#i know people like the theory of pierro being kaeya's dad too so who knows 🤔
annoying-probably · 1 year
Hi there. I have three draft posts about akty / vbs vs' / poly jump!
But I'm bad at wording things coherently in a post. So instead, please have a long post on a lot of different genshin lore theories, more specifically linked to Istaroth and Barbatos and Khaenri'ah sometimes. Genshin is a special interest and more specifically, the gods and their lore are! The ending point about the Wind being a primordial one is a favourite theory of ours. We actually wrote about it lightly in our recent fic "With Wind Beside You" on ao3!! Anyways, this is ripped straight from discord! This is a lot of disorganised genshin theory ranting. I'd be happy to hear people's thoughts!
also spoiler stuff for the most recent archon quest iirc
If irminsul can not delete all things, just direct mentions. Venti suddenly knowing every ballad and song ever- along with being connected to a god of time, worshipped with her, and possible from the same origin- the thousand winds (of time) is a lot more scary for him and how omniscient he may be. There's a lot of. Like. Internet connections to genshin. I did ei's story quest2 last night and that ending cutscene with time? How eternity is everything, all at once? Both future and past? How come it looked like a 3d model set up from a spy movie huh. And irminsul.. is kinda like a super computer!!! It's just super weird !!! But also makoto was close with Istaroth!!!! And Ei thought she might have something to do with it all!!!! concerning . istaroth is being mentioned more and more and it scares me cus that's like our once chance of "old teyvat"/ pre war lore that isn't being gatekeeped by celestia because I don't think they can kill a primordial one tbf. I hope we see her but damn I am scared of her. imagining playing a god of time, how fucked up could they be!
gold / rhinedottir was all fucking over the cataclysm. Durin was attacking Mondstadt, making Barbatos wake up and fight him with Dvalin. Ei was fighting Rifthounds in Inazuma, while Makoto died in the cataclysm- both of those things, made by khemia, by gold! What's gold? The last stage of khemia, go memory! And Rifthounds and Durin must be first, really, Soil. This is all going off my albedo lore knowledge without checking give me some slack- but! Durin and Rifthounds share traits! Poison. Completely disintegrating everything and poisoning the land! Yay! Powerful enough to affect god's! And gods familiars! And *ley lines!* Infact they specifically attack ley lines ***which is what causes erosion!!!!*** So. That's very concerning. Whether they thrive off erosion, or ley line power itself, and cause other things to erode thereafter- bad. Durin is also still alive, partly. The heart. So!
After soil comes chalk! Now, Albedo was made to be a perfect being and then abandoned! Did Rhinedottir not need something sentient? Did she not need intelligent life? Did she want a puppet from afar? Where is she now? Albedo, who she so lovingly named /s, is still trying to figure out her question to what human life means!! And the idea that albedo, too, may one day fall to erosion, is terrifying! Because he is strong!! Very, canonically, if i remember!!! Which isn't *great*.
the topic of khaenri'ah.
so the next traveler archon quest has dain and kaeya. Talking. In sumeru. And oh boy Mona's "One day he'll have to pick a side." ***is a lot scarier!*** And ventis line on albedo!! I don't like where this goes!!! Sure I'd kive more cataclysm lore like sure go ahead but holy f u c k. a reason why kaeya isn't cursed would be n i c e. Maybe something of Pierro??? Mentioned??? He's khaenri'an. Theorised to be kaeyas dad really. Which would be funny. And terrifying but funny.
fic idea for my lost notes of Teyvat series but!!
the way mond specifically is where anyone cast out goes is so <3 to me. little monkey brain loves the idea of it just being known for being loving and accepting of anyone new, with some pushing. Collei, albedo, kaeya- and how three of those are specifically khaenri'ah tied but heyo!! I think Collei counts because we don't know what Dottore was using + eleazar specifically comes from some dead god and which one that is could be . important. Unless they mentioned which and I'm just wrong??
Timeloop theory stuff soooo enkanomiya quest, kokomi, irminsul stuff + the sumeru reincarnate theory
timeloop theory makes more sense every day and it's just because of the sumeru reincarnations!! Which again reminds me of black boxes!!!!! Oh so you only have so much data you have to reuse souls? 🤨 okay. /j reincarnation and it's studies and theories have been around forever but not the point. Kokomi being a possible reincarnation of a primordial one could be huge. Does she work on Zelda / Hylia logic? Can she reawaken that power and memories? Can any possible reincarnation? Nahida and Rukkhadevata are literally just reincarnation, too, before the wipe. Also again, the thousand winds itself may be a primordial one-
/lh j
how I jokingly said before in my fic- the wind is very important to death. Atleast to Mondstadtians! The wind carries their souls back to Mondstadt to rest. We can see Venti bring back the memory of Stanley, to bring him to Mond to rest. In the final cutscene of Ei story quest 2, in a literal plane of consciousness, the sakura blossoms of Makoto's life is taken away on the wind. This, and Istaroth, can also link the wind to time and the age old-
Seeds of story, brought by wind and cultivated by time.
The wind, as we know through Venti, can carry songs that don't exist yet, wind is constant through time!! Throughout teyvat!! And we think time could be primordial- and that primordial time goes hand in hand with the wind! Literally!!!! The wind itself/ the Thousand Winds are primordial. They carry all of time, and therefore life and death, stories and songs. Istaroth herself was a god of wind and time. Barbatos a God of wind, freedom, and music. (finally actually said by the most recent lantern rite rite calling him a "patron deity of music.") The wind itself is also sort of a guiding spirit? People usually follow it, or specifically - I have hit the nitro limit oh god - mention it with the moons- also very important to teyvat lore- the three moon sisters, the dead moon and possibly the fake sky! So!!! I personally theorise the Wind is a primordial being and that's why we have three different wind / storm gods and also andrius may count as a storm god. He was a wolf leader and god of snow storms, I think? So??? Maybe. The wind keeps splitting, that's how important it is.
If the wind stops, time stops, I believe.
So imagine if we ever went to the Mare Jirvari. And like where we've seen the corpse of every other god. It's completely frozen in time. The wind stopped there. So time cannot move. And imagine if that's where Istaroth died. that's why it's where the wind doth both blow.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Been seeing a lot of stuff abt pierro being Kaeya's dad or at least being related to him based off how he might be khaenrian because of the eyes and the placement of his mask which is similar to that of Dains mask
Whats ur thoughts on it? And do you have any potential au ideas?? Maybe even potential angst fodder???
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So I'm not a huge fan of the idea. And I didn't really notice that mask placement cause la signora also had her mask on that side. And well, I haven't done like a detailed look on character designs; I just get the vibe the designers favor that side of the character. Like Xiao's tattoos are on that side, Yanfei's Law book, Itto puts his weapon over that shoulder, and Bennett's armband signature glove, and his goggles all lean to that side.
While I could be wrong, I'm not gonna put too much stock in there something is placed on a character even if they are supposed to be from the same civilization until we have more. And three is a pretty small sample size, tbh. Especially when one of them Is a POC.
And that's another reason. Yeah, Pierro could still be Kaeya's dad with light skin, but! I've ranted on representation a lot, and I'm not gonna really stop. So Until we get more POC characters, I'm just gonna say no. Because Kaeya's parents are darker-skinned. Once we get more character, I'll be more open to the idea. (Also, I'm not gonna stop harping on mixed-race Thoma either. Cause it seems like everyone ignores that about him.)
Final point stories-wise. Still make no sense. Like if Pierro put Kaeya in Mondstadt as a spy... why did Signora get Venti's Gnosis? Why didn't he have Kaeya get it when Kaeya was already there and a friend of Venti's? Kaeya's who spy notion and it really being untouched for so long is just... kinda... feels like a massive plot whole they wrote for drama but don't know how to fill in right now.
So my working theory is, well, Kaeya being a "last hope" was a lie. His family somehow avoided the curse for centuries, and Kaeya was the last member who wasn't really affected. His father thought to save him but put him in a place where he'd be away from the effects of the other's curses. Maybe Kaeya protested, wanting to stay with his family even if it meant his own death. So his father told him he was the last hope for his family and people's safety just so Kaeya would be motivated to survive.
I'm also gonna point out if this lie was ever relived to Kaeya. It would push up Rag Bro reconciliation. Because. DILUC WOULD KNOW THAT FEELING. No one would understand Kaeya's crumbling world better than Diluc because Diluc's world was shattered too. And Diluc's not a heartless man. I think he's incredibly empathic and, with his history, would be compelled to be there and comfort Kaeya understanding his pain and just being there for him... Because Diluc wanted someone there for him when he was going through that.
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osteichthyens · 2 years
Re: your “pierro not being kaeyas dad” post:
I actually never even thought him to be related at all to kaeya when I first saw him. Like, if we have both dainsleif and kaeya to go off of, then obviously not everyone was killed like we’re first led to believe anyways.
I have seen interesting theories of perhaps being a manipulating uncle like figure to kaeya or even a royal advisor/council member to the old court (as the artifact set may imply), both of which are far more compelling than the immediate conclusion that kaeya has to be related to the guy just because of his khaenrian themeing.
I may not know much about all of the possible lore available in the game, but even I don’t think mihoyo would do something quite so obvious when there are far greater things at play regarding khaenriah
yea!! clearly, not everyone was killed/succumbed to the hilichurlification, and i like that - it raises some interesting questions.
and yeah omg i've seen those theories too (they're quite few in this vast sea of bullshit, however 💀💀) and i really like them.
(they also make a lot more sense than whatever people have got going on in their circus rn.)
all in all, i agree : mihoyo wouldn't just throw such a huge opportunity for *more*, just to be like 'yeah so this guy who looks nothing like kaeya is his actual, biological dad - that's it, thanks.' it doesn't... make anything more interesting, and doesn't really raise the interest for 'more'.
so anyway, it'd be quite the bland reveal, in my opinion 😩
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