#i just enjoy the friendship of my depressed sarcastic lil dudes ok
It has been (rather rudely) brought to my attention recently that I collect Regulus kins.
So if you're a Regulus kin who's floating around the interwebs and needs collecting lemme know ig 🤷‍♀️
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lissaremade · 7 years
uHHHH 1-10 section 1 for alek?
Briefly Describe your OC: Appearance, personality, role in a story, etc..
alek’s 5′6″ and pretty skinny - he has No muscle whatsoever because he’s a sorcerer. he has long, pretty curly hair that he pulls back into a low ponytail, with two little wispy sideburn type bits. his hair flares up like fire when he gets emotional (excited, angry, sad, flustered, etc.) but it’s not composed of fire itself. (we established that it would be like lava girl’s hair in shark boy and lava girl)
overall he’s a gigantic Grump, he’s reluctant to trust people because of bad experiences in his past (which i’ll get to in the next question) he’s pretty quick to temper, but tries to keep a tight reign on his emotions (also due to backstory stuff). he tends to bottle things up so they eat away at him. he’s not really the type of person to wear his heart on his sleeve, and it takes a long time to earn his trust. but once you get it, he’d probably Die for you.
he’s honestly pretty depressed (AGAIN due to backstory shit as well as campaign plot stuff) and blames himself for a lot of things. he’s trying to move forward though, but it’s sorta hard considering his circumstances.....i mean the dude has to save not one, but TWO worlds from TWO apocalypses among other things.
Briefly describe their backstory/childhood
SO alek grew up in a pretty isolated genasi community. his parents were the head of it, and he was the second youngest of four total siblings. he was pretty close to his sister, luce, the scarf he wears is actually hers.
he met milo when the two were fairly young - milo’s family were traveling merchants who visited the community once a month. i’d like to imagine their friendship cultivated over many months of milo just like. actively following alek around when he visited their community and popping out like “HI” and alek screaming a lil bit at the sudden appearance of a boy his age
he didn’t really have any other friends growing up besides milo. also they’re gay
eventually, when the two of them were 18, milo was drafted to a war. the war was a conflict between the country where they lived and a neighboring country of dwarves. alek immediately decided to go with him, not wanting him to have to go off by himself and wanting to protect him. alek’s sister gave him her scarf when he left as a token to remember her with.
they fought for a few years, until they were both 22, when milo was killed in combat, protecting alek from an oncoming blow. overcome with grief, alek lost control of his abilities and razed an entire battlefield of enemies and allies alike.
he immediately fled, fleeing the country and ending up wandering around for a few years before running into his current party. he hasn’t returned to his home country or hometown since. 
stuff that’s happened during the campaign is a bit more complicated because a Lot has happened and my memory is bad, but we caused the apocalypse in the world we lived in during the very first session by killing a cultist named miss princey, blacked out and were transported to another world connected to the previous world we ruined. 
the old world still exists, however it’s a lifeless place where monsters ravage the land and the sky is an eternal vortex of dead souls, trapped under the sky until we can save them and return them to whatever afterlife they existed in previously.
we may have caused the old world and the new world to start to merge into one?? we aren’t sure. we just know that something Bad is happening in the new world now too.
Describe their family life and friends.
alek has three siblings, two older brothers and a younger sister.
this is based on how they were characterized in a 1x1 with my dm and my memory is Bad so this might not be 100% but!
arun is the oldest brother, he tries his best ok...he has the best intentions but he’s not really the Brightest i guess? he tries though...he’s good
ciro is a sarcastic shithead older brother tbh. he’s really book-smart and is always reading but he can be sorta lazy and not good with physically exerting himself
luce is Good and energetic and friendly and she loves everyone!! she’s a little naive and clumsy but she’s always very genuine. 
his parents are named kamara and roshan - roshan is quiet and sorta intimidating, but he cares for his family a lot. kamara is really bright and full of energy. she knows Everything about Everyone. she’s a good mom
What is the world they come from like?
i would probably need to ask josh, our dm, more about this tbh
Are they original or exist in a certain fandom?
he’s an original character for a dnd campaign i’m in with my friends!
Are they an introvert or extrovert?
Greatest fear?
probably losing his friends due to a mistake he made tbh
What’s their sense of humor like?
i’d imagine he’d have a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor and would just like. crack a joke without changing his tone of voice and everyone’s like “HOLY SHIT did alek just make a joke”
Favorite pieces of fiction or genres they enjoy?
he’s secretly very much into fluffy romance novels
probably? nonfiction tbh?
Favorite music genres?
i have a Very specific aesthetic of music i associate with him which can be heard here
we always joke he’d have a secret stash of vocaloid in a modern au because i listen to primarily vocaloid lmao
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