#i just finished s3 and am in the middle of the ancient rome sidequest so my opinions might change
just-an-enby-lemon · 3 months
I think the central theme of the LOLOMG is trying to be good even if not always actually doing it. Is also in a lot of ways about redemption.
Everysingle member of the team is flawed and they failed for some reason and everysingle one has a wish to be good, to help people.
From the most obvious case of Hamid that literally says he is trying to redeem himself. That knows he was bad and was bad because he was scared and had had friends but also because his priviledged made it easy, made so he didn't had to question things, that he never had to take responsability until he went too far. That is soo despreatedly trying to do the right thing even if he sometimes does the wrong one, that tries his best to be kind and caring and to not fall into old bad habits, that doesn't even recognize all of them at firstm.
To Sasha that was always good but never had the chance to be. That did messed up stuff because that's all she's been told all her life, she was raised to be a thief and almost all the adults in her life failed her. That even after scaping Barret somewhat, now an adult and her own person, still doesn't know how tk be annything else. But also who is in her own way kind and conforting and tries to help, that cares specially to the small voices, to the people like her who had no chance. And she still falls to old habits because change isn't easy and she doesn't always even want to, be she tries her best anyway.
To Zolf who is just trying to understand what being good even is in the middle of his grief. He was a navvy man than a pirate and a cleric than a mercenary. And he tried to suport the right people and do the right thing and serve justice but deep down he still didn't knew what his path into being someone he saw as good was, until he had to leave and try to find it somewhere else.
To Bertie who sucks and never wanted to be better, who likes being a piece of shit actually but has no choice but to try for a redemption anyway. Who never even understands his mistakes that keeps refusing to change until it kills him.
To Grizzop who thinks he has it all figured out. Who thinks he knows what is good and what is bad and who is good and who is bad and that the path to being a good person is to set clear lines and kill the right people. That has being a cop as his literal religion and the one thing that gives his life meaning and is not sure how, doesn't want to, but has to start to deal with the fact his lines are not really true and people, and life, is complicated.
To Azu who is good actually and has no need for redemption but also has other people from her temple acting as if she does, as if she isn't really good and she doesn't really notice them but they still give her another reason to try and prove herself. To go in a journey. To try to help even more people and became the Hugh Pristess of Afrodite.
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