#i love that i can really just type whatever atrocities i want into obsidian and the cops dont come for me
ellierenae · 6 months
Finally started drafting the new WIP! "Generation III"
It's about the last surviving woman on a generational ship who has completely lost her mind from isolation. It's a thriller "erotica" (is it still erotica if it's gross?) about the relationships between her and inanimate objects on the ship.
She's 30 years old and completely feral because the closest thing she's ever known to another human being is the pile of corpses in space suits. She can't read, can't speak, and doesn't know to bathe or brush her teeth or untangle her hair.
All she knows is that there's something wrong with her, because she isn't anything like the black and white, sharp-edged, self-sanitizing ship.
In four months she's going to land on a planet she can't repopulate or terraform, and she's going to die there.
Until then, her body will slowly fall apart, and she'll...
(checks notes)
Make out with the oxygen tubes?
Cool. Cool cool cool.
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