#i like the show
respectthepetty · 2 months
I love when a Black Brooder can't figure out the reason he wants to "lighten up"
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Then he finally realizes it's all because he likes a guy.
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That's how I like my queer awakenings! Color coded!
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Bonus - The twins having red and blue backpacks will always make me smile.
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mashithamel · 1 year
First there was this:
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Then there was this:
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Conincidence? Sure, could be. It’s a very good place to stab in order to threaten the life of a woman and her unborn child, without causing immediate death. Gives her time to be Healed or give birth.
But this is the same show that also casually put a little noose in a shot with Mat. And had Nynaeve say “trust the river” in reference to breaking her block. They had an Aiel in a cage in season 1, and had Moiraine drop the idea of releasing the Warder bond in a chat with Alanna. And I stand by my theory that Nynaeve putting aside what she wants to help Lan do what he needs to do in going after Moiraine forshadows “will he ride alone?”. They like the little details.
So, you can believe it’s a coincidence that a former Daughter-Heir of Andor who gives birth to the Dragon Reborn gets stabbed the same way as a former Daughter-Heir of Andor (now Queen) who is carrying the Dragon Reborn’s children if you want. But you probably aren’t enjoying the show as much as I am 😁.
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lonelyfresita · 5 months
I'm watching criminal minds and I just have to ask, are the creators ok? Like mentally? 'Cause dam...how do you write that type of shit, pitch it, record it, edited and review it, and still manage to maintain a healthy mind😐 Like, I went into this show expecting a police drama and some interesting cases on the side, not a horror show with sprinkled police drama...
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pinkylover68 · 3 months
If you hate the new live action atla you’ll probably like it better if you view it as fanfiction instead of a show
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sagewhite · 9 months
I have a lot of fun watching Helluva Boss, but it's true about the things people complain about. I feel like a lot of the emotional undertones is a bit on the nose. This isn't something you would expect from a team of writers and VA's who have worked on prolific shows far more popular and strange than whatever Viv concoted. Being sexy is ok, being sexualized is not. Sexualization is reducing people to an object. It would fit with the theme if we saw how reducing people to an object affects them.
Ignoring all of that for a moment. Does Striker feel like the character who becomes the voice of all negative feedback Vivzie has recieved over the last few years? Like they reduced him to just that as an outlet for Viv to whack at and paint as 'invalid criticism'. It really ruined him further. He had so much potential and depth! Being an Imp means being at the bottom! We could have had reasons for Striker being who he is, but no. He's just the flat character who spits out whatever Vivzie herself hates hearing so he can lose over and over and over again.
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tiny-huts · 7 months
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I am taking being sick good.
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platykool · 1 year
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the amount of embarrassment I felt during that scene
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I’m sorry, they got THE NOSTALGIA CRITIC in the newest Smiling Friends episode?!
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wierdartistmarcell · 1 year
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A mini comic I did of my Danny Phantom oc,Brighton Coal, and how he became a halfa.
In short, he was part in a high school graduation production of Rent, where he was playing the role of Angel, whom is a cross dresser (with the most amazing fashion, I love him so much and I cry so hard when I watch the story)
This is why, when Brighton is in his ghost form, Bright Soul, he goes the SheZow route, and pretends to be a girl, as everyone thinks he is one anyways.
Yes, he is a complete SheZow ripoff, as man I loved that show.
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Sail my GL side couple in A Secretly Love! SAIL!
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They entered the color-coded arena with the dark and light combo.
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And left as girlfriends (I think. These subs are a whole ass problem every week).
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So hopefully my color-coded boys can do the same!
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Even if one of them is being a chaotic gremlin.
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But the gremlin's shirt has holographic butterflies on it.
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And he likes being cuddled, so I forgive him!
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Sidenote: The fact that the bar in a BL is called Granny and has a cat as the image makes me giggle every time.
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benevolentgodloki · 5 months
If you can't love both Lokis enough to be respectful, this isn't the blog for you.
God frickin Jul
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keef-a-corn · 10 months
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I think about this image everyday
Ripped DBK-
Someone tell Red Son that it’s a weird comment to make about your dad, calling him hot and all
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Then there’s Aussie Heat and the second hottest level hsbzjxnsnndnddn
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d-andilion · 2 years
the complaining that hc dipped because lauren is evil or the show is rotten needs to take a long long walk cause the only culprit here to blame is that fat hollywood pay check and we all know it
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
I’m watching the new season of The Crown.  In the first episode Elizabeth goes on about how she likes to be compared to Queen Victoria (she gets compared to her in a newspaper as an insult), and gives a list of traits she finds positive between the two.
And I’m sitting there noticing she specifically leaves out that Vicy was a colonizing cunt that destroyed countries and civilizations all for profit.  Because seriously, the shit that got done during her reign was horrendous.  Not something I’d want myself compared to, that’s for damn sure.
Elizabeth just never considers this.  Of course, this is while she’s discussing the article with another member of the British aristocracy, so they don’t see it either. 
But yeah, not a good look Lizzie.  Not a good look at all.
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lowat-golden-tower · 11 months
Is there anything you actually dislike in Helluva?
Hmmm... good question. Let me think...
Not that I can think of off-hand! Like, if I did have any gripes, it wasn't anything significant enough to stick in my mind. Like, if I have dislikes about something it's usually easy for me to be like "oh yeah, this and this." But... literally nothing comes to mind? I dunno.
I just really love the show. The animation, the setting, the story, the characters, the voice acting, the humor, the music... I love it! I thoroughly enjoy every episode and I'm so hyped for Saturday's it's unreal.
I guess, if I really had to pick something... it'd be all the assholes who insist on continuing to watch a show they clearly don't enjoy. Just stop? Why? I don't watch stuff I dislike. I didn't get past the first few episodes of BNHA because I dislike Deku viscerally. But you don't see me forcing myself thru the show to then bitch about it in the tag, do you? No. So stop it. Geez.
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mrskillingjoke · 1 year
I started to watch wednesday and Here is the result of my thoughts:
So Wednesday is a total lesbian.
Two cute bottom bisexual twink boys have a crush on her. She isn't oblivious, she excactly knows it but she don't care.
Enid is pansexual. All her colors are Rainbow but especially the pansexual flag.
And I really have the slight supposition that Larissa Weems Had a entanglement with Morticia, before Gomez came. (And yes I know she Said that Had a crush on Gomez but... I think it still)
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