#i just dont like the senpais HAHAHAH
tunapesto · 2 years
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
SubaEichi and subahaji
Hmmm i dont think im rly keen on subaru and eichi as a couple since i enjoy their relationship as it is. Also bc i dont get eichi in general HAHAHAH but eichi rly checks subaru's checklist of people he would flirt with but i dont think it could go more far as casual/friendly flirting jashhaah
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AND OOOHHHH SUBAHAJI..... I ACTUALKY READ A LOT ABOUT THEM!!!!! And i think subaru loves him so much because he reminds him of himself (if that makes sense) i feel like he wants to protect shinonon while shinonon just adores him bc of that it's a rly cute relationship. One thing about shinonon is that he was always the bigger brother and he always ends up being the little bro with his senpais it's rly cute
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One of the interactions i have in my mind is this one from an idol story of subaru
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I just 🥺🥺🥺 they
Although most of their interactions can be seen as romantic i think this!! This is what they are like in the end!!! After all subaru loves flirting <33
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Hewwo, hi yes this is uhhh Jere from the human hastur blog ^^ this might be pretty sudden but you're my new sunshine. I love what you're doing for your blog and how much effort you put in them!! Please never stop posting (even though it might be impossible ahajkaka) because i love staring at your art until my braincells call for my sense adagadhsj
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OMAGAD SENPAI SOBS @ask-human-hastur I definitely want to keep posting here so we’ll see how long this lasts, hopefully for a really long time :,,D Honestly with such a warm community and all you lovely people, I don’t foresee me dropping this blog anytime soon. Like ANYtime :,D THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS I JUST AAAAAAAAAAA (the rest of the post is me going absolutely bonkers under the readmore HAHAHAH)
YES HELLO I AM HERE TO SING PRAISES OF ONE OF THE LOVELIEST BLOGS IVE LURKED HERE. Your human Hastur blog definitely caught my eye as I was ghosting because that design???? That hair???? EYES HELL YES HELLA YASSSS also lakhdkakfagd ur art is just as lovely HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LOVE STYLES WITH THIN LINES i cant do that so I REALLY ADORE PPL WHO CAN PULL IT OFF yes YES
I’m personally not a fan of hastur but I really love your human version of it,,,, its gud,,,, very gud,,, yas,,, I feel like you put in a lot of effort into your replies as well because HELLO THAT DESIGN IS AWESOME BUT THE DETAILS HOLY HECK i am afraid of details im so glad aesop has a simple design BUT U PULL IT OFF VERY VERY WELL IN UR REPLIES bonus points for the thin lines again ok details+thin lines= a lot of respeCTTT I go off a lot about art im sorry I love your style too!!!!! Im so honoured that you like my drawings >///////
OMG I FORGOT. TO MENTION. I LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW EYES?????? SO MUCH THAT IM TYPING IN CAPS AAAAAAAA just. the shape of the eyes. the irises. DETAILS. I love love love how you capture his inhumanness in the eyes. Also multiple gorgeous eyes? Can i get a wahoo?? WAHOOOOOO
I really enjoy going through your blog and seeing your hastur interact with everyone yalls really are one of the best ask blog communities,,, really,, and some of your replies are hilarious ok ALL DEM MEMES but ye ALSO CAN I JUST SIDETRACK TO SAY YOUR MODERN HASTUR??????? THAT BLUE HAIR????? A++++ DESIGN UR ART IS GORGEOUS HAVE I EVER SAID THAT NOW I HAVE
But yes,,, thank you so much for visiting my blog,,,, you keep being absolutely adorable and awesome on your blogs,,, maybe one day I will get around to dropping you an ask!! But as of now do enjoy your stay here I will try my best to keep the Quality Content tm up for all of yall to enjoy :,,,,D its really a pleasure running this blog really really yall make it so much easier to keep this blog running im not kidding :,,,,D
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aeroas · 7 years
rating keith’s smile out of 10
every time i see keith smile i gain 10 years of life so im here today to rate some pics of keef to calm by beating heart 
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the shit eating grin 12/10, the type of smile that says “ur daughter calls me daddy too” and i love it
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the “i got back ur lion notice me senpai” smirk: 15/10   the teasing remark?? the teasing smirk?? this whole scene clears my skin
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the “im completely and utterly in love” smile: 100/10   do i need to explain???? look at the softness......the fondness...... and who is it directed at??? uuuhh yeah ur boy lance dont tell me klance is dead u coward
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hooo boy another soft smile like look at that!!!!!! hes so in love and im in love and my crops are flourishing, a solid 200/10 
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the famous “we make a good team” smile, very gay scene but personally not my favorite smile but yall would have attacked me if i didnt include it , 11/10
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just fuck me in the ass smile, 80/10 very Nice
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the “heh like that” smile UUUUHHMMMM 500/10 LOOK AT THIS........ aesthetic backgroun? yes. great quote? yes. smile directed at lance once again? y e s. 
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angsty season 3 keith smiling at l a n c e , 350/10 let him be happy dreamworks let!!!! him!!!!!! be!!!!!1 happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
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look at that smile!!!!! the “we’re still just kids even tho were in space on a very important mission” smile 600/10 very pure and im about to cry with love
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the soft “my boyfriend is so talented” smile 5000/10 wonderful smile, filled with pride and adoring, another reminder that klance will never die asswipe 
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the otome game smile, 800/10 ill leave my heart to this smile if u know what i mean hahahah excellent smile, could cure diseases
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GOD TIER/10 ARGUABLY THE BEST SMILE like look at that big grin!!!!!! i bust a nut every time i see that laugh!!!!!!!!! baby boy i love u 
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vindictivly · 6 years
For the Mun (cause Kayn cant obviously talk about this, or can he? o.O) how do you feel about those Kayns that are like animu fangirls over “Zed senpai”? Im just curious i wont hate dw. (tbh I find you scary and i dont even know you HAHAHAH)
[ Congrats to being the first Anon of the century. Me scary though? I don’t bite.
As for your inquiry. I can understand why Shieda would be presented that way due to how he sees Zed. I suppose to the extent of that depiction though is questionable to me when regarding Shieda’s personality. I disagree to that representation, but people may do and believe as they wish.
For me, I see it more of a bond between two people that have distanced as time continues. I’d see Shieda as a little boy treating Zed like a sort of father, but as the years go on and Shieda develops dreams and goals, he sees less of a fatherly figure to the point Zed is a mere mentor. Even then, Shieda is willing to kill Zed if he has to. In my depictions of this matter, this is the case between the two as the lore semi-implies.
However, my Shieda will want to kill Zed if he is not a named successor to the Order. Shieda has dreams of retribution for Noxus, and will not do it alone. ]
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repost don’t reblog!
tagged by: @naru-uzumaki
tagging: @roseuscrystallum @scngre @fiercekunoichi
name:  raive birthday:  oct 23 sexual orientation:  straight school status:  graduate
drink?:  nah smoke?:  nah eat cake?:  yeah here and there believe in true love?: i’d like to afraid of the dark?:  a bit yeah cat person?: yeaaah virgin?: ...ye ah shut up
shampoo: idk w/e i use disney song: i have a few?? but i guess be a man - mulan / one jump ahead - aladdin are tied actress/actor: mmm anne hathaway / chris evans car: idk. i used to really like convertibles? camaros are neat person: ah my bro  type of weather: sunshine color: black blue red and purple 90s sitcom:  frasier
what is your special talent/skill as a roleplayer?   playing several characters from like ten diff fandoms i guess?? idk
what is your favorite type of roleplay genre, and why?   angst angst angst because i am a sick person obviously. no i just...i really like the character development that the darker themes push? i think that it makes the lighter moments mean more i guess. 
why did you pick your muse? because sasuke’s my fave in the series and i just felt like it. it’s mostly lauren’s fault for existing on @fiercekunoichi
if you could write any other muse - but know you don’t have the muse for him/her - who would it be?    TERRY MCGINNIS.... i write a lot of muses. 
what is one thing you think you need to work on as a partner?   everything?? I’m...a terrible partner. LOL i’m such crap, i dont know why anyone puts up with me half the time. like i can get REALLY INTO A PLOT and then i...fucking...drop for a while and it’s like ‘well i guess she didn’t care as much as she said she did’ and it’s not true and i feel so bad for being so flaky and-- yeah. i bleh im sorry.
what would be your warning label to other roleplayers?   disappears for days and sucks at communicating ayy
what is your favorite episode/scene of your muse?    idk. sasuke’s just cool. i suppose atm tho the neatest animation for him is in the boruto movie tbh. but?? hm. im blanking for w/e reason. i guess i like the first naruto / sasuke fight too. 
what crack!ships do you have for your muse?    none really. hmm i guess art has made me curious about hinata/sasuke though tbh. it’d only work in non-massacre au though.
what is your senpai blog?
i dont have one. i am my own senpai HAHAHAH no im not.
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fatimah-nor · 7 years
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I dont remember being a spoiler hahhaha. Nevermind, I know I could be a spoiler if I did this, but yeah I just like sharing a cute photo. Let you guys see it even its nothing much. Hahahah isn’t cute? I love Easter. Its called Happy Easter Room. If NMS update a new easter room, dont worry I will also update a new one. :) by the way I was planning to post a picture with senpai. Its gonna be awesome!!
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