#i love dinos so much theyre one of my special interests i had a little autism fit today im so happy
malewifekane · 2 years
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i met dippy the diplodocus today
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strawberryscorp · 1 year
thanks for the tag @ace-aussie-asshole <33
hanks for tagging me @ace-aussie-asshole 🫶
Are you named after anyone?
no, but my full name is actually really pretty. its really uncommon as well, and i let a lot of compliments on it. i wish this wasnt the internet because if i could i would brag about my name all the time haha
When was the last time you cried?
just now, actually. i had my first therapy session ever and it was kinda scary, but my therapist was really kind and we didnt get into anything super triggering yet. she also had a squishmallow frog on her couch that i held the whole time, but there was a dino one on her desk and maybe next time i’ll ask if i can hold that one instead. i really like dinosaurs.
Do you have any kids?
nope, and i dont plan to. i dont think i could handle the pressure of raising a literal human being without fucking them up. i think i’ll just stick to babysitting instead
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
yes haha, but almost always in a joking setting. i try not to ever be sarcastic in a way that sounds rude, yk? i am very good at picking up sarcasm, however, and its really funny when i do. a lot of people seem mean and sarcastic when theyre actually just being funny and its a beautiful realization when that sinks in
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their facial expressions. i notice the way their face moves, and how they react to stuff. its jsut interesting for me.
What’s your eye colour?
deeep deep brown (the best color). they look almost black. someone told me that when i look in the sun i get little sparkles and my eyes look like the night sky, and thats stuck with me for a while.
Scary movies or happy endings?
well, im weak and i physically cannot watch anything scary. i dont think ive watched a movie that doesnt have a happy ending, if im gonna be honest. as you mightve guessed, disney movies are my favorite.
Any special talents?
i can hoola-hoop really well. my record is four at a time
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
reading, writing, listening to music, drawing. id like to get into crochet.
Do you have any pets?
no, but i want one so damn bad. i really love dogs, but the neighborhood where me and my family live doesnt allow them.
What sports do you play/have you played?
i used to play soccer. by play i mean i would pick flowers and stare at the clouds. but i had fun, and thats all that matters.
How tall are you?
not gonna lie i have no idea. im like, slightly less than medium height? lmao i dont really know
Favourite subject at school?
maths, i know i know im a nerd. im just really good at it right now, and a lot of my friends come to me instead of the teacher when they need something explained which brings me so much joy.
Dream job?
honestly? a youtuber or content creator. slightly more realistically, an artist. or someone that works with animals. im pretty open to a lot of careers
im not sure who else to tag so moots and followers feel free to do this too <33
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malwarechips · 2 years
ok so i want to ramble about dinosaurs idk what im gonna talk about but i will talk about something (special interest moment) putting it under a cut bc it WILL be long
FEATHERs. FEATHERS ON DINOSAURS. /POS i love it so much, its so cool. even if its thought that larger dinos such as t-rex didnt have feathers, dinosaurs like Archaeopteryx?? BELOVED!! its so fucking cool! AND VELOCIRAPTOR, TOO! murder chickens... /pos
ALSO TEETH.. THEY HAVE SUCH COOL TEETH DUDE... AND CLAWS TOO! i feel people forget that dinosaurs are animals too, and they'd adapted to their environments, as animals do! people also seem to forget that dinosaurs arent some movie monster made up by jp or something, they didnt kill everything in sight bc that would take more energy than just killing one or two meals to fill themselves would what's the point in chasing after that other alive thing when you just killed something and its right in front of you to eat?
i also also dont think some people realise quite how incredibly rare finding things such as preserved skin and tails and feathers is!! the amount of events that have to line up for that to happen is amazing!!!
AND DINOSAURS WERENT THE ONLY COOL PART! theres pterosaurs, reptiles, bugs, plants, fish... EVERYTHING!!! theyre all so cool! hell even the Earth itself! its all so fuckin cool dude! have you SEEN how big those ancient bugs are? how cool pterosaur skeletons look? even leaf-prints in rocks are cool! and its so interesting to think how we'll probably never truely know how things like prehistoric sharks looked. cartilage n all that!! its why we only have the teeth!
everyone knows dinosaurs and birds are related, but more specifically; birds, dinosaurs, and crocodilians are all archosaurs! IIRC crocodilians have been super helpful in figuring out certain dinosaurs' muscles! so have birds, actually!
onto my favourite dinosaurs: AUSTRORAPTOR! my favourite dromaeosaur.
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its thought to have been piscivorous!!! which is super interesting and i love it so much! its also a pretty obscure raptor from what i know, which is kinda sad ive always loved dromaeosaurs and how bird-like they actually are; theyre among the dinos thought to be feathered.
and theres also BARYONYX! my first ever favourite dinosaur.
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theyre spinosaurids, and therefore related to spinosaurus! unlike spinosaurus, they lack a sail, but were also likely mostly piscivorous (if you cant tell, i tend to lean towards piscivores for some reason) their headshape is so interesting to me and im not sure why but. look at it! its so funky! /pos fun fact; their name means Heavy Claw, after the large claws on their hands!
back to misc dinosaur rambling;
its always really annoyed me when people 'shrinkwrap' dinosaurs, (referring to when dinosaur reconstructions will be very close to the bone, almost like. starving-looking) give em some muscle! give em some bulk! but not too much they werent balloons either theres a nice middle-ground somewhere in there, im yet to personally hit it with my style, though that weird bone that some skeletons have between their legs? thats part of their pelvis! it doesnt stick out weirdly, its nicely tucked away, yknow, inside them, like a skeleton should be! their stomach doesnt stick tight to their ribs, theyve gotta have organs somewhere. and thats where those go!
i always love it when reconstructions go a little wacky with colours and crests, though! crests we see on skeletons (dilophosaurus for example) may not have been the full size of the crest, as its possible it was larger, but composed of mostly cartilage instead of bone!
and i dont mean to push herbivores out of the spotlight, they deserve one too! their feet are rlly cool! yknow how so many toys of dinosaurs like triceratops have those weird elephant-sorta feet? iirc thats not accurate!! they had more obvious toes! as for biped herbivores, duckbills are so cool! their skulls look awesome! (and the sounds that scientists and palaeontologists have speculated they may have made are even cooler!)
AND DINOSAUR PARENTING/EGGS! oviraptor, right? that egg-thief? those were actually its own eggs! that was a mother guarding its nest, not a little guy stealing another dino's eggs! iirc its thought that t-rex was actually a very good parent and would mate for life! (im not sure on the accuracy of that one anymore, though, it was a while ago that i heard it) occasionally we find fossilised eggs with IN TACT SKELETONS OF THE UNHATCHED DINOSAURS IN THEM! its so cool! (and very helpful for figuring out a dinosaurs life cycle, i assume)
Coprolites are fossilised animal shit! cool, right? no? well theyre actually very helpful in figuring out an animal's almost exact diet! and sometimes even behaviour! how cool is that???
dinosaur ramble over because i cannot think of anything else to say and my brain is now tired (i should do that more it was nice to ramble for so long)
TL;DR: dinosaurs are fucking incredible animals. animals, not movie monsters. and i wish more people saw them like that! and herbivores are just as cool as the carnivores everyone knows like t-rex and velociraptor! also, appreciate ALL prehistoric life, not just the dinosaurs and pterosaurs! (although dinosaurs are my main interest when it comes to prehistoric life)
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ramdomddadds · 6 years
Dream daddy ask: dino-nerd dadsona
He was a nerd wasn’t he?
So, um... holly motherfucking cow, I just remembered how much I love acurate, updated dinosaur stuff, and how it could fit the dream daddy fandom?
so, yeah.
I know I’m such a nerd and I’m so late to the fandom but I had fun writing this and here it is
He notices how fast you get to withling, and how you always make some animal.
He also notices how interested you are in anything supernatural, But always fiting the science factor in there. Like how it could be that jakelopes exist, and they could crosbreed with hares but not bunnyes becouse they are too diferent or how the yeti could be a distant relative of the orangutan...
Or how you are pasionated about movie making too, but prefer realistic stuff, but he says nothing, because he likes silence.
Then, one day, he comes over for movie and pizza, and he finds it: notebooks.
Notebooks all over the house.
There are three different notebooks on the stack of the tea table. One, opened, on the big table at the dinner room. Another one somewere on the kitchen, and many, intersected with books, on the shelves across the house.
With the excuse that it was open and in the same room, he takes the one in the big table, and flips over it.
Its filled with drawings, sketches, notes and doodles of people, planst and animals.
There’s him, and betsy, so thats… there. Theres a lot of Amanda… and many, many animals.
It calls his atention that many of the drawings fit conversations they had.
MC hadn’t hear speak of the dover ghost before he met Robert, but here they were: pages and pages of sketches and different designs of how the dover ghost may look like.
Some of them were more animal-like, others where very human, and other were made of shadow, the mark of the pencil, smugled with the author’s fingers to make it look like smoke. A chill climbed up Robert’s spine when he came across a particular drawing that did look just the way he remembered it, dragging something behind.
There were steps behind him.
Ups. MC was back in the room, and he had his nose deep within the sketchbook. Robert concentrated in another drawing, one that was very common, and odd.
Robert lifted his gaze.
“…dinosausr, with feathers?”
“Oh fuck, Robert! Uh…”
Robert held his gaze, smirking
“Yes. Yes, ok? Dinosaurs with feathers. I can explain it”
Robert closed the notebook, but held it as he crosed his legs, leaning in the table
“Im listening”
And he kept listening as MC went on and on, telling him how come dinosaurs actually had feathers, and the remains of them that could still be found in birds, and so many little fascinating facts, with such passion, similar to when Robert himself told intrinsek made up stories.
He smiled. This could be so much fun
He was delighted, with MC’s appreciation of his abode. He even said he felt sorry for the dead butterflyes, but still appreciated the beauty of his colection, and the work that went into it.
As soon as they were sitting at the couch, he had asked for the skulls placed across the room.
They walked over to them and talked about fosils. MC tried to guess the species and origin of the bones, and if he did not get the exact thing, he could deduce a lot from looking at them.He took a bit longer to mention the feathers issue. It was nice to have interests in common with Damien and he didn’t want to ruin it with the stupid argument of the feathers.
Of course the day came. They went to the movies, and Damien turned out to be very scared! MC held his hand and rambled on and on of how unrealistic they were, and why some choices were made, and later on the conversation developed into a very popular, clasic movie:
Jurassic park.
“Most raptor species were smaller but there was one or two species the size of the ones in the movie, in wich they were inspired… but they had feathers, all of them, including the T-rex”
“Wait, what?”
“Ups. Uh… see…”
And it was down hill from there.
When MC got to the BQ and saw Craig waving from across the yard, he recogniced an SOS call. His buddy needed him.
“Dude, I have no idea what is going on”
MC listened quietly for a moment and then leaned onto Craig and wispered to him
“Moustachasaurus is asking a simple question. Rastasaurodon misinterprets it and makes stuff way more complicated thatn it is. Both monsters engage in an eternal loop of bloodshed, a battle of giants. Is the dress blue or yellow? Are best cats or dogs? Pineapple or pineappleless?”
Craig gigles and covers his mouth, wile looking at the two men arguing in front of him.
Hugo tells Mat why he thinks you can not compare two pictures from different moments in history, but when Mat repeats the question, down they go again.
 “Moustachasaurus displays his extense knolege of taking pics throu the ages and Rastasaurodon tries to scape, but Moustachasaurus attacks from behind and they engage in tragic battle again. It must be mating season or something”
 Craig breaks into laughter, distracting the two men with glasses, and pretends he was having an innocent conversation with MC
“Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were?”
 Oh no
He’s got a funny, smug look. Its a trap! ABORT! ABORT!
 “eh… were?”
“Broooo what do you think the tyranosaurus rex did with those tiny arms?”
“Don’t do it bro. I found out. You won’t like it”
“I need to know bro”
“Tell me, MC Tell me…”
 Craig held him by the shirt and roughly wispered in his ear
“What were those tiny claws for?”
“Mhhh huu aaaah FEATHERS”
 Craig stepped back, shock written all over his face
 “Bro… not you too”
“Im sorry Craig. It is true”
“No… its impossible. It can not be!”
“The t-rex had feathers. He probabbly had fluffy and colofull arms for display, when fighting for terrytory… and mating”
“I would never lie to you, bro. It is true”
“…the velociraptor too?”
“…specially the velociraptor”
MC tried not to talk about it in front of Joseph. He just didn’t know how he would take it, being religious and all. Until…
Joseph has a yatch. OMG. He has a yacht.
Before they got off the shore, MC was already creeping him out.
 “I just love the sea. It holds so many misteries… do you have interest in all of the marine life? Why would you own a boat if not?”
“hehe, I just enjoy the fantasy of sailing aways into the sunset… just the sea and I”
“But its not just the sea and you. There’s the giant squid. You knew that? its real. They are out there”
“Shh, don’t be afraid. I will protect you”
“No, Im not afraid, Im fascinated! There’s so much we don’t know about the sea, I mean, it is the origin of all life…!”
 And then, an akward silence
…he was nervous, ok?
 “uh… I mean, after God put it there, of course”
“…sorry. There’s not a door we can close and open again this time”
 Joseph laughts, maybe to make it a bit less akward
“Actually, speaking of marine life, we may see whales”
“And dolphins”
“Oh my god, really? Do you see them ofthen?”
“Yeah. You are interested on them? you know they can be cruel right? They drown theyr babys for fun…”
“Oh no, they don’t. Dolphins are some of the most inteligent and social creatures out there. If they ever do that is as a punishent to a misbehabing child, or to teach them to survive when they have trouble. Of course they can go mad or try murder too but it is…”
 Joseph was staring at him in disbelief
 “…rare. …uh. …yeah”
“hmh. Did you know dinosaurs had feathers? Why do you think they died?”
Mat is such a dork. And he babbles. Its adorable! I guess I feel less self-concious near someone who’s also self-concious.
He starts talking about music. I don’t know much about music, but it is nice and sweet and Mat knows lots of stuff and it brings memories from a while back, so it is easy to listen and just roll with it.
Speaking of wich.
Retro music reminds me of retro stuff.
And that reminds me of Dinosaurs, and how awful and fake they looked back then.
 “What you talking about, man, dinosaurs are cool. …I think”
“Yeah, but, compare the ones in black and white movies with Jurassic park”
“Oh, yeah. Thats the stuff”
“Ok, now let me tell you: jurassic park is now outdated too. Dinosaurs did not look like that”
 Mat lays down and listens in awe to me babling abut the found proof that dinosaurs had feathers, and not only that, but also also spikes and colorfull crests and shiny scales, and the misterious noises they may had made. Even the spinoaurus from the third movie, turns out it didn’t walk on two feet. I start realising Im babling a bit too much, but he just looks at me with his sweet, big brown eyes and smiles
 “maaaan. I feel so old”
“well, look at the bright side. Not as old as those fossiles”
Going to the acuarium with Hugo was an exciting adventure. And I got to awe a bunch of kids with my extense trivia about penguins, while he got some kid out of the penguin enclosure. How did she get in there? oh well.
 Trivia nights were also fun. Hugo and I make a good team and there’s lots of cheese!
It was the dawn of a new era. It really started the time the quizz master got some wrestling trivia wrong, and Hugo went head over hills for it.
I went for all the natural history and nature ones.
Thats what I told him when he showed he his colection.
 “Don’t be ashamed of this, man. Remember how I get when Master quizz talks about dinosaurs?”
“Oh. …OH. Oh, boy”
“Oh yeah. I too, have a dark seecret”
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. …but, what could it be? You are just very educated about nature. It is interesting, many people enjoy the nature channel”
 I was giving him a mischevous look
 “It goes deeper than that”
Hugo looks at me in the eyes and then carasses his chin before daring to ask
“…how deep is that?”
I walk closer to him, wrestling belt over my shoulder
“Remember you asked”
 He doesn’t moves, but gulps when I wisper on his ear
 “Dinosaurs had feathers”
“… what?”
“And shiny scales, and colorfull crests, and they made all shorts of music”
“Whait, what, for real?”
“And not all of them went extinct. Not only crocodiles and turtles survived. It has been proved: the birds that we have today descend from dinosaurs like raptors and relatives of the t-rex. Thats why they call it the extintion of the non-aviar dinosaurs now”
“…for real? I… didn’t know that”
“and there was a period, the triasic, when nature was on drugs, and it produced all kinds of crazy stuff!!”
 “Say waaaat?” Said his kid, Ernest, standing in the door. How much did he listen?
“oh, is that a dinosaur book?” said MC, and Amanda turned in horror.
“Oh no”
“yes, it is” Said Daisy, with a wide smile “I wish we were studing theese in class, but they don’t talk much about fosiles, just rocks…”
 Brian laughted proudly. “Daisy is not happy with all they teach in class. She is always looking for books with extra stuff…”
Only then he noticed Amanda frantically denying with her head, and making ‘cut it’ gestures. He then looked back at MC. It was too late.
 He was sitting next to Daisy, pointing at pictures in the dinosaur book.
 “Ok, you know this one?”
“Yeah, that’s a brachiosaurus”
“The long-neck one” added Brian “That one’s easy”
“yeah, but it did not look like that. Book is a bit outdated. New data travels faster online. See, look at the skull. Now, where are the holes of the nose?”
 Daisy thoug for a moment.
 “… they are… above its eyes? On the top of the forehead?”
“Exactly. Now, don’t you think that’s a bit weird? Having such a wide, weird nose, and a big mouth way apart? Something’s missing”
“Ok, now look at the skull of an elephant”
 MC took out his phone and showed her pictures
 “… it doesn’t have a nose! And the cavities are huge and… oh my god!”
“Exactly. The trumpet is big and important, but it has no bones. If someone found the fosil of an elephant, but never saw one, they would draw him without a trumpet”
“Like it happened to the brachiosaurus. It had a trumpet! Dad!”
 Brian nearly flinched. He was barely catching up
 “The brachiosaurus had a trumpet, dad! Can you believe it?”
 Brian looked at Amanda. She was scrolling throu her phone like nothing was going on.
 “actually, not necesary a trumpet, see…”
 Daisy turned her attention fully back to MC
 “They are both big hervibores, but the brachiosaurus had a very long neck. It didn’t need a long trumpet. …kind of like a giraff. Have you seen what they do?”
 Daisy denied. MC was already playing a video of a giraff using its lips, and loong, sticky toung to catch things and eat them.
 “it probably didn’t have a trumpet. Nor a long tounge, but there was definetly something important on its nose, wich it probably used for eating and for singing, kinda like cows do, and maybe it was colorful, or diferent between males and females…”
“wooow! It is a big feature, why they don’t use it in movies?”
“see, it is kind of risky, to design such an extrange animal, so they play it easy and just cover the skull with skin. And that’s not all”
“there is more!?”
“this animals had spikes all over their tails, wich have been found incrusted in the skull of predators like the T-rex”
 “Don’t feel left out” Amanda said to Brian, seeing that the poor guy needed some company “he can’t help it, loves the stuff. Just make sure you can handle it before letting him anywere near the museum”
“uh… ok”
“And whatever you do, never ask about dinosaurs with feathers” she wispered this “You will never hear the end of it”
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