#i love eshonai
portuguesedisaster · 2 years
Fucking shit.
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kennabeth · 2 years
I would really like for venli to be the one to give herself for the oathpact and NOT because it would let my faves live untortured but because this is all her fucking fault
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cosmerelists · 2 months
What Car Cosmere Characters Would Drive
As requested by @salted-watermelon :)
If Cosmere characters were instead carsmere characters and, like, drove cars, what kind of car would best suit them? (Don't worry--I got my butch wife to help with this post.)
1. Straff Venture: A cybertruck
The worst of cars for the worst of men.
2. Elend: A Prius
Elend decides to get an environmentally conscious, gas-saving vehicle partly because he cares about the planet, but mostly because it makes his dad SO mad.
3. Kaladin: A beat-up old Corolla
Kaladin's car may be a bit old and it may be a bit beat-up but storms if it isn't the most dependable thing ever. No matter what that car goes through, it just keeps chugging along.
4. Adolin: A Mustang
Get it? Because it's a car with a horse on it!
5. Shallan: A VW Bug
"What's an artsy car for Shallan?" I asked. "How about a Bug?" said my wife. "That's perfect!" I cried. "Shallan LOVES bugs because cremlings is bugs!"
And that is my story.
6. Wax: A Bentley...and also a beat-up old pickup truck
In true Wax style, he drives the Bentley in the Roughs but uses the old beat-up pickup truck in the city, especially when driving to fancy parties.
7. Steris: A Volvo
According to a google search, a Volvo is a car for someone dependable, boring, and safety-conscious. Steris is not actually a boring person, of course, but she would definitely have a boring-person car. Not to mention one that is very safe!
8. Eshonai: A Jeep
A good car for exploring!
9. Lightsong: Rolls Royce
He doesn't drive it anywhere. It mostly just sits there and looks beautiful.
10. Vasher: A mangled Dodge Charger
The car looks a lot like Vasher himself--like it's been through centuries of wear and tear. But hey, it works! Sorta.
11. Leshwi: A Motorcycle
Basically I thought about Leshwi riding a motorcycle and then I passed out.
12. Allrianne: Mini Coop
Apparently these are the girliest of cars. And in Allrianne's case, it's definitely pink!
13. Tress: Takes the bus
In no universe does Tress have a car, I feel. Taking the bus is fine!
14. Raboniel: Subaru
Leading, of course, to the classic exchange:
Raboniel: I drive a Subaru. Navani: 👀 👀 👀
15. Dalinar: A Minivan
Doesn't it just feel right? The other Highlords may scoff at his stodgy old car, and Sadeas might bitterly remind Dalinar of his Hummer days, but a minivan is just the best for Dad-inar. He can drive all his kids around, it has lots of room for storage, and it's so dependable!
A minivan is just where it's at.
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gal-palanaeum · 3 months
Femslash February 2024 fic list
Thanks to everyone who wrote, commented, shared, and encouraged, we had a great Cosmere Femslash February 2024. This month we increased the number of Cosmere femslash fics by 30%! The best part is that you can do yuri duty anytime by checking out all Cosmere femslash fics on ao3, or browsing what we wrote during this year's event.
(Please note the rating before you click, and as always you are responsible to heed tags for triggers before reading.)
The list of fics is below the cut, organized by length:
The need for Trust by Elsefaller. Azure/Khrissalla, rated Teen, 12,000 words
Sealed with a Stamp by TrishyEves. Marasi/Shai, rated Explicit, 4000 words
The Rhythm of Awe by Hazekiller16. Eshonai/Azure, rated General, 3000 words
i thought the simberry jam made my intentions clear by TrishyEves. Laral/Lyn, rated Mature, 3000 words
Betting on Colms by TrishyEves. Marasi/MeLaan, rated Teen, 3000 words
Rhythm of Study by TrishyEves. Shallan/Eshonai, rated Teen, 2500 words
Karma by cosmere_play. Transfem Kaladin/Leshwi, rated Teen, 2000 words
The Perfect Mistake by TrishyEves. Design/Khrissalla, rated Teen, 2000 words
Diamond by cosmere_play. Ialai/Beryl, rated Explicit, 2000 words
Before You Go by cosmere_play. Laran/Lyn, rated Explicit, 1500 words
Anything For You by cosmere_play. Transfem Kaladin/Leshwi, rated Explicit, 1500 words
Partners In Crime by cosmere_play. Rushu/Venli, rated General, 1500 words
The Only One Who Deserves Her by if_one_of_us_falls. Aesudan/Aesudan, rated Mature, 1500 words (locked to registered ao3 users)
Made you smile by cosmere_play. Beryl/Darcira and Veil/Ishnah, rated Teen, 1500 words
Weapons by cosmere_play. Malata/Danlan, rated Mature, 1500 words
Your Voice by cosmere_play. Jaxlim/Leshwi, rated Teen, 1000 words
Plagued by the horrors by cosmere_play. Venli/Radiant, rated Teen, 1000 words
Haunting by cosmere_play. Jasnah/Shashara, rated General, 1000 words
Like Steelpushing by Elsefaller. Transfem Elend/Vin, rated General, 1000 words
Chose violence by Axehound (cosmere_play). Vin/violence, rated Mature, 1000 words
Alternate timeline by cosmere_play. Navani/Ialai and Ialai/Raboniel, rated Teen, 1000 words
It Still Bleeds by cosmere_play. Navani/Evi, rated Explicit, 1000 words
In the Shadows by cosmere_play. Evi/Sja-anat, rated General, 1000 words
Living dead by cosmere_play. Karata/Maare (from Elantris), rated Mature, 1000 words
Goddess by Axehound (cosmere_play). Devotion/Dominion (Shards), rated Explicit, 1000 words
Doomed by the narrative by cosmere_play. Tyn & Veil, rated Teen, 1000 words
Apocalypse by Axehound (cosmere_play). Chanarach/Vedel, rated Mature, 1000 words
And Then I Found You by cosmere_play. Navani/Raboniel, rated Teen, 1000 words
Copycat by cosmere_play. Design/MeLaan, rated Mature, 1000 words
Hands for Holding by cosmere_play. Eshonai & Bila, rated Mature, 1000 words
Your Life Is Mine by Axehound. Shallan/Danlan, rated Mature, 1000 words
Fantasy by cosmere_play. Eshonai/Vivenna, rated Teen, 500 words
Please Be Gentle by cosmere_play. Tindwyl/Allrianne, rated Mature, 500 words
Love is devotion by cosmere_play. Cord/Rysn, rated General, 500 words
In the Vastness by if_one_of_us_falls. Navani/Raboniel, rated General, 500 words
If Only by cosmere_play. Siri/Vin, rated Teen, 500 words
Come Back Soon by cosmere_play. Laral/Lyn, rated Teen, 500 words
A Gem by BlindRadiant. Transfem Adolin/Radiant, rated General, 250 words
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cosmereplay · 4 months
Day 5: Hands for holding
Rated Mature, Eshonai/Bila, ace!Eshonai
Eshonai emerged from the storm as a new woman, her heart as light as a leaf, her legs running like a river through the chasms. She jumped and whooped as she ran, hearing the echoes of her voice reverberate across the plateaus like an embrace being returned. 
She felt so alive!
Eshonai attracted giggling windspren as she ran, her soft feet flapping against the wet stone. The Rhythm of Excitement thrummed under her skin, keeping the beat alongside the thwaps of her hairstrands flapping against her back, the hah-hahs of her panting breaths, and the whip-whipping of wet fabric. She jumped, landing square in the middle of a big puddle, and laughed as the sunlight cast the splash into hundreds of little sparkling gems.
Just as they’d planned, a figure waved at her from the edge of the closest plateau to the city. Bila hefted a large bag over her shoulder. “I brought dinner!” she called, jumping and grinning.
Eshonai waved back eagerly as she ran, thinking of all the things she’d like to do with Bila. After Eshonai had confessed the disaster she’d had in mateform with Rlain, Bila had convinced her to try mateform again, this time with a female. And of course, given that Bila was inclined to both males and females, and she was one of Eshonai’s closest friends, it seemed like a natural pairing.
“You look absolutely delectable!” Bila said to Appreciation as Eshonai finally met up with her. They began walking together back to the mateform apartments, skirting the outside edge of town so as not to bother anyone else. 
“Shut up,” Eshonai said to Amusement. “I forgot how energetic I feel in mateform. And how hungry. What do you have in there, anyway?”
Bila twisted her pack away from Eshonai. “It’s mostly blankets and pillows, but I promise there's food too. We can check it out after we mate. I’ve been saving myself all day, and I cannot wait to get my mouth on you!”
The first reaction Eshonai had was Ew. 
Oh no, that’s not what I’m supposed to feel… It was happening again.
Bila kept talking, heedless of Eshonai’s reaction. “Your boobs and belly are so fat in this form, I am physically restraining myself from touching them right now. And you’re still so tall! And your lips look incredible. Eshonai, Thude taught me a place I can touch on your ass, you are going to love it. We can shower in the fountain after. Oh! And Brianlia is in mateform too, I saw her when I was choosing our spot today, if you want to take things a little further…”
But Eshonai didn’t hear any of it. Her thoughts spun away like an errant wind. Mouths are for eating, talking, laughing. Hands are for holding, carrying, climbing. Asses are for sitting, jumping, running. 
I want to use my eyes to see all the different kinds of greens in the chasms. 
I want to use my fingertips to dig in the crem for haspers. 
I want to hear the wind blowing through newly-discovered forests...
She realized she’d reached the door of the apartment, but she couldn’t bring herself to go inside. Inside was the opposite of what she wanted. 
Eshonai sighed. “Look, Bila…” she said to Consolation.
Bila’s face softened. “Really? Not females either?”
Eshonai shook her head, feeling vaguely ashamed.
“Well, good thing I planned for this contingency too,” Bila said, and dug into her pack, pulling out another, smaller sack. “Here’s dinner for one and a towel. Go on. I can always play with Brianlia.” 
“I…really?” Eshonai blinked.
“Don’t insult my intelligence, Eshonai,” Bila said, waggling her finger at Eshonai as if she were a child. “You begged me for my help and then you dragged your feet every step along the way. I may be in mateform but I’m not an idiot. You have your answer, you silly scholar. You’ve proven your point. Now go fuck the sky like you really want.” 
Bila's words hit like a bucket of stormwater, but her smile was warm. Eshonai supposed there were worse ways to find out she wasn’t interested in females either. Humming to Consolation, she accepted the sack, dug in it for a snack, then slung it over her shoulder. “It’s not you, I promise,” she said, trying to think of something nice to say. 
“Oh, I know,” Bila said to Confidence. “If I can’t do it for you, then no one can.”
They laughed together to Peace, and Eshonai felt a weight leave her. Taking a bite of her food, she turned away, walking into the sun.
This is what my hands should be holding, she thought, feeling the scratchiness of the bag against her skin. For better or for worse, even in mateform she preferred the caress of the sun to the caress of another listener.
Her heart felt light again, and she attuned the Rhythm of Joy as she walked, her clothes and skin drying in the sunlight. Maybe this wouldn't be a total disaster.
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knight-of-skyloft · 11 months
For the Send Me A Character game: Venli
First impression: What a flatly evil, power-hungry asshole.
Impression now: Maybe the best-written character in the Stormlight Archive, has made me cry more than any other character, has a story that's powerful and poignant while also being an infuriating mess. No one can do it like her.
Favorite moment: Song of Stones Song of Stones Song of Stones!!! Our friend, you have returned to sing our song again! Things are new, but new things are made from old ones! She belonged here!
Idea for a story: A silly fic where she finds Renarin's journal during the occupation of Urithiru and it has "Renarin First-rhythm" written in it with hearts around it and she comes to the conclusion that 13-year-old Renarin had a crush on Eshonai
Unpopular opinion: Best flashback character. Hands down.
Favorite relationship: I'm assuming this doesn't mean romance exclusively. Her relationship with her mother is so so so good-- on a personal level and as a microcosm for her connection to her own people's history. I also love her relationship with Leshwi, with the way they talk around each other while trying to sort through their own evolving feelings about the war. I love how they give each other the impetus to change.
I also love Rlain and Venli's squabbling oh my god. They annoy the shit out of each other and it's so funny and real.
Favorite headcanon: She doesn't actually have a little bit of black marbling on the back of her neck she's just full of shit
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ansible12 · 2 years
*Rythm of War Spoiler!* I've had an awful thought. Taravagian knows that the presence of renarin obscures the Shard of Odium's Future sight. Taravangian is Odium now. I THINK RENARIN IS GOING TO DIE IN STORMLIGHT 5. THINK ABOUT IT! WE HAVE TWO CORRUPTED/ENLIGHTENED TRUTHWATCHERS, REnarin and Rlain, who are clearly in love with each other. We know that a dead character can get a flashback book(RoW is Eshonai's book). I believe the emotional core of book 7(Renarin's Book) will follow Rlain taking the next step after his love's death, while the flashbacks follow Renarin finding and accepting who he is. The final flashback could end with Renarin professing his love for Rlain. PLEASE, SOMEONE, I DONT WANT THIS TO BE TRUE! SOMEONE CONVINCE ME IM WRONG
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perfectlymysticaltree · 11 months
There is many things that i love in rhytm of war, but ending to Eshonai storyline is the best(because i think we won't see her again)
She didn't want any of this, she is explorer, not a warrior. Her intentions was pure. Eshonai only wanted to help her people and see world outside her village.
And she did it. Stormfather let her see the entire world and the beauty of it. I hope she finally found peace and happines, altough I miss her 🥹
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eshonai, venli, leshwi
I literally cried during the eshonai thing at the end of rhythm of war so I 100% am gonna marry eshonai!!!! Love her we could travel
Fuck leshwi because I love her so much!
So kill venli sorry venli
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werewolfpdfs · 1 year
never mistake being a hater for being a hater. contrary to my posts i love stormlight let me talk about how i love it now. under the cut bc there’s so many
“For my honor? Unquestionably.” and like. Dalinar’s whole deal in WoK
Sorry for being basic i love Kaladin and Syl they’re my silly little guys
the Navani researching light scenes were written for me <3
Rlain is!! he’s sooooo. I also like his Shen era actually especially with the later context of why he’s there <3
Obviously the duel everyone loves the duel
Szeth paintball
The psychic damage of the Shallan backstory chapters. Girl….
Have to put Moash on the list but specifically his Oathbringer chapters. Dramatic irony ough.
I don’t care I still think Adolin having to investigate a murder he committed is the funniest shit ever. When he’s like “guys…i don’t think this other murder is by the same guy….i just have a feeling” lololol he’s so stupid <3
Unironically war crimes era Dalinar was also so funny.
i care about Taln a normal amount (lying)
Renarin’s whole deal….also his little fidget box.
im easily emotionally manipulated which is why every Hoid story can bring me to tears.
big big fan of crabs
Eshonai backstory chapters if you don’t like Eshonai do not @ me you are nothing
i like the books being silly and cheesy actually. i like the radiant ideals <3
i don’t care about power creep or whatever when Shallan got shot through the head by a crossbow and walked it off that was funny.
Kaladin horse scene
When Kaladin clocks Roshone in the face. Sometimes violence solves problems
that interlude with the shoe guy. also the one with the ardents researching spren but they behave differently when observed i loved that
bridge four stew <3 bridge four love <3 relevant to me <3
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gildedicicle · 2 years
Upon re-reads, I'm always struck by the reasons why Rhythm of War (SPOILERS AHEAD) is my favorite Stormlight book. Don't get me wrong, I love the whole series to death, love the characters, the worldbuilding, the interconnectedness, the whole nine yards, but I just think RoW has some really great parts. There's is sleep deprived sadboy antics in the tower. The Dog and the Dragon. His swearing the fourth ideal. There is the Venli/Eshonai flashbacks, along with Venli's growth into a true Willshaper. Rlain finally getting some screentime, like he deserves. There's Dabbid, also getting some well deserved love. Shallan's formless arc, and the hinting at worldhopping. The Trial of Adolin Kholin, especially the 'We Chose' scene, along with all the budding implications of the bond between Maya and him. The interludes. Taravangian's last gambit. And, of course, the NavanixRaboniel Mad Scientist, Gaslight-Gateopen-Girlboss part, which is my personal favorite part.
RoW is, however, also Sando's greatest crime. I will never stop being mad about him (again, HEAVY spoilers ahead) introducing a character as fantastically interesting and brilliant as Raboniel, AND THEN KILLING HER OFF IN THE VERY SAME BOOK, although it helps trying to convince myself that he thought she would be too powerful for the Coalition to handle with all the things she and Navani taught eachother.
But then there is poor Teft, and poor, poor Phendorana.
This book Hurt me many, many times. Many of them were good hurts, emotions overcoming me as the characters grew and learned. Most of them were bad hurts, as I felt a relation to their struggles, and felt their pain. But the hurt I felt the first time I read of Phen and Teft's deaths, it hurt me so, so bad that I just wanted to stop right there, in the middle of the sanderlanche.
But upon rereads, the worst hurt came in Tefts POV chapter after he was awakened, knowing what was to come. The chapter where he finally opens up about his past. The chapter where he finally seems to begin accepting himself, accepting that he deserves love, accepts he deserves his bond, and that his friends deserve to have him too.
The chapter called Worth Saving.
Fuck you Brando Sando, I love your books.
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jewishdainix · 1 year
I have Thoughts about your headcanons, mainly:
1. yes kaladin loves baths and is in denial. every time he takes one he's like "this is humiliating 😠 and a waste of time 😠 ok maybe 5 more minutes"
2. god yes venli has a tumblr and makes vague posts about being jealous of eshonai all the time. she had an emo phase. she had a studyblr phase. she writes incomprehensible deep-sounding posts to get validation through notes
EXACTLY. thank you.
I also like to believe, despite the fact that I know literally nothing about it, that venli woul be a homestuck fan
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cosmerelists · 9 months
Favorite Musicals of Each Order of the Knights Radiant
We’ve already considered their favorite boardgames. But what about when it’s time to go to a musical? Which musical is preferred by each order?
1. Skybreakers: Les Misérables
They think Javert is the protagonist.
Szeth: Is it not strange that the musical continues for so long after the death of the protagonist?
Nale: Ah, but it is only thus that we see the real tragedy.
Nale: As all of the lawbreakers go on living, without punishment, due the the lawman not being willing to fulfill his duty.
Joret: It’s so horrifying.
Cali: Yes, hence the title.
2. Bondsmiths: West Side Story
It’s about two warring gangs being brought together.
Dalinar: Although it is sad, it is nice that it ends with all of the previously estranged people bonding over their loss.
Navani: And it really is through music that two warring sides can be brought together--perhaps even feel love for each other.
Dalinar: Yes. 
Dalinar: Wait, what? 
3. Edgedancers: Little Shop of Horrors
Or at least, it’s Lift’s favorite.
Lift: I dunno why Wyndle doesn’t like it--it’s about a plant!
Lift: A hungry plant too, so it has something in common with both of us!
Wyndle: I--
Wyndle: Never--
Wyndle: That--
Lift: It’s kinda in the title, dude.
4. Stonewards: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
They were surprised at how invested they got.
Badali: It may not be warfare, yet the efforts of these children are so inspiring.
Zu: They truly do fight until there is only one standing.
5. Elsecallers: A Little Night Music
Jasnah just thinks it’s neat.
Jasnah: I have to respect the effort of composing each song in 3/4 time.
6. Lightweavers: Phantom of the Opera
It’s about art, tortured souls, disguises...
Gaz: I gotta feel bad for the Phantom.
Shallan: What, because his love for Christine is doomed?
Vathah: Because it would suck to live in a sewer?
Gaz: Well sure.
Gaz: But also that one-sided mask.
Gaz: He must always feel like there’s something there in the darkness, something just out of his sight.
Shallan: ...
Vathah: ...
Gaz: N-Not that I would know anything about that, ha ha!
7. Truthwatchers: Lion King
They went for the costumes and ended up being  blown away by the story.
Rlain: If Simba had just told the truth about his father’s death, all of that could have been avoided.
Stump: Yeah, well, kids are pretty stupid sometimes.
Renarin: Although by running away, Simba did get to be raised by two awesome gay dads, so that’s nice!
Stump: ...
Renarin: What?
8. Willshapers: Scarlet Pimpernel
It’s about rescuing innocent (?) aristocrats from being imprisoned and guillotined!  
Eshonai: It is truly inspiring to see a group of humans working so hard to free other humans before their unjustified deaths.
Venli: That Madame Guillotine song is really catchy though.
Eshonai: Yeah, you almost can almost understand the killing there.
9. Dustbringers: Wicked
They appreciate the overall message.
Malata: Yeah, there really are two sides to every story!
Ral-na: And just because a power is popularly deemed destructive, that does not mean it is so.
10. Windrunners: Also Wicked
Although their reasoning is...different.
Bridge Four, in their barracks: SO IF YOU CARE TO FIND ME / LOOK TO THE WESTERN SKY
Kaladin (wiping away a tear): It’s just such a good song.
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gal-palanaeum · 10 months
Scholar, scientist, engineer ships:
Jasnah/Khriss - They would love to interview each other...
Jasnah/Steris - They would be so ruthless at getting things done!
Rushu/Venli - Would they be able to stay focused to get the job done?
Rushu/Khriss - Just because it sounds like Rushur Kris and that's funny
Raboniel/Pailiah - Ancient beings, ancient sciences, deep relationship history?
Hessi (Of Hessi's Mythica fame)/Battar - No wonder she got so many things right...and wrong
Ellista/Ethid - They are good at ancient languages! Perfect for sending each other coded messages
Jaxlim/Axindweth - Enemies to lovers???
Eshonai/Rysn - Let them make maps...and love
Scholar, scientist, and engineer tropes:
I won't give you the info unless you give me what I want
We are exes but we have to work together to translate the Elia Stele because we're the only two experts
We have been sending each other increasingly personal spanreeds and baring our souls to each other in between sharing data
An ancient tome, protected for centuries is opened for the first time, and releases a gas that has strange effects on them
A fabrial accident pulled us both into Shadesmar and we have to survive together
If you want to join the Thaylen fabrial guild, you'll have to complete our initiation...
I HAVE to prove you WRONG about this theory!!
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cosmereplay · 1 year
here's some listeners too: Eshonai, Venli, Rlain, and some Fused: Raboniel, Leshwi, Zellion* (*might not be a Fused but just go with it)
YES listeners and Fused!!
Listeners. Eve, you don't even know how long I've been sitting here trying to figure this out. This is a real quandary.
Mateform - Rlain. Look I might not be his type but he's reasonable, I'm sure we can work something out. Eshonai definitely wouldn't be interested, and I'm sure as hell not fucking Venli. I'm just not into brats.
Bond - Eshonai. I would love to be her spren, I would fight off all the voidspren and we could go travelling the world together. She deserves it!
Shardblade - Venli. Look I don't hate you but I'm sure you'd understand why this happened.
Onto the Fused!
Mateform - Raboniel. I have a type and that type is thousands of years old. Hello. Teach me. Tell me what weird shit you're into. I hope it doesn't involve me dying, but I am willing to take that risk.
Bond - Leshwi. She has the sense of honour to keep me on track, and we can stay up for hours talking about how cute Kaladin is. Should we get him long flowing robes, just to try on? We know he's been eyeing hers...
Anti-Voidlight dagger - Zellion. I don't know what your dumb evil plan is but I'm not going to wait to find out. Get stabbed idiot
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simonstamenovic · 1 year
i love u eshonai
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