#i heard people started hating on her in s4 and it looks intentional but if you rewatch it you'd realize nowalk doesn't have a sense of
Htgawm ended a while ago and I've yet to see a single person talk about nowalk's weird favoritism towards laurel
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Drag You Down
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Request by Anonymous: Could you do a fic with Juice x reader where he’s ignored her for weeks only for Chibs to bring him to at her place the night he tried to end it in s4 e8 and he realized how much he messed up by ignoring her and tells her about the deal with potter, thinking she would leave him? You can decide how it ends
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of bruising/injuries, mentions of suicide
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This time period in the show is so heartbreaking for my boy but it does make for some really good angsty fics. Hope you enjoy! xo
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You called his phone again only to get sent straight to voicemail. With a heavy sigh, you tossed your phone aside. At this point, you weren’t sure if you were more worried or angry. You’d even taken the time to swing by the clubhouse to check with Jax to make sure that you had the right number. Juice had been dodging your calls and texts for weeks—you hadn’t seen him at all and it was starting to get worrisome. Your concerns weren’t quelled at all when Jax said that Juice had been distant with the club as well. It was one thing if he was just blowing you off, or just blowing off the club, but he’d never cut himself off from everyone all at once. That wasn’t like him.
A few times over the course of the last few weeks, you’d driven past his house. You felt a little obsessive doing so, but you just wanted to know that he was okay and alive somewhere, even if he was ignoring you. You never saw the lights on or his bike in the driveway, though, and you had no clue where else he would go besides the clubhouse or your place.
You had poured yourself a large glass of wine and settled down into bed with a good book, just trying to get your mind off of everything that your brain was conjuring up. You couldn’t stand to keep thinking of all the terrible scenarios that Juice might’ve landed himself in if there was nothing that you could do about it.
You’d hardly pressed the glass to your lips when you heard someone knocking hard on your front door. The only people who would be knocking on your door at this hour would be people from the club. You threw on one of Juice’s sweatshirts that he’d left behind and made your way to the door. You looked through the peephole and your heart dropped into your stomach as you saw Chibs on the other side of the door, supporting Juice against his side.
You unlocked and practically threw the door open, “Holy shit,” was all you could force out.
Chibs looked exhausted, and angry. He had Juice propped against his side, a scowl etched into his features. You could tell that this was the last thing that he wanted to be doing at the moment. Despite the frustration, you knew that underneath it all, Chibs cared or he wouldn’t have taken the time to come and knock on your door.
Juice was a mess. Your brain couldn’t fully process what was happening in front of you, almost as though it was protecting itself from the hurt and disappointment of it all. His clothes were smeared with dirt and there were tears in his eyes as he stood in front of you, unable to meet your gaze.
“Come in, please,” you snapped back to the situation at hand as you gestured for them to come into your house.
Chibs walked in, immediately making his way over to the couch and depositing Juice onto it with no gentleness whatsoever. He sighed, running his fingers back through his hair. Taking a beat to get his thoughts in order, he looked over to you and nodded for you to follow him into the kitchen, out of earshot from your mutual bond.
You followed him, nervously biting at your bottom lip. Chibs could see the worry on your face and it made him feel worse about what he was about to tell you. He didn’t have all the details, but he knew enough to know that he had get Juice over to you if there was any hope of the situation getting resolved and everyone getting out somewhat unscathed.
“What’s going on?” you whispered, unable to tear your eyes away from Juice.
“Yer gonna have to do some damage control, love,” Chibs leaned in close to you as he spoke.
You ran your hands down your face, “What happened?”
He shook his head, “Not my story to tell. He needs you righ’ now. Don’t let him tell you otherwise,” he placed a chaste, reassuring kiss to your temple, “Take good care’a him for me, yea?”
You nodded, trying to get your racing thoughts in order, “Of course.”
He walked back into the living room and looked at Juice, who had his face buried in his hands. Chibs rested his hand in the center of Juice’s back, right between his shoulder blades. It was a soft gesture, and you couldn’t help but to think that you had never seen Chibs be so delicate with anyone, let alone one of the men from the club. You hung back for a moment, not wanting to intrude. Chibs leaned in and said something quietly to Juice that you couldn’t make out, but Juice simply nodded his head in response. Chibs nodded and looked back to you, offering up a small, brief smile before heading back out the door.
You walked into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Juice. Your leg brushed and pressed against his, and it broke your heart that you could feel him fighting the urge to pull away from your touch, from you. You wanted to reach out and pull him into you, but you didn’t. He didn’t look up at you, instead staring down at the floor, gnawing nervously at the inside of his cheek.
“I can’t try to help you if you don’t talk to me,” your voice was soft.
He shook his head, “I don’t think you can.”
You nudged his knee lightly with your own, “Try me.”
“Why do you even still want to help me?” he finally looked over at you, tears filling his eyes to the brim.
The sadness in his expression wiped away any of the anger that you had been feeling towards him over the last few weeks, “Because even though you’ve been driving me out of my mind the past few weeks when you decided to drop off the grid,” you shook your head slightly, “I still love you, and I still care about you. I will always have your back, Juan. But I can’t do it right if you don’t let me in.”
“There’s so much shit and I can’t…I can’t bring you…I can’t put this on you,” he blinked, trying to fight back his tears.
“We’re a team,” you lightly rested your hand on his knee, “Whatever it is that you’re going through, I’ll help you however I can. But I can’t help you if you keep me in the dark. What’s going on?”
He stood up off the couch and paced for a few moments, eyes looking anywhere but at you. You sat back and waited patiently, knowing that trying to rush him into telling you anything was only going to make him clam up more. He finally paused and took a deep breath. Still not looking at you, he reached and pulled his hoodie off over his head. You had no idea what it had to do with anything, but once he was down to just his t-shirt, your heart plummeted into your stomach.
You stood up and went over to him, taking the sweatshirt from his hands and discarding it on the couch. Tears trickled down your face as you looked at the bruises that trailed around his neck. He didn’t need to say it—you knew exactly what had happened. What you didn’t know, though, was why. You slowly reached forward, gently resting your hands on his shoulders as you looked at the dark marks that wove all around his throat.
“Why?” your voice was barely a whisper.
It was hard for him to look at you, hating that he was causing so much pain for you, “There’s this guy, this agent. He, um, he knows some shit about me, about my family. It…it could do me in with the club.”
You could see it on his face that he wanted to tell you more, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to do it. It was hard to imagine what the man could have on him that would hurt his standing with the club—they were all essentially career criminals at this point. What terrible thing in his past, in his family, would be that bad that he would bottle it up to the point of trying to kill himself to avoid the fallout?
“What is it?” he let you gently cup his face in your hands, leaning into the warmth of your palms, “You gotta let me in. Please, let me help you.”
Hesitation was written all over his features as he looked into your eyes. He looked so hopeless and torn up, his face stained with tears. He collapsed back down onto the couch and rested his head in his hands. You sat down next to him, pulling your feet up underneath yourself as you carefully draped your arm around his shoulders. You leaned slightly onto him, silently begging him to tell you what was going on.
After a few minutes of silence, he started to outline everything to you. You listened intently, and silently. His voice trembled as he told you about everything that had been resting on his shoulders over the past month. He was constantly wiping at his eyes and cheeks to keep his tears under control, and you felt your heart shatter inside your chest.
“I’m not telling you this because I’m expecting you to fix it,” he shook his head slightly, “I really wouldn’t blame you if you wanted nothing to do with me, with us, anymore.”
You pulled back from him a little, trying to get a direct look into his eyes, “Is…is that what you thought was going to happen when you told me all of this? You thought I was just going to…leave?”
As much as he tried to force it down, a sob made its way past his lips. He turned and leaned into you, letting your arms truly envelop him for the first time all night. You rested your cheek against the side of his head as he cried into your shoulder. Taking a slow, steady breath, you shut your eyes and lightly trailed your hand up and down his back.
“I can’t drag you down with me,” he said softly, “I can’t do that to you.”
You pressed your lips to his temple for a moment, leaving a soft kiss there before speaking, “You’re not dragging me anywhere,” you squeezed him tight to you, “We’re in this together. That’s the whole point, you know, that neither of us have to go through anything alone. It’s not going to be easy, and I’m not going to sit here and pretend to have all of the answers right now, but we’re going to figure this out somehow, okay? But please,” a few stray tears escaped and rolled down your cheeks, “You can’t do this again,” your fingertips ghosted over the bruises that lined his neck.
He pulled away from you and ran his hands over his face, trying to regain the slightest bit of composure. He reached out and his hand lightly cupped your chin, “I love you.”
You reached and traced your thumb along his cheekbone, “I love you too.”
“I’m sorry that things are always so messy with me,” you could see the genuine regret in his eyes that he had created this situation and put you into it.
You shook your head, “I’m not afraid of a little bit of a mess. You just can’t cut me out, okay? You need to let me love you through it.”
He nodded but didn’t say anything else as he leaned in and caught your lips with his in a tender kiss. You felt the way that he melted into you and you knew that regardless of everything else that was happening, all of the things that were out of your control, you were able to keep him safe for one more night. If getting him through things one night at a time was what it took, then so be it. But you knew, as his lips continued to gently move against yours, that you couldn’t let anything else happen to him. He was a beam of light in the midst of so much darkness, and that was something that you couldn’t afford to lose.
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just-a-fangirl13 · 3 years
Why s5 *might* be the season MacRiley happens
Okay so...Hear me out! I'm not crazy I promise!!
Firstly, after 5x03 (and probably 5x04) it may seem very unlikely that MacRiley could ever happen. But I thought of a few reasons why they might actually happen by the end of s5 after all.... (it gets a lil long winded and kinda complicated but just stick with me till the end!)
1. All the MacRiley moments including the ones in 5x03.
[this Mac smile could not be an accident or something that slipped through both production and post-production right?! that in itself is a whole reason!]
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Every Macriley moment we have ever had- whether it's the hugs, Riley saving Mac, Mac saving Riley, the ultimate show of loyalty when Riley went after Mac during Codex or even just the looks exchanged between the two- to any outsider it would seem pretty obvious that they are dating or at least in love. Keep in mind the writers would have written each of those scenes and Lucas and Tristan have acted them out with a specific build up in mind aka MacRiley.(think about the date episode: Riley just got dumped but was still thinking about how Mac might be hungry. She didnt have to do that. She could have just shown up at his place..) I mean how can they write two people so perfectly in sync and so perfect for each other and not have them end up together? It would just be a waste of all that tension and slow burn. (not to mention all the hugs and glances)
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2. They know we exist. 
The MacRiley fam is very active on twitter with the writers and while they were writing 5x01 they knew we were around. They know we are a huge group. They would not want to risk pissing 90% of the fandom off by not making MacRiley endgame.
[P.S.yes 5x03 was a bait and switch but if you were paying attention you would have noticed that neither Lucas not Tristan live tweeted or hyped up the episode. They knew we would probably hate it so they didnt publicise it too much! so in the future if you have doubts about the episode being a MacRiley one just check their stories or posts on twitter/intstagram]
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3. Yes 5x03 happened. 
I really think it was an episode they HAD to write. Ok so after 4x13 they had 7 more episodes planned and were filming 4x20 (aka the finale) when the pandemic struck. So they have these 6 episodes but no finale for it. [Idk if anyone else has noticed but in 5x01 there were clearly some parts cut out. For example the conversation between Desi and Riley towards the end seemed a bit jilted. Riley asking Desi to forgive her but Desi replied with yeah we are cool (still no apology ofc) I feel like something happened during that which ended up getting cut out so it could fit with the final story.]
This makes me think that they have rewritten a few bits to tie into the new finale episode. In 5x03 when Mac asked Desi to come fishing with him which was clearly something very personal to him she was like no do better.. then we see Mac's disappointed expression. She could have easily said okay but maybe not for our first date? Or its not really my thing? Or just about anything else rather than laughing in his face like that. Eventhough MD is together they still arent compatible. Mac’s final words in 5x03 was him being desperate. I truly think he is so broken and lost that Desi is the only safe thing left, the only thing he feels like he can fix right now. Once he finds himself again and heals...then it's going to hit him like a pile of bricks!!
4. But Riley doesn't have feelings anymore...WELL doesnt she? 
When it comes to Mac, Riley is always in denial. We saw it in s4 when she tells Bozer not to make her say it. I think s5 will show her finally accepting it. Finally accepting that she is in love with her best friend and that it definitely isnt Codex adrenaline because she caught the feels when Codex wasnt even around. While Mac's arc would include realising he and Desi are never going to work and that he is unhappy and that RILEY is the one for him.
[why else would they give Riley feelings for Mac? Something has to come of it.]
5. The slow burn rule.[this point is a lil complicated] 
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Now season 5 is rumoured to have 13 episodes. So here’s what I think: If MacGyver follows the pattern that most shows do when it comes to slow burns, then technically MacRIley should have happened at the end of season 4. But since the season got cut short and they didnt get to air/finish their final episode the writers had to improvise. 
From what I know, 4x19 which is 5x04 for us is the episode where Mac meets Desi’s parents and 4x20 was supposed to be the finale that was left unfinished.(they are definitely moving the timeline ahead if a pre finale episode is suddenly a mid season one.) There might have been a 4x21 or 4x22 but I haven't heard anything about those....EVER.
So what I think they have decided to do instead is extend the MD storyline a bit longer just so they dont end up scrapping all their s4 episodes where they would be together and write a new finale that ties everything together, aka MacRiley.
If you think about episode counts, s4 and s5 together would have 26 episodes which is a how long a normal season runs. Basically what im trying to say is if we follow the ‘slow burns end by s4’ and take season 5 as an extension of 4 then MacRiley should get together in the season 5 finale or maybe the episode just before. (IM REALLY TRYING TO GET SOME LOGIC INTO THIS)
This would be a typical TV thing too where the couple finds out about each other’s feelings while the main arc of the show is also at its peak, which perfectly sets up a future season where fans are hyped but still has a satisfying ending.
6. So what about MacDesi?
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So far the macgyver writers have given us characters we love. Think of every character on the show apart from maybe Desi... Mac, Riley, Bozer, Jack, Matty, Leanna, Samantha, Russ and even Murdoc. WE LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. So then why is Desi such a strange character? I think shes purposely been written as an opposite to Mac or even Riley (I get she’s supposed to kinda replace Jack but Jack is really irreplaceable). 
It's not necessarily a bad thing its just not a great thing to do or have great execution. People have said things like Desi is a badass and shouldnt have to apologise or say I love you back to her boyfriend because she is a strong woman...I'm sorry but your opinion of who a strong woman is, is EXTREMELY skewed. A strong woman is someone who can make mistakes and when she does, she is ‘strong’ enough to own up to it, she is loyal and fierce and also caring while being a badass who can take down bad guys. And for GODS SAKE, RILEY DAVIS IS A STRONG WOMAN...people have called her mushy and feminine on twitter and I'm just very confused by that.....
Anyways before I go off on a rant, it seems like Desi is intentionally being written this way. Every opportunity they get to redeem her and make her more relatable or just a better person they just dont take it. While Rileys character arc is one of the best I've ever seen. Either its intentional or they’ve forgotten how to write characters...which is worrisome but ill give them the benefit of the doubt.
The writers also know we dont like Desi. The amount of times we've tagged them in the toxic posts or pointed out problematic things we can be sure they've seen at least half of those. So theres no way they dont know. RIGHT?
So why then is MD still a thing you may ask??
Well for one they cant break them up again off screen because of those unreleased s4 episodes. (not to mention the other parts of the audience who arent as invested in mac’s love life would probably be very confused.)
Secondly Mac has to be the one to pull the plug, not Desi. 4x13 made it seem like Desi was the annoyed one not Mac. He apologised to her which meant he wanted to fix things. 
Thirdly, they are opening the chpt one last time before they permanently close it. MD is going to be a stark contrast to macriley(it already is in every way possible). Every issue Mac and Desi had can be used to show how amazing macriley really is as two people who arent even dating yet.
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Fourthly, MD being together is a sort of commentary on Macs mental health as well. We can see how happy he is with Riley but around Desi he becomes some one else. If the writers are doing this on purpose or subconsciously still remains to be seen.
And Yes keeping MD around for a few more episodes seems like a necessary risk right now but I have a feeling its going to be worth it later.
[I know we have had like 4 desi entered episodes already but I really think 5x04 will be the last of it since 5x05 is the Jack episode and 5x06 is Mac+Riley+Bozer episode with no mention of Desi at all!]
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The writers know we are a dedicated bunch and they know that once MD breaks up for the last time the entire fandom will be waiting and watching. That's when the show will be at its peak. That will be the perfect moment to bring in MacRiley’s arc to a new start!
Congrats if you stuck with me through this whole thing! if you agree/disgaree with any of these or have other reasons why they could be endgame in s5 let me know!!
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I Need to Talk About “Problematic Faves” within TWDG [1/?]
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You know what I love about TWDG and its characters...? 
How flawed they all are.
I’m not talking that they’re flawed in the stupid “My biggest problem is that I love too gosh darn much!” or “My defining character flaw is that I’m super clumsy lolz!” I mean that practically every single character we’ve met across these games has done at least one terribly awful thing. 
That includes all of our favorite characters. 
It doesn’t matter who your favorite character is. They have done at least one terrible thing within these games, if not many. 
This can include theft, murder, assault, using racist slurs/being racist in general, different acts of violence using weapons, verbal abuse, lying, sacrificing others for themselves, property damage, assisting in suicide, abandonment, and many other things that potentially result in the harm of others or themselves. 
We don’t like to think that our favorite character could ever do any of these things, or if they did, they have an excuse for why they did it.
Take Clementine for example. We all love Clementine. We’ve all been with her since the beginning, we’ve all watched her grow, and we’ve all morphed her into the person she is by the time s4 ends. 
But when you look at Clementine, as well as some of her actions and behaviors across the series, through a completely unbiased lens, it’s not hard to throw a certain overused word at her. 
Clementine has killed several people. Most of them were in defense, but there are certain kills that are hard to defend or justify. 
My favorite example to use is when she shot the asshole who traded her bad bullets then asked Javi to lie for her. It’s easy to say, “Well, she didn’t mean to do it! She thought the bullets wouldn’t fire! Besides, that guy WAS the asshole who sold her the bad batteries and attacked her!”
Okay, fine. But that doesn’t mean diddly squat. 
Clementine knows better than to point a gun at someone she doesn’t have any intention of shooting. That was one of the first lessons Lee taught her, and it’s even a lesson she taught Sarah in s2. Clementine pointed the gun at him and fired anyway, which is WHY he got up and ended up attacking Javi. Then, Clementine shot the gun again, but this time it actually fired and killed him. She knew she fucked up, but the deed was done and she murdered that man. 
Clementine is just one of many characters who we could throw that phrase “Problematic Fave” at. At the end of the day, I could argue that every single favorite character within TWDG would fall into this category at some level, whether it be low or high. 
Even characters who we baby like “Oh precious child who has never done anything wrong in their life!” have an argument that can be made against them. 
Well, okay, except Rosie.
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Rosie is the one exception I’ll allow. Even though she’s not a person, she’s a dog, but I still consider her a character. 
But, Clementine’s different. She’s our protagonist, therefore, it’s much easier to explain her actions or make excuses for what she does. Hell, a good chunk of her actions are made by us, so if she does something “wrong,” then we’re to blame for making that choice as her, further developing her character with the use of that choice. 
What about the characters who aren’t our playable protagonists? 
What about the major and side characters who have made poor decisions? The characters that we’ve thrown this label of “Problematic Fave” at more than others? The characters we’d consider “villains,” or in the very least “antagonistic.” 
What about the characters under those labels that we end up loving, and even defending, despite the terrible things they’ve done or said? Despite groups of others in the community saying that it’s wrong to like these characters?
Today I want to talk about those characters who are higher on the “Problematic Fave” tier list, and get to the bottom of WHY we love them. 
It’s not wrong for us to like these characters. 
Let’s get that out of the way right off the bat.
It’s not wrong to enjoy or love an antagonist, or a morally complex/gray character. I argue that everyone has an antagonist that they love, whether it be within the twdg universe or otherwise. 
I’m not here to shame anyone for liking a character who happened to be labeled under this “Problematic Fave” term by others who like to throw it around to start fights. 
If anything, I’m letting know that it’s totally okay to love these characters as long as you’re being safe about it. As in, you’re not excusing these bad behaviors while acting like these unhealthy things are okay when they’re clearly not.
Now... maybe you’re wondering WHY this is something that I feel I NEED to talk about. What brought this up and whatnot. 
I need to talk about this because I have a problematic fave and it’s bothered me for a long time. 
Before I get started, we should all be on the same page of what defines a “Problematic Fave,” since it’s a phrase that I’ll use throughout this whole thing.
 If you go to Google and search this term, this is the definition it’ll bring up: 
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Very vague. And when I asked you guys:
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It’s an easy enough term to understand. We all get the general idea. 
The problem is, like I mentioned before, every single character within this TWDG universe is problematic at some point. They’ve all said hurtful things, they’ve done hurtful things.... it’s the apocalypse! 
But there are a handful of characters who end up getting this thrown at them WAY more than any other characters. Not just “villain” characters either, like the St. Johns or Lilly, but characters who seem to have more gray coloring to them, those who are more antagonistic, who make more poor decisions, who get others killed or hurt, who display unhealthy behaviors. Those who we can’t quite put our fingers on if they are “good” or “bad.”
I’m sure that at least one character has popped in your brain as you’ve read thus far.
Let’s talk about the popular ones:
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In my opinion, Kenny is... well, he's problematic. Whether you love or hate him, you have to admit that a lot of his actions over the course of seasons 1 and 2, though mostly 2, are harmful. 
I’m one of those people who don’t love or hate him. I’m more on the dislike side when it comes to s2 Kenny, but I can see why someone would love or hate him overall. 
On one hand, he IS an interesting character to take the time to study. His character tells us a lot about what happens to a normal, nice family man thrown into the apocalypse who loses everyone he’s ever loved, including his only child, his wife, and what happens when that family man has to keep going with the world trying to beat him down. 
He has his kind moments. He clearly cares about Clementine and AJ, but his behavior and actions, if not kept under control, could lead to disaster. They DO lead to disaster, since no one can stand to be around him, leading to everyone abandoning him, and in turn, abandoning Clementine and AJ. 
All of the weight of what’s happened to him has left him angry and violent. He lashes out at Clementine after Sarita’s death, going as far as to BLAME Clementine for it regardless of her choices. He isolates her from the group, becomes possessive the moment they meet back up again, and picks fights when he shouldn’t, which result in harm to her and others. He beats the shit out of Arvo in front of everyone as if he’s right in physically harming this disabled kid because of the situation they all find themselves in. 
In the end, if you actually have Clementine shoot him, he tells her and the player that “you made the right choice,” as if he knows he’s been such an antagonistic character that it’s only right that he die. 
The end to every good story has the so-called “bad guy” die... right?
Kenny is an obvious example of a favorite character being problematic, if not THE most obvious. He has so many people who love him, and just as many who hate him. 
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard or witnessed arguments about Kenny and this phrase was thrown around with other words like “toxic” and “abusive” yada yada. 
It makes sense to me that someone would question why Kenny would be another’s favorite character just as it makes sense that someone would love him. 
It all depends on how you see him and if you’re mature enough to accept and understand his trauma, unhealthy behaviors, and overall character [the good and the bad] for what it is. He’s a broken man, but it doesn’t give him an excuse to lash out at those he’s supposed to love and protect. 
What really gets me is that Kenny is loved by so many people and they’re vocal about it, probably even more vocal than those who hate him. And I’m not shaming you. 
The kind, mature Kenny stans of our community aren’t afraid to express their love for this character. They know who he is, and they’re willing to discuss him with others who love him, as well as with those who don’t in a calm manner. This is something I highly respect and thought deserved acknowledgment.
I have a point to mentioning this, because with my problematic fave, I have never openly admitted to how much I like this character because I was always scared of the potential hate that could be thrown my way. I mean, whenever I search this character, there’s a lot of shade being thrown around. 
Then times changed, my blog grew bigger and I became more confident in sharing my opinions and views, as well as discussing several positive and negative aspects of TWDG with all of you. 
Now, this isn’t just applicable to Kenny, either.
Of the characters who fall higher on this “Problematic Fave” tier list we’ve somehow acquired, there are a lot of people who absolutely adore Minerva. 
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Even Lilly has people who love her-
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Hell, there are people who SWEAR by 400 Days’ Nate. 
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^THIS crazy bastard! 
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I was even shocked to see there are a handful of people who really like Arvo, too!
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Before we continue, I do want to reiterate that I’m not coming for anyone who likes Kenny, Minerva, or any of the other characters mentioned above. I want to make that clear in case I say something pertaining to these characters that you take offense to. Well all know how easy it is to be offended on here. Besides, I’m not one to judge given that I have my own problem character that I love and y’all are gonna judge me anyway, so let’s just chill. 
This whole idea of why we love these characters is fascinating. 
If we ever met these people in real life, we wouldn’t be so quick to love them and we know it. But, because they’re fictional and put out there for us to analyze and talk about with one another, we find ourselves attached to them.
I simply want to understand why. 
Now that we have a list of the more popular characters who fall into this tier, I’ll be using them as examples throughout the rest of these posts. 
However... before we get into that, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I haven’t told you who MY problematic fave is and why. 
Well, allow me to enlighten you because, even though I’m using Kenny, Minerva, ect. as examples, this character will be my MAIN example. 
Time to come out and admit it. 
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It’s David.
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I really like David.
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I even dare admit that I.... kind of love him?
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Why, you ask....?
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David is a character I’ve rarely talked about.
The only time he ever seems to come up is when we’re talking about Livid, and we all know how that one goes. 
Even when we talk about ANF as a whole, it’s usually a discussion about Emo Clementine or how Gabe should’ve had a better character arc or just how gosh darn gorgeous Javi is or how Conrad is actually the best character and totally should’ve been a romance option because Javrad is the true OTP of ANF.
But that’s a topic y’all aren’t ready for.
I know that there are those out there who, like me, like David for what he is and his character development throughout ANF. I’m not going to act like I’m the one person in the world who likes him because I can’t be. 
However, it seems like every time I get an ask that involves David [and isn’t Livid] is hateful or otherwise negative a good 95% of the time.
That, on top of being a predominantly s4 blog, is why I haven’t talked much about David or admitted that I like him as much as I do.
But now the cat’s out of the bag.
CJ has a hidden love for David Garcia.
It’s true. This jerk is my big problematic fave.
And I can already hear it now: 
“CJ, how can you actually like David after he treated everyone so poorly and took AJ away from Clem?”
Oh, I don’t know... how can anyone love Kenny after the way he treated everyone so poorly and was a real prick to Clementine after Sarita’s death? 
Why does anyone love Minerva after she got Tenn/Louis/Violet KILLED and Clementine bit? 
Why does anyone like Nate, who literally murders an old, wounded couple and is overall an insane son of a bitch?
That’s why we’re here, ya dingus.
To figure this out. 
In preparation for this, I actually went and did some digging on what people think of David. I thought, “Maybe I’ll find some character analysis’ or posts that share my thoughts.” 
After reading a bunch of threads about him on various websites, I concluded that 99% of them look the same:
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[ Also, where are these people who support David against Clementine? Because I did not find them, random person on wikipedia. I must not be looking in the right places. All I found were Kenny defense posts on your David thread. Riddle me that, random person on wikipedia whose name I scribbled out but just realized I missed the “edited by” rendering the scribble pointless!]
This did nothing but increase my anxiety about making this whole post because I’d rather not have paragraphs like this sent to my inbox for the next twenty years. 
But, I’m doing it anyway. Obviously. 
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I have a real love-hate relationship with David, in case you couldn’t tell.
I should hate David. I really should.
I mean, I don’t like Kenny, and I fucking loathe Lilly. They’re two characters that have a lot in common with David, so logically, you’d think that I’d group him in with them and hate his dumb face. 
But I don’t. 
Even though David is an asshole. 
He likes to do things that really piss me off, then turn around like “I can’t change because I’m a soldier” as if changing and not doing bad things is completely impossible for him!
David breaks a grieving woman’s arm after her husband dies, takes AJ away from Clementine after kicking her [a 13-year-old] out of their group by herself, gets more upset over how his glass got broken than over his wife’s cut hand, constantly fights with and puts Javi down, barely mourns Mari’s death, and a number of other things.
I know change is hard, David, and you have a lot of trauma from being a soldier, but that’s not an excuse to do bad things! I firmly believe that with enough effort, love, and support, you can slowly get better! I really hate you, you infuriating man!
But I also love him.
....But I also really hate him.
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Do you see my dilemma?
And y’know what? I got plenty to say about all the things he’s done. 
David is a fascinating character. 
Even now, going back up and rereading what I wrote, I have to urge to jump in and be like “Well, okay, I actually have a theory on why he did that...” as if I’m ready to defend him from myself. How does that work?! 
Well, okay, not necessary defend him in the way of justifying why he’d break that woman’s arm or anything, but instead show that he’s a gray character who is much more complex than people give him credit for. I have the urge to explain David’s character as a matter of character analysis and discussion, not pretend he didn’t do anything wrong or make excuses for his unhealthy and problematic behaviors.
Does that sound familiar?
David Garcia is to me what Kenny is to a lot of people.
I have a theory on why he married Kate in the first place when they clearly weren’t compatible as a couple! I have theories on why he was quick to boot Clementine out but look the other way when Lingard got high on their meds! Explanations of why having him and Gabe alive in the end is the better ending!
oh god everyone is going to hate me haha-
I have it all, and maybe one day I’ll sit down and write an entire in-depth character analysis of David if anyone is actually interested, but right now I just want to understand why I like to him in the first place because it makes no sense.
Since day one, it’s boggled my mind as to WHY I’ve always found myself leaning in favor of David. 
With every episode that came out after e2, David was the character who always piqued my interest and I found myself wanting to side with him just to see what would happen. Why did I still like him even though he kept doing things that I knew were wrong? Or that pissed me off?
Why was I furious when I reached my ending only to have David end up dead?
Why was I so pissed that this character, who drove me INSANE for most of the game, died?
Is it because I see a part of myself in him? Is it because of his character design, the performance of his voice acting, and his overall writing? Does it have anything to do with his backstory and relationship with Javi? Is it because I’m actually one of those people who see someone like this and think “hey I can fix you!” but don’t know it? What is it?
Why is David Garcia my “Problematic Fave” of TWDG?
Continued in [2/?]
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theworststoryteller · 4 years
The living dead (Post s4 finale sad ficlet.)
There’s one thing we did not think about” Hecate muttered softly.
Ada was lying in bed, an array of tissues scattered across the sheets which the brunette vanished every so often. Her eyes were red and puffy while grey circles were engraved below them. On her nightstand, next to her glasses stood a mug filled with tea which had long went cold as it was left untouched. Hecate resorted to casting warming spells despite knowing her beloved wife was not going to touch it.
“What would that be?” the blonde questioned, blowing her nose.
“It’s...Geraldine” Hecate sighed “Someone needs to tell her. She has a right to know”
“You’re right” Ada nodded.
Hecate stood from her chair “I won’t be long” she lifted her wrist
“No” Ada placed a hand on her forearm “She was my sister. I should be the one”
“Are you sure? You’re not in a state to-“
“I’m sure” Ada shot her a gaze that didn’t grant room for objections as she rose, fastening the belt of her pink robe. “Plus you’ll be there if anything happens” _____________________________________________________________
Geraldine shifted in the portrait that had served as her glassy prison for the last three years. She placed her palm against the cold edge of the frame, suction being her only assistance in remaining balanced.
She had been laying there for hours, isolated from the outside world without a clue on what had ensued since Agatha had flipped the photograph that morning. She had soon came to conclude that a silencing spell was muffling her protests. Thus, she adjourned herself to the corner of the frame, fighting to tame the agony that was gnawing at her loins with great intensity. Her mistress always had a good reason for every single one of her actions. She had to remain reasonable. And if waiting blinded and muted was how she would be best useful in this so be it. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to.
She had to trust her although she didn’t quite understand how being in this state raised any less suspicions than visibly occupying the space by herself. She knew that deep down, Agatha did that to protect her. To prevent her from taking the fall as well if something was to go awry. And to seal her from bearing witness to a tragedy. And that tragedy had occurred, albeit elsewhere.
As her world stopped spinning and she stood on solid ground again, she was met with Agatha’s ever so calming gaze. The momentary flatter of elation and relief in her heart seized upon the realization that this was in fact the jovial headmistress. Only she wasn’t so jovial this time. The panic started to race through her veins at the sight of the expression of defeat that befallen on the youngest twin’s features.
“No” she shook her head violently as Ada fiddled with her handkerchief, pondering for a second longer on how to force out the words that were caught in her throat, refusing to be spoken.
“No” she muttered out loud this time as Ada gave Hecate one last look, seeking encouragement. But of course, she couldn’t be heard.
Her eyes shifted to the annoying deputy who looked paler than usual, looking despairingly for a sign of anger. But her expression was rather solemn than murderous. Merciful even. Confirmation of Geraldine’s fears as to the kind of announcement they had come to make.
Ada swallowed hard, as in pain and wrinkles appeared on her forehead “Miss Gullet, as you are aware, last night my sister left her place in the painting. You also must know of her intentions to take the school over. What you don’t know is the outcome of her plan. Agatha’s actions brought great pother to everyone as the lives and well-being of multiple people, including children were put at stake. Thankfully, the situation was resolved, and no one was harmed. However, Agatha…she was subdued.” She brought the handkerchief to her eyes as a tear escaped. Hecate placed a hand on her shoulder in concern.
The former spell science teacher’s stomach twisted into a knot as she fought her own tears. “There’s no easy way to announce something like this” the older witch regarded the deputy who must have repeated these words many times before. Now her hand rested over Ada’s as the difficult part was now coming “But I’m afraid something terrible has happened. Agatha-“ a sob interrupted her words “She’s no longer with us”
A scream tore through the redhead’s lungs,who up to that point cradled onto the hope that she had got this all wrong. Her heart shattered into a million pieces just like glass before her as she threw her first against it,violently. Her knees succumbed to her weight, weak.
She felt the gentle sensation of a fixing spell that restored the damage and her ability to be heard as pink sparkles blurred her vision. “Geraldine, despite the many differences that set us apart, I am aware that we both harbor great love for Agatha and offered your support through hard times, even if in unorthodox ways. I also know that Agatha held you in especially high regard. If there is anything that I can do for you, let me know and I’ll see what I can do to help”
She knew what this was: forgiving of all ill evil after one has passed. Post Morten clemency. She had tasted the bitter flavor of it before, when her father died and suddenly, all the condemn he had received while among the living turned to sympathy. It was disgusting back then and remained disgusting now. They had never loved Agatha. Not for who she really was. Not like she did. They loved the Agatha they wanted her to become. A false idea of who she was.
She didn’t want their pretentious help “I just want to know one thing: How...How did it happen?” she asked, not lifting her gaze.
“She sent herself to vanishment” she heard the potions’ mistress stating bluntly before she could be stopped.
New waves of pain shook Miss Gullet’s body. Grief was now mixed with betrayal. Her mistress had chosen self-destruction. It wasn’t an accident or the result of a duel. It wasn’t a death sentence. There was no one to blame, no one to hate for it. No one to show fury towards. She was gone on her own accord. Without caring about her feelings. And the worst part of it was that she had chosen this instead of returning to her.
Was it her fault? Had she failed to show her how much she meant to her? What was she meant to do now? What was her purpose in life now?
“I believe we should grand you some privacy” Ada sighed, squeezing Hecate’s hand before turning around.
The taller witch studied her for a second, hesitating before a flick of her wrist resulted in a black handkerchief materializing in the picture in front of her.
“I’m very sorry for your loss”
“I don’t need your pity, Hardbroom” she spat bitterly as the other retrieved towards the exit.
The deputy stopped in her tracks
“It’s not pity. I just know what it’s like to lose someone. Someone that means the world to you”.
And with that she transported herself away. Read and review on AO3
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petersthree · 5 years
how about two top fives? top five characters you werent supposed to like but you did and top five characters you were supposed to like but didnt
Ooh nice I really have to think about this! And I hope this is what you meant but I took this to be what the narrative wanted you to like and/or who fandom likes a lot 
Characters I Wasn’t Supposed to Like But Did: 
I remember when I started Buffy, I saw that fandom had hated Dawn and I was going in prepared to be like, oh man, I’m probably gonna hate her too I wonder why she’s so annoying what does she do? And then I watched and I just…didn’t get it? I understood why she wouldn’t be anyone’s top 5 but I absolutely adored her and she was tied for #1 favorite character for me 
Probably Cersei Lannister lmao. She was a massive bitch and I was rooting for her death the whole time, but god she was one of the most fun characters to watch and I loved to hate her so much that she’d go on screen and I’d be like “YESSSSS” 
People really hated Carl from TWD and I think that’s lessened a lot nowadays but man I always adored that kid. I know he had his annoying moments but I absolutely adored him and he’s the only reason I ever continued on with the show after Glenn died. 
I’m going to be honest. I really don’t hate Ross from Friends. Yeah he’s pretty shitty and his views are outdated af (maybe even for the 90s?) but I thought he was a funny character and honestly, I thought that with the exception of Phoebe they were all kind of shitty characters (Chandler made fun of Monica’s weight multiple times from a friend to being her husband and was with Cathy while she was with Joey, Monica assumed a maid was stealing from her, etc.). Also side note, Ted from HIMYM annoys me a lot but honestly I didn’t go through the show hating him. I went through the show with him as my least favorite each season and being far more invested in Swarkles and their story, but I ultimately did stick through the show to hear his story, and to see how he may have grown in order to find and be with Tracy - and when he met her I was happy not only because we finally saw how he met the Mother, but because he was finally with his soulmate (until the show fucked it up, of course). But anyway, idk, as much as I love Swarkles and the other characters, I don’t think I would have been able to follow the show if I hated the main character and wasn’t invested in him finding happiness
Kali from Stranger Things. Her story was underdeveloped, sure, but I’m hoping to see more of her in the coming seasons and I’m going to be real, I feel like if she was played by someone like Dacre Montgomery fans would have been raaaaving about how amazing Kali was and how they were excited to see more of Kali in the future. 
Characters I Was Supposed to Like But Didn’t: 
Michael Cordero from JTV. I actually started out liking him, just not wanting him and Jane together, because - and don’t get me wrong before I say anything; Rafael has messed up too, but the extent Michael did things was on a far greater scale to ruin a relationship forever IMO. He made a plan with Petra for her to get Jane’s baby, even when Jane wasn’t sure, he was directly responsible for Mateo getting kidnapped - which wasn’t his intention, but later when Rafael reported him, Michael knew this, went undercover, and still initiated a fight with Rafael saying that he got him fired, and did this while Rafael was right next to his infant son, who ended up getting hurt. Then he continued to just stalk Jane afterwards, and I just couldn’t understand how a character like Jane, who despite being so full of love and forgiveness still loves her son above all else, was with and married a man who tried to get him out of her life and directly hurt him. The more I watched the more I disliked him, and I hated the bad implication of fans ramping up Rafael to be evil while Michael was the “good guy” who “deserved” Jane (and there’s a bad implication there that even though both characters are white, most of fandom didn’t realize Rafael wasn’t a man of color until recently, and that Michael was literally portrayed and shown as Jane’s “white knight” in the narrative). 
Maggie from Supergirl. I tried really hard but I just couldn’t, and I’m going to be honest I think it’s most likely just because I was both really starting to dislike Supergirl and also because I was majorly annoyed at the whole Fl*riana Lima situation, and while I tried not to let it affect how I saw the character, I usually couldn’t look at Maggie after a while without feeling vaguely annoyed - so that’s honestly much less about the writing and me not being able to separate character from actor in that case to be completely completely honest
Trish from JJ. IDK if the show cares if we like her but the fandom adores her and I’m just….eh. I didn’t care about her in the first season (I disliked that she tried going with Jessica even though it was something that made Jessica vulnerable, and that fandom consistently pushed Trish up and would bash Luke) and in the second season she just got much worse to me. I’m not watching s3 unless JJ comes back on Disney plus but from what I’ve heard, I’m not going to like her there either. And I don’t think any of it is OOC from the Trish we’ve seen in the show tbh. I hated her more with each episode, but each progression seemed natural (for the show they’ve written, not what the comic counterpart is because I can’t speak to that at all) 
Dany from GOT. Unlike with Trish, even though I started hating Dany from like….season 5 onwards (although by s4 I was starting to get kind of annoyed) I am still on the crowd that she (like most characters) was written massively poorly in season 8. I think it could have been a natural progression for her to have been a mad queen, but the show rushed it and made a huge jump that her character shouldn’t have made with the story that they wrote. That being said, her being a mad queen didn’t surprise me and while I still love book Dany, show Dany was a huge white savior and watching almost every POC die for her story while she was touted as a feminist icon was………………………eh 
Kurt from Glee ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god I hated him. He was a massive hypocrite most of the time (I mean everyone was but he really grinded my gears) and after like 2 seasons he always seemed to act like he was better than everyone. Honestly insert him, Rachel (half the time), and Will in here and I like…did not like them 
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer
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a-baleful-howl · 7 years
Let's talk about Sansa and Littlefinger
Im rewatching season 1-6 slowly lately, and Ive just finished S4.
Ok, I wanna talk about Sansa and Littlefinger. A lot of people confuse this story line or flat out twist it to fit their “I hate Sansa” narrative. The scenes are there, so lets go through them.
I think LF has always given Sansa the creeps. The first thing he ever says to her is a creepy, gory story about The Hound and The Mountain. She looks frightened, and LF looks so goddamn pleased to have freaked her out. He wanted her to feel scared. Paraphrasing - “Don’t tell anyone I just told you that or you’ll be a dead little girl.”
Is this him starting to groom her to keep secrets? To listen to him? To desensitize her to horrible acts?
While shes stuck as a hostage in KL, LF offers her a way out. Going with him on his boat. Their conversation is off screen so we don’t know what was said or how Sansa reacted. She has to politefully let him down later when she decides to marry Loras instead. Petyr knows about the marriage plot, and he *punishes her* for choosing someone else over him.
Think about it - Sansa has two options: go on a ship out of KL with Petyr, who she barely knows and gives her the creeps, or marry Loras, who is the handsome knight shes always dreamed of but means she cant go back home right away. She chooses marriage over Petyr. And it angers him, because its not what he wants, and he punishes her by ruining her plan.
He sets it up to make sure she *regrets* not going with him. When she hears shes to marry Tyrion, she cries and watches Petyr leave, regretting turning him down and watching her chance for escape float away.
When she flees The Purple Wedding, she doesn’t know where shes going. She just knows that this once-a-knight wants to help her because she saved his life. When someone you think “owes you” offers you safety and a chance to escape - you take it. Especially after you have seen chance after chance slip through your fingers because you made the wrong choices. She wasn’t about to let another chance slip through her fingers. So she went with him - not even knowing what was on the other side.
When she finally sees who was behind her escape, shes confused - not elated. And the very first thing LF does when shes on his boat is KILL Dontos right in front of her. And shes horrified. Shes seen death dozens of times, and she still screams.
Not only did this once-a-knight trick her and betray her *for money*, not loyalty, shes see what kind of person LF is. Petyrs very first act is one to cement in Sansa’s mind that he would lie to and kill anyone he pleases if it benefitted him. This is NOT a man she would “admire”. This is an act of intimidation and control.
So I want to make a few points here before continuing. 1 - Sansa has never fully trusted LF. 2 - Sansa didn’t even know she was going with LF when she escaped with Dontos. 3 - LF *does not* have her best interest at heart and doesn’t even try to hide his ruthlessness anymore.
Petyr full on *framed* Sansa for Joffreys murder. This was premeditated and fully zoned in on Sansa after she turned down his first offer at escaping. He has her now only by intimidation, manipulation and blackmail. She cant go anywhere else or with anyone else because LF has all the cards. If she were to go back to KL, she would die. Everyone in Westeros is looking for her. Her husband is on trial about to die. And no one would believe she was innocent.
Sansa is no less a hostage than when Arya is passed between hands, all hoping to get a reward for bringing her home or to relatives. Shes not with him by choice, unless her choice is “whelp, if I go anywhere else I’ll surely die. Might as well sit here and wait this out.”
Her discussions with Petyr are very guarded. She asks questions, tries to find answers. And when she asks him what he wants, theres always this little unspoken question behind her tone. All her life shes heard about raping and danger, been told shes so beautiful every man would love to have her, Joffrey threatened to rape her, she was nearly raped by peasants in KL… She is wary of LF true intentions. Surely, this older man who owns a brothel, wants *her*. He doesn’t even deny this.
She has lots of time to think about her situation, and think about Petyrs answers to her questions. Shes becoming more observant just to survive.
I think Sansa genuinely thought she was going to be safe and happy in The Vale. She had her mothers sister, she was in an impenetrable tower, she didn’t have to lie and hide anymore…she was really happy and felt safe for the first time in a long time. It looked like Petyr *really had* done her a huge favor. He saved her from KL. She must have been a fool to doubt him.
Until she realized “yo this bitch cray”. And then Petyr pretty much confessing his love/lust for Sansa.
Important lines here, me thinks. “What do we do to those who hurt the ones we love?” This would sound so lovely to hear after your entire family is murdered and you’ve been held captive and tortured. It sounds like he’s on her side. He will protect her. His loyalty is just because he loved her mother. Aw, thats so sweet. And refreshing to hear after years of being in KL having to say her father was a traitor.
When in reality, Petyrs responsible for her fathers death, for her misery, framing her for murder and conspiring against her family. He definitely has not protected the one he loves, or even protected Catelyn. Ever see a tear shed for Catelyns death? Nope. Not a one. This line is utter horse shit said only to make Sansa trust him more. Even if he *believes* he means it - its so so so not true and he’s deluding himself.
“You’re more beautiful than she ever was.” Is basically LFs way of saying “I love you”. Because he values pretty things, the finest things. He confesses his love/lust for her here. No doubt. Whats odd is that Sansa kind of *returns* his kiss for a moment before she pulls away. Whether this was a mistake by Sophie or actually meant to happen, I don’t know. He says he wants to protect her because he loved her mother, basically says he loves/wants her and then takes a kiss. Sansa thinks he pretty much just laid all of his cards on the table. She finally knows what he wants and why.
The “what do we do to those who hurt the ones we love line” IS KEY to what happens next. When Petyr kills Lysa, Sansa thinks its because Lysa was threatening Sansa’s life. She thinks Petyr is protecting her because he loves her. To a girl, this is also a form of power. “he’ll never hurt me, because he loves me.” or “he only did it because he loves me so much.” When in reality, Petyr was probably planning on killing Lysa the entire time.
Actually, he only agreed to marry Lysa ASAP when she started spouting off about how she killed Jon Arryn for him. She started talking and Petyr was like “oh this bitch is going to blab everything to everyone if I dont shut her up soon” so he marries her ASAP to confirm his claim on The Vale and to get rid of her before she opens her crazy mouth again. Her threatening Sansa was only icing on the cake to make Sansa more indebted to him.
People always yell about why she lied for LF at the trial. Why didn’t she just tell the whole story and stay with these people who loved her father in The Vale?
So why does Sansa lie to save LF? Because she thinks she owes him one. He just saved her life, so she will save his. And maybe she is started to return his feelings - maybe she thinks she can use his lust for her against him, too. Theres nothing for her in The Vale anymore - no more family except gross little Robin, no more friends, no real reason to stay. Sansa wants to continue down the path LF has started. She wants to go home. She wants revenge against those who hurt her family - and she likes what LF is cooking.
She thinks shes on to him. This scene plainly lays it out. She doesn’t trust strangers - and why should she after all shes been through? - and she thinks she knows what Petyr really wants. He wants her, he loves her. So he would NEVER hurt her, and only protect her. Shes making a bet against his feelings for her. Love is the death of duty, and men die protecting the ones they love. Staying with a rich and powerful Lord who is hopelessly in love with you is actually not a bad idea. Shes been fully manipulated at this point.
And Petyrs last words “Do you?” plant a HUGE seed of doubt. She was sure he wanted her - but oh shit, what if shes wrong? Shes already saved him, theres no turning back now.
IMHO, this isnt where Sansa starts playing the game, like many think. Sansa started playing the game when KotV rode in on BotB.
Petyrs creepy boner is now only raging after she lied to save him and went with him out of The Vale. He’s more brave about taking kisses and speaking openly. He has her under his thumb completely. But she still never fully trusts him. She notices when he hides letters. She questions him when it looks like he’s ready to leave at a moments notice. She freaks out when it finally dawns on her that LF is marrying her to Ramsay. But… LF loves her, right? He would never intentionally put her in danger. He must have a plan. So she actually trusts him and married Ramsay.
When Petyr mentions that he was a penniless boy from nowhere amongst kings and lords - she smiles. Because Petyr started from nothing and has built himself up to a rich man in KL. This is another line told to Sansa to reinforce this idea that Petyr knows what hes doing. Hes smarter than her, more powerful and more cunning. And if he did it for himself, he can help her do it, too. With his help he can take her from a traitors daughter with no name or family to a powerful lady just like him.
Petyr promises her its only temporary, and he will return soon and Stannis will save her and soon she will be Wardeness of the North and have her home back to herself. Notice how she doesn’t smile at the idea of being Wardeness - she actually seems fearful of it. She doesn’t want to be Wardeness - its almost like shes about to say “I cant”. People think Sansa wants power and to be Queen. This reaction to Petyr telling her to be Wardeness says the exact opposite - it wasn’t on her mind and she doesn’t want it. Petyr plants that seed - Petyr wants it for her. Not the other way around.
Then, LF leaves her to Ramsay and fucks off. She escapes because its way WAY worse than she could have imagined. Stannis failed - how stupid was she for listening to LF - and Petyr is nowhere to be found.
When LF shows up in Moles Town to offer her KotV she is fully and completely enraged with him. She is angry that she trusted him. She sees him now for what he is - a liar and only out for himself. He hurt he. He must not truly love her. She was wrong to trust him.
And Ive spoken a lot about WHY Sansa goes to him for aid for BotB and, frankly, I dont have enough space or time to explain why here. Lets just say, Petyr is that toxic boyfriend you run back to when times get tough because you know them. It wasnt because she didnt trust Jon and she did trust LF - it was because she didnt trust FATE and she took her safety and Jons safety into her own hands since no one listened to her.
So, remember when Sansa said “I know what you want” to LF after the trial and LF made her doubt it? Everything he did since made her doubt it. Now, directly mirror it with this scene.
“You know what I want”
“I was wrong.”
“No. You weren’t.”
Maybe we’ll see Sansa use Petyr’s affection toward her even more so in Season 7. I sure hope so.
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halekingsourwolf · 7 years
Hmm..., the whole full shift thing ist such a mess. While it kind of makes sense that the hard (and therefore greatly acknowledged part) of the full shift is the turning back, I don't really like the idea of there being no more than letting go of your humanity tho achieve this. I doubt the tale of werewolves not being able to change back would keep the real psychos from trying. Would be a great risk for newly turned wolves, as well, right? Though canonically speaking the only thing that 1/3
seems still true for all of the full shifters seems to be that they were all born wolves. By the way: Do we consider Peter in S1 as fully shifted? On the wolsbane part: In SPN they have this thing with mirrors showing the real face of a monster. What if the wolfsbane is exactly that for werewolves? If you think about it the wolfsbane's a contratdiction in itself. It makes them loose control but at the same time makes them weak. We've heard the whole the shape you take reflects who you are thing and wolfsbane brings it out. So maybe that even is an old werewolf ritual to bury the fallen (Laure, here) in their truest form. For Derek in S4 his true form might've been influenced by Kate's kidnapping and the trauma that caused. And due to the long exposure that might've stayed with him for a while. 3/3
It’s fair enough that you don’t like the theory. To be fair, though, I don’t think there’s anything particularly easy about completely letting go of your humanity, and even though power hungry or wild werewolves might be perfectly willing to try it, that doesn’t mean they’d succeed.
I mean, can you even imagine that? Completely letting go of your sense of self, everything that you are and everything you’re connected to, dropping it over a ledge and trusting you’ll be able to find it and latch onto it again later? True, for wolves it wouldn’t be letting go of everything since the wolves are part of themselves, but that would be like... I can’t even think of a good parallel for humans, but it would be sort of like willingly abandoning all your inhibitions and everything you care about, knowing that you won’t be able to control yourself and that you might not be able to get it back afterward. Abandoning humanity, slipping into the full shift, would take either absolute trust in yourself or absolute, self-destructive terror. Faith that you could find yourself again afterward or complete lack of caring if you do.
For a power-hungry Alpha trying to full shift, if their motivations were too selfish or materialistically driven (I’ll be rich and powerful afterward, I’ll show those other Alphas I’m the best, blahblah etc) I don’t think they’d have any chance of achieving it. Because those motivations, in themselves, would in most cases be tethers to their humanity. Tiny anchors of ambition and expectation that would stop them from completely letting go.
And even if they could achieve the full shift –– if their motivations were lined up enough with a wolf’s, perhaps, or if they were just unhinged and wild enough to let go of all possible consequences –– there would be even less chance that they’d succeed in the reverse, shifting back. That would take a whole other level of control and self-confidence that few of the most posturing, powerful wolves would be able to achieve.
As for new betas, this is the same issue. Heightened emotional state and general lack of practice can make them lose control pulling their wolf closer to the surface, but that’s a far cry from completely letting go of your humanity. Teen Wolf makes a big deal about your anchor being one thing that holds you to humanity, but in all honesty people have way more than one anchor. There might be one that works best, that immediately calms and steadies you, but people are tied to so much more than one person or idea. And to full shift you need to be willing to let all of those things go (see Derek giving up his need for control, giving up Stiles by telling him to go, generally giving up his ties and expectations as he accepts his inevitable death, giving up his need for revenge, which is shown when he lets Kate walk a few minutes later) or need to be somehow secure enough that you will still be able to hold onto them through the shift.
In the case of Peter’s daughter, all of those tiny anchors, those ties to humanity, would have been completely shattered by the accident. Her mom and sister dead, her father the last thing she’d want to face again with the guilt and horror of what she’d done; every significant anchor shattered in an instant and pushing her into the full shift. She probably didn’t want to be herself anymore in that instant, not after what she’d perceived she’d done. But once she was shifted, she didn’t have the control and the strength and the completeness of self to bring her back.
For other betas –– we’ve never seen any of the others go through that kind of similar trauma. They’ve lost people they’ve cared about, but they’ve never lost everyone they cared about. Scott lost Allison, and lost his anchor with Allison, but he still had his mother, Stiles, and Kira as lesser anchors, and I don’t think he ever lost his will to live or exist or be himself. And for newly turned wolves, this is the same thing. They might not have latched onto a strong enough anchor yet to keep them completely in control, but they certainly still have enough to keep them from completely losing control. And when they don’t, as shown with Peter’s daughter, they do full shift.
As for Peter... that’s a tough question. I think part of the issue here comes from Jeff’s shifting canon –– at the start, it was perceived that the full shift was an Alpha ability, and that Peter’s was twisted by... well, the fact that he, himself was twisted (tying into the s2 trope of “the shape you take reflects who you are”). This is later contradicted by both Peter’s daughter and Derek’s evolution, but I absolutely believe this was the intention at the start and for the first several seasons. Therefore, the out of canon conclusion would be that Peter doesn’t fit into this explanation because the canon was just different then, but I hate that answer and want to try to come up with something that makes sense.
We know Peter’s Alpha shift wasn’t a beta shift, but it wasn’t quite a normal full shift either, because it didn’t look like a real wolf. If it was a full shift, but just warped by his warped persona (the shape you take reflects...) then it would still have to abide by the rules for other full shifts –– that Peter was able to let go of his humanity to the wolf, but still had the control necessary to change back. And.... honestly, yeah, I can see him doing that. Peter of season one had nothing really left to lose –– and was actively willing to kill any ties or “anchors” he had left to achieve his ends (Laura, Jennifer the nurse). Your mileage may vary on his sanity level or intentions, but he was both wild and controlled in turns, incredibly clever and manipulative, and narcissistic to an extreme, and while that alone wouldn’t let you achieve a full shift, if you factor in his single-minded need for revenge at the expense of anything else (probably even himself)... yeah, I can see that as a negative example of someone who could achieve full shift. When someone has nothing left they care about and nothing left to lose, they can achieve a lot.
This is really long already, so I’m not going to get too much into the wolfbane on this one, but I don’t think losing control and being weak is necessarily a contradiction. It takes extreme strength to keep control, especially in emotional circumstances, and wolfsbane lowering your ability to focus and hold onto your humanity could easily trigger at least a beta shift.
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shervival21st-blog · 7 years
Making sense of the Nonsense: A Johnlock ( conspiracy ) meta
“Truth is rarely pure and never simple”                                                                                                                           ---Oscar Wilde
“Truth is a metaphor, willed into existence”                                                                                                                     ---Nietzsche
First of all can conspiracy be possible after all these shit happened? Of course,why not, especially when there is a fair chance that another episode may pop up someday sooner, then it’s obviously possible.
A Modern Nightmare:
One fine morning Gregor Samsa woke up and found that he had transformed into a despicable vermin overnight [source]. Sherlock season 4 is exactly the same thing, came out in a crisis time of human civilization and proved to be a modern nightmare. 
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The whole series is full of inconsistencies and it is unlikely that 3 different directors will repeat the inconsistent things over and over, unless it is deliberate. It’s impossible to address all the inconsistencies in one meta ( I have an exam soon :( ). But let’s start from TST.
The infamous skull hell:
The skull hell is one of the most infamous inconsistencies in S4. The skull continued to glow and un-glow throughout the series.
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 Does it have a possible explanation? Well then, it basically has. It may refer to a Hitchcockian shot. The milk scene from the movie Suspicion: 
“Suspicion” tells the story of a woman who suspects her husband is trying to kill her. There’s one scene in the film that really jumped out.
That’s the scene where Joan Fontaine’s character is in bed, fearing the worse and her husband, played by Cary Grant, brings her a glass of milk. The camera follows Cary Grant coming up the stairs and as he continues something strange stands out about the glass of milk. It’s bright and bold in the frame. Is he trying to poison her? That’s certainly what we thought when we first it.
That was Hitchcock’s intention, actually. He put a light in the glass to highlight it in the shot to get the audience to wonder what was going to happen next. It’s a simple, but ingenious, technique.
Read more:
In TST, when Sherlock went to hacking genius ( is he Russian?) Craig for some help Craig tells him about “ostalgie” 
CRAIG’S HOUSE. Craig is sitting at his computer typing while Sherlock stands behind him. CRAIG: Have you heard of that thing, in Germany? SHERLOCK: You’re going to have to be more specific, Craig. CRAIG: ‘Ostalgie.’ People who miss the old days under the Communists. People are weird, aren’t they? SHERLOCK: Mm. (He narrows his eyes momentarily.) CRAIG: According to this, there’s quite a market for Cold War memorabilia – Thatcher, Reagan, Stalin. (He smiles.) Time’s a great leveller, innit? Thatcher’s like – I dunno – Napoleon now.
Then When Mary was wandering from one place to another to escape her consequences, we got a Thatcher era ( cold-war communism era/pre-1991 )  flight check of some sort, why it is? Ostalgie? Mark Gatiss hates conservatives, but is does not necessarily mean he is inclined to left. I don’t know. Anybody?
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USSR, East Germany, West Germany, Quebec do not exist anymore.
Mary’s weird-ass redemption wank:
Mary was predicted to be dead by the end of Season 4, but so sooner in TST? And with a redemption wank saved for her? To save Sherlock in a physically impossible way? A sacrifice?
The whole Aquarium-scene is superficial and so wrong. There are so many theories floating around, One is the alibi theory:  John actually shot Mary, and Sherlock lied to Ella to hide John’s deed. Not impossible.
Read more on my Fragmented Perception meta and here is another beautiful theory by @shawleyleres Dreaming, Memory and Tidal Waves
OK lets move towards TLD
Apparently TLD is a better episode than the other two episodes of this particular season. But that does not mean this is devoid of weird facts. But when TST has seemingly trivial ones, the facts are bigger. I am not going to elaborate, but just discuss some points.
1. Faith Smith and her note, who actually took down the note? Culverton confessed that his own daughter wrote it and he provided Sherlock with that note. Is he reliable?
2. Was Eurus actually with Sherlock when she came disguised as Faith Smith?Or it’s a mere delusion?
3. Culverton did not seem to be that grand a villain like Moriarty or Magnussen. Of course he was nasty, but... also what's the point of secret doors and was he really judged or got pardon by bribing the authority.
4. Ghost Mary as John’s subconscious (seriously WTF) 
5. And many more...
TFP then.
Before going to TFP aka The Fake/Fucky Problem lets discuss some salient features of Eurus Holmes:
The psychiatrist/Faith avatar:
Umm  a visual parallel first.
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oops. Arkham/Azkaban/Shutter Island/Sherrinford?, uhh. Eurus even disguised as a therapist as Harley.
The gunshot wank:
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Well look at the picture, first is from the first scene of TLD, and last is Eurus’s hand. Spot the difference, Eurus’s hand is sleeveless but the hand in the first picture is  blue/black sleeved? Why is the difference, is the first hand is of John, before killing Mary? is it Sherlock’s hand?
Back to TFP, or the worst episode ever. It’s like the Limbo phase of the nightmare. Sherlock  always alludes to many movies, books, comics, TV series and makes many references to other media besides the original canon. In TST they went for Appointment in Samarra  by William Somerset Maugham [an unhappily married gay doctor/veteran/spy/storyteller], made a reference to Macbeth [ i.e. “By the pricking of my thumb”], In TLD we got references of George Orwell’s 1984 frequently[”Big brother is watching you” etc] and also a whole big dialogue from Henry V [ Shakespeare was gay or at least bisexual ]. They alluded to V for Vendetta,in TRF, and in TAB referred to Inception and a rather unknown but a radical intellectual movie La Haine [ full meta here ]. So they preferred rather intellectual/cult movies or stories/novels/dramas to make allusions.
But TFP seems more like a disjointed montage of horror movies/psychological thriller. No ACD, but a mix-up of Saw, The Shining, The Ring, Suicide Squad, Shutter Island, Exorcist, Silence of the Lamb and many other horror movies, directly adapted scenes from them and combined them with bad CGI effect.
I am not going to rant but TFP brought back some unpleasant childhood memories which were deeply buried in my id before.[ ”Books are well written or badly written, that is all”---Wilde, again]
So yes a psychological analysis is possible. @shawleyleres, @the-7-percent-solution, @jenna221b, @marcespot and many others have already started analyzing, I had to fight with my emotions after this cursed episode ( literally episode no. 13) and  after that I came to realize that this episode is FAKE.
So many points, so many parallels, this is our deepest limbo, or is it Sherlock’s, is it John’s?
First of all lets see which predictions made before or after the release of S4 apparently came true:
1. Sherlock has a secret sibling.
2. Sherrinford is a prison where Eurus is institutionalized.
3. There will be a game which will not end.
4, Sherlock will have to choose between Mycroft & John.
5. Mycroft’s umbrella is a secret weapon ( a crack theory )
But it was never predicted that this episode would turn out to be so bad and out of context.
An analysis:
Eurus gave a puzzle in her childhood which would supposed to be solve the redbeard problem, but it turns out that it was actually about a little girl lost!!!
Sherlock can’t sense there is no glass before Eurus’s cell!!!Sherlock ignoring Vatican Camios!!!
The whole Molly Hooper thing and she is talking to a lock screen!!!
3 Garridebs dangling!!!
The infamous snake-mating dance between Harley Quinn & Joker and Joker giving up his life happily to play posthumously!!!
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 Background music:“I need a gangsta, to love me betta, than all the others do”!!!
John chained in a well and getting rescued with a rope!!!
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Who was chained in the bottom of hell-fire and got out without any effort and made a palace as if chains did not exist? SATAN [Paradise Lost, Book I, same inconsistency]
[Laughs out Loud]. FAKE
Only explanation, NIGHTMARE
If it is Sherlock’s Nightmare:
This theory goes like this:
Eurus is Sherlock’s anima, he is in EMP, and probably in the tarmac hell still. Victor Trevor is John’s mirror, a childhood John. Sherlock somehow was indirectly responsible for Victor’s sad demise. He constructed a parallel universe, and disguised his memories in the shapes of complex metaphors. Especially when Sherlock was talking to Eurus at the end, comforting her, it sounded like he was telling this to himself: 
We're going to crash! I'm going to die! Argh! [HE GASPS FOR BREATH] I think it's time you told me your real name. I'm not allowed to tell my name to strangers. But I'm not a stranger, am I? I'm your brother. I'm here, Eurus. You're playing with me, Sherlock. We're playing the game. The game, yes, I get it now. The song was never a set of directions. I'm in the plane. I'm going to crash. And you're going to save me. Look how brilliant you are. Your mind has created the perfect metaphor. You're high above us, all alone in the sky, and you understand everything except how to land. Now, I'm just an idiot, but I'm on the ground. I can bring you home. No. No, no. It's too late now. No, it's not, it's not too late. Every time I close my eyes, I'm on the plane. I'm lost, lost in the sky and... no-one can hear me. Open your eyes. I'm here. You're not lost anymore. [SHE SOBS] Now, you... you just, you just went the wrong way last time, that's all. This time, get it right. Tell me how to save my friend. Argh! Eurus, help me save John Watson.
Well I am now referring to @shawleyleres‘s metas: X X X
By the way was Benedict referring to this whole Eurus-Sherlock conversation as a monologue? IDK. This theory does not convince me of John’s meeting with Eurus twice.
So, yes now move to another::
If it is John’s Nightmare:
According to this theory, John was having a nightmare after he was shot by Eurus; this theory explains the Bond air thing, the spinning John, the underestimated cowardice Mycroft, all the horror movie melange, the drone, dangling Garridebs( John’s actually in the Garridebs situation himself ), the  Victor-Trevor-as-John’s-mirror thing, the rope rescue,the fear of Adl0ck and Sher1o11y, the cheesy cuts at the end of the episode, but for me this theory does not explain the whole Sherlock-Eurus interaction at all.
On defense of this theory I can give you the excellent video meta by @marcespot and this meta
Ok, now let me tell you what do I think:
Can a shared nightmare be possible?
I really don’t think so, but really re watching TFP more and more makes us to think of TAB. @marcespot‘s theory seems quite convincing to me, also this post made by our senpai @inevitably-johnlocked but I really think Sherlock’s anima is Eurus. But I never think Sherlock’s still in tarmac hell, because many reasons...one of them is Porlock. I rather believe that TST is full of real, unreal, surreal, dream sequences, memories i.e. fragmented perceptions. I think TLD serves the purpose of both a third person narrative and the characters’ perspectives, but TLD have a semi-Senecan ghost device, a disguised psychiatrist/therapist, only Sherlock can see someone aka disguised Faith Smith and many other weird fact. One of which is the background TV-video of Culverton’s hospital which showed us jumping sheep, according to @tigressthetiger which signifies falling asleep:
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Look even the dialogue is fitting.
Well I am not talking about a shared dream, but what if TFP is the mixture of both Sherlock & John’s two different dreams? Unlikely but umm. I don’t know how to pull off this kind of complex thing. Maybe S4 was really bad-writing ( except it is not )
Well then, when I rewatched TFP, it seemed to me John’s horror-dream, only John’s horror dream until this scene:
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From the above scene it seemed to me the dream of nobody other than Sherlock.
The melodrama, the metaphors, all the signs make me convinced it’s Sherlock’s dream. Or self-conversation?
The whole nursery rhyme thing  recited by Eurus does not bring any solution to Red-beard’s murder case. Just because Eurus is evil? Why just why? No explanation. Also the only alive girl in Bond air, whose mirror was she?
Eurus served as both Sherlock’s and somehow John’s mirror, while Victor is clearly John’s childhood:
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P.C. @jarlie86art
From John’s rescue by the rope it again seemed to be John’s nightmare ( Argh! background Mary’s voice-over, cheesy cuts, a platonic parentlock WTF)
Also what’s the point of the whole Musgrave false graves, the moor, children playing... a direct callback of a disturbing novel by Emily Bronte : Wuthering Heights, also of Bronte sisters’ childhood and disturbing/haunting memories.
CONFUSING!!!! because unlike TAB, TFP is not still confirmed as a dream by the writers. Also when in John’s perspective the horror movies are of mostly male point of views, Sherlock’s POV finds reference from Victorian/Gothic horror novels which are from female point of view!!! ( “Sherlock is actually a girl’s name”, “ East wind was basically me”, Sherlock has a demonic anima archetype etc) 
On author’s sublimity and ‘Insane wish fulfillment’:  
First of all TAB was a gay fever dream with powerful women characters and a male villain (i.e. Moriarty). TFP was exact opposite, queerbaiting, disturbing, misogynist, and a psycho female villain: Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way Eurus Holmes.  
Why this 180 degree turn? TAB had some of the excellent-most editing in TV history, TFP has none, we can even see the green screen in the graphics.
My intellect does not want to agree with the idea that TFP was simply bad writing, and the crew were smoking weeds all the time. It could be said if there were no previous seasons, especially if there was no TAB.
So, why did Mofftiss do so, Just to fuck up with us? Just to prove us wrong, since TAB was predicted by TJLC accurately? Or just to fake the show’s death? The actual Richenberg redux? I have no answer of these questions, umm perhaps I have. Why they have called TFP as insane wish-fulfillment? 
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They have transformed all their childhood traumas, disturbing memories into one episode.
According to Freud and other psychologists sublimation is one of the highest coping mechanisms, authors tend to use literature as a vehicle of fulfilling unfulfilled wishes, desires and transform their traumas into arts.
I don’t know if you agree or disagree with this statement. But this is not the most impossible thing. Johnlock is not yet confirmed. The series can really comeback if and only if TFP is a confirmed, otherwise we are more intelligent than Mofftiss. #Give-Us-a-4th-Episode-Soonish
TL;DR: To quote @shawleyleres , S4 is not fake, 100% real in Sherlock’s or John’s Mind. 
Instead of having a specific cliffhanger, TFP itself is a massive cliffhanger 
Long live conspiracy,and long live TJLC
Transcript courtesy: http://arianedevere.livejournal.com/
I promise to elaborate the points I mentioned in another metas.
Tags under cut:
  @love-in-mind-palace     @shawleyleres @isitandwonder @tigressthetiger@loveinthemindpalace  @hudders-and-hiddles @waitedforgarridebs @ifyouarelookingforqueerbaiting @amaranthinelover @separating-my-porn-and-tjlc @artisticpanda23 @lijahlover @heimishtheidealhusband @astudyinqueerbaiting @atikiology @johnlockshire @bbcatemysoul @bbcromance @tjlcer @johnlockishell @grumpyjohn @graceebooks @jon-lox @heimishtheidealhusband @just-sort-of-happened @depth-of-loyalty-and-love @deducingbbcsherlock
@shag-me-senseless-watson    @wssh-watson @watsonshoneybee @sussexbound @vanetti @jenna221b @the-7-percent-solution @teapotsubtext@roadswewalk @isitandwonder
@inevitably-johnlocked      @loudest-subtext-in-tv @wellthengameover @skulls-and-tea
@marcespot          @johnnlocked   @multifandom-madnesss @joolabee  @ebaeschnbliah @ervagworld @escaroles @bimartin @green-violin-bow @glittersparkledust @yorkiepug
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] On The First Day
Johan spread one wing, glanced at the world outside, and then tucked himself back under the feathery softness.  He hated getting up early in the morning and today wasn't any different.  He vaguely recalled that he didn't have classes this morning, so he didn't have to get up.  He started to close his eyes, intent on going back to sleep.
"Johan!"  Amethyst Cat's voice dragged him immediately out of the sleep he couldn't quite get back to.  "You have to get up.  We're going to Duel Academia."
Oh.  Right.  That was it.  He opened up his wings, rolling to his feet, and yawned.  "I'm not late, am I?"  He'd been late to a lot of things before he met the Gem Beasts.  No other spirits cared about him as much as they did. 
Amethyst Cat appeared, nudging against him gently.  "No, you're not late.  Not yet, anyway."
"But you should probably get moving,"  Topaz Tiger appeared on his other side.  "The ship will be ready soon."
Johan took a quick glance at the clock and winced.  They weren't wrong - not that they often were.  He hurried to get ready, cleaning him and changing into his usual clothes before grabbing his bag and launching himself out the window, wings cracking open.  Technically he wasn't really supposed to fly too far - it was one of the reasons that they were taking a boat to Duel Academia.  But he didn't care.  For a little trip like this, it wasn't too bad.
As far as he could tell, he was the first passenger on the ship.  He could see someone coming down to the boat, but he didn't know who it was.  He settled himself down, folded up his wings, and headed for the cabin he'd been assigned.  The Gem Beasts murmured among each other, but didn't directly address him.  That was fine; he wanted to see what as much as he could before he tried answering any of their questions.
This ship was definitely one of the best he'd ever seen, the cabins large and airy and roomy.  That was to be expected from something provided by KaibaCorp, of course.  He'd even spotted perches out there.  A few moments of thinking was all it took before he darted out of the cabin and headed there to check them out.  They were as good as he'd thought - not solid gold, of course, but gold made horrible perches.  These were thick oak, polished and kept in the best condition.  He ran one hand over them, then leaped onto one, spreading his wings for balance as he did.  He liked perches; he'd always enjoyed being able to watch the world from higher up.
Cobalt Eagle appeared near him.  "It is good up here,"   he agreed, looking around.  Then he blinked.  "Someone's coming.
Johan glanced in the direction Eagle indicated, and saw a tall young man approaching.  He was one of the Flightless, Johan noticed right away, without even a hint of wings.  What he did have was a crocodile on his back, one that peered out at everything with surprisingly intelligent eyes.  The newcomer offered a cheerful wave.
"How you doing?"  He asked, speaking the words in faintly accented Japanese.  Johan shuffled through his mental list of languages and chose to answer in what he thought the other's native tongue might be.
"I speak English.  And I’m good."  Johan flicked his wings in greeting, and the other tilted his broad-brimmed hat neatly.
"Jim Crocodile Cook!  Pleased to meet you!"  He tapped the crocodile's nose.  "And this is my friend Karen."
"Nice to meet you too,"  Johan agreed.  "You too, Karen,"  he added, nodding at the crocodile.  He'd never met one of those before, though he'd seen them in zoos.  She didn't look dangerous, but that could probably change if anyone threatened her friend.  Johan decided he wouldn't do that.  Not that he had any reason to threaten Jim in the first place.
Jim settled on a chair near to the perches.  "Those are some nice wings you've got,"  he said, flicking an appreciate glance up there.  "Don't think I recognize their type."
Johan spread his wings carefully and examined them.  Wings were very special - not quite like hair colors, but with some similarities, at least.  They didn't always match one's parents.  Not that he would know - he had no idea of who his parents were, and he doubted he'd ever find out.  But his wings were quite large, even for his age, large enough for him to encircle himself in them when he slept, and the feathers were pure white.  He'd seen other white wings before but there were always differences from his. 
"I don't know either."  He shrugged.  "I don't think they're swan wings or angel wings."  Swan wings tended to be longer and thinner than his wings, and angel wings had a tendency to come in multiple pairs, such as four wings or six.  He only had the two. 
"Maybe you'll figure it out at Duel Academia?"  Jim suggested.  He laughed a small laugh.  "Never had 'em myself.  I like sticking to the ground too much."
Johan couldn't imagine what it might be like to not have wings.  He'd had them for his entire life, just like the ability to see and speak to spirits.  None of the spirits he'd talked to knew what sort of wings he had either.  Some had suggested one thing, some another, and none of it felt right.
He guessed he'd figure it out sooner or later.  Or maybe he wouldn't - they were his wings, whatever else they were.  That was what he needed to know about them.  Just as Austin O'Brien ended up having the bright wings of a phoenix and Amon Garam the tattered wings of a dragon.  Neither of them seemed interested in learning anything more about what sort of wings they had.  Though they probably didn't need to. Everyone knew what phoenix and dragon wings looked like and what they usually meant.
But what Johan looked forward to most of all at Duel Academia was meeting one duelist he'd heard so much about - Yuuki Juudai.  One of the Flightless, but that hadn't ever held him back.  Johan wanted to meet him.  Even more, he wanted to duel him. 
But he had a whole year there. If he didn't do it on the first day, there would be other days.  There would always be more days. 
The End
Notes: One day I might write up an entire chaptered piece for Johan in Sky Stories – a rewrite of s3 and s4 featuring him. Oh, and I’m sure you guessed, readers. His wings are Rainbow Dragon’s wings.ories – a rewrite of s3 and s4 featuring him. Oh, and I’m sure you guessed, readers. His wings are Rainbow Dragon’s wings.
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