#i just like to share thoughts and experiences in case it could make someone feel better
lunargrapejuice · 2 days
midnight dreams
sephiroth x reader
sephiroth can't sleep and gets lost in his thoughts of you <3 + how adorably awkward he is with you the next morning
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, masturbation, unestablished relationship, mutual pining, no pronouns used for reader and i didn't use any body part descriptions for reader but just in case i usually write with an afab reader in mind
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countless nights sephiroth has ended up here; the pads of his steps the only thing to be heard throughout his dark apartment until he sinks into the couch in the next room and it’s quiet once more. the chill midnight air outside of his sheets does nothing to help ease him to sleep despite how tired he feels but he still inhales it deep within his lungs, thick dark lashes fluttering closed, silver locks spilling over the back of the couch as he rests his head back.
he had left the curtains open, allowing for moonlight to spill through the windows and illuminate the space with a soft ethereal glow. it will be more than a few hours until the earliest of soldiers show up for morning training and longer still before the sun rises and yet, the night has dragged on for more hours than sephiroth cared to count, longer than he wished to be plagued by whatever the fuck his life had been until this point.
if it wasn’t hojo in his dreams, so many years of experiments and tests and cruelty, endless memories to resurface, it wasn’t as though there was a shortage of battles and war and lost comrades that his mind could remind him of and keep him awake. though for the first time in his years, there was something - someone that brings him comfort in a way he has never had and is still so unused to.
but there is no denying the instant feeling of relief that washes over him at simply the thought of you.
a flash of the smile you gifted him the last time he saw you is all it took for his mind to cling on to every moment he has shared with you and lose himself in the solace you provide him. the way you say his name so sweetly and how it makes his heart stall. how you’ve fussed over injuries he had hardly noticed. your kind tone when you ask for permission before touching him. and goddess the way your skin feels on his, how you touch him like he's something to be cared for, something to be cherished. 
your soft peddled flesh has seared his skin under your gentle touch, a tingle of remembrance and longing forever ingrained in each place your touch has been and any inch of him that has not flares with jealous yearning to know what it's like to be caressed by you and his hands ache to know what it would like to touch you too. 
he doesn’t doubt every inch of you is as soft as he knows you to be. would you shiver under his touch as he tests that theory? trust him to handle you with care in return? could he trust himself to be as gentle with you as he knows you deserve.. 
maybe you would be eager to feel him too, show the rest of his body what it’s like to be under your affections. could he experience how lovely your mouth is in more than just your words and smiles? what would your hands, so small compared to his, feel like running along his chest, through his hair, over his thighs or around his cock and fuck if it was your lips instead -
sephiroth had spent so long pushing down his emotions, not letting them show, not reacting to them but the leash he normally held tightly, instinctively, slips so easily from his grasp when it comes to you. tonight it had been lost from him completely from the moment his mind wandered to you and was forgotten entirely when he had started to palm himself through his thin sweatpants at the thought of your hands and lips on him. 
his skin burns with a mix of desire and shame, a pretty shade of pink in the silver moonlight. it wasn’t right for him to be thinking such thoughts of you but in the sleepless dark night, behind closed eyes and through heaving breaths, it is only you his body and heart want to be with, even if it can only be in thought and near overwhelming longing.
through clenched teeth sephiroths breath hitches at the cool air on his leaking cock when he pulls his sweats down just enough for it to pop free, precum smearing on his shirtless abdomen before he grabs the base and starts to pump himself slowly in a light grasp. his hand is rough, scarred and calloused but he imagines the softness of your own wrapped around him as he sets a steady pace.
sephiroth throws his other arm over his eyes, letting the thoughts of you guide his fisted hand up and down his cock, his fingers becoming sticky with every swipe over his weeping slit. the soft pinkness of his cheeks turns into deep scarlet and travels down his exposed chest that heaves with deep breaths and slips past his parted lips.
behind his closed eyes all he can see is you, so vivid and beautiful and he tries to recall what it feels like to hold you from the few times he had been brave enough to actually do so. you were so small against him but both then and now he thought you fit perfectly in his hold. he wants to pull you into his lap, devour your lips, hold you against him as sinks his cock into you just like how he fucks his hand now.
at the thought of how pretty you would sound crying out his name in ecstasy, writhing on top of him, clinging to him as he brings you up and down on his cock, his grip around his cock grows tighter, his hips lifting to chase after the tightness he dreams is you. 
he’s so close, the lewd wet squelch of his leaking cock, every uneven breath and ghost of a whisper of your name, filling the space of the living room but all he can hear is the way you call him ‘seph’ and the thundering of his hearts deepest desires; to call you his, claim you as his, never let you go, protect you forever, and have you echo that promise.
‘yours, seph. only yours.’
with a deep groan of your name that he tries to swallow as if someone might hear him defiling the very image of you, his overwhelming release washes over him, thick and plentiful ribbons of sticky white coating the expanse of his defined chest and leaking down his hand that pumps him through the aching high.
his arm falls from his eyes and to his side with a light thud against the couch cushion, every breath he takes coming in and out of his parted mouth a heavy pant until his mind feels clearer and he comes back to reality where you were not in fact his. 
but he’s not sure how much longer he can take that truth or how he’ll be able to look you in the eye tomorrow without immediately wishing to see them looking back at him as he takes you.
there’s so many emotions coursing through him as he makes his way to the bathroom and into a hot shower, shame at the front of them all but it’s not long till it is once again consumed by every other thought of you that leads him to a second and third orgasm washed down the drain until the water is running colder and colder.
sephiroth doesn’t care to dress as he finds his way back into his bed after drying off, spent and yet still so full of desire and need. sweet, if not slightly naughty, dreams keep him in a peaceful sleep for the few hours left before his alarm clock begins to blare. 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
stepping inside the shinra building, you take your time making your way to the elevators when you don’t spot anyone else waiting for them. it’s early in the morning, many of the office workers and scientists wouldn’t be in for a while longer but you could hear some employees, mostly soldiers, that had been here for a bit and those also just arriving throughout the lobby. though none of them were the soldier you were looking for, hoping for.
it wasn’t like you really expected sephiroth to be here right when you were either but there was always a part of you wishing, if not also slightly nervous, to turn a corner or walk through a door and see him standing there. he always seemed to sense your presence, or hear you coming, because each time that had actually happened, so many times and yet not nearly enough, those breathtaking mako eyes never failed to find you and make your heart flutter wildly.
you think the goddess must have heard your plea when you take a few steps back from the elevator door after pushing the up button and a familiar tall figure is suddenly beside you. sephiroths hair looks soft and delicate against the worn leather of his uniform. it’s withstood such much but he takes good care of it. you can’t help but think it suits him well.
“good morning seph,” you greet, feeling the butterflies in your stomach awaken at the way you called him. it was a token to show the closeness of your friendship, an endearment between friends, but you had never heard anyone else call him that and when he told you that you had been the first, you held it close to your chest.
a part of you thinks he did too.
he says your name but there’s a waiver to his voice you had never heard before. clearing his throat, his voice returns to normal, like the thickness of it before was never there. he was probably just tired, still clinging onto the remnants of sleep. “morning.”
looking up at him, you see his gaze is towards the elevator, unusually avoidant of your own. there’s an undeniable pink to his cheeks, creeping up to his ears that were hidden behind his hair at the angle you stood at. you try not to get distracted when he swallows and you watch the bob of his throat and the sway of the tips of his bangs.
“are you feeling okay?” you ask, your eyes once again trying to meet his, your voice sweet, concerned.
he clears his throat again, covering his mouth with a gloved hand and shifting on his feet in a way that hides most of his face from your view as he stands a bit taller, with his head tilted to the side. “yes, just.. a little warm.”
your eyebrows pinch together and you study him but before you get far or see anything more to his words, the elevator dings and the doors open with a muted swoosh. 
“is there anything i can do for you?” you ask earnestly, hoping there might be some way you could help him feel better. you take a step towards the open door assuming he would follow, even hold his hand against the door while you step inside like he always did but you’re halfway into the elevator when you turn and notice he hadn’t moved an inch. “sephiroth?”
for the first time this morning he meets your eyes and you can’t quite make sense of the expression he wears, the mix of emotions behind every striking feature, but the way his slitted pupils drop to your lips when you go to ask him if he’s coming and blow wide makes your entire body burst with heat and your mouth slowly close without any other words having left you.
he breaks his gaze from you once more, rather focusing on the plant between the two elevators just below the buttons. when he speaks his voice is little more than a whisper, just enough for you to hear him. “i’m going to take the stairs.”
“oh.” you’re sure all 60 plus flights would be nothing for him but if he was already feeling overheated.. “are you sure?”
“i missed my morning routine,” he explains quickly but it’s still so early. isn’t this when he worked out and trained?
the elevator dings impatiently behind you and something tells you not to push, even though you want to.
“ah, i see,” you smile, hoping it might ease whatever is bothering him but your own chest is tightening with worry. “i’ll see you later then.” stepping into the elevator and selecting your floor, you glance up at him and see him looking at you, again with that odd expression. still wearing your smile, you wave at him between the closing doors without seeing him move from the spot he was seemingly glued to, the pink of his cheek unmistakeable in the building's fluorescent light and that heat of your own is no better.
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anxious-witch · 2 days
Okay, absolutely not a diss at the original post about Edwin's attraction to men being treated as punishment because all the men that have feelings for him hurt him and Charles, who he loves not feeling the same. It's a valid analysis and I absolutely see what op meant but but I wanted to expand on it in a more hopeful way, because I do feel like the show is, at it's core, a hopeful one, but I also didn't wanna like. Derail the post with this in a reblog so here is a separate one.
Yes, Simon sacrified him to a demon, the Cat King trapped him and consequently left him vulnerable to danger there and Monty betrayed him, but have they not also helped him face who he is? Regardless of if you think of them as villians or not, they showed him things he wanted. If Edwin left Port Townsend as soon as they were done with the case, he would have remained more or less unchanged, but would that truly have left him better off?
Moreso, Edwin changed them. Cat King realized at the end that he cannot keep Edwin unless Edwin wants to stay. That loneliness is not cured by forcing one to stay by your side, but rather by sharing a companionship. Monty realized that even if Edwin did not love him the same way, he cared for him and if circumstances were different, their friendship could have blossomed into something else too. He showed Monty that he can have thoughts and feelings outside of Esther. Hell, even if the Cat King didn't show up, it seemed like Monty was going to give up his plan to betray Edwin. Because he loved him, in the best way he knew how, in that moment. Simon by forgiving him, and letting him finally accept himself so he can move on, and Edwin realized being gay doesn't have to be a punishment. He said so himself. That the one thing that keeps them in hell, in true hell is them thinking it's a punishment.
And Charles? Charles who went to Hell for Edwin, who defied the story so ancient and powerful and got Edwin out of Hell? No matter if they end up as endgame or not, have they not already proven this is not a tragedy? This is not a punishment? If he didn't love Edwin, he would have never turned back, but he did. If it was a punishment, Edwin would have been taken again. But instead, they got out and they stayed together.
What I am trying to say is, yes, there is pain and there is hurt, but which relationship doesn't have that? Who didn't have a friend, a lover, a parent, hurt them in one way or another? That doesn't mean there was no love there, simply that that love needs more adjusting. And they all changed and began adjusting to fit a new situations and relationships they found themselves in. And I feel like, if this was a straight story, it would be exactly that.
Yes, Edwin still has a long way to go and I sincerely hope he gets his happy ending, whichever love interest he ends up choosing, but I don't think even know, this is the story of someone being tortured for being queer. It's a story of a bunch of people learning how to be who they truly are, and making mistakes all the while. But that's okay. Because they grow from it. And isn't that beautiful, in it's own way?
Simon, the bully who actually fancies the MC, Cat King, an older, more experienced guy who sees something special in the MC for the first time, Monty, the first, sweet romance that everyone wants but that doesn't end the way you expected. And of course, the best friend that has been "the one" this whol time. Those are all pretty common romance trope. We just rarely see them all together, and with some tweaking, but I'd say they make them more hopeful because that.
That's why I don't see "Love is a punishment for not having been strong enough to remain alone." as true for this particular media. Because it isn't-it's a learning experience that changes you. Perhaps not always pleasant, but we all must grow. Not even ghosts can stay unchanged.
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already thinking "and by 'religious' really i mean 'christian'" re: how the term "religion" is not really useful when it's largely like, from a christian perspective, what is considered "equivalent" of christianity, see: perhaps a "rival"/obstacle to some person or group being considered christian....and even if not thinking about converting anyone, resulting in some at best misinterpretation / misrepresentation based on framing it through/as [element of christianity] and limiting of any more accurate language
like how tumblr recommends me a post about someone thinking about "religion" in general and concluding that it's Weird and perhaps Wrong for anyone who is a "true believer" in their religion(tm) to Not be proselytizing / trying to Convert everyone. like yeah why isn't everyone being an evangelical christian, they ought to be, benevolently informing all those around them that they're going to hell, otherwise. don't see any problem with this conclusion, or that someone's getting antisemitic in the notes already in agreement, or that That's Not How This Works and you don't just know how All "Religion" works based on considering it to be an alternate version of christianity (which in itself doesn't All work like that either)
#and even when it comes to having a Critical View of any belief system / way of living / spirituality it's like...people are on that already#without having to see it from a christian perspective or understand the only possible framework for it as [critiques of christianity]....#a dogmatic approach / doctrine of Salvation....not how it all works out there re: ways anyone can be anything besides christian#So Bizarre why everybody's not all trying to ''convert'' everyone else in the world....is it.#what; like; ''you'd think everyone would be launching an inquisition'' like would you.#even if you know fuckall abt non christian beliefs / perspectives / traditions/practices / identities / ways of life etc....#we could maybe go ahead and question this conclusion. or perhaps go ''but also i know fuckall about all that so why am i theorizing'' like.#and again there are non ''western'' christian traditions....and of course individuals and philosophies within christianity who would also#not think you can only Truly be christian by going ''and i'd better be trying to convert everyone. or i'm being a jerk'' too#not actually the case that everyone thinks everyone else who doesn't share some ''religious'' factor is Damned To Hell or an equivalent....#anyways telling tumblr actually this particular post? isn't for me. and i don't thank you#another tiresome factor of [mass at the benedictine monastery] like the homilies/sermons were especially exhausting#they always were but like ''what are you even talking about'' as one priest goes on about how it's silly for people to say they're#Spiritual but not Religious b/c the only way to be spiritual is to be christian lite & if you're Genuinely even christian lite then you#ought to realize you should go full throttle christian. like a) No b) why are we preaching to the choir here. we're all at Sunday Mass???#not like any sermons ever feel that thoughtful when like too much analysis is like uh oh? a bit heretical are we??? which is not universal.#gee thanks for this [are we just supposed to all sit here feeling validated in our superiority; or...?] experience#wisdom you couldn't totally get from someone going on some self-assured monologue abt heathens these days over dinner or sm shit#really makes you think. and then someone will be really thinking & going ''shouldn't everyone w/a Religion be an Evangelist'' hmm: No.#and they aren't ''wrong'' about their own beliefs approaches perspectives identities traditions etc for it either. Done#anyways changed ''religious parent'' to ''christian parent'' for its own enhanced accuracy & precision alike....
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zealousllamawolf · 2 months
Book Club (Alastor x Reader)
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Parings- Alastor X Reader
!!Minors DNI with this post. R-18+!!
Summary- Reader unknowingly drugs tea for themselves leaving them vulnerable in the presence of Alastor
Word count- 5.5k words
Tags- bitting, p in v, rough sex, masturbation, crush against Alastor, drugged slightly. First time Reader, bondage, SMUT SMUT SMUT.
   It’s been ages since you could curl up somewhere quiet with a book. You struggle just to find time to be alone with the constant chaos of the other residents at the hotel. So, when Charlie announced at breakfast that everyone was welcome to come to dinner with her father, Lucifer, at his manor you were excited to decline. 
  You had just been given a new book by Angel that seemed interesting and romantic. Romance books held a special place in your heart even when you were still alive. You could see yourself as the main character being loved by someone to the fullest and that was all you needed for the most part. You never had a lot of romantic experiences on earth and surely not in hell. You did not trust anyone enough to be that vulnerable in front of them. 
  Well, that is not entirely true. There was Alastor, but it is not like you could trust him, you had the tiniest infatuation with him. He was always slithering out from the shadows invading your personal space. Even though you didn’t mind the close proximity whenever Alastor came up behind you to grab something that was in front of you, he would lean down close to your ear apologizing, “I am sorry for the intrusion, darling’’, only his voice was deeper than his usual charming range, while his tone scratched a deep itch inside your body. You can never help the heat building between your legs when you feel his breath on your neck as he slips away grinning triumphantly.
  Every time you felt his presence in the room you tried to keep yourself from trailing him with your eyes as he struts proudly with Charlie helping her with whatever she needs for the hotel but in most cases, you could not keep your eyes to yourself. Sometimes Alastor senses your heavy gaze so he turns and looks at you but instead of looking away he just stares at you his grin growing when warmth spreads to your cheeks leaving you hot and flustered forcing you to break from his stare. 
  None of this matters anyways it is not like he means anything by it. It is all just a part of the cruel game he plays to find enjoyment in the suffering of lowly demons. You sigh and shake your head, sitting up straighter. Looking around your plate is full while everyone else’s is almost finished.
  “Are you okay dear? Your plate seems… untouched” Alastor asks grinning, but his smile did not reach his eyes, seemingly concerned, his question forcing all eyes on you. “Wouldn’t want my little helper to starve now,” he said statically, preceding to stare you down.
  “I- um... I am not hungry this morning. I am fine, thank you,” forcing yourself to only look at Alastor for a moment before looking at Charlie. You squeeze your legs tight trying to refrain from thinking about Alastor ‘s back, flush with yours, cursing yourself for thinking about him in that way. “I was actually thinking about staying back while you guys go to dinner.” 
  Charlie frowns for a second before whipping up a reassuring smile “Oh, that’s okay! We will miss you but sometimes you just need a good RnR,” she smiles and finishes the last bite on her fork.
  “Yes, thank your princess,” looking at Angel, wiggling your eyebrows. “I am going to spend the night reading the book you gave me.” You playfully say with a smile barely able to contain your excitement bouncing up and down slightly. 
  Angel cocks an eyebrow at you. “Oh sugar, I am not sure that’s going to be very relaxing,” chuckling the spider demon smiles not willing to share his thoughts on the book further. 
  “Reading in general makes me relax I am sure I’ll be fine pretty boy,’ you giggle at the pet name and smile back at Angel who in return gave you a toothy grin. 
  “If you say so (y/n),” Angel says, picking up his plate and walking towards the kitchen. 
  Alastor grin softens as he sees how excited you were, hoping you would turn to look at him with the same sparkle your eyes gave Angel. Grin widening further he had an idea.
  “If you would not mind, dear, I would love to join you while you read. I have a couple radio show ideas that need to be put on paper,” he asks charmingly.
Just the thought of sitting next to Alastor made your cheeks flush and heartbeat rapidly. “Well, by all means come along, I-I wouldn’t mind the company,” you stutter slightly as the last part rushes out of your mouth, unable to control yourself.
  ‘How bold of you’, you thought to yourself, bringing your cold hands to your face trying to settle the burning heat you feel on your cheeks. ‘Why did I say that?’ You ask yourself, quickly coming undone when you think about being alone with Alastor. Temporarily unable to breathe you force yourself to cut up some of the cold food on your plate. A meaningless task you thought ‘Why did he even want your company?’
  “Very well, dear,” Alastor says as he gets up from his seat walking to your chair, only to stop a couple inches from where you sat, he leaned down and spoke softly in your ear. “Now, finish your breakfast darling.” You inwardly groan as his breath whisps past your neck. All you could do was sink slightly further into your chair and nod.
  You spend the rest of the day doing your laundry coming to and from your room on the second floor to the basement. Grateful for the mundane task you sigh contently thinking over your love life. Why hadn’t you branched out and at least experienced someone giving you pleasure? You always became hot and bothered from reading about love and sometimes lust, why could not you indulge with someone tangible. Your attraction towards these fiction man had overpowered any attraction for anyone in your real in your life. No one ever came close.
  Your mind drifted to Alastor, the sound of his voice or his closeness brought a flood between your legs and a small knot of tension in your stomach every time you saw him. It is not like you’ve never felt arousal before, buts it’s never been this strong for someone you could interact with. You shake your head and let out a frustrating sigh, trying to clear your thoughts as you gather up the rest of your last load, making your way back up to your room carrying your laundry basket.
  You decided once you reached your room to take a shower to try to clean off the dirtiness of your mind, swearing Alastor had a sixth sense for that, never failing you use it against you to make you flustered.
You take a short shower coming out of your bathroom wrapped in a towel as you make your way to your bed covered in folded clean clothes. Wrestling up some comfortable shorts and a large long sleave-shirt you get dressed without putting on a bra. Why would you? When you were alive that is how you dressed when you were lost in a book, why not be comfortable allowing yourself to let go today.
  Standing up off your bed you go to your bookshelf grabbing your Angels book and start to head downstairs to the kitchen to make tea and milk, your comfort drink for reading. When you make your way downstairs in the lobby, you are greeted by the crew getting ready to leave for Lucifer’s dinner.
  “Wow, you all look amazing.” Looking down at your lounge wear you suddenly felt embarrassed with how you were dressed.
   “Thank you (y/n), you look very comfy!” Charlie smiles as she bounces up and down while Vaggie tries to calm her, giggles some.
  You blush looking down to rub your feet together as Angel comes over grabbing your hand, raising your arm up and spinning you around with a twirl.
“Now, this is what I want to be wearing”, you giggle feeling the blush lift, Angel always making you feel instantly better. He reminded you a lot like a friend you had when you were alive, making you feel safe.
  “We should probably get going, don’t want to worry Dad.’’ Charlie chuckles as she practically out the door with Vaggie in tow, while everyone is waving and reciting their goodbyes the door finally closes behind them.
  Standing alone in the lobby you are left feeling empty, second guessing yourself on staying home. ‘Maybe you should have gone with them instead,’ you shook your head, chiding your own thoughts. ‘No’ you needed this; you have not had a real escape since showing up in hell.
  You skipped your way to the kitchen to prepare your tea. After successfully having the patience to wait for your tea bag to seep you poured what tastes and smells like milk into your tea, not noticing the label that fell to the floor reading ‘Property of Angel DO NOT touch’, gathering your book and mug you head to the bar.
  You grab a piece of paper and pen so you could write a note to Alastor letting him know where you were in case, he would hold to his word, which you were still unsure if he really meant it or if it was a part of his game.
I will be on the outside patio.
Waiting patiently
  Satisfied, you grab your things and make your way to the patio, a place you often came for some peace. You smile when you realize the fading light will be enough to read naturally for a little bit before the lights around the patio will turn on and the fireflies will be flicking just past the garden’s tree line. After a long gulp of your tea, you grimace at the overwhelming sweet taste, placing your mug down on a side table next to the comfortable outside couch. ‘Must have put too much sugar in.’ Shaking your head.
You settling down with your back leaning against the cushioned arm, you stretch your legs out before bringing your knees up close towards your chest allowing space for you to curl up with your book. Before you could start, you hear static in front of you and the air chilling around you slightly. You look up to see Alastor appearing with his shadows fading away around him as he sat with his legs crossed with a pen and pad laying on his lap.
  “Good evening, darling,’’ Alastor immediately noticed how your cheek grew into a deep crimson, but that is not all he noticed. Your feet were slightly apart and with the way your knees were placed you gave him quite the view. Your shorts had bunch up outlining your cunt perfectly, your puffy lips outrageously enhance by the middle seam of your shorts.
  “Hello Alastor,” looking down you flip your book opening it, holding in a moan since saying his name had influence on you making you clench your core suddenly heat spread between your legs.
  When Alastor saw your cunt clench, he almost let out a groan feeling rapid swelling against his pants. How did you have such a hold on him? He wanted to grab your ankles, pull you to him and rip off your shorts so he could finally taste your sweet-smelling core.Tearing his gaze away he sat there lost in his mind before you broke him of the spell you had on him.
  “If you’re okay with it I am going to start,’ you say as you flip to the first chapter, you look up and see Alastor’s smile stained. “Hey Al… you are doing, okay?” You ask though before you could start worrying, his smile changed softly.
“Go ahead darling, I am okay I am just thinking though some interesting ideas for my radio show.” You nod, returning your focus to your book.
  You and Alastor sat in silence for a while as you read long enough for the patio lights to have turned on. The tone of the book was unbelievably sexual from the first chapter. Graphic depictions of the two lovers sex life were… well it was making you more aroused. The male companion was exactly what you would want in the bedroom. Something you have fantasized repeatedly but you could not help picturing Alastor as the main male character. You being chained and dominated under him, wrists tied to a bed unable to do anything while you were being taken.
  Your core ached desperate for some attention, it had become overwhelming to say the least, your cunt clenched over nothing countless time. How could I get this horny after reading this book, it felt unreal, the aching increase and you almost let out a moan. ‘Oh my god what has gotten in you?’ you start to question reality now. Trying to clear your head you shifted slightly drawing Alastor’s attention back to you while your mind was captured with the scene being played out in your head unable to focus on your book.
  Alastor’s gaze shifted from your blushing, sweaty face to your cunt that was already beginning to leak with your arousal causing a wet spot on your shorts clearly, the fabric becoming slightly transparent forcing him to know the color of your panties. He felt his cock twitch aching for some friction. All he wanted to do was run a finger down your wet shorts, just to see what type of reaction you would make. Suddenly you throw your legs over the side of the couch, planting your feet on the ground unable to control your shaking legs. Alastor quickly looks down at his notepad afraid of getting caught looking at your cunt rubbing a hand across his face to try to mask his flustered face.
 Panting slightly, with your head hanging low you try to catch your breath as the aching became too much. Every part of your body felt sensitive like it was on fire and needed a release. You had to get away from Alastor and quickly, he could not see you like this. Lifting your head, you look in front of you noticing the fireflies pulsing in the distance. Perfect. Unable to think rationally you hop up on your feet and turn to Alastor.
  “I-I am going to go um… L-look at the… um fireflies! For a minute,’’ panting you try to regain your composure but Alastor sensed something was wrong, so he reaches out and grabs your hand sending electric shocks up your arm. You flinch and pull your hand back throwing it up to your mouth coving a small barely audible gasp.
  “Are you okay dear? You seem…wound up’’ his voice dropping an octave, your core throbbed at his voice wondering if that’s what he would sound like fucking you dumb.
“Y-yess, I am fine” sucking in a breath, you say, “I just need a minute to take a break.’’
  It takes everything in you to not run as fast as possible to find cover somewhere you could relieve the heat that was continually bubbling at your core. Finally making your way past the tree line and out of Alastor’s line of sight, crouching down on the fountain in the middle of the garden you collapse to the ground to your knees bracing yourself on the stone edge.
  Confused Alastor he picked up your book wondering if it was the cause of your sudden mood shift, peeking through a couple paragraphs only to find a complete description of a couple in an intimate moment. He looked up to where you had gone, a thought peeking is interest. He follows after you staying back some to see what you would do.
  Stuffing your hand under your panties, you instantly find your throbbing bundle of nerves and start to rub in circles causing you to moan loudly, confident you were out of ear shot from Alastor so you felt free to let go.
  You need more. Quickly you pull your shorts down a little with your spare hand, giving yourself a little more room to move further to your cunt entrance.You slide a finger down your slit and circle around your core getting your finger wet before entering yourself. “Oh… fuck,” you moan again.
  You have never felt anything like this before, everything feels more intense and sensitive. It would normally take minutes of fingering yourself to even reach this level of pleasure, but this was something different. Your walls clenched as you go deeper and found your sweet spot gently pressing back and forth, with this you are melting further down, unable to keep yourself up.
Alastor’s grinning face flashes against your tightly shut eyes like it has so many times before when you have touched yourself. You could not help but moan, “A-Alastor…” saying his name made your core tighten and started to spasming around your finger reaching your climax.
“Oh, you have been a naughty little girl’’, you gasp hearing Alastor’s voice behind you. Panting still coming down from your orgasm, you turn slowly facing him pulling your hand out of your shorts quickly.
“OH my, Alastor I-“
  “No need to explain dear’’ his smirk widening. “I did hear my name though. Were you touching yourself at the mere thought of me perhaps?”
  How did he hear that? Was he standing here the whole time?
  Bashfully you say in a quiet voice, “Y-yes’’ unable to hide your lust and desire throbbing from your inflamed cunt, you lower your head hoping he wouldn’t notice.
  Alastor’s in front of you in seconds using his staff to lift your chin forcing you to look at him. “It’s quite alright little doe” he leans down at the waist inches from your face making you squirm feeling his breath on your lips. “In fact, I have wanted to sample your taste for some time now,’’ with a strained smile, “All you have to say is one word, and I could help with your…” shifting his staff he trailed it down your stomach stopping right before he reached your cunt. “Problem.”
  Shamefully you could not say no so you whisper “Yes,’’ breathing out.
  Immediately after you respond he’s pressing his lips to yours, licking his tongue at your bottom lip you, asking for permission before proceeding. You moan against his lips finding yourself lost as he enters your mouth as his tongue searches yours, teeth lightly nipping at your bottle lip.
Your body lights up in that moment, you lean forward and wrap your hands around his neck pulling him closer as you rake your fingers though his hair. Stifling a moan, air whips around both of you, next thing you know, you find yourself on top of something soft. Your head starts to swarm, and your body starts to heat up just like before, telling you it needed to be touched.
  You break the kiss and lean your head back, breathing out as Alastor trails kisses down your jawline stopping before latching on to a sensitive spot. “Alastor… please I need…” You voice catching when he drags a claw down your side until he reaches the hem of your shirt. You shudder as his hand moves under slowly and slides up over your bare rib cage before stopping just under your breast.
  ‘’You need what, (y/n), be a good girl and use your words.” His hand moves up cupping your breast and runs a finger over your hard nipple making you moan and lean back forcing him to straddle one of your thighs with his knee pressed up against your cunt. You grind yourself against his leg, groaning as your eyes cloud with lust at the much-needed friction.
“T-touched. I need to be touched more.’’ It was all you could make out before Alastor rubs circles around your nipple making you shiver all over.
  “As you wish my sweet girl.” Alastor snaps and you are laying there completely bare in front of him. You let out a yelp and instinctively try to cover your mound with your hands before you could reach green chains appeared around your wrist pulling them over your head. You whine and try to close your legs even though it was helpless since his thigh was still pressed against you.
  “N-no one has ever seen…’’ you stop for a second so you would not sound dirty. ‘’Me before,” your face starts to burn in embarrassment. Alastor notices and trails his claws up your neck grasping your jaw to make you stare at him though half-lidded eyes.
 “Ill be gentle my sweet,’’ with that you nod allowing your legs to open wide letting Alastor have a full look at your glistening cunt. You hear his suck in a deep breath before lowly saying “You are perfect, and this is all mine to enjoy, no one else has even glimpsed at you.” He groans closing his eyes at the thought, using his spare hand and slides a finger though your slick folds, you hike your hips against his finger at the instant pleasure. “How far have gone before?” It takes you a second to respond, all you could focus was Alastor’s fingers gingerly touching your entrance. You glare at him for a second after registering what he said.
  “I’ve taken more than just my fingers Alastor,’’ you say faking anger. “Just not with anyone real.”
  In response to this Alastor’s thrusts his finger into you, curling up and presses down causing you to moan loudly at the sudden pressure on your sweet spot. His finger pumping faster as he adds another digit inflicting your walls to pulse over his fingers.
  His eyes shift to yours full of desire and command, “What have you used on yourself then?” Alastor’s eyes dart down to your cunt pressing his thumb against your clit, circling slowly.
  You jolt your waist up your whole body flares with heat. “A toy!” you practically yell in pleasure. Commanding your breath to return you say, “A six-inch p-plastic toy” tears forming in your eyes, choking more words out. “It was all I could manage.” You whisper, tears spilling over to the sides of your face, falling into your hairline.
  His grip gets tighter making his claws dig into your inner thigh, forcing small droplets of blood to rise to the surface. You wince at the pain, but surprisingly it increases your pleasure, making you rut your hips further on his fingers. Alastor moans while chuckling. “So, you do like pain too…” Gliding a third finger into your heat. “Oh, darling you are going to have to take more than six inches.”
  Your brain goes into over-drive as you start to feel pressure building in your lower stomach “Alastor please I need more” begging as more tears fall.
  ‘’Mmh, good girl. I want you to want me and me only, by the time we are done you are going to beg for me to stop.” He leans over your chest and takes a nipple in his warm mouth biting just enough to inflict pain, but he quickly runs his tongue in a circle causing you to moan his name. “Oh, you’re so reactive, every touch so far. I can’t wait to hear more of your precious sounds.”
  “T-that’s new…I’ve never felt like this before, the intense heat feels so.” You voice trailed off as Alastor leads kisses up your neck, he brings up his bloody claws up to his mouth, taking a taste. He groans loudly closing his eyes at the taste of your blood. You watch him open his eyes franticly looking at you with a need for more, your words fall out of your mouth. “Un-natural.”
  Alastor kisses your neck and nicks the soft skin, lapping up your blood feverishly. Your walls tighten around his fingers, feeling yourself close with an orgasm. Right before you get your release, he pulls his fingers out of your cunt, bringing them to his mouth he licks one digit clean before bringing them to your lips forcing them open. You lap up your own juices on his fingers making Alastor moan. Shutting your eyes as he sucks harder on your neck trying to draw out more blood. You hear his buckle coming undone as Alastor takes his fingers out of your mouth, in an instant he is fully undressed.
  You open your eyes at the touch of Alastor’s cock gently tapping your clit. You look him up and down, your eyes tracing his chest. Surprised to see a puffy patch of black and red hair, thinning out as it reaches his stomach leaving a happy trial of red leading down to his cock. You are left breathless as you gawk at the sheer size of him alone. Your eyes dart up and he's looking down at you with a mischievous grin as he slides the tip of his cock down your slit getting himself lubricated with your juices, stopping just before entering your heat.
  You fiddle with the chains restricting your movement and you whine, wiggling your hands. “Please Alastor, came I have my hands back, I want to touch you.” Moaning as he presses the tip of his cock into your cunt. You squeeze your eyes shut at the intrusion that came along with a burning sensation around your tight ring.
  “Oh, darling I think not. I happen to look though your book earlier, and it included bondage little doe.” His voice dropping the way you always fantasize over. Alastor gives you a moment to acclimate to his size before pressing further into you slowly, “and domination,’’ he says as he magically pulls the chains tighter. You gasp as he fills you more, filling you to the point you thought you were going to burst, you clench down hard around Alastor shaft resulting in his cock twitching inside you. Alastor moans and presses a hand on your lower stomach right over your uterus making you gasp not knowing that pressure would give you such an intense pleasure. “Just relax, you going to take all of me.” Alastor growls saying the last part as he reaches under one of your knees lifting it over his shoulder, pressing forward when he feels you ease up around his cock.
 You bite your lip hard trying to hold in a moan, enough to break the skin making your mouth fill up with the taste of iron. Some of the blood pooling around your mouth before falling slowly down your chin dripping on to your chest.
  Alastor looks down at you with lust filled eyes widening at the sight of your blood. You could see his composer failing, so you take your tongue and wipe it across your lip sucking in the blood you had on your lips. That sets something off in Alastor as he plunges the rest of his length flush with your hips. Surprised at the feeling of being completely filled and the force of the thrust you yelp in pleasure as his cock twitch against your cervix. Your cunt spasms around his perfectly snug cock making you shudder.
   Nothing has ever been inside you this deep before causing our cunt to burn as his cock stretches you beyond the breaking point, well past the three-inch girth of your previous toy.
  Straining against the chains you whisper breathlessly,” oh Alastor please move. I need more” you beg, grinding against his cock.
  “You are taking my cock like a good girl.” Alastor coos as he pulls back his hips pulling out enough to still have his tip buried inside you and thrust softly so you can get used to the movement. Moaning, you arch your back at the sensation of his cock pushing though your gummy walls.
  “Alastor,’ you growl pulling on the chains even though they dig into your skin leaving your wrists raw and red. “You don’t need to be gentle with me” sucking in your breath as he slides slowly into your cunt again. “I can take it.’
  “Don’t worry little doe you’ll get what you’re asking for,” thrusting into you with more force before he starts to take a brutal pace bruising your cervix each time, he pounds into you. Your vison starts to blacken around the edges as you are quickly approaching your release. Alastor grabs your other knee and forcing them to your chest gaining an angle that allows him to fuck you deeper. You could not hear yourself anymore for your mind was overloading with the pleasure he was encouraging and fucking into you.
  “Al-Alastor, Alastor… oh my s-stars. Alastor please.” You moan his name like a chant over again sometimes you could not make yourself speak but continued saying Alastor’s name in your head. Alastor lowers your legs and raises your hips higher making him hit your g-spot with each thrust. “Please d-don’t stop” you beg, rolling your hips trying to match Alastor’s speed feeling the coil at your core tighten further making your walls clench down in return Alastor moans at your sudden tightness.
  “Good girl, beg for my cock to make you cum” you shudder as he rapidly increases his pounding.
  “P-please Al-Alastor I n-need t-to cum’’ you sob stumbling though your words from the roughness and speed he was fucking you at.
 “Yes, doe, cum on my cock. Show me how much you want it.” Alastor leans down and kisses your collarbone and he bites hard leaving an outline of his teeth without breaking the skin.
The chains disappearing around your wrists, he slips his hands under your each of your arms pulling you up, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, latching on to your neck sucking so hard blood rises to the surface just under the skin.
‘’Bite me’’ you whine and slamming your hips against him, grinding on his cock. Wrapping your arms around his neck running your fingers through his hair before you reach his growing antlers, you grasp the for some support forcing Alastor’s thrust to sputter when your made contact with them.
Alastor bites down on to your shoulder, pain knocking the breath out of you as he breaks the skin but not enough to tear around his teeth. He pulls back for a moment to watch the dark red blood rise and bubble over before any bit had a chance to drip, his mouth cupped around the bite mark, the sweet liquid flooding into his mouth. Alastor’s body starts to react to the blood fucking you harder he starts to feel you tremble as your body tightens.
Your orgasm rakes though your body with such power you start to go limp, your walls pulsing around Alastor’s cock. He releases your shoulder with a pop and groans as you milk his cock making him reach his climax, sputtering thick chains of warm seed into your womb. You let out a whimper as he slows his thrusts before thrusting into one more time resting his already softening cock inside your heat not wanting to leave.
  Alastor lowers your upper half back onto the bed and stares at your weak twitching body. Adoring the way you looked, shoulder oozed slowly, lip ripped and completely fuck dumb. You sigh in contentment as you raise your hands and rub your face smiling, looking up at Alastor, his face reflecting the one you had.
  With one last thrust he pulls out of taking a moment to watch his seed leak out, groaning satisfied he conjures up a warm wet rag, cleaning you up as your eyes flutter shut still trying to catch your breath.
  Chuckling, Alastor tosses the rag near the end of the bed he leans over your bloody body and press a soft kiss on your lips feeling your smile grow against his.
  ‘’I am yours; I don’t want anyone else,” you whisper softly opening your eyes to gage how he would respond.
  With Alastor’s face so close to your he leans down planting another kiss on your lips and says, “So you will be, mine for the taking.” He settles down next to you and pulls you up to his chest resting your face against his chest. You sink your hands in the puff of fur and close your eyes drifting off to sleep as you listen to Alastor hum a song from his time.
Later that evening you go back down to the kitchen to rinse out your coffee mug and see a thin piece of paper on the ground near the fridge. Reading it you immediately you text Angel.
(y/n): Angel was this on a clear jug with milk in it.
Angel: Yes, it was can you tape it back to the jug, I don’t want someone to get drugged. <3
(y/n): Drugged with what?
Angel: A drug that makes sex feel more intense, Val gave it to me to use for the next shoot, something about having bigger, better reactions.
You quickly make your way to Alastor’s room not bothering to knock you barge in and announce, “I was DRUGGED, my tea was spiked.” You proceed to show your messages to Alastor and explained you had used the drugged milk in your tea.
Alastor looks at you with a mischievous smile and says, “Well I guess we have to do it again to be sure you know exactly what I gave you tonight.”
You couldn’t help the heat that burned your cunt at the thought of fucking Alastor again.
A/N- This is my first time writing a fanfic and having the courage to post it, I hope it’s okay!! Request are open I’ll be posting the parameters later but feel free to ask! Feel free to voice your opinion <3 Thank you for reading 
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moumouton4 · 9 months
Hard And Fast || Tamaki Amajiki x fem!reader
A/n : Prompt 9 of the Smutember 2023
The list of promps is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : oral fem!receiver, rutting, rough sex, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 761
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You always wonder how you even managed to go from him not being able to look at you in the eyes to him being buried deep inside you as he spills his warm seed as he reaches his climax. He had a stressful nature that kept him from enjoying life most of the time. That's probably why one day he threw it all away, resulting in your first time together - and for him, probably the first first time ever.
You soon discovered that your sessions were a cathartic moment for him after a long, stressful day. But this wasn't always the case. One round wasn't enough when his days were particularly trying, and often the sessions extended to 2 or 3 rounds. Indeed, he had a lot more stamina than anyone would have thought.
That's what prompted you to ask him one day
"I was wondering" you began his gaze settled on you for a moment before flickering back to the walls of your dorm "instead of doing several rounds at a slow pace" he was already choking at your words "why not do just one but hard and fast ?" your idea came from the fact that sometimes you didn't necessarily have the time or the energy to last several rounds.
Your question came at just the right time indeed, after the exam day you'd had, it seemed the perfect moment to initiate some lovemaking.
Nothing changed in your foreplay. He licked your pussy shyly but with still some experience as he gently rutted his hardness against the bed. He wasn't really the type to talk during sex, but today as he was nestled inside your warm cunt, he couldn't help but think again about what you'd said a moment before. He wanted to make sure he had your green light, because the idea - apart from making him redder than ever - had piqued his interest.
"Y-Y/n... d-do you erm r-really meant what y-you said e-earlier ?" his voice was husky as it rarely was, it felt that the idea had excited him.
"If you want and it helps, yes. Besides, it would introduce us to a new pace" you said, winking in his direction, he averted his gaze almost instantly. But your words had reassured him. You could feel it in the way he clung to you, forcefully, out of stress, and not because of you, but above all because he knew he was about to throw himself into the unknown "A-alright"
Softly you felt him drag his cock out slowly, his grip on your hips tightened as he braced himself up to- "Ooh T-Tamaki" you moaned surprised at the force with which he sank into you, clearly bottoming out. His high-pitched squeal sounded like the pleas of someone who was overstimulated.
After a moment's pause, he began again, slowly dragging his cock out and slamming in back inside you, where it belonged. Little by little, he increased the pace until he was at the point of fucking you hard and fast. Your legs wrapped around his hips as he continued to pound you relentlessly. His balls slapped against your ass as the room filled with lewd noises that usually would have knocked him out on the spot.
With each thrust he let out little noises, from light grunts to whimpering. He tried to nestle his face in your neck but couldn't find enough air, so he pressed his forehead against yours. As your noses grazed you puckered your lips to give him soft kisses. Surprisingly enough, your affection and the face you were doing gave him confidence in the moment. He knew you were feeling good. That he was making you feel good.
Your nails dug into his back, leaving long red lines. And as if overwhelmed by all that was happening, he finally reached his long awaited climax. He almost screamed, as his cock pumped you full of cum. His breathing was panting and wheezing, as he had just experienced the most intense orgasm of his life. His body rested on yours as if he no longer had the strength to lift a single limb.
“Y-you okay Tamaki ?” you asked, waiting to ensure his comfort. He nuzzles his face against you “I-I’m tired” he whispered against your cheek. He was currently feeling particularly cuddly. But this proved to you that you were right, with him, several rounds at slow speed were equivalent to a single round at full speed. Though there was a little problem on the menu this is going to get you both addicted.
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dudeitiskarev · 2 months
It’s just you and me | Aaron Hotchner
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x female reader
Summary: Aaron misses you, and a cabin in the woods is the best place to show you how much
Word count: 1.8k
Tags/warnings: mentions of food consumption; established relationship; porn without plot (18+ only please. Minors do not interact); smut: hand job; nipple play; hot tub unprotected sex; lots of praise <3; not edited, just short and nasty.
Author’s note: I wanted to write something hot and also fluffy and I came up with this. Also thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts! They were all very inspiring (and interesting) even though I’m a very vanilla type of girl as you’ll see 😭 anyway, I hope you enjoy this little ride (ha!).
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Aaron thought the best way to compensate for being away for an entire week because of a case was to take you to a cabin in the woods for the weekend. 
Cases didn’t take that long to solve, and it had affected you more than you’d like to admit. It was more than him being away, though. It was the uncertainty of not knowing if he was safe. You’d found yourself counting every hour, a clock ticking at the back of your head. Long-distance phone calls helped—they calmed the anxiety—but as soon as it ended, you missed him even more and the clock started ticking again. 
But he was here now, with you, in an outdoor hot tub surrounded by nothing but nature and lost in time.  
"Thank you for cooking dinner," you said, gripping his thigh underwater. You were sitting next to him, letting the bubbles massage your back but you missed him, so you thought it was best if you straddled him, scooting a little closer to prop one leg over his thigh.
He got your signal and helped you hop on his lap. "I had to give you the whole experience," he said, adjusting you by your thighs and planting a sweet kiss on your bare shoulder. “I wanted to,” he corrected himself.
You brushed your thumbs over his brows. He’d come back with a slight cut over his left brow.
You kissed him there. "It’s very nice, thank you.”
One of his hands rested flat on your lower spine while the other was a little higher, his arms acting as the back of a chair, almost, his lap the perfect place to sit on.
It was rewarding seeing him like this, so relaxed and surrendered to peace. You wished you could freeze this moment, for his peace and because of the way he looked. Shirtless. Wet. Handsome. It wasn’t so hard to admit that the scar added a little more to it. 
“You know what would make this experience even better?" you darkened the way you looked at him. 
He hummed, raising his brows and mirroring your smirk. He knew exactly what you meant. 
“Dirty, dirty sex,” you murmured next to his ear.
“Someone’s horny,” he laughed, scanning your face up and down. A laugh that gave you thousands of butterflies.
“I’m ovulating.” Your cheeks grew hot. “I think.” 
“That’s… good to know.” He raised his brows as he spoke. It was cute how after all these years he still got flustered.
“And that cut over your brow is not helping,” you confessed.
“That tells me that you like seeing me hurt,” he teased again. 
“Never.” You pecked him on the lips. “But picturing taking down a bad guy is… it does something to me.”
You kissed him again. Once. Twice. Three times until he parted his mouth, allowing the kiss to intensify. 
You pulled back a bit. His eyes had darkened too. 
“C’mere.” He cupped your face and brought you closer to kiss you again, this time sweeping his tongue over your top lip. 
God, the way he kissed you when no one was around should be illegal. Because it wasn’t only his tongue, it was the shameless groans he gradually let out the more the kiss intensified; the way he bucked his hips upwards so you could feel how hard each kiss made him. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and slowly began to grind him, rubbing your heat against his, the thin fabric of your bikin the only thing keeping you apart (he was completely naked since he forgot to pack his swimsuit. Not that it mattered when it was just the two of you).
The kiss grew hotter, and so did the small waves around you as you slowly began to move your hips more rubbing yourself over his growing erection. You sneaked one hand between you two to feel him and your mouth started watering at the same time your cunt clenched over nothing.
You wanted him inside. Mouth or cunt. You just needed him.
“Mmm,” you moaned into his mouth, gripping the back of his head with one hand while the other pumped his cock up and down. 
He let go of your lips to pepper your cheeks with softer kisses, down to your chin and jaw. “Just like that. Don’t stop.” He moved his kisses to your neck and then chest, trailing them over the squishy exposed skin of your breasts. “God, I love you so much.” He bit your hard nipple over the thin fabric of your bikini. 
You smiled big, ready to let him love you. “Mmm, I love you too.”
His breathing grew heavy, warming up your skin with each breath as he used one finger to drag your bikini to the side, exposing your whole left breast, and leaving the other for later. He suctioned your hard nub and you could hold back a small whimper.
Your arousal was leaking through your panties. You were so ready to take him already, but you knew how much he liked taking his time on you. Enjoying your body. Touching you. Licking you. Biting you. He was an amazing boyfriend and an even better lover, so you were patient. 
“Let’s take this off,” he said, undoing the knot of your bikini on your back while you undid the one behind your neck, leaving your chest bare right on his face. He took the other nipple into his mouth and hummed as he did.  
You whined again, shutting your eyes to feel it. You never stopped moving your hand around his erection which was fully hard. So ready for you to sit on.
“God, I can’t get enough of you,” he panted. 
You laughed a little through the pleasure. “You and me both.”
You opened your eyes and captured the perfect image. The sun was setting, painting everything around in a pretty shade of orange. 
“Sunset,” you barely managed to say.
But he couldn’t care less. He turned your head to him by your chin and captured your mouth with an open-mouth kiss, taking your breath away. He sneaked one hand between your legs and crept one finger from the side of your bikini, massaging your folds. He smiled. You could feel how damp and slippery you were down there.
“Should we move to the bed inside?” He suggested. “I really want to feel how wet you are. The water is taking it away from me.”
You shook your head. “Here’s perfect. Fuck me right here.”
You just couldn’t wait any longer. You undid the knots of your bikini bottom and threw it away. Now he had you fully naked on top of him and the tip of his cock grazed your sensitive spot. 
He turned into a starving man and in a second he lined himself over your entrance, teasing you moving his cock up and down between your slick folds.
A soft frown took over his face as his lips parted. “Want me to fuck you now?” He pushed the head slightly inside, just to withdraw it a second later.
“Mhm,” you nodded. “Please.”
Please please, please.
“Oh, honey.” He hissed between clenched teeth, lining himself again, and with your help, he slid halfway in. 
He was so thick you let out a startled gasp that he kindly caught with a kiss. Slowly, you began to move. Back and forth. Up and down. Side to side. Everywhere just to make him fit properly until he was balls deep. 
“There, right there,” he praised you. “Oh, honey. You feel incredible.” His head landed on your shoulder. 
You lifted his head back up, making him look at you. He was the most beautiful and vulnerable creature during sex. Dark eyes. Parted mouth. Soft frown. 
“It’s like you were made for me.” He slightly shook his head like he couldn’t quite believe it. “So perfect.”
You stayed still to get used to his size, and he was patient, dotting kisses all over until you decided to move again. You withdrew your hips and bucked them back, that first pump sending an exquisite rush through you. 
“You’re so big,” you panted, clinging more onto his body. 
You found the perfect position there—heart to heart, nose to nose—and you began to move your hips up and down.  You tugged your bottom lip between your teeth to bite back a moan. 
“Let me hear you,” he said, capturing your lips into a wet kiss. “There’s no one around. It’s just you and me.” 
He met every thrust, and you couldn’t not obey. You whimpered, whined, and moaned with each delicious and violent move. He threw his head back in pleasure, closing his eyes and knitting his brows together as if he were in pain. Then he gripped your hips tight, digging his fingers into your skin to stop you from moving.
He was about to come, and he didn’t want to just yet.
“Hold on,” he breathed out, going back to look at you. There was a faint smirk on his face. “Shit.”
You didn’t move, but tightened your walls around him, just to tease him a bit. 
“Honey,” he threw his head back again in pain.
You leaned forward, kissing the side of his chin. “Look at me.”
He did, chest heaving in and out. You traced random lines over his wet chest with one hand—waiting for him to recover— and with the other you pinched your nipples. 
An evil grin tugged at the corner of his lip.
“Like what you see?” you began to rock your hips again. 
Your clit rubbed perfectly over his pubic bone, and it didn’t take much time for the pleasure to start building.
“I’m gonna come,” you leaned forward, murmuring close to his lips. “You want me to come?”
“God, yes.” He enveloped you with his strong arms. 
You bounced on top of him desperately, making the water splash everywhere. You clinged onto the edge of the tub and didn’t stop. Your hips just wouldn’t stop. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You bit your bottom lip, looking down on him. 
He was looking up through his dark eyelashes, waiting for your orgasm. 
The pleasure lingered on your walls around his cock for a moment until you finally let go, allowing the fireworks rush through you. Your toes curled, your hips twitched, your breath shook. You came, hard. So hard you couldn’t hold back any sound. You were loud, as loud as he liked you to be. 
You leaned down and cooed onto the crook of his neck, “Fuck, Aaron, oh— mmm,”  leaving a gentle love bite there. 
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s it.” His cock began to twitch inside you and the rocking motion of his hips under you turned reckless. He laughed a little as he came, and he held you tight, so tight, cupping your face with one hand and groaning and moaning into a desperate kiss. 
His breath turned shaky as he came out of his high and you remained on top of him, with him still inside you. Looking into those beautiful coffee-colored eyes. 
“I love you,” you kissed him on the lips. “I don’t want the weekend to end,” you confessed.
Aaron smiled. “What if I told you today is only the beginning of my two-week mandatory vacation?”
A soft breeze arose around you, pebbling your skin with goosebumps. You were so ready to feel that every single night for two whole weeks. 
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hotchfiles · 2 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [COME UNBOUND HERE] ❞ — NSFW ; MDNI!
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pairing: hotch x fem!bau!reader. summary: “completely self-reliant, you really don’t need me at all, do you?” in which hotch gets completely pussy whipped after seeing you taking down an unsub. content warnings: making out, foul language, sex, unprotected p in v with no mentions of birth control (no breeding kink just lazy writing), sub!hotch if you squint, switch!reader, nipple play, scratching, lip biting, THEY FUCK ALRIGHT. MDNI, this is a 18+ fic. word count: 1.7k a/n: requested by @mischiefmoons and her godsent filthy mind. i donnnt prooof read shiiiit.
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      Aaron wasn’t one to admit to having a type, sure, he knows it’s human nature to look for similar traits when choosing partners throughout life, but he was a romantic at heart  (and a sweet talker at that!), he secretly enjoyed keeping the magic of just love alive, and more than that, he simply adored the way you would roll your eyes and laugh cruelly at him, your palm hitting his arm in a light slap each time he told you his type is you. 
      Truthfully though, most of that was all talk from his sweet soft spot for you, everyone knew exactly his type. 
      He couldn’t help but fall for confidence, every time someone confident and beautiful laughed at his terribly dry jokes he would feel his lungs tighten up, that was definitely one of the first things that made him so drawn to you, the fact you were so funny and incredibly gorgeous resulting in his everlasting love and downright depraved lust for you. 
      Today though, Aaron found out another trait of his ideal type: Could easily overpower an unsub before himself could even get to his ankle holster for his gun, before he could even try to protect you. 
      Your competence was never a question, an SSA like the rest of the team, twice a year having no problem at all in your evaluations. But you were a liaison, you stayed put unless extremely necessary to have the whole team out, your experience level wasn’t the same. 
      He did all he could to have your back, even before you started sharing hotel room beds, but hearing the man in front of him whine in pain after you twisted his arm, the sound of at least one of his fingers cracking at your strength as you pushed him to the floor… You definitely didn’t need him to have your back, you did it yourself pretty well. 
      He’s surely proud, but what floods his mind really, what is now burnt to his brain, what has probably changed his whole body chemistry at this point is the way your body moved to do it, your pants clinging more to your thighs, your breasts moving with your fast heart rate, your open cleavage blouse doing nothing to help his train of thought, nor did the hint of a grin in your lips as the unsub succumbed to your grip, complaining about the pain you were so easily causing. 
      Focus on the job, focus on the case, he tried hard to while he passed his handcuffs to you, but fuck, how could he when you looked so unbelievably sexy doing something he has seen so many people do before?
      How many times has he licked his lips in the past 20 minutes? He has lost count, but it's the only way he has to ignore the way his mouth is drying at how aroused he was about to be if he didn’t control himself. If he didn’t focus on anything else. 
      A few meditating breaths and unpleasant thoughts did the work for him, getting his priority back on track: The case was still going as far as he was concerned. It wasn’t done until the BAU got back to the hotel. 
      His avoidance to you at the precinct, not even catching him glancing as you worked didn’t strike you as odd, you were used to him needing his space and completely unaware of his conscious effort not to think of you. 
      It’s a happy surprise when you hear his well known knock on your door not even half an hour after arriving at the hotel, his lips gluing to yours immediately, his hands strong in their hold of your face as he kicks the door closed.
      You grin into the kiss, not at all opposed to how famished he seems for you, even though you don’t understand where it came from you more than willingly follow his lead, reaching for his waist under his clothing. The cold of your fingers causes him to whine and you can’t help but take advantage of that to sink your teeth to his lower lip just the way you knew he liked it. 
      Aaron guides you to the bed, but unlike many times before where he would lay you down, his weight deliciously on top of you, he sits on the edge, the back of his knees touching the mattress, shoes kicked off just before. He pulls you to straddle him, his lips only leaving yours to touch the skin you had exposed: Your neck, your cleavage. His hands making sure to sink you harsher on this lap anytime you stopped moving against him even if for a second, his fingers sinking on the flash of your waist. 
      You have to ask, you have to know what’s gotten into him (so you might do it more in the future) and he stops his actions to stare at you, eyes dazed with lust, lips swollen from the way your mouth worked his, cheeks flushed pink like it always got when he was hot.
      “Do you not have any idea of how… Alluring you looked today doing all that?” He’s breathless as he speaks, his tongue is back to your neck before you can reply or tease his choice of words. Your head falls lightly behind as you try to contain at least some of your whimpers. Hotch does no such effort, lucky his mouth is busy as you wet both of your pants with arousal, the feeling of his cock swelling up under you as addictive as ever. 
      You pull him closer by his tie, your mouth brushing against his ear before you spoke just so you could feel the way your warm breath made him shiver. 
      “All that what?” He doesn’t respond, busy taking your blouse along with your bra off, his sheer force able to break off the clasp without much effort. You force your body onto him, half for the so needed friction your nipples begged for, but mostly to get him to lay down on the bed. “All that what?” You repeat yourself, needing to hear him say it. Your hands strongly keeping his on your waist and not an inch up. The sight of your bare tits alone enough to make him try to get more friction from you, unconsciously rutting up. 
      “Confidently taking a man down with your bare hands, maybe?” Aaron’s reply pleases you and you let go of his hands, helping him take his dress shirt, his tie and the annoying white tank top keeping you away from scratching his stomach, “Completely self-reliant, you really don’t need me at all, do you?” He says teasingly just as you gasp to the touch of his calloused fingers to your nipples, working both at the same time. 
      You could honestly come just from that (and you have before, noticing how sensitive your nipples are has been a gift to him that kept on giving), but you wanted more. You palm him through his slacks, wet from his precum and your own fluids. “Wouldn’t say that, I do need you to help me with these,” you point to the bothersome remnants of clothes in the way and he has the audacity to chuckle, as if he wasn’t as desperate as you. “Because as soon as we are free of them, I can ride you the way you’re just begging me to.” Aaron can’t keep his groans contained, your crude words going straight to his dick in a way only you were able to. It was a mess of fingers unbuttoning, unzipping and hands quickly working to get rid of the slacks and underwear restricting you both. 
      He helps lining his cock to your entrance, but not before teasing pressing his tip to your clit, causing you both to moan, you’re as wet as you always are for him, sinking him into you all at once and the whimper leaving Aaron’s mouth is just sinful, completely at your mercy. 
      You set the pace and he lets you, one hand on your thigh, the other gripping one of your tits in a way he would leave not just marks, but a whole handprint. You loved it, your nails giving his chest crescent moon shaped marks and scratches all around his torso. 
      “Aaron–ple–put your fingers to work.” You skip the begging, the please, knowing that’s not what he wants today, you’re busy moaning his name as your pace goes to a faster rhythm to say much else, but he obeys, deliciously using one of his thumbs to draw circles over your clit, following your lead, moaning as you clenched around his cock, your wetness loud against his finger and his pelvis. 
      You were about to come, the imminence of your orgasm making your toes curl, “Fuck me, Aaron, hard… And fast.” You manage to say, not wanting to slow down and knowing you wouldn’t be able to keep up. 
      It’s like he’s been waiting for it, for your orders, and he turns you around, his weight over you as he follows your words. Hard and fast. His own pleasure building up as you helped him prop one of your legs up on his shoulder, you felt like you were melting under him, going between grabbing the sheets and his flesh as you squirmed for him. 
      The noises are relentless at this point, and if the walls of the hotel are cheap everyone will be able to hear his name leaving your lips like a prayer, his whimpers getting stuck in his throat and the skin to skin slapping as Aaron brought you both to orgasm, his cum going inside of you without a question, his forehead touching yours as he drops your leg and fucks deep and slow into you a few more times so you both enjoy the climax as long as possible. 
      “Fuck, I definitely need you for these as well.” Your tone is full of tease, referring to the orgasms he gave you seemingly effortlessly. 
      Aaron hums, his eyes already closed the minute his body reaches the bed, pulling you to his chest. “Then, I shall pretend you like me for more than my body and sleep here tonight.” He’s joking and would sleep cuddling you either way, so you don’t bother replying. 
      But god, you love him. You love him. 
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unpunishablelamb · 2 months
hiiii!!!!! ও Im not sure if you still post creepypasta headcannons but I really liked the headcannons you gave the creepypastas, it's really nice to realistic headcannons, if you want I was wondering if you could do headcannons for the friendship of the reader and ticci Toby 0_o
(If I made any typos or used bad grammar I'm really sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ) )
Realistic Ticci Toby headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
A/N: Okeyy so for the friendship headcanons just ignore the NSFW part! I just decided to combine your ask with multiple anon asks who requested relationship/NSFW headcanons🫶🏻
-First of all he isn’t the one to settle down. He has a bad past with people and it’s incredibly hard for him to trust so he prefers not spending a lot of time at your place, if he ever goes there at all
-He’s basically homeless and probably squatting in abandoned places outside of smaller towns so if you ever want to spend a little more time with him it’s there or in the woods
-In contrary to popular belief i don’t think he is shy. He is very wary and kind of feral so physical touch is a hard one with him
-He is touch starved to some degree but then again he’s become so callous due to everything that has happened, that he won’t initiate or reciprocate for a long time. He won’t push you away either though
-I think if you ever share a bed/mattress with him, you might be woken up with a hatchet to your throat or a hand wrapped around it. At least in the first few months of your relationship, simply because he’s not used to having anyone around so he panics when he gets startled and his fight instincts kick in.
-Despite everything, i do think he’s very thoughtful once he warms up to you. I can imagine him leaving you things like rocks or trinkets he finds which remind him of you
-He’s really possessive no doubt. Hardly anyone has treated him with the smallest amount of kindness, and now that you’re in his life he won’t settle for less ever again.
-I can definitely see him being the type that wouldn’t let you get out of the relationship/ friendship alive in case you ever want to leave him. Either you stay with him or he kills you. Of course it would be hard for him to do since he “loves” you but the thought of you being with someone else, leaving him to rot, is much harder
-I don’t think he’s had experiences before you which doesn’t make him shy but even more greedy
-I think it would take him a long time to trust you enough with something like that. He isn’t reckless or sleeps around but he wants to know that you won’t backstab him (literally)
-He knows how sex works, he’s not stupid and he’s watched campers in the woods do it, thinking they were being sneaky. Of course he couldn’t help imagining it was him and you
-Now that you conditioned him to get used to a certain degree of affection and physical touch he expects more, of course he does and you love him after all right?
-Let’s hope you’re ready to sleep with him when he wants you because i do think he’d pressure you into it
-I don’t think it’d be him getting physically violent but he’d try to make you feel bad for him, try to blackmail you, manipulate you etc.
-If that doesn’t work maybe he would wait until you’re asleep, start sliding his hand under your shirt and do his thing
-I think he’s decent in bed, clumsy at first and he’s so pent up that his pleasure is all he can think about at first.
-If you do criticise him make sure to be gentle about it, he’s insecure and he will get mad easily thinking you don’t want him but he does like you please you after all and he enjoys having you show him what you like
-Hickeys. Everywhere. Good luck trying to hide them because it will look ridiculous but he can’t help it. He has to make sure others know you’re not available
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
☀️Sun in Synastry - How this person lights you up ☀️
[P.s. Please follow me on Instagram and Tiktok! @/Stellar_Sagittarius I post even more astrology content on it and it's a business I'm trying to grow. Your presence means a lot to me ❤️.]
Masterlist: All my astrology posts at one place
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‼️Natal Chart/Solar Return Chart readings are on OFFER. 11.11 USD for one chart! Open till 20th June 2023‼️
For other readings check the pinned blogpost!
Their Sun in your 1st House Synastry
Sun is the illumination. Sun is attention and the core of our essence. When someone's Sun falls in your 1st house, you can expect this person to completely transform your outlook on life. The Sun person will show you new ways of being, they will show you traits about yourself, they will be like a mirror to you. Their love language will be to motivate the heck out of you. This person will encourage you immensely to be a better person. They will teach a lot about who you are. Your mindset will expand and grow with this person's presence. They will hold you down in your darkest times, and will fly together with you in your best times. Expect a lot of compliments from this person, a lot of deep talks where you touch the very ways of being authentic & being yourself, a lot of admiration for the person that you are! You both will relate to each other immensely and will grow together as two individuals. The Sun person will feel like they found a person worth sharing their life with, because you two are so similar in so many ways. There could be a little bit of competition involved, but rest assured if this is a healthy relationship, you won't have to worry.
Their Sun in your 2nd House Synastry
This is kind of materialistic, but this person is actually so whipped up for you, that they can't really focus on anything else. This person is extremely attracted to how you carry yourself, what your beliefs and focus on life is, what it is that you do with your body, your possessions, how you act, etc. This person has a whole dictionary about you built in their heads. This may sound a bit obsessive, BUT it's in a good way. Because this person simply adores the way you carry yourself. They are attracted to how nicely you put yourself together, your habits and values, they are super inspired by that! You can expect this person to gift you a lot of things that they might want to be a part of your aesthetic. They might be super touchy, especially in healthy romantic relationships, the Sun person will love to adore your body, make you feel good about yourself, see you enjoying the experiences they give to you ;) . You will feel like they constantly have their eyes on you and even from a far without seeing it you can just tell that they were peeking glances at you. You will feel super adored and cherished by them. And they will make sure to do whatever it is that will put a genuine smile on your face.
Their Sun in your 3rd House Synastry
This person will be extremely talkative around you. Even if this is a very shy and introverted person, you can very well expect their talkative side to come out in your presence! They will naturally feel like expressing their thoughts to you. And they will feel like found an amazing companion with whom they can discuss anything and grow their minds in plenty of ways. You both will share a lot of deep conversations, ideas that you both will bond on, and you can expect plenty of similar opinions on plenty of things. The Sun person will open up to you in plenty of way and you will find a buddy with whom you share a lot of similar ideas and interests. This is not extremely romantic, like the cases where the couple is super intimate or involved in each other's lives. This is more lighthearted and about a very beautiful friendship built on common interests. This person's love language is to speak what they feel about you, they are very honest and don't really sugarcoat anything. You can always expect to have a good laugh with this person about anything. They will be super goofy around you.
Their Sun in your 4th House Synastry
When someone's Sun falls in your 4th house, you can really expect a sense of intimacy and closeness with that person. This person will feel like a home that you always wanted to return to. You both will build a very deep sense of attachment and closeness with each other. The Sun person will feel very seen in the presence of the house person. They will like they finally found a person who understands them to a great length. You both will be very active when alone. Expect a lot of quality time together where you both just spend as much time as you both can simply understanding each other and feeling comfortable in each other's presence. You both will share a lot of "secrets", in a way where the Sun person will only open up truly with you. You will see a very emotionally charged and vulnerable side of the Sun person. They will feel like you can just 'get' them for no real reason, and therefore sometimes they might feel a bit hesitant or shy with you. Their love language is to spend time alone together where you both create this safe space for each other to express whatever you both feel. You can also expect almost this baby like behavior from this person because they just feel so safe with you!
Their Sun in your 5th House Synastry
When the Sun falls in the 5th house in synastry, an undeniable sense of joy and creative expression permeates the connection between two individuals. The Sun person becomes a radiant source of inspiration and vitality for the house person, igniting a profound sense of playfulness and enjoyment in their presence. There is a natural harmony and synchronization between the energies, fostering a deep emotional connection and a shared zest for life's pleasures. The house person experiences a magnetic pull towards the Sun person, as if they have found a muse who understands and appreciates their unique talents and desires. When someone's Sun falls in your 5th house, it's like you've found your own personal ray of sunshine. The Sun feels naturally themselves in your presence. Since is at home in the 5th house. This connection thrives on quality time spent together, nurturing a sacred space where they can openly express their deepest emotions and create lasting memories. The love language between them is a fusion of passion, creativity, and genuine companionship, creating a tapestry of shared experiences that celebrates their individuality and brings out the best in each other.
Their Sun in your 6th House Synastry
When someone's Sun falls in your 6th house in synastry, it's like having a dependable partner who's got your back. This person brings stability and practicality to the table, making you feel supported and grounded. They understand the importance of getting things done and staying organized, which meshes well with your need for routines, and a stable life. Together, you make a great team, always ready to lend a helping hand and push each other to achieve your goals. You appreciate how the Sun person sees your efforts and values your attention to detail. You'll find yourselves spending a lot of time working together, tackling tasks and creating a sense of accomplishment. Acts of service and practical gestures are their love language. You both show each other that you're reliable and committed to help each other in whatever situation. This is a good aspect for co-workers and if you both are working on something together, like managing a home and kids! The Sun person will show you ways to have better routines or they might totally change your lifestyle. You both make an awesome team!
Their Sun in your 7th House Synastry
With someone's Sun in your 7th house, you will experience a deep sense of commitment and closeness with them. The Sun person will be like your soulmate, your perfect companion. You will find that all the qualities that you seek in an ideal partner, are presented in the Sun person. With this placement, you both will feel like each other's ride or die, or partner's in crime. The Sun person's love language is to spend a lot of quality time together, literally being together, and just supporting each other in whatever. This is a very ideal placement for romantic relationships because the Sun person becomes this perfect other half. The 7th house is all about "the others." Sun will help you feel fulfilled in this relationship, will teach you a lot about relationships and making a relationship itself work. You will learn to depend upon each other in a healthy way, to communicate your needs in a healthy way, and to learn how you can be there for someone through the thick and thin. There will be a lot of joy and playfulness in this relationship. You will feel like you found you soulmate, or a person that just simply gets you!
Their Sun in your 8th House Synastry
The 8th house, especially in Synastry is super intense and deep. Because the 8th house is all about bonds, secrets, transformation and rebirth. It's all about what you share with someone else. Therefore when someone's Sun falls into your 8th house, you can expect to share an extremely deep connection with them. And by deep, I don't mean just deep talks, this is a whole mind, body and soul deep. This will bind you to the Sun person on a whole new level. You both will feel super involved in each other's lives. The Sun person will illuminate your secrets, your deepest darkest side, all your shadows. You will feel like a completely different person in their presence. They will show you parts of yourself that were so deeply buried within you. This person's love language, honestly is just anything that exist to make you feel loved and better. The Sun person is so infatuated, so intrigued by your essence, that they can't help but be involved in anything and everything that you do. They don't hold back. This relationship might get obsessive sometimes for the both of you, but remember to always trust each other first and foremost. You both will thrive in environments when both of your needs are met equally.
Their Sun in your 9th House Synastry
When someone's Sun falls into your 9th house, you can truly expect this connection to be full of excitement and growth. This is the type of couple that will explore the world together, have adventures, make plenty of memories, teach each other so much about life, and these two might even change each other's philosophy/outlook on life while in this relationship. The Sun person feels super interested about learning your philosophy on life. The Sun person looks up to you as this wise soul who can teach them a lot about life. You will feel like the Sun person is this curious soul who is always eager to learn something new about life. With this aspect you can expect a relationship filled with a sense of adventure, any kind of. You will have more fun with the Sun person than you have had with any other person (unless they have their Sun in your 9th house as well). Sun's love language is to make memories with you, any kind of. They would love to go on adventures with you, travel with you, make beautiful memories with you. Anything with the Sun person will feel super thrilling. This might turn into a restless energy where both of you can't catch up with each other's need to live their life to the fullest. The Sun person will be your greatest teacher about life.
Their Sun in your 10th House Synastry
The 10th house is the highest point in the sky, and having someone's Sun there tells us that they will be an extremely influential person when it comes to our public image. The Sun person is naturally the person who other people consider you to be. Your social mask will be even more illuminated by the Sun person. They will shine bright, when they are around you. People might be immensely drawn to their presence in your life. This also symbolizes that the Sun person will play an important role in your career and public life. They are someone who gives you much more publicity than you usually get or if you are an introverted person they make you become super social and interactive with others. Sun will also make you feel more confident and bold than usual. You will feel a heightened sense of ambition, recognition and power. This is kind of giving, "Whenever you will be remembered/talked about by others, some way or the other the Sun person's name will follow up." The Sun person will bring you lots of growth in your career field, and they will almost be like a mentor. Romantically speaking, the Sun person loves to show you off, praise you for your achievements, and they love it when people see you both together.
Their Sun in your 11th House Synastry
The 11th house is all about networking, dreams, hopes, long term plans, etc. This is the most social house. When someone's Sun falls in your 11th house, you will find that they are present in every one of your social interactions somehow. Sun person will be very popular among your friends and networks. The Sun person will give you a heightened sense of going after what you desire. They will truly be your biggest cheerleader. You will feel like you found you best friend who is with you on every step of the way while you set out to fulfill your hopes and desires. They will help you immensely along the way, perhaps by guiding you with the right steps to take or by introducing you to people who can help you immensely. The Sun person will feel like a beautiful star around your presence because you share with them your plans and hopes. They will feel like you value them a lot because they are like this guiding light in your life. Sun's love language is to include you in their own dreams and plans, to always encourage you and be there for you as a helping hand whenever you aspire for something. You will find a deep sense of fulfillment in this relationship because Sun will help you realise a lot more about your own ideals of life.
Their Sun in your 12th House Synastry
12th house is the most "hidden in plain sight" type of house. Often times the Sun person will express themselves in such subtle ways that will make you wonder if they are really expressing themselves or if it's just you. This relationship is build on very subconscious clues and those unrecognizable signs. The Sun person activates this intuitive side of yours where you can just perceive what's up with them or why they are behaving the way they are. A heightened intuition is a keyword here. The Sun person finds you to be very mysterious, and someone who they cannot really understand just by looking at the surface. The Sun person feels a lot of intense thoughts/emotions whenever you are around. And you feel super attracted to them because they feel like this ball of light that has lit up your darkest house. This person might make you loose your mind upon how intensely obsessed they make you feel with them, and vice versa. There is a sense of very strong connection on the spiritual side, therfore it's also a very karmic house because this type of intense connection will tangle you both very deeply with each other. You will feel like an unexplainable attraction towards them, and you will be fascinated by who they are as a person.
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
thinking..... nerd!peter shyly asking you out for the first time, completely prepared for a rejection and almost having a heart attack when you say yes - ⭐️
when peter's friends hype him up, it's to be expected. they float him with fake self-confidence and tell him how great he is and how lucky someone would be to have him.
this is expected, they are his friends. they know how great he is, because they know him.
you do not know him. you will not think he's great.
when may hypes him up, it's because he went to her in confidence and determination. he had sat next to her on the couch one evening, before letting it out.
'how do i ask a girl out on a date?'
may gasped, pausing the crime show, she couldn't wait for this moment. the moment her nephew would experience the thrill of having a lover in his life. he has no idea how alive he's about to feel.
'who are we asking out?'
'someone i like.' peter appreciates may, but she can also get ahead of herself.
may picks up on the apprehension, 'okay, what, you guys share a class or a friend group?'
'class. she doesn't really know me.'
his aunt shifts in her seat, 'have you tried talking to her? even just a little?' peter shrugs. 'i mean, i smile at her sometimes?'
'are you asking how to talk to her or how to ask her out?'
even if he feels shy admitting it, he cares more about getting to spend time with you. 'i could talk to her on a date, couldn't i?'
may grins, 'next time you see her, just ask her if she's doing anything this weekend and go from there.' peter freezes, 'go from where?'
'have you even thought about come comes next after she says yes?' panic fills him, 'no, i never thought i'd get that far.'
'peter!' may sighs, 'if you want a real answer, it's confidence. come up with a date and ask her.'
'what if she says no?' peter's aunt frowns, 'it happens. rejection sucks, but you brush it off and try again. you put yourself out there and tried, you got a no and that's fine, next time you ask, it won't be as scary.'
peter feels like he has no shot, but the one percent chance of maybe pushes him along.
peter swallowed every bit of anxiety and slowly walked up to your locker. you were in another world, humming and singing under your breath. swapping books and folders you started to zip your bag, peter hasn't said a word and fears he's staggered a bit too long.
he did, because when you turned you jumped with a small scream. holding a hand over your heart you breathed out, 'you scared the fuck out of me, peter. are you always that quiet?'
peter wanted to ask you out, but he scared you instead. he doesn't have high hopes. he ignores you and spills before he has the chance to bolt, if you say no, he has the weekend to recover.
'can i ask you something?'
you smile, 'i think i did first, but sure.'
peter looks behind you at a group of your friends, they're standing back and looking very interested. he needs to get out of there, he thinks he's about to die.
your hand on his shoulder makes him look back at you, it's unfair to have eyes that can ease his anxiety and make it go tenfold.
'are you doing anything this weekend?' you take a second to think, 'um, i think my dad wanted to do something. why, what are you doing?'
when you see his face fall you understand his question, he wanted to spend his weekend with you. suddenly, you feel very stupid about your answer.
peter smiles softly, 'nothing, just wondering. you, um, have a good weekend, okay?' he's able to take two steps before you grab his wrist, peter spins back around and waits patiently, he's expecting the 'you too!'
'unless you want to hang out this weekend, in that case i have no qualms about blowing off my dad for you.'
an explosion of joy, your heart picks up, no way he's asking you out.
peter can feel his heartbeat in his throat, he has no idea how he got so lucky. may said girls liked confidence, he didn't show much, but he could now.
'would you like to go out with me this weekend? on a date?'
you can't stop smiling, your cheeks hurt. it feels better when he matches your smile. 'yes. i'd love to go on a date with you.' 
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bixels · 1 month
If it's not too much trouble would you mind sharing more on your thoughts about AJ? Esp the line she shouted at Rarity and her "struggle with sexual identity" I'm kind of new so I would like to hear more! Does Rarity also struggle with sexual identity and fearing AJ would leave? I love the family oriented person A and the business inclined and impressed by shiny new things person B trope
Ok, this is gonna get into head canons and personal opinions.
The writing in Rollercoaster of Friendship (and EQG as a whole) is much simpler and more stripped down in comparison to FiM (most likely to appeal to a younger audience; don't want to seem like I'm dissing the writers), but that one confrontation made me sit up in my seat because it carries the entire special.
More under the cut cuz I don't want MLP analyses clogging up my blog.
For one, we've seen AJ get frustrated and angry about the same exact conflict over a girl in FiM (Rara), establishing a pattern. And even though she's right (her friend really is being manipulated), I read both cases as her acting out in jealousy too. Here's this girl who she's felt a unique attachment to being "taken away" and changed by someone new. This is most apparent in RoF; the moment Vignette introduces herself, kisses Rarity on both cheeks, and establishes herself as Rarity's "new best friend," AJ immediately reacts with shock, betrayal, and boldfaced jealousy (made even worse when Rarity forgets her during introductions). Although AJ acts independent, she's actually very emotionally dependent on certain people in her life.
If we come into this with the assumption that AJ has romantic feelings for Rarity –– which is a normal assumption given the director/writer confirmed the special was written as a romantic drama between the two –– AJ's line is all the more heartbreaking. If I may slip into fictional speculation: your crush is no longer listening or paying attention to you, even though you know something is wrong and that she's getting hurt. Your frustration at her lack of awareness is really your anger at her lack of care –– she doesn't care about you anymore. So in a fit of rage, in your big, dramatic confrontation, just to make her look at you, react at you, feel how she's been making you feel all day –– unwanted and unspecial –– you hurt her back. AJ yells, "You're not special!" and Rarity cries.
And what really gets me is that AJ lies. In this moment, she lies that Rarity's not special when (again, assumption of romance) she's the most special person in the world to her. So special that she's placed all her feelings of self-assurance and security on their relationship. So special that the moment their relationship is shaken and she doesn't know to recover it –– recover herself –– she lashes out, acts against her character, and says something dishonest just to hurt the girl she loves.
(Honestly, rewatching this special, AJ is so insecure and attention-needy. The way she pouts and slouches and lags behind the group and says, "Never mind. It's nothing," when asked what's wrong is textbook "please pay attention to me and ask me what's wrong because i need a reason to be honest about feelings i know i should be ashamed of" behavior.)
I think AJ's insecurities (which could be tied to her lack of experience with romantic relationships) reveal how she has a tendency to misattribute and redirect anger onto the person she cares most about (see Simple Ways as well, where she's caught on the opposite end of a jealousy spat). This could easily become a very toxic trait, but AJ grows past it. Near the end of RoF, the two come together and apologize. AJ recognizes her entitlement and confesses her insecurities about their relationship. She felt hurt and attacked when her status as Rarity's best friend/girlfriend was threatened because it's a role she uses to self-identify –– if Rarity isn't hers, she loses part of her identity. And she admits that she thought her motivation was to protect Rarity, but really she was just being selfish and protecting herself. Rarity was busy and stressed and needed someone to lean on just as much AJ needed her. She isn't AJ's emotional support girlfriend, and it wasn't right to expect her to be one.
(Which is why Rarijack is peak because throughout both series, they repeatedly show just how important honesty, open communication, and trust is in maintaining, supporting, and growing a romantic relationship.)
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creedslove · 1 month
BESTIEEE I know you’re probably not taking any request now but… since I’m a slut for angst… it came up in my mind reader and Joel being together, she wants kids, he doesn’t since he’s way older than her and already had Sarah so he’s not up to have another kid at his age and reader agreed with that for the sake of their relationship and because she just loves Joel so damn much so she’s willing to give up her desire of becoming a mom. But they’re like at a friend party or at the park and he sees her playing with some friend’s kids and her eyes just sparkle so Joel feels sad for taking away that from her and he gives her the talk “I love you but I need to let you go cause I just want your happiness so she can have kids with someone else and the end is up to you 🥹❤️❤️
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: hi bestie, I know it's been a few days since I got this ask, and even if I was focused on a certain cowboy, you can be sure this lovely idea hasn't left my mind because it's just so perfect and great, thank you for sharing 🤌
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• when you'd traced plans in your life, you had always established some goals: study, get a nice job, travel, be happy, get married and have a family. That was pretty much all you wanted from life, since it seemed only fair you could have it all
• what you did not plan nor expect, was falling in love with a handsome, older and charming man; the heart wants what the heart wants and in your case, your heart (and let's be honest, your body and soul too) wanted Joel Miller, but who wouldn't want him?
• he was big, broad, handsome, strong, he had great hair, beautiful puppy brown eyes and we were only talking about his physical features, although he was much more than that: he was also smart, hardworking, responsible, he was a great dad and even if he seemed a little shy or like he kept to himself, he had so much love to give, and much to your luck, he wanted you as much as you wanted him
• so you simply clicked, despite Joel being older than you; it wasn't a deal breaker for you, it never was, because if by any means that became a problem, you wouldn't even start dating to begin with; although there were some generational conflicts that was quite amusing to see: Joel referred to TV shows, some movies or ads you'd never even heard of in your life, while he didn't get why you always thought those stupid silly videos on your phone were so funny. He didn't really get Taylor Swift - or he pretended he didn't - and you would absolutely fall asleep midway pretty much every movie he claimed he'd watched at the movies when he was a teen and it simply kicked ass
• bur nothing that came even close to being a problem. Sarah enjoyed that exchange, she knew her dad was a modern man, she also knew he looked good by the amount of women who would shamelessly swoon around him, but she always worried he would simply lock himself inside once she took off to live her own adventures, so she appreciated how much you loved and cared about him, making her happy to see how much her dad really loved and cared about you too
• you both had a great relationship, it was mature, sexy, full of understanding, passion and partnership, but Joel being an experienced man, knew it was important to put all the cards on the table before you two were in too deep to decide what was a deal breaker or not
• so you both talked openly about your plans and ambitions for the future, your no's and things like this, to decide beforehand if it was worthy
• you were on board with almost everything, with the exception of Joel being honest and clear about the fact he was older, he had already gone through the fatherhood experience - which had been quite traumatic even if Sarah was the thing he loved the most in his life - and that he didn't want to go through it again, which meant kids were definitely off the table
• you felt your heart shattering; you've always wanted to have kids, and not only that, you could see Joel being a perfect dad to your kids, because not only was he already an amazing father, but he had all the great qualities of a partner, and perhaps a future husband, and to make things worse, Joel did want all of those things with you, he wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side, to give you his name and a home, but not kids
• and even if he knew you wanted kids and you knew it too, you decided to suppress this side of you, because you loved him so much, you thought it was worth sacrificing your desire to have Joel in your life; maybe life would be easier and better if you just stayed with each other, you'd be happy, no doubt about it, and just hoped you wouldn't feel incomplete at everything else
• Joel wasn't insensitive though, he knew that decision took a toll on you, it was complicated and it pained him to think he was the reason why you still hadn't made your wish come true, but how could he get into something he didn't want to? If roles were reversed, it would be too unfair to ask you to have his child, so he tried telling himself he wasn't holding you back
• however, what was so hard was that in addition to knowing about your wish to be a mom, he could see how good you'd certainly be at it; the way little kids and babies immediately took a liking to you, often wanting to play and cuddle and the way you were always so caring and attentive towards them, it always brought a pang into his chest, it hurt to see you not having it because of him
• as much as he loved you and cherished your presence and relationship, that guilt started eating him up alive; he was getting more and more upset about it, the way you simply didn't complain or insist on it also made him upset and worried, he didn't know what to do, he got to the point where he felt tortured to see you interacting with little kids, because he could tell how much you wanted that reality for yourself but he was stopping you from it
• when you both were invited to one of his cousin's baby's first birthday, you immediately accepted the invitation. Joel thought about declining it, but then, what could he say? he had no excuses of any sorts to simply say no, so there was no way other than going and that was it
• he was sort of enjoying the party, having a beer with his relatives and having some treats when he spotted you around the kids: you were having so much fun, simply the life of the party, as the kids giggled and cheered around you, all happily and excitedly, and you wouldn't leave them at all
• Joel's heart shattered, he couldn't keep on doing that to you, it was too much, he loved you and if you love someone you gotta do your best to make them happy, and in that situation he was aware he wasn't doing everything at his power for that, so he swallowed hard, as he took a decision, it was a hard one, but it had to be done
• so once the party was over, you noticed Joel's sadden expression, even if you asked him what was going on, he didn't say it, he just shook it off and said it was work problems, not wanting to extend the subject, you just shrugged and didn't say anything else, leaving the tension home, sensing things weren't going to be easy
• so a couple of days after the party in which things weren't great, Joel finally took the courage to come forward and talk to you about things
"I love you, darling. I swear I do, with all my heart, but I know I'm not making you totally happy, not as happy as you can fully be. I can't stay here, preventing you from finding someone you will really be happy with, someone you will be able to build a life with. You deserve it, baby. I can't give it to you, but I can't see you suffering any longer"
• it broke your heart, you didn't want to break things up with Joel, you loved him, but you were honored to see how much he cared for you, it wasn't easy to recover and get things back on track, having to remodel your life after breaking up with Joel, getting used to being without him, but time heals all, you learned after a while
• Joel also had to relearn how to live his life without you; it was complicated but he loved you so, so he trusted his gut in letting you go, especially a couple of years later, when Sarah came over to visit him with her new boyfriend and handed him her phone: she'd found your Instagram and it showed you happily married to some guy named Marcus Pike, apparently he was an FBI agent, gentle and good-looking and extremely excited to announce he was going to be a dad for the first time ❤️
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Okay you know that classic: person went to bed and while they were asleep they became a giant and they thought the whole thing was a dream but it keeps happening every night and their are news reports about it?
Imagine that this happens to our main character. When they go to sleep, a giant version of themself spawns in near a city. They think it’s just a dream, but they aren’t the type to just wreck things. So they just walk around the city, carefully stepping around cars and stuff. They see people running away and they think that it makes sense, they are a giant. Although they kinda wish they could interact with someone without diving for them or aggressively grabbing them. They eventually notice someone frozen in fear and they think the dream has answered their call. They lower themselves down and gently scoop the terrified person up. Remarking how cute the person is and that they aren’t going to harm them. They give ‘em a gentle kiss or gently rub the person’s head before putting them down.
They then wake up and think about how the dream was nice. Despite everyone running away, they still got to hold someone. They go on about their morning routine, until they see the news about a giant roaming a city. Spitting out their coffee they watch the clips of themself walking around the city. The news doesn’t know if the giant is friendly or not but says that law enforcement is ready if the giant returns. Our giant has no clue what to think or do in that moment and just awkwardly goes to work, where everyone is obviously chatting about it. Especially about the interaction between the giant and the one person who got snatched by them, but was let go. Our giant joins in and says that maybe the giant is friendly and just wants friends or something. To which most say maybe or perhaps that’s just how the giant plans to trick them.
Later on they go to get lunch or something, and they are so happy that their giant form looks different from them, even just slightly, as no one has put two and two together. While at lunch someone walks in with a crowd of people asking them questions, they look embarrassed and our giant realizes that this person was the person they picked up last night and that they are being hounded for questions. Luckily the store owner kicks out everyone bugging the person because they are too loud and he doesn’t like the news people for whatever reason. They thank the owner and sit down nearby our giant who is feeling very embarrassed right now. They ask what’s bothering the person and they just sigh and explain that ever since they froze last night and got scooped by a giant, people haven’t stopped bugging them about it. People wanting to know their thoughts, what it felt like, how’s they feel, and so many more questions. The giant just nods and says that they did get a unique experience and the giant probably did too, before chuckling. The person smiles and starts asking the giant questions. Eventually a bond is made before they have to leave to get back to work.
That night the giant wonders if they’ll become a giant again and what the law enforcements will do to them. They told themself before falling asleep to be careful again, just in case and to be a gentle giant.
Who knows what happens next. Perhaps they keep becoming a giant every night and interact with people who slowly want to meet with them. Maybe the person they first picked up comes back and they bond even more, to the point they share their secret with them. Maybe every night they are put near a new place to explore. There are endless possibilities for it and I find that super cool tbh. To be a giant while asleep and a person while awake, and no one can stop or capture you cause you “de-spawn” when you wake up. It’s perfect…until they find out your secret that is.
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saigethearies · 8 months
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saige’s terrortober presents…
your unlikely partnership with tobio was just that- a partnership. that is, until the vacant room at the motel had only one bed.
demon hunter!tobio kageyama x witch!fem!reader
contents/warnings: unprotected vaginal sex, facefucking, dry humping, confessions, some praise, mention of a knife and violence, reader and tobio are both a lil drunk on lust
wc: 2k
the first time you met tobio kageyama, he held a knife to your throat.
in his defense, he did think you were a demon. a skilled hunter such as himself was able to detect your dark energy from a mile away, he just didn’t know you emitted it for a different reason.
demons emit it naturally, you emit when you utilize the dark arts. practicing black and white magic alike is what enabled you to grow stronger than the other witches, and in turn be better able to protect the people. what better way to take down a demon than to give it a taste of its own medicine?
you could have easily gotten his blade away from your skin, but you had a stigma against using incantations on fellow humans. besides, coming off as hostile would make it harder to plead your non-demonic case to him.
eventually you managed to appeal to his years of experience in the field, the ravenette deciding you weren’t acting or behaving like a demon in any fashion. explaining your abilities to him, he brought you back to the hunter society, seeing the value that could come from a witch battling against demons.
the higher-ups decided a powerful duo could be made out of your unique powers and his perfected expertise, so the rest was history.
you and tobio were coming up on a year of being hunting partners, cutting down countless demons together.
the feelings you were starting to develop, however, were becoming a lot harder to fight.
the lingering stares you’d give him, the heat on your cheeks, your racing pulse- you were worried you were being obvious. that he’d catch on and your dynamic would become awkward, because he didn’t feel the same.
someone as reserved and standoffish as tobio definitely didn’t feel the same, he probably didn’t think twice about romance. it was a miracle the two of you could even hold a friendly conversation now.
oh, how wrong you were.
“we only have one room left, and it only has one bed.”
the both of you blinked, still covered in dirt and grime from the mission you’d completed about an hour ago. all of the other motels in the town were completely booked, something about a festival. you and tobio were both exhausted, each failed attempt at finding a place to sleep worsening your tiredness.
and now? the two of you avoiding sharing a room in general when possible, sharing a bed?
there was no way. tobio was probably about to turn to you and just suggest to try again in the next town over-
“we’ll take it.”
his response caught you completely off guard, and you watched on in shock as the innkeeper handed him the key.
the walk to your room was quiet, and once you were there, the only words spoken were to determine who got to shower first.
offering to shower second, you left the bathroom once you were clean and in your pajamas. tobio had changed into his while you were bathing, and it was clear the two of you were both caught off guard at each other’s attire.
tobio had on a pair of athletic shorts- no shirt.
you had on an oversized shirt, and tobio couldn’t see any bottoms, which was leading his poor imagination to dangerous places.
you stared at each other in silence for a few moments longer before he finally broke it.
“sorry, i thought i would be sleeping alone, or else i would have, you know, brought a shirt.”
“no, it’s fine! don’t apologize! neither of us planned for this…”
more silence.
you saw him grab one of the pillows off the bed, moving towards the floor space in front of it. “you take the bed.”
“what? tobio, no, your muscles are probably really sore. you need it more than me.”
you weren’t wrong. his fighting style was much more physical than yours, relying on weaponry and hand-to-hand combat while your specialty was your spells and incantations.
“you take the bed, i insist.”
he frowned. “if my sister knew i made a girl sleep on the floor, she’d kill me.”
you sighed. neither of you were going to budge on this, so the next words that came out of your mouth had your stomach erupting into nerves.
“…we can share it?”
his face almost went pale. you weren’t sure if you should be offended. “…are you sure?”
“yeah, it’s just one night, right?”
somehow the bed felt even smaller once you were both in it. you swore it was a double, but now it felt as if it couldn’t have been much bigger than a twin. you were half hanging off the side, trying to avoid being in tobio’s personal space more than you already were.
the hunter noticed how uncomfortable you looked.
“…you can move closer if you need.”
head turning towards him, you mirrored his earlier question. “are you sure?”
“you’re gonna have back problems tomorrow if you sleep like that, yes i’m sure.”
that’s how you ended up in bed with your demon hunting partner, your head on his chest because of the limited space, his arm resting behind your shoulders.
it was dark, the two of you just trying to fall asleep as fast as possible. you could hear tobio’s heartbeat below your ear, the sound almost soothing despite the way too intimate proximity.
you let it lull you for a few more minutes, almost nuzzling into his skin. suddenly, you felt his heart start to beat quicker, the pace accelerating and accelerating until-
tobio jumped out of bed, cheeks dusted pink as he breathed heavily, looking down at you.
“what’s wro-“
“do you have some sort of spell on me?”
a look of confusion came onto your features. “huh?”
“a spell, do you have a…love or lust or whatever the fuck spell on me?”
you jaw fell open. what the hell was going on?
“tobio,” you started. “why are you asking?”
he tried to calm his breathing. he was usually so cool and collected, you weren’t familiar with seeing him this frazzled. “because i…”
“because you what?”
“i really want you right now, like really bad.”
his words had your brain malfunctioning, chest feeling warm and bubbly. he wanted you?
you cleared your throat. “tobio…you’re not under any spell right now.”
he blinked. “i’m not?”
you saw the reality of the situation sink in for him, and you never thought you’d ever see tobio kageyama look so embarrassed. if the ground were to swallow him whole then and there, he would be thankful.
you figured you might as well end his suffering.
“it’s okay,” you said with a soft smile, figuring now was as good of a time as ever. “i want you, too.”
your saccharine words drifted into his ears and tobio’s mind went blank.
then, he was on you before you could even watch him move, sitting down onto the bed and tugging you into his lap. he crashed his lips against yours, teeth gnashing together as he kissed you with so much vigor it reminded you of how he fought.
your mouths continued to dance against one another’s as his arms encircled your waist, grinding his pelvis against yours. he discovered that what was hiding beneath your big t-shirt was the thinnest pair of pajama shorts possible, the material doing nothing to conceal your heat from him.
that caused him to hump against you with even more passion, and your eyes almost rolled back when you could feel his covered length press into your core, trying to gyrate in rhythm with him.
pulling away, you tugged your shirt over your head before grabbing onto his shoulders, hovering your lips back over his.
“can i suck you off?” you asked, eyes watery and blown wide.
did he hear you right?
“please, tobio! wanna suck your cock so bad.”
you were practically whining against his lips now, so desperate to have your mouth wrapped around the warm dick you could feel rubbing against you earlier.
the red on his cheeks intensified, seeing you so needy for him. the image of you on your knees before him also made his pants feel tighter, so the hunter found himself nodding. “alright, if you really want-“
he didn’t even have time to finish his sentence before you were dropping to your knees before him, tugging his athletic shorts and boxers down all in one go.
his erect cock was so pretty, long with a pink tip. you found yourself grasping it gently, bringing it to your lips so you could place several kisses on the head.
tobio’s head was already spinning at the attention you were giving him, a groan leaving his lips then when he felt your mouth finally engulf him.
his hands flew to grip the side of your head, bracing himself as you started to bob up and down. he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a pretty girl pleasuring him like this, his past few years all consumed with hunting and protecting the public.
you opened up your throat, taking him all the way in as your nose came flush against his pelvis. tobio shivered at the sensation, fingers tightening on the side of his head. you moaned around him, and the vibrations caused something to snap within him.
keeping your head in place, the ravenette pulled out of your mouth only to thrust right back into it. he proceeded to fuck your face, sounds bubbling up from his throat that had your pussy growing even wetter than it was before.
just as his thighs started to shake from an oncoming orgasm, tobio yanked you off of him. you gasped, trying to collect your breath as he hauled you back up onto his lap.
“sorry,” he breathed, almost ripping your tiny little sleep shorts as he tore them off of you. he saw your cunt bare before him and almost lost it then and there.
“why’d you stop?”
he gave a soft peck to your pout that contradicted the frantic way he was moving his dick between your holds.
“wanna cum inside you instead.”
such dirty words sounded foreign coming from tobio, but the almost frenzied look in his eyes told you he wasn’t all there right now. his usual stoicness was being bogged down by lust, lust induced by you.
you practically cried out when he started to pull you down onto him, his dick feeling even bigger than it did earlier. he held your hips in place, panting against your ear as he kept burying more of himself inside of you. it was a miracle you were already so wet or else that stretch would have hurt.
tobio’s sanity seemed like it was hanging on by a thread. “can…can i move now?”
you nodded with earnest.
“please, please fuck me!”
planting his feet on the floor, the hunter instantly started to jackhammer up into you, every hit deep and hard within your walls. you squeezed your eyes shut, almost wailing as he battered your cunt.
“fuck, you feel so good, fuck, fuck!”
every time he pistoned up into you, tobio brought your hips down to meet his. he was practically using you as a fucktoy, and the thought sent your mind into shambles. your pussy clenched at the way he was treating you.
“tobio, i- ahhhh!”
his tip was slamming against that special spot within you now, every thrust now having your thighs twitching against his.
“feels even better than i imagined,” he breathed out. “wanted this for so fucking long, just didn’t think you felt the same.”
your heart fluttered at his confession.
he kissed your cheek. “really.”
tobio’s balls felt so tight and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. from the way you were trembling in his lap, you probably weren’t fairing much better.
keeping a hand on your hip, his other hand came to push your head against his chest, cradling it there as he picked up his pace.
you squealed out, tears falling onto his skin as your g-spot was met with even more force from his cock. feeling the band within you finally snap, your muscles locked then spasmed as you climaxed. the stimulus of your own orgasm sent tobio into his own, his hips stilling as he groaned and spilled into you.
the two of you were slumped, you going slack against tobio as he fell back onto the bed. coming to, his blue eyes widened as realization dawned on him.
“shit, i didn’t ask-“
“birth control spell,” you answered, already knowing exactly what he was going to say. “we’re fine, don’t worry.”
you felt him relax at that, rubbing his hand up and down your back. you hummed, smiling as you started to drift off into sleep.
“…do you wanna get breakfast tomorrow?”
you cracked an eye open at that, lifting your head to look at him. “like as hunting partners?”
the little scowl that came onto his face had you chuckling. “don’t be an ass about it!”
pressing a little kiss to his pec, you laid your head back down.
“i’d love to.”
saige’s terrortober masterlist
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bloodynereid · 2 months
Could I request a scream story where reader is Tara and Sam’s younger adopted sibling who had a rough life, and they think the others’ lives are more important than theirs, and they get hurt and Tara and Sam are protective but scared for them?
Of Flowers Flooded With Blood
pairing: tara carpenter x sam carpenter x adopted sister reader (platonic)
warnings: blood, stab wounds, mentions of murder, hospitals, hiding injuries, near death experience, general scream warnings
description: when you hide a stab wound from your siblings and it almost has disastrous consequences.
a/n: I AM SO SORRY i swear i was going to write this earlier and then just didn't. i hope this little drabble makes up for it though! i had fun writing it so i hope you enjoy.
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The adrenaline started to dissipate slowly. You were sitting on the concrete sidewalk, not caring about how dirty the New York street was. The distant sounds of sirens and talking from your sisters felt like background noise, they kept fading in and out as you tried to take deep breaths.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, Tara. Are you?” You said, straining a smile when your older sister sat down next to you. She wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into her. The action sent a pang of pain through your side that you were trying to ignore.
“Better than I was when three crazy murderers were coming at us.”
“I’m sorry about Chad.” You said suddenly, giving your sister a reassuring pat on her knee.
“Me too.” Tara uttered sadly as she pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
“Hey guys. Ambulance is coming soon.” Sam said as she sat down to the other side of you, mirroring the motions of Tara she put an arm around your other shoulder. The three of you were now in some kind of makeshift hug.
“You okay, Sam?”
“Yeah, sweetheart. Are you?”
“Hmmm.” You hummed in affirmation as you felt the heat and love from your sisters encase you. Lulling you into a space right before something as the pain in your side got stronger.
Under the layers of blood on your shirt and jacket lay a deep stab wound, one that Ethan probably got into you right before you smashed one of the glass cases on his head. It felt irrelevant to tell your sisters about, Tara was already starting to mourn Chad and well Sam had this haunted look in her eyes that was beginning to scare you.
You weren’t even their real sister, even if you shared a bond you hadn’t been their sister until a few years ago. You used to just be Tara’s friend until their mom adopted you and the crazy events dealing with Amber and Richie happened.
The sounds of an ambulance got louder and louder as the world started to blur around you. A few moments later your head suddenly slumped down and everything was black. Leaving you in the void between life and death and your sisters in a state of complete and utter panic.
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Loud beeping slowly pulled you out of the darkness, it almost felt like you were floating. Maybe you had died. A feeling of sadness washed over you when you realized you would be leaving your sisters behind. You should have said something…
Your thought spiral was suddenly interrupted when the feeling of a solid warm was felt all around you. As if someone or two someones were holding you.
“Ugh?” You groaned and tried to open your eyelids, only to feel shuffling from both sides of the bed.
“Sweetheart? Are you awake, little sis?” Sam’s distinct rasp made a smile slowly tug on the corners of your mouth.
“Yeah, I’m here. I’m here. You’re okay.”
“Oh God, don’t do that ever again.” This time Tara’s voice cut through the fog that you now knew was caused by painkillers, not death.
“I’m here too. You’re going to be just fine.”
“Hmmm. I love you guys.”
“We love you too, now go back to sleep, sweetheart. You deserve the rest.” You felt a pair of lips press a kiss to your forehead as you were slowly pulled under again. This time fear wasn’t gripping you with its claws, instead it was love and joy for knowing that you had your sisters there.
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i am getting through requests yayy! i have another scream rq in my inbox so expect that at some point soon.
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thought--bubble · 4 months
Let's Work it Out
Ettore X (Indifferent Crewmate Reader)
Warnings after the cut
Based on THIS request
Word Count: 1979
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Ettore Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: Ettore, swearing, Smut, dub-con, dry humping, fingering, unprotected sex (P in V), one brief line is a reference to previous non-con just a proper heads up. It's really quick, but yeah. Just in case.
"I hate this fucking ship." This is the thought that runs through your mind on a constant loop.
When you agreed to take this mission, you had thought it would be a good alternative to prison.But after months of floating around on this metal hellscape, you know you should have just stayed on earth.
Trapped in a tin can with a bunch of arseholes. At least in prison, the population was bigger. You had a better chance of finding people you could stand.
But here? Misery.
Boyse was fucking annoying with her constant bitching "this isn't right", "she can't do this", you know she's right but fuck, you can't change it and neither can she, so at least she could do you all a favor and just shut the fuck up.
Then there's Monte. The high and mighty one who thinks he is too good for the box. He walks around as if he is somehow morally superior to the rest of you, as if he wasn't a murderer too.
"You wouldn't be on this ship if you weren't asshat. Calm down."
Then there is the absolutely insane Dr. Dibs, who is apparently the only other person on this ship that is allowed to touch you and not in a fun way. Doing her freaky experiments knocking all the women up one by one and accidentally killing them off like some fucked up version of Russian roulette.
Then there is Ettore. He doesn't bother you as much as he bothers all the other female inmates, which actually makes him amusing in a way. He's definitely got the creepy staring guy role down, but who could blame him? There isn't much to look at on this stupid ship. Everything looks the same.
There are more irritating, annoying inmates, but you couldn't be arsed to learn their names. Fuck every single person on this ship, as far as you are concerned.
Most days, like today, when you have "free time," you just lay in your bunk. Trying to daydream and imagine you were back on earth before you irreparably fucked your life up.
Nansen is up on her bunk doing the same thing. She doesn't bother you much as she's quiet, and at the moment, Ettore is hanging off her bunk, literally sniffing at her.
"He's so fucking weird" you think as you watch him, trying not to laugh at the fact that this is what passes for amusement around here.
Nansen clearly gets fed up with him sniffing around her like some deranged dog and finally shoves him away.
The frustration on his face finally does you in, and you start laughing, no not laughing, cackling. He responds quickly with a flash of rage before quickly exiting the room.
"Thanks for that, that was actually fun," you yell over to Nansen before you roll onto your side, still chuckling to yourself.
Time moves slowly here and after what felt like hours Nansen left to go do something or other leaving you in the room alone still laying on your side and staring at the wall as if willing it to bring you some sort of escape from this place.
Your eyelids get heavier and heavier as you stare at the wall before they finally slide shut. Only the slight humming of the ship and distant voices can be heard as you feel yourself slipping into unconsciousness.
Until you hear it. The door closing. You open your eyes but don't move. Normally, it wouldn't be weird to hear someone enter the room. It is a shared space, after all. But no one ever closes the door. It's always left open.
You wait a few minutes while you continue to pretend you're asleep. Maybe one of the girls are douching after a visit with Dibs or puking up their sleepy time pills? Best to pretend you are asleep so they don't try to kick you out of the room.
So you wait. For movement, noise, or anything, but you are met with silence.
What feels like eternity passes with your heart thumping in your chest when finally, you turn around to see Ettore sitting on the floor next to your bunk, some of your long loose hair between his fingers.
You instantly jump back.
"Piss off!" You yell while pushing back with your feet towards the wall.
Ettore grips your ankle and drags you across the bunk and onto the floor.
"Arse!" You howl as your back makes contact with the harsh floor. Ettore stares down at you, a predatory look in his eyes.
"Don't you touch me, you prick!" You snarl at him, slowly rising to your feet.
Ettore doesn't say a word. Just slightly tilts his head to the side as his eyes scan you from top to bottom.
This guy isn't a dog, he's a fucking wolf and he is sorely mistaken if he thinks you're a lamb ripe for the slaughter. Yet you can't help but find him oddly enticing, the piercing blue eyes, his fill chest, and the fact that he keeps his mouth shut is a nice bonus.
As he moves toward you, the decision is made, you tackle him, wrapping your arms around his midsection, bringing him to the ground with a loud smack, and straddle his hips.
"Don't fuckin move you prick!" You hold his hands up by his head and are surprised when you see no anger, only unbridled lust.
And then you feel it. He is rock-hard beneath you, and suddenly, the fact that he isn't fighting you off makes sense.
Against your better judgment and any rational sense, you decide to tease him. It's been so long since you have been touched. Why not indulge for a moment?
"You like being under me, don't ya?" You tease as you rock your hips against him.
"Yea, nice place to be" his words are dripping in lust as he pushes his hips against yours grinding his cock against your cunt.
This boy is desperate.
You chuckle to yourself and grind back against him. His eyes roll back slightly as his jaw drops open.
He's so responsive, so much so that it drives heat straight to your core.
"You want me to apologize? For laughing earlier?" You continue to grind against his cock a sensation he loves, if the look on his face is anything to go by.
"Don't care," He grunts as he moves his hips a bit faster against you and closes his eyes.
"What if I said I would apologize by riding that big old cock you have stuffed into those scrubs huh?"
Ettore's eyes flash open, and he stares up at you, licking his lips.
"Would you like that?" You tease as you again roll your hips against him, but you make the mistake of closing your eyes and when you do Ettore wastes no time breaking out from the grips you have on his wrists and flipping you over onto your back.
You grunt at the impact. "Fuck, thought we were getting somewhere?" Your grumble in pain.
"Collectin my apology." He sniffs up the side of your neck before reaching down to pull off your scrub bottoms.
You want to correct him. Maybe explain. What riding him means, but again, you couldn't be arsed.
You push your scrubs down the rest of the way and bring your legs up around his hips.
It's been far too fucking long since you've been fucked and he's weird yeah but he's also hot and is most likely gonna fuck you silly.
Ettore leans forward to capture your mouth, but you turn your head to the side.
No fucking kissing dipshit.
Luckily, he is quick on the uptake and goes for your neck, seemingly unbothered by the subtle rejection.
He brings his hand to your heat, sliding his digits into your leaking wetness.
"Mmmmm" He groans eyes closed as he hovers above you, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing small precise circles on the nerve.
You close your eyes and lean your head back, your climax getting closer as he continues his ministrations while gently biting at your neck.
You feel your body tense as you climb that hill, wanton moans slipping from your lips as Ettore slides a finger into your canal, his fingertips exploring, looking for the magic spot that makes a girl go wild.
You take a deep breath in and rock your hips against his hand, your labored breaths, and sounds of pleasure gradually growing in volume, and he knows he's found it.
Ettore gets to work rubbing at the spot deep inside you as he pulls back to watch your face contort in pleasure.
It's so primal. Emotions aren't necessary. Just basic physical need and gratification, one of the driving forces behind Ettore's every move.
He quickly removes his finger from you and grips your thighs tightly, pulling you up to him, and plunges himself inside you in one swift thrust.
The only thing he feels.
He audibly groans at the sensation, jaw hanging slack as his pace quickly increases.
He has tunnel vision. He wants that sensation and needs that sensation, and there is not a thing in heaven, on earth, or this damn ship that is going to stop him now.
In just moments, his pace is punishing the hard smack of his hips against your skin and the delicious mixture of pleasure and pain have you reeling.
"Fuck!" You bite your lower lip nearly breaking the skin as he bullies your insides, hitting all the right spots with each violent thrust.
He watches himself entering you memorized be each movement. He is practically drooling seeing your fluids building up on the base of his cock. Dampening the short blonde curls that grow there.
He can't help but think to himself how much better it is when they want it.
He brings his thumb to your clit working the nub in small circles wanting that clench he knows you can give him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Your eyes fly back open as you hit your peak temporarily going deaf, body numb to all feeling other than the overwhelming pleasure.
Ettore smiles, not a happy smile, more of a victory smile. It's time to chase his peak, to take what he wants needs.
As you begin to float back down from your high, Ettore is climbing his. Every thought in him consists of reaching that goal. That euphoria.
His grunting grows louder, and his legs begin to shake as he pushes his body to its limit, determined to have the most intense experience he can create.
"If you ever want to do this again, you'll pull out." You don't know if he will heed your warning. He doesn't care about you. Why should he? You do hope that his needs in the future will outweigh his wants right now, but only time will tell.
He says nothing, his eyes closed as he groans loudly, you feel him stiffen, and just as you think he is going to ignore your warning, he pulls out shooting his spend onto your quivering thighs.
You both stay put a moment before you reach into your laundry and snatch up a shirt that's meant for washing, wiping yourself down.
Ettore watches you intently before finally opening his mouth. You see him debate with himself whether or not he should say whatever it is he is planning on saying.
You watch the gears move in his head moderately, amused as you start to put your bottoms back on.
"Good grief, just say it." You can't help but lose your patience. He is back to being the weird, staring guy, and it's irritating.
"Again?" He finally mutters.
You chuckle as you realize he is confirming that this is going to happen again.
"Sure" you shrug "Need something to do on this fucking ship"
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