#i really need to clean up & standardize my tags argh
booksandabeer · 1 year
*Obi Wan voice* Hello there! I found myself wondering just now, since clearly you have an extensive list of stucky fics that you read and rec, if you have a favourite fic? I see you mention so many, so I assume your reading a lot of them all the time, sooooo is there *the one* that you found for yourselves? That is all, have a nice day (◕‿◕✿)
Hello there, mysterious person speaking in Obi Wan voice! 😊
Thanks for the ask! To my equally great joy and despair I do indeed read A LOT of fanfic…and yes, I have spreadsheets, folders, lists…it’s a whole (slightly insane) thing. So my first reaction to your question was hysterical laughter. One? I’m allowed to pick only one? *makes big sad eyes at you*
Ok, well. Hm, let’s narrow it down. I kind of consider my AO3 bookmarks my unofficial faves collection (but I haven’t updated that in quite some time, and I almost never put WIPs on there and I can think of at least 2 very strong contenders in that category right now that I should definitely list, so take that with a grain of salt.) In my bookmarks I use the tag ‘All Time Favorites - Top 10 - Best of the Best’, and scrolling through those I just noticed that not only have I used this tag for 11 fics (go figure) but I’m also not even sure about my selection anymore. Ask me again in 3 months what my top 10 are and you’ll probably get a different answer again. Ok, I realize I’ve been waffling on and on in a desperate attempt to not have to make a choice, but I cannot pick just one. Have three instead (even that is painful). And since I’m a cheating cheater who cheats, all three are actually series… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Notebook No. 6 by magdaliny | 2 parts | 56K | M to E rating
Author's summary: There's a story and it goes like this.
I have already talked about my absolutely deranged love for this series (the first part at least) here, so I'll quote myself:
Come for the spectacular Bucky-voice and his exquisite descriptions of the transcendent love he feels for one Steven Grant Rogers, and stay for his musings on travel, science, religion (Bucky is Jewish in this and the way he confronts, explores and lives his Jewishness is one of my favorite aspects of this fic), history, philosophy and just humanity in general.
This is a story that is at once full of despair and pain, but also brimming with hope and life and love. Yes, it gets very dark at some points, and it will destroy you multiple times before the end. But it will also help you pick yourself up off the floor, gently take you by the hand and say: But look at all the beauty in the world—don’t you forget about the beauty.  
The Hundred Year Playlist by @girlbookwrm | 6 regular parts + 1 collection of “B-sides” | 300K | T to M rating
Author's summary: Steve and Bucky, start to finish.
What it says on the tin. I call this the "Canon-Compliant Stucky Bible" (it ends before IW, and some parts have been shafted by newer canon, but still) or alternatively "The Stucky Sample Platter" because it's got it all: Pre-War Stucky! Wartime Stucky! Bucky: The Winter Soldier Years! Steve: Man out of Time! Bucky Recovery Fic! Wakanda Stucky (aka these ding dongs finally get together)! And every single part is brilliant. Tbh, I never know if it's a good idea to rec this to people who are fairly new to Stucky because I fear it will ruin them for everything else (at least the canon compliant/adjacent stuff). But then again, that's stupid because there are so many wonderful stories in this fandom, I have yet to run out of them!
Welcome Home, Son by @beaarthurpendragon | 2 parts | 50K | M to E rating
Author's summary: Fuck IW/EG. This is how it should have gone. Featuring Bucky & Ayo friendship, a million and one Stucky feels and a soft slice-of-life epilogue.
I have also talked about this series before, so I'll quote myself again:
A Bucky-centric character study set during his time in Wakanda, about the rediscovering/rebuilding of his identity, his friendship with Ayo (her characterization is wonderful in this), coming to terms with his past and his potential future(s), and his complicated feelings about and for Steve Rogers.
I would love to quote some lines here just to showcase how well-written and thought-out, how beautiful and poignant this story is, but I don't want to lessen the impact during the actual reading experience. So, please read this. And then read the sequel. You won't regret it.
Ok, dear mysterious person, i hope you got something out of this very long reply. I have to quickly post this now, otherwise I will start to rethink my choices (again).
If anybody else wants a rec or just to talk fanfic, my ask box is always open!
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spookblem · 7 years
Stars In His Wheels 2
Hello it’sa me! I did it! Chapter two! Its absolute trash because I am trash but also I have no beta except the occasional paragraph look over from @gayshinx (which I deeply appreciate my friend). So here it is! 
Series: Hunter X Hunter 
Pairing: Killugon
Plot: Gon volunteers at a clinic to see Killua. Killua skates by to see Gon. They are Gay. (I am so bad at this)
Link to chapter One
Art I based this AU on by the lovely @cosmic-hoodie http://cosmic-hoodie.tumblr.com/post/142927977383/breadbunnie-everytime-someone-skateboards-past
‘It’s just a scratch what am I doing here?!’ Killua flexed sweaty palms. Usually, he was slick as oil on his skateboard but Alluka hadn't been at the park and waiting had thrown Killua off.
“Alright, I'm gonna have to stitch this up. Are you allergic to any anesthetics?”
‘Idiot’ “You won’t need it. Just stitch me up, Professor.” Killua rolled his eyes. The Doctor had a soft voice, Ikalgo would describe it as soothing but something about it made Killua feel small. Very small.
“What do you mea-?! You don-?! It’s standard protoc-?!” Dr- the name tag read Leorio, Dr. Leorio spluttered black brows furrowed.
“Wow! When you do that you get all these wrinkles and look super old!” Killua interrupted cackling ignoring the pulsing in his knee. He refused to look at the red stains.
‘It’s just a scratch.’
“You know what? If you weren't actively bleeding all over my examination table you woul- argh! Wait here brat!” Lanky limbs curled in frustration as Leorio leaned into the doorframe.
‘Gon his name is Gon.’
“Gon I need supplies for stitching up a deep cut!” Leorio barked before jouncing to the sink.
It had been like clockwork, every day after the park Killua would take the bus halfway home then skate the rest of the way. He had only been following this routine a week when he had felt a warm gaze as he hummed past the little clinic on 17th street. Unnaturally perceptive, usually when Killua felt someone staring he would automatically find them via reflections and assess if they were a threat but this, this gaze felt warm and all-encompassing forcing Killua to look out of the corner of his eye. A boy, about 13-14 same as him, was beaming at him from an open window.
“Sorry Leorio, I couldn't find the clean towels.” It was like smelling fresh air for the first time all over again. The overwhelming joy Killua had felt then was an echo compared to the adrenaline rush the blushing boy in front of him imparted. Killua pressed sweaty palms to his shorts his breath hitching.
‘Deep breath, you can do this. You stopped here instead of just going home and you are following through. You already learned his name just calm down and listen.’
And Killua listened.
Leorio leaned against the front desk watching Melody type furiously away and Gon pace chewing his nails a dazed look danced across his face. “Hey Melody, you ever heard of a kid refusing anesthetics when getting stitches?” The young doctor sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. It had been simple, easy, one of the smoothest stitching jobs he's done yet. And yet.
“No, but every kid is different. How many kids do you know who would break their arm four times in the span of two months?” Melody hummed nodding toward a barley self-contained Gon. He was practically vibrating with excitement glancing at the bathroom door every so often.
“Leorio do you think he's ok? I mean he just got stitches and he didn’t use any anesthetic plus he's been in the bathroom a really really long time!” The words spilled out of Gon in one breath.
‘It’s true, maybe I should check on the kid.’ Leorio stretched up before nipping over to the bathroom door. Melody and Gon close behind.
“You okay in there, kid?”
There was no reply.
“Kid?” The trio exchanged worried looks. The door didn't have any locks so getting in was easy but the window in the bathroom, now wide open, Leorio kept locked from the inside.
“I swear if that brat pulled any of his stitches out climbing out of that tiny ass window-” Leorio stormed off mumbling to himself Melody tailing his heels. Gon stayed behind, the window was about two feet tall at the top of the eight-foot wall opposite the toilet and sink.
“Even with stitches,” Gon mumbled to himself before racing out to Leorio and Melody debating over a stack of paperwork in the waiting room.
“Leorio even after getting stitches he scaled the wall to get out!” Leorio noted the light blush that accompanied Gons exhilaration. Gon glanced out the window he had come to lean out of so often.
“Killua really is amazing!”
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placetobenation · 5 years
Tomorrow is another one of those Divas anniversaries – fourteen years to the day since Trish Stratus and Lita wrestled in the main event of Monday Night Raw in a Women’s Title match.
This is a big one, not only because it was just the second time a women’s match headlined an episode of Raw without any pesky men around, and not only because it was the biggest bout yet between the two biggest stars of the era, but also because it was the culmination of a nine month feud that was far and away the best thing about Raw in 2004.
On a personal note, this is the 20th Deep Dive I’ve written for you kind folks, and in an extraordinary and uncharacteristic show of restraint, I Dove Deep nineteen whole times while barely mentioning the greatest of all time, my sun and stars, moon of my life, Trish Stratus. Now, that’s simply because I’m so excited to talk about ALL of these women and there’s so much to cover, but that streak is well and truly over today because for real dudes, Trish Stratus in 2004 is the greatest gift that He ever sent down from the heavens to grace this wretched wasteland of a planet.
She is God tier.
The entire feud is fantastic, in fact, so let me spin you another yarn. There are about three different soap opera storylines to get through here so the short version of this preamble is that in late 2003 Trish and Lita, bestest best friends, were being pursued by Jericho and Christian respectively, the boys made a bet for $1 (Canadian) that they could hit that, Jericho ended up catching feelings and turning babyface, only for Trish to kick his ass to the curb and turn heel and mack on with Christian on the WrestleMania XX stage.
Thank u, next.
You may wonder how Trish goes from breaking Jericho’s heart to making Lita’s life a living hell. After all, last we saw they were bestest best friends! I’ll tell you how. This was all the fault of a women’s battle royal. In wrestling, some battle royals are throwaway. Others change the course of the next nine months of television. This was the match that launched a thousand skits.
It was a couple weeks after WrestleMania, and this particular battle royal was for No. 1 Contendership. Basically all of the other dorks got tossed during the ad break and we end up with Trish and Lita facing off in a big finishing stretch to determine the winner. Despite Trish and Christian still being in the middle of their feud with Jericho, and despite Jericho’s interference late in this match handing Lita the victory, Trish seems FAR more offended at Lita beating her than at anything Jericho is doing. It’s a subtle shift in Trish’s motivation, where the focus of her vitriol becomes her bestie/archrival, Lita, someone she’s comfortable fighting against, instead of a man that she isn’t really a physical threat to. Heel Trish liked to punch down, and Lita was a much easier target.
She had NO IDEA how much of an easy target Lita would soon become.
For reasons that remain unbeknownst to this day, I believe, one fateful day on Raw, Kane decided to interrupt a Divas tag team match, corner Lita in the ring, and forcibly kiss her. Oh yes my dudes, THIS WHOLE THING THAT HAPPENED.
Kane began stalking Lita on Raw every week, with her then-boyfriend Matt Hardy often getting in the middle. Trish Stratus observed her best friend being relentlessly stalked and molested by a psychopathic monster and decided, “Yep. I am going to ROAST THE SHIT OUT OF THIS BITCH LMAO”
She started out with the gold standard of fuckwithery, “Oh no! Look out! Kane’s behind you! BAHAHAHAHAHA!” And just stepped it up from there.
When Kane defeated Matt Hardy at SummerSlam 2004 for the right to marry Lita (I know, I know…) Trish was kind and thoughtful enough to corral the other heel Divas and throw Lita a bridal shower! (And let me tell you, the way that Trish utters the phrase, “Because you have to marry *KANE*” is just… I saw God.)
Then we ALL saw God when she crashed the wedding itself.
If you can get past the outfit, this run in is also basically the greatest speech anyone has ever made at a wedding. “All you have to do is open your heart! Just like you opened your legs!”
Holy moley.
When Lita was impregnated with Kane’s demon baby as a result of Kane coercing her into sex to protect Matt Hardy (hmmm why does this sound so familiar??) who else was there to greet her backstage with jokes about it “festering” inside her but King Dick Trish. That whole episode in fact (Raw, September 6th) was basically a one woman show. She dragged Lita mercilessly for getting knocked up by Kane, turned around and dragged Nidia for yelling at her in Spanish (“I don’t speak German!”), then dragged Nidia in the ring to one of her best matches like the GOAT she is, and then when Nidia started making her comeback, Trish could super not be fucked dealing with it and just straight up RIPPED NIDIA’S SHIRT CLEAN OPEN to distract her and kicked her head off.
I have no words for that kind of thuggery.
But back to our bullshit, when Lita then lost the aforementioned demon baby after an unfortunate and definitely-not-his-fault incident with Gene Snitsky (I KNOW, I KNOW OKAY!), who was there waiting to savage her some more about losing her pregnancy weight and drop lines like “At Survivor Series you’re gonna lose to me, just like you lost your baby” ?? You guessed it! King Dick Trish, the fucking asshole. What kind of prick trolls someone about having a miscarriage? Jesus.
Speaking of Survivor Series, let me catch you up on other, more normal events. At Bad Blood 2004, after an original Victoria vs. Gail Kim defense was changed to a four way with Trish and Lita, Trish, of course, stole the winning pin from under Lita’s nose and won the belt. From there it’s a tale of two women; Trish ruling atop of the Women’s Division as champ, and Lita toiling away in the Utter Bullshit Division. For months they only really ever met in these backstage skits and promos where Trish would body her over and over when she knew Lita couldn’t retaliate. And that was all they needed to make it the hottest feud on Raw.
Finally, in November Lita moved from the Utter Bullshit Division back into the Women’s Division and immediately set her sights firmly on Women’s Champion King Dick Trish Stratus. The match is made for Survivor Series. Jericho hosts a Highlight Reel featuring the both of them in the lead up, and he brings a referee out with him because he’s TERRIFIED of having them in the same room together.
With good reason. They’ve barely laid a hand on each other since that title match back in June. There is five full months of angst packed into this powder keg.
And it well and truly goes off at the PPV.
Trish comes out first and is STILL making puffy cheeked chubby faces as Lita makes her entrance, determined to make absolutely sure of her own death I guess. Lita walks down to the ring and punches Trish right in her fucking face. And punches her again. And again.
Then they go outside and all hell breaks loose. Lita grabs a chair and absolutely WALLOPS Trish for the DQ. Trish BLEEDS. Women NEVER bleed on WWE TV, but Trish got that juice brother. Lita kept going crazy and blasted Trish from behind right into the stairs in one of the greatest camera shots of all time. Trish freaks out spectacularly at the sight of her own blood. And somehow, considering this was an immediate DQ finish for a PPV title match they spent half the year building, this was some great business.
From this point forward Lita is fascinating to watch. You might think she’d go on some crazy tear of babyface revenge going after Trish’s title, but she’s actually the complete opposite. She’s not frantic or wild or in a hurry. She’s… calm. Almost serene. It’s as if she knows at this point that she HAS Trish. She’s got her. She’s finally free to fight her, she already beat the shit out of her at Survivor Series, now Trish is wearing a face mask on her broken nose that Lita can gleefully target, and she knows her day is coming. Lita is completely free to punch Trish in the face all she wants for all of the shit she’s been talking all year. Lita is free. Finally. And so she doesn’t chase Trish. She takes her time. She enjoys it. After all of the crazy shit she’s gone through in 2004, it’s actually a relief to just enjoy beating up a familiar foe in a wrestling match.
I bang on a lot about Trish here, and it’s always the heels that get to have more fun, but don’t sleep on Lita. She was also great during this entire angle (while having to do some truly horrid bullshit) and this part of it in particular was some fantastic work.
So the return match for title is finally made (by the ever-present Chris Jericho in his role as guest GM, in a nice touch) for the December 6th Raw. This show happens to be in Charlotte, not very far at all from Lita’s hometown at the time of Sanford, NC. The Women’s Title gets that main event slot baby. They spent the whole night recapping the feud to build up to it. Jim Ross dropped a great line about how to these women, this title means as much as the World’s Heavyweight Title does to the guys. The scene is set.
But not before one last backstage skit. We couldn’t really have it any other way. Trish had taken to calling Lita “The Walking Kiss of Death” and jokingly asked who’s career Lita was going to kill tonight, to which Lita obviously replied, “Yours” and gave her a big smackeroo. Now, Lita was just being smart here because as we know from this and Mickie James in the near future, kissing Trish before a match increases your chances of having a motherfucking BANGER with her by at least 1000%.
That’s just science.
What is a lot harder to explain with science is how Lita actually survived the match.
Y’all remember THAT bump. Lita hit a tope and landed so hard on her face her body scorpioned ov-argh. Nope. It’s fourteen years later and we know she was fine but man is it still hard to watch. She only came back from the broken neck a year earlier! Lita is officially a cyborg.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention it, but it’s a shame that the scorpion bump is sometimes the only thing people remember about this match. What’s important to remember about this match is that IT FUCKING RULED.
The tension was palpable from the bell, and the crowd was ready. Trish took off her face mask and used it as a weapon BECAUSE HER FACE WAS FINE AFTER ALL in a move so dastardly it caused Jim Ross to wig the fuck out on commentary. Lita’s bad bump ended up serving the match, lending a lot of weight to Trish working over Lita’s head and neck during the heat. Lita came back with a powerbomb and the rare and elusive women’s superplex. There were a bunch of great, close nearfalls, and at this point the crowd was going insane chanting for Lita. When she finally went up and hit the redemptive, life affirming Moonsault for the win, people went APESHIT. J.R. literally screamed himself hoarse raving about Lita coming back from all that punishment and winning the belt.
A trillion and three quarter stars.
Revolution or no Revolution, this is still one of the very best women’s matches in company history. And the perfect capper, at that point, to a rivalry that had started all the way back in 2000, and boiled over so spectacularly in 2004. I just love these women.
You can actually watch the full match on WWE’s Youtube here.
That was a lot, and yet like, I feel like I didn’t even scratch the surface with Trish, or even get into half of the stuff with Kane and Lita and all of that nonsense. I’m going to suppress the masochistic urge to dive into it that further, and come back next week to talk about another one of my favourite girls, the unfairly-maligned Divas of the world.
Check it out: No. 1 Contender’s Battle Royal (Raw, April 5th 2004) Trish Stratus vs. Lita (Raw, April 12th 2004) Trish Stratus vs. Lita (Raw, May 17th 2004) Victoria vs. Gail Kim vs. Trish vs. Lita – Women’s Title (Bad Blood 2004) Trish Stratus vs. Lita – Women’s Title (Survivor Series 2004) Trish vs. Lita vs. Molly – Women’s Title (Raw, November 22nd 2004) Trish & Molly vs. Victoria & Lita (Raw, November 29th 2004) Trish Stratus vs. Lita – Women’s Title (Raw, December 6th 2004)
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