#i like to imagine anakin is the loser husband who also happens to be the beautiful wife at the same time
person25 · 1 month
how i imagine obianidala get together in a happy universe:
Anakin & Padme: be our dilf!🤗
Obi-Wan:…what am i about to get myself into?😔
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pylopenpolo · 4 years
Enforceable Magic - Chapter 1
Summary: Anne Pamgkrth get’s her Hogwarts letter and goes to Hogwarts and gets to follow her older brother Daniel, only to meet Ben, Jacen, Jania, and Anakin Solo on the train. This is the first start of her year at Hogwarts, what would her other’s be like. 
Pairing: Ben Solo x OC
Word Count:  2786
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Chapter 1 - First Bewitching
“Mum,” I looked up at my mother with wide excited eyes. “Is it from them?”
My mother looked down at me with a wide smile. “Anne, you’re going to Hogwarts!”
I smiled brightly up at my mother, before squealing and jumping up and down. 
“How about you go and wake up your brother and tell him the good news?” My mother smiled down at me. 
Within an instant, I ran up the stairs to go and wake up my brother.
“No running in the house, Anne!” My mother yelled behind me.
I burst into my brother’s room and turned on the lights as I did so. “Dan, Dan!” I smile wide and I ran over to his bed and jumped on it.
“Anne, stop!” He playful pushed me off of him as he sat up. “What’s got you in a twist?”
“I got accepted into Hogwarts!” I smiled up at him.
My brother smiled down at me, got out of bed and hugged me tightly. “Oh, Anne! I’m so proud! Your not as dumb as I thought!”
I glared up at him and kicked my brother in the leg.
My older brother, Daniel, was 5 years older than me, and he was lucky enough to turn 11 because the school year started in England. My brother and I were born in Australia and live in Australia, but my mother was raised in England and went to Hogwarts as a girl. Because of her school bais, she made sure we got into the school as well. Our father is a muggle who was raised in Australia. He wasn’t very supportive of my brother and I boarding in another country, but he let our mother control our education for the wizarding world. 
This year, I would be entering my 1st year at Hogwarts, and my brother would be entering his 6th, meaning it was his second last year at the school. Even with the lack of a muggle education, my brother wanted to go to a muggle university afterwards. 
I was excited for the new year though. I never went to a wizard school before, no duh. I had only been in the Australian muggle school system, a girl’s school. It was… Not the best. 
“Do you think Hogwarts has a program to help out with dyslexics?” I asked my brother.
Dan was holding my hand on our way to the train station. Mother would usually go with him, but because it was my first time, she wanted me to go with Dan without her. She believed by the time I was 16, I could do this myself as well.
“I’m not sure, Anne. That is something you’re going to have to ask.” He smiled sweetly down at me. 
Even though Dan was my older brother, he was a lot like me. We didn’t ask questions, even when we really need them. One thing that made us different was that I had dyslexia, while my brother didn’t I diagnosed with it last year after my mother pushed the school to have me tested. 
“Hey, Solo!” Dan smiled and waved off at someone as we came close to the train station. 
A tall 15-year-old boy stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. A couple and 3 other kids also looked at us two. The woman, who I guessed was the mother of the children smiled and waved over at us. 
“Daniel Pamgkrth, oh how have you grown!” She said in a sweet voice. The woman looked down at me. “And who is this young lady?”
“This is my younger sister, Anne.” Dan pushed me forward where I shyly raised my hand to shake her’s. “This will be her first year at Hogwarts.”
“Oh really?” She smiled. “Are you nervous about your first year Anne?”
I nodded my head, not wanting to speak.
“My, she reminds me a lot of you when you were this age.” She teased my brother.
My brushed laughed and blushed. “Oh don’t say that you’ll make me feel old!”
“How do you think I feel?” She laughed with him. “Anne, these are Jacen Jania and Anakin. This is their first year at Hogwarts as well.”
Jacen and Jania looked like twins, their hair was both parted in the middle. The only difference was that Jania had long hair and smiled brightly. She was noticeably shorter than her twin. Jacen looked rather tough-looking while Jania and Anakin looked soft. Anakin was noticeably the baby out of the three. 
I looked behind them and saw the 15-year-old glaring at me. 
“Oh, and that is my oldest, Ben. He is in year 5 this year.” She smiled down at me again. “I am Leia, and this is my husband, Han.”
Han just nodded his head and had a fast smile. I just hold my brother’s hand tighter. 
My brother picked up my uneasiness, starts to wrap things up. “We should start to head to the train, don’t you agree?”
“Oh, great idea!” Leia turns and pushes with her hands waving in the air. “Let’s go kids!”
I held onto my brother tightly and he gave me a gentle smile as we followed the Solo Family.
I looked up at the oldest, Ben, and see him glaring at my brother. I tried hiding from his caramel eyes as I hid beside my brother.
I dumped myself into the train seat. I had one carry on bag with me that my brother took from me and put above me. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to sit with your friends, Dan?” I asked as I sat myself up properly. 
“I told you, not to worry about it,” I replied, putting his own carry with his bag next to mine. “Besides, I have to make sure you remember to change right before we get there.”
Dan sat across from me and rested his head back. I looked out the window and saw other parents kiss their kids right before they got onto the train.
“Why didn’t mum do this for me?” I looked over at my brother, feeling rejected.
“She did it with me sure, but she probably thinks it would be better for you. Plus, I could keep you safe. Mum is more about work. Sure she loves us like dad, but they use to stay behind so they couldn’t go home as kids, and they just got into that habit.”
I didn’t understand the want to stay away from home, but Dan told me it was a good idea to wait until I was older to learn why. I sighed and brought my knees to my chest. 
There was a knock at our compartment and we turned our heads to see Jacen and Anakin waving in. Dan smiled and got up to open the door.
“Hey, guys, what’s up?” Dan asked in a peaceful yet joyful tone. 
“They want to sit with you guys.” Ben stood behind them with Jania beside him. 
Dan smiled brightly. “Sure! Come in! Will you as well, Ben?”
Anakin and Jacen sat right next to the door but on either side. Then there was a spot next to Jacen and me, and one now in the middle between Dan’s spot and Anakin’s new claimed spot. 
Ben pushed his sister in, and she shyly took the seat next to me and her twin. “Mother would snap my neck if I left these idiots by themselves first year.”
Dan laughed nervously as he reclaimed his seat and Ben taking it next to him.
I looked up at Ben. His glare was mean sure, but he had a very skinny body, big ears, short hair, big nose, and took up an uncomfortable amount of space. 
“What house are you expecting to be in?” 
I turned my attention to the voice and saw the speaker being Anakin. He had much more of a babyface and seemed to be the most soft-spoken in the group. 
“When my mum went here she was in Hufflepuff, and my brother is also in Hufflepuff.” I answered.
“Your family is full of pushover Hufflepuffs, ain’t it Pamgkrth?” Ben said rudely to Dan.
“Excuse me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t worry about it, Anne.” Dan smiled calmly to me. “It’s a joke that Hufflepuff’s a pushover, Ravenclaws are always in books, that Slytherins are evil and that these loser Gryffindors are heroes. Spoilers, they ain’t.”
Ben glared at Dan. “Heroes? You were the one that saved that girl last year from a tree and charmed her?”
This was the first I’m hearing about this and snapped my head to Dan where he laughed at my reaction.
“Yeah, that girl still sends me letters. It’s been 2 years now.”
I was so out of the loop about this one. Dan didn’t talk about his school life in his letters. He only sent those to mum. To me, he just replied to my letters. His pet owl was very good at finding me, no matter where I was. 
The train started moving and I gripped onto the seat. This was going to be a long rid.
“Welcome to Hufflepuff First Years!”
The tour of the school so far after dinner wasn’t the best. We only just got the common room and I was tired. I just wanted to snuggle up into bed with my pet cat Bentley. 
“Up the stairs, the boys’ room will the first door and the girls’ room will be the second door. All your belongings will be set up next to your beds.”
It had been a month in Hogwarts, and I hadn’t really made any friends besides from Anakin and Jania. I stayed mostly with Anakin though. Jacen and Jania had turned 12 a month into school, but according to Anakin, he turned 11 on July 1st. Apparently that’s an important date in America. I only turned 11 3 weeks before school started. 
The English school system made no sense to me, and I informed Anakin of what happens in Australia with the school. That Jacen and Jania would be in the above us because they were born a year older. No duh. According to him though, that would mean Ben would be in my brother’s year.
My brother’s year was wired. Everyone was super friendly to me in the older years. Maybe because I was in the First Year, but some of the girls kept asking me about my brother. It got frustrating. 
My social battery was going low, so I decided to find a spot to sit by myself. It was something I did when I was younger. I could just entertain myself with my wild imaginations. 
As I walked down the halls, I found a spot that was quiet and no one was really going that way. I hid in a little window seal and rested my head on the window and looked down onto the grounds. It was nice and quiet up here. 
“Why else do you think your parents send you off here, Ben? To learn magic?” An older man’s voice spoke.
I froze and brought my knees closer to my chest.
“Profesor Snoke,” Ben’s voice replied. “I know you’re trying to help me, but these personal classes are getting kinda violent.”
I was couldn’t move even if I wanted to. I didn’t want to be here and listen to this.
“Ben, my boy. You are confused. You are the strongest wizard here, maybe even stronger than your Uncle. You can only find out by doing the curse.”
“I know sir, you’ve told me. But this year, isn’t the right year. It’s my siblings the first year and I don’t want to hurt them.”
“Listen to me boy!” Snoke shouted at Ben. “I’ve helped you throughout the years, and I can make you stronger. All you have to is prove your loyalty. You go find Harry Potter’s secret room and find the lost key to Lord Vodermort so we can bring him back. Once you do that, we can start your true training.”
I was shocked by what I was hearing. There was a long pause, that made me question if they were gone until Snoke spoke again.
“How about I leave you to think about it?”
I could hear Snoke’s smirk as he spoke with his cold voice. 
I heard Snoke walk away, his heels clinking. Only when I couldn’t hear them anymore did I look out and see Ben standing by himself, him back facing me. I got down from my spot.
“Hey, Ben.” I spoke.
Ben snapped his head around and jumped as if he had been court doing a crime. Well, kinda.
“Are you alright?” I asked as I slowly made my way over to him.
His eyes were red from crying. His face grew angry.
“What do you want? How long were you there for? How much did you hear?”
I got closer to him and looked up at him. I would say I was two-thirds of his height. 
“I heard the whole thing. I came up here to get away from people, I didn’t know anyone else was here. Ben, are you-?”
“Leave me alone, Pamgkrth!”
Ben turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm. He glared down at me, but all he could see was my concerned face.
“Ben, I may not know you very well, and I may not know a lot of things, or what you have been told to do, but I can tell it hurts you. I really don’t want to claim to know you upon our second time talking, but I can see and I could hear it hurt you to hear those things from someone you trust.”
Ben looked down at me, his eyes welling up with tears again.
“Ben, if that man is telling you to do things you don’t want to then tell him such. If he gets mad at you for that then maybe he isn’t a good person to have around you. I’m pretty sure that was teacher, correct me if I’m wrong, but at my muggle school, teacher’s didn’t isolate a student away to tell them to do something wrong. Teacher’s don’t talk to students outside of the classroom because it can look like from an outsider that something bad is happening. I don’t what, mum doesn’t tell me.”
Ben pulled his arm away. “You really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Maybe I don’t Ben, but let’s say a student was treating you this way instead of a teacher, it still would be wrong. No one has the right to pull you aside and tell you to do something you don’t want to do. Maybe you do, I don’t know, but you seem to hurt that he even asked you, or is pressuring you to do these things.”
Ben looked down at me with sad eyes. His shoulders lowered and he looked out the window. I saw tears fall from his eyes and held onto his hand and give it a soft squeeze.
“It started in my first year here,” Ben stated, not looking at me. “I was upset with my parents for sending me here. I wanted to live with them. I wanted to be around them. I didn’t want to be left alone.”
I could understand. I didn’t like being away from my mother or brother. It’s been hard. Maybe that’s why I wanted to be alone because I felt alone. Maybe the only reason why I only had Anakin and Jania was that I wasn’t ready to open up and they forced their way in.
“I had an anger issue, ever since I was small. I thought that’s why they sent me away.”
“You probably get this a lot, but they didn’t send you away for that Ben. I really do know how it feels Ben. I want to go to a Wizard School in Australia where the school system makes sense. I want to be with my mum and hug her whenever I want. But I missed my brother when he was gone, and I saw how much my mother missed him too. Your parents do miss you, Ben, they just want you do go to a good school. I know I probably sound stupid, with how young I am and how much I don’t know about the world, but they do care Ben. They do miss you.”
Ben had large amount of tears going down his face as he heard my words. Maybe a First-Year saying this to the Fifth year was wired, but I really hoped my message got through to him.
Ben squeezed my hand in return and smiled.
“Thank you, Anne.”
Ben’s smile was really cute.
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