#i moved in montreal actually to reduce how often and actually have accessibility
jade-curtiss · 10 months
Wow I can't believe I woke up in time so I can have the delightful experience of going waste my time with service canada. It will be great.
#it's a walking distance but like just the concept that someone is fucking sick and absolutely no one#no fucking body could help at all because I currently don't have much of a social circle#i mean the only person helping me is also struggling with the same shit#so we're just equally pissed while none can do anything to progress with their own situation#it seems to be kind of common in quebec to have that kind of situation#i moved in montreal actually to reduce how often and actually have accessibility#but to make in context#if i would have stayed in a rural place in my own context I'd be dead by now and that's a fact#i don't know if every other province are like this but the idea we give that we are such a progressive country stop existing#with simple things like not being able to drive and if you have any kind of disability that could be easily accomodable well fuck it#they will just leave you in your own shit while giving a fake sympathetic apology and this is exactly why i want to slug canadians more than#americans in general#i mean if usamericans have something over Canadians in every circumstance is that they're genuine to an extend#being genuine and honest is probably the least canadian thing someone can do#instead they recognize your problems if they see them pretend things will change only to make the problem worse in a subtle way and#expect you to die in the meantime (no it's not an exaggeration eugenics are very fundamental in this culture)#probably more than in america actually#it's weird how Canadian culture rest upon only two things and it's eugenics and colonial elitism#and yet it passes for the most progressive country because we don't shoot all sort of marginalizable people on sight#but do we do anything to help them#the answer#is#also#no#also our healthcare is a fucking scam
0 notes
chocoberry-dream · 7 years
So the other day I got this message in my inbox:
“What if ji and ksoo were to see the sexual and erotic stuff you shippers write/post about them? Just imagine how it makes them feel. As two men who are just friends it could make them really uncomfortable and they probably think its disrespectful too smh”
Rather than replying straight to this person and being petty, throwing shade and ready to fight like I usually am….I figured I’d reply with this nice and calm well thought out post since this subject comes up often with Kaisoo and I feel like this possibility needs a bit of exploration. :)
*****DISCLAIMER******: As everyone should know by now, I am a kaisoo supporter and this post is mainly to break down misconceptions in relation to them only. In other words, I am not speaking for other pairings/ships that arent Kaisoo. This is solely my perception and view on this so no shade will be tolerated. I edited this both on my laptop and my phone so idk if the “read more” shyt appeared…dont shoot me. The names of Kaisoo have been abbreviated to eliminate appearing in their respective tags. This post is also not to condone or promote the sharing of sexually explicit forms of shipping directly with the artists involved. (i.e messaging it to them on social media, mailing it to them, shouting things like “how hard does ji f*ck you” to ksoo in person, etcetera etcetera blah blah yada yada)
So, EXO debuted in 2012.
This makes about 4 years since they have been active in the industry.
Kaisoo shippers began noticing their interactions way before EXO’s debut.
Then, this airport photo that was released to the public was one of the first ones that showed how intimate they were with one another:
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This pre debut photo was also leaked along with others, some of which were noted to have been much more intimate:
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Eerily, these intimate photos vanished after EXO’s debut and are currently nowhere to be found online.
Anyway…moving on. :)
So we know that the kaisoo ship began its first stages of sailing around 2010-late 2011, before EXO’s debut.
Throughout all 4 years of EXO being active, both JI and KS have maintained steady and intimate interactions with one another. There were only two major periods during these 4 years of which the two seemed to be more distant around each other than usual. (There are many theories about this, research more if you’re interested.)
Simultaneously within these 4 years, the kaisoo pairing grew to become one of the longest and most popular pairings in EXO, to the point where it not only became one of EXO’s main pairings but one of the most popular pairings within the Korean idol industry as a whole.
That’s a lot of popularity, right?
I hope you are following along.
“Kaisoo” is what international fans use to refer to “KAI” and “KyungSOO” being paired.
However, in Korea, they are referred to as “KADI”
“KADI” is written as “카디 ” in hangul.
Below is a screencap from an interview for EXO’s 2nd box dvd that included both JI and KS, released in 2015:
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As you can see, they both seem to be well informed about their Korean couple name, “Kadi”.
Okay, so what does this mean? Just cuz they know the name doesnt mean they’ve seen what fans draw of them! It should be kept private!
This brings me to my next point.
Again, KADI written in hangul is 카디.
One of Korea’s most popular search engines is “NAVER. It is Korea’s equivalent to GOOGLE in the US. More than 25 million people in South Korea have used NAVER.
NAVER has also collaborated with and sponsored many EXO related things both past and present.
I searched for 카디 in NAVER, and this is what came up:
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On almost every page, there were drawings of JI and KS that were intimate and very erotic.
So, this leads me to my final point.
If we look at the timeline and how the kaisoo ship started before debut, it grew to be one of the most popular ships, they both know about their ship name and that erotic images show up when you search their name on NAVER (we could even factor in that JI has had an instagram in the past and that KS has been rumoured to have a private one)…then one could only conclude that the chance of them already having seen and possibly even read what fans have created about them is pretty high.
In short, I know a lot of you want to protect JI and KS and make sure that things like this stay private and out of their reach, but I am 99% sure that its too late for that and they have already seen these things.
I also don’t feel like protection is needed, though, and its because of this reason. If we can conclude that within 4 years they had to have been exposed to “erotic kaisoo fanart/fiction” then we can also conclude that there is a possibility that they aren’t bothered by it too much.
The reason for this once again goes back to the timeline. We know that the kaisoo pairing has been around since 2010. We also know there is a possibility they both knew about their pairing. 
 Hypothetically, lets say that I am and idol and found out that fans were looking at my interactions with another idol and creating sexual imagery out of these reactions and I don’t like it. My first reaction to limit this would be to reduce how much I interact with this person in the public eye. Less touching, less whispering, less laughing and being seen together. Whether fanservice or just normal interaction, if me being shipped with this person made me uncomfortable, the interaction with them would slow down. 
 But Kadi’s interactions with one another didn’t slow down until almost 2 years after debut, which would lead one to come to the conclusion that A.) They are not bothered by being paired with one another, and B.) The reactions slowed down for a reason other than them being uncomfortable with shipping.
I’m pretty sure they’re bothered and just feel like they can’t say anything cuz of SM!!
This is a possibility, but again not very likely. Remember not too long ago when Chanyolk put up that long post on instagram after people found out he started following a specific female idol? And we all know about how vocal Amburr has been lately about ef ex as well. KS was able to politely communicate that he no longer needs gifts from fans, so its safe to say that if shipping him with JI was an issue that would have been conveyed somehow too.
There is also so much evidence from Kaisoo themselves clearly showing how shipping doesnt seem to make them uncomfortable.
We have the sticker set that JI used on his phone. This sticker set was made by and given to him by a fansite:
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In this sticker set there were drawings of JI by himself, JI with animals and KS drawings, but not any other member/idol. This also shows that, once again, kaisoo had been shipped by the public for a long time, giving them the likely hood of knowing about it. 
There are  also lots of videos in which you can see both JI and KS smiling at banners of which their ship name had appeared:
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And then there is the eery coincidence of JI mentioning that one of his favorite songs was “Montreal” by the weekend, 4 years after it was used in a FMV for a kaisoo fanfic called “Arbitrage”:
Has he read the actual fic? Most likely not. But its possible he may have seen seen the FMV which included clips of him with KS as well.
I want to reiterate agian that this post is not to say that its okay to post sexual works of idol pairings in places that they will see it. Of course it should stay among shippers only. What Im saying is that on a website like tumblr, an idol from south Korea is not likely to see what shippers post and even still, because there are shippers who share things externally and search engines exist…there is the possibility that an idol has already seen what you’re trying to keep from them.
Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, shipping is and always has been apart of the kpop industry. We know it, the companies know it and idols know it too.
With the internet being such an open way of communicating and sharing things for so many people, its only a matter of time before some nsfw shipping art is leaked on a platform that makes it more accessible to idols. But this is not something that you can blame shipping itself(especially when it is encouraged) or the MAJORITY of shippers for. The majority of us are not sending our NSFW kaisoo art and fics directly to KS and JI themselves. It was even Kaisoo shippers themselves who used our voices to stop the film adaptation of Anterograde Tomorrow in an effort to protect Kaisoo. The majority of us are just talking among ourselves on exclusive and private platforms and sharing our imagination in the form of art.
Every now and then someone may leak things that should have been kept private. But that is an issue for THOSE shippers, not shippers and shipping as a whole. There are good and not so good people in all fandoms, and there is nothing wrong with artistic expression among fans.
So in short, to answer your question…I (clearly) wonder sometimes if Kaisoo has seen what things shippers post about them all the time. I do acknowledge the possibility that they also may have seen these works. I do wonder how it makes them feel, but I also know that they are adults and if they do feel uncomfortable or if they feel its disrespectful they will tell us/show us in their own way and we don’t have to worry about protecting them from things like this. :)
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thedogcouch · 7 years
Watch Dogs 2 review
Game Information SystemPS4, Xbox One, Get WriterUbisoft CreatorUbisoft Montreal Releasedate2016-11-15 Cost at StartD/A
Most importantly otherwise, Watchdogs 2 is just a sport about being youthful, furious in the program and sure that do you know whatis greatest for that globe.
On just how much you are able to relate solely to that situation, just how much you prefer it might depend.
As within the first sport, Watchdogs 2 spots you within the part of an undercover vigilante, a hacker harming safety defects in telephones and personal computers in a mission to reveal corporate problem. And such as the first sport, Watchdogs 2 collides headfirst using the same ethical problems confronted by hackers in-real-life: in the event you manipulate a damaged program simply because you are able to? Who’s it ok for you really to pursue? How far is much?
Unlike its precursor, nevertheless, Watchdogs 2 ditches the deadly importance, even while it challenges having a few large problems. The irritable vengeance story of the very first sport hasbeen changed in cheek firmly having a tongue, skewering the technology business and also Valley most importantly. This tone that is fresh feels as though a far more organic match to both tradition and also the open world style, also it results in a sequel that is clearly a much more enjoyment — even when it gives a few of the defects of the unique sport.
Marcus is just a more down-to-planet, definitely more pleasant major personality
Following a occasions of the very first — where a criminal hacker totally required along a personal protection system grounded within the structure of Detroit — technology organization Blume reconstructed its omniscient computer program, ctOS, and distribute it to towns over the Usa. Watchdogs 2 is placed within the Bay Region in Florida, wherever an Oakland-centered hacker called Marcus Holloway ties up using the blackhat combined DedSec to once more face-off against ctOS and Blume.
Where Watchdogs protagonist Aiden Pearce was a gruff, lone-wolf vigilante out for vengeance, Marcus is just a more down-to-planet, definitely more pleasant main figure. He and his pals that are DedSec are — eliminate me — millennials that are they ‘ve got design, they create enjoyment of every additional.
They invest lots of period equivocating about whether or not theyare hipsters.
Watchdogs 2 isn’t a sport. Marcus reaches least in continuous conversation together while he is no longer working alongside his teammates straight. Entire hours of the overall game receive to creating these figures out, to the stage where I did sonot actually recognize I started to truly enjoy them. Figures like Sitara, a DJ who offers the graphic-design sensibilities of DedSec, grew me as normally of friends like a real life number. Face-mask, I actually discovered to adore Wrench -worthy, loud mouthed basketball of power who wears a Silly Punk-impressed that flashes emoticons through its glasses.
The goals you handle in Watchdogs 2 are about as diverse and wacky whilst the throw of figures. From infiltrating an in-sport Google clone’s pretentious university to hiking your tag to be left by the Goldengate Link about the town, side-missions and primary missions period through set-piece occasions in a speed that is breathless. You are seldom requested to review a place and small space is left by the sport for duplication in its strategy.
Significantly, Watchdogs 2 draws back only a teensy bit in the “load the chart with symbols” method of openworld gameplay that’s arrived at determine writer Ubisoftis steady of openworld games. There is still lots to complete lots of methods you are able to shed oneself discovering the planet all night, within the sport. However it what is there mostly entails operating the right path through skillfully created areas that sense less universal than almost anything within the first sport, and is never frustrating.
Alongside its clean method of globe and objective style, Watchdogs 2 additionally starts its planet up instantly. Irrespective of two or one little updates which you’ll uncover briefly in to the sport, you may generate anyplace about the chart and access something in the start. From Sausalito to Oakland Mateo, you are able to go-anywhere within the Bay Region immediately, and should you feel like playing around each area is saturated in unlockables and identifiable attractions to discover. As somebody whois existed in Bay Area for five decades, I got lots of pleasure in tracking accustomed websites down. Watchdogs 2is digital edition of the town is reduced, without doubt, however it definitely catches the taste of the location I really like.
Marcus’ toolset interact and to discover with that globe has developed mainly, and from Aidenis for that greater. The tool inside your combat ctOS is the telephone, that allows one to crack into something attached to the structure in the town — that will be to express, almost anything. Want to get? Crack a technology cell that is regional, contain it create a sound that attracts the shieldis interest, till they distribute after which make the guard. Require a diversion that is larger? Make use of the computer gear of a regional vehicle . Through anyone experience, you are able to discover a large number of paths with a few digging, whenever a wise technique comes and it is excessively gratifying.
Beyond these accustomed hacking resources, Marcus has two unique improvements within a quadcopter to get a bird’s-eye view along with the type of drones: an vehicle for floor pursuit. Coughing the right path through tasks in Watchdogs usually thought just like a problem; the drones permit Watchdogs 2 to accept this notion much more, placing you in circumstances where battle abilities are totally eliminated and also the only method through is cautious navigation and adjustment of issues within the atmosphere together with your drones. They truly are excellent resources that drive to achievement for actually wiser degree style with increased pathways.
Watchdogs 2 additionally becomes a far more literal problem in a commonly used coughing mini game. To manage machines that are more complex, tracks must be connected by Marcus to one another, flipping around “bones” to make sure that the ability moves within the path that is correct. These are simple but function between your tenser sneaking of the primary sport like a good change of speed. The overall game periodically attempts to then add trouble by producing these mini games timed, but they never really questioned me.
What I did so discover difficult — and never for that correct factors — was Watchdogs 2is firing. As the game centers around going stealthily through places and coughing, Marcus may also bring lots of effective weaponry by 3D publishing numerous weapons (among the more laughable items of the overall gameis undertake today’s technology, although it will occur in-real-life to some restricted degree). Outside two or of one factors, I had been never pressured to make use of weapons. Nevertheless, as issues improvement, I had been positioned into progressively difficult circumstances where the overall game prodded me begin firing and to provide in. “You Are within an adversary compound’s center, encased by a large number of pads,” it appeared to state. “Would Not it’s more straightforward to simply break the weapons? out “
In a game title saturated in intelligent turns on open world and stealth gameplay, weapons in Watchdogs 2 really are a total disappointment of creativity. The address-centered firing functions fine it’s really a dull utilization of period in a global with a lot of more fascinating methods to communicate. Additionally, it seems totally at-odds using the tone of the number of hackers of this sport. Once a disease is being uploaded by the team to fake installing or a well known social-network documents to reveal a politician, they run into like there of would-be a pleasant group Hoods. Once theyare firing along a large number of FBI agents police and universal team members it becomes only a little tougher to obtain behind the trigger, sotospeak. The cutscenes more often than not paint DedSec being an Unknown-esque number of tranquil hacktivists, which suggests the question are weapons at all, beyond the stun-gun that the overall game is started by you with?
That isn’t the only real location where Watchdogs 2is tone falters. Most of the tasks Marcus assumes are far more difficult compared to sport cares to notice. Right into an adolescent womanis webcam to frighten her, you crack in one single, to “train her a training” that himself should n’t be streamed by her online.
DedSecis major, target-accusing thinking: Operating your cam is vulnerable, and she might be stalked by somebody.
In another unpleasant number of side-missions, you get almost all their cash removed and an arrest warrant or crack ATMs and choose whether each arbitrary civilian attempting to make use of the ATM warrants to get a lot of cash. These options are made by you centered off some moments of conversation and small thoughts of info.
Watchdogs 2 gives some lip-service towards the indisputable fact that these hackers should find it difficult to prevent getting the things they dislike. By utilizing all-powerful application that is to control the planet, might they be poor whilst the companies they truly are battling against? However in the finish, lips support is all it’s. Again and again, DedSec holds the part of judge, court and (whenever you choose weapons) executioner, with small actual self awareness.
In a strictly comedic tale — plus one with less focus on killing people — this may function, but each time Watchdogs 2 attempted to become more severe, I acquired cut from the sportis foolish alternative reality.
from Welcome to the Dog couch http://www.thedogcouch.com/watch-dogs-2-review/
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bintaeran · 7 years
Friday Q&A: Questions for Shelly Prosko about Yoga for Chronic Pain
Friday Q&A: Questions for Shelly Prosko about Yoga for Chronic Pain Nina Zolotow
Wisteria Buds by Melina Meza
“You don’t have to be afraid of pain. If it’s going to be there, you can let it be there—but don’t let the mind be in pain with it.” —Upasika Kee Nanayon, from Tricycle Magazine’s Daily Dharma At the recent MISTY yoga therapy conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, physiotherapist and YFHA contributor Shelly Prosko and I talked about yoga and chronic pain, which she has been teaching for some time with Neil Pearson, who is also a physiotherapist. I was so happy to get to pick Shelly’s brain on this topic, which I get so many questions about from our YFHA readers! So today it’s me asking the questions and Shelly answering them. —Baxter Baxter: Can you start by talking about the problem of chronic or persistent pain—how you define it? Shelly: To put it simply, chronic pain or persistent pain (we use the terms interchangeably) is different than acute pain in that it lasts longer than three to six months or longer than one would expect for normal tissue healing to last. Persistent pain can be a symptom of an underlying condition or it can be a diagnosis on its own. And many other symptoms can accompany persistent pain that may contribute to the overall pain experience, such as fatigue, sleeplessness, altered breathing pattern, protective postures, and guarded movement. There are also psychosocial and emotional issues that can be associated with persistent pain, such as anxiety, depression, feelings of social isolation, loneliness, hopelessness, as well as cognitive changes, such as reduced memory and learning ability, and altered thought patterns, such as pain “catastrophization” and rumination. Persistent pain is a serious and widespread health concern that affects approximately 1.5 billion people worldwide. According to the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies, at least 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, which is more than from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer combined. But because persistent pain is a very complex phenomenon involving all aspects of your existence, people who suffer from it need to be treated, managed, and guided in a way that supports a holistic approach. Unfortunately, this type of treatment is not often provided, and the result is staggering rates of disability, depression, prescription painkiller drug abuse and overdose, suicide, and inability to successfully control or manage pain. There are many possible reasons why this epidemic is poorly managed—which I won’t go into here—but whatever the reason(s), I believe there is hope! I’m convinced we can significantly improve the care and support of those with persistent pain with ongoing education about pain and pain management strategies that includes enthusiastic participation of the person who is suffering.  Baxter: Can you tell with our readers a bit about the new information you shared with me earlier regarding the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations for healthcare providers in US regarding the use of narcotic meds and the gap you see that is creating so many problems for those suffering with chronic pain?  Shelly: On March 15, 2016, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released guidelines for healthcare providers who prescribe painkillers (narcotics/opioids) for patients with persistent pain. These guidelines were a response to the rising rates of opioid abuse and overdose and a parallel increase in opioid prescriptions. They were also a response to solid evidence that showed opioids are not very effective in alleviating persistent pain or helping people improve function (and in some cases, long-term opioid use even appears to be correlated with hyperalgesia, or increased pain sensitivity). The CDC states that these guidelines are intended to: “ensure that clinicians and patients consider safer and more effective treatment, improve patient outcomes such as reduced pain and improved function, and reduce the number of persons who develop opioid use disorder, overdose, or experience other adverse events related to these drugs.” Although these guidelines were established with the best of intentions, there has been some backlash and gaps in treatment guidelines have surfaced. One year after the guidelines were released, a follow-up survey was conducted by the Pain News Network and the International Pain Foundation. The survey was divided into sections for healthcare providers and people in pain. The results were disheartening, to say the least. They showed that both healthcare providers and people in pain believed that the guidelines have resulted in more harm than good. And a whopping 90% agreed that the guidelines have not improved the management of pain. The Pain News Network reports that the guidelines have failed, saying there was: “a failure to stop abuse and overdoses, hoarding behaviors by well-intentioned patients, increased use of illegal drugs and, worst of all, suicides increase.” (In Canada, there are similar opioid prescription guidelines that organizations such as Pain BC have responded to by their outlining valid concerns in a formal document.) So there now appears to be a huge gap in education, guidance, and training for healthcare providers on what to do either in lieu of prescribing or in conjunction with changing opioid prescriptions. We can't just implement the new guidelines without providing other evidence-based, safe, and effective options that are accessible and feasible to deliver. In my opinion, this is a crisis! There is so much work to be done. The good news is that there are many people and organizations out there doing phenomenal work to help improve overall pain management that uses an evidence-based, holistic approach and empowers the person in pain to be involved in a successful way. Baxter: What you just said—that chronic pain is quite complex and that the use of narcotic/opiod medicines is not proving very effective in treatment—is so important because it opens the door to using yoga to address the whole person as well as the underlying causes of a person’s ongoing pain. You yourself are part of a training program that teaches people how to more effectively address pain using yoga tools. Can you give us a brief overview on how that looks and some of the key tenants of your approach?  Shelly: Yes, I have the privilege of learning from and training and teaching with Neil Pearson, the founder and creator of Life is Now Pain Care. The Pain Care Yoga (PCY) training program is for yoga teachers/therapists, healthcare professionals or any movement or bodywork practitioners who work with people suffering from persistent pain. It also includes courses and resources for people in pain. The Pain are Yoga program is an educational and practical program that enhances the ability of people to manage pain, move with more ease, and live well again by integrating pain science education, yoga philosophy and techniques, and the lived experience of pain. It allows people in pain to access a variety of self-care practices that provide a more self-empowered approach to pain care, in addition to their current medical care. The self-care practices include breath and body awareness practices, self-regulation practices, movement guidelines to follow when moving during pain, and unique daily planning strategies that have been shown to be successful with people in pain. A good description of how a program like this can help someone suffering from persistent pain is this testimonial from a patient of mine: “What helped me the most was learning how to breathe and paying attention to it more often. I realized I was almost always holding my breath when I moved because I thought that would actually protect me, but it didn't, it actually made my pain worse. The other thing that really helped me was to trust myself and my spine and know that my body wasn't going to break. Yoga helps me practice letting go and move more freely and I can feel that immediately helps my pain. It's amazing how much more in tune I am with my body. Now I am more aware and know when I'm tense, and I can change it and then my pain changes. Shelly (yoga) has taught me how I can help myself, and not just rely on others to fix my pain. The pain doesn't control me anymore. I feel like I'm more myself again. It feels really good, and hopeful."    Baxter: Can you tell us about one practical yoga tool or technique for addressing persistent or chronic pain?     Shelly: If we want to take advantage of the capacity of our nervous system to change pain, we first need to practice awareness! And research suggests that mindfulness methods that focus on awareness of subtle non-pain sensations show a reduction in persistent pain. A breath awareness practice means paying attention to a variety of characteristics of the breath, without trying to change anything, and without getting caught up in elaborative stories or thoughts. In other words, simply notice the breath. The technique includes paying attention to the rate, pace, depth, sound, length of inhale and exhale, temperature of the breath, how the breath moves in the body, or other qualities like if the breath feels rigid or smooth or if you feel like you are breathing more through one side of the nostril than the other. The next step is to then learn a breath regulation practice (pranayama). Neil Pearson has an example of a guided breath regulation and awareness practice here.    Baxter: You and Neil do workshops and trainings in many locations. Where can our readers find out about opportunities to study and learn with you?  Shelly: Readers can find Neil’s schedule and calendar of events at www.lifeisnow.ca and can follow Life is Now Pain Care on Facebook and Twitter. My schedule and calendar of events is at www.physioyoga.ca. You can also follow me at Prosko PhysioYoga Therapy on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date with what I am offering. For people who cannot travel to study with us, we have a short introductory online webinar accessible through Yoga U Online: Yoga, Neuroplasticity and Pain: New Hope for Self Empowerment and Healing. And Neil has a phenomenal online Pain Care for Life curriculum with the first 5 steps for free, as well as many other resources on his site. We also have Overcome Pain with Gentle Yoga video practices as a complement to (not to replace) one’s pain care program. They are available for download on vimeo or order as DVD. The four-minute trailerhttps://vimeo.com/ondemand/overcomepaingentleyoga2 outlines the seven practices of different themes. And I have a series of Creating Pelvic Floor Health PhysioYoga videos that can be useful for people suffering from chronic pelvic pain (as a complement to their existing treatment). Thank you, Baxter, for this opportunity to share all this. There are others out there doing very valuable work to help people in pain improve pain management, movement, function and quality of life. Together I believe we can all make a difference!   
Shelly Prosko, PT, PYT, CPI. As a Physical Therapist and Yoga Therapist, Shelly is dedicated to bridging the gap between yoga and modern healthcare philosophies, and believes this integration is highly effective in creating and sustaining optimal health. She received her Physical Therapy degree at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, her Medical Therapeutic Yoga training at Professional Yoga Therapy Institute, Yoga Teacher Training at Blissology, and Pain Care Yoga (PCY) Certification at Life is Now. Shelly has been integrating yoga into her physical therapy treatments since 1998, addressing a wide variety of conditions including persistent pain. Currently, she travels globally offering specialty PhysioYoga and Life is Now PCY courses, lecturing at medical college programs, instructing at numerous therapeutic yoga programs, and presenting at international conferences. She is dedicated to actively promoting the integration of yoga into healthcare by inspiring, empowering, and educating health professionals, yoga practitioners, students, and people in pain about ways yoga can be used safely and effectively to address a variety of health issues and improve quality of life. Please visit www.physioyoga.ca for more information.  Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Connect Friday Q&A: Questions for Shelly Prosko about Yoga for Chronic Pain http://ift.tt/2nmU3wS themostdangerous1 http://ift.tt/2nrIEwm via IFTTT
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