#i love Jure nopeing out in the first 3 seconds
hazzybat · 1 month
This interview was like 3 minutes and I got hours of joy from it
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da-proti-toku-grem · 6 months
what christmas tradition would you most like to do with jure?
I didn't know if you meant Christmas as the holiday in general or just the Christmas day, so I did the first one :)
I couldn't think of any special tradition so I went with some more classic ones here (but maybe people outside Spain don't do them and they think they're interesting idk hhzisnsjx)
‌The New Year's Eve Chimes (is that the word for "campanadas"?)
Basically, on New Year's Eve, when the clock is about to strike 12am, we have the tradition of eating 12 grapes (one for each of the bells, 1 second apart each), which represent the 12 months of the year and it is said that it'll give us luck in the new year
It's really funny to see people trying to swallow 12 grapes in 12 seconds and trying not to choke on them (just saying lol), so I think it would be fun to see him try it
It may seem easy if you've never tried it, but trust me, many people can't do it (I always do tho 😌)
‌See the Three Wise Men Parade
On the afternoon of January 5th we have these "cabalgatas" (something similar to a parade but not quite) with several floats that go around the town/city. In these floats there are people dressed as the Three Wise Men (+ many children and people helping of course) and basically what they do is throw candy and toys/balls/small things so people can catch them
I'd love to go out with him to see the floats and try to get lots of candy. We could use my grandpa's old tactic of taking an open umbrella and turning it upside down so that all the candy falls inside (leaving some for the kids obviously). Would they call us childish? Probably. Would either of us care? Nope
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I wanted to show some pics but this is all I could find (they're usually so beautiful from up close but you can't really see them well here)
‌Eat the "Roscón de Reyes"
On January 6th, we eat the "roscón de reyes", which usually looks something like this:
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The interesting thing is that inside the cream there are 2 things hidden: a little figurine and a bean (as you can see in the photo). The person who finds the figurine in their piece is crowned "king" and gets to keep the plastic crown. On the other hand, the person who finds the bean must pay for the roscón.
Just imagine Jure's face if he finds the figurine and gets to put on the crown 🥹. And if not, at least he could eat the roscón, we all know he's got a sweet tooth
‌Bonus: Bake cookies and watch Christmas movies
It's not really something I do every year, so I wouldn't consider it a tradition, but last year my friends and I met up at a friend's house to make cookies and we had so much fun!
You know, being in our pajamas, making cookie dough together while telling stories and laughing and singing christmas songs, but not without throwing a little flour at each other (and maybe some chocolate chips too), making shapes for the cookies and decorating them however we want. I would make one in the shape of a kitty for him as a surprise :3
Then we can play some board games by the fireplace while we wait for the cookies to cool, and finally, we can watch a Christmas movie (or any kind of movie, I don't care) while we cuddle under a warm blanket and eat cookies :)
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