#i plan to wear it in less cosplay-y ways but for these photos i tried make my outfit as similar as louis' as possible
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I did it! I knitted Louis green cardigan from my favorite scene! Each one of those stitches was made by these hands!
Considering it's the third thing I knit in my life, and I didn't follow any pattern, I'm very proud of how it turn out.
Ahhhh. I love this show costume design 💚
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kpopcotton · 4 years
The Lonely Count ~ Huang Renjun
a/n ~ Happy Halloween! I’m so happy to finally get this out since I’ve been working on it all month!
• Genre: supernatural, high school au, strangers to friends, slight romance, fluff, angst if you squint
• Warning(s): very brief mentions of (fake) blood, it’s overall very toned down
• Reader Gender: gender-neutral
• Word Count: 6.2k
   “Are you serious?!” Haechan cries out, his hands reaching across the table to give you a good shake as he speaks. “Come on! It’ll be so much fun! Besides, everyone else wants to and I already told them you were coming so, by law, that means you have to. Plus! Jaemin said he was excited to see you since you haven’t been hanging out with us recently.”
   The mere mention of his friends makes you want to crawl into a hole to hide. You blankly stare at Haechan’s overdramatic pout as he tries to guilt-trip you, his simple act makes you want to go even less. There was no way you were going to spend Halloween night with a bunch of severely good-looking people. Good-looking people meant attention, and attention meant you would be the designated person that people would come to ask for the boys’ numbers. 
   You could imagine it now, the random, crowded Halloween party they were probably planning on attending, and them leaving you alone to find a wall to sit against while they went out and mingled. You already felt like a clown just thinking about it. Maybe I should dress up as one, show my true colors. You remember Haechan’s friends mentioning being introverts that one time you had to take a personality quiz in Health class freshman year, but you find that hard to believe.
   Sometimes, it still amazes you how you’ve stayed friends with Haechan, in all his bubbly, social, annoying glory. “Tell them my mom grounded me,” you mumble, trying to show just how uninterested you are.
   “But that’s a lie! Your mom-”
   “Exactly.” You snap with your gaze fierce. Haechan’s previously open mouth clamps shut, fixing an awkward silence between you two in the booth of the diner.
   You angrily opt for stuffing your face with the fries from your basket instead of talking to him. Your eyes drift to the window as you chew them. Haechan watches you, his foot slowly sliding across the floor to poke at your ankle, his way of getting you to calm down and forgive him for prodding. It has the opposite effect, however, your foot shooting out to give his shin a good kick as you glare at him again. He yelps quite loudly and the waitress who was on her way to ask you if you wanted refills, flinches, turning around to pretend to help a coworker behind the counter.
   Haechan’s face flushes a pale red as he brings his leg up to rub at his shin. “That hurt, you know,” he whines, his bottom lip trembling pitifully.
   His sad expression disappears in an instant, his face now pressed into clear frustration as he drops his leg back down. “Okay, seriously, what is up with you? If it were any other time, you’d be all over hanging out.”
   “Exactly. I would say yes to hanging out if it was with literally anyone else.” You stressed, sipping your drink. Haechan looks to be at his wit’s end with you.
   “What do you even mean?”
   “What I mean is, I don’t like your friends, Donghyuck. I mean, yes, they may be nice to me, and yes, it is cool that they want to include me in plans, but do you ever stop to think that I don’t enjoy hanging out with them? Or that I’m not a fan of the things you guys like to do? Or that maybe, when I’m with them, it’s like I’m not even there at all?” For once in his life, Haechan is speechless, staring at you with wide eyes as if all of this was surprising to him. And, maybe it was.
   “Y/N, I-”
   “I’m not finished.” You hold up a finger to his lips. “Listen, I get that you don’t want to leave me out of the loop or whatever, but parties and hanging out in bigger groups is not my thing. I’d rather it just be us, like when we were kids, where we ran around town past curfew on Halloween stealing candy bowls so we could get fat for winter. Hell, I’d even be down to explore those “haunted woods” we were always scared of because of that story Johnny told us when we were in first grade.”
   “Did I hear that right? Exploring the haunted woods? I knew you’d come up with an amazing idea for our get together, Y/N!” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The Na Jaemin graciously plops himself down next to you in the booth with a basket of chicken tenders and fries. Haechan’s other friends, Mark and Jeno, squish Haechan into the wall on the other side of the booth. Jaemin’s smile was almost too bright, his eyes full of childish wonder as he glanced between you and your best friend. “That’s what this is right? A planning sesh? I love those, you know!”
   You ignore Jaemin, your eyes currently stabbing holes into Haechan, but the little coward is too embarrassed to even look at you. He doesn’t remain silent, however, choosing to be civil and answer Jaemin’s question. “Y-Yeah, we were planning what we wanted to do with you guys Halloween night.”
   “Oh goodie,” Jaemin claps excitedly, “Count me in then, guys!”
   You were dreading Halloween by the time it came around. You had planned on avoiding them, maybe sneaking out to hang out with the dynamic duo, Jisung and Chenle, from your first-hour Psychology class. But, all hopes were dashed when your mom happily invited all four boys into the house when Haechan knocked. They were already dressed for the occasion; Haechan as an angel, Jeno and Jaemin cosplaying the spies from Spy vs. Spy, and Mark as… himself?
   He must have noticed your questioning glance because he was quick to explain, “I’m dressed as Peter Parker.” He pulls his backpack around to show you the mask conveniently hanging out.
   “He was too embarrassed to wear the suit,” Haechan announces, making you involuntarily let out a chuckle. Your mom coos while patting the latter’s shoulder and Mark’s ears burn bright red.
   “It’s skin-tight dude!”
   Before you could say anything in response, Jaemin was dragging you up the stairs to the bathroom, his arm full of costume things. He was talking a mile a minute about how he found the perfect costume for you and how he was so excited to help you get ready. He sat you on the toilet and quickly drew out the costume bag. 
   “Ta-dah!” His smile is, once again, blinding. You scan the packaging.
   “S-Sexy vampire?” You splutter, almost choking on your spit.
   “Yes! And, I can’t wait to see you in it!” He shoves the bag into your hands before turning around and covering his eyes. “Hurry up! Get changed! We don’t have all night!”
   You slowly get changed into the costume; which is a pair of black slacks, a classic frilly white top with bloodstains that has a very lowcut neckline and a deep v-cut through the back, and a black cheap cape. You stand awkwardly in your costume, it fits a bit tight, as you look at your bright pink face in the mirror. Jaemin spins around excitedly to face you when he hears you stop moving, letting out a sharp gasp.
   “Oh. My. Gosh! You look amazing!” He squeals, clapping with all his might. “Now let’s get you some makeup!”
   You’ve been pushed back onto the toilet in the blink of an eye, Jaemin settling himself between your legs. He can’t stop mumbling about how cute you are and how perfect the costume is. You notice movement in the corner of your eye and see Haechan trying to sneak into the bathroom. You glare at him and Jaemin turns away from dabbing fake blood onto your lip to see.
   “Haechan, look! Aren’t they so hot?”
   Haechan suddenly flushes, pausing halfway through the door to scan your costume. You notice his eyes linger on your exposed collarbones and you tug the thin cape to hide them. “Yeah,” He nods after his once over, reaching up to flick at the plastic golden halo on his head. “I mean, they don’t look half as good as me, but I’ll-” He cuts himself off with a scream when you stand up to go after him.
   Jaemin laughs, his hands quickly grasping your hips to keep you in front of him. “Woah, tiger. Calm down, you can beat him up when I’m done!”
   You knew you were radiating the most awkward energy as you came down the stairs in your getup. Your tongue is mindlessly playing with the fake fangs Jaemin had stuck to your canines with tacky-putty, they feel foreign whenever you close your mouth. Your mom, upon seeing your costume, rushes up to gush about it, her fingers pinching your pale dusted face before she begs you all to pose for pictures. Your face feels hot under your makeup and you wonder if it showed through the stuff Jaemin caked onto it. She quickly runs to get her phone, giving Jeno and Mark a chance to compliment your look. You thank them almost silently.
   She won’t stop talking when she comes back, reminiscing about the days when you were all young, fragile, and small. She doesn’t miss the chance to poke at you for being a particularly weak kid, to which you fume over. Haechan tries to add onto it but you stomp your boot on his foot, shutting him up instantly.
   As she takes a few photos, the boys having fun with their poses while you try to join, she then starts to mention that this will be the last time you all go trick or treating before college. A pebble of guilt forms in your stomach when she says this, you weren’t expecting the boys to lie to her about what you were going to do tonight. You start to drift into thought when Mark, who’s standing next to you, loudly stumbles to mention he’s already in college, and that he’s taking engineering classes at the tech college in the next town over. Your mom seems embarrassed to have assumed he was younger, but she brushes it off by saying he should take care of everyone tonight as he is an adult. Haechan pouts at your mom when she says this, saying that the rest of you are technically adults since you’re all 18, and she laughs and pats his cheek which turns red at the contact.
   “Alright, kids, have fun! Stay safe! And don’t be out too late, I don’t want Y/N to wake me up in the middle of the night getting home.” The boys all reply with some version of, “yes ma’am” and start down the sidewalk toward the edge of town where the haunted woods start. 
   Mark and Haechan lead the pack, walking side by side and cracking jokes to the duo behind them. You, on the other hand, silently take up the rear alone. You already feel out of place. It doesn’t help when a group of pretty girls call out to Jeno and you have to follow as they all take a detour to talk to them. Haechan is quick to brag about your plans to explore the haunted woods, one of the girls gasping and indulging him. She’s dressed in a bright red jumpsuit, a headband with matching demon horns protruding from her hair. How ironic. 
   As usual, the girls are all over the four boys, none of them even sparing a glance at you. Typical. Sometimes you wish you had the confidence Haechan possessed to strike up a conversation with them, maybe then they would notice you. It sucked, but you knew it would happen, even when Jaemin said no one would dare ignore a “sexy vampire such as yourself”.
   Soon enough, Mark decides that it’s time to go and they have to pull Haechan away from the demon girl he was flirting with. Again, you all fall into the formation at the start of your journey. Your mood is completely sour, and you contemplate sneaking off. You knew Jisung and Chenle were probably out and about trick or treating, and they had invited you when you said you were forced into plans you didn’t want to partake in. You had told them it was up in the air, and that you might ditch. Jisung said he would save some candy for you and Chenle said he’d buy you a candied apple. You suddenly have a craving for a candied apple. You bet yourself ten dollars that you would have a better time with the two younger boys than with Haechan and his buddies.
   As soon as you turn to make a run for it, Jaemin shouts out, startling you. “We’ve made it! Guys, guys, are you ready for this? The scare of our lives awaits us!” He enthusiastically claps. “Y/N? Y/N! Come take a picture of me in front of the trees!”
   Seriously? “Coming,” You grumble, walking past everyone to wear Jaemin stands, making sure to check your shoulder into Haechan’s.
   You awkwardly take Jaemin’s phone from him after he opens the camera app. His smile is so strikingly perfect, you have a hard time focusing. He skips over to just in front of the tree-line and poses. You follow and take a couple of pictures before holding out his phone to him. “No, no wait. Take a couple more over here. Please, please, please!” You hesitate, trying and failing to hide your disgust when he gets down on his knees to beg. The boys behind you laugh at the scene, mumbling some things back and forth before laughing harder. An odd feeling clenches your heart when you wonder if Haechan was laughing at you, or making fun of you. “I’ll love you forever! Y/N, please, it’s for my Instagram!”
   At that, you shove the phone into his face, causing him to let out a squeak. “Have your boyfriends do it or something,” You then push past the kneeling boy and make your way into the woods. You just want to get this over with.
   The boys grow silent, looking at each other in confusion as you disappear into the thick underbrush. Haechan panics when he realizes just how thick it is, he can’t see you at all through the trees. He quickly apologizes to Jaemin before running after you. Mark and Jeno help Jaemin off the ground before following as well. 
   Once they step through the spot you had, awe overtakes them. The area, despite having a mass of vines and bushes surrounding it, is fairly open and you can see ahead for what looks like miles. It was dark, a lot darker than it was on the sidewalk with the full moon. The trees were all thin, devoid of branches until their very top where their canopies spread and weave together to block out the sky. It was eerily silent and it seems the sounds of life couldn’t penetrate the veil that bordered the entire wood. 
   Haechan could see you already a little ways ahead, looking around with an expression he would have thought cute if it weren’t for the way you had been acting all night.  He stumbles on his way up to you, reaching you much slower than he expected being as you didn’t seem that far in the first place. The three boys behind him let him go, opting to explore the wood together and away from the conflict they knew was about to happen.
   “Y/N, what was that?” Haechan questions you once he’s close enough, his voice low and demanding like you had done something wrong. He tugs on your cape and it irks you.
   “What was what, Donghyuck?” You growl, stepping up so you’re chest to chest with him, a challenge. “You better lay off, alright. I’m not doing this with you. And, in the haunted woods of all places.”
   His angered expression fades instantly as he gawks at you. He isn’t stupid, he understands something has made you upset with him if your use of his real name again was anything to go by, but he isn’t smart enough to figure out why. Before he could ask what pissed you off, Jeno’s voice slices through the silence from up ahead. You both turn to see him pointing to an old, victorian style house in the distance with a smirk. A small feeling of dread pricks at your lungs, deflating them and making you suck in a shaky breath. You forget the argument with Haechan in favor of observing the house.
   The house is large and looks very expensive, most definitely a grand mansion in its prime. The tallest tower’s roofing extends through the canopy and lets in a minuscule amount of moonlight which shines upon the face of the house, glinting off of the second-floor windows. The exterior could use some work, it looks like it hasn’t been properly maintained in years. The roof is missing some shingles, the wooden siding was splintered, and there were cobwebs on the front porch and in the eves of the roof. Surprisingly, even with the signs of age, everything was intact, like it was preserved by the woods itself. How you didn’t notice it before was unnerving to you.
   The five of you gather around the front steps. Upon closer look, it seems like some has been maintaining the house. There’s a potted plant next to the door that looks freshly trimmed and watered, and the garden surrounding the porch is beautifully filled with thriving flowers you were sure weren’t native. You wondered how they bloomed with such minimal light. As the boys discuss a plan of action, you almost curse when you see a faint light floating around inside the house. You pretend you never saw anything, taking it as your imagination playing tricks on you, in hopes to slow your suddenly racing heartbeat.
   “So, we explore it?” Haechan asks, however, it doesn’t seem like it was meant as a question as he’s already on his way to walk up the stairs before Mark’s hand shoots out and yanks him back by the collar.
   “I don’t think so, dude,” Mark quickly responds, his head shaking so fast you worry he’ll give himself whiplash. “Do you want to be killed or something?”
   “Yeah, it doesn’t seem like a good idea,” Jaemin pouts, his voice whiny. “We might get arrested for trespassing or something.”
   Jeno laughs, “Come on, are you guys scar-”
   “Let’s do it.” You suddenly speak up, your voice surprising yourself. You had no clue what compelled you to say that, but it seemed like something inside of the house was telling you to come in.
   “What?” All four boys seem dumbfounded. You don’t get why they’re so startled of you agreeing when they were the ones who suggested it in the first place.
   “Okay, Y/N, you are officially insane!” Jaemin shrieks, his thoughts seem to be racing before he gasps. “Are you possessed? Is that why you’ve been acting so weird tonight?”
   “I haven’t been acting weird,” You defend, already halfway up the stairs before you turn back to speak again. “You four just don’t know me. Now, we came here to get scared, didn’t we? So are you guys coming or not?”
   Jeno nods almost instantly, his expression stoic but you could see faint sympathy in his eyes as he joins you in climbing the old stairs. They didn’t creak under your combined weight, despite looking like they’d cave in if one too many people were on them at once, which surprised you. Haechan was next to follow, whining about the not so subtle dig you had directed at him. Jaemin hesitated before scurrying up the steps to cling to Jeno’s arm, muttering something about Jeno being the one to protect the group if something were to attack you. Mark was last, begrudgingly trudging up the steps with heavy feet, claiming that if things went south, he would leave everyone in a heartbeat.
   You rolled your eyes before turning to the grand main entry. It was a black wooden door, beautiful down to the very last detail, with a shining metal knocker in the shape of a boar with a nose ring. You gently run your fingers over the boar’s head before wrapping them around the nose ring to knock, the metal biting your hand with numbness.
   “Oh, please don’t Y/N, we-”
   Knock, knock, knock.
   “Ah, seriously, you’re going to get us murdered!”
   “Relaxed, Nana, it’s just an abandoned house. We’ll be okay.” Jeno laughed, watching the latter dig his nails into his bicep with a sweet eye smile.
   “Yeah, I’m just being polite,” You turn back to glance at him and the door opens behind you with a swooshing gust of wind. It’s almost strong enough to knock you off your feet, but you only stumble as Mark reaches out to help stable you. Your styled hair is now messed up and you notice Jaemin’s disappointment under the raging fear. All of their eyes are fixed on the door behind you. “What?” You ask, glancing at Mark. “Is there something behind me?”
   “No. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to have to save you,” Haechan walks up next to you, his chest puffing up as he tries to look tough while peering into the dark house. You resist smacking him upside the head for his comment. “It looks empty.”
   “Just like we thought,” Jeno adds, his words meant to comfort the group, but you could tell it was mostly directed at Jaemin who was shaking in his boots. Jeno gently fixes the spy cap on Jaemin’s head before his own.
   “So, we go in?” Haechan asks, again pretending he didn’t just ask a question as he starts to walk through the crack in the door. Mark, again, yanks him back by the collar, to which the former whines about choking.
   “Would you stop doing things all willy nilly?” Mark stresses, fixing the wrinkles he had caused in Haechan’s button-down. Haechan shrugs and Mark sighs, using his foot to open the door the rest of the way.  The darkness fades instantly when the lanterns flicker to life inside the house. “Okay, now let’s go.”
   You all walk inside with you in the front for once, the door closing behind Jeno and Jaemin but you aren’t sure who closed it. There’s an ambient sound of the fire crackling softly from the lanterns. The inside of the house is a stark contrast to the exterior. It’s well maintained and neat down to the very last speck of dust, almost like a museum. The room you had all walked into was the foyer, a thin room almost like a long rectangle with stairs stretching up the right wall toward a landing with three doors. You notice everything is severely outdated, the carpet red with gold floral accents and the walls half dark wood paneling and half faded floral wallpaper. There’s a dark wood table just to the left of you between two dark archways, it holds a priceless porcelain vase filled with stunningly preserved roses and you can smell their faint aroma from where you stand. To your right, just before the stairs is another archway leading into the right side of the house, and next to it is a coat rack which holds a small, but expensive, fur coat.
   “Woah, this place is-”
   “Stunning,” You breathe, your feet taking you down the hall as if you were floating and Mark’s hand narrowly misses your cape. Your eyes trail along every detail. Surprisingly, Jaemin is right behind you, leaving the rest of the boys at the door. You both reach the farthest arch on the left side, practically hand in hand, and you step through it first. The lights in this room flickering to life as well, revealing a lavish living space.
   You and Jaemin both gasp. Floor to ceiling bookshelves line two walls, a marble fireplace between a couple on one wall. There’s dark wood flooring in here but the couches and chairs are the same patterns as the carpet in the foyer. There’s a bearskin rug between the three couches and an antique coffee table sits on top of it. The shelves have collectibles too, dispersed between thousands of books. One of them, you note, is a Moomin figurine which is out of place in the traditional home.
   You glance back at the fireplace, suddenly regarding a large portrait above it, your feet gluing themselves to your spot on the floor. The person in the portrait is beautiful, much like the house. His eyes seem to pierce your very soul as you stare into them, and his expression is that of arrogance and power. He’s dressed in black gothic clothing but he has a stark white choker with a deep red-ruby. His hair is black, pulled out of his eyes but it brushes against his forehead in a few stray strands. You felt you could stare at him for hours, he was that handsome.
   “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Haechan chuckles into your ear, snapping you out of your daze as you flinch away from him. Your fist comes out to punch him in the shoulder before you can even process it. He yelps, catching the other boys’ attention from their spot examining the books.
   “What’s wrong?” Mark asks, still on edge as his eyes scan Haechan frantically.
   “Nothing, nothing,” Haechan grunts softly, rubbing his shoulder while he points to the piece of art. “Just making fun of Y/N for falling in love with a painting.”
   “I wasn’t falling in love!” You protest, your cheeks flaring with heat.
   “Okay, then what were you doing? Admiring the art?” Haechan asks, a little quirk to his lips. “Or that guy’s face?”
   You reach out to hit him again and he flinches, running away from you to hide behind Jeno, his tongue poking out to mock you. You get ready to chase him, but you decide against it, not wanting to accidentally knock something expensive over.
   “Oh, Y/N, I don’t blame you,” Jaemin gasps, his hands cupping his cheeks before one hand lowers to fan himself. You look over at him. “He’s so pretty!”
   “Hey,” Jeno suddenly speaks up with a pout.
   You all spend the next hour exploring the bottom floor of the house. Jaemin follows you around to take pictures of anything he thought looked cool which was mostly you in your vampire costume doing casual things around the house. “Your vibes, Y/N! You suit this house so well!”
   You didn’t pay him any attention, focusing on finding out who that boy in the painting was. You snoop through the bookshelves in the living room while the others mess around in the kitchen. Jaemin got bored of you ignoring his pose ideas and left to join the others. You found a black and white picture of a toddler in a suit, a bit blurry as it seemed the toddler would not stop moving, but it was definitely him. You barely noticed your fingers starting to trace the boy’s features, quickly withdrawing upon realization, a sharp heat scorching the apples of your cheeks as you walk around and see what other pictures you can find.
   You found another of the boy, a bit older than the last picture, in the front garden you and the boys had gathered in. He was sweetly observing the flowers and a few specks that were most likely bees, and even in the poor quality, you could see the precious smile he wore. Your lips slowly curve into a smile the longer you stare at the photo. You were viciously torn from your daze when a loud shatter rang through the house, loud yelling following after and alerting you.
   “Haechan you idiot!” Mark. He sounded like he was on the verge of bawling his eyes out and, when you find them in the foyer, it looks like he is. The priceless vase that once stood on the table, lay on the floor in absolute ruin. There were shards of porcelain everywhere.
   “What have you done! We’re going to be cursed!” Jaemin wails, his face in his hands.
   “Guys, guys, relax. Just watch out for the pieces.” Jeno’s hands stuck out between the group of boys as a means of mediation.
   Before anyone could speak again, Haechan’s mouth already open to defend himself, the sound of a door opening upstairs alerts everyone. Dread fills everyone’s faces, yours included. Mark is the first to move, snatching Haechan’s collar and bolting for the door as fast as he can, pushing Jeno out of his way in his haste to get out. Haechan’s voice is pitchy as he cries out in fear. Jeno is right behind them, his arms tightly around Jaemin as he hauls him out, both of them muttering to each other what you can assume are comforting words. You try to leave as well, but a voice calls out to you, accompanied by the door slamming shut in front of you. Instantly, you hear faint banging and yelling from the other side of the door, but it seems you have other things to focus on.
   “Who are you?” The voice is soft and would seem timid if it weren’t for the forceful undertone. You slowly turn to face the person addressing you, your jaw almost dropping in sheer awe.
   It was the boy from the painting, standing at the top of the staircase in all his glory. He was even prettier in person, even with the flecks of paint on his cheeks and the casual clothing he sports. He has a pair of spectacles low on his nose that you can’t help but find adorable, he squints at you over the top of them. His hair is a mess, sticking up in all directions as if he was tugging at it restlessly. You notice cute little Moomin slippers on his feet as well.
   “Hello? I asked you a question. Who are you?” He calls, his arms crossing and his pretty bottom lip quickly sticking out in a pout.
   You gulped down the spit that had collected in your mouth. Was everyone in this town drop-dead gorgeous? “I-I’m Y/N.”
   “Y/N?” He tests your name on his tongue, looking thoughtful as he cautiously steps down a few stairs. He gives you a once over, his eyes resting on your exposed collarbones and neck, where Jaemin had created fake puncture wounds, before they met yours again. “I’m Renjun. Now, I don’t usually get visitors. Ever. So, what are you doing in my house? Besides breaking expensive stuff and looking like an overly sexualized version of my friend YangYang? It’s a little rude, you know, we don’t look like that or dress like that, actually.”
   You felt yourself become tense. Great, not only has he trapped me in his house to probably kill me, he’s mocking my costume which isn’t even mine! He said it - wait a minute, “W-We?”
   His lips part in surprise, like he wasn’t supposed to have let that slip. You quickly take notice of a pair of little fangs protruding from under his top lip. Your face quickly flushes, your fading makeup doing little to hide it. He lets out a shy chuckle. “Well, yes, I-I’m a vampire. Do humans not think we’re real anymore?”
   You’re speechless, your mouth opening and closing uselessly like a fish out of water. You can’t decide if you are afraid or in awe. You feel faint, the words almost not processing completely.
   “I-I’m sorry to have dropped that bomb on you, but could we get back to the task at hand? Your friends kind of, you know, broke my favorite vase and ran.” His hand slowly stretches out to point at the collection of shards on his carpet. You shake your head to come back to Earth.
   “Oh right, I am so, so sorry, Renjun.” His name feels funny coming out of your mouth and you feel like you don’t have the right to call him by his name. However, it seems you using his name softens something up in him and he looks away from you shyly. 
   “I guess you’ll have to pay me in some way,” He suddenly says, his eyes finding yours again. You deflate, you knew something like this was going to happen, maybe not getting stuck in a vampire’s house, but you knew you would have to pay for your friends’ stupid actions tonight in some way. It happened when they all forgot their wallets when you went out for McDonald’s at three in the morning and it was happening again, but this time you wondered if you would be paying with your life instead of spare change. “That vase was priceless.”
   You close your eyes, waiting for him to finally attack you. “I understand,” You whisper.
   “W-Wait,” Renjun’s soft voice sounds panicked and you furrow your brow in confusion before opening your eyes again. He seems to have an epiphany. “Ah! I’m so sorry! I’m not going to hurt you! Oh gosh, did you think I was going to kill you or something? Drink your blood?” You nod slowly, even more confused. “Oh, Y/N, I’m not like that! I don’t drink straight from humans, that’s gross.”
   “What are you going to do to me then?” You ask.
   “D-Do to you?” Renjun stammers, his cheeks turning a pale blue hue, and his eyes growing to the size of dinner plates. You nod again, watching him start to frantically wave his hands. “Nothing! I won’t even lay a hand on you! I was just gonna ask you to keep me company!” 
   “Keep you company?”
   “I just - I haven’t left my house in like... years. And, YangYang actually moved to Germany so I haven’t seen him in a while and I’ve just been,” He hesitates, the conflict behind his eyes evident. “I’ve just been really lonely.”
   You feel like you’ve been hit with a brick to the chest, the air leaving your lungs and turning into pain, feeling for the boy in front of you. Even with friends, you know exactly how he feels. It hurts you to know that the first social interaction he’s had with anyone in a while has been you and your friends breaking into his house.
   “Oh, Renjun,” Your arms reach out to pull the boy into an embrace before you can even process it. The way you say his name makes him shudder despite not being able to feel cold. You pull away suddenly when you realize, both of you growing shy. “Wait, are you sure you want to be friends with someone who broke into your house? And someone who’s friends with an idiot who smashed your favorite vase?”
   “Absolutely, I would like that more than anything” He mumbles, finding it in himself to gently take your hands. “You are really lovely -- s-so far, at least. And, I want you to introduce me to this idiot friend of yours, I want to give him a piece of my mind.”
   You both share a laugh after that, and you hug him once more without even telling yourself to. “Then I would love to keep you company.”
   “Th-Thank you.”
   “Y/N!” Before you could even close the door behind yourself, Haechan’s arms were suffocating you in one of the tightest hugs you had ever received from him. His face quickly buries into your shoulder and you feel the sticky wetness of his snot and tears on your bare skin. You forgo disgust in lieu of comforting your friend who seems to be more shaken up about the situation than you. You gently pet his hair while he nuzzles against you, rambling through his sobbing. “I’m so sorry! I swear, we tried to open the door, we really did! It was locked!”
   You try to talk, but he hugs you tighter with the rest of the boys quickly following suit, only a puff of air passing through your lips. “We thought we had killed you!” Jaemin cries, his head taking up your other shoulder from behind. You can’t exactly tell whose arm is whose around you. The hug lasts a little longer, Haechan and Jaemin mumbling and sniveling against your neck, and even with the obvious bodily fluids you can feel spreading around, warmth spreads through you at the notion that they care.
   “Was there a demon in there?” Mark asks with a trembling voice, backing away from the group hug with his eyes boring into yours as if to make sure your soul was still intact. He seems to scare himself looking back inside through the windows.
   “Nothing hurt you, right?” Jeno’s hands reach over the two boys still squeezing the life out of you to cup your cheeks and turn your head side to side.
   “I’m fine! I’m fine!” You rasp, “I just… can’t breathe.”
   Instantly, Jaemin and Haechan let you go, apologizing to you and choosing to coddle each other instead. The boys let out a collective sigh of relief. You let a small smile spread across your face before it drops. “Wait, I just realized something!” You gasp, the boys growing tense.
   “What? What? What is it?” Jaemin asks, leaving Haechan to hold both of your hands between his. His eyes worriedly scan your face.
   “You guys grabbed each other and just left me!”
   “Uh oh,” Haechan whispers, knowing your tone all too well. “Run!”
   Instantly the boys take off, much like they did inside the house, however, this time they are laughing. You race down the stairs after them before your body stops and turns you around to look at the second-floor windows. You can faintly see Renjun smiling brightly at you through the moon’s glare, he raises his hand and yours does too. He waves, but your hand doesn’t. Mind control. “Cool,” You whisper under your breath and he laughs from inside the house. You smile and wave back before Haechan calls from the tree line and you run to catch up.
I guess I owe myself ten dollars.
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 2
The Job of a High School Host!
Host Club x reader
Summary: Y/n learns the duties of a host.
Word Count: 4.9k
Episode Masterlist
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You've been a host for almost two weeks now. It's been interesting, to say the least. Tamaki and the twins have been trying to get you into a dress since you put on the school uniform, but you cleaned the male uniform and refused all their demands.
Maria got letters from your friends back in y/c, to which she wanted to surprise you by putting them in your bag. You didn't notice them at school, and you didn't notice them when they were sticking out during homeroom.
But Hikaru and Kaoru did. Once the class was over, the three envelopes fell out of your backpack, though you kept walking. They looked at each other and nodded. Hikaru them and went on and they both went on with their day.
After doing your homework you rushed into the club room, only to see very real tropical decorations everywhere. The hosts had luau outfits on as well. "Welcome."
"This is different." You stated as you stepped in, looking around.
"Of course!" Tamaki posed as he talked. "It might be early fall but here at the Host Club we'd like our guests to feel as if they're in a tropical paradise. And plus, our heating system is... perfect!"
You gave him a slight look at his bragging, to which Kyoya smiled a bit. "Do you have a problem with the way we run our club y/n? Remember, you still owe us 8 million yen."
You set your bag down on your spot. "Charming." You said sarcastically, passing by him and giving him a sly smile. "I feel very free to speak my mind, really. So was this tropical island thing your idea?"
"All ideas dealing with the host club events come directly from the king. Although I will admit to casually slipping a Bali pamphlet onto his desk." He kept his smile as he continued writing in his book.
"Of course. Well someone should tell the king that he's really clever." You patted his arm before going and sitting down with your clients. "Good afternoon ladies—"
The twins each blew a whistle and marched over to you. "Hold it right there!" They said in unison. "Who's Julian?!"
You turned over to them, a bit surprised at the mentioning of that name. "What do you mean?"
"Three envelopes fell out of your bag, and one was from a boy named Julian." Kaoru said.
They then got very close to you, asking, "So who's Julian?!"
"An old friend." You shrugged, putting out your hand for the letters. They gave them back to you, but also gained the attention of Tamaki.
"How good of a friend is he?" He zoomed right behind your couch.
You didn't know why Tamaki was so territorial of his friends, but you knew there must be a reason. That didn't mean you couldn't still have fun with him. You fake sighed lovingly. "He's the best."
"Is he... handsome?"
"He has an adorable face. I love it so much!"
"You love it?" You gave you his puppy dog eyes.
"Do you have... feelings... for him?"
"Oh, I'm only totally in love with him."
"WHA~T?!" He then wrapped you in a hug. "But you're my little girl~"
You sighed again. "Yeah. It's too bad you're more his type."
He blankly stared at you, and you bursted into a fit of giggles. "He's gay, so calm down."
"Oh." He then stood up and cleared his throat. "Well then, that's one less man to worry about. You don't know how many evil boys there are in the world, so you have to be careful."
"Yeah, I should also be careful of weird people who call themselves 'daddy'." An arrow struck through Tamaki as you walked over to the twins. "Thanks for holding onto these for me." Your smile made them blush. "And thank you for not opening them, since you guys are pretty nosey."
"We don't know what you're talking about." They both said as they shrugged.
"But y/n," Kaoru started saying.
"Why don't you open them for us?" Hikaru finished.
You scoffed. "Please guys, I'm working." You then turned to your clients as they sighed, smiling. "I'm sorry girls. What did you want to talk about?"
"Well, we were wondering if you were going to dress up in something tropical."
"Do you all want me to?" You asked, unsure if you wanted to go through with that.
"Yes!" They said happily.
Tamaki then appeared with a smile. "I already made you an outfit y/n. And look, we're a pair! Isn't it cute?"
You frowned. "You know I don't really like skirts."
He then showed you his big watery eyes. "But Kyoya gave you a dress and you accepted it no problem."
"He was doing it to be nice. You're doing this because you want to see me in a dress. That's weird."
He looked like he was going to burst from anger. He then pushed the outfit into your hands. "Just go change!"
You then changed into the shoulderless top with the long skirt, which also accompanied a lot of jewelry. You then went out and tried to discreetly go back to your clients. "Oh my goodness y/n, you're so cute!" One exclaimed.
"Y/N~" Tamaki jumped over to you and crushed you into a hug. "Everybody, look!"
"Let's not please." You whispered. Your face went red as you frustratedly looked to the ground.
"Wow." The twins said, grabbing your arms.
"Who knew y/n," Kaoru said.
"Could be such a girl." Hikaru finished.
"Looks cute." They said, giving you a thumbs up.
"Please stop drawing in more attention." You said quietly.
"Takashi~ look!" Honey dragged you over to them. "Doesn't she look adorable?"
Tamaki and the twins had evil stars in their eyes as they inched closer to you. You didn't notice the blush on Mori's face when you went to go hide behind him. The three then shouted, "Give her to us!"
Mori shook his head and took your shoulders, guiding you to your couch.
"Thank you senpai." You said quietly. You then put your hands over your face. You peaked at your smiling clients. "Okay, I did this for you guys."
"How do you feel in cosplay?"
"Exhausted!" You put your hands to your side quickly only to begin shaking your arms, hearing the jewelry jingle as you moved. They began to giggle at your innocent and child-like movements. "Jeez, what's with this?"
"Y/n, you forgot your crown!" Tamaki stuck it out towards you as an offering.
You took a deep breath and drank some tea, not looking at him. "If it's worth more than me I'm not wearing it."
He gave you an angrily confused look. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm not putting something ridiculous and way too expensive on my head. I don't even feel comfortable in this. It feels like I'm lowering the value of it by just wearing it." Your tone was a sarcastic one, which caused smiles from around your area. Though it was a joke, you were only half-kidding.
"Excuse me." A girl came up to you and said. "I believe we're supposed to be switching hosts now."
"Oh, you must be my next appointment." You grinned, waving to her childishly even though she was right in front of you. "It's nice to meet you."
She then grabbed your chin and brought your face closer to hers. "I've just decided. You're going to be my new favorite host." This seemed to effect Tamaki.
Once the club finished everything, you walked over to go change until Kyoya stopped you. "Your words with Tamaki seemed to amuse some of the guests, and many of those guests have requested you."
"Cool. I guess my clownery is likable." You chuckled and nodded.
Clownery. What an odd made up word. He thought about what his clients told them about you. You spoke with slang, though it almost as if you didn't realize it. They said that they found it adorable. Your speech being adorable. It was an interesting thought, in its own way.
Once you put back on your uniform, Kyoya instructed you to make Tamaki some instant ramen. You did so and finished cleaning. Once you finished that you sat down and noticed that Tamaki was irritated.
"C'mon boss, quit eating that commoner's ramen and help plan the party." Kaoru said.
"What's up with him?" You asked.
"He's just upset with Lady Kanako choosing you." Kyoya said as he typed away on his laptop. "She's had the illness for a while now though, so I don't know why he's too surprised."
"What disease?"
"The host hopping disease." The twins said.
You giggled, grinning. "So he's jealous that I stole her from him."
"Shut up! I couldn't care less!" Tamaki yelled. "That's it, my patience has run out. It's time you started dressing like a girl!"
"That's really what's bothering you?"
"I just don't get it. How can you be so popular with the ladies when you yourself are a lady?!" He then went into his private chest, digging though it. "Now you listen to daddy. DADDY WANTS YOU TO GO BACK TO THE WAY YOU WERE AND KEEP WEARING SKIRTS!!"
He brought out a huge framed photo of you in a high and tight half pony tail, which contrasted your usually messy pony tail. You were wearing a cropped long sleeved dark gray shirt, with a black skirt and dark panty hose under.
He hung it up on the wall and began crying. Everybody crowded around it.
"The more I look at this photo the more amazed I am." Kaoru said. "How did you go from that to wearing suits?"
Everyone turned to look at you. "I used to have a neighbor who owned a Burlesque lounge. Sometimes she needed someone to cover a waitress shift, and I would do it. This was the most covered up she would allow me to be though."
"I see." Kyoya said. "Those places are known for having women reveal a large amount of skin."
"I wore that stuff cause I had to. I feel more comfortable not showing my legs. I don't care if I dress like a dude sometimes."
"A GIRL SHOULD NEVER ADDRESS HERSELF AS A DUDE!!" Tamaki yelled. "MAMA~!! Y/n's using those dirty boy words again."
"I hate to break up this interesting conversation, but do you have any formal dancing experience?" Hikaru asked.
You turned and smiled nervously. "No, but I don't have to go to parties and stuff, right?"
Tamaki's eyes began to shine. "I absolutely forbid that. You must go to every event hosted by the host club if you want to pay back your debt! If you fail to do so, you'll be demoted back to errand boy" He then got a lot happier. "And that also means you have to wear a dress at the party!"
"No it's cool, I have a formal guy outfit." They all stared at you. "What? I got it when I had to go to a wedding."
"Why won't you wear something like thi~s?" Tamaki said with tears in his eyes.
"Cause it was for a job."
"This is a job!"
"No, this is indentured servitude. There's a difference. Slight, but it's there." You then briefly thought. "Oh, I guess that also means I have to learn the man's part since I'm a host."
Kanako was instructing you what to do, and you were getting the hang of it quickly. "You're quite a fast learner miss y/n."
"And you're quite an exceptional teacher Miss Kanako." Your gaze went to Tamaki, who looked sad. He wanted to teach you, but was too tall to be in the girl role. He glanced over to you, and you smiled and waved. He hesitantly gave you a small smile and waved back. Because of this you weren't paying attention tripped up the both of you. "I'm so sorry Lady Kanako!"
She pulled you closer. "That's quite alright."
"You're very forward." You smiled down at her before rolling to the side and pulling the both of you up. "C'mon, let's get you some tea."
You brought her tea as she happily held onto the cup. "You have a new order for tea sets I see. The handy work looks like it's Genorie."
"You have a keen eye mademoiselle." Kyoya said as he passed by.
"Such a pretty color." She gazed into the tea cup with a smile. "How lovely."
"Woah, you seem to know a lot about tea sets, huh?" You asked. This, unbeknownst to you, gained Tamaki's attention.
"What? Of course not!" She said shakily, blushing. "What ever would give you that idea?!"
Just then someone walked in with a box in hand. "You ordered a new tea set?" He asked Kyoya as he walked over to him.
"Yes we did. Y/n, come over and grab these." Kyoya said.
You nodded and smiled at him as he gave you the box. You opened the lid and looked at the set. "Wow, these are really nice. Are you an expert on things like this?"
Kanako began laughing. "Oh y/n, you're so out of the loop. It can be pardoned though." She turned back with a teasing smile. "After all, he doesn't look like an heir to a first class industry empire."
His facial expression changed as he looked at her. You noticed but decided not to say anything.
"The Susushima family has dealt mainly with table wear." Kyoya explained. "They are, in fact, a first class company."
"I think that's so awesome! You seem to have a lot of passion into what you're going to be doing, which is very admirable." You told him with a small smile.
He turned to you and bashfully smiled. "You think so? I'm honored. Well, see you all next time."
After he left and you walked back to Kanako with the box still in hand. "He's pretty handsome, don't you think?" You asked in your native language.
"Um, pardon?"
"Oh, sorry." You cleared your throat. "I'm asking if you think he's attractive."
She blushed profusely and nervously sipped on her tea. "I don't know! I suppose!"
"I get the feeling you two know each other."
She spat out her tea and began to panic again. "What would ever give you that silly conclusion? I have no idea what you're talking about! Anyways, take care!" She quickly left.
You stood up right before Honey jumped onto your back, almost knocking the box out of your hands. "Y/n-chan~! Guess what? They do know each other! Suzushima-chan is Kasuga-chan's fiance."
"Woah, really?"
"Kyoya," Tamaki said. "What do you know about this?"
He looked in his book. "They were childhood friends. Their parents set up an arranged marriage between them. I didn't find this information of any importance so I disregarded it."
"And what do you know of Suzushima?"
"Toro Suzushima. Outstanding grades, bare social status. Ordinary looking. He's reliable, in case of persuasion to place blame."
"He doesn't have much presence and is faint hearted." The twins said.
"In order words, he's boring." Kyoya closed his book.
"Wow," You said. "Who knew you guys were so cold to other men."
"We don't have any use of him so there's no reason to be nicer in describing him." Kyoya explained.
"Interesting philosophy." You said teasingly. "I can feel the kindness radiating off of you."
"Suzushima is a good boy." Honey said, on top of Mori. "Right?"
"Yeah." Mori replied.
"Alright men! It's time for a plan!" Tamaki announced. "It's our job at the Ouran Host Club to make every woman happy!"
When Tamaki finished explaining his plan, everybody packed up and left, leaving only Kyoya and you. He had just finished on his laptop and was packing up his things. You walked behind him. "Senpai, is it okay if I ask you a question?"
"Is it about what I said earlier?" He didn't turn around.
"Kind of. I mean, if we're talking about the same thing." You kept your voice steady and light.
"Was it what I said about not needing Suzushima?"
"Woah, no. Not at all. I was thinking about how you did a background check on him."
He paused briefly. "I see. What of it?"
Your voice unintentionally shrank. "Did you do one on me?"
"Yes. A few days ago, in fact. You fail to mention your brother when people ask about your history." His voice was so calm and normal. It made you feel very exposed.
"Everything I've said isn't a lie." You managed to say firmly.
"I know that as well. I understand your situation and I respect your reasonings for not talking about him. You've been through quite a lot, and you have a right to privacy."
"Please answer this next question honestly." His silence meant that he was still listening. "Do you think of me any lower or less, I don't know, appealing, now that you know everything about me?" You then nervously chuckled. "Unless it was already that low to begin with."
"I assure you that my views of you are of a hard working person who seems to make many people happy. Not wanting people to know certain things about you and having certain insecurities do not waver what I 'think' of you."
You let out a breath and grinned, hugging him from the back. He widened his eyes, but didn't tense nor pull away.
"Thank you Kyoya senpai. This really means a lot." You then let go of him. "Okay, I need to walk home before it gets dark. See you tomorrow." You then quickly went to the door. "Sorry if that hug was weird for you!" You called out as you left.
His opinions mattered to you. It was an interesting thought, in its own way.
As you were getting ready for the party, Maria came into your room. "Can't you be at least a bit girly?"
"Funny, that's really funny Maria." You turned to face her and sat down. "You're quite the tomboy yourself sometimes."
"I'm serious y/n/n. You should try a little makeup. You'll look nice for all your friends. One of them is bound to fall for you." She said in an offering tone.
You chuckled and shook your head. "They're all just friends. And I shouldn't have to try to impress anybody."
She sighed, going over to your nightstand and opening a drawer. She took out a black box and opened it, revealing the earrings you got back after your father was imprisoned. "At least wear one of your mom's earrings. They all look cute on you."
You looked in the box. She loved to collect them. "I don't know, maybe."
She grabbed your cheeks and smushed them. "Think about it." You grabbed her cheeks and did the same. "I also have something to tell you."
"Good or bad?"
She hesitated before quickly saying, "My sisters are coming for a few days to visit." And then sped walked out of the room.
"What?!" You followed her. "Please tell me Linda's son won't be coming too." She gave you a look, and that was all you needed to know. "Oh my gosh, I'm going to my club. That's gonna be my safe space for now."
"At least you have a safe space. I'll have to deal with Linda 24/7."
You then went back into your room and hesitantly grabbed a pair of earrings, putting them in your pants pocket. "I gotta go. I should start walking now."
She stopped you. "Take off the blazer at least." You took off the blazer with a pout. She then pulled off your messy ponytail. "Do something better with your hair too." You tied up two messy double buns. "There. You look adorable. Go."
You got there and joined all except Tamaki at the second floor in the auditorium. "Welcome, my little lambs," Tamaki said from the third floor. "To a magical night of your lives!"
Kyoya then spoke up. "As always ladies we are here for your enjoyment. Dance to your heart's content. The best dancer will be decided among us hosts and will be crowned queen. As a reward the queen will receive a passionate kiss on the cheek from our king, Tamaki Suoh. Good luck to all you."
They all began cheering, and you snickered over the stupidity of the 'prize'. The twins came over to you and began playing with your buns.
"These are cute." Hikaru said.
"You have a raggedy yet carefree look. The hairstyle compliments you." Kaoru told you. "Hey, have you ever been to a party before?"
"Not formal parties. Only block parties on my street."
"Well, since you're here y/n, you might as well enjoy yourself." Kyoya said. "We have quite the spread of desserts."
You then innocently asked, "Like squishy ice cream?"
Tamaki flipped down to your floor and pointed to Kyoya, who was already dialing a number on his phone. "Kyoya! Order some squishy ice cream right away!"
"Two orders of mochi please." He said to his phone. The twins smothered you in a hug as your face burned from embarrassment. You felt like such an idiot foreigner right now.
In the meantime you danced with some girls, being flamboyant and silly when dancing with them. There was one girl who tripped over your shoes and almost fell until you caught her. She wouldn't stop laughing loudly, and it caused you to laugh as well. Others wanted to talk, so you danced regularly with them.
As you took a break from dancing with some girls Kanako approached you. "There you are y/n, I've been looking everywhere for you. May I have this next dance?"
"It would be my pleasure Lady Kanako." You began to dance with her. "You're so formal. It's really fascinating to me."
"Your expressions and slang are fascinating to me as well." She said.
"Kasuga-chan's here!" Honey announced.
"Honey, Mori," Tamaki said. "Commence with the operation."
Both nodded before swiftly grabbing you away and dashing to an empty room with the twins and Kyoya. "Did you guys really have to be so forceful?"
"Nevermind that, go and change." Hikaru shoved a bag into your hands and pushed you into the changing room.
"Remember y/n, we only have 37 minutes before the climax of the night," Kyoya said. "And a little accident might make the evening more interesting."
You saw a tube of concealer on the small table when you went in. You knew Kyoya left it for you, and it made you smile. You quickly changed into the dark purple dress and put concealer on the scars of your legs. You then remembered the earrings in your pocket and put them on. They were rose gold hoops with what looked like flower petals on them.
You then went outside, where the twins quickly put on your makeup. Kaoru then gently touched one of your earrings. "We didn't put these in the bag. Are these yours?"
"Yeah." You quietly said.
"They compliment the dress. It was good that you brought them." You smiled at him, causing him to blush and look away.
"Y'know," Hikaru said as they finished up. "I know the boss wants to stick to the strategy, but this is..."
"What are you all doing standing around here?" Tamaki asked as he came in. "The guests are wai—"
You stood up and faced him. You then began walking as the boys stared at you. "You look cute!" Honey stated.
Everyone blushed but Honey and Kyoya, who were both smiling. "My face feels heavy." You pouted as you kept walking.
"Hurry up!" The twins called out as you kept walking.
"Yeah, I got it." You muttered. As you left, the twins and Tamaki began to fawn over you.
You walked into the room they told you to. Suzushima turned around with a surprised look. You timidly smiled as you walked over to him. "You're not at all what I pictured from the letter you wrote me."
You kept your smile on. "Really?" He nodded. "Can I actually see the letter please?" He then gave it to you, and you read over it:
I'm in love love with you! From the first day I laid eyes on you I've been head over heals in love! Tee hee! All these feelings I have are harpooned to my heart as they keep whipping around my mind like the restless waves! When the special day comes, I want to randezvou with you on Noah's arc! I do I do!
You wondered who the hell would write such a stupid letter. It was actually a collaborative write with Kyoya and the twins. "Excuse me," Suzushima interrupted your thoughts. "Have we met before?"
"No! It's um, the first time we've ever talked!"
"I'm flattered by your letter, but I'm afraid I can't return your feelings." He said. "My heart has been taken by somebody else."
"My apologies! I didn't realize you had a girlfriend."
"No, she's not my girlfriend. I don't even think she's even interested anymore." He looked very sad.
"Well I don't know about that. Your calming presence is a joy to be around, and I'm sure she'd agree." You offered.
He sighed. "Thank you, but honestly, I'm sure she'd be better off with someone more self confident. That's why I'm leaving next month to study abroad. Hopefully become a better man for her. Maybe it's selfish, but I hope she'll wait for me."
"I won't lie to you, it's a little selfish." An arrow went through him. You squished your index finger and thumb. "Just a little. But Toro, if she really is the love of your life then I'm sure she'll still love you just as much as she probably already does."
He was about to say something as he reached out for you, but you heard the door open. You didn't turn so she wouldn't see your face. "Oh, I'm sorry to intrude." You could tell she was crying. "I'll just leave you two be."
You heard her heels and knew she was running away, and he ran after her. "Kanako, wait!"
You then walked next to Tamaki. "We didn't make things worse, did we?"
"He did run after her. He needs to learn how to be more sure of himself."
You were both walking back when you tripped again over your heels. Tamaki interlocked your arms together. You looked up at him. "You really need to learn how to walk in heels. They look so lovely on you, and it'd be a shame if you tripped and hurt yourself."
You smiled and nodded, leaning on his shoulder. You then tripped again, only for him to hold onto you and prevent you from falling. You giggled, followed shortly by Tamaki chuckling with you.
You both went over to the balcony. The lights hit, and you saw Kanako and Toro. "Let us join together and announce that this couple has been chosen for the final waltz of the night." Tamaki announced.
He said something to her, squeezing his eyes shut and asking her for a dance. You snickered. "Why are you laughing?" Kaoru asked.
"I know he's trying his best, but he looks kinda goofy right now." All the hosts looked from you to them and smiled. "They're awesome together though."
"May this awkward couple be forever blessed!" Tamaki exclaimed.
Kyoya then stepped forward. "And now for the grand prize, a kiss from our royalty."
"Y/n with step in for Tamaki." Kaoru said with a banana peel in his hand.
"And the kiss with be for Toro Suzushima." Hikaru added with another banana peel in his hand.
Tamaki was shocked, and you turned to Kyoya. "I'm not gonna—"
"It'll lower your debt by a third."
"I mean it is just a peck." You smiled and headed down.
"Wha..." Tamaki said.
"Also," You said as you began walking down the stairs. "You guys need to work on your love letter skills, because that was embarring for me to read."
As you went down Suzushima saw you and gave you a surprised expression. "You..."
"Y/n," Kanako said. "Were you the girl with Toro?"
"Hi guys. We just needed to give you two a gentle nudge. I promise I'm not in love with Toro. And I'm really sorry and embarrassed they gave you that stupid letter. I didn't write any of that." You smiled at them.
He nodded. "Thank you."
You then looked at Kanako. "May I?"
"Sure. It'll mark the beginning of our relationship."
Up from the balcony, Tamaki was reaching out for you weakly. "I wonder if this is y/n-chan's first kiss?" Honey thought out loud.
This made Tamaki snap, and he began running to you. "Wait y/n~!"
He slipped on the twins' banana peels and accidentally pushed you, causing you to kiss Toro on the lips instead. Kyoya did say that a little accident would make the night a little more interesting.
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my-yuujin · 5 years
Ryusoulger Solo Interview from Mynavi: Kishida Tatsuya
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Ryusoulger has been running for four months since the start of its broadcast in March 2019. How you are feeling about it?
When the Sixth Ranger Kanaro (Hyoudou Katsumi) finally appeared in episode 14, I thought, “Ah, we have come this far. Time sure flies.” Even so, the feeling that I’ve played my role as well as grasped that distance we’ve gotten through between every episode up until now, is still very strong.
- Banba used to have a harsh view such as “In order to save many human beings, (Minusaur’s host) one’s sacrifice is unavoidable.” But he met Kou and the others, and little by little was exposed to their kindness. So, there are a lot of episodes dedicated to this process. Surely for Kishida-san,  those episodes’ impressions are strong, aren’t they?
I’m now sticking to the part that “Banba’s atmosphere is different from everyone else”. At this stage, he doesn’t have any intention to become friends with Kou, so I’m always aware of the subtle sense of distance, such as standing alone even though everyone else is gathering.
-From now on, surely, we’re expecting that Banba will fully communicate with Kou and become friends.
I once had the opportunity to talk with the screenwriter Yamaoka (Junpei) and the producers, and at that time he said “Banba is the closest when it comes to human emotion.” You see, when humans have aged long enough, they won’t change easily in a year. That’s how I think about it. “Yesterday,he was gentle, but today, he is back to being grumpy again?” We discussed whether or not it was a good thing to have such character like that.
-In episode 8 “ Singing Voice of Miracle”, Ryusoulger successfully fools the enemy. After Kou and Towa happily do a high-five to each other, Banba only bumps fists with Kou, while his face facing the other side. Such a wonderful “Tsundere”. He’s not planning to get along, but he lets himself join their rhythm. That’s what makes Banba stand out. Am I right?
Actually, we were being let to do ad-libs at that time. I never thought it would be used (laughs). After the episode was broadcasted, I was surprised to hear a lot of feedback about that on Twitter. It was a casual scene and I played it without much thought. Because of the slow motion, I was shown moving in various ways, even though it was a quick filming. At first, I thought I didn’t have to do anything, but Kou and the others were so eager to do high-five with Banba. So in the end, I just did it without seeing his eyes.
-Even for the children who watches the TV series, Banba is strong but a little “scary”. That is the impression they may get from him.
I also think so. Like I said earlier, “Banba will not change”, but by meeting Kou and others, a slight change is unavoidable. At first, he called Kou “Omae” (T/N: means “You” but harsh), but he started to call him by his name. Although he consciously can’t forgive it, there is still a part in his heart where the intention to be friends is growing.
-It may be rude for me to say this but, Banba is unexpectedly quite popular among children. Kishida-san, is there any experience, like when you finally realized the popularity of Banba?
The thing that I feel grateful about is, I get talked to more often than usual when I walk outside. Originally, I thought Banba was intended to give appeal to the mothers and older Tokusatsu fans, but unexpectedly, I heard some young children said “I like Banba”. I was really happy about that. Not to mention that Banba also has some fans among girls. I once looked at Instagram, and found a kid wearing Banba’s costume that their mother likely has made by herself, and I thought, “Oh, it ’s pretty cool” (laughs).
- Banba dan Ryusoul Black’s costumes are based on the color black, thus giving very cool atmosphere. I can understand those children’s feeling who want to cosplay as him.
Wearing this outfit, you may feel a little restrained around your waist and look slim. On the other hand, as soon as you get a little fat, it would be very much noticeable, so I always pay attention to maintaining my body shape.
-Then, if there is a scene where Banba has to eat something delicious, it would be difficult, wouldn’t it?
The food that appeared in the show up until now, in the end, they were all eaten by everyone. Asuna (Osaki Ichika) is always shown eating something, after all (laughs). Banba is never shown to eat anything in the show, but the staffs always prepare delicious-looking food and make the studio filled with yummy smell. That’s why, even though I don’t want to, I always find myself want to eat. When the filming is over, I end up eating up a lot too (laughs).
- Who do you think has grown up the most, comparing to when you first met them?
That’s definitely Obara-kun. He is 17 years old now and it is his moments of growing up as a person. When I look at him by my side, I think “He’s doing amazing!” I’m impressed by how refined his expression now. We sometimes make pacts among ourselves, such as to arrive 10 minutes before meetings, and Obara-kun is the best when it comes to follow the rules. We have been together for a long time as brothers, and I would be very happy if Obara-kun could feel various things from me, and myself also could give him some good influence.
-Kishida-san, you seem to have so much fun being an elder brother who is proud of his little brother. I begin to think that you two are really like real brothers.
Well, aren’t we real brothers, though?(laughs) Looking closely at Obara-kun’s growth, makes me think I can’t lose to him. So, it feels like I’m being encouraged too.
Looking at Kishida-san’s Twitter, we can find two-shot photos with some actors who have appeared in the “Kamen Rider” and “Super Sentai”. Surely, these photos show us wonderful friendship between heroes, aren’t they?
Isomura Hayato and I have once appeared in “Kyou kara ore wa!”, but at that time I didn’t know that he also appeared in “Kamen Rider Ghost” (Kamen Rider Necrom/ Alan). When I was decided to appear in “Ryusoulger”, I looked up to various things about the past “Super Sentai”, and found out that I was acquainted with such amazing Kamen Rider and Tokusatsu heroes. “I should take pictures when I meet them next time,” so I thought (laughs). I get along with Inaba Yuu-kun (Kamen Rider Mach/Shijima Gou from “Kamen Rider Drive” ) , Tozuka Junki-kun (Nara Shunpei from “Kamen Rider Wizard”), and Suda Masaki-kun (Philip from “Kamen Rider W”). I took photos with them, hoping that it could make Tokusatsu fans happy.
-But now, you have joined those heroes whom the children look up to. What kind of feeling do you have when you strike your “transformation” pose that is unique to you as a hero?
It’s exciting, really. I myself used to be a child who played and imitated those heroes’ transformation poses, up to their details. I feel excited to think that there would be some children who imitate my transformation pose this time.
-Who is Tokusatsu hero Kishida-san admired as a child?
“Choriki Sentai Ohranger” (1995) and “Gekisou Sentai Carranger” (1996) were the oldest heroes in my memory. But the one that I felt most addicted was “Seijuu Sentai Gingaman” (1998). In fact, the memories of playing with Gingaman’s toys still remain vivid. Among the five warriors, red and blue rangers have different ways of transforming, and I was a child who cared for those trivial things like that. Therefore, as Banba, I’m strongly aware of things like, the movements that only Banba would do. Even in the ending Que Bom Dance, the dance actually shows the individuality of each Ryusoulger.
-Action scenes are also frequently shown, especially in the episodes when director Sakamoto Koichi was in charge, like in episode 7, 8 and 15, 16. Some scenes, such as doing Ryusoul Change while fighting against Drunn soldiers were really outstanding.
I originally love action, and Director Sakamoto is the person in charge who has spent time in various action scenes, so I feel we are very compatible. Episode 15 and 16 are more challenging than episode 7 and 8. I want to challenge more actions in the future.
-Even at press conferences and photo sessions, Kishida-san’s “commitment”, such as not showing “smile” at all as Banba, is very wonderful, in my opinion.
I always think that images are important for heroes, so I want to do my role firmly. However, it is troubling me when people greet me as Banba. Banba’s personality makes me seem to be a very cold person. Of course, I myself am different from Banba, so when I naturally tried to act gentle, the mothers reacted like “Huh? Is Banba actually such a person?” It made me rethink that he really is such difficult role! (Laughs) However, they also pointed out those as the “unexpected” sides of Banba, so it still settles me much or less when creating a solid image of Banba. I myself like children, so I want to give them a gentle approach, but about how I should do it … I just can’t find the answer. I think I have to ask those who are already seniors at being heroes.
–Banba had never smiled until now, but at the end of the episode “The Prisoned Mosa”, he cracked a little smile, and it had positive reception on Twitter. I guess, it’s enough to make more children come to Banba deliberately now.
Until now, the children never come to me by themselves. Therefore, I myself try to go closer when I have eye contacts with children.
-In the 13th episode “The Prime Minister is Ryusoul tribe!?”, the existence of Banba and Towa’s master was implied. But Kishida-san and Obara-san, were you two actually aware of such story development and the mysteries behind it?
-To be honest, until we get our new script, we’ve been acting without knowing what will happen next. There were times when I acted while thinking “So, it was actually this kind of story!?” It is my first experience to act under such condition, so it’s very difficult (laughs). As an actor, playing without knowing the future is anxious, but fun. However, I don’t want to regret, saying such things like “I should have done it like this” when looking back at the past after I find out about the mysterious part. For now, acting while deciding what is the best to do in various subtle situations, becomes a great lesson for me as an actor.
-Ryusoulger cast give a very good impression as a team. Do you think that good relationship with them as friends affects your acting as Banba?
Looking at these recent scene photos, it seems Banba’s expressions are somewhat gentler than at the start of filming. This also happens to everyone else, and I guess it is because of the length of time we’ve spent together. I want to be an actor who rather than becomes the source, I prefer to be “the receiver” of those plays from various people. And I think my expressions get mellowed due to having received those feelings. It is now a completely different atmosphere compared to the beginning. If I was let to say one thing, it would end up divided into 5 or 6, as we actually share the same feelings among ourselves.
-Kishida-san, as the oldest member, you also have longer experience as an actor, to the extent that everyone else admires you as their “big brother”.
-Whenever there is something they don’t understand, it’s nice to hear them calling me out “Tatsu-nii! Tatsu-nii!”. I feel to be in a position that has to warn them if they do something sloppy. But rather than saying it directly, it’d be better if I act in advance and put myself as an example. They are all honest and nice guys, and the new member Hyoudou (Katsumi)-kun is also very polite when playing baseball. He’s such a pleasant man to be involved with.
-As we know, the long-awaited movie “Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger THE MOVIE Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic!!” has been released on July 26. Is there any experience that particularly impressed you when shooting this movie?
I still remember, after shooting all day long, there was a time when I couldn’t do (acting) at all. After episode 17, Banba’s attitude to his friends has much or less changed, but according to the script, the episode has not happened yet in the movie. So I had to enter the movie setting while being aware of that. Up until now, the change of Banba’s emotion has accumulated according to the order of TV episodes. I had to act while throwing away some parts of those changes that shouldn’t have happened in the movie. It’s quite difficult.
There was also things like when I was troubled during the shooting, it suddenly went raining. I’d heard that weather in the location might change easily…, but because of raining, I became impatient to fix and catch up … Things that I thought world be worked out…, the confidence just immediately flew away from my head. That’s why, I would be happy if you can check on the theater, those changes in Banba’s expressions that have troubled me so much.
-In episode 1 and 2, Banba and Towa have not yet appeared, so Kishida-san and Obara-san met Director Kamihoriuchi for the first time in the movie version. Kamihoriuchi-san once said in an interview that he always acted strictly towards all the actors, but how exactly does Kishida-san see Kamihoriuchi-san as a person?
When a scene isn’t played well, he will immediately go “Cut!”, and make us repeat it until it is good enough to be used. Rather than strictness, I think that it is more like Kamihoriuchi-san’s “kindness”. Because in order to meet the expectations of the directors, we indeed must continue to improve ourselves as actors.
-Please tell us about the highlights of Banba that are unique to this movie.
In this movie, because Kou has to move alone, there are many scenes where Melto, Asuna, Towa and Banba are working together. Melto and Asuna whom Kou usually works together with, are trying their best until Kou returns. Their growth and how they build their bond are presented intriguingly in this movie. I myself dedicatedly played Banba as the one who supports and watches over them. Though, Banba only gets a little chance to act between intervals (laughs). I realized the hard feeling when my role is not supposed to stand out, instead of being at front and doing something. Sentai usually consists 5 warriors. With Kanaro, we become 6 members. Naturally, it’s not good to make only one person speak lines while the others are only watching from behind. Even though I still don’t know how, I want to make everyone comment on a silent scene, that “It should be Banba who speaks there.” From now on too, I always look forward to your support for Banba and Ryusoulger!
Source: https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20190729-ryusoul/
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