#i love drawing gremlin marx too much
startistdoodles · 1 year
For the meme redraw, You could use any character. I think Kirby would be the best for this one. But you could use any character you want. All right
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desultory-novice · 2 years
It's me ! That Marxolor fan !! I hope you're doing okay !! C: This may seem like a useless ask, but I just hope you're in a good position in life where your biggest worry is about marxolor-- Speaking of, I love the dynamic and idea that Marx is someone who needs a lot of attention and has jealousy issues. But his clinginess can reaaally get to Magolor. He has some undealt trauma and Magolor just. Understands :(
Marxolor Fan...!! :waves:
Thank you so much! To be perfectly honest, work is very draining at the moment (...I think I have a case of burnout...yuck...) which is why my fandom to do list of asks and translations and etc is still so long...!
But speaking of Marxolor, yes! about Marx needing attention! He's a bit ravenous for it! Actually, fufufu, you'll see a lot of that in Ch4. (and 5) of MariPav - and how Magolor learns to handle him! XD
[More MariPav Marxolor talk]
(I'm actually still debating if I want to work the Marx + Kirby childhood friends thing into MariPav because I love it so much. If I do, it's going to be part of a later side-story-esque thing, probably - but you can believe that being forgotten by one of the only people who paid attention to him would influence Marx's need to STAND OUT in the present! Of course, Marx will still have plenty of unresolved troubles even if I end up leaving that plot idea behind...)
For Magolor's part, he definitely gets annoyed at having to wrangle this bite-y gremlin who will knock the non-existent books off his non-existent shelves like a vengeful cat if he goes neglected too long, but as much as Magolor wishes he could live alone, it's just not feasible. (And he doesn’t really want that.)
However, when Marx DOES learn to understand Magolor's needs, and begins to care about them like they were his own... well...!!!
...I was actually JUST working on a complimentary short-story that'll be paired with one of the later chapters that deals with that new understanding they've built, and several times I’ve paused just to think, "...This! Yes!!"
I know this isn't going to make any sense out of context, but what the heck! Have a random chunk of words from said short story! (In brief summary, Magolor gets very sick and Marx needs to do something that could be dangerous and tricky to save him.)
[Magolor's POV]
"W-why are you..." the antifebrile was starting to wear off. It must have been, because my hands were shaking and I couldn't hide the quake of my voice, "...going to all these lengths for me?"
Marx set the book down and looked at me. His gaze inescapable. "Because...I don't want you to lose anything else."
My throat felt tight. My chest felt heavy. I would have wrote these off as symptoms of the fever, but the heat gathering in my eye suggested the cause wasn't physical so much as emotional. 
When did I...? When did he get to know me so well?
"...Alright." I found myself whispering. And I could find no more reason to complain. No paltry fear of this going wrong could dismantle the resolve in his words.
Rgh! Now I wish work would lighten up so I have more time to draw!
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Barron Presley Bowl smoked, bedroom solace sought in lazy, Sunday morning apathy as he was seated to the floor. Guitar in lap plucking away with his bare back to the side of the bed frame.
Coree Marx The morning had taken herself and Gremlin outdoors to allow Barron to sleep in while the two found themselves at a dog park where Gremlin could play with other dogs and Coree could enjoy the earlier morning hours without disturbing the man. Just after eleven in the morning, the two returned to the apartment building, finding the sounds coming from the bedroom bleeding into the hallway as she unlocked the door. The dog took liberties of getting inside first, quick to his bowl of water as Coree stopped in the doorway to remove her shoes and pull off her shirt, leaving her in yoga pants and a sports bra as her own typical Sunday apartment attire.
Barron Presley Hearing the door open, it wouldn't cause the man to stray as experienced fingers wandered the fretboard. Starting lessons long before he'd ever know the privilege of his position yet it has always been marveled that he wasn't much of a vocalist. Rather, more of an instrumentalist. His voice wasn't melodious or one that could bring you to tears as many would expect. But it did him well in his capacity as his low hum turned to a growl of his voice. "We were out on a date in my daddy's car.  We hadn't driven very far.  There in the road, up straight ahead..."
Coree Marx Locking the door behind her, she collected her shoes and her shirt as she made her way through the apartment that knew the sounds of music frequently, making it none too strange that she'd walk into it now. Hearing his voice, she'd always be partial to it as it warmed her thoroughly. Coming into the bedroom, she softly hummed along as she took her shirt to the hamper in the closet and put her shoes away where they belonged. Coming over to the bed, she laid down across it so that her arms could draw around his neck where he was sitting on the floor, leaned against the bed. Her kiss found the side of his neck before a whisper was there to his ear. "Keep going," she requested softly, kisses to the back of his neck while she couldn't promise not to chime in on the chorus if he'd continue to play.
Barron Presley Perhaps being from the family he was, his voice was always meant to mean more. Making him deeply insecure over it on the times he had to rely on it. Moments such as this where he stopped as he felt her in back of him. Yet, she seemed to already know. A moment of hesitation as his fingers easily spawned the space of the fretboard. "A car was stalled, the engine was dead. I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right.  I'll never forget the sound that night."
Coree Marx The pause in him was predicted, but she had already encouraged him on as she just knew. As he sang, she pressed a soft kiss to the back of his neck as her arms remained wrapped around him loosely. Feeling the shifts in him as he offered the lyrics while his fingers worked against the instrument, she whispered the words with him just behind his ear, unable to resist as she joined in the moment with him. "The screaming tires, the busting glass, the painful scream that I... heard last."
Barron Presley Continuing on with the instrumental where he felt far more comfortable, he'd leave the rest to his betters as he felt her behind him.
Coree Marx Not wanting to do it without him as it had been his song and his chosen activity, her voice stilled as she pressed another kiss to the side of his neck, listening as he played through the instrumental portion into a space where the chorus would exist. Bringing one hand to the side of his face, she'd guide his head to turn where her lips were there to his in a gentle kiss as though the music were coming from a device instead.
Barron Presley Still wanting to hear her voice more before she was at his face. Turning his head for her kiss as he kept at the guitar with ease having pulled off worse and keeping rhythm all at once.
Coree Marx Though there had been innocence in her kiss, she was caught by the thought of just what he could play through, bringing a soft smirk to her lips there within the kiss. Her fingertips remained softly placed against the side of his face as her lips passed against his once more, her tongue slipping through to sweep the part of his lips a moment later, tempting herself to find out.
Barron Presley Letting the back of his head fall back to meet the bed. Causing a slight adjustment on her part though she had the higher ground and it would be easier to do so as he kept at it. Lips parting for the invasive muscle of her tongue to seek out his own.
Coree Marx Only ever intending to lay across the bed and enjoy the music, there was something about the man that would lead her to this place each and every time as her ability to resist being close to him was nonexistent. Months before, he'd asked her not to hold back in this regard, and ever since that day he'd surely found that she'd act on any desire she held making her entirely more open to him than she ever had been before. Making that adjustment that would be required, she felt his lips part to her, allowing her tongue to draw through that part to seek out the man's taste as a not so innocent hand drew down his chest, needing his help to allow her hand lower as the instrument would need to be drawn out a bit to allow such, yet her intention was made quite clearly.
Barron Presley Feeling her tongue draw over his, he'd hum slowly. Once more as he felt the movement of her hand down his chest and further her yet how he was to access her that and keep the guitar in his lap was anyone's guess.
Coree Marx As she felt his tongue there to hers, her hum was instant in return as she found the curve of the instrument there against him. Pausing the path of her hand briefly, it was hard to think with his taste surging through her, only knowing she wanted to feel him in that moment as he played. A soft whine passed her lips, a sound of defeat and slight frustration where she didn't want the music to stop and yet she wanted what she wanted just the same.
Barron Presley Keeping at it in the same pattern as it was a familiar and easy riff that would soon get repetitive. Seeming to taste her impatience and confusion, he'd smirk softly back to her kiss.
Coree Marx Feeling the man's smirk against her lips, she drew back from that kiss to meet his eyes briefly before her lips were finding the side of his neck once more. Her arms draped down his chest, palms pressed to him where she could feel his build the thin layer of fabric separating them. "Sing for me," she whispered, a request as she submitted to the moment and her inability to find him from her present position, knowing she could do something more about it, but not until she heard more.
Barron Presley Hearing her insistence once more though he'd never understand why, his brows would rise briefly as that riff had remained the same through it all. Keeping his head back causing his Adam's apple to strain to the front of his throat. Sounding a bit more rugged than usual. Keeping the riff though the lyrics had changed. "So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep, and I feel you forget me like I used to you breathe. And I keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are. Hope it's nice where you are..." pausing, knowing she'd know those lyrics as he continued on. "Oh, where oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good. So I can see my baby when I leave this world."
Coree Marx As he picked up singing once again with lyrics of her own that shared the same title as the one before, her own mission had been interrupted entirely as she paused in the midst of his gesture. Having meant to find her way off that bed, she remained there at the back of his neck, a kiss pressed as her arms drew a little tighter around his neck. Whispering between her own lyrics and the others. "All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss," remembering all too well where those lyrics had come from. Settling where she was without need to move, she heard him ease into the next part where she would let her eyes close throughout.
Barron Presley Watching her seem to enjoy the transition which was always risky at best but he felt just as entitled to her song catalogue as she might have been to his as he continued to his guitar as it was now her time.
Coree Marx As he continued on playing, she was entirely too moved by that which he had done, knowing her own lyrics could never hold a candle to the others at his tongue, yet indefinitely honored that he would play them in just the same. "Baby, I love you," she whispered, seemingly out of place, though it never really was for her.
Barron Presley Hearing her conclusion, he'd find his own with one fingered chord progression in slow movement before a drawn out strum. Silence as he held to the strings and his pick. "I know." He answered. "Never been too good at hiding it either..."
Coree Marx "Never felt I needed to hide it," she whispered to the back of his neck, her arms loosening at his neck as one hand slipped down for the neck of his guitar. Not quite sure that he would relinquish it into her hold from where she laid against her stomach on the bed, her attempt was gentle as always, a soft gesture.
Barron Presley Feeling her find the neck of his guitar. Letting it up to see what she'd do with it. "Good." He concluded, knowing it wouldn't have worked yet he meant years ago before such things were appropriate.
Coree Marx As he released the guitar into her hold, she'd lean it gently against the end of the bed before her hand was there to the side of his face once more, guiding his head to turn even as he remained against the floor, pressing her lips to the side of his neck before his jaw as she finally found his lips once more.
Barron Presley "Chiropractic adjustment time." He'd tease as she seemed to be pushing his head so she'd find his neck, allowing her at it before she'd find that strong jaw of his and his lips. The strong genetic features that many would have paid millions of dollars once to be able to recreate in their children their before her though such an idea likely wouldn't be an issue for Barron.
Coree Marx Hearing him teasing her, she'd smirk a moment later, already there to his lips. Knowing he could alleviate that discomfort at any time that he might like to either join her on the bed or find a way to pull her down to the floor, either of which the woman would not be opposed to. Pressing her lips thoroughly to his, her tongue parting her own lips before tracing the part of his as her hand remained there to the side of his neck, slipping forward against his throat in a hold that might typically be seen as a male position, yet she'd take it for herself in this moment.
Barron Presley Not thinking any touch was male or female as he touched her where and how he wanted to touch her and not because he had to. Not abiding my strict guidelines as his arms could find her shoulders just as easily as they could find her waist and vice versa. Pressing his lips back to hers as he felt her tongue at the part of him, guided open as he wanted to move but had no idea how.
Coree Marx With her hand there to his throat, she felt his lips part to her unspoken request. Her own tongue tracing the part of his lips again as though he had not already opened to her, though in all actuality, she was just enjoying him as she had been since her arrival back at the apartment in the first place. Finally allowing her tongue to ease through into the confines of his mouth, her lips pressed firmly to his to provide this space before she was withdrawing her tongue only to reintroduce it once again.
-August 6, 2017
0 notes
Coree Marx A stressful week came to an end late on a Saturday afternoon. Upon her return home, she set down a bag from the liquor store, withdrawing a bottle of fireball, leaving the rest of the contents within. "Baby!" she called out, hoping he was home and willing to cut loose with her. "I brought drinks!" Drinking a heavy shot from within the bottle, she loaded Apple Music on her phone, playing it loudly before making her way through the apartment, singing at the top of her lungs, determined to erase the week. "She says, we've got to hold on to what we've got, cause it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. We've got each other and that's a lot for love... we'll give it a shot! Ohhh we're half way there! Oh oh, living on a prayer. Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear, ohhh living on a prayer!"
Barron Presley Still back in the lego room by the time he heard her entrance. Compiling piece by piece of his weekend project finally starting to take form though having days to go. The singing drawing a furrow of his brows as it definitely wouldn't be his musical choice.
Coree Marx When he didn't appear before her, she knew where to find him. Entering the Lego room with the bottle in hand, she stopped in the doorway, not wanting the pain of a Lego to the bottom of her foot. "Baby!" She called, motioning for him to come with her. "Take a break and dance with me!"
Barron Presley "I don't dance." He reminded her simply, glancing back towards her over his shoulder as he wondered what had her so excited. "You okay?"
Coree Marx Hearing the denial to her request, her hand was still out, wanting nothing more than to dance with him. "Please, Baby? Fast or slow, it's your choice," she replied, her hand opening and closing as it remained outstretched in one last effort to bring him from the room to dance with her. "I'll be a lot better in about twenty minutes. After I've had a few shots, a little something from your top dresser drawer, and most importantly, you."
Barron Presley Fast or slow, he didn't dance. Not when he was sober anyway and it took a long way down for him to give in. Watching her as he sighed low. Really not in the mood for it as he stood up. Walking slowly to the doorway where he'd slip past her as he walked into the bedroom. Finding what she was after as he slid the drawer back closed.
Coree Marx As he stood, her smile widened, certain he was giving in to dancing with her. As he made his way past her, she brought the bottle to her mouth once again, hiding her own disappointment, taking another long shot from within before she'd follow him faithfully. Finding him at his dresser, she slipped in behind him, managing to hold the bottle down beside her thigh as she pressed her lips to the center of the back of his neck. "How goes the building?" she asked, her free hand slipping to his side, another kiss pressed to the heat of the last, not giving up on the idea of bringing him down with her that night.
Barron Presley Feeling her behind him as he felt her to the back of his neck. "It's fine." He'd answer honestly, fishing out the unpacked pipe and a dime bag. Feeling her once more to his neck as he was handing her the pipe from over his shoulder as it would need to be packed for her and he knew this well.
Coree Marx As he brought the pipe over his shoulder to her, she drew her hand from his side to take it from him as she pressed another kiss to the back of his neck, seemingly uninterrupted even if she had jumped to the last of her requests as it was of the most importance. "Play with me tonight and then tomorrow, we can work on it together all day long?" She requested in a whisper before her enamel was gently grazing the side of his neck.
Barron Presley Listening to her as he simply wasn't going to be the best company to her no matter how much she wished it. Feeling her again to the side of his neck as he'd close the drawer. "Maybe you should call Trevor or something. I'm sure he'd be in a better mood."
Coree Marx "Baby, no. Why would I want to call him?" Coming around his side with a bottle in one hand and a pipe in the other, confusion painted her features. She had waited for tonight all week long and after he had his day with his project, she was at a loss as she had hoped to find him in better spirits. "Are you upset with me or did something happen today?" She asked, blue eyes lifted to his.
Barron Presley "Nothing happened. I'm not upset with you." He'd quickly reply as it wasn't like that as he'd turn around to look briefly down to her before taking the pipe and opening the bag to pack the pipe for her.
Coree Marx As he assured he wasn't upset and nothing had happened, her concern couldn't be disengaged so easily. She drew a breath as his hand took the pipe, her own hand lingering for that pass of his against hers. "Smoke with me?" She asked, her freed hand finding his chest, letting her fingertips drift against him towards his stomach. "I won't make you dance with me," she conceded, a hint of a smile taking her features as she watched him with the pipe.
Barron Presley "Okay." He stated simply, feeling her down his stomach as his brow would briefly rise. Stepping back as he grabbed a notebook to use as a table and sitting down at the edge of the bed to begin to break up the bud.
Coree Marx As he slipped from her touch, she'd wonder if he was trying to avoid that contact entirely, although she couldn't be sure. She brought the bottle of fireball to her lips once more, tilting it and her head back to take in a long sip from within that would have her face slightly distorting to the burn afterwards. Placing the bottle on the nightstand on his side of the bed, she brought her hands to either side of the work out pants she had been stuck in all day, drawing them down and free of her to leave her in a pair of panties and a tight tank top before she was climbing onto the bed beside him, careful not to move the bed too much in the process. "Tell me about your day?" she asked, criss crossing her legs infront of her.
Barron Presley "I walked Gremlin." Conclusive, nothing else as he packed up that pipe. The shredded remains back in the bag as he handed her the pipe and letting her find a light.
Coree Marx Taking the pipe into her hand, she held it low as she waited for him to be ready to light it as usual. "How many Legos did he steal today?" she asked with a look that seemed to know as the pup was just too curious for his own good.
Barron Presley "Too many." He remarked, seeing she was not finding the lighter drawing him to stand up and do so before returning it and handing it off.
Coree Marx As he handed her the lighter, she was even more concerned as to what might be bothering him or under his skin or if she was just looking too deeply into this, though any other time, she would have known he would bring the light forward for her. Holding the lighter now in one hand and the pipe in the other, she couldn't bring herself to lift it quite yet. "Are you sure everything is alright?" she asked, concern within her eyes as she kept her own fixed to his.
Barron Presley As she asked again, swearing he had answered this question 20 times over in this past half hour. Head turning to pull his eyes from hers as he looked forward. "No, but if you want there to be. Keep asking me." He challenged, as she was well on her way to getting what she was after.
Coree Marx Hearing his response, it would cut straight through her as she had only wished to be sure he was alright and she was feeling as if there were something wrong. She hadn't meant to close him off, though she seemed to be doing a great job of that and more that day. Bringing the pipe to her mouth, she slipped her finger over the hole on the side before bringing it to her mouth and bringing the lighter to the bowl. Lighting just the corner, she drew in the smoke before letting her thumb lay off the side, holding the smoke within for only a second before exhaling, passing the pipe towards him.
Barron Presley Knowing he was wrong for it as soon as it came out, he'd take the pipe and the lighter. Doing the same as he'd do the same for a deep inhale and another after that in attempt to take the edge off of himself. Exhaling a thick plume as well as his apology.
Coree Marx She closed her eyes as he took the pipe, allowing herself a moment to just relax as it was much needed. She was high strung that day and it had clearly followed her home. Her need to let loose had overtaken her better judgment, asking the man for things she knew he wouldn't be down for all in her own need to escape her day without proper regard for his own. After he took seconds, she was leaning forward against criss crossed legs to rest the side of her face against his upper arm as her hand slipped towards the pipe to have her own seconds, not expecting him to light for her this time.
Barron Presley "I'm sorry." He apologized honestly, eyes closing briefly as he was. But the man was still a raging manic depressive anyway one looked at it. Letting her take the lighter as he felt her to his arm and saying nothing further on it.
Coree Marx As she leaned into him, she heard the apology from his lips that was as appreciated as it was unnecessary. She understood, even if she took too long to back off in the process, only needing to be sure that he was alright. "It's okay," she promised, taking the lighter and then the pipe, repeating those same steps once more, holding the smoke in her mouth a moment longer this time to elevate the strength of the hit before both items would be relinquished to him once more.
Barron Presley Saying nothing as it wasn't okay as he took the pipe. Hesitating to do much with it before a moment later he'd spark and take the hit. Feeling little from it as his mood was absolute shit.
Coree Marx Waiting until he had released the smoke from his lungs, her hand slipped up to the side of his face, urging him to look to her although she knew what she was up against. "Baby?" She whispered, encouraging that look further, her hand gently guiding him to do so.
Barron Presley Feeling her hand to the side of his face, not moving or allowing it to happen as he held the pipe. Just wanting to bow his head as he'd resist for a moment before finally giving and allowing the turn though his eyes would not find hers.
Coree Marx Feeling that resistance where he would not budge to her gentle suggestion, she was just about to lower her hand when she felt the turn of his head, her eyes readily searching for his which she could not find. She drew a slow breath as she wanted to be let within, yet he would keep her at arm's length. Shifting her own legs to bend to one side instead, she'd alter herself to find a space closer to him, nearly facing her body the opposite direction of his own if only to manage that which she sought in an effort to be there for him, with him. Having intended to seek a kiss of his lips, when she did not find his eyes, she'd allow that thought to pass through her own mind without being brought into reality, instead, bringing her hand to the opposite side of his neck, luring him into the curve of her own where she was completely satisfied to hold him for so long as he might allow her.
Barron Presley Not sure what she was after there as his eyes would lift a moment later at her willing. Feeling her pulling him into the side of her neck where he’d go willingly. Exhaling a hot breath as he’d finally speak. “The girls are in the protective custody of the State of California…Harper tried to kill herself. She’s under medical supervision but they took Fin away from my grandmother. Riley is trying to get temporary custody but they won’t give it to her while my mom lives with her…”
Coree Marx She didn't expect to hear a word from him, though she'd hoped he would take the refuge offered in the curve of her own neck. As she felt his breath there against her neck, his words flowing from him to explain that something had happened, something far more than what she had expected to hear from him in that moment, she held her breath. When he seemed to conclude with no shortage of bad news and weight there, her hand tensed at this back of his neck. "Fuck, Baby," she whispered, knowing her words would do nothing for him in that moment, yet they were an honest reaction. Suddenly her arriving home, drinking, wanting to get high, wanting him to dance with her, all seemed like the most ridiculous plans in the world. She knew how much those little girls meant to him and so it would come without pause from her lips a suggestion that she couldn't be sure how he would feel about. "What about us?" she asked, as though he could make that filing to try to get the girls there with them, a suggestion that would require no thought from her as his family was her family.
Barron Presley Allowed to draw backwards now that he had given it all up even as she remained at the back of his neck. Her suggestion might have been an optimistic one at best but implausible and impossible. "I'm a manic depressive felon who just did time for possession and got let off for murder though most people feel like my mom paid people off..." he'd remind her, as no judge in their right mind would put those little girls in his possession. A drug-addicted, wayward musician who had murdered his own bestfriend in a drug induced haze. Or so the world suggested. Something that would soon impair her own career, he was sure.
Coree Marx The thought had not been thought through in the slightest, but had been a natural instinct at best to want to help in any way that they could. Hearing him list off the reasons it would never work was hard as she put that time period out of her mind at every turn, and yet he was absolutely right, leaving her to feel terrible for even suggesting something that would result in it needing to be spoken. With her hand still there to the back of his neck, she'd press the side of her face to his, attempting to keep him close, knowing he could slip from her entirely at any given moment and seek solitude that broke her heart each and every time, and yet for whatever reason, she felt like he was trying so hard in that very moment. "Will they at least let you see them? If we went to California? We could at least be there so they wouldn't feel so fucking alone?"
Barron Presley "I don't know." he'd confess, as at this point, the state was selling them all off as nut jobs. As it still seemed to grow deeper. "She was diagnosed bipolar." the real kicker of it all that hurt to even say. Forcing his head forward as he'd place the pipe down onto the side table. No longer bearing the appetite for it. "Harper, that is." he'd specify as his elbows found his knees, fingers joining as his palms found the sides of his head. Passing joint fingers over the short hairs to the back of his neck. "Riley said that she said that she has been asking for help for a year and a half now but she wasn't getting it. They did the same thing to her that they did to me. Use the church to make it better. That kids shouldn't be on medication, that no one should be on medication. This poor fucking kid would rather die than deal with being told that it was just all in her head one more day. Again. Because we didn't learn our lesson the first time."
Coree Marx As he pulled from her entirely, leaning forward and out of her hold, she drew back to allow him the freedom to do so, only able to imagine how he felt as he continued speaking, giving up more details. As though it all wasn't bad enough, hearing him explain what was going on there had her biting harder against her own lower tier as her hand found his back. She leaned against him, wanting the weight of herself there to him so that he could not feel alone even for a single moment as it would take far less than this to send the man to the other room where a locked door would be her only friend. "But if they took her into state custody, they'll get her on something and talking to someone," she whispered, her voice finding his back as she did all that she could to stay close. "So we go out there and we try to see them. It's worth at least the try if they will let you at least see them both, to talk to them, to Harper. You could be of a lot of good to her right now," she encouraged, knowing the man didn't look so good on paper at the moment, but also knowing if anyone knew what it was to live with that which the little girl was now facing, Barron was the one to walk her through it, even if he could only do so through limited visitation.
Barron Presley "Yeah, /now/ she's in state custody because she doesn't know how to slit her wrists the right way." he pointed out, as it wasn't exactly something that made him feel better. "Help" was a pipe dream for people like them. Like a medication for anything, it came with side effects. They could never hope for a normal life but now the damage had been done. She knew what it was to live without it now and the switch had been set. She was a kid that never should have been in such a state. She had a big and usually affluent family and she would struggle being who she was in such a place as no one would understand. Hearing her continue, he'd shake his head as she knew just as well that he'd be denied. "It's not going to work like that. You know this is not how these things worked." begging her to use her goddamn head in this moment before she'd frustrate him further. It was time to live in reality, not in optimism.
Coree Marx She couldn't help her optimism.  It was deeply engrained in her since childhood and all she would know how to do was to search for a way to do something, anything.  Though they were not her own siblings, she had always felt like one of them from the time she was two and for there to be trouble with them meant there was something that needed to happen and she'd be wiling to move the ends of the world if it meant they had a shot.  It wasn't even for Barron's peace of mind at that point but because those girls needed someone.  She drew a breath as she lifted from where she pressed to his back, having no choice but to agree with the accusation that she knew it wouldn't work.  She knew nothing in that moment, but she'd let him say those things with no apology needed for her own attempts.  Her hand remained to his lower back as she rubbed gently there against him.  "Baby, I'm really sorry your family is going through all of this," she stated honestly and easily as it was horrific within her mind just how afraid those girls must be.  "I know it doesn't do anything, but I am here for you, for them, and if you want to try to do anything, just know that I'm right beside you through it all."  Promises that were easily made by the woman as it was of no doubt that she loved this man and the two little ones involved.  "How long ago did this all happen?" she asked timidly, feeling the man closing off to her little by little and knowing that should he rise from that bed, it was something she would have to do her best to understand.
Barron Presley Rubbing his temples at her apology as he closed his eyes. It was all a little too much to cope with and he didn't need any extra bullshit his way. He'd take her apologies but any suggestions had to be practical by this point. Still, what could really be done was beyond him. Hearing her question like he'd keep such a thing. "Just happened." he confirmed simply.
Coree Marx As he spoke, she knew she had gone too far. It was a natural thing for her to step clean over the boundary without ever noticing the line on the pavement. If she could stop herself, she would, but her intentions would at least be of the truest form. Her hand slipped down his back, keeping her mouth closed as she processed all that had come in her direction, still thinking the trip to California might at least be enough to get in to see the girls, to let Barron speak to Harper, to assure her that someone understood. She wouldn't breathe another word on it though as her suggestion had been made and it was rather poorly mentioned at that, regretting now that she had partaken in any substance at all.
Barron Presley "You should go see them. They'd let you in." Knowing she had a clean bill and was as squeaky as they got. Her being a family friend and all too familiar to their girls could be an in. "And I can look for a lawyer in the meantime..." he'd state, voice directed to the floor as it would be a waste of resources. "Oh, and my mom is out of money now too. My moms cut her off. That's why she's living with Riley. Just keeps getting fucking better. Apparently she's gunning for everyone's trust fund now which isn't even fucking open yet so I don't know how she can give away what I haven't gotten." He stated, as he'd either get it on his 30th birthday or when he got married. Whatever came first.
Coree Marx As he made his suggestion, she felt her heart sink in her own chest as she didn't know just what she could possibly say or do in California as the point had been to get him in to see Harper in particular as the man was living day to day life under that which she would find herself struggling at a different level to. She gave up a nod of her head as she would agree to go if he thought any good could come of it, at the very least making sure both of the girls knew they weren't alone. "God," she complained as he went on, finding that the story seemed to have no fucking end. By the time she could process one piece, there was already another. Closing her eyes, she leaned against his back, pressing her forehead against him as she rested there, only trying to wrap her mind around it all, yet finding herself bombarded and overwhelmed all at once. Her free hand slipped to his thigh, resting there in the least sexual way she had potential ever touched the man and yet he'd find nothing but genuine intentions with every touch that flowed from her to him in these moments. "What if... what if we brought your mom here so that Riley could get the girls because your mother wouldn't be there anymore?" she asked, knowing it would be another long shot and potentially unhelpful, but if Riley was really Fin and Harper's best bet, it was potentially a sacrifice they could try to make. "I've got money saved up. We could put her up in a hotel here for a while. Or she could stay here with us in the spare room. But then Riley wouldn't be roadblocked any longer?"
Barron Presley It didn't matter to him at that point who got in but it had to be someone to at least pass on the message though she didn't seem too hot on the concept and he understood why. Feeling her to her thigh as she went on. Rubbing his hands back down his face. "I don't even know her own situation."  The woman might not have even been able to leave California with her own divorce settlement opened up.
Coree Marx "I'll clear my schedule for the week," she promised, seeming to know now what she might be able to do here to help. "But I think you should come with me. See your mom and Riley and let's try to get you in to see the girls. If you can't, then you can't, but at least you can try to get things figured out elsewhere. We can find out what the possibilities are of bringing her here and that way Riley can do what needs to be done out there. What do you think?" she asked, leaning back from him now that she had at least a bit of something working in her mind that might at least put them a little closer to helping and further away from being helpless.
Barron Presley "No, it's alright." Not doing that as he knew what it meant and what she was thinking was happening with him. Feeling her to his knees as he kept his head right there.
Coree Marx With no response to her request aside from that of his words refusing her, she drew a breath and leaned her forehead to rest against his knees, doing everything she knew how to do here, and yet it wasn't enough to get him outside of his own mind. She was at a loss, maybe not as much of a loss as he was at, but a loss nonetheless, only left to sit on her knees before him, hands to his knees, forehead there as well, admitting her defeat right along side of him.
Barron Presley Feeling her to his knees, knowing she wasn't going through this with him but was now merely upset because she couldn't comfort him. It was all adding up into a trip to that bathroom for him until he could figure it the fuck out.
Coree Marx She wasn't upset, but it would be easy to think this. Her entire purpose in that moment was to be there for him, as he'd see as she drew into him in the only way it seemed he'd allow her to. Fighting to remain close to him, knowing what the alternative was, knowing how much she hated to see his back as he'd leave her behind him for the confines of those other spaces. Her hands tensed at his knees, pleading with him silently to let her be with him.
Barron Presley "You need to focus on your career. A kid right now would be a bad thing. You are hitting your fuse and you need to run off that as long as you can in hopes of a spark. Not sitting in a little pile of dynamite that will ruin any hopes you have of a career." He reminded her, as it simply could not be an option right now without ruining her entire life. A shake of his head. Not even sure that he wanted to be a dad. Not even sure that he wanted this life path as it became evident that the two were on very different platforms in that moment.
Coree Marx "I'm not saying I want a child right now, not by any means. I was just saying if it did happen, it wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen to me," she clarified as she tightened her grip on his hand. "I like what we are now. What we have now. I like this and I want to be selfish with you right now. I don't want to share you with a little one. I don't want to divide my attention from you. When I'm home, I like that I'm yours and that you are mine. And if the kid thing never happened for the rest of our lives, I'd still be quite happy spending my life with you. That's all I really want, Barron. It's all I've ever wanted."
-May 20, 2017
0 notes
Barron Presley I'm not saying I want you dead or anything crazy, I just think you should spend the rest of your life mixing purple jelly beans up with the black ones.
Coree Marx "Got a few people to add to that list of yours, Baby."
Barron Presley The more the merrier.
Coree Marx "I'm thinking this weekend, we lock ourselves away somewhere and throw away the key. Whataya say?"
Barron Presley Better to do it this weekend. Next one I got a date with some cute girls coming in to see me.
Coree Marx "Oh?" she asks, eyeing him with a smirk to her lips. "These cute girls happen to be twin eight year olds that are going to have the time of their lives in the lego room and playing with Gremlin?"
Barron Presley Nods, a telling smirk that she'd figure that one out. "Yes ma'am."
Coree Marx "Mmm. The next three weeks are going to be absolutely incredible, Baby. This weekend, we go on lockdown. Next weekend, the girls will be here. Then Monday after, we fly out for Florida to spend a week down there and see Asher perform. I've bought three new bathing suits and maybe a little something else. You ready for all this?"
Barron Presley "I know." He'd agree, approaching her as she sat on the bed. Hands to the sides of her thighs as he dragged her into position to lay down.
Coree Marx Feeling his hands take to her thighs as she's drawn down to lay with him, a laugh was there on her lips as her arms wrapped around his neck. "I say there's a little something else and you lay me down. Trying to say you know what kind of little something I got for the trip?" she teased.
Barron Presley "Probably." Knees to the bed as he leaned over, pressing his lips to hers. Feeling affectionate which wasn't too common so she'd have to make the most of it.
Coree Marx Finding the surprise in his kiss, her hands found the back of his head, easily taking to him as he came over her. Humming softly to his kiss as her legs drew around him as though to keep him right there.
Barron Presley Feeling her drawing her legs around him as his lips drew back. "Gonna tell me?" He'd ask with a cock of his brow.
Coree Marx Draws a deep breath the moment his lips part from hers, eyes meeting his a moment later. "Baaaaby. It's a surprise." She nearly sang to him as she lifted her head from the bed, attempting to find that kiss once more.
Barron Presley "Can I have a hint?" He asked, knowing he could usually figure it out as he spoke to her lips. Not quite giving her that reattachment until he got what he was after.
Coree Marx Hearing his question, it was all too tempting to give in with his lips right there against hers, but not all at the same time, teasing her, tempting her, driving her crazy as usual. "Hmm... it's black," she offered, deciding that might be enough to get him to kiss her and yet keep that surprise mostly in tact.
Barron Presley Hearing her speak, he'd press his lips back to hers and hummed low. "Little black dress?" He'd ask, gauging where this was going to land as his lips fully engaged hers.
Coree Marx Feeling the reward for the bit of information she'd given up, she pressed her lips fully to his before his question would break the kiss once again. "Noooo..." she sang in return, her lips finding his once more. "Less fabric," she'd offer by way of a strong hint as she tightened her legs around him.
Barron Presley Feeling her legs tighten, still not too sure despite it all as he'd suppose he'd have to wait...or check her amazon past orders and pretend like he'd wait as his lips remained pressed to hers.
Coree Marx Feeling him give into that kiss, a smirk stole her features as she thought about just what it was she'd bought, now so tempted to go get it out of hiding. "Strappy," she managed against his lips, never quite pulling back as the word was spoken between them.
Barron Presley "Strappy?" Not sure what that meant for them. "I don't think that's a word." He'd confess, finally letting his lips pull from hers yet continuing to brush.
Coree Marx Humming softly, she nodded her head. "Very, very, strappy," she confessed, thinking it was a word and it fit the description quite well. "Such as... with many straps..." she went on to clarify, a smirk there to the corners of her lips as she was all too anxious for their vacation so she wouldn't have to keep it a secret any longer.
Barron Presley Hearing her follow up definition, still struggling with the visual as his eyes passed over hers. "Hm..."
Coree Marx Bringing her hand to his, she brought his fingertips to her side, dragging his fingertips against her in a criss crossed pattern against her lower abdomen, saying not a word as she attempted to give him somewhat of a visual to get him through.
Barron Presley Feeling her pattern as he was beginning to piece it together. A crooked smirk finding him as he'd nod simply. "I see."
Coree Marx Nodding her head slowly, she released his hand against her own abdomen to bring her own hand back to the back of his neck. "Yeah... I think you're gonna like it," she whispered, nose nudging the side of his.
Barron Presley "I think so." He'd confess, brushing his fingertips still lazily over her skin as he felt her to his nose. Eyes drifting down to watch his fingers.
Coree Marx When he didn't draw his hand back from her stomach, she'd lift her eyes to his only to find his to be focused somewhere else entirely. Drawing a slow breath as she realized where he was focused. "I know so," she whispered, her own fingertips following the curve of his arm, tempted to get it out for him, yet trying so hard to keep it mostly a surprise.
Barron Presley Passing his fingers down to her hip, his teeth finding his bottom lip as he found her eyes at her follow up. "It's a date."
Coree Marx Hearing his easy agreement, he would find her smile as proof of just how happy he had made her in that moment. Humming softly, she tightened her hand to the back of his neck, snagging his lips with her own.
Barron Presley Pressing his lips back to hers, the man angled back towards hers as he lowered to his forearms before her to gain access to her flesh.
Coree Marx Meeting his lips, there was a fire about her kiss as just talks of their upcoming trip and what she had for him to enjoy therein had thoroughly excited the woman. Turning her head slowly, she'd give up the access he was after as her hand turned the curve of his shoulder.
Barron Presley Feeling as she'd turn her head. His lips down her jawline and neck. Taking a none too gentle bite of her against her neck as he suckled away the discomfort.
Coree Marx Feeling the sharp bite of pain, she gasped instantly, feeling the tension against her flesh before he was suckling against her, replacing that pain instantly. Digging her nails against his upper arm, she bit against her own lower tier.
Barron Presley Hearing her intake of breath as she attempted to hang with him when it was never quite possible. He felt her nails to his upper arm as one hand was luring down to find her bottoms.
Coree Marx Her response had been organic and unrestrained as he would always find from her in this capacity. Her nerves and shy nature had been put on hold here as he would find the very best of her, easily expressive in ways the rest of the world would never be able to access. As his hand reached down to find the athletic shorts she wore, her hips lifted to his touch, giving up the fabric to him without argument or reservation.
Barron Presley Tugging them down her thighs, his main objective not being to tug them off but to feel what he had just created as his hand slipped down. Passing down at the apex of her thighs and over the barrier of her panties as he rolled his fingers over the heat he found there.
Coree Marx Forever entirely too eager here to take her time, always finding herself to want him just as badly as she did in that moment. Feeling his fingertips over the heat of his own creation, she pressed her lips to the curve of his neck, stealing a page from his own playbook as her teeth found his flesh, nipping against him until finding the space where her teeth would take to him fully, not bothering to be gentle as she well knew him to be able to handle this and so much more.
Barron Presley Feeling her return the favor as he was hardly expecting it, the man gave up a heated breath while his fingers rolled over the the moisture pooling to the fabric. Finding himself at the same point as she physically in his own mirrored fashion.
Coree Marx The breath at his lips said everything to the woman as she quite loved nothing more here than shattering the expected reactions and keeping him on his toes even if her arsenal was small and far understocked considering. Suckling against the space she had only just bit against, she hummed to his flesh which would surely hold her marks for days to come as she felt him locating the moisture that would give up every feeling and desire she had. "Do you want me?" She asked, her voice quiet to his ear as she dared to tease the man.
Barron Presley Hearing the question which was an easy one, finding her hand where he dragged her to the front of himself. Despite it all. Layers of fabric be damned. The protrusion obvious and formable under her grip. "What do you think?"
Coree Marx As his hand found her own, he would find no resistance from the woman as he brought her hand against himself, even through those layers that separated his flesh from her own. With her lips still there to the curve of his neck, he would find that smirk of her taking form against him. Using her hand to apply pressure against him, her teeth found the lower curve of his ear. Tugging gently against his ear, her tongue smoothed against the curve she held between her teeth, letting her mind run wild with the possibilities of just what he wanted to do to her with that which she felt in her hand. "How do you want me?" She asked in a whisper to his ear, clearly being more vocal here than usual as it spoke to her comfort level with him, flirtation lacing her every word.
Barron Presley With that question effectively answered, feeling her applying pressure to that of which she had caused. Feeling her to his ear as his hand was drawing up from between her legs. Reaching for the sides of her panties where he was drawing them down. "I'll show you."
C.J. Marx Feeling his hands to the sides of her panties, his words caused her breath to hitch instantly. Nipping against the lower curve of his ear, her own hand formed entirely to him, feeling him growing there beneath her hold as she shifted the palm of her hand up and down his length even through the two layers that separated them. Heated breaths fell against his ear as she shifted her body beneath his to assist in the removal of her panties, drawing her legs up and free one at a time, her flexibility assisting in his task as she remained there beneath him.
-April 1, 2017
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