#i just don't want to hang around listening to them sing worship songs and then get invited to sunday lunch gossip sessions yknow?
chamerionwrites · 2 years
Most of the time I am probably too accommodating and hate conflict to a fault but occasionally the Zero Fucks Left version of me emerges, and I'm fairly sure 99% of people who have witnessed it find it Jekyll-and-Hyde unsettling.
Which is almost certainly a character flaw on my part! But I don't entirely know what to do about it, because I'm pretty sure it's the "too accommodating" part that's the character flaw and while I've been working on that half my life, and honestly gotten much better at it, that isn't the half of the equation that people are freaked out by.
#i try to be reasonable and restrained even when i'm out o patience so it's not like i suddenly turn into an aggressive shouty asshole#people just seem to feel blindsided by what from their perspective is an abrupt and extreme shift#from 'chill to the point of being a pushover about a lot of things' to 'utterly unyielding about select things'#which i do get but idk i still just find a lot of the things people get irritable about too petty to waste my energy on#i also think that occasionally someone deserves to be told politely but firmly that they're being a dick and should knock it off#I don't see how these things are mutually incompatible!#anyway this post brought to you by the Heated Conversation after my mother asked why i hadn't been to church since i moved#and i said 'because life is too short to spend every sunday with the worst people i know' which was admittedly v blunt#but also (1) not untrue (2) probably more lowkey than 'let's hash out all my religious trauma at 7pm on a monday night'#i thought my tone was calm and matter of fact and regretful even! but apparently that's a v hateful thing to say#idk what to tell you it's a small town and the people in church on sunday literally are the worst people i know here#sure it's not very nice but i didn't say it TO them or even anyone who knows them and i'm perfectly capable of being polite in passing#i just don't want to hang around listening to them sing worship songs and then get invited to sunday lunch gossip sessions yknow?#sometimes i don't have the energy to be diplomatic man. and imo the scandalized response has less to do w the actual content of what i said#than the fact that normally i probably would have said it less bluntly#the real problem here is that if you ask loaded questions sometimes you may get answers that you dislike#walking away from omelas#my posts
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ironic-sonder · 9 months
I'm subjecting everyone on my main to my very important commentary of metal songs that my best friend has sent me. bc the list has been backlogged. for two months
I'll put them under the cut bc it'll be long & really only just for him. hello dearest @assignedjimmymagmakinnie
Resist & Bite by Sabaton
I'll listen to it a couple times bc there's a lot of road noise. I forgot how much I love his voice & the energy & holy fucking shit. How didn't your ex like this. What the fuck. Sylas what the fuck. It sounds like how hearing your laugh feels. Vibrant & tangibly full of life. I'll focus sorry. You'd be very good at teaching history. Focusing now. There's a clinking noise in the back of the chorus. Like a bell or something. Also the guitar is cool as fuck. The way his voice jumps between clear & growling is so like,,,, going feral over it. Guitar solo!!! Oh fuck it's layered. Insane going insane. Wheeeee noises. The drums are also great bc they're just like,,,, driving. I want you to explain the battle they're singing about to me. The song feels like it's buzzing a bit in my teeth. The lyrics are great no I did not process any of them. Truly still just trying to wrap my head around his voice & how much excitement is in it, holt fucking shit. Goddamn. He sounds psyched to sing about this. In a respectful way but also just. Damn they're all nerds. They have you energy. Badass but super knowledgeable about things & excited to share it. Anyway 10/10, it gets a 10
Defence of Moscow by Sabaton
This one already feels more theatrical, like it'd be in a movie trailer. How do they make music like this & release it & we never hear it on the radio. Also the beat dropped & I had to stop typing for a sec bc it was so overwhelmingly good. His accent is so fun. The way words fit in his mouth? Incredible. Amazing. I'm gonna listen to it while reading the lyrics & then relisten & type commentary. Side note though the keys that their songs are in legitimately make me want to scream (/pos). There's a keyboard in the background I think? Fucking love everything it does. I have it on full volume bc of the road noise & holy shit Sylas. I think getting tickets to see them in person would be overwhelmingly just. Yeah. Yeah it would change a person. Life altering. The rhythms of the chorus!!! The way the lyrics work around each other!!! The drums driving it with the guitar!! I wanna learn music theory properly just so I can say a bunch of smart words about it. Fuck fuck the way he leads into the chorus. I like how there's a drum solo right before the guitar one. Wheeeeeee guitar noises. There's something so happy about it. How do they manage to sound so happy. Yeah yeah major key but it's more than that. Fuck the drums right after they sing with no instrumental backing. I'm very normal about everything. Jesus fucking christ. AND ALSO THE WAY IT ENDS. 10/10 also, bc yes
Hypnosis by Sleep Token
Technically Christmas Truce is next but I don't want this all to be me yelling about Sabaton so that'll go in the next post. This is in the same album as Fall for Me. I like how dense the intro is, like. You can hear the guitar but the drums & buzzing practically drown you in noise. Like thunder!!! It feels like a mix of listening to ocean at night & also thunder. His voice hangs on notes so interestingly. Dragging them around. His silly ack noise on the K of take. It's not precisely sultry but it feels deliberate like that. Haha dense noise back. Makes my brain feel buzzy. Not in a happy static way, just the noise vibrations. Also I'm on a very bumpy road now. The way he's incomprehensible on some words but super clear on others. There's something so captivating about it. Alright yeah I can understand the worship & such. Also the way this song is about hypnosis & he drags words around in a very circular way, like how a pendulum swings. Stylistic music things <3. Drummmmms. I wonder if this ranked on the sexiest Sleep Token songs list. Haha called it, it was third. I'm gonna read your commentary on it after it's over. This guitar solo sounds so dark & grainy it's amazing. Heavy & gravelly. Silly noises at the end!! It sounds a bit like a carnival in a horror movie. Spooky bells. 9.3/10 I think, very good but difficult to fully appreciate in the car
Hades by Bathory
Well first off the album art is cool as fuck. ALSO. This sounds much more like the older metal songs I used to review. Haha it's from the 80s, called it. The guitar texture. OH IT GOT CLEARER. That was fun. And the drums the drums. His voice is so buried but I'm more preoccupied with the drums. It's squeaky & growly, like a silly little creature. That tone cannot be good for his vocal chords. I wonder what his speaking voice sounds like. It's extremely fun though. Drums drums. And the way the guitar sounds like the way a sound wave looks. Up & down & very long & consistent & constant. The rhythm is fascinating, like it's on the edge of slowing down or speeding up. Slightly offbeat. I'm upset it was so short, it's losing some points for that, but looping it would definitely improve that. I wonder what you said when you sent it. Inconclusive, the screenshot just said you'd pre-approved it. But anyways yes 8.8/10, fun but too short, wanted to hear the drums more
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dreamsister81 · 3 years
"If  you listen to the lyrics of Hallelujah closely, you  notice  it’s a  song  about  sex,  about  love,  about life on Earth. The hallelujah isn’t a tribute to a worshipped person, an idol or a god, but it’s the hallelujah of orgasm. It’s an ode to life and to love."-OOR, August, 1994
Why did you cover a Leonard Cohen song?
Because I find myself in Hallelujah, not because of Cohen.-Knust interview, September 13, 1994
“Any of the covers on the album are there because they mean a certain thing in my life that I love and I miss. One day I was house-sitting for a friend and she left her whiskey out and I got into it and hit this horrible sorrowful jag. I went to the gig-Sin-É, in fact-weeping like a fucking animal. The whole time. I sang ‘Hallelujah’ that night and I got through the show just on the edge of tears. I don’t know why. It just wells up inside you."-Hot Press, October 5, 1994
And this version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah", does he know the John Cale version? "Well, actually, I'm playing John Cale's version, that's where I got it from, from that record "I'm Your Fan" that I listened to at a friend's house. I also know Leonard's original, but he doesn't sing every verse, the way John interprets it is so...simple."-Rock & Folk, October, 1994
" 'Hallelujah' for example I learned in New York from John Cale after a year working at Sin-é on a day when I found myself crying like a baby and that song expressed exactly what I was feeling. A title like 'Hallelujah' makes one think of the church, of morality and instead there is a deep humanity inside, there is the idea of making love, losing love, being crucified. Leonard wrote ten verses for that song and I don't know why he didn't sing them all, I just chose the ones I felt were most mine. He has this extraordinary ability to grasp the fundamental element of a certain situation and to "steal" it, make it his own and build the text around it."-Rockerilla, October, 1994
The artists you've covered so far are Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen, Alex Chilton, they're connected on a certain line. It's kind of cult people or like that. Do you select those songs consciously?
It doesn't matter who's song it is. I did it because each moment in my life matched the song so well. For example, Leonard's "Hallelujah." One day, I was intoxicated with so much sadness, I was totally wasted after drinking whiskey and practicing this song. Right after that, I went into the gig as I was, and I was screaming like an animal. I'm singing that song with those experiences in mind. I have to be myself before the song exists.-Rockin'on October 1994
"Hallelujah, I was just housesitting for a friend, watching her cats while she was away and I got into her whiskey and got into her record collection and there was there was John Cale's version of Hallelujah on I'm Your Fan. And I'm not...there are Leonard Cohen enthusiasts...it's not because of Leonard that I did the song, it's simply because of the song and because of the verses. I'm just in there somewhere. I have no blood bound allegiance to Leonard, although i have an incredible admiration and real great love of his work you know? There's a difference between somebody who's a total Tom Waits freak and just somebody who just likes to listen to them, and you know, the Tom Waits freak will know everything: the demos, the back in the days when he used to sound like Billy Joel, blah, blah, blah...hear the European demos, well, he didn't used to, but back when he was a bit smoother. You know, just knows everything. And I don't know everything about Leonard Cohen, and I haven't read Beautiful Losers, and I haven't done that, but it was just a great song."-WBCN's "Nocturnal Emissions", October 23, 1994 in Boston, Massachusetts
" 'Hallelujah' I didn't do it because it's by Leonard Cohen, but because I like the song. Based on that it was done for all the songs, including mine. The version that inspired me is a John Cale version with all ten verses, unlike the way it appears on Various Positions. The night I first proposed it at Sin-é was a special night, I had also been a bit of a jerk. You see, the word Hallelujah has its own definite sign, you connect it to the church. Instead, for me it is a word that celebrates something very human, it speaks of a deep connection between pain and the human condition. That word has nothing to do with being nailed to a cross: there's when you're hurting, but there's also when you're making love, when you're losing it."-Buscadero, November, 1994
"The fact that I did Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah doesn't mean anything, Cohen is something you discover when you're discovering life, you don't get there when you're very young."-Rumore, November, 1994
"Finally, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah not for the meaning of religious purity that anyone can see, but for more earthly reasons: pain, sex, orgasm and the cruelty of everyday life. I believe in people, not in heaven. Without people God would not exist, he would not make sense."-Tutto, February, 1995
I wanted to ask you about your version of "Hallelujah". I guess its based more on John Cale's version than Leonard Cohen's original?
Yeah. But I heard the one on (Cohen's album) Various Positions first. Then I was stuck in a room with that I'm Your Fan CD (a Cohen tribute album) and I listened to (Cale's version) and it was, again, very simple. Then I heard that version one time again in Tower Records, and I was just struck. There and then, I thought, "This is wonderful ."
But am I right in thinking you don't really rate your version, compared with Cale's?
Well, he's a man. Mine's too fast. I know the difference between myself in a totally empty situation-which is best, where anything can happen-and in a situation where something's expected. And I don't feel very good about that day, and the time I chose that song to be included on the record, it was between that version and another version that I really despised. All in all, there must 22 versions floating out there. It's just never the right time. It seems that the only right time is when I'm telling it to people. And I guarantee, I have mashed that version into the ground nightly on tour, just creamed it. And there's also a version on the master reel for "So Real" that, because I was so wiped out and exhausted after that day-we'd recorded "So Real" and I recorded one last "Hallelujah", and that was my best one-I just forgot about that "So Real", I was so tired. So it's just hanging around out there. C'est la vie. Part of making records is letting stuff go.-February 28, 1995 interview, published in Uncut, September, 2004
 I tell him that Bono loves Grace and says that Buckley's cover of Cohen's Hallelujah is better than his own. (Buckley plays John Cale's slightly altered version of the song from the I'm Your Fan tribute album to Cohen.) Buckley slumps back in his chair, as he does when on the defensive, and curls his lip in a manner that accentuates his resemblance to Matt Dillon. "I don't think I did that right," he sighs, passing over the compliment without comment. "I hope Leonard doesn't hear it. The way I do it live is better. I did it all live in the studio, there's no overdubs at all, but I pop it in unexpectedly in the show and it works better. The way I did it sounded more like a child and sometimes I've sung it more like a man."-Mojo, March, 1995
"It's a hymn to being alive. It's a hymn to love lost. To love. Even the pain of existence, which ties you to being human, should receive an amen-or a hallelujah."-Schwann Spectrum, Spring 1995
"I found myself in that song and I performed it many times in solo shows. But I'd be neglecting something if I didn't say that I learned it from John Cale. John Cale was the one that brought it to recording first, on the tribute album I'm Your Fan and he used these lyrics, these verses, for the song that didn't appear on Various Positions, which was the first album that Hallelujah appeared upon. I was house-sitting for my friend Susan and she had some whiskey...I don't know, I just hit a big, really bad sorrow jag and put on the song, and it was so simple the way John sang it that the words went through me, and I learned the words that night, played it that night at my gig at Sin-e...I don't know, it just stayed with me ever since. I wasn't gonna put it on the album at first 'cause I didn't write it and it would be kinda cheesy but I thought better after a couple suggestions from a friend of mine, and I did. Unfortunately, I think people will ask for it until the day I'm grey and old and fat, which I don't like, so I'll have to write something better, and I will."-Sony promo interview
"He has a unique talent for making everyday life poetic and surreal-the most difficult way to write. However, on Hallelujah, I much prefer the lyrics rewritten by John Cale for the I'm Your Fan compilation. It is this version that I have taken up, not Cohen's version."-Les Inrockuptibles, July, 1995
"That's not a hallelujah of chasteness and piety," Buckley explains. "It's more menstrual. It has more to do with the hallelujah of orgasam, of pain, of joy, of flesh, of being tied to the earth. Not of invisible angels in heaven who may or may not come down to tell you how good or bad you are, or Santa Claus."-Sydney Morning Herald, August 25, 1995
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP Meme from "Rock & Rule" Part Two of Two
You know, love's not what you think
Love is anything you make it
How can I let you feel my love, feel me, and still feel free?
I may not have the answers now. So what?
They keep this place locked up tighter than a hummingbird's tweet.
By the way doll, who're you?
They just don't understand us new women.
After all, every now and then a girl's gotta get out and dance, catch my drift?
I do it every Saturday night! Let's go!
With your funk and my spunk, we don't need much time to find some real hot action!
We're on our way to the Twilight Zone!
My beast; their nightmare.
Magic? Magic, shmagic!
You bumming out on me?
Let's get out of here before we get caught.
No one can send it back.
Raising a real demon could be real bad for your image.
The liability costs would be enormous.
Wars have been started for less!
When I want your opinions I'll give them to you.
We're in the clear.
Oh yeah, the ladies will love this.
You never told us we were concerned.
Aw, are you gonna tuck us in, too?
I was just beginning to like ya, ya little scumbag.
I know she hangs around an uptown club.
You got to listen to my side of the story now.
It was not my fault that night at all those cops were supposed to be on the take; I am on the level!
Now we're even, fink.
Now we're even, right?
Follow them, yes, but don't interfere.
Oh boy! Mutants in the foyer of the club! Isn't it neat-o!
Eww, watch your step!
You let mutants in and it spoils everything, know what I mean honey? They just don't know how to dress.
I got uppers and downers, inners and outers, screamers and shouters, and things that make you go sideways
I know that I see you, and I'm hoping that you feel the same.
Come on and dance
I don't even have to know your name
Hey, come on, there's a booth over there.
Anyhow, he's kinda cute, but this guy had just gone too far so I told him he was a real waldo and I broke his fingers.
This is no time to be lying around!
This could be trouble.
Just keep an eye on them.
Sit tight honey, check this out, they're playing my song!
Whatcha looking for? The girl of your dreams?
Please deposit another dime, your three minutes is uuuuuuuuuup!
Get off the street!
What a pleasant, and unexpected surprise.
Perhaps we should invite him on up for a spell?
There there, come to daddy.
I've got everything I need.
I want everything too
It takes time
Okay, it's showtime.
Look, forget it. I won't sing.
I offer you fame, riches, and a crack at the top, you refuse.
I'm very disappointed.
What are you doing to them? Stop! Stop!
Our word is good enough for me.
You could have killed them. You, you're totally crazy!
Shall we see them off?
How are you boys doing?
I promise, I'll get you outta this.
You're working with the best now.
Survivors described the destruction as "evil," "spooky," and "wow, bad karma, man."
And it smelled just like cleaning fluid, and all it made me do was wanna, like, wax the floor, so like, can you tell me, like, is this concert for real, or is it just another rip off?
I need more power?
I will raise this demon, I will not fail again. Its power will be mine.
I know you love the thing I've got.
You've never seen the likes of me
You think he's acting but he is not
I'm the match, and I'm the pyre
I'm the power seldom used a lot
I'm the big bad thing that makes you shake.
You will worship me, of course
I'm the oracle
I'm the conduit
There is no question that I am it!
He looks so cool, but he's hot
Can you tell the difference between good and evil?
Gosh, we're here.
Hey boss, boss, wake up!
There is no longer black or white, good or evil. We've evolved beyond that.
We all must have our own personal view of right and wrong.
Is what we are doing evil?
'Evil' spelled backwards is 'live.' And we all want to do that.
So until next week, boys and girls, goodbye, and be good!
Destiny has revealed itself.
Take me with you wherever you go.
We can cancel. Nothing else matters. Just us.
Let's go away together.
Fiji? Disneyland? Fantasy Island?
You're a very clever girl.
I've enjoyed your little game but tonight the game is mine.
I like you, and I like this town
You guys just blew the whole show!
Your hometown puts a smile on my face
More! Boost the power, now!
Whoa, that's enough. Too much!
I just had this crazy dream where you were a real nice guy.
Get serious.
Ooo! My head feels like an eggplant!
We've got to rescue her.
I've had it with the hero business.
It's true. I saw them together. I've had it.
Everybody! Freeze!
Oh no! We'll never make it!
Aw, shit.
Whatever it is, it's evil.
We ain't evil, are we?
It's our one desire
This song sends love through
Look! Something's happening! It's going back!
No! No No! They can't stop you!
Don't go! Please don't go!
You can't do this to me!
How about that show!
You get the greatest show ever!
Let's hear it for these kids, and hope that this never happens again!
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ana-deaky · 4 years
It’s The Little Things || Joe Mazzello x Reader
What started out as a discussion between me and @amethyst-serenade on how cute Joe is, blown out into this story/HC, I honestly don’t know what this is. It’s definitely fluffy, now that I’m sure. Hope you guys enjoy our work!!
Words: 2393
No warnings whatsoever
Tumblr media
Oh without a doubt! He's gonna be an amazing father and his kids will be adorable and lovable just like him.
Imagine him with his firstborn (especially if it's a girl) holding them in his arms and the absolute adoration on his face ♥️
It would start when you tell him you're pregnant. He'd be beside you (crying a little), kissing and hugging you, and your belly and telling "I'm gonna be a dad. We're gonna be parents."
Even when before you start showing, his hands will be on the belly, secretly protecting his kid. Involuntarily yelling "excuse me" and "coming through" when the two of you walk through crowds. And randomly talking to the baby, reading to the baby at night. And when he goes on a shoot while you're pregnant and he calls and he says "put the phone on speaker, I wanna talk to the baby" and talks about the day.
And he'd be showing everyone the ultrasound pic! And when you're having a movie night, he'd either have his hand or his head on your belly, constantly snuggling into you. And he'll tell anyone who'll listen that his beautiful wife is expecting your first child. And during the movie, if anybody cusses, Joe would put his hands on the sides of the belly and he'd say "too early for that" jokingly.
Oh Joe won't be able to hold it in for the first trimester. The day the second trimester hits, the ultrasound will be on his page and he'll share an entire paragraph about the baby and his incredible wife.
And obviously help throw the best damn dramatic Baby Gender Reveal Party ever!! YES! It's a girl!!
The moment he feels the baby kick over your belly, god, here comes the water works AGAIN!! His hands will be literally glued to your belly until he feels her kick again.
And the day comes when little Ms. Mazzello is ready to make her grand entrance into the world and you bet your ass, Mr. Mazzello has had the hospital bag and ready to go right after the baby shower.
And there she was, Ella Virginia Mazzello, the absolute adoration in his face as he watched his little girl in a tiny bundle on her mom's chest.
His face would be all lit up when he finally holds his baby girl, he's looking at his baby girl, all teary eyed and you could see his love for the baby in his eyes. And he'll literally worship the mother of his more than adorable baby, the love of his life and love her like anything.
He'd be loving and considerate, and would make sure his wife is happy and comfortable. And he tries his best to for you to let him dress the baby in the Yankees onesie he got for her. Well he knows how that's gonna end up.
Let us assume the fact that Ben has a baby boy around that time and Gwil makes a joke "that's your future boyfriend" when the boys visit the new mother and baby at Joe's home and Joe whispers to the baby, pretty audibly, "No dating for you until 16, young lady"
And on one day when the Yankees are playing, he'll be wearing a Yankees tshirt and dresses the baby in the Yankees onesie that he specifically got for her, and seats her on his lap, he'll post that picture captioned "Just two Yankees fans hangin' out"
His phone memory will be filled up with all of Ella's pictures, videos of her bouncing up and down on her father's lap to one of those Beatles songs from her dad's collection and obviously in her Halloween costume, that's right, Joe dresses up his little girl in a baby Raptor costume.
And all the boys would give him shit for it but Lucy would think it's the most adorable thing ever and tell you how lucky you are to have a husband like that.
As his little girl grows up, he'll help her host tea parties and he'd take her on daddy-daughter dates so he can show her how a REAL man should treat her.
Joe would make sure his little girl don't take no crap!
Second time along, during their second gender reveal, they find they're having a baby boy and he'll go crazy raising his hands and jumping up and down "we're having a boy, our lil baseball player is here."
He'd be going on and on and ON about having a firstborn son to carry on the family name.
He'd DEFINITELY get him a raptor onesie first and practically beg to organise play dates with Gwil & Dana's little girl and Rami and Lucy's twins (we haven't forgotten Ben's kids)
And Joe's baby girl, he'll definitely be by her side when his baby boy is too little so that she don't feel left out or anything.
And Mother's Day,
The boys would all get together and plan something special for the ladies so they don't have to lift a finger. Starting with breakfast in bed (that Joe made with help from the kids), well you woke up to your little girl's giggles from outside the door and in comes your lovely husband with your baby boy in the baby carrier and Ella.
The boys would have booked the girls in for a spa day and he'll organise daddy-daycare with the boys. Then you'd all go to Rami & Lucy's place for dinner, which of course, the dads are making while the girls hangout with the kids. And then comes a bab(ies)y-mommy photoshoot and everything.
But Joe would find you when the baby's hungry because 'that's the one thing I can't do, sorry!' He'll be so dramatic saying "My nipples are useless."
Under the starry skies, the boys and their wives and babies, pictures perfect.
Ooh and the kids, well the boys will set up tents for them to camp in the backyard. And they'll sit around and tell stories of dragons and pirates and wizards; and let their imaginations run wild.
Imagine Gwil telling all these amazing stories with his soothing accent, doing all the voices and making the kids laugh while the rest of you are enjoying a beer or a glass of wine under the fairy lights hanging in the trees. And later, when he gets an acoustic guitar and break into a song and all the boys sing along.
And after the kids are down, all of you reminisce about the time when they did BoRhap and all the fun you guys had during press tours and birthdays and holidays.
And Joe tells about the adventures in Japan for the press tour when the translators were finding it hard to keep up with the boys. And Ben's like "Sorry I missed it!"
"But Cardboard Ben did" and that's when they remember Ben Cardy after an awful long time
Then Gwil and Joe explain the terrible night that Cardy B was in jail. Meanwhile you and the girls look at each other like "Boys!" 🙄
And Lucy takes out Joe's YouTube page and shows all the videos. And they all give him shit for doing 'Milk' and you be like "He still got the occasional screams."
Then Rami says "so THAT'S your bedroom secret, Joe?" And Joe's like "Well, we've got two kids so it must be working!" And you shove at his arm to keep him quiet saying "Joseph!"
"That's nothing",  Lucy says with a grin "Rami sings to me". And Rami covers his face with his hands and Ben shoves his arm. "Gwil goes "Huzzah" everytime he's done", says Dana from a corner. Ben gives Olivia a warning look, and Olivia says "Ben tells me to call him Skywalker to get him in the mood" and Joe laughs.
"So we all have weird quirks, cheers to that", says Joe and takes a drink and you go like eww
"That's why were friends", says Gwil. "Joe and I are more like brothers' says Rami, "We've seen each other shirtless in The Pacific". "And other things" says Ben. Lucy rolls her eyes and you two give each other a look.
"Here we go again" says Gwil and turns to you to ask "Has he tried to make the kids watch The Pacific yet?"
"Well it's not my fault. That the scene was TOO GOOD, y'know", says Joe winking, "besides you enjoy it as much as I do" says Joe to you.
"Several times. Barely made it halfway through the first episode before Ella said she was bored. He then tried with Joey until I reminded him that the baby is, in fact, still a baby. But when WE watch it, Joe always seems really interested in THAT sex scene", you said. "Joseph!" Lucy gasps
"Attaboy!" Rami chuckles and pats Joe on his back.
"How come you guys never watched it with me?", Ben asks. "We should do a "The Pacific" watch party one day", Rami announces and Joe toasts, "To the watchparty!"
"Oh she hesitated! That means it's true!" says Ben. "No wonder you've got two kids" Gwil grins.
"You watched it too!" says Dana. "Only because Rami and Joe wouldn't shut up about it and brought it up in EVERY interview we did!" says Gwil.
Just as Joe does the toast, your daughter comes out in her favourite unicorn pyjamas. "Daddy, I need to pee". Joe looks over at you. Rami and Lucy giggle. "She did call Daddy, didn't she?", you gave a look to Joe and he says "Come here" he says and picks up his daughter and off he goes. "She walks right?", Dana asks. "Don't even get me started with that.", you told.
"Always knew he'd go all gooey over his little girl." Ben says, lighting a cigarette. "She's definitely daddy's princess", you sigh. "Does he have tea parties with her?" Olivia asks. "He does, but uh" you hesitate just as Joe comes back, "Liv wants to know about your latest tea party"
"Oh what can I say Ella loves tea parties as much as I do. It's incredible and so much fun, you know" he says. "And this one here", he gestures to you, "is kinda jealous of us spending all the time together."
"You pinky promised me that you wouldn't show it to anyone" says Joe trying to grab your phone. "Oh its them", you said. "Yes it's us. Also pinky promise? How old are you guys?", Gwil asked.
"Yeah, Joe left me for a younger woman", you grin, sipping your wine. "You bastard!" Gwil gasps.
"And yet I have photographic evidence of you wearing a flower crown" you add. "Show us!", says Ben.
"That's just the start of it, Gwil", you wink, "so we have a choice between the flower crown, the fairy wings or the unicorn headband". Ben chokes on his cigarette and the girls laugh.
"You're a man of many hidden talents, Joe", Rami smirks.
"In my defense, I take pinky promises very very seriously", Joe said as the group passed the phone around, "Also I looked good in every one of those pictures"
"Y/N, tell them", Joe said. You roll your eyes. "He looks good in every one of those pictures", you said, adding to Dana "otherwise he'll sulk for the rest of the night." Dana giggles.
"Speaking of onesies, Joe wanted to get BoRhap themed outfits for the kids.", you said. "Thats so thoughtful, Joe", Lucy said. "Hold on, next time?", Ben grinned, "You guys wanna have more kids?"
"Did you get that onesie that we sent you for the baby?" Ben asked. "We did", you confirm "and it fits perfectly. Though El almost threw a tantrum when she saw her baby brother dressed as a raptor."
"Well Joe has already bought a Yankees one, so Ben had to compromise", said Rami. "Joe made me pinky promise that we HAD to buy the Yankees onesie first", you grin. "I wanted that for the baby's "homecoming" outfit, but she didn't allow it. Both times. Better luck next time, right?" Joe said.
'It's Joey's first Christmas. They're growing up so fast. I remember like it was yesterday that I told Joe that I was pregnant with El. Now here we are", and you were interrupted by a baby crying through one of the monitors. All of you scramble around to check which one was active. And found out it was yours, "Is he hearing all this? I'm gonna go check on him", you said and walked away.
"Oh he's already advised me of this, on the wedding night", you shrugged. "Pretty sure we conceived lil Joey at your place, Gwil", Joe grins, making Gwil sputter on his beer. You swatted his arm, "Joe!!".
"And I assume you've already found these outfits for the kids?" Olivia asked.
"It's a work in progress. It should be ready by the time of our Disney trip, hopefully", Joe said.
You sat in the rocking chair with Joey in your arms, singing to him softly, looking deep into his hazel eyes, stroking his cheek with your finger.
"I remember when you told us that Y/N was pregnant again", said Lucy, "You couldn't wait give give El a baby brother or sister."
"That's what you meant when you said you were busy, huh"' Rami winked. "We thought it was time, you know, El became a big sister."
"Gosh, I feel bad for not saying goodnight to everyone", you yawned "I didn't realise how tired I was.". You watched as the baby snuggled into the pastel green blanket, sound asleep.
You felt the baby lifted off your arms and opened your eyes, your fingers tightening on the baby "Shhhh its okay, it's me. I got him.", said Joe as he took the baby in his arm and laid him down on the bassinet right by the bedside. "Aren't you supposed to be downstairs?", you asked sleepy
"I knew you'd have dozed off with the baby when you didn't show up and everybody was tired after the long night. Probably asleep by now", Joe said, "Come let's go to sleep."
'C'mon now, in you get', Joe said pulling the duvet aside and you got in and he behind you. His strong arms wrapped around you after he pulled the blanket over the both of you. You nuzzled into his neck. Joe kissed the top of your head. As the two of you dozed off.
Tags: @amethyst-serenade @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @mazzell-ro @thosequeenboys @detectivecutiepantsandhisbabyfox @brinteylovesaliens @hellysthings
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crue6xx · 5 years
Crazy connection
Requested by:@javiersdick
You and tommy definitely fell for each other the day you met in the rainbow, he was nice goofy and cute and so romantic.
You sat at a table with your girl friends and chatted about the guys that you wanted to meet or date and all your friends were talking about The Beatles and all the soft rock bands no bad boys no heavy metal no heavy Rock just the softies, you expected your friends to want bad boys but nope look for the guys who would go to church with you the guys who would sing and make love songs to you the guy who would wait for marriage.
2 days before this little meet up at the rainbow with your girlfriends your brother was playing his music loudly you walk into his room and told him to turn it down because you have were calling your friends which you never even talked to them about fantasizing over guys you let them do the talking and you make your own opinion in this case you saw all the posters on your brothers walls not looking at them in disgust but looking at them like he was kind of crazy, "What (y/n)" your brother looked at you with about all the Teen Angst of 13 year old that he was.
"You never heard Motley crue?"
"No...." you had your head still peeking through the crack of the door until you stepped inside, you were looking for some new music to listen to because they're getting tired of your friends always popping on a Beatles song every car ride you are kind of ecstatic to learn about new music so you let your brother introduced you to Motley Crue.
He played dr. Feelgood In Too Fast for Love records that he got it for his 12th birthday even though they were heavy Rock heavy metal and alternative metal glam metal and hair metal you loved it at this point the Beatles were trash you can listen to this all day long with a new Rush of feeling every time.
But the thing that you noticed in his room where are the posters and obviously they were all over so you couldn't have missed them but the one guy and band sticking out on the wall was of course the one you just learned, Motley Crue but specifically the tall skinny goofy smiling cute Tommy look at first you had no idea who he was so you ask your brother who all they were.
" well on the end to the left is Mick Mars lead guitarist like an alien, that you have Nikki Sixx he is the bassist he is awesome then you have Vince Neil the lead singer he's so cool I bet he gets all the girls, then right there that's Tommy Lee did you remember my favorite of all time and that's why I play the drums cuz he's so cool"
" Tommy Lee huh?... Looks like a cool guy anyways I've got my friends on the line got to go thanks Blake"
So then when you mentioned Tommy Lee your friends just turned with a blank stare at you
" are you kidding? They are crazy they don't go to church they have tattoos they show too much skin and what would your mom think and of all things they are in a heavy metal band come on you can do better"
Feeling ashamed you sheepishly agree with them still you knew Motley Crue was way better than the Beatles And you kind of wanted to tell them but you didn't and in your mind Tommy Lee was way hotter then the Beatles I mean come on it's Tommy Lee against Paul McCartney what would you say. honestly.
Your friends decided to leave a few minutes earlier then you were planning to because you " ruin the vibe" with your satanic worship music.
You sat there sad and embarrassed you just sat there sipping your lemonade the bell wrong as the door swung open Tommy Lee and a couple buddies of his came in you didn't know too much about him but you blushed so hard Tommy was looking around as if he's looking for someone confused he spotted you.
He walked right over to you as if he knew you sat across from you in the booth
"Your (y/n) right?" Tommy asked with his leg over his other leg and his arm resting on the top of the booth you sat there quite confused.
"Yes..." you honestly didn't know what was happening and thought it was a dream but apparently I guess it's quite normal for Tommy Lee to just come up to you cuz that's what it looks like it looks like he knew you maybe your friends saw him in the parking lot walking in lectured him and then he came and talked to you but then you had a sudden flashback your brother had asked where you were going and you told him you were going to go out to the rainbow so you remember he had to go to some show head backstage pass to talk to Tommy Lee and you saw him maliciously grinning after he had come home which was the night before you went out to the rainbow and that night your brother swung into your room and teased you.
"(Y/n) got a crush on Tommy lee"
You ignored him as you were on the phone with your friends good thing they couldn't hear because you didn't want them to know at first.
" so you have a brother right, if so Blake told me that you really wanted to meet me and you love the way I played drums I'm always happy to meet a fan"
You were embarrassed but you were also really happy that your brother was able to do this put also a bit frustrated with him
" yeah you're awesome and I love the crucifix I really like that one song Live Wire it gets me going"
" you look a bit down you good?" Tommy asked
" I'm fine just some of my girlfriend's left because they figured out I like Motley Crew"
" yeah I think I saw some girls outside who were leaving and looked at me in disgust it's kind of funny" Tommy chuckled
" let's get out of here hang out do something fun" Tommy suggested
You ended up at his house hanging out watching a movie eating popcorn talking to him like he was your best friend ever since first grade it honestly felt like that you had this weird crazy connection it just felt right.
Your heart pumped with excitement as Tommy wrapped his arm around your shoulder eating popcorn and watching some scary movie you've never seen which was so romantic but also so stereotypical you loved it though.
During the movie it was getting to a scary scene where this guy and girl was in a closet hiding and the guy confessed his love for the girl before they kissed, Tommy turn to you as soon as the guy said hey
" hey I know we don't know each other too well I feel like we belong I know it's crazy, but I like you" Tommy synced the words perfectly with the lines in the movie.
Tommy leaned in and tugged you tight his lips met yours soft and nice as you guys kissed away while the scene was going suddenly you heard screaming.
You jumped back from the kiss kind of scared noticing that the jump-scare in the movie head just hit Tommy chuckled as he wrapped his arm back around you hugging you tight.
That night you spent at Tommy's house until he drove you home in the morning you're happy to be dating Tommy Lee.
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