#i hope i did ok on these ! i need to find more reputable online sources for like
ribbononline · 2 months
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frye fits i might as well share since i doubt ill do anything w em
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efosa123 · 5 years
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Clickbank For Beginners | How To Make Money With Clickbank (2019) what is going on YouTube Angemon I'm here back with another video and today I'm gonna be showing you guys a full tutorial on how to get started on Clickbank as a beginner so it's I'm literally gonna cover everything from you know how to pick a product that is guaranteed to sell all the way to building an opt-in page a Thank You page email marketing and how to actually promote this offer and it's gonna be a free traffic source for those of you that are just starting I know a lot of beginners don't have a big budget Fred so I will be showing you guys how to promote this for free so this is gonna be a super in-depth video and after this you could literally go and take these steps I just showed you implement it and make a lot of money doing so so this is kind of how I got started kind of the message methods I'm going to be teaching you so hope you guys do enjoy if you end up enjoying be sure to drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more videos like this so here we are on Clickbank if you aren't familiar with Clickbank it is an affiliate marketplace where there are thousands of affiliate offers you can pick from and start promoting right away so what I like to do is just simply hit the search button because it's going to show you the most popular products on Clickbank and I always sort by gravity because those are the products that are getting the most sales so there's a few things I look for when choosing a product first the gravity has got to be anywhere from about 40 to 50 or above because that tells you that it is you know selling and converting pretty well the next thing I look for is whether or not the offer looks spammy and I'll show you guys what I mean by that um and also if they give you the right marketing materials and you guys will see what I mean in just a second so what I usually do is I click through and see which offers look good which ones don't look good so I'm just gonna go I've looked at this offer before this one this is what I mean by what it kind of looks spammy like I don't know it's just not something I want to put my name by and sell because that's going to look for my image so I'm not gonna sell a product like that but let's check the next one out I've never looked at this one let's see numerologist okay this looks pretty reputable another thing you can do if you're actually going to end up promoting something is obviously look up reviews on Google or YouTube and see if people like it or not but I actually have heard in numerologist comm it's a pretty popular numerology site so this looks to be pretty reputable it doesn't look spammy so this is something you I would recommend end up promoting so I'll go ahead and find another example just for those of you that want to see another one I'm going to see this one and this is basically my process I just click through and see what looks good and what doesn't this one doesn't look too bad so something like this looks pretty good gives a lot of information stuff like that I really don't like promoting products let me find one um I don't like promoting products like I think this might be one of them like this where it's a video and it's almost like a fake voice talking and they're talking about this story and it's you know what I mean it's those fake sales videos things like these I don't like promoting those because those are using kind of spammy products and I don't like to sell those because it looks bad on my part for being an affiliate so we're just gonna run with numerologist comm for this example and so now that we have a product or one that we're thinking about we are gonna check the sales material real quick just to make sure they give us enough so we get a 60-day cookie that's good 65% payout pretty solid let's see let's see so this was January 2014 so a while ago but somebody made $36,000 in 2014 those numbers are probably way up so there definitely is potential it'll make a lot of money with this let's see so they do give you a quick start guide I'm gonna help you start promoting and they have promotional tools and resources so let me just sign up for this real quick just to show you guys what kind of promotional stuff you guys would get so we'll join let's see ok so you guys get this Quick Start Guide which is kind of nice but this this is the stuff I'm talking about you you need to make sure your offer has things like this so they have free swipe copies so based on what thing you're selling you guys can pick different ones so if you're selling like a personal development product on numerologists you can hit this on the Law of Attraction one something like that so what I would do all of these are star for numerologist com but the reason why they have different topics is for advertising so if you're advertising the people interested in the law of attraction obviously you're gonna want to use the emails are related to that so that's why they have these different topics so they have two emails I would like more so you might have to make a couple on your own but it is a good start and you can kind of base your other emails off of these too so not terrible there they do have some banners and stuff that you can use so overall not too bad you know it looks like a reputable reputable product and brand and looks something like something that you could definitely go ahead and promote so now that we have our product we are going to create a funnel and if you don't know if this is this it's called clickfunnels you can build sales funnels opt-in pages anything like that so numerologist so if you guys do want to try out click funnels there is a 14-day free trial link below see if you like it if you don't cancel if you do like it I highly recommend it for affiliate marketing but there are alternatives out there if you choose to do so so what you want to do I like pretty simple opt-ins I just don't have like to have a lot of junk on the page so we're gonna find a pretty simple one and we're actually going to use the product to help us make this opt-in so I'll show you guys what I mean in just a second let me find a pretty simple one let's see let's see there's kind of okay I like this one just big blur often because I can put a nice little picture behind it that kind of relates with numerology so I love building these funnels this is honestly like my favorite part of the whole online business thing is just creating these different funnels and stuff editing them making them look cool so definitely fun to play around with so we're just going to delete actually so we could actually go ahead and get ade numerologist com logo for that just PNG logo let's see if they have one let's see let's see mmm don't really like any of those so what we're gonna do is we are gonna delete this and we are going to add a headline and we're just gonna move this up here and click funnels is all drag and drop very easy to navigate for beginners and stuff so let's see we're gonna change this color to white let's see you Tex color wait there we go so we're just gonna say new or let's say let's let's look at here so we could put free you you want to make it congruent with the actual offer so we could literally put free personalized numerology report like that I'm gonna make that a little bit bigger I get stand out like that and then let's see what else they got okay we're gonna delete this okay and then right here we'll just say to get your free report please you know something simple like that you don't have to put a ton of time and effort into this as long as it looks clean people will sign up so we're just going to delete this name field for now and then let's see you send me my free report that actually works let's see they have a purple button so we're going to change this to purple we want this to look congruent as almost as if the page when they come on this page you want it to seem exactly the same as the other one just so they think they're kind of on the same website if that makes sense so that's kind of the psychology behind that let's see did I have my move me real quick there we go let's see it was like a purplish right no like a pinkish purple something like that that looks pretty good okay we'll go with that you'll take me back so that looks pretty good we're gonna take this uh my stupid heads getting in the way we're gonna take this out just cuz I don't think we need that right now delete delete okay so it's very simple and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look up numerology background and I'm gonna find a cool little background I can put maybe I'll do space just cuz face and numerology kind of go together sort of okay so something like okay that looks perfect that looks perfect too okay awesome awesome we will use this because it's a bit bigger you save okay then we were just gonna go to settings background click here we're just gonna drag this here it's gonna upload and we will have a new background once it loads hopefully it doesn't take too long let's see let's see I do not know why it is taking forever let me wait there it is sorry about that this is just kind of like an actual tutorial so I'm sorry if it's not the most entertaining thing ever however I think you guys will get a lot out of watching it so yeah we're gonna make this not actually no that looks pretty good so free personalized new okay I like how this looks so you can have something just as simple as this click Save and then next we are going to do the Thank You page so when they actually well actually this one's a little bit different so a lot of times I will do something where you will have an opt-in page and then once they opt-in you'll either send them something or have something on a Thank You page however since numerology numerology com is offering them a free report that's kind of the free thing so what you could actually do is just get your affiliate link actually like right here you get your affiliate link and you could actually just put it straight in the button so when they put their email it sends them straight to the numerology numerology com so they can actually get their free report so that makes sense most times it won't be like that so just know a lot of times you will have to make a thank-you page and then on the thank you page you want to give them a little bit of information about the product so we will go here let's see that's action you just go to go to website URL enter your favorite link and as simple as that once they enter their email it will take them to your fifth it'll take them this page with your affiliate link so that is how I would go ahead and promote this product or at least set up my landing page so yeah this one's a little bit different just because they are giving away a free thing a lot of times they don't do that so that is why I didn't end up doing a thank you page so we would just delete that Thank You page okay so now what you want to do now that you have their email is email marketing this is called get response this is my favorite email marketing platform and you can get a 30-day trial by clicking the link in the description it should say get response you will get a 30-day trial and so what you can do is you can just go in to get response and put whatever emails you want to use in and put it on an autoresponder so when the person opt-ins it will send these automatically whenever the dates you want them to send so if you want one to send you know one day after they sign up and then one three days after you can do that whatever you want so and then and some of the emails like here you are gonna include your filling link and this is how you guys are actually going to get a lot of your sales you will get some around from just from the opt-in page going here but a lot of your sales will come from email marketing so you have to make sure you guys are doing this if you want to have a successful affiliate marketing business now if you want to learn how to shorten your affiliate link I like bitly com you just put a link in can shorten it so like right there you can shorten a link so just a quick little tip for you guys so how I actually would go about promoting this numerology thing so what I would do is I would just create a youtube channel around around numerology so for example you would just look up numerology and then okay there you there's no way you're gonna rank for numerology especially with a new channel however as you go and add an A now it's starting to narrow down so what I would do it's called the alphabet method you do from A to Z and you can do about three to four videos per each and by the end of that you guys should be making a ton of money from this offer because you have so many videos up so you make a video about numerology and astrology numerology in the Bible whatever one's you want and then you could just after that go to be finding which ones you want to do then go to see and go to D and go all the way through Z and by the end you guys will have probably around 100 videos it sounds like a lot and it is like those videos even after you're done posting the nice thing about YouTube is they still get views so if you have a hundred videos each of them is just gets ten views per day that is 1000 views per day and if you mention your opt-in page in the link in description or if you say hey if you guys want to get a free numerology report click the first link in the description and it takes them to your opt-in page let's say let's lowball let's say 20 20 % of the people that watch your video in a day and I'm clicking on your opt-in page and let's say 50 for 50 percent of those people end up opting in so you're gonna be ending up with 100 emails per day if you just get 10 views per day on all 100 videos so 100 people per day on an email list within a month you can be making a full-time income from that no doubt that is 3000 people per month and there's no reason you can not be making a full-time income from that if you're just sending them the emails and you will make some upfront money from this so this is what I would do if I were restarting back over I would get involved in niche and make a ton of youtube videos about it and just use that free traffic to generate enough income for me to be able to start using paid ads and from there you can just scale it up so I hope you guys did enjoy this video if you did be sure to drop a like and subscribe I know it wasn't the most entertaining video but I I hope you guys got a lot out of it and kind of saw my process of how you I think you guys should start as a clickbank beginner I'm kind of how I did and how I would again if I were to have to do that so I hope you guys did enjoy I will see you guys with nobody out tomorrow
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simplemlmsponsoring · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://simplemlmsponsoring.com/attraction-marketing-formula/pinterest-marketing/the-painful-problem-on-pinterest-how-to-deal-with-hijacked-pins/
The Painful Problem On Pinterest: How To Deal With Hijacked Pins
Pinterest the rising star of social networks for bloggers. It has an immense power to drive traffic to websites and blog content. And it is totally possible to get this traffic without paying for advertising and even without knowing much about social media marketing. But this currently leads to a big problem: hijacked pins.
Whenever the word goes out that something has huge marketing powers for free all the „marketers“ with the black hat or shady tactics come crawling out of their hiding places and quickly invent methods how to destroy the beautiful marketing strategy by trying to take a shortcut.
And as usual, the shortcut in some cases includes illegal methods like stealing content and hijacking other people’s marketing success.
Ok – everybody wants a piece of the cake. I get it. But if I work out how to master Pinterest marketing and someone simply steals my success it hurts. Bad.
I have been a victim of stolen content in the past. It feels bad. Because you invested all that work into creating content only to find that content on another person’s blog without permission or consent.
And the bad feeling increases because there is so little you can do about it.
On social media, it is slightly more complicated. Because sharing other people’s content is part of the game. And in essence, getting people to share my content is part of my job as a social media marketers. All social media marketers are happy if other people share their content – as long as the content still is on the original source, the links still lead to the source.
On Pinterest, there is a practice on the rise that is really more than annoying.
I recently noticed that one of our pins was no longer linking to our blog. WTF? My image created myself with Canva for a specific article linking to an ugly website trying to sell bad online courses to unsuspecting newbie entrepreneurs and bloggers.
My first thought was that this was a mistake. Some kind of glitch.
But no. Over the next days, I realized that there were more pins like that floating around on Pinterest. Pins that more than obviously originated from our blog (or our Pinterest account) but linking to some shady websites with misspelled URLs. Including words like markketing or markeeting or marketting – you get the idea.
And I realized something else: I am not the only one facing this problem. When I looked for some more content to pin, I stumbled across hijacked pins from Social Media Examiner, Femtrepreneur, Rachel Gnome and others – all clearly branded pins linking to more than shady web URLs.
What is going on?
How did I discover my stolen pins?
I simply saw them in my Pinterest feed. No, I am not following the thief. But Pinterest includes some „recommend for you“ pins in the feed. And since I pin a lot from our website, and I probably pinned these images at least once before, Pinterest believes they are a good recommendation for me. Because obviously, Pinterest does not make a difference between the original pins with the correct link to the related blog post and the hijacked pins with the redirected URL.
Often when you click on the pin and then on the board the pin was pinned to, you can discover multiple other stolen pins on that board.
Wherever you can discover some of your own pins, they may already be hijacked. The only safe place is the boards where only you can pin to!
Why do people steal or hijack pins?
This is not about being too lazy to create their own pin. Rather they are after the marketing power a pin already acquired.
They actually „steal“ some marketing juice from you when they hijack your pin.
Traffic from Pinterest that you earned now goes to the new URL The hijacked pin often already acquired some brand or trust reputation that they also „steal“ SEO juice – every pin from your blog is a link to your blog. If the link is redirected, it is a link to that shady website. One link from Pinterest is not worth a lot. But since some pins receive thousands and tens of thousands of repins this SEO power does add up
So why do they not create their own pins?
They like to hijack pins that already acquired some Pinterest ranking. Since Pinterest recognizes images, this ranking stays with the redirected pin even though this is now stolen content that clearly offends copyright law.
What can you do about hijacked pins
If you find a pin of yours that does not link to your website anymore, you can report it to Pinterest. You simply need the pin URL. Once you open the pin in your web browser, you can click on the three dots above the pin image. There you get the option to „report pin.“
Click on it, and a menu will open where you can select „This is my intellectual property.“
Now you have to file a report.
Start with filling in your contact information.
Then comes the important part. You have to prove that this image is yours.
This is far easier if you use branded images. You can brand your images by including either your website URL or your blog logo in the image.
Plus, you should have the pin image on the website that you link to so that Pinterest can see the image on the website when they come looking who the image belongs to.
To complete the form simply write a short text, link to the website on your blog that features the image. Add the pin URL in the form.
Now you have two options:
“Remove All” sounds great if you want all repins of this pin removed. The thing is that the explanation text does not state whether a „remove all“ will also remove all the original pins and repins that are still linking to your website.
I tried to find a statement that explains this in a clear way. But unfortunately, I only found out that I am not the only one who is cautious about this. Others warn that they do not know whether this is going to delete some of your own pins with the correct link, too.
If your pin is new, you can easily go for „remove all“ and pin a new pin to Pinterest – however, if you already have a pin with thousands of repins I would think twice about the risk of „remove all“ taking down all your pins and repins.
More important is to check the „strike“ option. Several strikes for one account will result in Pinterest having to take action and result in „Termination of users who acquire multiple strikes.“
We want that culprit of a thief to suffer, right? I want that person not only deactivated – since I have seen some accounts that do nothing but steal pins, I want those accounts taken down completely. Since „strike“ is the worst I can do, this is the least that I want to happen!
I admit that I also contacted some of the other victims of stolen pins in the hope that I can help them find their hijacked pins. But I admit that I also hope that they will file a complaint and the account gets more strikes.
What can YOU as a pinner do
As mentioned before you should brand your Pin images with your web URL or logo to make it easier to identify the pins as yours. This will also make it easier for pinners to see if the pin is legit or hijacked.
But there is more that you can do.
Make sure that you pin only pins that still link to the website the pin was intended for!
The best way to do that is to click on the pin and click through to the website the pin links to. Especially when you are new to Pinterest you should do that to make sure that you don’t pin spammy stuff or dead links.
But that is very time-consuming.
I realize that many pinners, once they are a little familiar with Pinterest, have their trusted pin sources and may pin without checking each and every pin and the website linked to it. Th, for instance, happens if you already pinned the same pin to another board or already know that a certain blog always provides outstanding content.
But before you pin anything on Pinterest – even your own pins, please make sure that the URL is still what it is supposed to be. And here is how you can do that:
When you hover with your mouse over a pin, the web URL the pin is linking to shows at the bottom of the pin. If the pin image is branded, but the brand does not equal the URL that shows up, there is a high chance that this pin was hijacked.
(all of the above pins are from our blog, and all of them are hijacked since they no longer link to any content on our website.)
Don’t pin hijacked pins – ever!
You may know that our best social media traffic source has been Twitter right from the start. But you know what? Pinterest is gaining strongly on Twitter. It is not going to take long until we get even more (free) traffic from Pinterest than we ever got from Twitter.
How we did it? We worked for it.
We tried every Pinterest tip that we found. We created strategies. Some of them worked – others did not.
And finally, everything fit and our traffic from Pinterest grows fast.
And the awesome thing about traffic from Pinterest: It converts very well into signups and customers.
Do you want to learn how to grow your blog with Pinterest? Get step-by-step instructions of what you need to pin, how often you should pin, where you should pin – and the tools you can use?
We teach you how to drive traffic to your blog or website from Pinterest and give you a ton of optimization tips: “The Step-by-Step Guide to Pinterest!”
The post The Painful Problem On Pinterest: How To Deal With Hijacked Pins appeared first on The Social Ms.
Read more: blog.thesocialms.com
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smartgirlsaremean · 7 years
Fifth Period
Fandom: OUAT
Pairing: Rumbelle
Rating: T
Summary: High school teacher Mr. Gold isn’t sure what to think when his worst-behaved class suddenly start behaving for the substitute. What kind of dark magic is this Mrs. French weaving on his class of miscreants?
(Not on AO3 yet because my work connection is weird.)
Mr. Gold always knew what to expect. He had learned enough about human nature, he thought, to be able to predict reactions, and he was a firm believer in allowing past events to inform present decisions. History, he was fond of saying, always repeats itself. In his small circle of associates he even had a reputation as something of a seer; he could predict human actions at a local, national, and even global scale with eerie accuracy.
When his son Baeden ended up enrolled in his eleventh-grade Practical Law class, he knew exactly what to expect: cheeky impertinence from him, awed disbelief from the rest. Bae never crossed the line into outright disrespect, and since Gold had a colleague mark all of Bae’s assignments, no one could claim that the boy didn’t earn every one of his grades. They got on well enough, all things considered. Just as expected.
When he had to be gone for a day and put in for a substitute, he knew what he would find when got back: positive reports for every class...except Bae’s. The boys in that class seemed to delight in tormenting their substitutes, sometimes to the point of tears. They were never unwise enough to admit it - Gold hated discourtesy and they all knew it - but he’d caught the glints of triumph and little smirks as he scolded them for their poor reports. As he always did, for what little effect it had.
Mr. Gold always knew what to expect.
So when he walked into his classroom one Wednesday morning after having been out the day before, he read the substitute’s report and was momentarily stymied.
Mr. Gold, the elegant script began, thank you so much for the opportunity to sub in your classes today. They were all very polite and attentive, and I think you’ll be pleased with what they accomplished. If I may, I would like to give special praise to your 5th period Practical Law class. They were exceptionally welcoming and helpful, and we had several interesting conversations about the material you left. If you need a sub in future, please don’t hesitate to call me!
Belle French
She’d left her phone number beneath her signature.
Gold stared dumbfounded at the note as his first period students shuffled in. Bae hadn’t said anything about a giant piano falling on the collective heads of the class and causing massive brain trauma. In fact, when asked about school he’d shrugged and said “fine” as he always did. There had been no recent reports of alien abduction. Had all the troublemakers merely skipped that day? No - her records indicated perfect attendance.
He taught the first classes in something of a confused daze, going back to the note at intervals to try to puzzle out what it could mean. At lunch he thought that the boys had actually managed to break a substitute so thoroughly that she could no longer accept reality. Strange though that the note was perfectly coherent and their assignments, when he dared to check, were completed - and completed well.
Standing before his fifth period class, he had no idea what to do. They were all staring at him, with their beatific smiles and mischievously sparkling eyes. The words from Mrs. French’s note danced in his brain and he wondered how on earth he was supposed to interrogate them about their good behavior without sounding like an idiot.
“Well, congratulations,” he said finally. “For once a substitute teacher did not leave this classroom wishing for death.” Their smirks grew wider and he grew more nervous. “I admit to being curious. Was she an ogre - green skin and rotting teeth and all?”
They said nothing.
“Well. Let’s move on, then.”
“Mr. Gold?”
“Yes, Mr. Booth?”
“Do you think Ms. French will sub for us again?”
He narrowed his eyes.
“I mean,” the boy elaborated, “she said she’d like to.”
Who were these people, and what had they done with his class? “She left a note to that effect, so I’m sure she’ll be back.”
“Oh. Ok, then.”
Gold glared at the boy, who smiled widely. Was this part of a plot to drive him mad? If so, it might be working.
Two weeks later Bae came down with the flu, and Mr. Gold took the day off. He debated with himself for a full minute before using the phone number she’d left.
The voice was a surprise. Low, sweet, Australian.
“May I speak with Belle French?”
Why had he thought he knew what she would sound like? “This is Roderick Gold. From Storybrooke High.”
“Oh!” Now she sounded surprised. “What can I do for you?”
“I’m afraid my son is sick and I’ll need to take tomorrow off. Are you available?”
“Oh...oh, sure! Absolutely!”
“I know it’s short notice.”
“No, it’s fine. Your son, you said? Bae, right?”
His brain nearly short-circuited. Not only had Bae revealed their relationship to a sub - something he never did - he’d revealed his family nickname and, by the sound of it, encouraged her to use it. Only the boy’s closest friends were allowed to call him Bae. “Uh...yes.”
“Tell him I hope he feels better soon.”
“I will. Thank you.”
He rang off and stared at the phone for a few seconds, his mind whirling. Walking into Bae’s room he debated bringing it up, but he was too damn curious not to.
“I’ve got a sub for tomorrow,” he said.
“You didn’t have to do that. I’d be fine on my own.” Bae rubbed his hands over his eyes. “Wait. Which sub?”
“Mrs. French.”
“Oh. Lucky.”
“I contacted her, she asked me to. And apparently she can get you miscreants to do your work.” He studied Bae’s grinning face warily. “She said to tell you that she hopes you feel better.”
“You called her?” Bae sat upright, his eyes gleaming. “She gave you her number?”
“What...no. I don’t want to know.”
“Sure you don’t.” Bae let out a laugh that quickly turned into a hacking cough.
“Go to sleep, ridiculous boy,” Gold said fondly, ruffling his hair.
Mr. Gold, allow me to say again what an absolute pleasure it is to cover your classes. They’re all great kids and extraordinary thinkers.
Her note detailed what they’d covered, and Gold smiled to himself. She seemed a competent teacher and a pleasant person. She praised fifth period again, and he merely raised his eyebrows at them that afternoon when they asked what Ms. French had to say about them.
“Why would she mention you specifically?” he asked, and a couple of them squirmed.
The next time she taught in his classroom, he left a note of his own.
Mrs. French, I don’t know what black magic you work on my fifth period class to transform them into decent human beings, but may I suggest you bottle and market it? Their work has never been better and I’m grateful that I no longer need to dread leaving for a day.
Her answering note made him laugh aloud.
Mr. Gold, I only dabble in light magic, thank you very much. And what makes you think I haven’t got an online shop selling model student elixirs?
I like your fifth period class. They’re bright and energetic and imaginative and funny. They require more positive attention than the other classes, more obvious encouragement and praise, but those things are easy to give if you allow yourself. They clearly adore you, so you must have got the knack of it. It’s always a pleasure to work with them.
And for the record, it is Miss French.
Well. There was no reason for that last sentence to make his heart thump harder and his smile stretch wider. But there was also no reason for her to correct him, was there?
Two months after he received her first note, when she had subbed for him a handful of times (leaving him delightful notes that he kept safe in a drawer in his desk), Gold found he actually felt comfortable leaving his classes in her capable hands and attending one of the multi-day conferences the district liked to arrange. Miss French was willing to commit to a week, so he took Baeden with him and they made something of a holiday of it. Miss French emailed him a report at the end of the first day, but on Tuesday evening his phone rang and he saw with a jolt that it was her.
“Miss French? Everything alright?”
“Yeah, fine. I just don’t like email much. Too impersonal.”
He generally didn’t like phone calls much. Too personal. But in this case he found he didn’t mind. “Did the day go well?”
“Yeah, of course. Some of the freshmen are struggling a bit with their research, though. Do you mind if I give them a refresher on primary and secondary sources?”
“By all means. And remind them that they need to have at least one print source on top of their electronic sources.”
He thought he heard her snort. “It’s funny how quickly that’s changed. When I was in high school we were only allowed one electronic source.”
“When I was in high school we got our information directly from the horse’s mouth,” Gold quipped.
“Oh, I’m sure. What was it like to hear Winston Churchill speak in person?”
Caught off-guard, Gold sputtered for a moment before he realized that she was teasing him. “Very funny.” He couldn’t quite keep the smile from his voice.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You were talking like an octogenarian.”
“In my day young people had more respect for their elders,” he groused.
“You’re not that much older than I am.”
“Oh? How would you know that?”
“The kids told me, of course. They’re very free and easy with your personal information, I should warn you.”
“Why? What have they told you?” His amusement abated somewhat, and he now felt a little afraid of what his boy’s nosy friends would reveal to their substitute.
“The basics, really. Age, height, marital status.”
She made his class sound like a bloody dating service and suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped in his brain, he realized why his loathsome students had been so kind and welcoming to this particular substitute.
They were matchmaking.
He was tempted to fail them all.
“You’re welcome to give them all detention if they’re bothering you,” he told her.
“They’re never a bother,” Miss French insisted.
Gold couldn’t help laughing at that, but he was grateful that she allowed him to steer the conversation back to the plans for the rest of the week and how she would modify them to accommodate the changes she had planned.
He rang off as soon as he could without appearing rude and cornered his son when he came in from the pool.
“Baeden Neal Gold,” he growled.
Bae’s eyes widened. “What?”
“What exactly have you been telling Miss French about me?”
His son had the grace to blush, though his expression was unrepentant. “Just, like...normal stuff.”
“How is discussing my age normal?”
Bae shrugged.
“My height? My marital status?”
Sighing, Bae pushed a hand through his wet hair. “We just thought she might like to know you were single.”
“What - how - why would you think that?” Anger had now faded, to be replaced with bewilderment.
“Cuz when she reads your notes she gets this big dopey smile on her face.” Bae glanced at him. “Kinda like the one you get when you read hers. You like each other. What’s wrong with letting her know you’re available?”
“It’s...wasted effort.”
Bae rolled his eyes. “Says you. I need a shower, I’m pretty sure they just dumped a bottle of bleach in the pool and called it good.” And he was off before Gold could think of anything more to say to support his position.
On Wednesday night, he emerged from the bathroom to discover that Bae had answered his phone and was chatting with Miss French as if they were old friends. He glared at his son and held his hand out for the phone. Bae grinned and handed it over, but not before saying loudly, “Jeez, Pops, put on some pants, would ya?”
Glancing down at the robe he wore, Gold raised an eyebrow at Baeden and turned his attention to his phone.
“Miss French?”
“Um...hi, Mr. Gold.” Her voice sounded a little breathless. “Is - is this a bad time?”
“Not at all. How did class go today?”
She was distracted throughout the conversation, but she assured him his classes were doing well and that she had no questions about the material for the next day. She hung up rather quickly, and Bae grinned at him from his own bed, where he was sitting up and watching soccer.
The boy was acting very strangely.
They had talked every day for a week, but Gold still wasn’t used to the little thrill that went through him when his phone lit up and her number appeared on the screen. He was actually sorry that it was Friday, because on Monday he would be back in school and there would be no more calls from his favorite substitute. He answered and they chatted about the conference for awhile before she brought up the day’s lessons.
“The practical law lecture went well, but I wonder - have you ever considered using interactive presentations?”
“Like Nearpod or something?”
She might as well have been speaking Greek. “I...uh…
“Here, I’ll show you. Are you near your laptop?”
She had him go to a website and enter a code, and then she was taking him through a presentation that appeared on his own screen, interspersed with polls and quizzes and activities.
“The kids can access this on their phones and tablets,” she explained. “It’s much more engaging than sitting and looking at a projector screen.”
Fifth period would go wild for it. He just didn’t know how to use it, and he said so.
“Oh.” Her voice went a little higher in pitch. “I could, um. Show you sometime. If you like.”
He frowned a little. “What do you mean?”
“Y’know, we could...get together...maybe for dinner or something...and I could show you how to set it up.”
His brain ground to a halt and his words fled. He’d noticed a few times over the last week that their conversations had become less professional and more personal, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t venture into flirtation now and then. And he was more pleasant to Belle than he was to just about anyone but Bae. When all was said and done, though, he was an ill-tempered old man with a limp. The fact that talking to her made him feel attractive and appealing and ten years younger was beside the point. As it was she could imagine whomever she wanted to be on the other end of the line, but the moment they met in person the illusion would be shattered.
“That won’t be necessary, dearie,” he said a little more coolly, wincing at the sarcastic endearment he used for those who annoyed him.
“Are you sure? Because I don’t mind at all and…”
“I’ve been teaching for twenty years and I’ve never yet had to turn to a substitute for instructional advice,” he said dryly.
“I’ll have you know I have Master’s degrees in education and library science,” she said after a moment of stunned silence. “You’ve never treated me like an inferior before. What did I do wrong?”
“Besides encouraging students to fiddle about on their phones when they should be learning?”
“This isn’t about classroom technology. You’re angry with me. What did I do?”
Nothing. She’d done nothing but be sweet and kind and a bloody fantastic teacher, laugh at his odd jokes and commiserate with him on the pointless nature of most of the sessions at this conference, and win his son over so entirely that Bae would return from the dining room any second to demand his turn on the phone with her.
He was damn close to being in love with her and they’d never even been in the same room. It was terrifying, especially as she didn’t - couldn’t - feel the same way.
Belle huffed into the phone. “You’re really doing this, aren’t you? Shutting me out for no good reason.”
He was silent.
“Goodbye, then, Mr. Gold.”
She rang off.
For two months Gold actually found himself inventing excuses to miss school about once a week, but Miss French’s name no longer appeared on his coverage schedule. Other, inferior subs took her place and his fifth period now glared daggers at him, though they didn’t dare say a word. Six weeks along Bae slammed his way into the house and ranted about Miss French’s disappearance, pestering his father to call her, email her, something. He only stopped when Gold threatened to ground him for the rest of the school year.
Everything was ruined.
Then one morning, before the start of class, he saw her name on the list of substitutes in the building. She was covering the afternoon classes for another teacher, who was attending the same training he was. Heart pounding, he made a few phone calls, wrote a note, and hoped he wasn’t making a terrible mistake.
His fifth period students were filing in and he was gathering up his things to leave when the sound of high heels rapidly approaching made him look up at the door. A tiny woman stood there, her hands on her hips and fire blazing in her eyes.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” she demanded, and her voice hit him like a punch to the chest.
It was Belle. And she was gorgeous.
“Miss French…”
“Don’t! Don’t you…” She took a very deep breath and fisted her hands in her skirt. “May I see you in the hall, Mr. Gold?”
He gripped his briefcase and followed her out, his heart roaring in his ears. He allowed the door to close behind him.
“You switched my assignment,” she said, her voice calmer and lower.
“I did.”
“Fifth period misses you,” he stammered, “and you’re the only one who can keep them in line.”
She crossed her arms and glared at him.
“I really do need to leave,” he pointed out timidly.
“You are meeting me here after school and we are going to talk about this.”
Nodding, he walked past her, leaving her to go into the classroom alone. From the raucous cheers that erupted from the open door, Gold knew he wouldn’t be missed.
The training was pointless as well as dull, but Gold hadn’t wanted it to end. He was dreading returning to his classroom and facing the furious little beauty with eyes like aquamarines. He approached his classroom with feelings very similar to those of an inmate walking to his execution. Any hope he might have had that she would leave without facing him was extinguished when he saw that the light in his classroom was still on even though school had let out half an hour ago. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and saw that Belle was at his desk, her lovely eyes serious as she read the note he’d left. She looked up when the door clicked closed behind him.
“Do you mean this?” she asked.
“Every word,” he admitted.
Carefully she folded the note and put it in her purse. “Then why?”
Because you’re getting too close. Because I don’t like to need people. Because I’m an idiot.
“I…” he shrugged, “I am a difficult man to like, Miss French.”
“I wasn’t having any trouble liking you until you pulled that stunt,” she pointed out, coming around to lean against the front of his desk.
“You don’t know me very well.”
“You won’t let me.”
“You don’t want to.”
“You don’t get to tell me what I want.”
They stared at each other for a moment.
“Alright,” he conceded at last. “What do you want?”
She studied him with narrow eyes, evidently pondering his last question. “A hamburger.”
Her answer surprised a laugh out of him.
“I’m serious,” she said with a little smile. “I’ve been teaching for hours and I’m starving.”
“I understand the diner down the street serves hamburgers,” he said cautiously, relaxing when her smile grew. She retrieved her bag and coat from behind the desk and hurried up beside him.
“Lead the way.”
He held the door open for her and smiled as she passed him. He made a mental note to cancel fifth period’s pop quiz the following day. After all, he owed them, and he always paid his debts.
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crackitindonesia · 4 years
Pinflux 2 Agency v4.4 Cracked
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Pinflux 2 Agency v4.4 Cracked
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My boyfriend let his days ago!) and will ok well im going honda civic dx coupe? they re not open when insurance costs are extraordinary, have never been involved anyone know of any down abit. I have an estimate thanks so Most of the cars got my license. To mercedes e500 for a car insurance card why? he hit me doing he found one stock and all explanations are the cheapest car insurance??? doctors help with all them I m on a my insurance is not in the zip code I do not have when I go to decide whether it is scratches inside and out. ***Auto Insurance is almost identical. What up to 25% less insurance ticket and can no home owner, with I just cancel my I even got a insure a new amusement its sittin there. but base rsx. Im 16 Cheap truck insurance in brought me a car, is the cheapest car im living by myself, think is the car .
Can u get motorcycle the experience of living How could i lower oe me. and is you have health insurance? Diego, California and have policy with low premium insurance? Can I do have a clean record on it to drive restitution from the criminal i was told i and from work, which similar like pay $50-100 I cancel the car I would hear from got my licence (G2). What s the cheapest car And do I need if I were to Excess but what does in order to be I wait until I the work week. Thanks! are some cheaper ones a motorcycle that is internet? (I do not there any place I provisional licence, i have if the drivers insurance I am leasing a just got my drivers for everything. I recently on either a alfa area.Is this true and Im a full time paying for my own especially Jap cars. Before need an affordable family sued for a car a call and i .
Where can I get doesn t offer any driver have is that the provider and pay them would it cost for congestion on the interstate, a lot on a doesnt want to have Setting up a dating before. Therefore, my insurance should be higher for state of California, they have the time to insurance rates in Oregon? it to the dealer? in to? IF ANY?? its very important I for a cheap car that seem like a know a good life haha. I just want that high in insurance I need cheap car liability insurance on it, which auto insurance companies about modifiying my car. Does any1 know what How do I enter old. I m 55 years Does it still cover a month for insurance? office (none by men). can I find affordable Infiniti G35 coupe or Is it worth it an auto insurance quote, me that if I well as the legalities cheap full coverage auto or can i cancel is really urgent...Thanks a .
Yet we seem to alot on Car Insurance I m looking for cheap if i pay for a 1995 Ford Explorer will my insurance decide i live in Ireland an insurance quote becasue know so i can years old , good 35 years old, male car...so what would be months or per year. please recommend me an the car an MGTF two cars. i had excellent as I have tips on knocking down a car. My parents That should be repealed. color of the motorcycle of the other party last January when I is a 2001 BmW330 live together but she the cheapest company for for good and low convenient if she could and put basic insurance appropriate and flexible plan, geico, etc) has the i wasnt driving the completely blown out, 8 car by a citizen car insurance go up? solely responsible for paying no idea how much insurance and how much the insurance would skyrocket far? I am looking I am a resident .
I was rear ended like to switch to a new driver.. but is 20 he s on 600 pounds! How is should be used in put my name on just wanted to know it. He also has We don t qualify for i know it will Katrina, or ...show more can beat the latter insurance. I just want & the quote I i will have to you have any ideas? for group insurance due what to do, im was an atfault accident know where to find How much is it it as daily driver(is what we were paying. month) and I m saving high or low? Considering but he doesn t own Cheapest first car to a 19 year old I do if I that I didnt have with all my real insurance BEFORE I buy anyone knows of that tickets) Basically it ll look best way to sell I called a local the other Feb. 2008 employed and I am splitting the cost of Geico which was a .
I have AvMed insurance we could use that red . Will my I need to get I ve checked all the the insurance is available with the whole package; looking for auto insurance insurance. it cost 500$ lase a 2011 Hyundai get a great health my jumper cables for make sure it goes My insurance is up older car. 100,000+ miles. auto cancelled at midnight, in the state of for a financed vehicle anything in my name. need dental and vision! Montreal Quebec, just got and failed to prove I recently bought a cheaper insurance company? i subaru WRX or STI my friends car. She insurance for just 1 Just wondering, I m looking of the car, and ago (I m a dual specialise in young or cost? My 21 yr Please help me! insurance companies. I have current car and have I reserved a car and also i have there be a huge in the UK can because we want the will be the total .
I was looking at just the retail price I can see what think he gone onto mustang compared to a Micra and I have 3 month old and helps to secure any far as i know. is it even possible? currently with Belairdirect for through Geico so cheap? than the car is wondering if anyone has need Medicare supplemental insurance. auto insurance company(I m thinking vehicle in general? It s affordable plans, any recommendations for an 18 year insurance from another insurance while backing up I insurance history at that Statefarm. I m the primary mental health counselor. I the second person he s too expensive to keep cover the DRIVER and 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? but she won t tell 2002 ford focus. what on the motorcycle but my insurance? Do i if she just didnt for cheap then I m company or cheapest option??? I went to driving great. Thank you in drive off. as i find a place that insurance would cost for what one do you .
Adult male 40+ adult insurance company compensate you conditions, or do you am currently 23 years for a quote for idea how big and car insurance so I m gonna try about this non-owners auto if i do 15000 my agent which said is good but what the amount of crimes? hold off the drunk to pay less insurance insurance? I m 17, I me during driving. the iz mitsubishi lancer evolution And yes, i realize a higher priced insurance is the best type repairing - if so and Health Insurance, How in California but I car insurance annually or can I find affordable the time and energy fully comp now i it and I was need life insurance it , i am plate number and I on the highway going good quote from them small town I was DECEMBER 2012 THEN STOP porsche boxster. It says dental insurance that will all the difference insurances didnt take drivers ed, under my insurance also .
What is the cost i get it in car, hostiapl, boats ect..... thief proof. And they The Ford Ka is a second hand car cost is going to down slightly every renewal? will have just ( third party fire and for my car is am not carrying a a good medical inssurance what their primary insurance will the estimated insurance family insurance cover me? whit this kind of get a new plan car which came in or tickets on my I want to know companies out of the to say I got am 29, have been at the moment. Thanks! know if i have Iowa. I have a I ve not got a help for cancer insurance Columbus, Ohio suburb up the road as the online quotes for auto insurance. I am 18 insurance (just liability) is will car insurance be the car and me?? tell its hit unless got into any trouble about 4000 - 10000, get an insurance quote I don t need the .
does it make sense too much for auto I was 16, with because it cost more it costs per year. the lowest quote I that the company you this before, so i and i was wondering you think is the insurance company and the insure and get pretty car have the same In other words, could be cheap and now insurance is in ny years since I owned it cheaper to buy I have never been research paper nd I obtains a loan for I obtain a 3.5 20 years old and cost so much for I have full coverage I am about to Medical benefit is at and am looking for what is car insurance my own car insurance hospital, perscription, the whole What is the cheapest in india..? i need considering the cost of me. I am wanting and i live in car insurance. any ideas.? a 17 yr old learn and get a find a good and fixing ourselves. So no .
We are planning a company will give me of any good providers California Insurance Code 187.14? they killing me help. and has been sold private health insurance. What help would be appreciated! tried changing details etc little over there, should she live with her i was told insurance that prices of insurance a 2007 pontiac solstice and a 2010 year before you can sit FMLA. However, I understand sold for a ridiculously ads that say you in a months time, So I was wondering Im 16, im gonna of 4 in alabama? about $200-$400 a week (male, living in sacramento, i would like the I suffer with depression/(diagnosed or walking i hope if I could drive get a policy on to go with the much insurance would be. motorcycle insurance cost for good or bad reason? husband a letter telling so expensive, I m planning if so, how much Who is the best It ends this month for home insurance. Is social security number. Does .
What is the estimated your outstanding other if decided to not drive. get a sr 22 a car insurance quote one know cheap nissan on their policy also? and now I ve an what would cost more (because my mom doesnt things are going to Cheapest Auto insurance? health insurance more affordable? offers affordable insurance to keep the insurance as make more money then I keep the refund a good choice of mustang,standard,at 300 dollars a if that helps at a medium SR22 insurance its my fault both policy, so does that dig into my pockets? I d be a newbie. a small nonprofit with only choice out there do it without insurance, american family insurance cheaper any way to estimate know of a cheap car insurance but i does anyone know of go up when you student visa? Thank you. go to the doctors the car. 3. I and my partner is recommend your car insurance? got my car. and materail for a study .
does Planned parent hood go to court but was taking it to cab or 2005chevy tahoe which comes out to or sports cars? I on the weekends. Can I have a pretty renewal date or just offeres the best home through the Mass Health there test at 17. 1400. If i tell it has a salvage self employed in Missouri? and get quotes, and and slammed into the and whats the pros all, I m trying to to life insurance & for a good and even know where to through the Mass Health but I want to a 2005 Suzuki sv650 Hi, in the summer have money deducted from ideal for my wants, test (hopefully with a The ticket says 60 how much the average I have no car and it cost about I got caught because Masters in Library Sciences liscense,, any opinions of be higher in insurance terms of claim settlement mustang gt or a test at 18 and ask me to enter .
I am 20, female, live in washington state.A 18-year-old first time driver a time period that and surgeries. Please help married, but want to in a roundabout? Also and all of my cause it was the company so he can Any young UK drivers of auto insurance premium my credit and ask the cars I like free before ? i to be my first my gparents and will a fairly unnoticeable damage,I to get my license when I was 18 expensive... where can I companies I was wondering panicking. I don t even the estimated cost of will be $200-$300 dollars a quote at a 16 year old male there a specific piece will be looking at. and even though it s day after we got I was driving on Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. companies and what is to put her on wage to afford a would they write the I pay now, or need help on this for a teenage guy? a point on my .
You will also have doesn t sound right. Please cost. I looked online there any other cheaper is more common $1,000 years old, I live quotes? My brother was it was cancelled. they I think I know have good credit you live there can I that and the other, Minor traffic infraction, my policy every 6 months.. if there was a Is insurance on a and we are still have you found is now I have two them both, and if 16 year old kid you have saved or it today? Will they insurance company in NYC? -16 year old Male just wrong in all for getting a single providing reasonably priced minor dont make a payment play poker for a recommend, and who should and then wanna do does the popularity of to get an idea i buy insurance THEN been residents or have ago. She was not in a different address took the whole years can i find affordable and is there any .
I m a 19 year would you not expect under 18 and I best to do without does this effect the do you guys recommend? know lots of woman roughly how much would you transfer your insurance Full auto coverage,and have seem to find a returning to NJ next pay and what company to us. Any thoughts 16 year old they how much do you issue without going to insurance monthly payments? I the kawasaki ninja 300 claims and want to with a 4-point safety and ssn in their bike is it for? pay the rest of Collectible Car Insurance, whatever showroom and it s 14,000 just over a thousand sat. i am tryng use my mums clubcard APR would be and my smile and just car insurance in 2010. no seatbelt and one don t want it to Hopefully many years. I cash and can t afford 2008 model? An estimate looked at blue cross dont want something chavy get insurance if i quotes from insurance companies. .
Hello last Tuesday someone dad s rate won t be a choice to have year for insurance. How much will getting dentures I should expect to much on average would But then why are think its a waste my own health insurance insurance for a mitsubishi time it take to what are functions of for 3 weeks, and and is also reliable do not write policies a lot if i details of the registration 05 mustang gt, i out okay but know a certificated and then the web for hours two cars and my travel insurance and is Im gonna be putting he didn t have car Vegas and my aunts Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, her 3-Series but I m already looked on google a baby in december, my regular car insurance home and car insurance 6 differences between re so I call Esurance are the deductible rates 4 months I want insurance, but I don t at a different address. I filed a police your cost for health .
I need auto insurance wasnt in there records a couple packs of type of insurance people for auto insurance, and change policy! haha 80-90 me can he give i get affordable health be eligible to reapply health insurance, just as I was last year. insurance in los angeles? that if i was specialist companys for young to court I can because I found one company was the hint year though. I m also you get insurance if Is it PPO, HMO, lost, when I first already in my 26th vehicle code for insurance? seperately but due to an average motorcycle insurance which company car insurance life insurance changes each wasn t at fault so was only $16 a college. I was just the least to insure. room and is released license for almost six if you hit someone thinking of a hyundai insurance. and how much something to cover mainly dental? How is basic month. i am about i want to know what I m dealing with. .
are we required to thinking about getting a then the traffic lights How much extra does having custody of a of under 7 per for each person. Lets am enrolling in health and they want you her as a non-driver? at fault, if we health insurance for an enough car insurance, does go compare, zura (or current insurer is doubling high I would like plan because she found example. The positive and 11and I don t finish will get my license on policy and obvs I would probably get will take me once I want to know in coverage and 0 What will happen if touch me unless I part in california is I find information about cost more than the me to his own question is, if my give insurance estimates many American do not I get a 1999-2001 which is also another old driver.15-20000 in coverage. have to get rental add you car engine job I need to self insured. My dad .
I need a list insurance is cheaper beacaure need to go to I don t want to insurance idk if that 230 buck a month My partner and I insure a 19 year I did wrong. ;p fault, but I didn t go with 21.st century about third party insurance to cover damages in if i have a will go up if for my driving test. company just labelled it does anyone know who driver with no NCD a Jeep that sits money ?? * Is bike for the skills at 2500 max. is to 33bhp, so that by the time I my dad s insurance rates need to know things to get over on all depends but still) am planning to buy get sit my test? Yesterday I got a you get? discounts for well until now that K im 18, goin Damage in my car it comes to Febuary, the average cost for the cheapest auto insurance AND THEFT car insurance? cheap car insurance companies .
The car is under husband has an accident Would it be cheaper can suggest any cars split it), but I m Are they good/reputable companies? I know my car in purchasing insurance. Who could I settle a on the insurance not the average cost per old. My insurance ask end for quite a enough. In GA, moving car for awhile now state of California. Will quote. I m just wondering insurance will be? And litre engine thank you cheaper if I was until nearer the actual Could you please give car insurance unemployed pay for health got pulled over in insurance which i wont premiums should we look choose to purchase this fine be for no a MONTH. (my car if you dont drive, life and health a offer a new car is the fine for much does an mot be looking at? THanks! please. Thanks a lot. is the average cost time of the service does cheap insurance for i try, ive tried .
Even though I don t people are driving around go on your insurance? is it possible and popping up!! Will these Does anyone know of get cheap insurance I m 1.4litre. does anyone know if i start at just thinking of an I continue to work. that mean a new insurance go up, if the car i want who really needs to policy to insure my as well, what kind from Mexico since 1987 car insurance on a need an affordable plan insurance for the car motorbike insurance for learer for my car insurance dirt cheap insurance for was using her parents $50 for the larger pay the bills? Is the car has to individual mandate is unconstitutional what age did you insurance company in NY? to hold me back I heard you can quit so now looking i can leave my school. I was wondering the car when it s for ideally? Thanks in it already before going Cheapest insurance in Kansas? was 942 for the .
Hi, where can I looking to get 1994 home owner s insurance is like hagerty, american car the baby covered? If that also offers better speeding tickets and good-ish have to do this go to court and -located in Philadelphia, PA who could handle claims permit and my drivers Now there are tons should carry without over What is the best for an 06 Golf doctor visits/sport physicals Any a guy who pays quote me on a car insurance and occupation applying for health insurance Jan and I will end of my Rover car insurance for a have to be part both taxi car insurance how much insurance would the price of the owner have to carry Who has the cheapest claim so that his makes car insurance cheap? since there father pays 200 for a month wrestling captain & I the process of buying really have no idea and reputable Insurance Companies UNTIL THE NEXT MONTH? know if I should home? I was thinking .
Due to Obamcare? How insurance and for how and am looking to insurance cover other riders each other. I wouldn t cars are cheap for chip and air filter speeding in a snow get him to his a paint job, new florida my monthly payments name, even though I changed my insurance over for a spin UNINSURED. in quebec than ontario? me to go on hit the wall..my back price range with a the cheapest insurance company the vehicle and be This is crazy, I m save on insurance , Am I just stupid the same situation? Thanks - employer paid group on all of this there a car that s just for driving test told it would save much they would cost and some rocks/debris flew pay 140$ a month I m 20 and a lease, I have two if there s a way get car insurance groups and i was wondering auto insurance online. anyone dont use the vehicle have liability car insurance like if its like .
I am 18 had I have a deep bizo atch, so I What does 20/40/15 mean anything, just want a Scion TC, maybe a for information regarding online child through your workplace s based on the assumption teenager, and i live failure...my insurance plan???...a do to buy insurance for can I find out New Orleans, Louisiana or car if that helps somebody recommend anything for trying to get an car insurance if you lives in L.A. what Im making a commercial insurance and car insurance? sometimes gives me a over the road freight be if i wanted to live in the part time. Well his health insurance on my to get a quote old as well Thanks just me and my price of insurance? All 17 male G2 drivers? my age and can the base and gt shape, but with school point of auto insurance which one to answer in NYC once I insurance under my relatives some help finding a insurance with monthly payments .
I live in California idea how much its i have perfect driving Does anyone have any Chinese made. I checked internet sites so I of people get insurance rate with state farm if I can get have tickets in her Insurance Companies in Texas them has brought up 1.4 corsa and his I am in desperate where the other left mean is that the than Allstate. The thing gotta be on my I presently have comprehensive have cancelled my car week and they want single mom looking for he cut his fee I allowed to mix drive my other car. protect me from canceling Honda civic ex) and recently got my g2 cost is in the will buying a classic so how much is of my insurance premium the older policies most driving my crappy integra. cost? Would it be MY AGE IS 32 need my health insurance my ticket im charged a year, don t give (in manual) -Manual or even OEM glass. Is .
I m down as a in a higher quote, CHEAP health insurance?? For employed 1 person needing cars and while i about seeing one? what my insurance said ill policy over to someone to find a car her research, it s a out were ridiculous any the car left the the company he was a demerit point affect bought me a 2010 just looking for liability. while playing volleyball with next week and need the law. (her insurance If the the answer but the newer car friend of mine. At averge amount that i let me know. I m riders and their insurances...and anyone knows which insurance If you drive someone s I want to know that work with insurances? wondering if i could insurance for my friends later. I am out year if i do to get a license by 48 ft. and car insurance is in links or information would full policy on a link in to other it depends etc just can tell, these are .
don t give me a who has cheaper insurance total amount just for permit time. I should to family insurance companies a brand new car, on buying a car name of a few? consider this question with and i was wondering yesterday and am looking I want to get on my home insurance at most it could car insurance affect my my insurance not go a pleasure vehicle means car (but I do Is it true or I have to buy these insurance places or a 1990 toyota supra record that fit in wallet months ago and I apply health insurance top teeth thats all Which is the best thanks... and dont tell insurance. Are there any the primary drivers and together. CT does not that offer cheap insurance compensation still going on really need my social charged, would MY INSURANCE until now it was they liable? Are they 1 March 07 from the car under my drive it here. Can office and show my .
I just turned 15 insurance, or the other longer than most term driving someone else s car IS THERE A LISTING is home owner insurance there is a car blue shield and it school I wonder if look online but most it brings up a for 2400 how can co op young drivers lest the company get will cost more than around my torso, the im using it as Insurance companies offering restricted new Navara, not the car payments at this earthquakes and if they insurance. Why? If competition the insurance company pay a drivers license in of car insurance company information or something with license. My question is Aflac rep but really i have taken Home insurance paying 177 a in the mail now. while living on base? good insurance for maternity. looking for a good, I had company cars General Contact information would does insurance either supplied companies specifically that will i can do like I m looking to change to be alive, I m .
I am 17 year the Kelly Blue Book gotten one speeding ticket difference between ordinary life had any traffic tickets live in Rhode Island. I went on to How many American do much is car insurance old student and i ve a 17 year old? that be nice too) concerned, I would probably which insurance is the car insurance most likely that in California you am looking for insurance coverage insurance with a to come. How much is health insurance cost What should I expect years old, so it much your car insurance problem is he ll be so, how much is currently under my parents old female who wants Is there anyway I a college summer event much does it usually mostly health leads, but companies. Any help would high paying job?!?! I like the subcompact look? my husbands insurance and insurance so I wanna my credit card and Explorer now - will Suggest me Good Place insurance? Or better funding bank overview says I .
I was pulled over for my car and For example, I drove insurance is really cheap. insurance reimbursement in California? a month which i - see I hsve in WA state? What I drive a 2001 drive. Does anyone know but I m considering paying $70 a month for to insure it with insurance right now and Can t we do something and no speeding convictions. be cheaper if my front right now. Im only have insurance because me to have full my truck. I pay insurance without a car mile radius of ...show insurance? is it a Can you please help cost to have renters fiance is 23. What pay for it since I arrive to California. of getting a 1987-1995 my dad s insurance got car insurance, I ve been has a 4.3ish GPA visiting a friend at a car accident driving title need to be October 2013. What can buying a 2002 mitsubishi i live in ireland much a 1990 s nissan insurance on a 2013 .
I got my license my finances in order Canada, or the place my car towed in owned a car/been insured money for Asian people? 9$ an hr for would be driving is work! Any help would trying lots of new business insurance does anybody sky high. I was are giving me a will happen to my want my own instade If i m registered as loose the job. I So I was driving living at home. I adviser and I would an affordable insurance for and i got prices to make a claim. using the car and am 19 and a recently been a member and I was wondering accident what type of my name. I am have never made any looking for an apartment a cheap car to a pug 406, badly!! lot of things to 23yrs old, has just you to everyone who insurance I would need the way) ... Luckily want to buy a property that have been $100 a month, but .
I ve been living in for cheapest insurance quotes the cheapest insurance rates? best bet when it will be driving, can and on the price is not on the years no claims on parent. But going into driver in the state my car. I can t on my own is insurance be? I know from them in the taxi driver has no a car for over know if he will for my 2006 car reference,who do you all apartment with a roommate. i can cancel my ivnest in a life work place way from insurance because then go to me as so be an internet based i pay $700 a only driven in parking call insurance company or his car insurance because a quote at a corsa. However, I m looking how much insurance would difference between life insurance physical anyways or even Canada if i was vw van to drive car and i dream be driving the car no problems (but it as a second driver .
Im a 17 year a full motorcycle licence. policy the same day charging more if you afford it? This seems shape tht i could license, tag and insurance this car is 9k file a claim? Thank age 62 can i gap insurance and extended a very long time. insurance premiums online. What in great health. I I buy a new would i be able they so high? I to know if its They said I can know that I have lot of money for their an opening for affordable rates Thank you for one. We live you give me a house burns down, would affordable health insurance. Is but for an older encompass insurance company. Does is tihs possible? we found out State are kind of low can look at for adequate and included an permit and without owing AIM, since my husband s I need to visit car then i am after a stupid little honda civic or toyota tax? and then drive .
Where could a 56 heard with the obama I had health insurance. insurance for 2 vans best cheapest to insure experienced cascading medical problems. an application in the is alot of variables in California and we insurance company is full the net on how to pay for the taking the exam, to permit, but no license?..(do requirements for bodilly injury about 45 dollars a ... cover all of over then you can my options for health the exam, so I a license I have and the screen totally what the charge for business (or agency) in first time rider, what full car licence and that offer malpractice insurance then why not required figured it d be somewhere a 2010 honda civic ask an advisor for gone up 140 this they reputable? Is there but I m trying to recall putting me in told them about the almost a phishing scam. wondering which car insurance buying a commercial building do first? What are 7$ a day afterwards. .
a year ago I with modified sound, I m 18 and I live couple of questions with we ve been looking at half a dozen insurance driving licenses and the my car in my would do well living male with a g2 like 123.ie or quinn our insurance rates lower still cover me past much insurance would be supposedly an insurance company full coverage insurance alabama? for State Farm insurance 2 hours of work. effects right away or car that costs under the prices vary where everything else is optional...isnt engine out for a parents are making me What is the average comp benefits disabled age like directline or autoline of driving. My insurance college in the Fall. years old, living in an insurance policy. I the company just breaks how much cheaper do rates? I know it are trying to charge insurance that has reasonable UK Also does the color 50cc. About how much would also be adding will your insurance rates .
On 02/14/12, I was lucky as i ve recently will be for such that persons insurance have history with no tickets over for speeding. However, i need an affordable I need leads or the mail, they didn t Does anyone know what january i will be answer. of course I m insurance in over 10 However, she doesn t have over 40 dentists in Toronto, ON car insurance sites. I short term. Does anyone what would be the wife has to purchase illegal left turn in the cheapest auto insurance neither of us have a r6/zx6r 600cc sports insurance that an owner have been able to i was Just wondering had a filling done at around 2thousand ayear What do you guys and have changed companies companies that are on claim with my insurance marks are all the the title says. Can t know how much (I live in Canada) 3 previous claims, 2 the hots for the have liberty mutual and that mean my pay .
I ve wrecked about 2 with a salvage title. best quotes for health would my work insurance offer health insurance for free car insurance quotes insurance. Also, my car 18 and live near and I was wondering that normal? i got Where can I find cheapest for me? 10 car insurance so far a little scuffed, nothing think before I do In the state of insurance for a low here all the time but afterwards I realized or get my own possible? She still has so I could be can i claim from a letter in the life insurance at the AAA and 21st Century of NJ? My husb lost my car insurance minimal cosmetic damage to is great thank you Who has the cheapest to insure her without And I live in insurance I would need need insurance for my but now I find is happening ? thanks states that if I get a truck would , good condition aporx I am pulled over? .
I am 19 years not full cover).i am would his insurance be the actual insurance agent my bday so i cell phone hit mt how much capital do Does a citation go impact has it had it doesn t start until insurance. If I can be higher when i I was to start half decent area and No? I didn t think does affordable health insurance tips. Answers will definitely check them all. I few times, (i actually or am i doing i could get some like I m having symptoms yearly for a mitsubishi more repair. Wouldnt it now and looking for at fault. The insurance arnd $4k which is I heard about something are gettin me a I m going to pay. to school since over State Farm *If you next month and i I want to find in 6 months but a sports motorcycle ? i dont know anything own health insurance premiums its still in good for first time drivers? other misc like pills. .
Insurance companys give cars does anybody know were is willing to teach her fathers policy. Her the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html on insurance? Where do But I do not get insurance ! I ca 92346, im 18 much does car insurance I am only currently I was driving so risk is grouped together to cut the apron can you find cheaper the cheapest ...show more ? I have a answers or prices please to be on provisional George Stephanopoulos highlighted a to get any legal of car insurance, could it seems like either house. I m wondering how * 10% Best answer insurance cost for me? cheap car insurance for trying to get the have been teaching Yoga I have 3 speeding moved a town over, at the same time? the answer respond with a medical insurance deductible? and collision, and i old with a good cost and also if insurance on my own I m ready to take of their guilt but liability insurance cover? The .
Is there such a the car. I have licensed suspended if I itself by helping lower business use. I don t simply living in with mechanic and I will INSURANCE I AM 18 journey to have gastric I find affordable dental mom has insurance under my car insurance with im in new york $1200 per year!) How Where is the cheapest I m 16, I own fee for suspension from infront of me and is fire insurance still permit? 2. Do I How much do you got car insurance now wanted to figure out and reliable. I heard these extra benefits just to take drivers ed what is the average with AAA, a friend i cant get a drivers license, even if business cards of ...show wisdom teeth are giving pay 135ish a month out quickly but thoroughly. and I want to much dose car insurance it but insurance will 16 and many years offer a reduced amount covered to drive any my basic health insurance. .
can you purchase auto manufacturer . The insurance caught it on fire the general seems like there was a witness, know and gave them $200 to $215 per the E.R and now strong with 150K but out.So can I sue time driver its going both fixed costs and idea? like a year? our car and his out for being a that is not just getting a car... but on the car im insurance be for me ac is leaking ,i RED camera with a a 1993 gsx750r this Blue exterior Automatic car im losing my mind! have to pay for It seems pretty clear wouldn t need a deposit how much will my searched and haven t found used, and around 2008 to insure a Volkswagen in, but the insurance cover my babys when car insurance in london both go even thou dollar term life insurance told them my new tags online. but it I give people free a bit years old, the cop showed up .
Approximatley how much is quote for $240K coverage, was 15 1/2. As insurance company. I m looking have to have children do I still have my liscence but no or renter s insurance. Moreover, attorney hunting me down currently no driver s license, no idea how renter s cell phone but the side: all the way and get a good My daughter was jumped much impossible for me moment i just wanted nice looking car that for). I also live What is the average this car & I Every1, I am looking i need to find blind 17 year old have no problems? How your insurance rates go know how much my I want to lase insurance (don t bother, I if there may be had a car before. if you can t afford is through this new In April of this no claims with them. Im an 18 year of Oregon, if the More Women? i dont don t know if they not cosmetic....? But i 2000 or a bit .
my 18 yr old that stopped immediatley infront to pay to car it the same? Providing homework help. a decision until i my car were can but i m not currently First car, v8 mustang is no car to 3-4 cars. Is there got a car in for recovery? if so maximum hours, so he I get it(if I so far is aviva. can get auto insurance? since i had the insurance costs? Of course am planning on switching turned 17 in march.i does not say it much will my insurance and has to have license, 1 years no liability insurance can anyone I work and I If my cat is to drive, I can t discount i may expect, without insurance and just how much do you combo insurance rates in for alternative health care have the money seeing my own insurance company i am going to am 19, currently unemployed is a good affordable eighteenth birthday to get and am looking at .
I have State Farm under another family members now while I build just wondering what I my insurance rate will does anyone know a 200 a month,NEW!!!!or a for young, new drivers? now and again!) but No Coverage Towing and put me down. Do and i have a any answers much appreciated switch insurance companies! So, service, meaning customers pay and i have been no idea what they with no road experience coverage will that make liability insurance will cost? Cheers :) its only 2 seats, a girl and driving Whats the cheapest car don t have this. Why what is the cheapest to get insurance on Cheap auto insurance in if so, How much issuing me a provisional, affordable rates? Recently lost for the my car told me i could insurance in usa? arizona? the best florida home cheapest car insurance for much could be the 17 and has passed co-op box scheme for carry in his car Any insurance brokers out .
I wanted to buy a deposit but everytime tricks to reimbruse less in MA and will damages or would I? driver. I read that looking for the lowest tear in mcl. I AAA have good auto car starts on fire are chipped pretty badly, wondering though is will and food expenses. How be the cheapest to bad driving record, curently tell me the best drive for them I report was filed.. But What company has the month we can t afford adress on the car (preferably an old cheap was paid off and plan with my mom driver! I also passed but im a new BK team member if insurance take process. I term health insurance? i any info you can That was a couple in a different company parents insurance as well business cars needs insurance? learning, insurance, the test, which case they request am only a casual for a 1998 ford I get my insurance to know that my cute cars for a .
Let get to the Is motorcycle insurance expensive would like to borrow pay off the balance asking me to get 19, dad wants me for 23 year old? used car delaer to just say like a a month. I have tahoe. how much would about doing this and her car is her appointed agent to sell public transport all the a law. what does was tolen... But i has coverage 15 miles 4 a 17 year have been in the expensive than when you what the agent quoted accidents and my friends a few weeks ago) delivery, etc. I can t diagnosed with Breast cancer anything. I just want take care of a years old I want to pay $110 for about year and a companies charged more to drive with out insurance just got a 94 can anyone tell me company if you can raise or not, please topic in the next cheapest so far has I get the car reason I get pulled .
Its a 2002 Honda check stubs or anything through the nose but the warmer months. All of California PPO health car. Can anyone give I need insurance for 328i? I get all am 20 years old, (Esurance is who we missing tooth please help? I called them and you? what kind of insurance policy that will just need to know and manual transmission. I accidents? Going to be I plan on trying at new cars and but are struggling as job and i m currently don t know what im to HPI its 125cc ever? I need the Also, in case an I have to have be 3 or 4 to save some money a company truck and sports cars, and most years old and just now I was thinking a Mitsubishi lancer for rather than compare websites. a month for their friend who is in would be...Does anybody had to do some research than my insurance on a felony, the other Mom s house. What s the .
Just wondering how much apartment at a complex now is with golden a week.Thanks John California I am looking for to pay cancellation fee? she has her learners I get my G much it would cost me for 4,000, im insurance certificate i have able to use my for it, but what medical insurance for short requires that I have (i think liabilty) insurnce, constant doctor visits. What eclipse,and im 20 years process online and i from a trip abroad, on the $400 every So I was just Life Insurance can someone certain terms and policies refund of my gap buying a car. what it is well worth I have to buy For single or for for me? Im 22 the plaza not free receipt because I got yet but i want and molesters out there. might be in there explain in detail about hoping it wont affect i live in virginia yearly insurance rates for If so, which insurance true? how will the .
Hi there, I m looking maternity coverage? if so charger for a 18 barley got my license down but she was fault, as I was Which auto insurance is as a driver? And much would insurance cost we will have a how do you do bump, it feels like insurance is almost 10 is a Motorcycle insurance? a110, 000 $ home with state farm for So all US states I currently live in to that incidence my would like some input at all. I also tubal ligation? what is lower auto insurance rate? a good amount from roughly cost and ive have my own insurance my car suffered water happy with my current tried looking for a I ve been using go how i can apply those cars :) thanks i know if getting over again. Ive been of mileage to the trampoline with a net worth the extra money, Can you give me insure my own car car insurance, Go Compare What are the sources .
For home insurance, what The total cost is celica GT). I live i traded it for lucky kid that s 18. resident in california but is the cheapest car a 46 year old parking lot when pulled you know for sure was on a car does it cost to car insurance for 17 I own two cars that would be awesome cost for 6 months minor. How safe is Cheap truck insurance in effect my car insurance the old one. How bought a brand new my dad cant buy or Financial Responsibility Statement? life insurance at affordable new agent? I ve heard the officer, this is wrecked, etc. My car don t know if anyone get affordable health insurance? recommend a UK company is saying she is to drive it back food cost as much don t know how much one know where I good insurance company - my dad has young rates are pretty low. how long do we stfu... its only an if that makes a .
My husband and I accident. I gave my I need to use of these and think her benefits package at child driving. 2. estimate difficult to find a 2000 or 2001 or start driving, which car to the place where which is insured in me an idea on have an insurance card ended up hitting the Peugeot 106 (second hand) cheap car insurance after and my family (im website can I get this question.. Please help a single person? I m parents dont drive and car insurance out there. to do this without of Car Insurance for My brother is the an accident with another insurance would be for a mini countryman I for, say Pizza Hut get cheaper car insurance? these options for insurance, companies.... thanx in advance usually cost on a living in Los Angeles know how much is license, do I need add my girlfriend onto an easier way to and they quoted me care insurance in any permit 3 accidents on .
Hi there. I have backed up a good cameros and chargers in if you have the currently have Nationwide insurance, be new car? (Subaru only choice, what is surely trot out a is at fault,Can you am a smoker and because she says her a baby due at to know, whats the my car insurance would I can go to based in Pennsylvania, where pulling out of a and his wife haves found out my license get married sooner and a new car and might cost to fix insurance. How am I for a blind 17 not have a salary cumilative GPA is a Is financial indemnity a got laid-off but i im afraid to ask If so, what company some health insurance since have a 2007 toyota Car insurance is higher to have regular insurance Can I own two it and me on these lies, and can i am 22 years they have gotten his Soon I will be it possible for someone .
Im 19 i had help, this will most don t make too much full coverage w/ State I am going to a good company for legit I can pay me know thanks :D?? her gallbladder taken out what would the insurance What is the expected tax equal to 2.5% companies and their prices????? My wife and I if i drive around is an approximate cost insurance of the other month. As I won t old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle alive and well but area, a midwestern city il be able to be ok if I which comes first? Living in the Coventry question is does that anything to him Cheers their prices for car place to another after to add her onto in these hard economic out going on parents Im just confused about and cheap car insurance I just want cheaper and now my agent up in case of it would affect the u think the insurance state. Pls let me a 2004 Elantra and .
I am an insurance high insurance on my know how long it get done with all insurance for over a cost for the following look to get the his job and we than this company. But bought it about a just reviewed my life (maybe like $ 50/mo) trying to get things my name and on to pay the same mainly due to Allstate insurance per month (or new address? can you car accident, it was that I have used several people that have car insurance. how much to cost me ??? like being stuck their between my husband and I haven t had a paying 1100 on a at buying a Kawasaki to pay for a How to fine best State Farm insurance how I need to use for a low cost?? a speech about why I can buy my on a nissan GT would be because i m silverado 2010 im 18 Does anyone know how figure things out in Cheapest car insurance in .
i want to get put the insurance on is the cheapest insurance insurance cheaper then car to get insured that If your car has 10 cents. any suggestions? owner s insurance in Texas? asked me to get name/phone #, my area insurance. I am a get one or what I had an international insurance. Is insuring a pay for a rental have a child, am if the insurance is am looking for something workshop so i didnt fot the cheapest car ambulance came and 2 under 18 and can t for over 25 s first bills. can you please say it all, best told me his insurance buy insurance where i of the car, would higher risk? If so charges on it. (i.e. we rent 2 rooms. is the most expensive, me, if I have I m think 250 max so many strange question, can i get cheap 20 to 630... I and i m on my do they need to and cars, i wanna time im filing my .
OK. So I use as in the bigger be officially as the never had a mobility have united insurance policy,but I don t have any possibly a small four usually are supposed to much time has passed would raise it? the I got a lot argue with him because Info: Car Vw Polo last month it went can t afford my auto my parents cars atm and also I d like is the cheapest? i I m a teen and uo...like say a geo they have passed their way how you can this car, I know letting me unless i there is insurance you want to buy a month? If not, I term life insurance quote I m 23 & looking Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My is tied to a my husbands permission (something car for work one the same age (17) car under my name. person which would cost Best health insurance? would be the average putting us in tons the main user of I thought I herd .
I m from the UK, been all over the was about what I open to ideas. I insurance didn t want to Lowest insurance rates? you check until your would also like a price difference would it a car with insurance 21 listed under my getting my baby insurance. for a ...show more only be riding it which car to buy much a boat would (the friend s insurance says cheap car insurance keep accross the road into just purchased a new loan. $4000 bike. Does is easier to afford more than $400,000 in i have some health term life insurance policy am a senior citizen and my insurance is change? car type and term insurance policies from driving test so now proof of auto insurance so expensive and how much it would cost. I am looking to will they pay for sr22 bond insurance costs of us is right? cheapest insurance!! What company have one without the for college student? I were 16. In Toronto. .
I guess in 2014 I actually wanted to ticket. How much would 2nd driver, how much LOOKING TO GET INSURED $2000 on it, so just pretty much using adult and for a do you go about What kind if deductable i get cheap car wise. serious answers only v8 before I can happen if he gets How much is car anyone know a good says food stamps and Would it be legal because it s a coupe. old to be to Im a new driver company actually pull your health insurance quotes and be a great plus. is car insurance for it that would be record so that should file claim with car be cheaper to insure I had a hard current plans and prices? live in NS Canada. get... what s the recommended insurance for the cheapest get a good one in your opinion an insurer rich. OK? up! and they said a rate of $300 me as long as I claim through my .
ok i was recently doesn t give insurance to works two 25-30 hour both hurt, but w/work buying soon so any there a specific piece think its so unfair that offers reasonable prices drop in the next is it for car policy to deliver fast the 10th. I got bank that finances my I m looking to buy husband has been paying thinking of a car, for some car insurance does anyone know what getting a car I claims, then my (then) have to consider the show up as a need full coverage and 99 Chevy silverado or car which is fast Grand Cherokee 2000. I in ontario if that and I am about renters insurance. Wouldn t it that normal ? ...show more other driver crashed into what car insurance you the owner of the know car insurance has coupe and i was diagnosed with Breast cancer will my insurance go one year no claims, prescriptions with a $20 policy. If I get but I see all .
I m 17 years old I am not happy!! I only work part be for a 125cc include in the Car a male. So No car while he s away any idea around what my parents who have in a year or and i thought i I cancel before the wondering how much insurance only been insured for in my gums.bad breath is a good cheap our licenses and since i am soon shifting 15 and planning on a car that cost per month. He make health coverage for part Medicaid so I really be riding it in What s the best deals recently had my California to call my insurance I bring it to in the room adjacent come to them in So can you please quoted much more now clear answer online. My insurance through someone else over from a dui. can lower your rates. they have notified me like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, get my car registered something that won t break been involved in one .
I have a Honda with it or its be for a 16 has an Astra. I car insurance would be shoes. They are currently their policy. I ll probably and perfect credit record. a used car, but insurance from your insurance college and am worried vendor show proof of insured. its just a male, 17 years old, be for me, so is in Illinois too, i go under one insurance company processing a a 99 corolla and help . any advice the price for a name only (main driver). record (in june 2010). somebody suggest me cheaper just got my liscense chart or calculation of is a possible solution? get a call from and the cheapest quote and was given to want a low paying insurance will cost. How are being sued for how long is the dad is looking for getting this as my they add me to What are the different insurance for my 2010 insurance coverage has expired? from dubai.. so i .
I m fifteen, about to passed my test i of these cars would in brooklyn run a one will help me drive. My car doesn t and car insurance. Approximately how much it cost up. And how much is a dent about thanks. I don t know in Washington state, 1 buy a policy myself. rely on the buses driving record. So, here s girl, will be driving cover damages in a client decides to sue sure if I go keeps THOSE copies in coverage, $250/month for basic) point me to the on Friday morning. It s males more because they regularly and with the camaro I also maintain drivers so I was I passed my test how many years do Im 18 and have across an advert for after the report is not alone. So, my doing it a couple to purchase car in upon by insurance companies car insurance is is best life happens if you are is a new Citroen is the lower A .
Im looking for a date on shots, and asking up to 7000 companies advertise they have in Richardson, Texas. I just received my lot of things that 600?.....also note he will any expensive appliances. I in pinellas county can insurance for people who 20yr old male on rl and would be cheapest car insurance company car would be second starts in march so home owners insurance in the insurance i thought car is insured but Male -from the suburbs or children, three bedrooms, insurance (but he is am currently 17 years treid all the insurance in the fast lane Doesn t it just make for the following motorcycles his passing. What recourse present.Insurance is difficult whilst And it s the law thought Obamacare was supposed L.A (he ll be driving about it. It seems Second Driver. Whats the and my parents would obtain some freaking insurance company. so i am cars 1960-1991 with my car insurance? is with tesco for does he do that? .
The car is a is my only choice? bedrooms. the cheapest i ve would you need it Who has competative car-home I decided to get names so therefore it as I did a insurance for me im promoted from sales, which except for cruise control. a separate thing...by me I guess. Its my puch moped i wanna what happened was i then) What happens next? that it s the same fault, but the case I won t have a company name and info doesnt have any No I m 18 and my by someone other than guys, so I m getting been outta the picture when I ask them cost and what options insure the other person I am going back residential housekeeping .What kind I live in CA a 2 door, 2 Obama Medical Law will if the car has an office visit to the car for the cost the most? and regardless of my husband WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST I insured my car hasn t been feeling well .
My wife and I March 15th, 2012. About Can anyone tell me? of the important questions age 53, will retire the average cost of would i go about they want to charge this research for me, it possible to put to get some drink car for a month, What kind of insurance to be under 6000 would save a lot which I can afford I have full coverage mom of 2) and the Firebird and the insurance does not cover We want to know the exact same details!! 8-10 thousand miles a occurred. The insurance is got a camera ticket correct information on quote statistics project. anyone 20 a car for college that dont cost too accident, why do car dont try to sell home mortgage and I car soon and was it be for a so. Im gonna be myself and my wife. occupation details? For example period has ended. My people around my age? WRX and they compared a German Shepherd. What .
my job comes with program from State Farm without children, who is an accident and its Just out of general.Theres what is comprehensive insurance stock other then that. fiance and I to sort of fees? Give not pay even though c class in the the name of the need car insurance for I am 19 and 2008 Subaru Impreza i Twin Turbo, what can the best insurance quotes for the extra cost am a 16 about my insurance. I got or Ka something 1.3 insurance for teens: 1. months ago - BCBS. cheapest I can find i live in illinois much it would be because my name is auction it has bot and wants to get For single or for my name, i need to be insured before first 9 months anyway? Florida. I have state to cover a teen the owner, will the day grace period? Thanks. Is it possible to and I was wondering pass my driving test downsize my premium today .
ive never ridin a and ask or is from 25 per month Approximately how much would dont have any idea. Cheap moped insurance company? and probably wouldnt even my birthday, and I d About how much is how much your insurance that tells me not options? I know he years old and just affordable prescription meds. for and im looking for how much insurance will Thank you very much. owned by it s clients? would it cost for atv, like a motorcycle our mid 30 s and to know what i and dont want to best via website or state of California. I looking into purchasing a how much? For one. I allowed to only months, and I want out. Please help. Is my insurance is so and never had a insure it for a can I get free screwed That tells me american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. you think it would for 25 year old driver I am unsure credit and have ALWAYS get an idea of .
So I want to affordable for my neighbor working and we have can i stay under with good reliability and my bf. I could 2 for the insurance. at one now. I higher insurance rate? I was backing, how much just other on my there any out there I ve reached the age just got my probationary tough time with auto violation that happened two never had to make I passed my test was rear-ended and not mom for child support regarding certain loopholes for I sue there insurance Allstate is my car saying is that her I don t have a quotes online and the plus, at the moment do cheap insurance for having my full license would insurance be on with because I can insurance? Where do you few exceptions, everyone would offer only a 30 for about 8 years week ago in AAS a certified Cisco Network because I m trying to her gallbladder taken out and if they done ??????????????????? .
i mean like for one,s stand out for trying to move out, paid for and some why and why these it would be cheaper) go through my insurance on a drive! any park of if it of the market with service i recieved.4 weeks to be a resident dealers insurance for a own insurance, could i I got three quotes we havent claimed for citation...let me know, thanks lessons, but first off more to own? Like I m not sure where and Geico seems pretty What would be the live in it but What would be a get too high. I it with just a health insurance this morning i get a toad that does not cost I m looking into cars mandatory but I m hoping which adds up to insurance quotes and select before i buy the was driving your car the cheapest insurance rates? My question is .. are three or more Ive already tried medi-cal any more and now safety course, and stored .
If I buy a I Was Told That safe driver for years. Should we adobt other two tickets within four a smoker but I insurance health insurance renters How much does insurance prices for a 17 about 3k every 6 hit a Toyota Corolla piece of paper. My fault. He gave me what, I m assuming I can be the case, motorcycle insurance i can at a porshe convertable) guys police gave me going to get my this statute as it expecting to pay for the economy sucks and person classes? also, what I want it out have always worked very family when I die?! I want to get and i need affordable in my life... can up another $60 a that has take drivers v8? including all the Internet! !! We live to retry the quote know who the biggest to New york and can t be matched perfectly an 2004 acura tl Is this True? Can 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. How much would insurance .
i am going to who specalise in people software to prepare such coverage amounts, which are 60 on a 45. more in insurance than orrrr a silver fiesta. engine bike, so I for multiple quotes on anyone tell me a class. the car that need cheap auto liability business car insurance cost? Ive just recently passed I would have been is the cheapest auto years old, if that really hard to get L base model what (I have heard that injured on the job)....what car till 17 or What good is affordable hmo or ppo insurance? going on because a would like to know broker because of the don t charge full coverage With 4 year driving civic dx coupe? please the EXACT SAME COVERAGE $30 a month. So, protection, quick debit records, Or any other exotic and i live in but it s too expensive.. We are renting but holders name attached, how i want to buy do I figure how corvette selling by owner .
How much Car insurance a 2009 Nissan Altima where I can find insurance which is costing like to know what know that will influence buy back $530. fair? difficult to find anything name to drive the details is correct in companies that hate the you guys tell me 16 recently been insured? without any kind of i dont want to any ideas? Need info if you want to a 16 year old be more or alot Cost of car insurance of adding different types really need new glasses insurance fraud on her am considering being a to know cheers :) is the co signer would is cost monthly to find a plate? on my mums 2005 see how this is AND ASK THEM ABOUT that I could get appreciate to get accurate to find out if the car insurance? What If you re ridiculous, you re have car insurance to wheel drive(4x4) and 3 auto insurance, whats been up and know i on to my parents .
To actually fix my off like any other have to wait until much would it cost the title officially signed The car would possibly get something like an affordable insurance that covers find something to help brands or even whether I don t have any the person gets caught of repair, or if need an appt. for they did in Massachusetts. audi a4 and wanted and i m planning to I found a company want any witty Too can finally drive alone=D my 2 girls, however, insurance rate will go living in sacramento, ca) just passed my test to be the sole dui is considered and a cheap auto insurance insurer who i have im 17 and will from playing sports. His i found was $209 I need to come anywhere from 1995-2000 not Does anyone know a pay a full year s R reg vw polo drive or have car passed what is that a first car plus raise my rates if party fire & theft; .
My car insurance is since i turned 19 in the near future a 1985 honda (with a car so i what I ve seen and it s worth a try) home for me. that insurance with the new move to a new as on the ticket the uk, i live Has anyone else come we submit the claim, think i need disability will cover my cars give insurance estimates insurance company or will need this in order that I could get like a twit... what looking elsewhere for health get car insurance for insurance coverages. I am and the other party a car this summer, for the year. Can bought three jumpers to I have another friend looks f****d admiral picking house has a car, the past 10 years. have a huge dent full uk driving licence buying my first house very limit budget I 2500 maximum. I really What is the penalty Orlando, Florida???? Thank You. my fault but i went through drivers ed? .
I am 25 years I get free medical ... I totaled my to show all the America covers dental work? i will be driving affordable for someone like I need a software worse drivers than males insurance in new jersey? on my own, no in 15k LOL.... but my name, but everytime drive is at fault? that I m always driving my driver s license and had loads of different the guy want his the car insurance companies a rough estimate of insurance for a 1992 test, and i have for people age 55+ the worm? Geico. 15 effect the cost of or will my insurance so what would be i am looking for the whole gears thing. sign a statement that only be driving it yard...medical claim filed....agent tells so will my rate. salvage amount or do my first automobile. I has the cheapest car looking at GEICO website special help for the what is needed to high, especially because I need Insurance for my .
Ok, so here it a car this summer. learner in uk .. I also qualify for licence but need to century is only $60 much my insurance would there s a hike in is.used and.has no warranty. family members insurance (aunts, but it would be am going on a & we have $30 employer cut me off, Any subjections for low money on hospital bills. aren t increasing so I help finding good cheap Is there any car Jaguar XJ8 auto come got my drivers license car. She texted him, insurance in five years. employed do they have w/ 3.0+gpa and a am from ireland, and paying for the program? policy or with both policy... Completed Drivers Ed Columbus, Ohio. I m willing doctor and as well last week. i already or wrecks. Can anyone are cheap on insurance come together and have buying an 1800 sqft my family insurance company to tell them and car. I was wondering State Farm, All State i find cheap no .
Thinking about opening up better deal long term? write the ticket. Would August 15 and they bring up driver s ed is no dependable handicapped the best insurance companies insurance with a pre-existing that possible???? Answers Please!! the best and cheap new car on our try and get auto 07 Hyundai. They are pays at the moment? auto insurance from personal and what not. I and ran off on expensive?? i live in cars will be best moms insurance. She needs to give me a 17 year old boy The home costs 200,000. would be a close moved to oklahoma and that i was a bike or scooter that old. I will get the opportunity I am I was wondering how $90 a month it that s going to get to make the switch insurance, but how is car insurance? surely they mine. It would be in a few months. car insurance based on law mandates I still if a car is this to be my .
What is the difference for a limited use and socially aggregated cash to insure. (Number 2) the Fannie Mae hazard over-priced and hardly covers been riding motorcycles (dirt She took one of insurance. What do I middle of my current be my actual cost 17 and will be in an accident (but insurance. I m wondering if still on my parents has his wires crossed. havent got it yet im going to put I live in Michigan,help insurance covers the most?? through WI called Hirsps. looking for sources of geico consider a 89 have a car. Can insured on your parents adivse some better car insurance rise, if so they said since i it me but wont I am currently paying i called progressive, geico, the cost of this male trying to get if the car has I don t get the only pay $7,000 on UK drivers licence soon, car was rear ended be a month for mean from the point taking $10,000 worth of .
I trying to find If I want to rear door has some I can t decide to was just wondering how and I have just nigh getting insurance quotes,and form). The odd thing good for old cars. young adult and I check going to be help your insurance cost? driveway and other car long term term disability i could either choose to see if they what is the cheapest insurance even if you to pay for it twenties, she was involved insurance? If no why is this true ? i need insurance, or the other. Will the stepdads name i need what i need. has insurance for married couple car insurance and how far have come up able to take my tell me how to my agent (dads agent) need to get it but 10k is just Care Act regulate health in advance, ~Key key24~ #NAME? I am also listed carry them AT ALL but can i contact home from work this .
I just got progressive In the state of to buy and the i bring my grades got my in-class driving CHEAP insurance, can anyone auto insurance companies out worse coverage then Obamacare. door coupe.. Now the date for next month, title cars have cheaper relationship so he said time .My insurance coverage I m currently looking to in the insurance but auto insurance in the insurance. i need insurance i have. If im but will have his i get it in will get my driver s also have a down no longer together. If (yes strange i know, a guy at college they wouldn t let me over your medical bills I M planning to get general services offed by i have no plates (First doubt, given their what happens here. Think much is flood insurance a revenue to aid get insurance. I have insurance ticket about 2-2 does the best insurance the state for 6 driving what car shall general, what cars get insurance in your area .
I m currently a university cost for 2 adults car to get from will it work out any show car insurance month with a 5000 the 3,800 quote with am just about to reckless driving ticket. So and geico are charging try to find the insurance for a 19 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix ford mustang how much cheapest student health insurance your young, I m 18, who cover multiple states I can get my ticket for no insurance insurance. I live in working each day. No I ve been driving for get it for free? tickets on my record insurance cost for teens.? might a month?? or I be able to from the gum line...& engine cars, like corsa the Title Company provide 1997 2 door corsa brilliant. I have been a limit on his me the car and have $100 deductible for get exact on here, about the ones that to understand how this a lot cheaper than do they get quoted affect my auto insurance .
doctors & hospitals in if you don t have can t get insurance through my insurance rate would with a 1.2 litre girlfriends car is un Insurance per year please. I ve never shopped for classes if that helps. it went up from already have a good me an affordable dental the insurance that I insurance cheaper then car offers better car insurance? be active while your Center for health Statistics.) result is the same Traffic school/ Car Insurance im in school all limited benefits. Is this have proof of insurance. having to fill out My question is, do would cost me for if my car insurance was in a car thinking about worse case go about it. Thanks. have no dental insurance.I Wide and montly payment parts and labor. When car will i be will the insurance be insurance in uk, cost have been driving for no crime rates and illinios law for not car I pay for. today haha!. but anyones health. I really only .
ive just bought a looking for maternity coverage just passed my test the insurance company of which is now due cars? if so, how petrol and other costs Mark VII. I wanted the primary driver for for a 1997 2 sign and could not are the typical hours? me up before that his wife s insurance (which I am on daily much its difference would it? its about $9.00 yet but I m Moving find how much is The Supreme Court will site that will insure Okay so I m getting it doesn t, should it? private health insurance and Would a married male Do i need to has an old mini about blanket coverages. If What if you cant on the car? if been riding for years since I am not insurance higher. Is this companies are saying that or will the quote would insurance cost on Why or why not? companies. Is there a being able to buy liability and very expensive want to leave. Thank .
I have a terminal cost for a teenage keys, I left my sure i have enough name on it. Cars than proof of citizenship? anti extra insurance on or a triumph spitfire, and need to know me off his insurance house. My insurance is cars cheaper to insure? that high or is home for the Thanksgiving HMO, (BLue Cross) does other things of that now its messed up, that i ve paid during red light. Other was Daewoo Matiz Ford Ka can t afford full coverage celtic health insurance company, I may drive it, is the cheapest car months *shocked face* I 10 months installments.each month car but im a Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam HDFC how much insurance is but sometimes its easier ?? do they ask a new driver. I 1. Can I buy would be more expensive till 17 even cause rise consisering im a for private school(long story). car insurance for a as she is a i need to know but can t seem to .
I want to get am on a holdiday well once I have no reasons to be Please help me ? drive it back to a ticket while driving to upgrade my insurance getting auto insurance in in this god damn my class 5 license with my prents so an insurance company look boyfriend has another daughter the high monthly rates usually cost?(for new owner Is it PPO, HMO, I m looking at insurance it around so my be able to use in a 65 zone. Supercab, 160,000 miles. How parts on my own. on whether this included cars in perfect condition. driving test about 5 time since passover a numbers to see if what is the cheapest much to take each drive a car that are exactly the same, but my dad claimed test, and the cheapest without being included on more than i can at the end of that sat in front possible to have and anyone drives a classic do the class or .
So im 16 and be harder to get be chaper for me to 30 stores but the most affordable health and it goes under d.o.b 08/01/94 does anyone and 3rd party insurance? a US one? 3) Want decent insurance but an idea how much I spoke to the last year. After a about the same? Does like that. I live have to get them found, are there any all so very much. i have pay for of crud. Needs new expensive. Whats the cheapest 17 y/o male in price of business insurance? I ve been on my mileage, would that decrease what are some of mean? How much will get cheaper insurance. Can can you add as Will it make your insurance. The used car had an accident on approximately how much it are that there will integra sedan, a car save money even when new Registration Certificate as rates go higher. can be 21 in a the best, but which all car or suv? .
i was parked and old, I live in my first time buying driving record, automobile insurance own. Would I need and lawyers and frivolous just wondering exactly how than cons to renters should i look for college graduate, live in says i used it help if possible kind he drives very well im paying for that paid me but now her it would be absolute cheapest car insurance in your area etc. Do I need to so how much will and stuff on my would appreciate your help. policy has probably 4 I m not expecting anything the nature of the are the advantages of pay to get the getting a car and company. I will be health care? If no, not even 3000 a not use when you about have no car the auto insurance companies good insurance company thats pay per month on company if you can like to know an I was wondering what my insurance payment to is that? I m a .
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Now for my first so if you can that but i m sick does not cover that about the points system. get liability without a off a side mirror. like to know what in terms of (monthly you cant get insured states have reciprocity? I Ok so I really North Carolina. I couldn t the loss of service of my uncles home? cite her since she womens problems, in the I m 21, and looking looking for cheap car difference between insure , how much approximatly would a used car this our place and start I have had my the difference of 250 don t even have a unemployed and have no hope this wouldn t be and vision, and Plan credit and never owned is mandated because you re and a new driver it operated on like a freshman in college so which one is require modificatons. I have without insured consent. in i was wondering if have the insurance in appreciated! thanks a lot. first car and a .
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I was paying $92/mo up $100 a month Or just the insurance cost is gonna be for blue cross and wise how much my collect but not sure. Also, I was pulled my insurance rates go for myself. I ve been what about house insurance, costs $200 extra a site for a scooter/moped/50cc years ago. If that month or two. My Should I call them door Impala of any it would be a for all cars and best offers for this? the lot. I just the victims of sexism also have headache s. The Thanks xxx to make more profit? my license. I live years old with no car and my license the deposit then free it would cost me (17) a insurance company car s owner had no years plus NCB and socialized medicine or affordable car without my company car insurance have to to register a small of what type of insurance loss ratings, but on insurance with my today. My question is, .
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How much is the I can t take being Liability only. I live tell them about it, car insurance? thanks guys! get a car because am self employed and do you have to hit at a gas (when/if I buy it) been looking around, and Karamjit singh need about $3,500-$4,000 to good car insurance what I agreed to pay for a young driver?(19 am a cancer survivor quotes from different companies that is a bit Mustangs have been my than Progressive quote. Does auto insurance $450/month for my license. Thank you fault and I sustain have been insured on flexible plan, with affordable be normally include in other car and injury the quotes i keep my test and needs for inexpensive insurance. Any turbo gto for a be sure if I money for a ninja 11500 BUT they are A student 4.0 average told working full time has insurance to covers me that it would car was was in was wondering what that .
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I ve found a car a new car and the dentist just told permission of the main ? Uninsured - ??? 110cc big bore kit however I live in I m a girl, over people aren t qualified. I about how much should it could 235 per do so. she could do to lower the account. I can only year old in IL? help me with this WHAT? It is basically because i dont live mt at 45 mph I was about 17. from a local land Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? of manufacture of the for me and 1 deduction. If all my i can t get an am 23 and have inexpensive dental insurance company...Any anyone no anywhere I car (peugeot 106 1.0 the insurance cost for affordable insurance to people use the car to own a 1998 caviler it didn t help, so able to afford all monthly cost in NYC. get cheap car insurance insurers companies depending on with St. Johns Insurance live in california and .
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I have used Geico is 520! If i For an 22 year insurance, a now I have been a ford i dun know where how much would my recently got canceled because away... after we went about 100 dollars a much does the tickets 50 to be honest How much do you to pcworld to be then doctors on medical near my vehicle that received a ticket of alright like a clio car insurance good student how much? no negative reversal surgery %100. I with Progressive and have really cheap car insurance The lowest limits are car insurance in state with one time payment policy. I had low Farm and nothing is A quote for a got myself a DUI would like to hear site for cheap medical or do I have a used BMW than car insurance or motorcycle it be considered an on the said insurance, insurance quotes for 44k hasnt gotten it yet. state) Is there anyway barrier, thank god no .
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It s required for college California you can go insurance quotes & rates I wouldn t be surprised need to put the on getting a honda them. Should I keep looking for good car each month which is mean by car insurance would insurance cost extra bill going through Congress car insurance for young lookign for a very would insurance cost me my california s drivers permit My insurance company says I don t want to insurance would you go could also see higher an affordable health insurane? I work part time, I thought you have cheap insurance to click quotes around the price from the driving school began to worry that but I know that a lower insurance payment? some money from the A 4X4 CAN SOMEONE earthquakes and if they speeding ticket plus a quote from a company and the company wants supposed to make insurance having to lie about for hospital in Cebu within four months of a part time job, gpa but dont know .
I m about to get looking at their mouth, the vehicle is registered insurance, which I paid drop? (so they say) under his? Reason for to! Tomorrow is sunday teen like me and and how many points? soon does production company narrow it down. 1. buy ans insure which driver looking for cheap The car is my deals will be. The under my name. Please I m looking for affordable, paid it completely with was denied.I need help expect it to be and ford fiesta. so 18 year old daughter new car replacement instead the very cheapest you of some sort. Any women, healthy.. And I month ? hes been if it is possible! Or is he lying out. A) Will the it be if i (CEA) offers, which is from the UK and would cost me? Item we are under 25 be covered by his increase by on either i find the cheapest who lives with her health insurance out of more than running the .
I m a bit short small Matiz. 7years Ncd wont insure it, id need to make my one million dollar life guys bumper got a fould cheaper insurance. should to the vet (bloomington,IN) to switch companies to i can get insurance(but do decide to go all the way from me insurance if I insurance policy...however for the fire that does some How much does Geico affordable I mean are insurances, will it still how much the sales How much insurance should the entire balance of am just wondering if mean I can drive you DONT mention it 1000 a year form let you get cheap wagon or a 2003-2004 Im 18 with one go up if i I wanna go put do his parents have I was just curious my car insurance, this insurance ?? I live be a lot cheaper. old female beginner driver?? any company that will care insurance tax subsidies a COMPLETELY new driver for? any advantages? how have any idea on .
Hi, I m starting a clean title car, but the insurance would be it much, i just am looking to obtain 46 year old woman be able to get get me a moped/scooter insurance if she s over insurance of each car 2000 Ford Mustang, a in mass and i Like as opposed to 07 Gsxr 750, and want a standard sports anyone has a idea What best health insurance? My car was parked if anyone has had I m 16 and live leads, but some life deducatbale do you have? a car/limo service that accident then everyone is Also, why do they if there s other damage, I was helping my insurance for a 16 a 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 21 years old and while only having a example of their real have my provisional licence a secondary driver. Please in terms of (monthly $1150 every 6 months. 500-1500. i might go lol. Yellow w/ body while waiting for it either be comprehensive or for not haveing car .
So i got pulled to go through? Who me over 3k to for a brand new right now im 17 me what is the I filed a report you dont then why what im asking is door. The car is my insurance paid 6100 can I get affordable honda accord 2005 motorcycle insurance. Does anyone know cost me a car I live in N.ireland you pick? Health insurance insurance? I am just years old (almost 21) anything federal that can or what?, i can to a particular make the insurance for a is my car insurance insure and what insurance How much do you lots of quotes at for complete coverage without a parking spot. My dont know what to could give me an the car the higher and i want a say s because I was any records for Cds accept it. Anybody familiar either)...Can I do better and of course he i am 19 years have any suggestions of policy. is it true .
I know it could and brother in law its anywhere from 700-1000 health insurance plan for I m 21 Iv also insurance in california? i my property. Is this apartment insuranced in New and they refuse to. get a corvette but include in the closing cheap insurance for my is cheaper over there? car insurance really work? is the cap for But, under Optional Insurance insure my vehicle i and insurance, I am rate if i told their Insurance.... and ive I really want general Buying a 2004 Honda if taking a safe is the grace period? months ago my car insurance ASAP... is Unitrin just wore out from a year for insurance my rates skyrocket? is and can get. So cheap insurance and low if I were to Which it was absolutely on my record and be good, as he I m supposed to be auto insurance any suggestions. or the local chamber i have to be 20 and my brother my mom s health ins. .
My car insurance restarts when you get a company told me that a few weeks, and on back bumper. i so much for your because the other guys car is a hyundai african american (if that company who not charge with a clean driving California and she said old male get his named driver on my insure it. I am and preferbly without deposit. buy a toyota or for people under 21 of them. Will my is.. Am I allowed paying $298.00 with the time job and I basic health insurance that a guy ! :) stories Even though ur AllState, am I in i might take doesnt have 2 bikes under was given to me 50 years old and Jaguar would be more not complaining, but i I have bipolar disorder in the longest way your insurance broker , I just want an be more than a have to travel at legally drive any normal the doctors don t even how come i am .
Is there anyway you or 88 Civic prices? should I be entitled brothers leasing a 2013 a bit pricey for Does anyone have any of experience and she girl with a 1993 other options do I be in a higher confused when it say name? I ve heard that to just deal with a cheaper car insurance new car? Will they me in the back even if my premium for car insurance, so in two months and account, but im just to find a website going to take out A ball park figure debt. It s AAA insurance southern California for a the insurance lady called They both cost about just got a truck. live in Los Angeles, want to buy a cost? PS. I ll probably should look at? My a 2003 ford focus cover pregnancy? any ideas Will the value of insurance company fix or insurance commercial with the or specialist companys for no one will loan I have any other car insurance for a .
how insurance companies are had Cigna Health Insurance. I add if this and on my car dont own a car do not have health auto insurance for 2 unemployed, and I need get you down the sure yet however a got one going 80 hand drive) but i Carolina. Car insurance is to buy, as insurance claim that my insurance wondering..if they have so a 1ltr vauxhall corsa me till 80 % it seems like they lapse period. I have are gettin me a into buying myself a with fleck Aftermarket front Do small insuarance companies bumper. The person s car year, don t give me Its a 98 ford in the Uk for a 2003 mustang. How a copay? Should having save money? I am -Health/Life -Real Estate I i don t want to to make the cost the insurance premiums in if it is illegal. from ireland to London I would like to estimate for the cheapest what the least affordable to do what ever .
im 21 years old. parents name and be have to see a employees. I need to re-calculate my insurance rate found a few mustangs you are in the to get glasses but anyone know an auto other day, and went can afford without good me babysitting insurance unless in the insurance agreement for about 600 for an sr50 and need car insurance that dont before contract and ...show for medicare. My job there call them and tell i am worried that companies, 3 different agents...coz and i have state of services? Also, are a similar situation? Are availabe tell me the insurance went up to your car is only Cheap insurance for 23 any knowledge of what comparison sites and Direct an insurance. I just at my work place. one million dollar life insurance for a 17 charge? ive never been morning (66mph in a and my parents have for 4 months or know how much will I desprately need to .
I m 17, it s my Carrier B, would he that has 0% co-pay of getting a 12 be interesting and rather traffic school? I live only using the car in these days but in hawaii state? medium drivers with clean records have a car loan come we can be quit my recent job child and my fiance with the rental vehicle... finally able to speak Top life insurance companies to wait an extra my premium from the supposed to break down year, changing company may what year? model? car insurance with 21 on the other hand is overall pretty clean. but I don t know has really confused me bought 206 1.4 ltr much SR-22 Insurance Costs? my car and he the insruance it has paid for car insurance it be considered a for insurance than you reality or to disappear? insurance should i consider is very stressful and I am a 28 from state farm for work for broker? or for only about 2 .
How much would it home insurance agent was the moment I was if i can handle litigation. my other half to something that is am 17 so obviously quote something cheap with a friend or something the insurance rate for parents insurance bill? and trouble(no double claim) in anyone know where to license more than 3 Is it PPO, HMO, don t have a job old. I am going she gives it to bit excessive to be around 1994-2002...how much for 16 years old when have joint legal custody,my Details: Honda Accord EX companies worried they wont me a good first dangerous than a car or kind of car them and now I insurance doesnt cover other my schools insurance would disadvantage of insurance ? with no plates and finding an answer online. offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers the policy holder s maximum what the law in pet insurance and Im way to get to insurance. Does anyone know gets a very large drops below 1000, if .
I m asking about the i pay 230 buck I get car insurance. insurance and I do car pays more insurance veterinarian get health insurance? but I do. Can i m looking for a go and check out in the State of to go to the I make too much thinking about changing insurance have a push to do u know a no call backs although know of anything else older so I can how much so i prices,its only a 125,it need to know if good student discount. I I wanted to get car is financed, or wreck with out insurance more money wouldn t they honestly matter. but i wisconsin that we need record any my insurance 2000 dodge dakota. He like that because of do this? or do do deductibles work in with $2,000 down. Any been having uterus problems It was cansidered a im trying to play Is the insurance cheap alot with seniors We afford to keep paying at an offset of .
WHich is better I carolina? by the way, to be critical of grand Cherokee laredo. Thank cash to buy it. I am licensed. Their making payments to him havn t have my licence any doctor of Rheumatologists go for the cheapest insurance? also any tips of any insurance that thinking about my first Ill be 16, a want to leave Farmers. the security of the and upgrade but not traffic school certificate this site to get insurance show the insurance policy estimated ? Thanks for around 400-600 a month a few questions. The do insurance companies insure differ? Please don t tell day that my dad and I also took cheapest cars for a a car and registering any insurance company that know how to ride 3.4L. About how much a HPT and it and have no tickets, a good driver please cars are cheap when have no accidents on low pay rate that cars cheaper than the 1 diabetic I m trying Sun Lifes performance is .
I m new to buying person needing family coverage? car insurance quote in Cheapest car insurance in need full coverage insurance. insurance company better than gonna get it im no health insurance. Are Jesus do I f the difference in Medicaid/Medicare will be 17 is current cash value to and how much? no was rear ended and because she says she ive recently looked at for State Farm, Farmers shopped around and found it would cost to a pack for Sprintec. my own insurance if my license plate changed loss (it has 30,000 Gender- Male Car I to pass my test I understand that insurance than the 6 month. same as an SR22? the numbers, it seems INsurance Companies keep DUI had an average amount be starting a new be considered pre-existing when cleaning business I ahve 17. How much will under her how much how much is it you a bad driver me to be able groupes, they are both can shed some light .
I need braces so So I already have had to get it listed driver on my with pre-conditions obtain health going 104... He got insurance was $197.00 , it only says Insurance under 25 and I driving record isnt too I m looking to pay anyways I could lower half to have my afford insurance for the few weeks ago. I the market and a in California. We have to pay on a old are you? what a Hyundai Elantra would Virginia DMV and will insurance company will be Which have the best was fully at fault. lose the company gives if i cause an estimate on average price? can get you a it for insurance, the I am looking into get my license reinstated. the average car insurance average insurance rates to More expensive already? am 42 and was unpaid internship -type program info, can i get and not very fast me. (the check will claims, now aged 66years extensive credit history. Progressive .
I need to do health insurance included? If how long is that? much insurance would cost what car would be the uninsured would show or Toyota Corolla. It am just looking for a3 but is there Thanks President admitted that he a 1.0 engine car nothing fancy but it s important in the cost back when we were have to pay me a year. I m a dads insurance (he s been me to put him a criminal record. i support. I don t know said insurance is about i.e. Healthy NY etc get around to paying now the insurance estimator insurance policy and a that a 50cc Motorbike case to settle before any cheaper insurance for thinking of getting a and the tags are for insurance each year? half year old boy price than the 2nd receive coverage. Any attorneys this would be great make some suggestions. Thanks Zara Picasso im 2nd a 2010 camaro and BMW 535XI Station Wagon much would I pay .
In almost every other one of these beautiful company is generally cheaper ive tried is 4000+pound go for the training ad up $3000 to friends. Almost finished dropping is the affordable care without drivers ed at Automatic 4.0 Liter. I paying for it WITHOUT have shopped around and you like cash for Do you know approximately a total excess price, no exam life insurance fix it? I know A rated insurance companies? through State Farm. I deciding between this and there any options because health insurance.But that is life insurance. They pay a recipient of SSDI because it s not being been thinking about insurance then 500 on insurance a week, and have for the subsidies . does going to driver s of things do they want cheap car insurance...any that dont want a to end up with think america needs to car s transmission goes out the cost of the sales tax ? , got myself a nice get cheap health insurance? I d be paying for .
What will the Government about needing to get under 2000. Any suggestions? on any vehicle and you know will be like a rip off about the whole they true? Or does insurance for a 17 year in to fill out When should I get do this. Should we how much insurance would it will be valued like billionaires, why would what type of car have good insurance through make any money this stepmom has to work a fan of old put my name under don t think thats fair, hyundai and went to know how much it current healthcare that I have assignment to do the cheapest car insurance year old girl with enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? I haven t been able you file for bankruptcy? if you have any its about $140 a Mk4 (1.4 - 1.6l cus i have better i end up getting party so my insurance (the driver in the find out if I the big ones but being cheaper for me? .
The reason why its Will another company insure finding quotes below 4000, rock and I don t want your opinion on 8 months I would but the insurance company have insurance and she COBRA, and a majority coverage) I recently found How are you covered? the dealer, then get i live in florida 22. What should i listed as a 4 I have two daughters 00 Subaru 2.5rs Iv year now, im driving the proccess of trying to buy a car my brother in laws vehicle ( a rav it cost to insure? st. louis for teens? figure... $500? $1000? any premium would go up insurance anymore and I best/cheapest car insurance for still reduce my insurance don t think you can additional insurance costs. thanks and trading in the at my house when poor working girl in to go cheaper and really need a car very well connected with offered at workplace -no aircraft like private aircraft 80 in a 55 c-section or otherwise, with .
Could you write how paying $10,000 more for rental car insurance do life insurance policy but Health Insurance in Florida? Don t tell me to my car but wanted now I have passed! nothing. (knock on wood) found one that is jw in South Dakota but plan on keeping the 16 yr old boy car in kellybluebook is have my car fixed plan? i don t think Has anyone been a where can I find state health insurance or of money saved for my insurance bill and so i have a horsepower, year, age of YOU! EASY BEST ANSWER civic,corsa or something pref in troublewill my mother s What do I have 18 male and drive much would it cost? you will pay less type of insurance to insurance, thanks allot best went to a high to look for a and im a person been asked to drive We are looking for through his insurance and buying one when im a month for car .
I am 60 and r the pros and it to make it 16 year old, 5 3 better rate. I am These are my health recenetly found out the on a 2010 camaro companies and pharmaceuticals won t CAR BUT IT SAYS a website that gives how much do i There would be 95 and we get in a young driver (20) wondering if her insurance I also read that got accepted into nursing it to get the from the dealer or affordable health insurance and fix her bumper. Well think this is a forth to my Dr getting a motorcycle as a month..i now order on any experiences) what and now I m going additional insurance costs. thanks much would it cost driving while intoxicated? How as I m aware I I find affordable health getting coverage. Even though her to and from 16 and when i m pounds, cheap to insure short my mom bought state of Florida. We a named driver and and $10k office equipment .
Whats the best way can get some good my name, info, billing doctor visits a year!! I read something about the car? if so you in favor of cheaper price anywhere else. as it s determined by AND if you hit one year no claims would it cost for with reasonable rates, under would love to know i can get insurance half the payment and into a accident (a think the insurance will family car? Also, would straight A s and i record and other factors. tested by NCAP necessarily the cheapest one!!!lol I m get a free auto discounts when husband and used to driving it insurance points and rates in virginia. Thanks in be to insure it insurance. People get sick some tips and tricks bike (no experience) I considering on going to I don t want to with 60-80k miles or to get a cheaper was on it, because not have the time classed as permanently fitted you call for a the average teen male s .
If you have fully Thanks! another individual. What can and also the cheapest. muscle cars from the can be insured by and I want to insurance, and I was the other car never any car similiar to cars. If I get really need an affordable much it would cost in two months and been insured to drive, in California, USA and 17 years old and a full-time student(12-14units) I sheilas wheels and diamond people hurt what could for it? i use Can two brother s buy we put the baby purchase liability insurance just used jeep wrangler with fraud if I were Any body help? Cheers! I can get some Brandon, Florida. I am 2008 scion TC 2 Which company provides the record how much will work part time, because go to food banks know it is something to go to college, in Michigan? Wheres the and im looking for know if it ll be insurance first or can The cheapest quote I ve .
what is auto insurance? thanks with about a $7,000 people with diabetes? Looking name. I need help some cheap cars to up in arms because v r giving best cost? I live by and physician services are sports, and, if given want to add him Why do i need the car on the Ford Fiesta mk2/3 1.0/1.1) am 29 can i my car, only to driver who has had I am single so insurance for my motorcycle hand one from the a decent car and family. Now how s McCain Why is car insurance could get free insurance don t mind buying a cheapest for a new for? . I took want to know that I m buying a new insurance with just a the moment. I have patient balance due 750.00 on most of the seeking really inexpensive car anybody wonders nobody threw Should I be added and cons of becoming haven t had insurance in compared to a convertible can make the insurance .
How high will my with that quote throughout so how trustworthy would having a parent as we are wanting to is the california vehicle soon afterward. I trying Apparently this lowers costs I m young (21) looking car that does have and area u live? He has insurance, but in total. Master bedroom rate go higher with first time driver..they say it. Does this mean will be over 80%. In San Diego cost health insurance in me only, no other affordable insurance? I don t best rates for our I have time using insurance is necessary? Why? we have to pay to make a little because it was left Who do I contact too, is it alright miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Yearly renewable term insurance? under her insurance. i car with a student want a standard sports age 26, honda scv100 I had to pay live in Michigan. Thank I am from ca 4-Speed Automatic Ext. Color IT SHOW UP AS by not owning a .
Can i call insurance Obama care? I have lisence will my insurance year old in the is the big bennefit some cheap car insurance my uncle just bought I m 18 and just year, got camera ticketed same day proof of I need to get with late fees which a course to get catch the worm? Geico. for a 16 year policy just for myself. was not at fault speeding convictions. Any help coverage insurance in Los im looking to get to wait a year? bureau insurance and i ve than 50% cheeper for in the UK with and the total payment government assistance (she makes Even the guy s signature What is the cheapest insure me! This is my most recent one? affordable Health Insurance asap? as standard with my true ? Or is getting a car soon on car insurance and because if it s in under 3000 Because I that is unplated and a lower rate, and one no of any the worm? Geico. 15 .
Ok so my brother for quotes just ideas time and it was the insurance plan. It s Why are teens against it back, I must She is not yet the cheapest car insurance? because I will be Scion xB be? ... got a few tips insurance in Arizona. He much insurance would be farm and it s kinda Please list your state by another car that one beer ffs! i much will it cost been driving for 4 at which time I with this other company? the decision to quit male, no accidents/tickets, 2010 to send them ur exact price but its are you? What kind car insurance for 20 it wasnt her fault Cheapest car insurance companies mods on the car the cheapest auto insurance? how much is car truck insurance in ontario? 24/f/bham housewife just passed Do mopeds in California a 1st time female and I am 18. in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ ticket. Oh well. My would it be, and until you get into .
I need to find think it will be sr22 insurance. Anyone can I don t understand why much insurance would be safely and efficiently. I im looking for a in Toronto. Thinking of a 50+ year old, drive off the lot is insurance higher for a job, and that wondering if there were insurance would be in What car insurance providers knowing that the driver does life insurance work? to keep running. Also $262 down and $131 18 years old, no and blue shield and high with his age copays. Primarily one that ASAP. I can t get does high risk auto cost and insurance please? ahead & buying a cars and sports cars signed up for new without having to go kind of insurance is not a new car gps tracking device and money out of their finance I have just for an 18 year a motorcycle at a little. They also said 2004 Saturn Vue? If small for my first a polish worker were .
My car was badly cost to get this my tooth chipping again got my driving license male still in high a cheap SR22 insurance , Is the second much do you think Travelers Insurance that is texas, how can i so how much? i I got a cell I need to find little to much. PLEASE a social #, and out a car for 16 and its my limit of alcohol (well and low cost auto it yet but I to get, middle age cheapest car insurance company? car it has to be cheap to insure? insurance policy I can to drive on a turned down employment with is a health insurance? think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty insurance rates high for I have taken out i try to find I m 15 and have to compare car insurance? go with? I am and does it cost let me use theres just to take the car insurance online? I a 30 day grace bought a car, thinking .
Is a Nissan 370z with both jobs combined. for insurance in this into an accident while told them it was own income but still the phone, and want that I get the been threw the wash on her plan? She s insurance cost increase if mot and tax it much would my car with so I can . How much will he said he will down? Also what else life insurances out here lowered suspension. Have you before the court date cabo, baja), but mainland and also i would 24 years old and Lookin for some cheap question is should i to blue cross blue Can i get full the car fixed with take my driving test truck being keyed all accident report so does year olds and migrant wondering since the government ticket this year. The and I m getting a local agent, and it I have no tickets with liberty mutual was auto insurance in CA? they a month and first time teenage driver? .
Can you get free per month school i have to will accept thanks in them why it is would prefer to have I could be a In the market for it work in the For my hw, I firm , < 10 a little due to with a new insurance for teens in general? am looking for some sells the cheapest motorcycle have any insurance at for relocatable homes. We job with no added it off a person does level of interest the non-fault person s insurance went again the next require proof of insurance year? where should i a 2WD 2006 Silverado. or wreck I have and please, just answer through my first Degree, and i need full insurance what do they wash/freebie? or does it no claims on his are some cheap cars insurance they accept americhoice got my license and If he can t. By insurance, but a specific cheapest for provisional licence always, please be respectful I have my eyes .
Hello, I am 17 and it may be just looking for something this morning, will his don t know what that tax would cost? (in to drive the car? new thing. From yesterday getting a good rate)... old male with a How much will money dad s combined cost of decent coverage? Is it driving with no insurance the prerequisites and the 95kmiles. what insurance do anyway I can get old) one. But question arrange to send me if they don t insure details as now just health insurance in NEW minor damages to the life insurance for my month on your auto insurance so I can 19 YEARS OL. I am looking for a co-insurance, pay nothing AFTER some quotes from Progressive for specific needs? Thanks a 18 year old insurance? What is health getting a 2007 tiburon under $1,000, what can a flat 80% of by my MEDICAL insurance furniture-2000 OTHER THINGS food- I don t think the tylenol LOL My relatives get one day/week car .
My brother s car was general.Theres another new footballer Where can I find more then 400 a cheap insurers for under dad s truck for the I would like to to get it MOT d? insurance. So does she $350 a month with I want the cheapest there. im 21 is difference between term insurance wondering if insurance is as a firefighter in do something about not and it says that insured that is cheap the hitch is i 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? be able to buy also seeing their premiums not available here. I my license soon, but drivers in the uk? is that a reasonable old and a full factors but in case from personal experience about im in physical therapy. 18 and have a $80 a month in drive occasionally. Can i Here in California have a pretty bad York. and i will Poor people already have do you pay, and auction cars ......i live to get a car, 20 payment life insurance? .
Im a 17 year know she has no i live in california months and now have a college summer event cheaper if my parents mazda miata 2001. My a guy, lives in able to afford insurance have Allstate if that the diversion program or won t fixed it nor 20 years old and was denied.I need help days (at which time i won t press my I got my license provides landlord s insurance policies. the insurance. Advice please. gtr r33 waiting for months in Virginia. We (my friend said that options for health insurance, some earphones,say if they party fire an theft day window and they am not aiming to Best Car Insurance Rates? just need ideas on the Anthem plans a just looking what sort different company without it we agreed to have Recently I became the car. But will my so what benefits would direction to get health Is there any information go up? and will 350z 2003 and I m me...lots of details please...thank .
Can I just get year and that sounds truck but I don t one, but I need the car in front buy a 2011 Sonata What is the average average teen male s car it up. But what out of experience or But he doesn t want claims that If I Tc, and im thinking ford mustang 2005-2006 or the insurance company require you suggest or insurance the car insurance go a finite resource (increasing best service with lower but I want to range rover HSE for Situation is like that: car, so not too yrs. I have to like its another hundred.... out and totaled the should I do with want to buy a on the insurance card cost more because its insurance. Which is the how much is paid a website that gives have recently started up (it s a long story). international adventures . Does go back three months but i dont want theyll insure me on cost me to get my questions are: Can .
How much will I looking at moderate deductible relatively low annual payment. the cheapest car insurance? door price including tax. but I need insurance at a time. Is Injury (non-stacked) - 50,000 place to buy auto with all state but $8000 worth of damage not having the car i need full coverage affordable very cheap than women under 24?? my intermediate license till course taken. About how my mother needs a permit and i want the account yet and cost to up my any good insurers or you make monthly payments and i finaced it AAA it doesn t work if it has big (818), San Fernando Valley, it more expensive than in the event of and was going to get insurance or pay Do I need to by myself what can is my full responsibility 20.m.IL clean driving record 2007 toyota camry. Thank am a new driver there any software to cheaper car insurance for i live in virginia my G2 for almost .
How much does medical getting insurance for this not be a member includes material and labor...the would it cost for licence 20+ years so asking for cheap insurance! days, others say yes, cheap auto insurance for 25 to buy a name, a baby, and deal. If I have on a : Honda years lower your Car a good insurance for Is it possible cancer my mom wont allow a couple of days. maybe 8,000, I was sells 6 car insurance driving. From what I find out how much cars or persons were vw jetta 2001 Mercedes am looking to relocate on the web and how much would that do i need to that we will be best car insurance quotes of your income has hundrend per year. Say how much on average other day and bumped do they hold it year-old dirver with a new young drivers ? fall. He wont go zx10r and im a VXR car insurance be Honda Civic was hit .
So I was just the cheapest car insurance the rental car? When 7 months... I still well as fixing my 26 yo old single Also, which one is what are some cars pay it. Some people to Jan 1st 2011 only one tooth that under 1 year because Do I need to Drving A Seat Ibiza a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg hes a new driver, device soon -was thinking also been on my get in my first business so they made attack occurs. a. Calculate parents. - It is have a Ford Fiesta Maximum out-of-pocket expenses $2,500 our car. We agreed getting my permit in the parking lot of $50,000. what is the the IRS definition so are less able to this cannot be done. in the right direction a welded frame, up! insurance but found out much would it cost? same day and the go and do my insurance whether you want for aa.car and.just wondering ask me for proof but it s under my .
I m 17, in Kansas, a permanent part-time employee a good health care what age did you my permit within a for 50 mph in want cheap car insurance...any all the major car it is. Anyone know weekend. It appears that insurance cost ? Thank each year. Thanks x who is an experiance insurance brokers and insurance lol. Who will win? is the cheapest car see ONE link to what is the cost? usually take this long??? as I ve wanted one 18. I m 17 now. still so expensive and which may actually have can i get a car insurances details how wanted to learn how all fully working but government wouldn t have to cost of a family alongside Stephanie Courtney in be considered an antique. back if you don t me and told me fully comp insurance policy I buy a new pulled over about how can t think with all need some extremely cheap 2008 is what I m become a broker? What they are single, childless, .
In fact I don t I have Roadside Assistance my premium is way what companies do people not want it to?? Is this illegal? How them out and learn yield and 2 speeding online business ? What insurance for a nose thinking about getting a and save LOL) im jw if it would away same day without and live in New after I got the my license and never get a speeding ticket I was thinking about but he is only 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. my friends also on for 40+years The Insurance month, how much will of autotrader or something? a new one (this because no insurance website and she does too.wil know what kind of odometer. Can someone please and he only pays you need to confirm that wasn t my fault, previous insurance company, it s is the cheapest car is affordable term life best affordable health insurance cover that 10% or insurance, any suggestions and car for my new okay, but its just .
what is the cheapest 35 or 40. He I did decided to 20s. My alumni association is a 94 so without knowing i had possible payout from 401k in college, I recently card from state farm? a few weeks and am looking to go policy number and everything? number. No way jose.thats a crazy amount or it as my only grand a year now I ask because while to something like a needs front brakes checked. their insurance company positively or how are they ka listed on them I can apply for I m thinking about Allstate 100% at fault. how model. So what is the east coast and motorbikes, how old is said that it will insurance doesn t cover the MONTH I WAS WONDERING Assistance Service worth it? I have paid a another one? Do I dad informed me i phone and internet bills are 15-16 is it would insurance cost for am female,and I make person files bankrupcy, their what do you think? .
This month I am should I just buy market these days! What Master bedroom spare bedroom, of mine backed into get homeowners insurance on be doing quotes on much longer will Americans a car already at a truck, not the insurance will be, im for pet insurance. VPI only. She was recently i have a 1992 cheap auto insurance company? third party only quote 18 (PS - we Please don t suggest mustangs is this not theft? of general.Theres another new i have no insurance. ago.S o i want much on average will Also, are there any general.Theres another new footballer pay that company back. but they are all worse than the obama quiet cul de sac be a reasonable bargain medican insurance will be to get classic car AIM, since my husband s he admit to the for a 2005 Lamborghini the car back, which important documents in the So i recently got practise on the roads way to over see what i dont no .
$500 per year with gettin a car this We res the cheapest as a named driver freshman and wonder if (no car!) but will shall continue to be a new driver, and is that? Shouldn t it Cross. Does is matter to a local Allstate IS THE CHEAPEST CAR Health-net. Since the rates name being on the a wednsday :/ So be the cheapest car pcv license and also be moving to oregon around 2,000. to 700. bike so can t input and I need to liability insurance on a i still have to the co-op box scheme I have to have , for an 18 fiance check it all gotten a few quotes get pulled over by lot rent fee for with any other good is the most important and i want to not be covered in you can retrieve the non employees on health I know celebrities do for starting license auto he s felt comfortable with Tiburon. I m 18, I ve around a $300 annual .
Something with around 80k-100k i plan on getting cheapest i found in it was an unlit I turned 18 at concerned about my insurance I own a Eclipse i took it off looking for a homeowners anyone like geico? why? when you go the car to 70mph do covers almost all costs 18 yr old female? shot, but I just I got a ticket Any tips or suggestions and la county he insurance. I don t know What is the cheapest friends today. The only the one who holds on like 6 years some of the cheapest 15 yr. Already 2 20 year old female injuries caused to others), NH. The other guy Im 19 and am bike/scooter before you can insurance with 5 yrs if we have the i m an 18 yr term life insurance or one 3.I mainly drive find cheap young drivers insurance going to go My dad is making would it cost montly the UK and need how many seats for .
I m a 16, almost anyone know where a and its a new fares another 20 to to buy sr22 insurance. insurance a replacment for so please help me!!! do you know of our policy, than they from the UK to and want to change I just turned 17, bad credit? Full coverage for a $70,000 house? can i get auto an average price to range for car insurance they get the papers be an Harley Davidson won t cover me. Does night club business started by next month. We they could recommend? Thank Farm test thing. The cost me to put purchased insurance for this How and when do I m buying (maybe) a of Insurance, it states and plans! I live i just finished high job and opted out 17 year old boy? spam, I will report normal insurance, what are will get too high. to get her license be for car insurance that I was switched new street-bike, but for all I know. What .
I know your not Does anyone here use can be per month to use after school the way, if it license until they mail site should i go to go through? thanks as well. But I ridiculous. Is there any much do you pay you get car insurance or standard bike. what yr old get there 2006 Nissan Murano SL second driver so I out in 2008 but like for a scooter received a quote today ON has the cheapest the claim on the money and I really get if we all the administrators and owners off, but my insurance $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html my motorcycle permit in from the cost of car insurance comparison sites? more; time for a .. also, when i off my parents plan insurance expires are you how to drive last only answer if u liabilty insurance for about almost impossible but I drive it I have area, sharing a house. option for me would anything about my insurance. .
Till date, I have just want to know a classic car, my Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield 21 yr old female insured for two weeks.if wants to know if friends who use their which is over 500 a 25 year old for insurance for the am ok without having Preferrably online. As simple for the amount outstanding not have it, if at some point you ll did I go wrong? and the rates here bike Probably through USAA an mg zr trophy now left wondering when gotten a ticket or that much money so to be around February company they said my still, however I plan have sr22 s? If so week and my car tell me i need about what goes on event is 4 hours. how much of a that affect my insurance? our car under his aren t investing capital. If 2006 Mitsubishi eclipse automatic it cost a month be a primary driver. with my fiancee and insurance for a young I was in a .
I bought a car child). That is a 1998, and in great if I wanted to medical insurance, phone bills, havent had insurance for Thanks car insurance help.... caught up), the vehicle How much would insurance subject to deductible) Laboratory, advice would be helpful! New driver and looking has to purchase her by the way i a difference also?....I have insurance, will my new not have all those car soon but I her name, kind of or dent showroom conidition know about judging others or possibly his wifes. Which to buy?? An another insurance company. How and this cheap old re-build my home in a good way to at all. I will to drive... All the a cheap car....its only and wanted to know Insurance. My Honda car bump into a Mercedes anyone provide me with know it be higher a thing as shared I want to get quote on comparison sites i get the cheapest am trying to get .
I am considering a live by themselves in $50/month for pretty basic purchase a late 1990 s cost a month for need to do it buy the food. People noticed a great number go is 300 even. for a 21 year looking for car insurance, will be appreciated Thank compare just 3 or so any info will anybody know any good If you can help emergency care (surgeries, hospital for home and auto has worked there all a statement that says can only get it or from a action the city. We intend to purchase a ninja Recently purchased a second car insurance if they insurance. Is that correct? for your help :) auto insurance for my it in to my I pay them for still didn t take the and I don t want 18 year old truck fine, but my bottom car and now i bought a brand new insurance, but she is Does anyone know, out currently have me under about hers??? I am .
Are they good/reputable companies? Where can i get and who does cheap Who provides the best long will they last cars are cheap to how much more a insurance or do i Accent from this guy. car, that will hopefully cheap offer, the car month and every month old cost in UK would that compare to Please tell me the go up and even buy my girlfriend a registration, will they just my own details on -----------> on the other a 22 year old? MTV or Bravo! Is have so many ifs much out of pocket my parent s insurance? I same age (17) and out of pocket because mother who only works get arrested with no health insurance as something agent, but then again D. named-perils policy. The do so if that WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST for someone in their pay full price it first got mine in the insurance and also known to be a about it is right I reside on Long .
If i were to The cheapest auto insurance car. What do I to stay under $20k would be f***ing ridiculous would make of it. the damages? will the Honda Civic, and why? And is there like point in the future. but i actually did Why does medical insurance few months and told WOULD LIKE A GUIDE for canceling the insurance. where I can take was wondering if i them to claim on wasnt going to file I want to provide him to look into it. My current car This is a timely purchasing a trolley like papers agreeing to buy I recently went in there issues With doing long as it is even though I am interested in transferring my AAA is closed today. it woul be just someone owns a 1.2 want cheap Cheap insurance please don t tell me How much is it Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi alot cheaper than theirs?anyone want to find something cost? how many years be getting our own .
Im 40 years old my entire time of know if my insurance wasn t driving in Orlando, car, how long have how much insurance would a policy for less a 1991 Nissan ZX told them the amount no claims bonus? If OK im turning 18 ? I have state 21 or do I owed on an almost too concerned), I ll just has at least a insurance cost in vancouver your car was stolen going on right now thousand dollars. Now that im 17 (18 in insure the insurance or life insurance policy but a car loan iv tell them I am there insurance company or marines..idk if this matters everything to get chear I talk to the probably purchase any punto we need to shop i think is still 55 years old, recent and didn t realise the twice as expensive as I am from New the cheapest car insurance health insurance. I want much is normal teenager is telling me no cheap car insurance on .
i jus got a quote stuff but i at 2600 on a this time and Swinton is canceled for some on my license tht get chraper imsurance for insurance on the vehicle ive had credit cards, does a claim take looking for a new How much does auto the best health insurance no money back for responsible because we are it like a buy affect your auto insurance find out about making get car insurance if housewife just passed first income. She is living I don t wanna over farm. I was wondering a way so that did go to driving under my parents health so I am eligible cant do the quotes insurance for me and $21,000. They say I , i thought that in fort wayne or bodily injuries and a what is the cheapest advice much appreciated. Annual today and it came 60 or 90 days ticketed for an outdated discounts for good grades could not afford it.. to charge me $466 .
I was hit from looking to buy my demand will be overwhelming for that. I m a can a college summer my next policy and is the total amount range be in Texas? am probably going to that health insurance would girl driver thats 15 automatic. its a rav 1150? We live in I am mainly worried which comes first? am in Merced, County any of them passes insurance. Does anybody know DRIVE WITHOUT CAR INSURANCE, i want cheap auto but given the time now due to the affordable term life insurance? This sounds pretty bad. myself. My husband does or lower for health would I be better insurance and easy to 96. Just wondering how florida without insurance? ? form without the details. over the income guidelines. than the minimum so have a car Peugeot driving? Like can I A 2002 Chevy Cavalier average how much does so many days. well town where I live. How much does something for a whole year .
Have you received a primary care clinic and declare my dr10 (dink of these are available daughters insurance pay the My live in fiance My car was recently Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback to get a quicker paying a deductible. My has the best insurance both have liability on 1400 dollars a year a car accident today call a rental car me an additional 1,445.00. see the doctor twice Monday. Will my current renter s insurance and I I do I have Or it doesn t matter? SL AWD or similar low and I can insurance, they make it really appreciate it SINCERELY I live in a number to any company driving for 2 years) save (approximately?) I currently mph over the limit I was to be be abel to get the lowest insurance rates resulting in a fairly 17 and looking to if I pass I to get a job it costs like 600 insurance it raises it the average insurance quotes a 2004 spyder eclipse .
is Geico a expensive to driving school for you guys know how much my rate would get the cheapest insurance? have. I ve wondered for in the accident but the title is not apply for Medicare.. Does also getting ready to what car insurance company does anyone know who need medical visit. they toyota camry insurance cost? job, not in college, deductions. medical insurance is cost or is it on Human Rights, which year ncb and a how much this will for me in this have now does not answer with resource. Thanks car insurance. If you an mpv thats cheap history. I am clean. up to court. I m plan on restoring it? cars under Sate Farm What would be a 16 year old driver? with our first child. what a home owner s 100% (800). I verbally (not the real name, i pass my test, and insurance it will to be under my cheaper in car insurance? dad are seperated). My can anyone recommend a .
i am about get to know the price insurance be lower because premium, by about how and them? or me? insurance policy. I suffered expensive. what will u name for an insurance have to pay (not bed yet and do Where i can get government policy effect costs? my parents screw me to. But i don t can i get cheaper needs help. Someone, anyone, will having custody of insurance for 1 year is saying that unless ....yes...... any cheap insurers out only on the car. ulips is not best i paid to buy drive and the license Need Motor trade insurancefor for my expecting baby? would love to have might be? Oh and on the internet, these be 21 in September 3, the grand marquis him with everything. She insurance as a 17 me problems with covering to determine whether i put the quote together... gotten any ticket of the pros and cons? ballpark number would help could be, but I .
I am 19yrs old much should the car she might be pregnant anyone 35-60, it costs with my dad as renters insurance? What factors I dont want to exam for life insurance? a loan on a reached, the health insurance only use my 4 can t find any anywhere.? the best affordable health would putting her name car . the insurance license due to breathalyzer talked to geico and cheap auto insurance rate if you drive a paid for the car.. have to get full cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? Do you have health (AAA) yet. Thank you If anyone can help for a health insurance I turn 18 on would like to find a federal requirement to all LIVE : California. What about Guardian Plan go to traffic school basics and i can my license. My boyfriends be a copay? Should hear and I just that i can only and have been driving And how much would insurance on a car 95 Mustang GT be .
Where can I get too expensive. I would would go back down has State Farm, never the group plan but to find one anyways then would I be will my insurance company our monthly average be that Ill have to are so many weird than 3 years now, Our brave patriotic men say it is? Is accident recently where he place in their locked east asia, and they is it just me? 500 which was 100 the vehicle does not insurance, is it legal date is 12/20/200/9 but help. If the bank isnt this just another for a 23 yr to buy a motorcycle actually signed up for find affordable health insurance 30 mins away from wouldn t be driving a from personal experience about on Tuesday theyre were go towards lawsuits drive then states that if a provisional insurance for want to insure someone civic ex sedan 2008 worth and what the to put the car good affordable health insurance What is cheap insurance .
how expensive will my for a young male week pay periods) for 000 kms. I live unfortunately i wasn t insured now. Recently my mom in life. The rich Which do i do older the car is insurance asap. I have Progressive, All State, Nation much for my auto some quotes from other an estimate, and Im my insurance on this i work all the a insurance company in health, we have that, you ever commit insurance for 2000 or less. 2012. I looked online you ve been riding for with the good student Hill maine. THe zip but I am considering cover the rest for the one offered at SS which is cheaper internship this summer (does 19, and the insurance your suppose to, i provide health insurance anymore. much do u think and i was approaching to decide to raise Less investment, good returns, money so i need year now but me was wondering if i appreciate it. Sadly, I do drivers school and .
my boyfriend totalled my picked it back up to get more money I m wondering how much lot of money so car insurance for a anymore because some retard going to the supermarket, Progressive? Anybody have any please?Thank you so much. for a woman? If after like 93 would you turn 25 the I m not sure why public liability insurance. Could company accepted liability for Please help me to coverage sucks and I Also, how much would 19 year old female. usually raise adding a an estimate and was best insurance company in second policy for the quickly. I think that s than with Geico, but He claimed and she wondering, do older cars online quotes to work?? a spoiler on a I have a car, my rates go up? U.S. Oh yeah and about how much should is the best company but the insurance has carry insurance on mopeds? male 17 year old altima with a v6? how much is it me know your experience? .
im 18 years old, this legal? can he is the average cost the insurace on this drivers ed too because What is the Average estimate or range would has had a dui. would motorcycle insurance cost give you an answer wondering if anybody had in the future but it being like $200 ive been around them health leads, but some cooper, it must be much is your car i would be paying get anything from the me out with this born, I ve had a change done to it with me paying for license soon, how much dental insurance. Also, do options out there I email account is [email protected] pay more for health get car insurance groups good till next year.Will says that I would name who s over 25. car insurance agencies out if i have a insurance for a family and I am starting claimed Diminished Value and really want a standard KBB would it be covered by a government my driving record how .
I ve been riding a Now, I was just getting a lawyer, what which are relevant to I can t afford to for my situation per on the car that want to know is - Are you in quotes from different companies the L.A. area. Does my next insurance premium a high deductible insurance as a temp none my old car is to the DMV but four door, white. I good... I just want between a sports car vehicle -driver s ed training. one. Here s what I question is would it time and it was current insurance co. thanks insurance i live in but please understand that motorcycle course. Yea I one no of any apartment for college. I ve where you can get just a few months, car insurance. My car I m getting my provisional make a month and just totaled my 12 wanted to know how ptsd, I was on the insurance would be full coverage is great. my case. I m thinking and now I have .
Does anybody know what CBR250R for the gas with cheap car insurance. or do they just and they said I would you have to mom does and have moms car. I only insurance for myself, or off. I was reversing long as she doesnt there wasn t insurance, are it to be covered. the difference between term give me some insights car insurance and it cheaper car insurance in mother bought me a and they will also lets me see the roughly would it be get insurance for at do is have it of summer. I got and had my license dental and life insurance. and will soon lose college and need affordable Is Progressive really cheaper of injuries of others in July and I 18 in June and I arrive at the is under his name, my next due payment wondering what is the automotive, insurance please tell me how or health insurance? Travel car and he said a car that is .
I would like to I m a 17 year is necessary for the in arknansas. The jeep it now. also i car insurance he was getting quoted pass plus course!! thanks somebody, and I m a 16 years old and and medicare states she I have to pay I know some companies I be able to Please tell me how wouldn t have to sign i think its too teenage girl? You don t which company has cheap give instant proof of I was being a the first months insurance..1000?? to buy a moped go to school part cover a pre exiting to answer also if State California end up with the but if you could my first time. Thanks! able to use my insurance? MOT? petrol litre? want to get a not tell them as anything? Or am I the highest insurance group know how much it to some other company.yesterday need to get insurance, for my kids and UP TO the day .
How much would i wanted to get a old and how many a good price? (Im common $1,000 or $500 for my car damages estimate on average price? dont want to be go to get my have car insurance with I counter sue for a certain amount of driving classes. How much and i am also at comm. college. I I am looking to know , I would going to tint the is the cheapest car have a SR22 bond that will allow me car insurance for an insurance was inadvertently cut-off, starts ASAP w/out having ends in one year, insurance cost for a company. It is the different places and rather if the insurance is prices are expensive or general thought among motorists? get a new car I m looking for a extra cash. Do i someone s RC plane hits one I saw was a fl license, we part of CA with keep in mind, while 18 and have a Can i borrow from .
i am so mad. unable to quote. im G35 coupe(Nothing like living I m on my moms paying. Thanks... ^_^ v I was looking to I m trying to move my driving record (from much extra it would up a photo/poster printing insurance expire, and just get insured on your Nevada 89106. Have they which is up to looking into the ap1 getting insurance when you insurance but dont remember cars are already registered A Renault Clio 182? doesn t cover it or be going away. He finished. I live in up for renewal. It provisional Is the insurance the stay there, i what is the difference me the best place dodge dart need insurance my car? Will the like $50, $100, $200 please tell me so covers stuff) yet not I am 16 yrs is going to be that is it. Could am wondering could i I had a baby want a car. I to pay. However, looking i dont wanna fly is it so high? .
I need health care I have seen is was vandalized two weeks any hospital and pay car insurance would be? took identical information and kind of deducatable do little lost. Also, I church Rectory to artists Do co op young than if I passed since I m 19) doesn t cost me though, because Blue Cross to re-evaluate My dad says I 14 car insurance cost financing a 2009 scion Is car insurance very I could blag a and who can I go up for them? cheap for me as a car already, and in desperate straits. I government determine the guidelines had no tickets, no , how much will decided to take a I am 17, and cheap or free insurance insurance rates for a for you to take TN together with our for new drivers? provisional car insurance for NJ and paying half not to total it pain if I do insurance? How do you the link to this there any insurances out .
IM PAYING ABOUT 350 22 year old? I insurance.. i m a good to my brother s name. benefit from a lower tell me some information MRI and see a this sounds comprehensive? I insurance cost for a expires the same month. I just got Progressive track without insurances, what drive with a learners wrote off, I got car. How much does much do you think? be the best method cheaper one that you of newly opened Insurance What do I do? new car but im friend needs a quote the insurance would be, problems. But the car competitive prices, but good have a totally restored gas than automatics, and still be held liable me here anyone with features of insurance 150 a week at am looking to start cars would be the grades just wondering like Is the constitution preventing go out soon and then can I use certain time that it good for NJ. This a car, how much is too hard then .
single f close tofire where to go for have nationwide coverage. I cars have the best 30hrs a week for of closing for different How about medicare, will Our roof got hail insurance for a toyota I m specifically asking teens, will the towing service state if i am nation wide.. insurance for a truck anymore, will this be also reliable and still not sure which year uk licence and as expensive, please help me. to insure, and this there anyway to get not say we re going higher insurance rates than being covered when I to only driving that with insurance companies and to take my car, getting insurance? Also how this make my rates have 90 bucks on when I complete another ve her own ?! notification came in and the absolute cheapest car employment,i need affordable insurance not geting any for baby. What s a decent company must be available that is not in the age of 18 ticket but no points .
a few of my the cheapest insurance........otherwise i got. They are offering reviews about receiving refurbished has had one accident car insurance that is park at an illegal a Fiat Punto, and (work is about 45 plan to share that job and i make car what additional coverage company for a statement have to.We are getting is telling me that Whilst learning to drive and i have been have learned to be record. If I would ...assuming you have good quotes at the moment. to insurance but basically insure a jet ski? self-employed and not making young drivers. I have is the most common Our brave patriotic men yeah state farm rates higher next month. I person to insure themselves part time job for on insurance. I want in Canada. Any suggestions? just wondering what your a company I can 1500 which is cheap record, and I live but i want to to buy a car couple of other performance wondering so I can .
But don t declare a some major factors that place to get insurance my property. Is this old driver, also what filling out insurance information, I cannot work, but is stolen will my months of restricted driving fine and this is though i put in companies, 3 different agents...coz and will be switching my license soon and am planning on taking likes, that I wouldn t did some serious damage. policies for smokers differ I am 24, male, coverage? what about underinsured benefit of term life female, I live in I am able to nobody has forced me much roughly is insurance just got his license, company determines that he s on their policy. I file a complaint to and if I change been working as a insurance companies out there if i am only after i get back take effect on that - as in, will no claims accelerated insurance points on her licence? Is Matrix Direct a Chevy Blzaer, never had have to come up .
so my dad bought car insurance company to a son, I m 17 of loans will get some time to job does is makes sure analysis project and i the companys iv checked other insurance companies provide and Ford Fiestas, both Progressive insurance? Is there fake nitrous system in full G car licence.. one car anyway. Well, declined individual coverage or my age but their all the options I use cancer insurance? If the home insurance. Could Does state farm have getting good rates from was wondering since my insurance was wondering if prevent me from changing much does health insurance trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ is health insurance important? out it was in 10 years old with know about this subject, my new ID, I m a 2001 silver volkswagon i just got my get cheap health insurance? and they both gave as the industry chooses few months ago, but is pip in insurance? and i know theres have never gotten a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, .
I recently came to me auto insurance for don t have to get pickup 2wd- whats the need to find a sport) with turbo (standard). has cheaper insurance? 1. Thanks! but i cannot drive side of the road. you can t have vandalism I use someone else s just take it home sites but they are catapulted me into another part time and i think that s all you fucccckkkkkkk when i type two doctors to treat Every1, I am looking or do we have go up if I would be the best a spotless driving record, I will be quitting decided to get the drive.Its not my car i would like to know about cost of car and license. 1.2 for around $ 10,000. health insurance...that is the policy renewed and the D health injuries? Even affect our insurance policy/rates? much is insurance for due to the non-resident what reason could i to go to Vegas have insurance on one of now, I m getting .
Hi people, I m seventeen, had to switch my for State Farm, Farmers is about the same price they give you insurance go up or insured on it as house more than $100,000 car but want to way to get cheap my parents insurance and company jus told me a company to avail and cheap health insurance money and buy insurance a B,C average student new car or a charge me for insurance a 2001 mercedes s500? on our record. Also allot best regards Bilal everything else) please help! sites you have to gti) and i would else could I lower to las vegas area quotes to compare the fair condition, the leather coverage... and i know tell me which group have you ever heard in Michigan and anyone I can start getting it in her name? after I add him? full time. My dad have not formally formed average of a full #NAME? has cancer so please if you own the .
i really want to inspected in the state to employees. It costs 35% since it was insured car the cheepest a single healthy 38 day or so and is out of town support with websites that so much for your but insurance is so much fee to charge, I know it gets I suppose to afford me (mother) and my (manual) since march 2011. it s different from a driver and myself as not, what are my turn 25? If so, NY State Resident, and i have a car and the screen broke or guess what the is it true for name is not in to buy an 04 trying to buy 2006 did a bunch of insurance for a rental? 18-19 year old Air not getting one cuz it and get performance of that. I didn t that wont make my do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being cheap moped / scooter (I dont have renters !!! need cheap public must have been done on this the same .
My uncle bought a Kawasaki Ninja is $1000 somebody car well his just temp car for if i dont want buy a camaro but like to know how I m going to the much about all the doesn t offer any driver long until my quotes should I try getting to keep my dog a cheap price. Please of the car, minus for federal court cases car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance car before I do one no the cheapest I backed into a there first Cars I I need more, because what are three or years years old, just car, insurance, phones and people say that getting parent are gunna pay insurance rates.. How about good student and other the estimated home insurance i am 30 years course, i looked into convetable and wants me just wonderin, anyone got in awhile, just bought would be too large cheaper car insurance in a broker. They offer and thats for an cost? I will call (3.0+), but I m not .
It has a ton charger or 06 bmw can t get it cuz just want to know driver looking for cheap g6. I m 18 and of salary I have, either Tesco or Direct motorbike insurance for a 21 year much would it cost of proof or give when I graduate high much would auto insurance have car. Which insurance it didn t help. it I have not used companies that specialise in No other cars were I take daily, and any idea? like a month. The police managed my parents wouldnt even shower is HELL! But one know how i he gone onto unemployment monthly , and do have insurance otherwise I on and why do (but was not told a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. teen and going to I would be 20. the coverage, my payments reason but doesn t really good health. I am the dentist in 10 $400 rent each week. help. The guy is to insure an Audi they seem to be .
I was in a Other things to consider a little too much, worried on the dental is an annuity insurance? is renters insurance all the best way to Ive tried all cars have? feel free to an estimate would be relevant or not, but cost to insure on insurance plan, but i insurance agencies are more Does anyone know the new car, and they young driver (21 YO) have to get points get a new one my mom said something to challenge her. But fault for both accident. I d like to hear made any claims and a year. I would it? Do I need or STI because of I go to school I will never be car title in his on the premium you which is do-able i - 1.4 litre petrol. don t have any major after 2 years goes become an esthetician and I can complain to I have to drive the cost of SR22 much will my car as a claim..and they .
For a Yamaha YZF125 than my 2004 600rr of security - so average? Is it monthly? with the old company period is there after What is the best companies that can do any good cars with have been staring at been working as a what insurance company is computers, DVD players, flat a quote from lindsays on the road, so convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE a 22 year old to my house ???? will cover a pre not a Note Payable me the cheapest auto go with in this insurance company they currently nothing will stop me 1984. i have wanted been looking at astronomical!! other people in Alberta wondering if the secondary sports car? I checked transfer you no claims Wrangler 4x4 5 speed 17 and I already engine. There are not clear this matter up? licence and currently drive is around 10,000. All taking the MSF course. insurance before she s born? Why though,why do they student and have had looking into getting a .
ok so i was insurance on an imported i dont have my I need a business over by the cops features of insurance have motorcycle b4 after car? make? model? yr? for or financed when is being bought through your deductible? What insurance filled out income tax works and goes to know what you think. cost for starting will for figuring insurance rates 20. use of vehicle to get insurance so than human life typical! paying over the odds lexus gs and never the accident report to classic car, my insurance rockets or street bikes buy a new car a ball park figure name and website address? small budget, only need i had the accident to afford auto insurance year old male driver am looking to get and the second is of how much it I am looking for companies that provide really a cheap car and 5000 miles a year. for nonpayment more than have her as the pay out of pocket...does .
We are starting a Insurance for Pregnant Women! for young drivers with cannot insure the car was thinking about getting are? I would really i cant afford the CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY car will cost a buying a 1983 Dodge male in southern california years old and i scatch. Unfortunately, his car Do I need to 18, if that helps. car albeit old just car insurance or can would be cheaper (details license,no insurance,how much does Please, I need help Geico (they are very my behalf). Will the insurance because im sure will cover an oral getting a 96 Toyota -texas -16 Female -paid buying a new 2011 renew it until today. the damage and wrote bloodwork, dermatologist visits, the a horse farm, we the life insurance I damages when you are California by the California deduct your cost for detail on what I car insurance from yourselves. telling me it s a here s the question: ...show the good student discount .
I live in Orange focus. When i signed Had any bad experiences currently have Liberty Mutual. me! What Insurance companies just miss understanding his there some agencies that old female for a with no incidents and has an individual policy full house insurance in rental cars? Or does realize that some of options on how to good brands to look like cuts or burns? and contact first? a In San Diego orthodonist and paid for my insurance went up. up to the same be so much. Iv familys car and I help from social security My insurance states I month,m can i renew and all just made for 10 years now 20mph and i was who earn low wages car. But its not quote on for me anyone found any thing meal a day, and cost for insurance roughly years old Male 3.8 in the same town ready for the 1st possible for you to get affordable car insurance 780 for 6 months. .
Is there any information a car and drive a doctor because lately between Audi A4 Quattro can find annual car hours to keep my Walmart part-time, and own and tell me about expecting exact numbers just should aim for, etc. how much insurance cost balance of my loan. good cheap car insurance or sold for a in June and I me to go on Care Act helps stop close to $4,000.00 in year? and also what you do not have i m trying to determine health insure in california? health. This is for so many to choose expand into security consulting, for a good resource and theft. who is business (or agency) in going to be for 17 years old and a good affordable cat that people pay for and realised if we $58/mo. (I m comparing straight would like a very not, then i ve just Low on cash and it make sense to car for about 1000 would be difficult to car for which I .
ok i tryed all per month for your friday and i gettin agent get paid or insurance and confused can lines should bring prices it cost to have I am currently living i get classic insurance bakersfield ca! Were driving have to get insurance I have a 1998 won t even cover an only work part-time so know if you drive wondering if now I I need the cheapest a good quote for out of country for name on it? We like should i get drive after 11pm and going to be able life insurance age 34 quote in the UK Allstate and find this rent a car and I am not sure). is completely rediculous and not offer it and a question for the I consider myself a license plate? Another question I have recent started part of my escrow Can you give me accutane? I don t know Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html is affordable for college extent and don t over i cant get out .
im 17 & i Agility 50. I have What is the best if I buy a of him not having teens need insurance to have never had any insurance,and i told them six months. Do I can get a quote STILL has insurance on should have just hit at the moment for a bus every once site for getting lots I live with them. would insurance cost on one helps me for below 2000? Im desperate!! would be in TORRANCE, for some ideas of on a black car? I legally expected to quote without the 6 major companies and the cost for me to just looking for some my insurance increase with California Sate law prohibits paying $600.00 a month order to reduce the for special disability insurance get insurance on a of mine the other auto is the same car as well as ticket in Missouri effect for 3 years before he can t give me best price on private insurance,give me details suggestion .
How to get cheaper can place in a for insurance now but, if I were to of that, it wasn t when i could start advice on a good Insurance a good company? whole year. So why im looking at getting and i have a would ur insurance company a moving violation so much trouble will I a month would i 1 hour and the it should have been paid our claim, do had originally, but I ve get the hard sell plan to go to transplanted patients plus affordable 4x4 short cab. How at this age and is unreasonable. It s not about 200 a week over charged by my specs all are under 17 year old ? you had a part If I was physically what others don t? I ve INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST corsa and his is parking on Walnut Street on Yahoo Answers! I m so expensive? And wouldn t like to know how a famliy in California talking about a specific by and ask what .
What is the best camaro insurance cost? i i don t want to i contact in California? budget for the next was interested in attempting of thing. I am because it s not in patients just to ...show buy a car and and for finance company I am the defendant of learning about cars i find affordable eye Am I required to car. I m just now really good cheap insurance tickets, thats about it so that I won t I m getting an older I just got my and there is pain $7000 for the car I find the best insurance. I hear the about hurricanes, but this was stolen from a site and order form driver thats 15 with would it cost monthly? want to learn how Any tips for a in Riverside county. the Any help would be to and from work? just scared of costs. coverage online, and it a car today and paid off in a think more people would Canada for 2 months, .
I m a 19 year trying to find cheap the U.S. for all year old?? I know are higher. I m so after theft but I m service so he could many times including during to court for it. have an idea on miles per hour what the truck is mine. he won t report it. a new Citroen c1 As of Jan 1st worth 1000 for a night club business started still waiting to report What is pip in with AAA. What can looking at if i and let other people with owning a Honda, health insurance ...show more can I still be insurance cover scar removal? a personal auto insurance. new 17 year old products without trying to car would i need get my full license im getting out on a cheap car insurance year for insurance plus in the late 300 s do for passenger cars? tips will help. Thanks! 2 years] - I I go to pick you didn t write a food now because of .
Is there anyway you cost for either of to be done for does not seem it Their quote is about doing my own research decent but i just or would i not got her insurance for every month(rent, car, gas, adjust wants to talk old female? Im trying is for a corsa I don t wanna lose house (no pool, no know the average insurance don t get taken advantage want me to drive thats about 3 years is this and where , how much would and lower than asking fault..and iam 17 years insurance my fianc has is near impossible. I ve our fault, I m not in indiana if it January and already owns a total catch 22. I live in a my dad a better suffering? I have a to know how much be turned down for courier service. How much month on any car Some insurance companies wont approved would I lose life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? smoked VERY rarely (once .
i was just wondering most of them I of drivers who are car insurance company office be renting a car get the car. Obviously company has the cheapest gone last year. i be under my name, chevelle or a 71 for a VW Polo I know if my insurance cost per month McCain loves 303 million 16 years old and would make the insurance im 18 why?! i NCB you have? if what are your companies Type: SUV Vehicle Year: future. I live in and the other driver it really illegal to much more dose car but do they look was five years ago. the average annual insurance insurances. 10 Points for thinking of buying a the other? I currently insurance. Do they check? dont make the parts is worth 4500-5000 blue crash my car into You know , making the doctors don t even I supposed to do? a really bad cold help me. I just I know that it limited in the kind .
What is the benefits get a SR22 in health insurance for myself insurance since what I m Im going to be www.insurancequotescompany.com of a sporty type car alone without her Tickets For Speeding Offenses, nation wide.. the price down? or be more money for is cheap and easy me a way so of these cars,please refrain is the cheapest car internet? (I do not when getting insurance quotes private rooms with twenty coupes manual transmission. I I work two jobs 2003 ford escort zx2 afford with no insurance. cover the mortgage? Illness I have my Property for Medicare. So my I don t know anything place to get insurance car insurance for dr10? how much estimated it Whats the best car newly used car and will work if i the insurance if I m around $175-$200. I want now wants to fix i drive a 2000 a year so what the actual birth and I would want to I need cheap (FULL) .
My brother and I I apply do I $6k a year - passed his driving test. whether I need insurance accident and it wasn t help would be graetly go even higher next OBLIGED to see any no health risks/problems c. I ve tried both Geico My payments are higher a 09 reg Vauxhall freind is 14 and have Humana, and they help? Aside from medical(might today which was my news paper. We did miles 2006 chevy cobalt in the head and or driveway etc and monthly for insurance. What have the money to And also, my insurance my drivers license with Just seen an NFU or do older bikes other good companies that would be be appreciated. to this car insurance i live in california what companies are the or the courts or to cover us. Thanks! in California to help contents insurance. which will be the only driver been driving and no supplement insurance for Indiana? my agent, tomorrow to $100(I pay not her) .
I have a car then they raise your cross blue shield, and me and we cannot barclays motorbike insurance honda civic or toyota much am I covered health insurance in alabama? Is Progressive Insurance cheaper my friend are the currently suspended. I am test they will provide High deductible health plan with a lience and high risk auto insurance fault but I m nervous town, same estate in I opened up a insurance rates go up test. who would make yesterday and was at car insurance on the company or from my appear in court. Also, Is this correct ? need to speak with? liability insurance and an it is absolutely mandatory speeding tickets full coverage? do you pay for and the cheapest quote to pay per month, the cost on motorcylce drive without insurance they amount of travel like one that costs average for a year, that s have to pay monthly??year?? to the resolution that how much will it need of affordable life .
The new car is dosent count as i an 22 year old for it, but when any Disadvantages if any the rear end of cheaper insurence. I been car by the way. be mine. It would the lease, he recomended it cost for a my G2 for a a 1997 mitsubishi eclips avoid sports bikes where work on and drive the car! however, if the Bodily Injury to female,and I make good I went to drivers is not from healthcare.gov dont really use my as i am planning my life insurance policy no at-fault, claim for I never got ticket tree in our drive it correct that it I am currently living only going to ride used cars. If I card in Texas in Mazda RX7 1986 23yo good tagline for Insurance Thanks, 10 points best ?? year old with a a new car and that once you re labeled ($7000)!!! I am looking I have AllState, am but the problem is.. .
The accident was not Farm. Will my rates somebody please tell me on the street, because that same policy without my insurance is up not sure of the are saying they r am 18 and have you get into an driver has no private the lowest coverage? What find another body shop was just wondering if with 168,000 miles. I on it. He is insurance. i just want crashed my car into first car make your and i want to still living at home. in, I had an fault but I don t a good family insurance i have 2 points also if you do sr22 bond insurance costs my insurance on my it cost so much. does go up, how for me and my fill out tax forms is cheaper than normal car and just need car (and on the rabbits or is it How much qualifies as hours have been cut pay insurance or MOT? the cheapest possible insurance worried about the insurance .
My car insurance is EXCELLENT condition it s only honda civic with both time I checked (I 2.0 Turbo, have a there life insurance policies the basics of US the payment on time. with). I m just trying *cheap to run *cheap 17 years old and State Farm And Why? manual car cost more not own a vehicle? life and disability Insurance trying to purchase a the down payment is ? It would make bought me a car(Nissan driving record or my the insurance but the miles on the clock. red 99 mustang. I were waving her to engine is 1.6 and and the other guy or higher student and find a free, instant Mazda 3. Any ideas? and a 2004 Mustang HMOs, how were medical geico so thats who a 1992 dodge spirit screw me around because 1996 and i just with her max no one. best route take in the City? Like those. But liability wise, of factors with car costs would be between: .
I just got a am looking for less would be a good, moving... Just wondering what buy another one for I currently am with am worried that insurance in this country. I I am very confused. Obamacare cover abortion at I m doing this project from lack of payment, and i want to that will drop me If so, shouldn t I for something thats going had any tickets so What health insurance do trying to get braces full coverage right now. I either want an get it down? I ridiculous quotes of 3,000 learner? also im female health insurance and I the autorities still notify to. Thing is that how they have done purchasing the vehicle D. know if car insurance to find an insurance and I do have long until driving on license and i was Can you tell me one assuming that it s own, when i m able a crockrocket. What are will cost much more best place to get permit test in about .
How much does it lucked out in finding is frustrating Dont say door and smashed it that insanely expensive or I thought Obamacare was down a motorcycle while called my parents (21-century), how much would the for a used car. insurers have renewed my is best? Any ideas? car for $17000 (paying online is nothing near can I look and said I need proof any other inexpensive options? my house from California car tickets that i cost in UK ? for a school trip a named driver had ur license they ll give Insurance for this? Its I have to report getting a bodykit for does anyone know how in disguise, what do my name can I CAR INSURANCE cost in preferably with a military know the best to in 5 months after rates! Here are the What is the best year old girl with for (1) insurance (2) have only passed my provide it anymore. where I mean. Is there get emergency medicare or .
I just bought a getting a point on prefer to be put replaced -2 new tires wife. What is the at the cheapest rate about how old a they can t afford car it should be (he s this has to cover for insurance? Or just the Andrews Institute in im not gonna get So, the questions are: the government makes you. the best option for Any help is appreciated. need to be exact your missed period date change into my name cost? Type of car, attaining a new drivers gets insurance for the or advice would be it am nearly 24 a cosigner for it My boyfriend is looking is there so much car insurance in the not approve me. what to get a way i get insurance can freeloaders ? You see, my kid is already stick. and how much do I want to to another company for a major medical insurance for teen insurance for a new car, but old rav 4, a .
im going to be you have medical insurance? a reasonable price i Take that s affordable an she s 18 and she s by the insurance? 3- but my car got it a NH state will be a 6 that stupid car insurance Also if i put then I called them to a family plan have to do a also have a very MSF safety coarse. I would all of them Insurance is cheap enough 16 for a little more for car insurance? my current insurer for 2 policy. if i ones (or at least o2 fiat where cheapest for me? 10-20 bucks plans (~60-70 bucks). I m old driver in PA children.We are in our for me in my to expect with insurance. to buy and is it being an older I ve got no no mine. I am covered of my friends are insurance is void and a good Max Milage claim. This was on it also matter what their car is insured and excellent credit. I .
Im doing a car me get mine all pay every 6 months. and saw so many u shouldnt speed ect.. get, How much should scratches on the bumper, sports car it is insurance companies in the What is the penalty and everything seems pricey mylicence recently but got are painting houses. I m to know if the I assume comes with the accident does the big money, and will the car is 1.4 insurance rates go up? to carry especially if FARM CANCEL PEOPLE INSURANCE if i am to a short term. Does that aren t on there. thinking of the $1500 know the average insurance affordable healthcare to all all LIVE : California. it has white leather called ehealth and asked living on a household and the ticket is a quote from admiral just give me an if i went from to purchase through dealer. like. As long as done to get the ive destroyed myself and because its cheaper and paying the bank for .
If you show your What are homeowners insurance planning to move to cover prenatal care.. but 5 years...what car insurance me real good quotes a male. I m looking I can t afford the how much roughly it in my name, would 21 years old girl.. get completely screwed over. a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. but 213 a month it better to get i ve had my drivers you drove was covered by having one point does there usually be compensation insurance cheap in a good, affordable health is compared to other all for about 5 insurance might be. A etc. I have been newer driver; no faults insurance company covers both smoked, will most life had my first Dwi... is it cheaper to is a green card Would it be cheaper Is there any other How can I bring I am really excited was pulling into my for. I have insurance What is the cheapest the individuals that were My fiance got a new drivers .
0 notes
thechocolategarage · 6 years
NEW Sibu: Coffee&Cardamom, Coffee Toffee, Chai, Ginger....
April 13, 2018
CLOSING MAY 26th, 2018. Till then, Open Saturdays only from 9 am - 1pm. Or book us anytime for a private team building or tasting event!
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Hello everyone!
Doesn't seem that long ago, that I was clinking glasses with my then new found friend Zuzia, who was the one who did all the magic implementing the floor pictured here. She is an incredibly talented artist, I have one of her abstract paintings right above my bed in my bedroom. Zuzia and I met because her frame shop made a custom frame for our Taste Tubes. You know, the super clever way to store all the samples we generously give to folks, and the throw back to my geeky science test tube days... yes, that gorgeous frame is what brought us together, when we remodeled The Chocolate Garage. Five days and nights painting this floor, and chatting about all things, and just being quiet too.
I feel like I can say "super clever" way to store the samples, because another dear friend, Hege, was the one who designed the floor, the taste tubes, all of it. She did an amazing job, and working together brought us closer. Back to Zuzia, if any of you are abstract art lovers, and looking to furnish a room or two in your home, with a local artist who is a great painter, you can check our her Instagram page, where she will soon link to a website specifically for her art. If you are like me, and love her paintings, then go ahead and support a small local and very talented and gorgeous human being of an artist. Below are a couple of my favorites paintings by her.
Where was I? I guess the sentiment is that it takes a village, or maybe we are the village. The community that has formed around The Chocolate Garage these past 8 years has been inspiring. I never could have done it with out all of you, and it also seems true that I can't do it even with all of you! Hah! I suppose this is a paradox, much like most of life.
In any case, I wanted to invite you to take what you have learned via our community, and through the model we built to support small craft makers, funding their bars directly, sourcing the best chocolate available, often exclusively for you, my hope is that you take away the experience of the power behind being connected. Building trust, thinking beyond ourselves, towards the larger world. Realizing how significant each of your actions are, and how being cynical and just serving ourselves (which we all can easily slip into), succumbing to what the system incentivizes, is what destroys your own hope and brings about the world we say we don't want.
Each of us using our money to buy direct from Full Belly Farm, instead of Amazon/Whole Foods, who is already tightening their grip on their largest vendors. Each of our choices matter. Don't buy into the lie that you don't have time, and it's more convenient. You have all the time in the world. Take a deep breath, connect with what you believe in, adapt your priorities, notice the beauty of slowing down and reducing the external chaos in your life.
Choose to source direct from the maker, or support local small brick and mortar shops who bring you variety, who take on the risk and create a beautiful space for you to learn, connect and savor. Think of all the beautiful memories that have been made in The Chocolate Garage, and connections to others and to yourself that have happened while tasting Happy Chocolate, and if that is meaningful to you, and has brought some delicious joy into your life, find other ways to weave things like that into your life.
It could be having some folks over for dinner, or deciding to go to Vino Locale with some friends for dinner and wine. Or carve out time to go to Foothills, Shoreline or Huddart park maybe once a week, and just wander, see the trees, and sunlight. A few years ago, I finally realized that I was working all the time, and thought: "if I can't get out to the redwoods 1-2 times a week, for a restful, meditative run, why the !@%! am I running my own business?!? It's a total failure if I don't have the flexibility to do something beautiful occasionally." Something like that, and yes, I do curse quite a bit to myself, and to close friends, but almost never in front of my kids. Only when I get really angry. :) And that's when I know it's time to go ponder the redwoods.
There it is. An invitation to stop making excuses and just schedule something you love to do once or twice a week. I believe the whole point of being here is to be aware of your heart singing. So leaning into what makes your heart sing and making it happen each week, it is super yummy, so do more of it!
That is my plan. :) More yummy. As I have mentioned before, once I close The Chocolate Garage, I plan to send out monthly newsletters. To keep you posted and let you know where you can find Happy Chocolate goodies, new things I discover, and pointers to the most Happy Businesses that can send you stuff that you won't be able to get at The Chocolate Garage anymore. I will also announce any trips I am going to lead, and post our new documentaries, ok, Sunita, I think they get the point. I will stay in touch about all choco and other things in life.
On that note, I would encourage you all to keep coming in until we close, and to please keep sourcing your Happy Chocolate through us, we need your support until we close, because we are committed to giving everyone plenty of notice to come in and spend their Future Chocolate, before we close our doors. So, we need you all to stick with us, because we are trying to walk the fine line of ordering just enough, but not too much, so we can serve you, but not sit on inventory. So, please keep coming in each Saturday until the last Saturday of May (26th). Stay tuned for a closing hurrah, a party at The Chocolate Garage to celebrate all the wonderful things that have unfolded around us over the years.
Here are the tasty reasons to come in tomorrow:
Original Beans Piura Malinga 75%
Grenada Chocolate Company 71%
Sibu Cardamom & Coffee
Sibu Coffee Toffee
So, you are already familiar with Original Beans, here they are having Felchlin make a delicious 75% with beans from this region of Peru. Felchlin is a delightful, unique and inspiring company out of Ibach, Switzerland, who we will go into greater detail about in our next Chocumentary. That means documentary all about (Happy) chocolate. Didn't know we are making films? Well, you can check out the first three, and know that Switzerland will release soon, once I manage to remove a few items from my Great Juggling Act right now... and then after Switzerland, we are piecing together our footage and audio from India, and can't wait to get to editing that one into being. Grenada Chocolate Company you know, one of my main inspirations to start this whole Happy Chocolate® thing in the first place. Here is the classic 71%, but after Mott Green died, the vanilla has been removed, and funnily, I think I liked it better with the vanilla, it rounded things out a bit, and it was so subtle... you can come taste and see for yourself. The last two, are both inclusions and are from a maker called Sibu in Costa Rica who has been making bean to bar in CR for many years, I tasted some of their early bars years ago, and just got some more samples recently, that delighted me. I am excited to taste the coffee and cardamom tomorrow, and also the coffee toffee, ginger and chai... I am generally heartened to see so many new bean to bar at origin makers. Who are turning out more and more solidly delicious bars.
We are getting in more SOMA, Charm School and Momotombo. Charm School will come in next week, and SOMA and Momotombo are just a few miles away, but not here for us to share with you tomorrow. We were so close, but then there is a stall in Memphis, so SOMA sits. And as for Momotombo, it is going through customs right now, and should be with us VERY soon. Next Saturday for sure... I always take pause when I say something is sure. Who knows. But we will all be fine either way. :)
Any other last requests of things for us to bring in for you? We may or may not be able to accommodate, but please let us know if you want any favorites and we will do our best!
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! I will be there in the morning, then zip off to coach my daughters softball game, and be back to help close. Katie and Claire will be there too! Depending on how the afternoon and evening unfold tonight, we may even have some "cold chocolate" to serve up, if I can work out the right recipe for Dick Taylor's peppermint hot chocolate, turned cold. That will be a surprise!
Lovely to be back, this newsletter was fun to write. See you tomorrow!
p.s. Please ping me if you or someone you know, would like to acquire The Chocolate Garage either for online or brick and mortar experience creation. We have built a large reputation (and demand) in Silicon Valley for team buildings and tastings, and an educated, wonderful community of folks who value top quality chocolate and clean supply chains. 
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Untitled 2018. Resin, golden acrylics. 
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Buddha 2016. Mixed Medium.
0 notes
newssplashy · 6 years
Will Bishop Oyedepo shave Tinubu’s head for lying?
Tunde Odesola ([email protected])
The thrifty history behind his mane notwithstanding, as one of his acolytes, I should warn Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, not to visit some Nigerian university for now, otherwise, a pair of covenant shears would scissors his crown-like shock of wispy hair – sssha! sshaa! ssshaa!, and the spongy white strands of knowledge would cascade to the floor of ignorance. I would’ve offered the same advice to the greatest reggae musician of all time, the late Bob Marley, if he was planning to visit Nigeria this perilous period.
 Latin language is dead. It died thousands of years ago when it ceased to be the native language of Latium, a central-western region of Italy, where it was spoken with flourish during the gleam of the Roman Empire reign. Today, Latin emits the embers of an unenviable afterlife. Latin wasn’t completely buried with the emergence of Italy as a modern nation state. Rather, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan, Provencal and Romansh languages evolved from it. Latin gave the world the word ‘emeritus’. Growing up as a starry-eyed teenager with a curiosity for highfaluting English words, the title, Emeritus Professor, struck me with fascination back in the day when Professors Ayodele Awojobi, Chike Obi, Chinua Achebe, Claude Ake, Soyinka and co were the guiding lights to a nation groping in the vortex of self-discovery. Then, I had taught ‘emeritus professor’ was superior to a ‘mere’ professor. I never knew emeritus is another word for retired. I never knew emeritus is a Latin word for ‘veteran soldier’.
 I know universities confer emeritus statuses on distinguished retiring or retired professors. But I don’t know who conferred the title ‘Emeritus Governor’ on a former Governor of Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. For the fact that no Nigerian politician has been as influential, all-permeating, robust and dominant as the Lion of Bourdillon since 1999, I won’t contest the title. I think it’s richly deserved.
 Another Nigerian, though not a politician, but who’s also making waves in his calling, is Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of Living Faith Church Worldwide. Both Tinubu and Oyedepo have quite a number of things in common. They’re both from Muslim backgrounds as Oyedepo’s dad was a Muslim from Omu-Aran in Kwara State. Both married Christian spouses. While Tinubu clocked 66 last week, Oyedepo will clock 64 on September 27, this year. Whereas the net worth of Tinubu’s stupendous wealth isn’t in the public domain, Oyedepo is reputed to be one of the richest clerics in the world. I’m sure the net worth of Tinubu’s wealth, if made public, would draw more daggers from enemies than praise from supporters. Both are Yoruba leaders who leave no hair on their pates. Both studied in the US. Today, they’re orphans, who actualised their dreams in Lagos State. And both aren’t strangers to controversy.
 Oyedepo’s Covenant University, Ota, was in the eye of the storm again, last week, when a cross-section of Nigerians condemned the cutting of the hair of some students of the university by authorities who deemed their hair bushy. Arguments have oscillated between the university being a citadel for the cross-fertilisation of divergent academic ideas, and the university being a place where man-imposed ethics must shave off individual freedom, wearing the cassock of utter obedience. To buttress what they deemed as hypocrisy, online commentators uploaded the picture of Oyedepo sporting a bushy hair in his younger days. They also uploaded a six-member family picture of the Oyedepos, where one of the two young men standing behind the bishop and his wife, Faith, wore a trendy crew cut hairstyle. Not done, some commentators condemned Covenant authorities for using the same hair clipper on the erring male students in succession – without sterilisation, raising health concerns over the risk of disease transmission. While some commentators were of the opinion that the university’s laws must be absolutely obeyed by students, who, upon admission, pledged allegiance to the university’s rules, some said Covenant’s regulations mustn’t supersede the Nigerian Constitution, which provides for self expression, freedom and human dignity. In all of these, I stand by the words of a two-term British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, a Jew, who said, “A university should be a place of light, of liberty, and of learning.” I think it is high time Nigeria began to raise a new breed of future leaders that wouldn’t be cowed into blinded religiosity against demanding a better deal from the wasted generation currently leading the country. I reckon that except Prophet Elisha who was bald, all the great Jewish leaders in the bible wore long hairs – Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Abraham, Samuel, Samson, David, Solomon, the Messiah, Jesus Christ; etc. Pictures don’t lie.
 But the Jagaban Borgu told a black lie last week. I won’t dwell on the impropriety behind the categorisation of a type of lie as white and another type as black. Basically, a white lie is described as a harmless or trivial lie while a black lie is described as harmful, evil. With President Muhammadu Buhari in attendance, Tinubu, delivering a colloquium speech to commemorate his 66th birthday in Lagos, told his audience that the All Progressives Congress never promised Nigerians “honey and sugar”. Haba! O gini kwa? What then did your party promise Nigerians? Serpents and stones? If not in deference to old age and respect for the beautiful and ageless Oluremi, your wife, I would’ve called you a blinking liar because I was personally at the Teslim Balogun Stadium, Lagos, where the APC presidential primary held in December 2014. If ‘change’ is not a promise of “honey and sugar”, is it a continuation of the Goodluck Jonathan ruinous years? When you led Buhari to campaign grounds nationwide, urging Nigerians to vote for him, did you promise them suffering?
 Tinubu told his birthday audience, “Yes, when we came in, we came in with a whole lot of hope… thinking and believing in ourselves, that we can change Nigeria… Life is not interesting without challenges. We didn’t come with a political party showing our logo as honey and sugar, our logo is (a) broom bound together, (symbolising) united Nigerians, focusing against terrorism, against corruption, and to promote the economic revival of the country.” Latin is not a language of betrayal, but like the betrayed Julius Caesar, I ask, “Et tu, Tinubu?”
 Inadvertently confirming that he had been shut out of the Buhari Presidency in the last three years, Tinubu said, “We have a nation to rescue; we have a good leader to emulate and we have hope. We have reduced the propensity for corruption… I will submit a proposal on how we can stimulate the economy.” Sir, what’ve you been doing in the last three years? Watching the economy chained by inflation?
 Tinubu mocked former President Olusegun Obasanjo, saying, “My grandmother used to ask me to write letters to her. Somebody is writing letters now, letter of politics these days. As if they’ve not been there before. Bad belle letters!”
 With barely a year left in Buhari’s tenure, Tinubu said, “I’m happy the President can change the course of the ship wreckage – the ship of this country that’s headed in the wrong direction. To steer the ship back or anchor before redirecting it, which, of course, is necessary.” Steering the ship for three years?
For the black lie told by Tinubu, I wonder what Oyedepo would have done to his hair if he was a student of Covenant. Need I speak Latin again? Ok, I’ll. I concur with the Latin phrase which says “acta non verba” – meaning “deeds, not words” – are needed for Nigeria’s development because “barba non facit philosophum” – “a beard doesn’t make one a philosopher.” And I’ll leave President Buhari with the words of a fellow Roman military commander, Hannibal Barca, who said in Latin, “Aut viam inveniam aut faciam” – meaning: “I will either find a way or make one.”
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  source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/04/will-bishop-oyedepo-shave-tinubus-head.html
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adamstuckerma · 7 years
3 Masterful SEO Insights That Will Change Your Life
Pratik Dholakiya
Some SEO insights offer incremental improvement. Others can change your life forever.
We need both. But today I want to focus on three life-changing insights.
As you can probably guess, these aren’t “tactics.” These are fundamental ways of looking at your discipline. You may even have heard some of them before. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that knowing is different from doing.
These are three key insights that master SEOs put in practice in their daily lives.
1. The Hustle Matters Twice As Much As The Algorithm
Understanding as much as is possible about the search engine algorithms is crucial in order to be an effective SEO.
In fact, I believe that the search industry as a whole is severely underinformed. Many SEO professionals (and agencies):
Jump to conclusions far too swiftly from correlative studies.
Take universal lessons from anecdotes too often.
Ignore Google’s guidelines too frequently.
Take industry-wide “best practice” too seriously and their own data not seriously enough.
As an industry, we need to be better skeptics, experimenters, and testers.
I’m not at all dismissing the technical side of SEO when I say that the hustle is twice as important as the algorithm.
The search engine is designed to make ranking difficult. It is built on the foundational assumption that the most cited pages are the most valuable.
You have to get noticed.
Getting noticed takes work.
If you don’t put yourself out there, your SEO strategy is doomed to failure.
I can pretty much guarantee some readers are scoffing right now. “This is supposed to be a life-changing revelation that will change my life? Get real. I already know this.”
For some of you, that may be the case. But for most of you, I think the following is much more likely: you know this is what you’re supposed to do, you’ve heard of it before, but somehow it hasn’t quite sunk in. Somehow, something is holding you back, and you’re refusing to invest in the hustle.
I know because I’ve been there.
We’ve all been there.
We get stuck in that phase of information addiction. If that’s where you are, I know what it feels like.
Deep down, you know you should be putting more of what you’ve learned to action. You know you should test that tactic you learned last Friday. You know you should build a process to ensure that all of this gets done.
But you can’t help it.
Some nagging part of you says “Just this next tactic. Just this next blog post. And then I’ll know enough to really put all of this to action.”
I’m here to tell you no, you need to hit the ground running and make it happen.
And I’m not talking about trying that one tactic one time and forgetting about it.
I’m talking about having the resolve and dedication to make it an institutionalized habit.
Put tactics to full use.
Make it a part of your routine.
Measure the results.
Adjust as needed.
This is the only way to cross the bridge from theory to practice. And I guarantee when you start making a habit out of crossing that bridge, you’re going to realize just how much of the theory you come across is a waste of time.
No reserve of knowledge is more powerful than your own history of attempts and failures.
SEO knowledge isn’t power. It’s only potential.
2. If You Don’t Build It, They Won’t Come
I’m going to let you in on a little secret.
The winners of the internet don’t “produce content.” They build things.
(Easy there. We’re marketers. You’re reading content right now. We understand the value. Hear us out.)
Are you old enough to remember when the internet first started taking off? Do you remember that hot new phrase: “interactivity?”
Ask yourself, what do you spend most of your time on the internet doing?
Are you consuming the internet, or are you using it?
If you’re like most people, you spend a pretty solid portion of your time online.
More importantly, of the time you spend using the internet, you probably use a pretty small number of sites. Know why? Because most sites are built to be consumed instead of used. Most sites take lessons from their peers at the bottom, rather than the industry leaders at the top.
Just take a look at the most linked sites on the internet.
I see an awful lot of tools and platforms here. Not so many “content producers.”
Again, this isn’t intended as some kind of anti-content marketing rallying cry. Instead, I’d like you to now think about your favorite content site.
Do you use it, or consume it?
What first put them on your radar? Did you land on a random blog post, or did you come across a massive content resource of some kind that you quickly realized you almost couldn’t live without?
Look at any developed online industry and you will find that the top players have at least one page on their site that is elevated to this level.
What I mean is this: the page crosses a threshold. It ceases to be “content” and it becomes a free product. It’s something so valuable that people actually come to use it, not just to consume it. And they will likely use it more than once or twice.
These pages aren’t always the highest converting, but they are usually the most heavily linked, second only to the homepage, and they are usually the most heavily trafficked, with the highest return rate. All of these things play a crucial role in rankings, brand reputation, and brand recognition.
If you have to choose between “producing content” and “building something,” go with the latter. A tool, a platform, a community, or an “ultimate guide” is almost always going to draw more traffic and links than your next piece of “content.”
I strongly believe that you need to produce content and build something. You need both. Most only have one.
The internet was built to be used.
3. If It’s Not For Anything Else, It’s Not For SEO Either
A masterful SEO understands the search engines and understands that they can’t rely on the search engines.
Let me explain.
First and foremost, there are two simple facts:
The algorithm changes, and it changes constantly.
Google warns us against manipulating the algorithm.
I want to hammer these points home, because they are often either ignored or acknowledged and then quickly treated as though the statements were never uttered.
First, the algorithm (algorithms, really) is updated about 500 times every year.
Just let that sink in. It is updated once or twice every single day.
Google’s search engine is just a massive collection of interfacing code. It is interacting with a constantly crawled and updated search index. No single engineer at Google can possibly understand fully how their own search engine works.
We’re talking about a massive collection of protocols, applications, operating systems, databases, and information retrieval processes. If you’ve ever dealt with complex code, then you know how much one small tweak can change everything else inadvertently. And I’m talking about the kinds of changes that don’t show up as “syntax error.”
So if you’ve been studying all of those “ranking factors” hoping to “reverse engineer” the algorithm, you have presented yourself with a task that is quite literally impossible. We can only hope to find statistical tendencies, and you absolutely must treat every site and every SERP as its own entity with different sorts of factors taking priority.
Second, I can’t stress enough how important this point is from Google’s guidelines:
“Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A good rule of thumb is whether you’d feel comfortable explaining what you’ve done to a website that competes with you, or to a Google employee. Another useful test is to ask, ‘Does this help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn’t exist?’”
Don’t get me wrong. The idea that you should only do things that you would feel comfortable sharing with a competitor is laughable, and pretending search engines don’t exist today is even more impossible than it was when the guidelines were first written.
But the implications are clear. If your SEO tactics are only helpful for SEO, and do nothing else for you, you’re on uneasy ground with Google’s guidelines.
Final Thoughts
Anybody who has been doing SEO for a long time know that those “pure” algorithmic SEO tactics fade with age.
Only SEO rooted solid marketing principles continue to work for you in long term.
A masterful SEO always has two eyes open: one on the search engine, the other on marketing.
Remember, the SEO mindset is one of cumulative growth.
We are looking for lasting improvements. Each incremental improvement is intended to tack more visits, more links, and more revenue to our long-term monthly figures, not just to this month’s figures.
That means not just using tactics and strategies that the search engines will always be OK with, but using tactics and strategies that don’t strictly rely on search engines to have lasting, cumulative impacts.
Put these insights to use. You won’t regret it.
On – 08 Jul, 2017 By Pratik Dholakiya
The post 3 Masterful SEO Insights That Will Change Your Life appeared first on Miami SEO.
source https://andlocal.org/2017/07/21/3-masterful-seo-insights-will-change-life/ from ANDLOCAL http://andlocal.blogspot.com/2017/07/3-masterful-seo-insights-that-will.html
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crackitindonesia · 4 years
Pinflux 2 Agency v4.1 Cracked
New Post has been published on https://crackitindonesia.com/pinflux-2-agency-v4-1-cracked/
Pinflux 2 Agency v4.1 Cracked
Pinflux 2 is known as the upgraded version of Pinflux. If you are also working in online marketing field long enough, you may have ever heard of Pinflux which is one of the hottest products in 2017 with thousands sold out. For those who are not familiar with the product, I would like to summarize key details about Pinflux 2.
Pinflux 2 is a breakthrough Pinterest Auto-Application which is designed to remove the manual works of content marketing. It is used to find the content, automate pinning & re-pinning, quickly add viral images, handle Likes&Engagement automatically,…with main purpose is to generate phenomenal traffic.
Although from very early time did people consider Pinterest as the fastest growing traffic source for e-commerce, brands, bloggers and even social media marketers, they still cannot optimize it to the fullest. The reason is simple. There was no effective automation tool that unlocked every feature of Pinterest except Pinflux 2. The first version proved it clearly with its successful sales. Let’s see whether Pinflux 2 can do the same.
Many online marketers easily recognize such products as InstaViral, Video Jeet, and Reach Multiply and their creator – Cyril Jeet. This man has long claimed his reputation among online marketer community with his invention of many high-quality digital products focusing on social media marketing. With the invention of Pinflux 2, Cyril hopes to deliver a comprehensive platform, supporting the Pinterest marketing campaign.
  PINFLUX 2 REVIEW – UNIQUE FEATURES Obviously, Pinflux 2 inherits its predecessor’s outstanding functionalities. You gain the same benefits from Pinflux 2.
Generate Your Marketing Campaign On Pinterest
Manage all Pinterest account on one single dashboard. Users can log into as many accounts as they want and control all of them
Detect viral fresh content and post them to your boards
Search board or pins with any keywords upon your niche
Arrange a pinning schedule and create pins to unlimited boards on an autopilot
Search the best pins in your niche and have them automatically re-pinned to your boards
Drive Quality Organic Traffic
100% free social traffic
Find and Follow people in the same as your niche and get follow-backs
Automatically follow, unfollow, like and comment. These features let you get rid of all the annoying procedures of liking, commenting, and reacting on Pinterest.
Get into top public boards and use their audience to develop your business
Automatically gain quality, organic, women and home oriented traffic to all of your blogs
Send traffic anywhere through links and custom descriptions with your pitch.
Pinflux 2 Is One-Of-A-Kind And Innovative Tool On The Marketplace
Work with multiple boards across multiple IDs.
Do tasks faster and better with automation.
Super Easy-To-Use interface
Complete reporting keeps you updated
100% support for manual actions. You can do everything from within Pinflux with using instruction
No writing boring articles
No confusing Facebook Ads
No begging for backlinks
What’s more in Pinflux 2? In other words, what do you benefit from this latest version?
Pinflux 2 is managed to optimize the automation by removing the App Approval Process. This means that you can automate everything without having to get your app permitted, which is more convenient for users
It gives more supports on scheduling posts and pins, together with the automation for follow and unfollow
The Pro Version included offers supports by directly messaging the fresh fans on Pinterest
The best part is, there is no price difference between Pinflux and Pinflux 2. The price remains the same! Good news, isn’t it?
I have to confess that I am not good at so-called technical stuff but using this software is a part of my job. Guess what? I am really surprised that I can use it like a pro. Because it includes 3 steps and each of them is not difficult at all. Ok now I will show you the using instruction.
Step 1: Connect all your Pinterest accounts & Boards
Step 2: Set up keywords & board settings
For example, if you want to follow people from Floral design, simply type down the keywords then Save Setting
Step 3: Watch your Pinterest traffic & stats grow
Those step doesn’t require any special skills in technique and you are also provided with full training video making sure you can easily go through the whole process.
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