#i love talking about my ocs theyre my best distracters LOL
constelleetion · 10 months
ahh, good luck with your medical shiz friend!!
for a fun lil question, which of your oc's do you think is the most ticklish??
aw thank you!! i'm hoping they go well 💪
as for the question this is a fun one!! ive only got two main ocs so ill just talk about them
i think they're both equally sensitive in their own ways. everett has more spots he's tkish in while dot has more death spots. and while everett reacts a lot faster/without resistance, dot takes a good while and a lot of added teasing to break so it comes off as though they're less tksh. i have spot charts for them if anyone's interested 👀
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leggyre · 5 years
Tell is about a dream you had
anon im crying because ive been facing this dream-related dilema today and you show up and ask me this right at this time and im just weLL THeN 
first off -- usually when i have fun and/or interesting dreams i use it to make ocs or plots n stuff. it happens VERY often.
so last night i had a fun dream but there was some Edginess(tm) combo’d with Awful Cheesiness(tm) to it. It was really cliche, some kinda plot you can find in, like, really low budget anime... BUT it was reALLY FUN TO THINK ABOUT IT(i have this Morning Routine which is just lay in bed and try to remember what i dreamed about and maybe daydream abt it or straight up try to go back to it but in a semi-lucid state i think??? im nOT SURE I CAN EXPLAIN but ya im a weirdo obsessed with dreams iM TALKING TOO MUCH--)
and in the end ive been thinking all day about it bc on one hand - Its Was Fun, but on the other - do I really need more OCs I’ll talk about once and then never again? Or more OCs that I still love dearly but have no idea what to do with?! Would it be better to keep it somewhat, or to let go of it?! I was already throwing it away but then you. You came to me. And you asked this question. And now I am thinking about it again.
And I still haven’t told you what you wanted me to tell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LEMME CUT TO THE CHASE
i was like writing in-depth worldbuilding on this but honestly theres no much to it Storywise so itd be wEIRD TO TALK ABT WB IN DEPTH 
just, uuuh ok so theres ppl that can like turn into monsters either at will or when certain conditions are met ok
and then theres kid in high school who is shy and weak but is SECRETLY AWESOME aka one of the Best monster hunters in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(tm)
so like theres this RLY MEAN MONSTER in town that theyre after and like after a long cat n rat chase when they finally manage to catch the monster knocking it uncounscious................................. they find out,,,,,, wait for it,,,,,,,, that the monster’s Human Form.................... WAIT FOR IT............... 
WAIT FOR IT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
..........it was their crush in high school!!!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!
this person is like. this nice person who was the one who paid attention to the neglected kid in class which made them go ‘oh my god oh my god oh my god’ on the one(1) time they had to to work on a group project together
so yeah theyre CONFLICTED bc they gotta kill this bastard but !!!!!! they also dont!!!!!!!! want to!!!!! and instead they kinda put this curse on the person(yes they can do magic and not everyone knows how to do it its complicated worldbuilding stuff) that prevents them from shifting into the monster form(tm)
monsterperson does not know who hunterperson is btw they were Knocked Out at the time this happened also im now calling them mp and hp (LOL) bc thats better
and hp notices that after this, mp grows into a much more stressed and mean person. they get gradually meaner and meaner and like?? that doesn’t make sense?? because, in a way, the Evil inside them is sealed and it shouldn’t be having such an impact on them.
so, not very sure about what to do next, hp sometimes follows mp around sneakily, to see if it’s related to something in their routine. During this, they find out about these other monsterpeople who seem to know mp and have a beef with them. These people are! very mean! but they are scared of mp, who seems to pull a very good act to seem threatening, even though they’re.. not.. very capable of much right now.
must be a very tough situation!
this is the part where my memory gets fuzzy, so, lemme try to wrap this up, -hp tries to get involved in the situation between mp and the other monsterpeople, only to have them find out about the hex that’s been placed on them -so then these people manage to corner and capture both but they have to contact their ‘boss’ before they can do anything to them -god this is such a cliche story i am crying -anyway so while the Bad Guys(tm) of the current situation are busy and they have time to discuss, mp and hp have this HEATED ARGUMENT about morals. in the meantime the dude who was like Watching The Prisoners was like having the time of his life watching it (also just wanna note that mp’s disguise hasn’t been busted yet?) -eventually the guy watching them gets distracted by something and mp tries to convince hp to break the curse. it takes yet another discussion about morals and another one about ‘how do i know you will not murder me on the spot’ -it ends here im sorry for the cliffhanger
i have gone to hell and back with this reply. this is the danger of asking me to tell a dream. you got me dude. you got me good. im so sorry
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domesticangel · 5 years
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ok ive been wanting to do an OC redraw/redesign for a while now and uh, well here it is !!! top is obv the revamp and bottom is these three’s original designs ,,, the bottom pic is 9 years old (holy smokes) so i made them during my middle school emo/scene phase when i was like 12 so thats why they're.........Like That lmao but left to right in both pics is jude, elliot, and skipper!!! this was? so fun honestly
ummm lots of info/backstory about them under the cut lol
so in the original pic/designs… if I remember correctly jude and skipper were in police academy training to be cops and elliot was some punk ass kid theyd end up seeing around a lot cause he was in and out of holding for Delinquent Things, and ofc they magically became friends. Im pretty sure they were all 16/17 when I first made them which makes no sense at all (teen cops??? Ok) but like when ur 12, teenagers are Practically Adults BUT none of that is Canon TM anymore. In their redesign they range from early to late 20’s; I usually peg jude around 26-27, elliot is probably 23-24, and skipper is 21.
jude was the very first oc I ever made so shes always had a special place in my heart… I started churning out rapid fire ocs when I was in middle school that id toss when I was bored with em but shes the one that always stuck around!! Shes been a big honkin lesbian ever since her conception, so id use her a lot to express BabyGay feelings I didn’t really know how else to process. design wise I kinda just simplified her look; I have no fucking clue why she used to have an eyepatch and cat ears (I mean, I do, its because I was a weeb) but I got rid of those along with the scene hair and gave her longer hair with more natural waves and some freckles from spending a lot of time in the sun. her gray eyes and hair were always kind of her signature, so those got to stay! She mostly just wears anything that’s easy enough to move around and get work done in; tank tops, loose long skirts, etc. think futch hippy. anyways jude is now just a simple plant witch who uses her skills and connection with the elements to run a modest local farm, and even though shes fairly content in her lifestyle, she wants nothing more than a gf/wife that she can work hard to give a good life to :3c shes a hopeless romantic and has a bad habit of falling a little bit in love with every woman she meets, but shes mad shy when it comes to flirting, so more often than not shes just a sweaty ball of pining and infatuation. Whenever shes feeling some type of way about a girl she either obsessively takes on projects around the farm or house to distract herself or rants to her plants about how shes too afraid to express her feelings. RIP useless lesbian jude. Anyway shes the oldest of the trio, so shes very protective of elliot and skipper in a mother hen kind of way. She gets embarrassed when she realizes shes lecturing them like a cranky old maid, but they secretly don’t really mind it and often come to her for general life advice. I think her sign would be Taurus :3c (and probably an air moon since she’s kind of a space cadet)
elliot was REALLY FUN to redesign bc I honestly just wanted him to look like one of those people who had a HUGE scene phase way back when and just… never completely grew out of it lmao so I gave him the two-tone mullet he deserves, grown out roots hes definitely not gonna bother to re-bleach and re-dye, and piercing scars under his lip from where he used to have some tacky ass snakebites that he probably had to take out to get a job or something lol. he couldn’t completely give up piercings though, so the labret and gauges got to stay. Dudes not COMPLETELY stuck in 2007, but he does still enjoy a lot of the OG emo/punk bands and the fantasy of making it big in his own band and touring the country in a fashionably clunky van. He doesn’t exactly have a band, but hes working on that. Hes halfway decent on vocals and a guitar so he spends a lot of time combing through the local college town he lives and works in in hopes of finding some people who’d wanna play some gigs with him. But in the mean time, he works as a barista in a local café, which usually hooks him up by letting him do some acoustic sets at night every now and again. Hes a very warm and upbeat person, and will happily engage and talk the ear off of anyone close enough for him to do so, stranger or otherwise. He also regularly reminds jude and skipper how much he loves both of them and how glad he is that theyre all friends; He doesn’t really have much in the way of embarrassment or apprehension when it comes to what hes feeling. Hes the official unofficial “plan-maker” of the friend group and is able to bring them all together for quality time, because hes not at all passive like jude or skipper, and… usually has the most free time out of all of them lol. elliot is pure Leo and that’s about all there is to that
And finally, congratulations to skipper, who against all odds, looked normal enough that I didn’t really have to change anything at all about his design! Just had to ditch the uniform for your typical Tired Gay mustard sweaters. Skipper is an English major in his sophomore year of college who, like most people in their 20’s in liberal arts programs, is desperately trying to figure out what he wants out of life and also doesn’t know what sleeping or self-care is. He really enjoys writing, but doesn’t really know if he wants to do it for a living or if he even could. He grew up with pretty cold and distant parents, so on top of knowing they don’t really approve of his major, he pretty much always operates under the assumption that if hes not working himself to death hes not justifying the space hes taking up or the air hes breathing. Emotionally speaking hes more emo than elliot will ever be and his blood is probably 75% caffeine. He having kind of a rough time tbh but hes gritting it out in hopes that things become more clear eventually. He’d be way worse off if he didn’t have jude or elliot, who hes more thankful for than he can ever bring himself to express. They were essentially his first real, close friends, and despite skipper being incapable of asking for help, they always seem to know when he needs someone to talk to or even just a brief distraction; Jude has an open door policy for her farm and will let him come over and cuddle some rabbits or sit and talk over tea on her porch whenever he needs to, and elliot cant remember the last time hes made skipper pay for anything he ordered from the café, or the last time he even had to ask skipper what he wanted. Because hes the youngest of the three its sometimes their instinct to protect him, which embarrasses skipper out of his mind, but he knows they mean well. Hes the physical embodiment of Just Doing His Best and is a stone cold Capricorn
They’re still besties but basically met just from living in the same town; jude and elliot met when jude started providing the café’s local roast from the coffee beans she grew on her farm so elliot saw her fairly regularly and of course was like Oh Friend? Jude always liked how forthcoming elliot was as it complimented her generally reserved nature, and elliot always thought living on a farm and growing your own food was pretty punk rock and therefore pretty dang cool in his book. They both got to know skipper because he came to the café every. single. day. to ingest ungodly amounts of espresso and study all day, and when elliot took an interest in skipper, jude suggested he invite him to one of his gigs since the poor guy kinda looked like he needed a break. Skipper initially kind of politely shot elliot down, but jude took a chance and found skipper later to tell him how much itd mean to elliot, and that if it made him feel better she’d go with him, since going to events like this was different for her too. skipper apprehensively agreed at that point, and the rest is history !!! they all kinda hit it off after that
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Chapter 1
(herah is my current adaar inky, they use they pronouns. sorry if its confusing. writing is not my talent lol. And this is just fillers in game. ill probably go off canon at some point bc it sucks so bad. idk if there will be smut later, probably)
Herah stood on the stairs overlooking Skyholds courtyard, it was night time. It felt like it was always nighttime. They liked it here, they did feel safer but they still had memories of Haven flashing in their mind. The inquisition soldiers dead bodies scattered all throughout the grounds.
Fires, the screaming of people searching for help. They couldn't save them all, though they   tried. Every time they closed their eyes, they could see and hear it all over again.
They had taken a dark turn ever since arriving at Skyhold.
They thought back to a few months ago when they woken up to be chained and questioned by who they learned later to be Cassandra and Leliana.
They always had a way of finding the light side of everything but knew in that moment not to. Cassandra wanted to rip them to shreds, and Leliana was the only one preventing that from happening.
They didnt see a large quanri, someone to be feared. They saw someone as the reason their Divine was dead. They wanted answers. Herah didn't have any.
Herah was freed and forced to fight until they woke up what they found out later to be 3 days later. They missed the mercenary life, it was rarely this brutal. They missed their companions.
After meeting the leaders of the inquisition, they talked to Varric. Herah immediately liked him, he didn't hold back letting his feelings known. They liked how he got under Cassandras skin. Herah thought Cassandra was a strong woman, gorgeous, and scary. Traits they admired. But their meeting was less than ideal.
They didnt yet to what make of Solas, theyd never met another elf like him. No markings, always talking about the fade. They didn't know how he could be so calm in this moment, but they appreciated it. Everyone else was scrambling, stressed to get to the breach.
"inquisitor" a soldier passing by said to Herah, snapping them back into the present.
Cassandra, Solas and Cole had just returned from Crestwood and Herah was making plans to head to the Western Approach to meet Hawke and Alistair.
Herah sat in the sun, hoping they'd finally get warm. They were surprised how cold it was, given how it was a desert and there was very little shade. 
"Too bad Dorian isn't here", Sera giggled, "hed complain about being cold. Swearing in vint about southerners."
"I'm surprised you didn't bring your boyfriend, Blackwall boss. He would have loved it. All the darkspawn, he'd be putty in your hands. Well, MORE than you already are" he chuckled.
Herah smiled, they enjoyed being poked fun at. Reminded them theyre just another flawed person. Not some high and mighty inquisitor to be bowed down to. "Are you guys saying you're not having a good time? After all i've given to you"? They pointed to all the desert. "So ungrateful!"
Everyone laughed at that, well except Chuckles as Varric accurately nicknamed him. He was walking around, seemingly deep in thought.
Herah was surprised at his reaction to talking to Erimond, he hadn't been angry until that very moment when he heard the Grey Wardens were going after the Old Gods. Herah filed it in their mind to talk to him about it later. For right now he was enjoying Sera and Bull's company.
Sera found a stick somewhere and was drawing in the sand,  random scribles until she had a brilliant idea. "its a butt!!" she pointed and laughed. Herah got up and put two dots in the butt. "now its boobs!" Sera laughed harder, and further drawing a figured body. 
Bull looked over at the drawing "hey i know her, she works at the tavern". Herah rolled their eyes "a red head. Mmm, red heads", he said glaring at their red hair. He winked, or maybe not? it was hard to tell with the eye patch. It took them a moment to realize they had red hair, were they blushing? They ran their hands through their red hair, feeling a bit awkward.
Sera saw the moment between them and couldn't resist interrupting. "you know, I'm surprised you're talking to us, Lady Herald" in her best taunting voice.
Herah was more confused about Bull's intended, flirting? than interested. He was the only other quanri and saw him more as a protector, since they are a mage and he is a warrior. They hadn't considered him romance material.
Sera words pierced them in the gut. "What?"
"Oh you know, you're avoiding us. Well, not Vivienne or that...... thing, cole"
"Oh..." Herah felt bad. They hadn't thought of it that way but yeah, they were distracted. Had been since arriving in Skyhold.
They looked down at the ground, kicking the sand. "I.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I've just been.."
"Busy getting your ass kicked by a giant red darkspawn...... thing" Bull interrupted.
Herah looked at him, grateful, smiling with their lips as well as their eyes.
"Yeah". They sighed, and looking at Sera who was squirming seeing another moment between them. "But still, I'm sorry Sera. I don't mean to hurt you. It's why I brought you. This whole.." they looked at their glowing left hand "..thing, has been one disaster after another." They looked at both Bull and Sera. "but you.. both of you, keep me sane. it's why I brought you".
Herah hadn't talked to them much one on one before, just a couple times at Haven and they were both surprised to hear the fondness of their voice.
"But why the egg?" Sera asked half heartidly.
They looked over at pacing Solas. "I, I don't know really. I just had a feeling i would learn something about him."
"Did you?" Bull asked.
"Yeah, I think so" they smiled, though he's still a mystery.
The next morning, all of them gathered and took Griffin Wing Keep for the Inquisition. Bull loved killing those venatori bastards. They all did, but Bull got the most pleasure out of it. Herah was glad they brought him.
"Shall we knock?" Herah asked after finishing off the guards outside the Keep.
"Ohh yeah" Bull replied with such joy in his tone.
They marked tasks to unlock at the war table, headed to Exiled Plains and back to Skyhold.
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