#i like to speculate about what their relationship was like but. you've got 6 whole books on why it wasn't very good to put it lightly
sawsquared · 4 months
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you'd fall in love with anyone
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
I think the oddest thing about my whole reading project is discovering as I go what I didn't know about storylines, about how many things are blown out of proportion and out of context, and about how, on average, stories are better and make more sense than people like to claim they are.
Because one of the interesting things when you read back catalogue is obviously that storylines are compressed. You see whole story arcs in just a day or two, rather than 6 months. You miss out on the speculation and elaboration as they are ongoing, but it also means you see situations resolve before you really have time to get worked up about them.
And that can have a really beneficial effect; you experience the story as it was plotted, rather than as it was first read. Weird gap moments are smoothed over rather than become niggling issues that you're waiting for pay off on. It gives proportion and perspective to events. And you can see structural goals a lot more clearly.
In any case, I am now up to 2017.
Recent thoughts on what I'm reading:-
Duke still does not have powers on page, and he's got a lot of character development; it's bizarre reading this when almost nothing going on here is known by the fandom, and the one thing the fandom DOES know is not yet canonical.
Steph and Harper have a better (and more interesting) relationship at this point on paper than Steph and Cass do.
Steph really does feel like Tynion picked up her character and tried to fix some of the issues that had her left on the shelf.
People hugely flatten how complex Kate Kane's background and canon as Batwoman is.
It's really interesting lining up Bruce's reaction to Tim's 'death' against Jason's and Damian's. Part of it is of course the contextual difference (in that Tynion knows Tim is alive and he'll be coming back) but Bruce feels a lot closer to the acceptance he reached after Jason, rather than the rage after Damian's. And there are definitely elements of how it is written that are specific reactions to the fandom's responses to Jason, Steph and Damian's deaths. It's interesting. Bruce doesn't appear quite ready to let go and get completely messy over this, and I wonder how much of it is a broader support network, and I wonder how much it is he doesn't trust himself if he gets messy without Tim there. (He's grieving! But on the scale of Bruce grieving so far it is incredibly tame and controlled and emotionally healthy)
I can't express how relieving it is to see situations recanonised and old dynamics put back into place unless you've worked through stories where they are just missing. A mid run that's reasonably on target is a fun thing to read, actually.
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tawus · 1 year
Answering an ask that contains JJK manga spoilers
⚠️ JJK manga spoilers below ⚠️
Anonymous said:
1. The theory of Gojo having a rough childhood was actually cleared up by Gege during the Q&A interview in the Jump Giga Autumn 2022.
Q. Was Gojo treated kindly / lovingly as the head of the
Gojo family?
A. He was spoiled rotten.
☝🏻Really explains his bratty behaviour 😂
2. It was a really wholesome moment between Gojo & kid Megumi him telling Hana might fall in love with Megumi and rubbing the kid's head. (all the fan arts were right )
3. And you are right, when the shock value of Sukuna possessing Megumi dissipated , I couldn't take Sukuna seriously anymore with that emo haircut and Megumi's sea urchin hair gelled up back.(still sexy)
4. Kinda curious on how this Sukuna will play a part in the second part of Infidelity if there are plans on it.
5. Kashimo is interesting but dude has so many death flags for wanting to fight Sukuna .
6. And poor Hana & Yuko Ozawa who loves Megumi & Yuji for their personalities , they might have to witness both of their love interests dying and the boys doesn't even know about the girls' feelings.(btw Yuki x Choso was tragic)
7. And lastly we will see Gojo again sooner , i mean we saw the back of the PR held by Choso. Pretty sure it would be a " we won but at what cost "feeling when Gojo comes as things are not looking good for Gojo.
Wow. Wow! WOW! See, I'm gonna gush right here: since the start I've maintained that Gojo wasn't abused as a child. I was even going to write a shortfic about his childhood the way I envision it - in which he saw from his parents, elders, guardians, and servants: love, care, affection, guidance, compassion, generosity, and of course, their absolute spoiling of him. I've had both types of parents: violent/abusive and healthy/loving. And it's thanks to my healthy/loving parent that I got to see what non-toxic love and care is supposed to look like. If you've never received something, it's hard to know what it looks like. With Gojo, we can clearly see that he's a good guy. The way he cares and provides guidance and guardianship to all his students, starting with Megumi... With the absolute power he holds, if he was heavily abused as a child and never saw any love, I see him becoming a villain. A fantastic villain! But he's not. On the other hand, if he was just spoiled rotten and never saw any suffering, then he would have a hard time sympathising with the plight of others. But Gojo does. He has empathy, however imperfect. And I believe that this empathy was gained not through his own personal suffering as a child, but perhaps of the suffering he witnessed of his close childhood friend or someone near him at the time... These are all my speculations based on my own life experience and I was going to write a shortfic encompassing these, but I got put off from writing it due to the fandom's nearly collective agreement that he was abused... With Gege finally clearing it up, though, I'm glad to see I was on the right track. So thank you sm for sharing this with me! 💗
Agreed. I could gush all day and night over Gojo's relationship with Megumi ❤️
'sea urchin hair' lmaoo
Lol I'm curious too how this Sukuna thing will play out in the Infidelity sequel bc I absolutely did NOT expect that! Gege dropping bombs out here 😭
I'm so into Kashimo by now that istg, he better give up on fighting Sukuna and go live out his retirement in his shiny new body somewhere in the countryside 😭
Oh god I hope you're wrong! And god, Yuki x Choso was tragic
See, for all my above talk about Gojo not being a villain, my fucked up little heart that wrote Infidelity, secretly wishes for Gojo's reaction to all the deaths and losses once he comes out of the Realm to be to cause an apocalypse. Final manga panel: the whole world is burning. There are no more people, no more sorcerers, no more curses, no more students, no more suffering. The end ✨
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spirantization · 3 years
Looking Ahead to Lucifer Season 6
Now that we've got all of season 5 and season 6 is somewhere on the horizon, here are some thoughts about what the final season might look like and where I would personally like to see the characters go.
This posts contains no spoilers or BTS information for season 6. I don't know anything beyond a couple interviews with writers and cast members. Everything here is purely speculation. If you have been following BTS and have speculations based on them, kindly do not spoil me here.
Warning! This assumes you've watched all of Lucifer 5B. Do not read unless you've seen the latest episodes.
I get that season 5 was all about Dan's journey of discovering and coming to terms with the truth about the celestial world. Thinking about season 5 as a whole, it made sense not to do an Ella reveal, which would have only taken the focus off of Dan's arc. I very much get it and I agree that was the best choice to make. That being said: let Ella find out the truth. If Chloe is leaving the LAPD and they're not going to have homicide cases every episode, then Ella's role as case-of-the-week-infodump is obsolete.
I'd love to see a reveal that does not hinge on Lucifer's identity; ideally, I would love for them to bring back Azrael again and have the reveal happen through her. Season 5 went to great pains to establish that Boo Normal is canon; if that's the case, then they need to follow through on the rest of what that episode set up. Ella's life has been deeply impacted by interacting with Azrael. She's struggled with thinking she's crazy and dealing with her darkness, and all of that stems from that relationship. There are plenty of shows that throw out reveals for everybody by the end of the run; I don't think that is the case with Ella. At this point, it is doing a disservice to Ella's character not to do a reveal for her.
Dan died so that we could watch him get stuck in a Hell loop and find his way out of it. We know it's possible, since Lee is now in Heaven, and now it's Dan's turn. Of all the characters, Dan's story is the clearest to me in terms of how to move it forward. It's a natural continuation of the arc that was established in 5B.
This is a chance for Dan to relive his mistakes, realize he's in Hell, and then work on getting past it. The show is quite firm that Dan has to be the one to get himself out of Hell. I imagine we might see Lucifer (or others) visit Dan in Hell and try to guide him out, but I don't think it's as easy as picking up his soul and plonking it in Heaven. It has to come from him.
I enjoyed Maze's reaction to her newfound soul. She wanted a soul, she got one, and then whoops, actually, having a soul is really hard and uncomfortable and maybe she didn't realize what she was in for and now she wants off this rollercoaster.
I would like to see an exploration of what having a soul means for her. If she can self-actualize a soul, what does that mean for her brothers and sisters down in Hell? Are all demons capable of manifesting a soul? The show set up Mazikeen, Queen of Hell, but I don't know they'll actually follow through with that. If they reform Hell, ruling it may not be what Maze thinks it is. Less torture, more reform.
We know that Amenadiel is all set to join the police force, and the show wants to discuss BLM and examine its role as copaganda. All of this has the support of its writers and cast and I think it's an important story to tell. They touched briefly on the subject in S4 but, much like Brooklyn Nine Nine, came down on the side of "a few bad apples". This is a good opportunity to course correct and really dig deep into the issue, and Amenadiel is the only character who can do that.
Aside from his role in the police, I would like to see more of Amenadiel, his relationship with raising a human son, and his struggle between being a celestial and living amongst humans. Will living on Earth be a permanent decision?
We know that Linda is displaying some (not unreasonable) helicopter parenting. I would love to see Linda come to terms with that and examine how she can't control every aspect of Charlie's life, and that sometimes she has to let him fall.
I would also enjoy seeing Adriana return, and maybe explore how their relationship could develop. That would be a good way for Linda to dig into her guilt associated with abandoning Adriana.
I don't need a Michael redemption arc, and to be honest I don't think the show is interested in doing one, but I want to see Michael doing his forced, wingless penance on earth amongst the beings he despises. Maybe we'll see him briefly haunting the bar at Lux or trying to run a taco truck.
Trixie is a hard character to predict, simply because Scarlett is not able to be in all the episodes, or even most of them. (She was in 5 out of 16 episodes in season 5, and no doubt even fewer in season 6 due to COVID.) So I recognize right off the bat that my wishlist for Trixie most likely will not come to pass for reasons that have nothing to do with the writers. She will probably spend most of the season offscreen visiting her grandparents.
What I would love to see is Trixie dealing with losing her father, probably by lashing out at Lucifer and/or Chloe. I loved the Chloe & Trixie bonding we got in season 5, and would love more in season 6. It would also be great to see Trixie in therapy to deal with these issues. I don't think that a reveal for her is necessary (although I do headcanon that she already knows), but I would like to see her resolve her issues with Lucifer and come to terms with him a parental figure who is not a replacement for her father.
My girl. So, what does it mean to be a consultant for God? I don't know, and Lucifer & Chloe didn't seem to know either. She's leaving the LAPD, so her story does not have to be tied to a case of the week. That being said, is she going to be involved with police cases at all, as a consultant, or even a PI? Her story is very much tied to Lucifer's at this point, so it's hard to separate the two, but it would be interesting to see a Chloe-centric episode: what life is like when Lucifer isn't there.
Chloe has said several times that Lucifer makes her a better detective; I like to think that for Lucifer, Chloe makes him a better God. She has a strong sense of justice, right and wrong; I think it's important for her to continue challenging Lucifer and his decisions.
(So happy for Chloe that she's been promoted to God!)
I'm not interested in seeing a Deckerstar wedding (and I think Lucifer putting his ring on her finger was the closest thing to that happening) but they've fought so hard for each other. It would be nice to see the two of them enjoying being a couple. I don't ask for much! Some cuddles. An omelet. No backsliding.
Godifer has some choices to make. What exactly are his newly-actualized powers? Does he have all the omnis? If he does, what does that mean for his relationships with everyone else, and especially Chloe? How does he go about ruling the universe now that he's got the job? How is he going to reform Hell?
Season 5 left Lucifer in a good place, emotionally. Becoming God brings in a lot of new lessons to be learned.
Episodes I would like to see, in no particular order:
Lucifer puts himself into a groundhog day scenario because everything goes wrong and he keeps resetting the day to try again; Lucifer learns a valuable lesson that he can't control everything.
Lucifer tries to stop everyone from worshipping him; his divine appearances and miracles go unnoticed or mocked online. I don't know what the lesson would be, I just think it would be funny.
Lucifer tries to do something good, like save a life, which has unintended negative consequences later down the line; he learns that he can't interfere all the time, even if it means that people will suffer and die because of it.
Some of Lucifer's siblings (who were not invited to the super exclusive archangel voting ceremony) are unhappy with Lucifer being God and stage a mini-rebellion. Lucifer gains a new appreciation for his father.
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codenamesazanka · 5 years
What are your top ten Shigaraki ships (and if you've got time for it: why)?
Oh man! idk if I have enough - if there even is enough - Shigaraki ships (in the traditional romantic sense) to fill ten. Plus I hadn’t ship Shigaraki much with anyone because it wasn’t until recently that he got all this screentime and developing relationships with other characters. 
But going with interesting dynamics and relationships of all types, platonic or romantic or enemy or cautionary or imaginary/fanon (because I’m a sucker for my own imagined potential of a relationship) or canon(ish), and which ones intrigues/affects/impacts me the most? and then ranking them??? impossible hmm
(using the names and honorifics the characters call Shigaraki for some variation and also because I’m a weeb) (also ranking is suspect because I’m bad at making decisions)
10. Shigaraki and Bakugou
I didn’t actually like Bakugou until his Remedial Course mini-arc, and so didn’t pay attention to him much. So I was surprised when Shigaraki wanted Bakugou for his League. It wasn’t until I understood Shigaraki much better and finally took the effort to consider Bakugou’s side of things that I found myself wishing they had more interaction during his kidnapping. Because here was Shigaraki going 110% to woo Bakugou into joining him, he had honestly thought the boy would make a good Villain. And there was Bakugou who was adamant about being a Hero despite not being very Heroic. We could’ve had a great look (if Bakugou ever talked) into Heroes and Villains and motivations and more stuff about how they’re two sides of the same coin… or so I wish, making this a purely speculation about a battle of ideas and these two enemies coming to a grudging respect. But that’s all over now. 
9. Shigaraki and Twice
Shigaraki took off Twice’s mask to shut him up (sorta), then put it back on for him! If that isn’t the most warmhearted mean thing to do. Twice is very much invested in the League and I wanna see Shigaraki appreciating that. Is Twice the first member to get to touch Shigaraki’s hands? To measure them for a clone? Very big deal. Not a very intense dynamic, but good fun downtime Villain Out Shopping fluff. 
8. Shigaraki and Mr. Compress
Gotta say it’s @happojin’s ficlet about these two scheming over personal revenge on Overhaul that got me intrigued in this no-ideology partnership-in-pure-villainy. Mr. Compress is the exact type of chaos-loving dramatic criminal that’s right up his boss’ alley, though I can see too much of it getting onto Shigaraki’s nerves - which makes for good, mischievous conflict. These two would blow up buildings purely for fun and I wanna see that joy on their faces. But also! Not yet knowing the reason for Mr. Compress join the League makes for great speculation - like maybe he’s just enamored with Shigaraki’s spirit and youth (that makes him feel young himself???) that he’ll be okay with losing an arm and poverty and getting kicked around by a giant naked mountain man for a month. We see Mr. Compress with Shigaraki in chapter 114, calling Toga (for Shigaraki?) and I want to think it’s Mr. Compress fancying himself as Shigaraki’s (all) right hand man. 
7. Doctor and Shigaraki
The Doctor is creepy and I’m iffy about him cuz, well, he’s creepy but he sure is making the plot move forward and now he’s the guy who will be giving the League zany inventions like some episodic comedic cartoon. If it wasn’t so horrifying that they’re Noumus. But mostly, this is a guy who knew Shigaraki from childhood, who preserved (and maintained???) the hands, who Shigaraki is familiar with but also knows nothing about. What stories can you tell us about Shigaraki, Doc? I wanna know. I’m scared, but I wanna know.
6. Giran and Shigaraki-san
How long have they known each other??? (Consider - middle-aged seen-his-shit-in-the-underworld-and-now-respected-broker Giran having to be polite to a sulky teenaged Shigaraki and needing to address him as ‘san’ - idk, maybe I’m getting the nuance there wrong but… hilarity) What other dealings have they done? Giran sure is a champ to lose five fingers for Shigaraki and the League - is the League his best customer? Did Shigaraki ‘inherit’ the use of the broker from AFO? Has Giran met AFO? I guess this is just me wanting to know more about Giran, and Shigaraki is the proxy for that. But I wanna know! I wanna see them interact when Shigaraki rescues Giran. 
5. All Might and Shigaraki(Shimura Tenko)
I love my Shimura Tenko gets a father figure in All Might AUs! I’m writing one lol. But I acknowledge this is less about the characters themselves and more about the exploration of a legacy that ties them together. Cuz I love that shit. I love the idea of All Might being such a loyal disciple that he would do anything for the grandson of Nana - except it’s just that, he’s only chasing after a reminder of Nana. What would he do with Shigaraki/Tenko himself? And I love the idea of Shigaraki/Tenko deciding how to incorporate the tale of the sordid Shimura family into his life - if he chooses to do so at all. Lots of family/identity drama. Also completely in headcanon territory. Ah well.
4. Toga and Tomura-kun
The recent chapters have really up my interest in the friendship/siblinghood/whatever admiration Toga has for Shigaraki. She calls him Tomura-kun, which yes it’s expected of her as a cute high schooler; but no one else has ever called Shigaraki just his first name besides AFO. And Shigaraki seems to have a soft spot for her? He’s been very nice to all of the League, but for someone who immediately hated her at first sight cuz she was a ‘brat’ who didn’t make any sense, that’s the biggest attitude change. Right now, they’re confirmed to be the youngest and closest in age of the League, and I like the idea of them being able to be ‘young people these days’ together and relate to one another. Toga is very loyal to Shigaraki, but not above stabbing him should he be a jerk. Like with Twice, I wanna see Shigaraki be appreciative, or rather, I wanna see another scene where he’s really nice to her (the first one being, of course, that Overhaul arc flashback). 
Also they were in an omake drama CD being silly and if that isn’t the best thing.
3. Kurogiri and Shigaraki Tomura
Hmmm I’m lazy and I already planned a whole post dedicated to analyzing their relationship, so I’m gonna skip this. I’ll edit with the link to that post later!
2. Shigaraki and Spinner! In danger of being an OTP for me, which isn’t hard cuz I don’t have any other
The only romantic relationship on this list. Spinaraki. Like I said before, though Shigaraki was really the only option after Stain, Spinner was so clearly ready to believe in Shigaraki, to follow him, because he wanted the League to change the world. That’s a lot of faith put onto someone who is Shigaraki (I mean, look at him, he’s a skinny NEET goth), so much so Spinner, implied to have not been a criminal before joining the League, is ready to kill (and does). That’s intriguing enough, and then comes his month long observation diary about his leader. Who he still stays with after knowing Shigaraki’s very-not-Stain-like-nor-revolutionary plans. And now we wait for the climax of his journey of wavering loyalty. True, a lot of it is my own hyped-up imagination but I’m enjoying it. If Spinner stays and become Shigaraki’s most loyal follower, that is so my shit I’m going to die. I’m gonna die anyways whenever they interact in the near future chapters. 
1. All For One and Tomura
What is there to say about…. this? It haunts me. It’s number one on this list cuz it’s the dynamic that I think about most, has impacted me most (Chapter 222 was a lot to handle), and it’s like trying to untangle thorny vines. Gotta say, in my intepretation, it’s a very accurate portrayal - from Shigaraki’s side - of caring about someone who has hurt you a lot, and you know it. But it’s the person you knew best and depended on when there was no one else, and you’re always going to have their influence - of which includes positive things. It’s one of the very few portrayal that gets all the paradoxical messy details while being explicitly clear to the reader it’s wrong, Shigaraki doesn’t deserve this. It’s also clear that while AFO may have affection for people, that doesn’t matter. He’s a monster. Still wrong, and cruel. And I think that’s important to show, important to depict and an important message told well. Now all that’s left is to wait to see what Shigaraki will do now and how this bond will break. 
This to be absolutely clear, this isn’t a ‘ship’, it’s a portrayal of an abused child solider that is now flourishing away from his guardian and I’m hopeful for the future. And it’s so poignant to me, that a story is tackling this. Gets it. Its a dynamic I’m invested in because it’s a story of survival and I will see it through.
Honorable mentions? I wanna see Shigaraki and Hawks. That should be interesting. 
I used to like ShigaDabi, but mostly because it was available. I’ve got no opinions about it now. :/
Thanks for reading!
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