kianap18 · 7 years
I wake up every morning. Next to you, filled with love, and happiness. It’s those few seconds that I realize I don’t need a house, or a million clothes in my closet, or a shelf full of shoes. You are my home. With you next to me, and our puppy between us, I have found my place in life. I will fight to stay here, I will fight everyday, all day if it means continuing this journey of life and love next to you every morning, and every night. You have awaken my heart, and it has never know the unconditional love that it could stand strong for, til I looked into your eyes. This is my home. This is my happy place. Nothing and no one could ever replace, or chance this feeling.
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kianap18 · 9 years
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kianap18 · 9 years
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Are you a teen? You will love this blog!
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kianap18 · 9 years
Words are like letters, they have purpose without full meaning, but once put together they have worth and complete meaning. Don't use words to explain someone's worth, use sentences or you will never let someone know their true worth.
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kianap18 · 9 years
Truth is, I was never the type to ask or demand a lot. In fact, I didn’t really ask for anything. But either way, just like that, you vanished… I guess I should of ask for you to stay.
My boy (via unlikke)
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kianap18 · 9 years
I want you to drunk text me. I want you to think about me. Please fucking think about me sometimes because the only thing I do is think about you
(via nakedly)
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kianap18 · 9 years
Boys vs. Girls.
It came up in conversation about a week ago, that men are superior because they tend to use logic over emotion where woman think more with their emotions. I found this to be strange, because all my theories and decisions I think about within reasons and logic, and if all else fails then I decide with my gut, which I suppose would be emotional. Yet, I do believe in romance, meaning that theoretically my emotions do play a large role in my choices. But there are many men who think with their dicks or their emotions, which thinking with your dick isn't exactly logical, is it? I was able to make a case because I was able to bring facts and logic into the conversation to prove that woman are able to think logically. But then I began to question it, because if everyone thinks logically and a few steps ahead, where does the mystery and surprise come from in life? Would there still be the spontaneous people, probably not, because they would be rationalizing everything they would be doing and trying to find the logic within their feelings. So because a woman can do both think logically and emotionally, in discretion to the situation, wouldn't that make us superior to men?
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kianap18 · 10 years
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kianap18 · 10 years
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via http://minus.com
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kianap18 · 11 years
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Heart Shaped Box http://www.handimania.com
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kianap18 · 11 years
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kianap18 · 11 years
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kianap18 · 11 years
The rain is dropping, and the sun is fading. Summer is passing and fall is arriving. It's a bittersweet sign of relief where before you played in the sun, you soon play in the leaves. The wind starts to blow, the thunder growls and the lightning strikes. It gets darker faster, but isn't this what we wait for. When the world turns dark, when you need those few extra blankets to claim the warmth, the sound of wind and rain becomes the melody that puts you to sleep? Oh fall how I welcome you.
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kianap18 · 11 years
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kianap18 · 11 years
Have you ever wondered about the people who wake up every morning eyes stained red, and puffy because they cried themselves to sleep that night. Ever wonder how they're able to get themselves out of bed, fix that puffy face and with some make up, and a new hairstyle they're back to who you would recognize. Do you ever wonder the strength that would take to do, every single day. But the one time she can't hold it together, and that single tear slips and she looses it, everyone thinks different of her. I've been that girl, still struggling to accept myself and pick myself up. For those who are going threw this or maybe even worst, or if it hasn't gotten this bad. Remember to love yourself, be true to yourself, and find a friend who will be there by your side threw anything life has to throw at you. You are loved.
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kianap18 · 11 years
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kianap18 · 11 years
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