#i see your degen man and raise you a ( monster ) degen woman
strywoven · 1 year
cont'd. // @zankokukami
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Indeed , hardly any of the man’s lines were making much of an impression on the woman ( much less a pleasant one that may level the field in his waning favor ) .  A pity , that , he is … H a n d s o m e , if it were not for his thoughtless mouth.  Still , as Verona regards him with her palpably cold indifference , she cannot help but think : this is some luck , isn’t it ? i’ve found someone who doesn’t know – or doesn’t really care – who i am— This might prove to be INTERESTING after all.  And she is the sort to take r i s k s in her ventures … So , what would it hurt , really , to entertain him for a bit ?  Yes , she decides , she is OWED a little spot of fun for all the necessary and tireless w o r k she does !  This man might well be j u s t what she’s been looking for ( which is likely to be bad news for him ) !
❝ Mhm , ❞ Huffs a disbelieving chuff through her nose , adjusting her buttoned silk sleeve-cuffs as she considers his offer.  ❝ And I am quite SURE you don’t use that line on every woman you see , right ? ❞  Scathing remark , direct and playful , painted lips pulled into a cheeky ( if not knowing ) smile ; seems she’s played THIS GAME many a time afore and doesn’t intend to spend it screwing around.  The blonde lifts a shoulder , shakes her head , as if that fact hardly matters to her.  Clawed hands slip into the pockets of neatly-pressed slacks , there’s a s w a g g e r in her gait as she narrows the distance ‘tween them , stepping c l o s e r to him , ❝ I hope you make it worth my while , at least , ❞ She’s agreeing to his proposition— ❝ I do HATE to be disappointed or left … ❞  Silver gaze ogles over his person , much like one would appraise a fine figure for purchase , ❝ … WANTING . ❞  Is that a threat or a flirtation ?  Judging by the tone , it’s likely to be taken as b o t h .
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Tales From Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student - The Grapes of a feather Part 1
"WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT!" A raised voice coming from Flint Marko alias the Sandman.
It's called 'anime' Marko, learn the damn culture sand for brains!" Herman Schultz alias The Shocker responded by scolding and ripping the anime case from Marko.
"So what like them cartoons in the U.S.?"
"Its so much more than that its a way of life for this country, I'm what the Japanese kids called a Weeabo!" Herman said with such a prideful tone.
"....... Da hell does that mean?"
"It means I'm a fan who enjoys the highest of quality animation." Shocker responded in a staunch stance.
"And those finer things include gauking at underage girls?"
"Don't cheapen it like that, thats a gross and misleading interpretation of the anime culture!" Herman felt insulted by Flints simplified observation of the genre.
"Plus I don't do Lolicons I'm attracted to the more firm and volumptious woman of great beauty like Oda's One Piece." Herman corrected while making vulgar hand gestures.
A short silence fell between the two, as Flint tries processing what his quilt attired allied has just uttered.
"Okay whatever youse say, The Vibrator lets get our videos and bail out already." Flint mockingly smiled as Shocker only responded by a gritted face of irritation.
At the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Center is a mall that specialize in selling various goods pertaining to a citizens body type and quirk type. But aside from selling speciality items for unique quirk users, the mall houses a variety in the entrainment medias as your standard "electronic store." Where we see now, one third of the Sinister Six members Sandman and Shocker wearing oversize tan trenchcoats in the middle of summer at the local video shop on, DVD purchases.
"Lets see we got "Godzilla 1945" for Beck, the original film, "The Ring" for Gargan, something on "the Japan's monorail system" for Toomes and nothing for Dmitri."
"Dmitri not so much a movie goer?
"Nah I just hate that Russian prick, OH HELL YEAH!" Hermans eyes popped with excitement as his sights met with his choice of DVD.
"The last copy of "Monster Museum" and its within my grasp!"
"Okay and what's, wait y'know what I do-"
Jumping away from the DVD, Herman immediately cutoff Flint to explain.
"It's a raunchy harem comedy about sexy monster girls trying to win the heart of the male protagonist tenant as he cleans up after there orgies and survives there cuddles of death." Herman with such graphic detail of the animes premise.
Many of the customers looked there way disturbed by the man in the yellow quilted suit unashamed manner and lack of censoring. The stares from customers embarrassed Flint heavily as he desperately wanted to use his powers to slink his head inside like a turtle away from prying predators. Instead all he could do was plant his face into his palms like a meme from the internet.
"What are you all looking at, scram you degen- Where's my Monster Harem?!" Cutting off his rant Herman sees a small boy with "grape hair?" making a quick dash as if his life depended on it.
"That little turd is stealing my monster harem, Flint circle around him will cut him off from the register!"
"Schultz its just a freaking cartoon!"
"Its not about the cartoon its the principal!"
"Principal of what?!" But Flints yell fell on death ears as the former linebacker sighed a heavy breath.
"Why do I even bother?" Flint thinks to himself.
Back to the boy with grape hair. Continuing to sprint with dear life as his mouth salivates he thinks to himself his almost clear.
"I'm almost at the register and than pure unadulterated smut will be mine to-"
His thoughts were interrupted as his head made collision with Flint Marko mid section sending the grape haired boy tumbling backwards in a daze. He tries to turn back only to have his chaser Herman Schultz, lifting the small teens hair by the palm of his left hand.
"Sup que ball, you have something of mine."
"Hey guy in the yellow, cushion suit?" A teen with spiky yellow hair calling out Herman confused by his clothes.
"Drop the perv he's a UA student and my best friend!"
"And if there's one thing I can't stand Kaminari its villains picking on my fellow classmates!" The red spiked hair schoolmates chimed in.
"Hey now were not looking for trouble-"
"But your little turd friend here was stealing fro- Where did he go and what the @$#% is this crap on my hand!"
Flayling his arms in panic, the sticky ball stuck to his hand would not budge as it simply jiggled from his thrashing.
"I wouldn't use your other hand if I were you unless you want to get stuck." Said Minetta with a smug tone.
"Get this crap off me!" Herman yelled at the boy.
"Oh I will, But only on one condition."
"Kid I swear if your trying to extort me I'm-"
"THATS RIGHT!! IF YOU WANT YOUR PRECIOUS HAND FREE YOU'LL FREELY ALLOW ME THE "Monster Museum" COPY!" Minetta demanded dropping his previous calm composure to that of a creature of lust.
"Dude sweet move!" Kaminari followed with a fist bump to Minnetta.
"Minetta don't you think thats a bit underhanded" Kirishima confessing his discomfort at this display of villainy.
"You little turd, we came all this way from the U.S. just to enjoy some peace." Herman walks closer to the boys.
"Than you steal from me, put this weird stuff on my hand and now you blackmail me!" The boys feel a bit a trembled as he inches in.
"Well I got one thing to say about that deal, Flint kick the crap out of these losers!
"WHAT!?" The UA perv duo said in unison.
"Pfft Hell no, I ain't gonna beat up some teens that made youse look bad."
"OH COME ON, these punks are asking for it especially that little bastard!" Herman points angrily at Minetta.
"And I told you my names Minetta if you want my sticky ball off, give m- GAHH!!" A blunt slap struck Minetta collapsing him to the floor.
The pink girls hand that struck his back head still burned from the strike.
"OW! What the Hell Mina!?
"You know what you did Minetta and as for you!" Her gaze met with Kirishima.
"I would expect Minetta and Kaminari of this, but you I thought you were better than this."
"I wanted to stop them Mina, but those two guys were bullying Minetta and-"
"And you thought bullying them for extortion was better?! Shame on you Kirishima!" Mina rubbed her fist into Kirishimas head.
"Its obvious what these guys are!"
"It is?" Herman and Flint said simoultanously as they both looked in the others direction nervously.
"The bright costume on that guy in oven mitts, the foreign accents, and that big guy in the green stripe shirt."
Hermans brow sweated intensely, his breathing erratic while Flint unable to sweat tries to inch backwards as slowly as possible.
"There Pro heroes!!" Mina proclaimed ecstatically.
"It all makes sense now, how could I be so stupid please forgive us sirs!" Said Kirishima as he bows repeatedly.
"Wait what-"
"Um yeah that's right! Were uh, undercover pro heroes is what my partner was trying to say, right Flint!" Said Herman as he tries to forcefully wink towards Flint.
Flint gives a simple shrug and a half hearted smile towards the school uniformed wearing students.
"That. Is. So. AWESOME!" The pink, horned girl exclaimed with an unyielding reserve of enthusiastic energy.
"Please let us introduce ourselves I'm Mina Ashido!"
"Eijro Kirishima!"
"Denki Kaminari!"
"And Minetta!"
"And were from Class 1A of UA High training to become Pro Heroes." Said Mina enthusiastically.
"PLUS ULTRA" The group said in unity as they poised dramatically.
A long awkward silence soon proceeded as Herman and Flint try grasping what they just witnessed.
"Umm... Okay well I'm Flint Marko and quilt man over here is Herman Schultz."
"How many times I gotta tell you Marko quit calling me Quilt man, besides (ex nay on our "hero" names)!" Herman whispering that last detail in secrecy.
"Look congrats on your whole training to be heroes but uh, Mineta right? I'm gonna need you to take this damn thing off now."
Mineta tries to look away but soon turns away as the steely gaze of Mina stares back.
"GAH! Okay fine! I'll take it off!" He begrudgingly agreed.
"So I gotta ask what are a couple of Secret pro heroes from the U.S. doing in Japan?" Kaminari questions.
"Well um, yeah see, we uhh..-"
"And why are you guys in a video store buying anime porn?" Kaminari's question continue to corner Flint.
With Shocker getting Mineta and Mina to help remove the sticky ball from his hand, Flint knew he had to dig deep to pull off an elaborate, B.S. lie that would make even Mysterio proud.
"Well ain't it obvious Pin Cushion, were staking out for any bad guy yahoos trying to uh.... rob this place so we was just trying to blend in and be all "conspicuous"
that answer your twenty questions?"
"My name is not the damn Pin Cushion! Its Kaminari you ignorant tourist!"
"Why does this kid make me want backhand him like Electro." Flint said to himself as he struggles to keep calm.
"Kaminari! You shame pro heroes every where with that disrepectable talk! Kirishima scolded.
The blonde haired boy was shaken by his classmates scornful tone, a feet he thought only the explosive Bakugou was capable of.
"Forgive my friends jerk behavior sir but if your looking for recommendations-"
"Stow it half pint, Hermans the one who's into the anima or cartoons stuff I'm looking for something with a little bit more teeth, present company excluded of course."
"My names not half pint its, Kirishima" the young man protested more annoyed by the nickname than the teeth remark.
"I got the anime that's right for you, its Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 and I bet my entire code of manliness to convince you!"
"It's Kirishimas whole mantra of machismo don't encourage it." Kaminari explained.
"Who asked you Sparky! And as to you Kiri-shama was it, any man that puts there code on the line has my attention."
Flint held his fist high towards Kirishima.
Knowing the gesture well, Kirishima moved his arm in response to fist bump Flint in dramatic fashion.
"Did I hear explosions, Flint said to himself."
And Flint would be right for unbeknownst to the group, several armed men garbed in sophisticated helmets and harnesses storm the video shop entrance in a threatening like manner of ill intent!
Tales of Peter Parker is an expanded story of the main series Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange student comic by @alexdrawsagain check him out!
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{January Collection} #25 (Part One)
Vacancy Sign
Theme: Familiar Friday
If I can’t have you, neither can he. Or...can we?
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January in Texas means very little; you might get a reprieve from the scream of summer bugs and the humidity but the sun still shines and if you ain’t careful you’ll start sweating through your jacket.
Monica bumped the taxi door closed with her hip, squinting behind her sunglasses as the driver shuffled around to the trunk to collect her suitcase. Research for writing can lead an author to exotic locations...but that wasn’t exactly how Monica would describe this dying Texas town. That being said, it was the perfect location to gather research for her latest YA novel; a nearly vacant town with a populace in the two dozens just whispered of mystery and she could feel the inspiration tingling the tips of her fingers. Monica may be pushing her dresser in front of her motel door to sleep tonight but it was a small price to pay for adding another best-seller to her anthology.
“Now,” the portly driver spoke up as he set Monica’s suitcase by her boots. “Are ya real sure this is where yer wantin’ to stay?”
Monica glanced up at him and noted the concern on his weathered face, but she wasn’t put off by it. She wasn’t a little girl and she wasn’t white. She knew this place was questionable, but an artist sometimes has to suffer for their art. She nodded, giving him a small smile. “I’m sure!”
The driver, Ted, still seemed unconvinced, scratching beneath his cap. “...There’s a nicer city about 50 miles up the road, miss. I’ll take ya there, no charge.”
Now that sent alarm bells ringing in Monica’s head and her brows tucked in at the center, folding her arms. “Is it not safe here, or something?”
“I just been hearin’ some rumors--”
“Well now, Ted, i ain’t hearin’ you scarin’ tourists away from our purdy li’l town, am I?”
Monica and Ted both turned, and Ted swore beneath his breath immediately at the sight of the Sheriff’s car. The alarm bells in Monica’s head didn’t quiet even at the arrival of law enforcement--if anything, they were louder than ever. Sheriff Hoyt was clear to read on his nameplate and his hat threw his weathered face in harsh relief as boots crunched over gravel, closing the distance between them in a few lazy strides. Monica swallowed thickly even as Ted backed up toward his taxi.
“An’ speakin’ of purdy, ain’t you a li’l georgia peach.” Sheriff Hoyt rolled the toothpick between his teeth as he drank Monica in, head to toe, like a man allowed a drink after a hard day’s work under the Texan sun.
Monica fought off a grimace, honestly beginning to consider Ted’s offer for a free ride to the next town--but she turned at the sound of him slamming his trunk closed. “...Ted?”
“I’m real sorry, miss, I just, I got another fare. I gotta git,” Ted didn’t look up, nearly tripping over his own feet as he rushed for his driver’s door.
“Aw, you leavin’ already, Ted?” There was no denying Sheriff Hoyt didn’t sound the least bit disappointed by this turn of events. One might think he turned up just to scare Ted away.
“I haven’t even paid you--”
“You keep it! Buy yerself somethin’ nice if ya--when ya get outta here.” Ted slammed his door closed and locked it in the same motion. “Y’all take care, now!”
“Bye Ted,” Hoyt lifted his hand to wave as Ted backed out, nearly slamming into his police cruiser before peeling out, leaving Monica staring in disbelief at the retreating car. She felt a little like being left in the woods surrounded by wolves, especially as Hoyt’s arm came down, sweeping around the small of her back and gripping her hip. “Now, don’t mind him, girlie. Ted’s a nervous fella--ya’d think he’d be a better people person, drivin’ one of them cabs, but I guess ya can’t learn stupid.”
Monica didn’t know whether or not she was supposed to laugh at that, but when she gave him a smile he grinned back. He didn’t seem to notice how forced it was.
“Luda Mae! Look what just blew inta town,” Hoyt swept Monica away from the road and up toward the general store that also doubled as a motel in this blip of a town. On the porch was an elderly woman who looked tough as nails, but as soon as she laid eyes on Monica her entire expression softened and she took on a more motherly appearance.
“Well now, ain’t she just a peach blossom,” Luda Mae reached out with one hand for Monica.
“That’s what I said, Mama, that’s just what I said!”
Monica had heard plenty about small towns and she’d seen enough horror movies to know what to expect from small southern towns, and it didn’t surprise her in the slightest the town sheriff was the son of the shopkeeper of the only store in town. She couldn’t help but put her hand in Luda Mae’s, though; the old woman quieted the warning bells in her head and though her hands were a little calloused they were soft, doughy, as she was a larger woman who likely gave damn good hugs.
“What brings ya to our neck of the woods, child?” Luda Mae asked, but then immediately shouted to Hoyt, her voice taking on a whip-like quality. “Hoyt, make yourself useful and get her bags off the street. Can’t ya see she’s a fancy city girl? Can’t have her clothes collectin’ dust.”
“I’m goin’ Mama, I’m goin’.”
What might have been an insult coming from someone else didn’t sound it when Luda Mae said it; she seemed to genuinely be complimenting Monica and she followed that up with a gentle pat to Monica’s arm that was threaded through hers.
“I’m sorry honey, you was sayin’?”
“U-Um, I’m just in town doing some research.”
Luda Mae squinted behind her thin-framed glasses. “Research? You some sort of scientist?”
Say what you will about uneducated country folk, but coming from Luda Mae it was almost adorable. Monica shook her head quickly, unable to help smiling up at the matronly woman. “N-No, I’m an author, actually! I’m writing my next novel about a small town, and...this seemed as good a place as any.”
“Oh, it’s a great place! I’ve raised my whole family here!” Luda Mae led Monica around the wraparound porch as she talked, and Monica noticed the motel was connected to the store via the porch’s walkway. Behind them, Hoyt was thudding along on confident boots, hauling Monica’s suitcase as he listened to his Mama talk. “We Sawyer’s have lived in this town our whole lives. They say it’s dyin’ around us but we’ll keep it goin’.” Luda Mae gave Monica’s arm a pat.
“Yeah, folks like you droppin’ by sure keeps the blood flowin’ like wine ‘round these parts,” Hoyt quipped but it earned him an immediate glare from Luda Mae.
“No, Hoyt, I think this beautiful city girl is exactly the type to change all that. An’ I’m sure you’ll find the boys’ll agree with me.”
Hoyt grumbled under his breath at the immediate rebuttal but he didn’t say anything else, and Monica felt she’d missed an important exchange, because Hoyt was no longer eye-fucking her. In fact, he wasn’t looking at her at all--
But that didn’t mean others weren’t.
Jedidiah “Bubba” Sawyer crowded around the broken slat at the back of the general store’s storage room; he squinted behind the mask covering his face, almost ripping it off in agitation because he couldn’t see her like this. Sweat dripped from his brow beneath the mask but he ignored it, and he ignored his younger brother’s curious grunt from behind him. If he blinked, if he looked away for even a second, she might walk out of sight and he couldn’t bear the idea of losing sight of her that quickly. After all, she was the most beautiful girl Bubba had ever seen. Bubba’s breath quickened until he was nearly panting; he didn’t understand what was happening but his chest was burning, his heart feeling like it was on fire the longer he stared at her. The way she moved, the way she smiled up at Mama, the sound of her voice--she was perfect! Like those pretty princesses Mama sometimes read to him about from the picture books. She’d always told him if he was a good boy he’d get a princess, too! Chop Top always laughed at him about it, told him that monsters don’t get the girl, princes like him do, but Mama can’t be wrong--and she wasn’t! The princess was here! She was here!
Thomas “Tommy” Hewitt grunted again but was again ignored, and he narrowed his gaze at his older brother. He slammed his cleaver down on the cutting board, his grunt turning into a half-growl and Bubba responded by waving a meaty hand as if to shut him up. Thomas’s lip curled beneath his half-mask, wondering if Bubba was staring at a dog again. The big lug was easily distracted by animals--or anything, really, and Thomas understood why he was often confused with being the older brother. But no, Bubba was oldest, and he was actually a Sawyer. Thomas was adopted, had been since birth, but he didn’t feel any less of a Sawyer even with the last name difference. Luda Mae, Mama, had told him she’d let him keep his last name to honor his birth mother, who’d died to bring him into the world. Thomas had never known her, or any other Hewitt; all he knew were the Sawyers and though Bubba was only a couple years older he was still the older brother. They’d been raised side by side, both suffering from the same degenerative disease that some doctors thought was a result of impure drinking water, while others, outsiders, might claim incest resulted in their malformed faces. Thomas didn’t know and he didn’t give a shit, to put it frankly. He just knew his face was ugly and he wore a mask to cover up the ugly. It was the same reason Bubba wore his, though Thomas didn’t know why Bubba made his face worse by cutting into it sometimes. He also understood Bubba felt worse about his face because he actually wore other people’s faces as his own. Thomas only did that when they had company over.
The boys couldn’t speak, a result of their disease, but they’d been raised together and non-verbal cues were as good as words between them at this point. Thomas grunted, again, and when Bubba didn’t acknowledge him the younger Sawyer butcher picked up a ham hock from the bloody table and flung it at his older brother, now absolutely fed up with being ignored.
Bubba flinched when the bone connected with his broad shoulder, curls bouncing as he whirled to babble angrily at Thomas for interrupting him. Thomas gestured with both arms out as if to say, ‘What the high holy hell are you lookin’ at?!’
Bubba waved Thomas over with one excited hand, and Thomas lumbered around the table, heaving a sigh through his mask. His eyes were full of boredom.
‘If you’re showin’ me another dog, Bubba, I’m gonna thump ya.’
Bubba flattened his hand on Thomas’s broad back, placating. ‘It ain’t a dog. Look.’
Thomas pressed his face against the slat, fully expecting to see a goddamn dog, but what he saw instead about knocked him on his ass. Who was that? Their dying town had seen it’s fair share of visitors, and they all ended up the same way--on the Sawyer table--but none of them had ever looked like her. Thomas was frozen in place, Bubba’s hand on his back, patting at him excitedly as he babbled away but Tommy wasn’t hearing a word of it. The pretty young thing on Mama’s arm was walking past the slat and Thomas drew in a deep breath and his eyes near rolled back in his head as her perfume kissed his nose. She smelled like what he figured heaven smelled like. A man like Thomas was surrounded by blood and grit, dirt and gristle, and he wasn’t used to pretty and he wasn’t used to good smells either--but this girl was everything he wasn’t and goddamnit did he want her with every bone in that hulking body. He was immediately, painfully hard and he couldn’t help ripping his gaze from her just to look down, a little confused by the reaction he had to her.
Bubba’s babbling increased in volume, as if to say, ‘Me too, me too!’
Thomas looked up, leaning a little to the right as Mama, the pretty girl, and Hoyt moved past the broken slat and he growled a little as he began to lose sight of them. Bubba, confused by the growl, tried to shove Thomas out of the way, who shoved back immediately. The brothers straightened up, shoulders square as they communicated through growls, angry babbling, and stiff spines.
‘I saw the princess first!’
Thomas’s lip curled. ‘So?’
‘So you don’t get her! I do!’
‘You won’t even really look at her! You’ll get shy.’
Bubba’s broad shoulders sagged a little. ‘...It ain’t my fault she’s so pretty.’
Thomas’s eyes lifted to the ceiling. No matter the two’s disagreements, Thomas couldn’t be mean to Bubba, and it was true he saw the princess first. So, what’s a little brother to do?
‘We’ll share her.’
Bubba’s head cocked to the side. ‘Like when there’s only one piece of pie left an’ Mama makes us split it?’
‘Exactly like that.’
Monica heaved her suitcase onto the queen sized bed, pleasantly surprised when no dust kicked up from the weight. The room was nicer than she’d first imagined it to be, given the state of disrepair a lot of the town seemed to be in. Luda Mae had been insistent she take the nicest room at the motel anyway (even if that did seem a bit like an oxymoron), and for some strange reason Monica hadn’t had to check in or even pay. When she’d asked about it, Luda Mae had just waved a hand and said something about southern hospitality. Monica didn’t know much about that sort of thing but it seemed like a strange business practice...but who was she to complain? Hoyt had become much less creepy after that weird exchange on the walk to the motel and when he’d told her to give a holler if anyone bothered her, she actually felt he meant it.
Despite the room being cleaner than she’d expected it was still decorated like 1975 and Monica didn’t bother hiding her grimace at the paisley wallpaper and the lace curtains that would do absolutely nothing when the sun rose in the morning. She also couldn’t help but notice the lace curtains were not exactly...the right choice for a motel that was on the ground floor. The only comfort she had, and it was mild at best, was that she had the room on the corner so one of her windows faced the outer Texas plains and not the main city road. Monica placed her hand on her hip, figuring she’d just change in the bathroom rather than her room. Problem solved, right?
For the most part, she’d reason with herself, fishing her cell phone out of her purse. After tapping out a quick text to her best friend, Monica pulled up her agent’s number from her contacts and launched the call. It was just easier; he’d be asking a million questions and she’d rather not wear out her fingers before she got out her laptop and began writing.
“Keil? Yeah, I made it--what the hell do you mean, have I started writing?! I just fucking got here!”
A few feet away in the General Store, the sign at the door was flipped to Closed so a Sawyer family meeting could take place. Hoyt moved away from the door, leaving the sign still swinging slightly as he slipped his hat off, scratching his hairline. Around the general store’s cafe tables the Sawyer clan was settling in; from the Butcher boys, Thomas and Bubba, to Chop Top and Nubbins, who worked as the family’s scrappers and trappers. Uncle Monty was wheeled up to a table near the front by Luda Mae, and even Grammy Verna was present, sitting by her daughter, who was standing at the front of the tables. Other assorted cousins and siblings filtered in front the back door, and one might be right to assume half the town’s population was in the room.
“All right, all right, settle down now,” Luda Mae, the matriarch of the Sawyer’s now that her Mama Verna had moved away the next town over, rapped her knuckles sharply on the table top to quiet the clan. “We got business to talk.”
“What’s this Uncle Hoyt’s been sayin’, about some new meat?” Chop Top Sawyer propped dirty boots up on the table, only for Hoyt to smack his nephew’s feet right back off the table.
“Boy you better straighten up when Ma’s talkin’ or I’ll knock yer damn teeth in.”
“Aight aight! Shit,” Chop Top swore, slowly pushing himself back upright in his seat--trying to ignore Nubbins giggling at him like a little boy. “So who is this, Ma? She gonna be Sunday dinner?”
Immediately, both Thomas and Bubba reacted, with Thomas slamming his fist on the table in protest and promise of violence if anyone so much as even tried it and Bubba blubbering angrily, standing up to the entire family just for their pretty, pretty princess! The entire clan reacted, because as much as the two were known for obeying the family, you didn’t push the Butchers.
Luda Mae smiled proudly at the boys’ reaction; it was exactly as she figured, and you know what they say. Mama always knows best.
“Figure you got your answer there, Chop Top,” Luda Mae placed her hands on her wide hips. “The li’l peach ain’t gonna be Sunday dinner, but she is comin’ over for Sunday dinner.”
Murmurs of curiosity and disbelief ran through the clan, with cousins and uncles exchanging looks and raised eyebrows. The cannibalistic family usually only had company over for one reason, but they were gathering this was a special occasion--they just didn’t know why.
“I been promisin’ the boys a princess since they was spittin’ age,” Luda Mae continued, silencing the clan again. “And I know damn well some of y’all thought it was a joke.”
At this, Chop Top coughed and Nubbins looked around, but it was no surprise those two had been tormenting Bubba and Tommy for years. Hoyt smacked them both across the back of their heads with one fell swoop.
“Well, it ain’t a joke. Like the river run through the dry of Egypt, she’s finally here.” Luda Mae rubbed her hands together with a proud smile. “She’s as sweet as she is pretty, and she’s gonna clean up the Sawyer line real nice like. She’s book smart, boys, so she’ll be good for you, good for you an’ the future Sawyers she’s gonna give us.”
Thomas and Bubba exchanged glances, with Bubba’s smile so wide beneath his mask it actually hurt but he didn’t stop, didn’t shy away from the pain. Mama was saying exactly what they wanted to hear! The pretty princess was going to stay, she was going to be theirs! Bubba slung his arm around Tommy’s shoulders, giving his younger brother an excited shake and even Tommy couldn’t remain stone-faced at the announcement. He was smiling, genuinely, leaning into Bubba’s excited one-armed hug.
“So wait, Mama, what the hell?” Chop Top spun in his seat, looking from Tommy and Bubba back up to Luda Mae. “Why do the two retards get ‘er? She’s so damn pretty, Nubbins and I should--”
“Chop Top I will not have you callin’ the boys that word.” Luda Mae’s tone cracked like a whip and the entire room fell silent. Her eyebrows were near her hairline, one finger pointed at him in warning. “They do plenty for this family and it’s high time they get somethin’ for it. If you want a girl so damn bad, you pick out one of the pigs.”
Nubbins began giggling again, ducking Chop Top swinging at him.
“Now that goes for all of ya.” Luda Mae pointed at each and every one of the Sawyers. “Yer gonna clean up good when you come for dinner tonight, and yer gonna be on your best damn behavior. I picked this girl out for my boys and if you run her off, I’ll let them do what they do best to ya.”
That threat, that promise, hung in the air like a body from a noose. It was no secret Bubba and Thomas made excellent use of their chainsaws and some gazes drifted to Monty’s stumps of legs. They’d use it on Family if they needed to and it was apparent by their visceral reactions anytime this new girl was brought up they wouldn’t hesitate when it came to her.
“Does this peach have a name, Luda Mae?” Verna glanced up at her daughter. “I wanna get started on an embroidery for her, hang it from the family fireplace with the rest of ‘em.”
“Her name’s Monica,” Luda Mae’s smile was nothing short of motherly. “Our li’l miracle baby.”
Stay tuned for Part Two tomorrow--Prompt #26: Monster/Mirror!
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Tales of Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student - Die Hard for Anime! Preview
"WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT!" A raised voice coming from Flint Marko alias the Sandman.
It's called 'anime' Marko, learn the damn culture sand for brains!" Herman Schultz alias The Shocker responded by scolding and ripping the anime case from Marko.
"So what like them cartoons in the U.S.?"
"Its so much more than that its a way of life for this country, I'm what the Japanese kids called a Weeabo!" Herman said with such a prideful tone.
"....... Da hell does that mean?"
"It means I'm a fan who enjoys the highest of quality animation." Shocker responded in a staunch stance.
"And those finer things include gauking at underage girls?"
"Don't cheapen it like that, thats a gross and misleading interpretation of the anime culture!" Herman felt insulted by Flints simplified observation of the genre.
"Plus I don't do Lolicons I'm attracted to the more firm and volumptious woman of great beauty like Oda's One Piece." Herman corrected while making vulgar hand gestures.
A short silence fell between the two, as Flint tries processing what his quilt attired allied has just uttered.
"Okay whatever youse say, The Vibrator lets get our videos and bail out already." Flint mockingly smiled as Shocker only responded by a gritted face of irritation.
At the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Center is a mall that specialize in selling various goods pertaining to a citizens body type and quirk type. But aside from selling speciality items for unique quirk users, the mall houses a variety in the entrainment medias as your standard "electronic store." Where we see now, one third of the Sinister Six members Sandman and Shocker wearing oversize tan trenchcoats in the middle of summer at the local video shop on, DVD purchases.
"Lets see we got "Godzilla 1945" for Beck, the original film, "The Ring" for Gargan, something on "the Japan's monorail system" for Toomes and nothing for Dmitri."
"Dmitri not so much a movie goer?
"Nah I just hate that Russian prick, OH HELL YEAH!" Hermans eyes popped with excitement as his sights met with his choice of DVD.
"The last copy of "Monster Museum" and its within my grasp!"
"Okay and what's, wait y'know what I do-"
Jumping away from the DVD, Herman immediately cutoff Flint to explain.
"It's a raunchy harem comedy about sexy monster girls trying to win the heart of the male protagonist tenant as he cleans up after there orgies and survives there cuddles of death." Herman with such graphic detail of the animes premise.
Many of the customers looked there way disturbed by the man in the yellow quilted suit unashamed manner and lack of censoring. The stares from customers embarrassed Flint heavily as he desperately wanted to use his powers to slink his head inside like a turtle away from prying predators. Instead all he could do was plant his face into his palms like a meme from the internet.
"What are you all looking at, scram you degen- Where's my Monster Harem?!" Cutting off his rant Herman sees a small boy with "grape hair?" making a quick dash as if his life depended on it.
"That little turd is stealing my monster harem, Flint circle around him will cut him off from the register!"
"Schultz its just a freaking cartoon!"
"Its not about the cartoon its the principal!"
"Principal of what?!" But Flints yell fell on death ears as the former linebacker sighed a heavy breath.
"Why do I even bother?" Flint thinks to himself.
Back to the boy with grape hair. Continuing to sprint with dear life as his mouth salivates he thinks to himself his almost clear.
"I'm almost at the register and than pure unadulterated smut will be mine to-"
His thoughts were interrupted as his head made collision with Flint Marko mid section sending the grape haired boy tumbling backwards in a daze. He tries to turn back only to have his chaser, Herman Schultz lift the small teen by the palm of his left hand.
Inspired by @alexdrawsagain Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange student comic. Check it out!
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