#i might just do monthly commissions through kofi
vulcannic · 2 years
i think i might have to shut down my kofi memberships :/ with my mental health lately i just haven’t been able to provide as much content as i’d like and i don’t want to disappoint people. like i know the monthly sketch requests in themselves are worth more than $5 a month but i just can’t help but feel like i’m still not doing enough
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes (2/5 - An “Adventures In Unexpected Places” Story)
Another old chapter of @fadeddreaming‘s crossover story! This part isn’t as long, I swear...
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes - After being sent to the worst school in the whole of England, Amy meets up with the man whose fault it is that she’s there, and things go vastly more differently than anyone expected.
The months rolled by. They had arrived in October, and helped participate in their very own Devil’s Night against the local town (most of the town occupants had sensibly left the town unoccupied) two weeks after arriving. Then they had the most unusual fall festival ever, but one that was much preferable to being in Leadworth and having to participate in the treacly pageant the town put on.
Christmas was a bit of a problem: Mel’s parents decided they wanted Mels home, but Aunt Sharon made no move to invite Amy back. But the Doctor had the fix for that, and she spent Christmas Eve on the TARDIS, waking up Christmas Day and unwrapping gifts from all over the galaxy, while the Doctor took to the fez she had picked out on Camilla’s advice like a duck takes to water. He’d also enjoyed the blue bow tie she’d picked out, and Amy swore for the next major gift-giving holiday to give him a green one. When the New Year dawned a week later, Amy and the Doctor were setting off fireworks from the roof of St. Trinian’s, along with Camilla and the other students who hadn’t left the property, for one reason or another.
By the time Valentine’s Day got close, Amy was completely at home in her new school. Yes, the lessons were spotty, and she spent more time being a hooligan then her aunt had probably intended, but she was getting a good education from the Doctor, who was taking her to any point in history she wanted to go on their monthly visits, and was teaching her science and English through the most inventive way possible. Her visit to Shakespeare had been her favorite; and she had gotten to see a rousing performance of “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” in full period clothing.
Mels came when she wanted, but Mels fit in with their classmates more, and after almost getting sucked into a black hole on the first visit she wasn’t as enthused for the trips as her friend was. Mels had made a friend in Kelly Jones, who was learning to be more and more like Mels. It was unusual to see Mels with a friend other than her, and saddening, in a way. But the Doctor more than made up for it.
“What do you want to do this month?” he asked when he picked her up in February for their scheduled visit.
“I want to have a boyfriend,” she said. “There’s supposed to be a boy in Leadworth who likes me. Rory Williams.”
“Oh, he loves you all right,” the Doctor said quietly.
“What?” she asked.
“Nothing, nothing,” he said. While he had taken her to the future, he didn’t take her to her future, and he knew bits and pieces of it. Rory played a prominent part, he remembered that much. “Would you like to visit him?”
“Yes,” she said with a grin, and he piloted the controls to take them to Leadworth. “What day is it?”
“Still February 1st,” he replied, opening the door to the TARDIS. “He should be coming right up the lane…now.”
“Oi! Rory!” Amy stuck her head out of the TARDIS and yelled at her old friend.
“Amy!” he called back, running up to the box. He stuck his head in, his eyes wide, and then saw the Doctor. “He’s real? It’s all real?”
“Of course it’s all real,” she said, rolling her eyes. She grabbed his arm and pulled him in, and then shut the door behind him. “Don’t worry, he’ll bring you right back.”
“My mum saw one of your letters and said you were still crazy little Amelia,” he said, going up to the console in wonder. “If she only knew.”
“Yeah, well, she can’t,” Amy said. “Anyway, Rory, this is the Doctor. Doctor, this is Rory Williams.”
“How do you do?” the Doctor said, extending his hand to the young man.
“Good,” Rory said, shaking it. “You?”
“Very good,” he replied. “So, does our intrepid new friend get to pick where we go?”
“Of course not,” Amy said. “You already know where you want to take us, don’t you?”
“Ooh, sometimes you’re too clever,’ he replied, ruffling Amy’s hair. She ducked away and fixed it, getting close to Rory. Then she noticed how close she was and took a large step to the side. “I was thinking…Venice.”
“What’s so interesting about Venice?” Amy asked, making a face.
“Gondolas!” the Doctor replied. The two teenagers looked at him, blank faced. “All right then. 1940s is out, your own personal future is out…ancient Rome? Stonehenge? London 2012 Olympic—oh, wait, I’ve already been there, shouldn’t cross my own timeline. Beijing Olympics in 2010? Does any of that sound at all interesting?”
“You know, I’d like to have a picnic somewhere exotic,” Amy said. “Can we do a picnic?”
“Yeah. I didn’t eat lunch today,” Rory said.
“Picnic, right then. I can go whip something up. How about…Atrellion 5? They have a breathable atmosphere, and the sky is rainbow hued, and there are all sorts of nifty ruins to explore.”
“That sounds good,” Rory said, looking at Amy.
“Sounds good to me,” Amy said with a nod.
“I’ll go get the food,” he said as he threw down controls. “Unless you’d like to raid the pantry, Amelia, since you know where everything is.”
“What kind of food do you have?” Rory asked.
“He’s got all sorts. Even American food,” she said, walking towards the kitchen, with Rory following. “He’s got these chocolate chip cookies that are to die for. Pepperidge Farm?” The two adolescents disappeared out of the console room, and he pulled up the data he had from their future and frowned. Today was supposed to be their first date. But how…oh. He had to come up with a reason to be scarce. This would not be a good thing to mess up. He landed the TARDIS and waited patiently for them to come back.
“And you can see dinosaurs, though they’re really boring and they smell bad,” Amy was saying as they came back.
“Well, I need to drop you two off for an hour or so. Got a message from my friend River. Terrible emergency, needed right away.” He opened the door and practically shoved them outside. “Don’t stray far, I’ll be back in two hours, three at most.” He shut the door behind them and dematerialized, rematerializing about 100 yards away under silence. He wasn’t so irresponsible he’d leave the two of them on the planet alone. He turned on the monitor and focused in on them.
“That was rude,” Amy said, glaring at where the TARDIS had been. “And it’s supposed to be my day with him, too.”
“Then why’d you come get me?” Rory asked, hefting the heavy picnic blanket.
“Cause I missed you,” she said quietly. “Mels and I see each other almost every day, and I didn’t come back for Christmas, and I…missed you,” she said, ending it with a shrug. She switched arms to hold the blanket and punched him in the shoulder awkwardly. “Let’s go find a place to eat, okay?”
They trudged off about ten feet until they found the ruins of a fort. Amy laid down the blanket in one corner of the ruins, then settled on it as Rory set down the basket. “Nice view,” he said when he sat down.
“Yeah,” she said. She reached into the basket the same time that he did, and their hands brushed. She pulled hers back really fast. “Could you get me one of my sandwiches?”
“Sure,” he said, pulling one out. “This place is really cool.”
“Yeah, it is,” she said, taking a bite of her sandwich. “So, what happened since the last time we talked?”
“Not much. Marcy has a boyfriend now, and Greg got sent to the headmaster’s office for assault. And Jennifer asked me out, but I said no.”
“Oh,” she said quietly.
“What about you?”
“Oh, not much. Mels has gotten it in her head that we can become criminal masterminds, so she recruited this guy in one of the other villages to help us out.”
“Sounds like Mels,” Rory said with a slight chuckle.
“And I hang out with the Doctor once a month. He won’t take me on as a companion until after I graduate, so I get a few hours once a month until then.”
“Sounds like your life is better than mine,” he said glumly. “Mine’s so boring since you left.”
“I’m sorry. Maybe I can bring you on my trips with the Doctor?” she suggested.
“Really?” he said.
“Yeah,” she replied. “Mels almost got sucked down a black hole so she doesn’t like them as much anymore, unless we go to the past, then she wants to come. And I like him, but I get a little lonely sometimes.”
“I’d love to go with you. Wherever or whenever you go,” Rory said earnestly.
“Kind of like my…boyfriend?” she suggested, blushing slightly.
“Are you asking me out?” he asked, also turning a slight shade of pink.
“Yeah? Yeah. Yeah, I’m asking you out.”
“Okay. Yeah. I’ll be your boyfriend.”
“Really?” she asked, surprised.
“Why do you think I said no to Jennifer? I don’t like her like I like you.”
“That’s sweet,” Amy said with a smile. “You were my first choice when I decided I wanted to have a boyfriend. Mels said you might like me, so I figured it would be good to at least see. And you do, so it’s good.”
“Do I have to…kiss…you?” he asked.
“Well, that’s what boyfriends do,” she said.
“Oh. Okay.”
“But not now, because we’re eating. Afterwards you can kiss me. I mean, you can kiss me good-bye. I mean, good-night.”
“Oh. Okay.” He ate more of his sandwich, and she ate hers, and they stayed relatively quiet. When he was done he reached in for a soda, and handed her one. “Do I get to put my arm around your shoulders?”
“Not today. Next time…maybe.” She took a big drink of soda. “So, what do you want to do when the Doctor comes back?”
Whatever he had planned to say was drowned out by a roar. Both of them froze, and then Rory slowly set down his soda and looked around, picking up a rock about the size of his palm. He stood in front of Amy and the food, ready to protect her. Amy, thinking just as fast, stood up and grabbed a stick from inside the ruins and stood by his side. “I’m protecting you!” he said.
“Well, then take the stick and give me the rock!” she said as the roar sounded again.
He started to say something else when the TARDIS materialized in front of them. “Quick in, in, before the Yerdhel cub’s mother finds him,” the Doctor said from the open doorway. Rory grabbed the basket and Amy grabbed the blanket and they bolted into the control room. “Forgot about the wildlife here,” he said sheepishly.
“I thought you were busy,” Amy said, narrowing her eyes at him.
“I finished my business but you two seemed chummy so I didn’t want to intrude.”
“Make sense,” Rory said, setting the basket down on the floor.
“So you say,” Amy said, a little suspiciously. Then she sighed. “Well, now what?”
“How about we go watch a race?”
“A race?” Amy said, putting her hands on her hips.
“In space. There’s a community in America that does an annual race to the moon, or to Mars, can’t quite remember. We can watch them in space.”
“That could be interesting,” Rory said.
“Sure, why not?” Amy said with a shrug.
“Excellent. I’ll take you to the race in 2010. That one was spectacular.” He went to the console, then paused. “Rory, you take the doohickey. Amy, you take the wibbly lever.” The teens went where he pointed. “Ready, then?”
“Ready,” they chorused. “Then let’s go!” They did what they were supposed to do, and then the Doctor opened the door. “Right they should be coming by us any moment.”
“Uh, Doctor?” Rory said from next to him. “I think that one in front is coming straight at us.”
“Right you are,” he replied, then he raced back to the controls. He fiddled with a lever, and while the door was open they moved to the side, out of the rocket’s path. “Better?”
“Better,” Rory said, his eyes glued on the rockets. Amy watched for a moment, then came back to the console.
“Aren’t you going to watch the rockets?” the Doctor asked as he headed back towards Rory.
“No,” she said. “It’s boring.”
“One of them is doing something fishy,” Rory said, looking back.
“2010…oh, bugger,” the Doctor murmured. “Rory shut the door. Amy, to the wibbly lever again.” He flipped controls “Now, Amy.” Amy turned the wibbly lever and the whole TARDIS lurched. “Forgot what happened in 2010,” he said sheepishly.
“Can we just go home?” Amy said.
“Home?” Rory said. “But…we didn’t get to do much.”
“Yeah, but at home I can talk to you without worrying about being eaten or blown to bits,” she said.
“Ah,” the Doctor replied. “Tell you what. Why don’t you show him around? I’ll just go to my study and…do stuff. Study. Something or other. You two can talk to your hearts content.”
“Okay,” Amy said. “Mind if we spend some time in the pool?”
“Sure, all right.” Then he paused. “But no monkey business. Don’t need either of you drowning…or worse.”
“Got it,” she said. She grabbed Rory’s hand and pulled him along. “Come on, Rory.”
The Doctor watched them walk away, amused grin on his face, as he went to his own room. He puttered around for two hours before checking up on them, finding them out of the pool and in the library, all dried off and looking at the things in there. “Not as bored.”
“There’s so much fascinating stuff,” Amy said. “I’m glad the swimming pool isn’t in here anymore.”
“I rather am too,” the Doctor replied. He then nodded to Amy. “We should probably go soon.”
“Oh, right.” She grinned at Rory. “Next month, we’ll do something you want.”
She leaned over and quickly kissed his cheek. “Promise.”
They all headed back to the control room, and the Doctor landed Rory right where they’d picked him up. Amy walked outside with him, and when she came back in five minutes later the Doctor could have sworn it looked like she was floating. “Well?”
“He’s going to try and come visit on Valentine’s Day,” she said, a dreamy smile on her face.
“At your school?”
“Yeah,” she said.
“Won’t your classmates tear him to shreds?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
The dreamy look on her face disappeared. “Oh, damn.”
“Leave it up to me,” he said gently. “I’ll make sure you get to see your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day.”
“Thank you,” she said, relieved. “So…home now?”
“Home it is,” he replied, fiddling with the knobs and levers before landing on the roof of St. Trinian’s. “Oh, by the way…tell Mels that unless the man she’s talking to is Fast Harry, it’ll all fall apart around her ears.”
“Right.” She was almost to the door, then paused. “How did you know?”
“I looked into the future,” he said, mentally slapping himself for not catching it earlier. “It wasn’t like I was spying or anything.”
“Right,” she said, an amused grin on her face. “Well, see you on Valentine’s Day, Doctor.”
“See you then,” he replied as she left and shut the door behind her. He went back to the console and checked the record, and was pleased to find everything the same. And, most of all, he was happy for Amy and Rory. He knew there were some hard times coming, and she would be grateful for his support.
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muddyrainstone · 6 years
Care to Lend a Helping Hand? (Emergency Donation/Commission Post)
Hello there!
Kind of reposting information from my dA Journal on this, thus I'll give the same TL;DR for this whole thing: this is a donation journal to help make ends meet due to an upcoming bill and other priorities as well as stretch goals below what's prioritized. I suggest reading down lower in the journal to get the full gist, but if you don't want to read it fully, it'd be greatly appreciated for you to spread the word in case others might want to help out. Thank you!
So, Money has been a little tight in my family lately, due to a lot of circumstances that would be too long to explain properly, but in short--I'm kind of coming up short on cash at an inopportune time, as I have a bill I need to have paid by June 30th this year, one that raised the total amount due recently. I did get a job, but since I'm still new at it and it'll take me a while to work up to a good amount due to how the job works, and it's kind of hard for me to find a second one that as easily accessible as the one I have now, due to different reasons:
I live in an area where it is a two hour walk back and forth from the nearest Gas Station and Hours more from a Grocery Store. I cannot drive and currently, I have no money to afford a Cab, so for the most part, I have to walk, in the summer heat and humidity of Florida. It takes me a total of four hours just to walk to the gas station, then back home. And while I have sent an application back to many places including said Gas Station, I have not received any response back in over two months. My current job, at the very least, has the accessibility for me to work at home.
My Family is out of Town. Since we're really having issues paying off the house we all live in at the moment, my father is looking for a job and currently trying to apply to a position in California that pays really well. As such, to attend the interview, both of my parents have went out of town, leaving me in charge of the dogs and with visiting relatives that also cannot drive, thus limiting my range of mobility in terms of job searching for a while, at least for places that are reasonably acceptable and easy to reach.
So what do I need help with and need money for?
Well, let me list off the necessities that are my top priorities:
For the Bill that's due on June 30th: currently, I'm trying to still work out an issue with the charge due, but depending on how I work it out, I need to have $60 to 120$ USD in my account in order to pay the charge that will be taken out of my account in order to pay said bill. They raised the price from normal means, and with Certain Billing issues, that is the range I'm looking at.
Monthly Bank Fee: my Bank account tends to charge $6.00 USD for holding any amount of money that is below $100 a month, normally around the 20th each month for me. This can get really annoying especially when money is tight, but the only way the fee stops is if I have at least $100 saved up in it (it may also not withdraw a fee if stay above at least $50, but I'm certain the requirements to not have the fee is at least 100)
Internet Bill: this apparently counts as my rent fee, as constituted by my parents--last time I had to cover this bill, it was $105 USD, and it's part of why I began running into money issues because they sprung this on me with no real forwarning.
Groceries: because I like to at least pay for my own food and necessities as well as pitch a hand in any grocery shopping. The grocery bill usually ranges to a total of $50 and higher. This does include necessities like personal hygiene items that I need to restock on.
And here, if anyone cares to help with these too, are personal stretch goals I'd like to meet, but don't have top priority:
Kingdom Hearts III: everyone who knows me, knows I'm looking forward to this game. In fact, it's on my Bucket List to play it. It's also coming out soon this year. Once bills and things are out out the way, it'll be my second priority next to Grocery Money. Currently, the price range i'm looking at just for the regular edition is $50-60 USD. The price for a Limited Edition may be higher, but I am going to aim for just the regular version to order/buy.
A Ticket to Incredibles 2: I'd like to catch this movie on my own soon. That, however, comes with a fair amount of fees overall: $11.33-$12.00 for the ticket, $17.00-$20.00 for a cab to the movie theatre and back (meaning I'm charged two times, pay once i'm there and pay once i'm home), and $22.00 dollars for conessions (popcorn, a drink and a box/bag of candy)
For things that catch my fancy: I'll normally stockpile whatever is left for more important things, but sometimes I won't mind picking something up if I can afford it--usually CDs, books, sweets and other things.
So, now you know the list, you want to help out, the question is how? Well, you can help me out via these methods:
Buy me Drinks: I have a Kofi account that I use to gain extra money, and even offer special rewards and certain exclusives for certain amounts and goals met (and amount of drinks bought). If you choose to give money this way, I can not only provide rewards, but can also work on things I love to do alongside with my current job comfortably and still pool in a steady income!
Paypal.me: if donating/paying through coffee isn't your thing, you can pay me through paypal. I recommend utilizing this if you're willing to just donate and help out, as well as for the best option in regards to the next two options below.
Commissions: now, I know I'm not popular enough to warrant any real payment for my commission work, and I haven't done much with the category since early 2012, but these are always open for me to do, just note me about inquiries and we can talk about it and settle on things.
Possible Item Sale: now, I've always ran into something when it came to ordering items in the past--sometimes I'd end up with duplicates I did not order for. I'm willing to put some of these items on sale, though I'd have to admit, shipping and packaging cost will come extra with the price, otherwise I'd have to pay out of my own pocket just to get it to you.
Spread the word: if you can't help by paying at all, the least you could do is spread the word about this situation through any means you can.
Now, I'm not sure anyone would want to help me out, and all i'd like to do is cover the bill and stay out of the red by not being left with just seven dollars in my account,  but if I could at least make 15 to 20 dollars each week, I can have the bill paid and get through it by the skin of my teeth, as well as continue on what I like to do alongside with the work required in my job. If people could at least contribute
3 to 5 dollars a day, that'll help loads! Even if it's one dollar, It'll all help. I thank you greatly for your help in advance.
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joananevesart · 6 years
I want to be an illustrator and I'd like to ask you if your income comes just from illustration or if you have like a part time job on the side? And in what way do you make money? I know about stickers, prints and keychains but i don't know where to really start. Also if you're comfortable with it I'd like to know how much you make in a month? Just a very rough estimate would be enough for me tbh If that's too much for an ask could i message you? so yeah I hope I don't sound too creepy sorry~
Hello! No worries, those are all valid questions! I work full-time as an illustrator for a company that I can't reveal atm because I am in the process of transferring from one company to the other. But my professional work as an illustrator at this company is completely different from what you see here or on my website. I mainly make vectorial illustration for games and videos about programming for kids. It is really different from my personal work.
With that being said, I would say that if you want to make money with your own art, these are some of the ways I know of:- commercial work;- private commissions;- merchandise (prints, stickers, pins, patches, apparel, etc);- patronage (on websites such as patreon, drip, etc)- donations (kofi, etc)
ABOUT COMMERCIAL WORK/PRIVATE COMMISSIONSThis is pretty basic: you get clients to commission you a piece or more, and that's it. You can work by contract or not, depending on the client. There's a lot I could say about this.. like A LOT. The possibilities for the type of work you will be commissioned to do are endless..
ABOUT MERCHANDISEAt the moment I only have prints available because by using Inprnt, I don't have to print and ship the merch myself. I upload my image and someone else takes care of the prints for me. Other websites, such as Redbubble or Society6, allow you to sell more than prints just as easily, such as mugs, pillows, apparel, posters, etc.The hardest part of running an online store where you are the one who sends the merch is having the time to research the companies you're gonna use to produce the merch, put it up online, advertise it and ship it. I have a full time job and I'm currently super focused on producing at least 1 portfolio piece a month, so it leaves me no time to think about anything else. I've tried several times to work on stickers and such, always without success. I would love to do it, though!
If you want to make stickers or other merch you have to:- decide whether you're gonna order or from a company or do it yourself;- decide which platform you will use for selling you things (etsy, tictail, storenvy, etc)- get informed with your local post office on shipping prices- order the required materials for packing your merch (on a local store or online)- make the actual merch!
As you can see, that's a lot of steps and it takes true dedication to it. However, if you do get people interested in your merch, you can make a lot of money with it! I personally don't sell a lot, but I also don't advertise a lot and I don't offer much more than prints.
ABOUT PATRONAGE/DONATIONSWhen you have a following who is very interested in what you do, they might pay you to have access to exclusive content. Usually if you want to set up a Patreon/drip/whatever, you NEED to have the following. Then, you can provide whatever you want, sketches, videos, tutorials, posts about your work, anything really. And if your following doesn't want to subscribe to something like this monthly, they might be up to donating you money through Ko-fi, or paypal, anything really. This is an unreliable source of money, though, but it's an option nonetheless.
My source of income comes from my day job alone. I currently don't accept private commissions and my merchandise does not sell very well, so unfortunately I can't really tell you how to make a living off of your art because I haven't done that myself. Besides, the amount of money you need to make a living varies from country to country. And like I said, I make very little selling prints online (sometimes not even summing up to 10€/month). But that's me and this should not discourage you. I don't advertises much and different styles of illustration may sell better than others, etc. A lot of factors go into whether you'll sell or not.
Besides, the way you try to make money reflects the type of career you want to make - if you wan't to do commercial work, you'll more likely look for Art Directors and commissioners, if you want to live off of your own personal art alone, you will have to build an audience, engage with it, and provide it the materials they would like to have. The possibilities are endless, so good luck! :)
If want/need more specific advice, let me know and feel free to e-mail me as well. I know this is a really long reply, there’s a lot to cover and I hope I covered some basics!!! ♥
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