#i know these gifs are a bit shit but i made them in a 30min rush this morning
hayaomiyazaki · 7 years
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 Make marmite. You have ten minutes to select your ingredients  and then ten minutes to make your marmite. Best marmite wins.
327 notes · View notes
magistralucis · 5 years
Rammstein @ Stadium MK, 06 July 2019 [Review]
Just over a week ago, I saw one of the greatest shows in my life.
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I dedicate lengthy reviews to most concerts I’ve been to. R+ most definitely merit one, and I like to think this one turned out very nice and long, with plenty of images in between. Nevertheless, I omitted a lot more details this time than I usually do, because:
My pre-show adventures were abnormally long (12+ hours wait).
I made irl queue buddies whose identities aren’t up to me to release.
I’ve talked to people who plan to attend future tour dates and do not want to be spoiled on what R+ has planned. I usually put my reviews below a cut to prevent spoilers, but it doesn’t work on mobile as well.
So, a compromise: I commented on every song on the setlist, but I kept to general comments for new content. There are things R+ brought out this year that you really need to see with your own eyes. But I can’t completely refuse to talk about new things, otherwise that’s only half a review. Those who are wary of all spoilers, please, read at your own risk.
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Read on for more. Mobile users, be warned this is a very long post.
The Journey (+ Queue Adventures)
This show wasn’t in London. You won’t read about London commutes or opinions about the London Underground in this section for once. Too bad the journey to Milton Keynes fucking sucked. It wasn’t commuting back and forth between Rammstein and my hotel that was the problem. In fact, going back home from Milton Keynes was very simple. But getting there? My God. Only a few things went pear-shaped, and I have nobody but myself to blame for the things that went wrong, but I was not prepared for the discrepancy between MK and the areas surrounding it. Future me, book your hotels and transport in Central Milton Keynes next time.
I will never put myself in the mercy of so many taxis in my life again. Well, I mean, two. Still two too many.
A quick note about Milton Keynes for non-UK residents. It’s probably the most organized city in this country. Milton Keynes is modern and grid-planned, unlike most other cities here which have grown organically and have alleys and hills and cobblestones all over the place. All the roads in MK are in straight lines or clear roundabouts, buildings/facilities are in logical places, and it’s widely considered to be a very easy place to navigate. It’d have been nice to experience literally any of that during most of my journey, because dumbass booked a hotel in the villages around Milton Keynes rather than the city itself. The villages are serene and calming, but they absofuckinglutely do not adhere to any such thing as a grid plan and getting around them was difficult. This was not helped by the fact that the very first leg of the journey, Brighton to London, was delayed for an hour due to an accident on the motorway. I missed the connection to Milton Keynes as a result.
That was one inconvenience which was not in any way my fault whatsoever, and I’m still bitter that it nearly ruined my entire journey. At least trains between London to Milton Keynes are very common, and it’s only half an hour. So ultimately, after an extra fifteen quid, I arrived right on time. Commuting to the hotel was much harder, because it was a very hot day, and the trains to these villages come by more infrequently. But at least they were there, I hadn’t packed a very heavy load, and when I finally reached the hotel I was given a cottage room all to myself which was cool and comfortably out of the way. There was a huge bathtub. Some nice free toiletries. Complimentary brandy. Oh, hotel, why couldn’t you have been a little closer to the city centre?
But, whatever. I got there. I took the Ls I deserved, and I didn’t pay too high a price for the one I didn’t deserve. I’d brought more than enough money to cover it, because I’d known I would need to shell out extra for transport on the day of the concert. That thought process is universal among concertgoers; I think I handled that as well I could have. I ate dinner, packed a bag, and fell asleep.
That was Friday. Saturday the 6th I will cover in bullet points, from waking up to front row, because most of my Saturday consisted of nothing but waiting for Rammstein. I’m usually more detailed about my preshow life, but there’s a line between an entertaining diary entry and making people slog through fifteen hours of Rammstein-not-happening. Let’s go.
4am. Up nice and early. I force down breakfast. I have a small bag packed with necessities, and a plastic bag intended to be disposed of at the concert: the latter contains energy bars, satsumas (for hydration), some dried salami, and two bottles of water. That is all I’m going to be eating for the rest of the day.
5:45am. Taxi to Stadium MK. It costs exactly a tenner. I decide that when I’m heading back from the concert, I’m willing to pay up to double this amount. A higher price surge will mean I’ll have to wait.
6am. Queuing adventures begin. There are already four people ahead of me; the people at the very front have been waiting since 3am. I’m at Gate 5, closest to front row out of all the other available gates in the stadium. There are three queue lines already formed with metal barriers, separated by standing, seats, and accessible/disabled, but there is a taller barricade in front of it which prevents us from going in there. We are too early even for that.
Stadium doors open at five, R+ comes on at eight. This is going to be a ridiculous haul.
7am. Up to ten people in the queue. The first six of us in the queue begin talking. These people are the aforementioned queue buddies who will subsequently keep my place in line during bathroom breaks, give me much concert wisdom, and preserve our places for front row. The human capacity to spontaneously begin caring for one another at concerts is what I like best about concert culture, especially metalhead culture. Ain’t no other home I’ve found like with fellow metalheads.
9:30am. I am really tired. The people right behind me have homebrewed a sunshade out of plastic picnic mats across the barriers. Half of us are collapsed on the asphalt, sleeping.
10:13am. Bathroom break. Me and one other girl leave the queue to the 24h McDonalds to make use of theirs. I will revisit this McDonalds roughly 14 hours from now, this time to contribute actual business.
12pm. People in queue are significantly more alert because security guys have started milling around. The barricades for the main queue lines will be removed around 3pm.
1:30pm. One last bathroom break. We visit the nearby Asda, because it’s becoming evident the area is flooded with R+ fans and the restaurants are demanding they engage with actual business before using their bathrooms. Asda has no such issue.
3pm. Barricades finally open and I make it to the front of the line once more. We’re allowed a single 500ml bottle of water with us but then they FUCKING HIT US AGAIN WITH THE NO BOTTLE CAP BULLSHIT. Seriously it’s more of a hazard to have open bottles spilling water everywhere for the love of God just let us keep our bottle caps. I discard my original cap, but what I didn’t tell security was that I had a sports cap from a separate bottle from earlier hidden in the depths of my jacket. Once I’m in, I just screw that on, and I am fine and dandy.
After a wild scramble I score front row nonetheless. Last time I was front row for Rammstein, I was in front of Richard; this time I choose Paul’s side.
Around 6pm it begins to rain. In the stadium.
6:30pm. I am really cold. I am shivering despite the thousands of people rubbing shoulders beside and all around me, and it’s still 1hrs 30mins until R+ show up. They cannot come on fast enough. I have never wanted so much to be toasted like a marshmallow.
7pm. The opener comes on - Jatekok, a classical pianist duo who covered most of Sehnsucht over a half-hour period. They are all the way over at the B-stage however, and while I can hear them, being a short woman at front row essentially means I forfeit anything that happens on the B-stage. It’s too far back, and there are too many people between me and the stage for me to see anything.
Rammstein came on at 8pm to a multi-language announcement asking the audience not to film the performance. The abundance of full-length videos on youtube depicting exactly that is proof that this request was not kept, but I digress. I’m assuming most people reading this review are Rammstein fans, or or know how each song’s ‘performance’ goes, so a minute-by-minute play will be unnecessary. My comments are general, but hopefully insightful.
01. Was ich liebe (Rammstein)
Check this shit out!
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This screen will continue to be relevant throughout the concert. Half the time it’s displaying the logo, and half the time... well, you’ll have to see 😂 R+ have opted for a relatively calm start in this tour. The bandmates appear one by one to the intro, lingering at the front of the stage (save for Schneider) until Till appears.
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All the bandmates’ outfits. So far a theme is uncertain. Or maybe it’s just that Flake is the odd one out. He sparkles most golden throughout the entire concert. He still has the treadmill arrangement going. If anything he’s gotten more stage-confident and hilarious since the last time I saw him.
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Till’s outfit goes hot and serious and heavy. He will only keep the coat on for ‘Was ich liebe’, which is perfectly reasonable; it’s stopped raining by this time and the venue is warm-ish, though clouded. As for ‘Was ich liebe’ as a song, I’m fond of it. I am, however, surprised to see that it’s the opener. This is not a complaint: in retrospect, R+ paced out the songs from their recent album very cleverly throughout the concert, alternating between their older hits and building up to the major climaxes in the middle (songs 7-14). It was just a bit of a surprise at the time.
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I see the most of this cheerful lil’ bastard through the show. Paul will feature heavily in my images of this night.
02. Links 2-3-4 (Mutter)
Storytime. Kinda. I had never watched the music video of ‘Links 2-3-4′ until the day of this concert. I’ve always known one existed, I just didn’t watch it because it’s full of ants and insects are my number one phobia. I haven’t willingly sought out things with insects in it for years, and I wasn’t going to start any time soon. This self-imposed ban on watching the video was broken in Stadium MK because while we were waiting, they were marathoning every single R+ music video on a large screen off to the side of the stage. I watched the whole thing then because I might as well; what the hell else was I gonna do, leave the front row?
It was actually a pretty good video once I got past the CGI bugs ick factor of it. This has nothing to do with the actual live version of the song. Why the hell have I written so much about this? Till removes his heavy coat almost as soon as the song begins. Paul starts properly fucking around with his mic. I’m seeing the virtues of being on Paul’s side very early on, and I finally get what people mean by having ‘met Paul’s eyes’ during the concert. It’s not that he’s focused on the one person, at least not as far as he outwardly presents himself, but he does seem to have a specific zone in which he regards the audience. He takes time to meet eyes with various people, smile, and acknowledge particular situations.
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03. Tattoo (Rammstein)
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Till is now dressed suitably for the Tillhammer to come out in full force. I’m not huge on ‘Tattoo’ as a song, but this is where Till really starts to gravitate towards either side of the stage, rather than at dead center. After shenanigans with Paul, as seen above, he comes over to Paul’s side (where I am) and stays for the first verse and the first ‘zeig mir deins, ich zeig' mir deins’ chorus.
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I like to think we make eye contact, but there are thousands of people behind me and he’s not an eye contact person. Just a fleeting thought.
Also I just went to look at one of the aforementioned full-length videos of this concert and someone was bouncing around an inflatable shark (?) behind me. How did they get that in? Hide it deflated in one’s clothes then inflate it while in the stadium?
04. Sehnsucht (Sehnsucht)
The last strands of ‘Tattoo’ fade immediately into ‘Sehnsucht’ with no time for a break. Till removes another layer of outerwear. Fireworks burst out at every beat leading up to the main part of the song. In retrospect, discounting their fiery entrance, ‘Sehnsucht’ is really the point where you can tell they’re warming up the pyrotechnics. I don’t remember any particular interaction between Till or the guitarists, as from what I can remember Till was busy Tillhammering at the center stage; he will move around more freely later. My memories of this song are loving but blurred, because I got into headbanging with the girls beside me and their hair was grazing my arms something awful. I have similar length hair, however, so I’m sure I was doing the same to them.
God ‘Sehnsucht’ is so good. I always think of the Live Aus Berlin performance where Till was bashing the mic against his forehead when I hear this song. Hits me right in the spot every time.
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Also: bonus Richard.
05. Zeig dich (Rammstein)
*sick guitar riffs* ‘Zeig! Dich!’
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Fuck yeah. The heat from those firebursts are brief but incredible. Now I feel most comfortable and toasted. Black smoke drifts into the sky.
Also significant ymmv based on location, but this is only about the people around and behind me: come on guys, seriously? You don’t know the lyrics! This is the third song from Rammstein already and you’ve been quiet all three times! I however give them credit for being so well behaved through the show. People further to the right of me were getting dragged out all over the place.
06. Mein Herz brennt (Mutter)
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Till trolls us with the first instance of ‘mein Herz brennt’, as the main riff doesn’t immediately begin after these words in this performance. He has a laugh about this. Other than that, the performance is as you’d expect, complete with heart pyrotechnics towards the end.
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Olli comes very close to me at the halfway point. I'm starting to worry he’s going to spend the entire concert dressed like this, though the concern is unwarranted. It seems such a hot thing to be wearing.
07. Puppe (Rammstein)
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ja, ich REISS' DER PUPPE den KOPF! AB!
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E̷҉S̀͡͞ ҉̶ĢE͞͝H̷͡T͘ ̢́M͜҉I̵͜R ́͠͝N̷̴Í̷C͟͡͞H̸̀T̛̀ G̡̕U̡҉̀U̵̕U͡͠U҉UU̢U͡T̷̨̛
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Make sure you see this performance live, preferably up close. It’s beyond words.
08. Heirate mich (Herzeleid)
When I was in the queue I struck up a conversation with one of my queue buddies about what songs might be on the setlist. She had been front row for the concert in Berlin prior to this, so she already knew what we were getting into. I requested no spoilers in advance, which she kept to - but then our conversation moved to the Herzeleid-Sehnsucht era and I mentioned how I’d love to see a live performance of ‘Heirate mich’ again. It was always a wistful sadness of mine that I was born too damned early to see Till doing this.
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Not that I said outright Tillchard was the reason I liked this song.
In retrospect, she had a twinkle in her eye when I said this, because she knew that this song was on the setlist. I did not see it coming. I kept myself spoiler-free from day one of buying tickets to the actual concert itself, so it was a genuine surprise when the intro to ‘Heirate mich’ started playing. Surprise and confusion with a heaping side of mother fucking excuse me when I recognized what it was.
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Oh I went hog wild, guys.
Till does not do the dragging himself onto his knees thing in the current tour, which I think is understandable. His knees weren’t amazing twenty years ago and they are presumably even less so now. It’s a very straightforward performance, winding down to prepare for the real showstoppers - but my old wish was finally granted, Till sounded wonderful in both song and narrative, and I came away most satisfied. 11/10 would listen again.
09. Diamant (Rammstein)
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Half the band takes a break here. Flake comes down from the keyboards to sit on the stage and Olli sits beside him, providing the bass for this short beautiful little ballad. There are no fancy pyrotechnics here, nor much stage movement; it’s a sequence to make the audience aware of the overheard screen, imo, in case ‘Puppe’ didn’t do a good enough job of it. The entire performance is broadcast on that screen with the camera turning between Olli, Till, and Flake.
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Till’s voice is beautiful. It’s the most legitimately serene Rammstein performance I’ve ever seen live. They have their share of ballads - ‘Ohne dich’ will also feature later in the concert - but ‘Diamant’ is probably the most low-key of them all.
10. Deutschland (Richard Z. Kruspe Remix) / Deutschland (Rammstein)
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I have no words. Like ‘Puppe’, you really need to see this entire sequence live. I can say three things, however, and two are about Richard: 1) ‘Deutschland’ comes in two flavours in the tour, the second one being the glorious full version in the main album, 2) Richard avoids sounding devilish in his backing vocals (‘du hast, du hast, du hast, du hast... so heiß, so heiß, so heiß, so heiß’ etc), though I cannot guarantee he will always be as tuneful in future performances, and 3) he will not go of that coat until ‘Du hast’. DJ Kruspe is in the house and only the unrelenting flow of time can part him from his swaggity swag fluffcoat.
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But I... well, I keep remembering Till’s pink shrug every time I look at it. Remember back when we fawned over that as the brand new Rammstein outfit?
Oh my God I’ve gotten so old.
11. Radio (Rammstein)
This is probably my second favourite song of the new album and they deliver. Because ‘Deutschland’ was, well, ‘Deutschland’, it comes across as relatively low-key compared to what came before (and will after), but I like it like that. During the bridge ‘Ra-di-o... radio’ part, Paul and Richard come out with their own small synths to recreate that sound. It’s so peppy.
Paul does another small dance. Why did I neglect being on Paul’s side until now? This is great.
12. Mein Teil (Reise, Reise)
I’m half ashamed to say I spent this entire performance filming it instead of rocking out. I wanted to save it that much. It was that good.
No, it’s not fundamentally different to other performances of ‘Mein Teil’. Till keeps his usual outfit, Flake’s in the pot, there is a pot, etc. However, the pyrotechnics have changed significantly, and let’s just say that Flake endures a hell of a lot more than previous incarnations.
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And comes out of it more sprightly than before, somehow.
Marry me.
Also a bonus consequence of being front row: after this song, Till comes down the stage and walks along the barrier shaking/slapping hands with people. In his murderchef outfit. I was one of many who managed to touch his hand. It really is a very quick walk, so you’ll have to be ready with hand already out and in reaching distance (difficult if you’re short) if you want to partake in this encounter, but it does happen. Future concertgoers watch out for something like this maybe.
13. Du hast (Sehnsucht)
Can you really call it a live performance of ‘Du hast’ if the audience isn’t singing at least 50% of it in Till’s stead? But then, when else do we have that opportunity. Milton Keynes audience does not disappoint.
Also Till shoots some excellent fireworks that travels across the length of the stadium and back before crashing back onstage. I still hear their whistles in my mind. Night is beginning to fall for real, and it’s a fantastic time to be ramping up the fireworks. Evidently R+ think the same, because...
14. Sonne (Mutter)
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I have a video of this performance, but honestly it is not that useful for assessing what’s happening onstage. There is just too much fire. The video whites out continuously from all the flames mere feet away from us. ‘Sonne’ has always been a facemelting showstopper for Rammstein during live shows, but they’ve really gone above and beyond this year: the arena truly lights up like the sun for the full duration of the song. I highly recommend getting front row for this, right in front of where you can see the pyrotechnics are installed in the above gif. (Between main speakers, essentially.) Your face will burn off even more than it usually burns off during a R+ concert, and you will enjoy every minute of it.
15. Ohne dich (Reise, Reise)
Till’s in very good condition tonight. How he pulls off the slow ballads is how I tend to gauge his voice is from night to night, and he doesn’t let us down here either. The entire front row slow waves to this song, which is something I’m proud of being a part of. The girl to the left of me is weeping. The seriousness of this song still does not prevent Flake fucking around. It wouldn’t do R+ performances justice if he wasn’t like this.
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‘Ohne dich’ is considered the first ‘ending’ of the concert, meaning in reality the band’s first departure from the main stage. All six members take an initial bow before moving to the B-stage. They will return to the main stage shortly afterwards for further encores.
16. Engel (Sehnsucht)
Pros: The opening act return in their gorgeous outfits and pianos, and act as the piano instrumental for this performance.
Cons: It’s on the B-stage. I sure heard this song but didn’t see anything. God damnit I hate being five feet four.
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They provide a karaoke for people exactly in my situation, though. That’s at least something 😂
17. Ausländer (Rammstein)
You thought one R+ boat ride was awesome? HOW ABOUT THREE.
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I am going to cry. Look at it. It’s literally a Welcome sign. The sentiment of the music video to ‘Ausländer’ is perfectly retained as they surf across the audience from the B-stage.
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Also bonus ~✨👀 unintentional Tillchard moment 👀✨~ as Richard has a little slip on his way out of the boat. He was not hurt and was back onstage quickly. All this before the song even begins. I may need to upload the video of this moment.
‘Ausländer’ itself I have slightly more mixed feelings for. The song is fantastic and I have no complaints about the album version, and hearing Till cry out ‘я люблю тебя’ is always a plus. The problem with the live version is simply that the drums are too loud during the chorus: instead of a clearly enunciated ‘Ich bin Aus-län-der!’ with a drumbeat on each syllable, one hears ‘*THUD* *THUD* Aus-län-*THUD*!’. I was wearing earplugs which might have affected the quality somewhat, but people who weren’t wearing any were talking about this after the show as well, and after watching videos of the Milton Keynes performance I’m sure the drums were too loud. Your mileage may vary on whether this is a desirable effect - it lets the audience fills in the ‘ich bin’ part, I suppose - but I feel Till was unnecessarily drowned out.
18. Du riechst so gut (Herzeleid)
For me, the highlight of this song in the live version is always, always, always Richard’s evil scream-growl ‘DU RIECHST SO GUUUUUUUUUUUT’ (example here for reference). He delivers yet again.
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19. Pussy (Liebe Ist Für Alle Da)
On the whole, this performance is largely unaltered from how it usually goes. Till gestures for the audience to sing the first couple of lines, there is a dick cannon that shoots something at the audience, and Till mans the dick cannon. Last time I saw them from front row, we were all covered in a very thick white foam; this time it was bubbles, followed by a shower of white confetti. The combination was less clinging than the foam, somehow, much more pleasant to be showered with.
Only Rammstein could make me write such a sentence about dick cannons.
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Speaking of the dick cannon, though, I engaged in some discussion about it while I was waiting for the performance. This cannon has had a troubled existence, as R+ fans would know: sometimes it straight up hasn’t worked, and it’s been redesigned several times, ranging from a disturbingly realistic look to a flesh-coloured polygonal creation. This current version is the least realistic of all the dick cannons R+ have ever used. It’s just like, metal. Visibly. They haven’t gone to the extra trouble of painting it flesh-coloured. My guess is that this is because it fits with their current chrome/dark aesthetics better, R+ aren’t a band to neglect that kind of detail. As long as it works and the audience is aptly showered, what’s the problem? Let’s do it quick! 😀 And now this is entirely too many words about dick cannons, so I’ll move on.
20. Rammstein (Herzeleid)
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Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. It is past ten o’clock and the skies have gotten dark, though not so dark you can’t see the black smoke spiraling into the air with each burst of fire. A plane flies by far above into the distance and I appreciate the poetic irony. I think I would have been happy enough if they’d ended the performance on this note, but there’s one last song left.
21. Ich will (Mutter)
I can’t think of a better finale.
This song is exactly what you’d expect, with an additional sprinkle of fireworks punctuating every pause in the lines ‘Seht ihr mich? / Versteht ihr mich? / Fühlt ihr mich? / Hört ihr mich?’. Like always, audience participation is mandatory, as is the audience showing off their hands. It is the perfect way to end the show: it’s a classic favourite, it’s neither too bright nor too grim (avoids ending on a downer note), and it’s a song exclusively written to highlight a togetherness between band and audience. ‘Ich will’ could end every R+ concert it features in, in my opinion, regardless of theme or era... and it will always be appropriate.
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The concert really ends after that. It helps that Till addresses his farewell to us as ‘fucking Milton Keynes’ (in a wholly fond way) before they depart. I won’t speak about the details of how they leave, because that’s almost a small show of its own, but trust me when I say I was in tears.
I say that like that didn’t happen at least three times during the concert.
After it’s all over, I... don’t get to go back to my hotel and sleep. Not after a lot of waiting, anyway. Over 30,000 people are trying to leave this stadium all at once, the traffic congestion is awful and there are pretty much no taxis/uber rides available in the couple of hours following the concert. I eventually end up sitting in the McDonalds (only 24hr restaurant nearby) with queue buddies until roughly 1am until the surge goes down and I can pay the amount I promised myself for my uber.
I could have gone back earlier. I budgeted over a hundred pounds to see myself through the price surge, in case it didn’t go down as quickly as I hoped, or if I urgently needed to get myself out of danger. It was just that the predictor was showing something like fifty to eighty quid for a ten-minute ride back to my hotel and, like. Fuck that. There’s being able to ‘afford’ it, and then being able to afford it, and I can think of better ways to spend fifty pounds.
And to be honest, after over a half day of hunger, even McDonalds was one of those better places. I had a meal and a Sprite before I could get out of there. It was probably the first time I’d had something resembling a legit meal in two days and if I hadn’t been so ecstatic I think I’d have been depressed. Then I got back to my hotel. Made myself a hot chocolate with brandy. Passed out on my bed around 3am, then got back up around 7am to enjoy a nice morning bath and get myself back home. It was around 5pm on Sunday when I returned to Brighton, ears still ringing, feeling on cloud nine.
So that’s me. Future concertgoers, take as many opportunities as possible to go see Rammstein’s current tour live. Front row may be near impossible if you aren’t a LIFAD member and/or get pre-releases for the Feuer Zone (although Milton Keynes didn’t have that) but try to get as close as possible, anyway. It is not an experience to be missed.
Though also bring an umbrella, maybe. If your stadium allows it. It was a fucking trip surviving 12+ hours in the great outdoors and then immediately being rained on while on front row 😰
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23 notes · View notes
rosellenjane · 6 years
22/09 - Saigon - Day 3 - The Mekong Delta
Well today was a treat for every sense and in every sense. We did a lot so buckle up, it’s going to be a long one.
I started off by getting myself to the travel agents again, I’m not sure why but I’ve been the only one both days to not be picked up from my hotel. Maybe it’s karma for taking Hau with me to book to avoid being ripped off. They were a little late which was good because so was I, there were no grab (Uber) drivers around my hotel for 5mins and then he was driving really carefully which would usually be great but I was subconsciously leaning forward to try and get him to go faster.
So I board the bus, we collect everyone else from their hotels and then have to wait for 20mins for someone running late, she sits next to me and wants to talk but I felt like I was fraternising with the enemy. She kept asking questions about my education and I couldn’t really understand her so I pretended to fall asleep in the end. The bus had really reclined seats which was cool for the first half an hour but after that I got an achey back and coccyx and because she was sat next to me and was genuinely sleeping I couldn’t really move to readjust. I was essentially in a leather coffin with a Vietnamese stranger so I spent the next 1.5hrs sat forward with my elbows on my knees.
We had a stop off for the toilets at some nice gardens, we all got off and I offered to take a photo of two English friends for them and had a little chat, then an Indian guy asked me to do the same for him so I’d acquired 3 acquaintances before we arrived at the main event which was 3 times better than yesterday!
We got back on the bus and I made a passing comment to the tour guide on how reclined the seats were and was that normal in Vietnam, he pointed out that there’s a lever on the side to bring the back rest up. Of course there is, dickhead Rosie. We arrive at the carpark 3 minutes later so well worth the seat adjustment.
We get on board a passenger boat to cross the water to the Islands the delta runs through, the water can only be described as an iced latte (or poo brown), not something you’d want to take a dip in, the Indian and I chatted to Simon a guy from Kenya so acquired 1 more trip acquaintance. The Chinese ask me to take a photo of them so it seems I’ve now turned into the group photographer.
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When we get to the other side of the river we try some fresh honey, fresh in a sense that they bring the honeycomb over and grab your finger and stick it in whilst the bees are still on it. I wasn’t sure if my travel insurance covered this so I waited for a spoon of it to be passed round. This was paired with honey tea, honey lip balm and honey jelly so a very sweet 10mins.
Then we had a photo opportunity with a snake around our neck, a pass from me thank you.
Next was some fresh cacao mixed with hot milk (a hot choc) and then down to a cafe to have some fresh fruits, we had lychee, dragon fruit, guava, pineapple and something else that has escaped me, I now love Guava! They put salt on it and it’s really nice! We were also treated to some traditional Vietnamese singing which was lovely, although the finale was ‘if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands’ which was a surprise but we all clapped along anyway. We sat as a 6, with acquaintance no.5 an Austrian girl joining. We all walked and talked together for the rest of the day. (I’m wearing my cat poncho below)
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So next was the actual boat along the delta which was what I was really looking forward to, it was hilarious and I shared a boat with Simon and the two English friends, we kept getting overtaken so we helped paddle in the end.
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After we clambered out of the boats onto a jetty about 4ft higher than the boat, a larger boat took us to a different island where we learned how to make coconut candies which were nice, and we drank snake wine which was not as nice! As soon as I swallowed it I thought to myself ‘Why, when you have a dodgy belly have you just downed the liquid surrounding a load of fermented dead snakes’. Oh well, YOLO and all that.
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Next up was a horse drawn carriage to a restaurant, this was definitely not on the itinerary and took us all by surprise, I felt guilty as there was one horse to every 5 of us plus the handler and they weren’t big stable horses either, but what can you do? I couldn’t get there by any other means.
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Lunch was next on the agenda, I got split from my new friends unfortunately 😞 the tour guide asked me to sit on a different table, I can only imagine for numbers food wise. The thing is that it was the Japanese table which as much as they were nice people (one of them held the fish when I was stuggling to flake a bit of meat off) it was shit for me, they didn’t utter a word of English and they were having a raucous time laughing their heads off and I did the British thing of smiling and chuckling even though we were all fully aware that I had no clue what was going on. My mum called me so I had a quick chat with her on FaceTime and she told me to stick it to the man and go and sit with the other table.
We had spring rolls, noodle soup, rice, mud fish from the river (it actually tasted like mud and didn’t even look appetising, not a fan) and soy type chicken, it was great!
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I went over to my English speaking friends after lunch as we had free time to explore the island. I went on a hilarious bike ride with the two English friends, it must be the Vietnamese bikes because none of us could ride them (or maybe the saying is false and you can forget how to ride a bike!) they started off on a tandem but soon fell off and got individuals.
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After 5-10mins we gave up and retreated to the lunch square where we saw an odd mix of animals - crocodiles, porcupines, snakes, frogs and chickens and then it was time to head back on the boats.
A monsoon strikes! Luckily I had my cat poncho with me which I wore for about 5 minutes until I was just steaming my body and preferred the rain. We all walked through it, crossing a bridge made out of two logs and no handrail like some sick joke, we definitely didn’t cross on the way in when it was dry! The rain really started coming down whilst we crossed the river, I’d packed away the poncho by then and so just got completely drenched with everyone else. The tour guide started singing Elvis on the microphone to keep everyone’s spirits high and then one of the Japs had a go at a traditional song, free entertainment but a little bizarre.
We got back to the mainland safely and the rest of the journey was uneventful really. When we got into the city I asked where I was being dropped off as I hadn’t been collected from my hotel and the guide assured me I’d be dropped at my hotel which was kind. I asked if he knew where it was and he said yes, I left it for 5mins and realised there is no way he could know so I took the key card with the address on it to him because there are a few hotels with the same name. Again he assures me he knows so I leave it. I then get dropped off at Ben Thành market which is approx 30min walk from my hotel, so glad I checked twice with him on that 👍. It was dark and very busy but luckily I booked a grab taxi and it was with me within 30 seconds and 81p later I was back at the hotel.
I’m now packing all of my stuff up as I fly to a small island off the South Coast tomorrow called Phu Quoc, it should be idyllic and I have a beach bungalow for 4nights so I’m looking forward to it. As much as I’ve enjoyed the capsule it’ll be nice to get out of a bed rather than crawl out and to not have to take my key card to go to the toilet at night.
On a separate note, I’ve got 5 cracking insect bites, one that has given me a club foot. And I popped another Imodium this morning for just in cases so I’m not sure when I’ll ever go to the toilet again, I can’t do this everyday right? Reason for death - It was the Imodium addiction that got her in the end!
I’m going to sleep.
Lots of love,
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