, and have one to two drawings accompanying. 
4. Words of encouragement from characters? (Have no idea what to call this....) Series: Zexal & Arc V  Looking for: artist Summary: I listed this as those two series, but we can do it for all series if you want. This more or less started with the idea of drawing Ecard designs, then leaving a decorated blank box others can just use photoshop/paint to write their own message and send to friends. I think what would be nice is if they could have words of encouragement or something nice that the main and secondary main characters from the series might say. I mean... if I’ve had a bad day, I wouldn’t mind looking at Mihael or Yuya telling me to something motivating.  
5. Pack of cards.  Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V Looking for: Artist Summary: Other than four summons, four dimensions and four counterparts, what else comes in four? Four suits in a poker card set. =D. We could try drawing characters for specific cards, and each dimension could correspond to a suit. (Ray and Zarc as jokers?) Also, I wonder if it turns out well whether it can be sold as prints, though I’m probably being too optimistic. Overall though, I’d still like to try drawing these suits of cards. 
Notes:  1. For fanfiction writers, I prefer mostly to do the art stuff when we’re splitting the workload if possible. But I’m perfectly happy to help with any fanfic writing parts as well if need be. Just be warned that I did horribly in English and literature :’D, so you’ll be pestered a lot about proofreading. Having one writer would make things more consistent as well, I suppose. 
2. I am contactable via the messaging or tumblr ask feature. You can also email me [email protected]. I think messaging is probably best, since it’s easier to discuss what we are and aren’t comfortable with before making the final “go” or “no-go” decision. Let me know if you want to suggest another method if ideas do get launched. 
3. In terms of the scopes of the project, I don’t have a good estimate of how long they would take. But I’ll be checking online here at least once every few days and will make sure to keep my collab partner updated on how things are going on my side. I’ll probably try to work on these a few hours a week, so hopefully we could finish within three months? I tend to be busy when uni starts hence I don’t want to pester my partner too much. I am also currently working in the holidays. Contact/communication is key, I guess, so I might be a bit repetitive or obvious. (It’s all so that my partner and I are on the same page). 
4. For art, I generally use Paint Tool Sai for my art. I do have a license for Clip Studio paint as well, but I’ve just been using it less. 
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