elytra · 3 months
what i love about grian's season 10 so far is that it's a very clear demonstration of one thing in particular: the dangers of gacha gaming
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constelleetion · 9 months
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first ever tk art post 😳 some intimacies between my partner @/softandsquishlee and i's boys
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felsefebilim · 1 year
Mantık ve Delilik
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“İkimiz de iyi ilerliyorduk fakat bu entellektüel maceranın tüm kahramanları çıldırdı...”
Bu cümle Gian-Carlo Rota’nın Ayrık Düşünceler aklı eserinde yer alıyor. Rota, burada entellektüel maceradan bahsederken matematiği ve mantığı temellendirmekten söz ediyor.
Rota, önemli bir matematikçiydi. Kendisi makalesinde matematik ve mantık temelleri arayan kişilerden, çalışmalarından ve düştükleri durumdan bahseder. Buna kaynak olarak da 20. yüzyılın önemli mantıkçılarından bazılarının hayatlarının bir döneminde akıl hastanesinde kalmış olmalarını almıştır. Ona göre bu bir tesadüf değildir (Cantor, Zermelo, Kurt Godel, E.Post bunlardan en bilinenleridir)  ve mantık ile delilik arasında bir ilişki vardır. Bunun nedeni olarak da; mantıkçılar kesinlikle mutlak arıyorlardır ve ya sizi çıldırtabilir ya da mutlak bulabileceğinizi düşünmek kesinlikle vaktinden önce deli olduğunuz anlamına gelir görüşü hakimdir...
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soubhagyaside · 5 months
AI Image Generator: Midjourney V6 Compare With V5.2,SDXL, Meta And Dalle 3
Midjourney released its new version of the image generation tool, Midjourney V6. Midjourney is one of the popular image generation tools with over 17 million users on Discord.
With its latest version (V6), Midjourney gets more improvements to image quality and capabilities.
Here we will see the comparison between Midjourney and other best AI image generation tools and models like Dall-E 3, Stable diffusion XL, Imagine with meta, and more.
What Is Midjourney
Midjouney is an AI image-generation tool developed by a team of researchers and engineers. Its primary objective is to create realistic and high-quality images with the help of AI. Midjouney gets many iterations and here we have the V6. You can generate the most realistic images with the help of text prompts and here you can see the comparison.
Midjourney V6 Vs V5.2
Let’s start with its previous version V5.2. Here is the difference between V5.2 and V6.
v5.2 generates images at 512×512 pixels, whereas v6 generates image with 1024×1024 pixels. Which makes v6 more powerful with sharper details and a more polished look.
v5.2 may have generated artifacts or elements might not be perfectly aligned but v6 offers a more improved version with more realistic scenes.
In v5.2 lighting can sometimes appear to lack depth or flat but in the latest version, it introduces new lighting effects and techniques and more cinematic looks.
Compared to the previous version, the latest version has faster processing times.
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Midjourney V6 Vs SDXL
Let’s compare Midjourney v6 with SDXL. SDXL stands for Stable Diffusion XL and it’s a powerful image generation tool. Here are the feature comparisons of both.
Modjourney produces images with photorealist, sharp details, and dramatic lighting while SDXL produces highly detailed and realistic images but can lack consistency.
Midjouney is cloud-based and offers a user-friendly interface to use whereas SDXL is open-source, runs locally, and requires technical requirements.
Midjourney has a subscription fee, while SDXL is free to use but requires hardware and setup to run locally.
Midjourney is readily available to use while SDXL requires technical knowledge and setup.
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Midjourney V6 Vs Dall-E 3
Both Midjourney v6 and Dall-E 3 are amazing text-to-image generation tools that you can use today. You can use the Dall-E 3 with Bing Image Creator for free. Here is the comparison of Midjourney v6 and Dall-E 3.
Midjourney is known for its photorealism with sharp details and lighting whereas Dall-E 3 produces high-quality and consistent images but lacks photorealism.
Midjourney is cloud-based with a user-friendly interface and focuses on prompt writing whereas Dall-E 3 requires to access OpenAI’s platform or third-party tools like Bing Image Creator.
Midjourney V6 has a subscription fee, while Dall-E 3 has different access options with varying costs.
Midjourney V6 is readily available, while Dall-E 3 requires specific access or tools to use.
Midjourney V6 Vs Meta Image Generator
Meta has its own image generation tool that is trained on the public images on Facebook and Instagram, called Imagine with Meta.
It produces very good results as I have tested and compared the tool with Dalle-E 3 using Bing Image Creator. Here is the comparison of Imagine with Meta and Midjourney v6.
AI Fire shared some of the comparisons of Midjourney and Meta that you can see and compare the results. Here are all of them.
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We found that Midjourney v6 is a powerful text-to-image AI image generation tool and we compared it with v5.2, SDXL, Dall-E 3, and Meta’s Image generator tool, Imagine with Meta.
All things considered, Midjourney V6 continues to lead AI image creation. It improved at creating realistic and detailed visuals and used text suggestions.
The update keeps Midjourney ahead of Meta’s image generator, Stable Diffusion, and DALL-E.Post navigation
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dronesforkids0 · 7 years
What would you like to change on our website? 5 second Poll that can change everything!
Hello fellow drone lovers, Jonathan here !
 Since our website is growing rapidly and hundreds on new users are coming to our site daily. Sometimes it can be hard to create great user experience for all of you guys. That is reason why I’d like to hear your opinion. I have created simple Poll where you can select up to 3 answers, that way you will help us to realise what’s right direction to further develop our site in. Let’s make DronesGlobe great again!
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The post What would you like to change on our website? 5 second Poll that can change everything! appeared first on Drones Globe.
from http://www.dronesglobe.com/blog/april-2017-poll/ from http://dronesglobe0.blogspot.com/2017/04/what-would-you-like-to-change-on-our.html
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electrail · 9 years
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elytra · 2 years
we're gonna ignore that
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constelleetion · 9 months
ahh, good luck with your medical shiz friend!!
for a fun lil question, which of your oc's do you think is the most ticklish??
aw thank you!! i'm hoping they go well 💪
as for the question this is a fun one!! ive only got two main ocs so ill just talk about them
i think they're both equally sensitive in their own ways. everett has more spots he's tkish in while dot has more death spots. and while everett reacts a lot faster/without resistance, dot takes a good while and a lot of added teasing to break so it comes off as though they're less tksh. i have spot charts for them if anyone's interested 👀
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constelleetion · 2 years
g i v e m e b u g b o y (all questions :) )
YIPPEE YIPPEE YAAAAAY my favorite little idiot
🦋 Everett:
1.on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
hmm.. probably like a 6-7? not horribly so but still up there
2.where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
the spot between the ribs and underarms. 100%.
3.which spots are they not ticklish?
knees, back, & arms. everywhere else is fair game.
4.what is their laugh like?
aaaall over the place. he's got the range. varies from squeaky/hiccupy to full on squeals depending on the spot. they're also very much just a giggler in general. lil silly guy.
5.do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
LITERALLY a whole ass tk fiend. he loooves it so much he's all for the closeness and silliness and physical affection. the way in which they enjoy it really depends on the situation, they're down for whatever! second option reserved Only for his boyfriend of course.
6.are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
a pure switch! they have the same amount of fun on both ends. loves to make people he cares about happy and loves being on the receiving end as well.
7.who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
his boyfriend (winks back at you)
8.who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
his boyfriend (again)
9.does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
not embarrassed to say it at all! any variation or tease comes naturally to them. getting it used against him, though, is a whole different story 😳
10.are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
much like they're able to say the word, they're not ashamed for their enjoyment of tking either! they wont. bring it up specifically. but they won't deny it either. he'll get a little embarrassed, but nothing more than being simply flustered.
11.would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
he looove love loves light tks, but more as a relaxing and fluffy thing. if you wanna get a real good reaction out of him, rough (not horribly so) tks work the best. either way its a good time for him!
12.is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
basically anywhere makes him melt, though he has a particular soft spot for being tkd on his sides/tummy area. also a big fan of chin scritches. oh and how could i forget, not a spot but he adores mouth tks. raspberries, kisses, nibbles. he will turn to putty.
13.is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
no specific spot, but his endurance is pretty low. cuz of his heart problems if it goes on for too long he might have some trouble breathing. otherwise he's good!
14.would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
most DEFINITELY. he's a master of this art. his main tactic is just overall being his goofy goober self. teasing, starting a tk fight, crawling all over the other, trying to distract them from doing a task, etc etc. the options are endless.
15.does teasing affect them?
verryyy much so. can dish it out like a pro but can't handle it back for shit. they're very much the type to hide their face in any way they can and to nervously babble.
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