#i haven't done an editing sweep through my work yet loll
arleniansdoodles · 1 year
How is the Rome arc being doing? it´s been quite a while since we got new content from you.
Hey there! Sorry I've been silent; my art brain tends to hop from one fixation to the next, so I ended up making some Silmarillion art on my main blog ^^;; But I'm still writing for Atreus and Calliope! The Rome arc is finished; now I'm working on the Midgard arc! And I'm steadily getting closer to the part where Calliope encounters Sindri, so I'm really looking forward to that XDD
Actually, I'll share a little snippet of what I've written recently! Atreus and Calliope are on a ship heading for Midgard (technically the region that will later become Denmark, though that's currently the name of Skjoldr's growing city), and by this point, Calliope's feelings about Kratos have gone through a bit of a journey. So don't take her current feelings as endgame loll
I'll put the snippet below the cut in case some of y'all don't want spoilers. But if you do read it, I hope you enjoy! :DDD
That night, after eating some dinner and settling in for sleep at the prow, Atreus decided to broach the question on his mind. “Hey, Calliope … If we happen to see Father again, is that alright with you?”
Calliope crossed her arms and stared out over the dark waters. “I don’t care,” she said bluntly, but he sensed she didn’t really mean it. “He probably doesn’t care about me either, since it’s been so long.”
“Um, I don’t think that’s true,” Atreus began.
“He never told you about me and Mother,” Calliope insisted. “He wants to forget us!”
“Or – maybe he just wasn’t comfortable talking about it.”
“But you’re his son! Why wouldn’t he tell you about me?”
As much as Atreus felt the urge to defend Kratos’ intentions, even if he didn’t really know what they were, he did share Calliope’s indignation. Why didn’t his father talk about his first family? Did he not trust Atreus to handle it? Was it Kratos’ way of letting the past stay buried, bound to be forgotten? Who would remember Calliope and Lysandra if Kratos ever died? Atreus would've never known them if he hadn't met Calliope.
Kratos didn’t even need to share the part where he killed them, if he didn’t want to. Unless he felt it inextricably tied to everything else, good parts included, and that meant he couldn’t share any of it at all?
Atreus didn’t know. But he was definitely going to ask once they got home.
“Maybe he’ll be angry if he sees me,” Calliope murmured to herself. “Because he wants to forget me, and he’s already moved on.”
“I don’t think –” Atreus tried.
Calliope shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
Atreus sighed quietly. “Alright. But if we ever do see him, I’ll be with you, okay? You won’t have to face him alone.”
“But what if you aren’t there? What if he surprises me when I’m on my own?”
She tried to say it casually, as though it didn’t worry her at all, but everything else about her whispered fear in Atreus’ mind. It was a thought Atreus had had long before, and he’d never found a good answer for it.
He straightened up and reached around his neck for the mistletoe necklace. “You’re right. I may not always be there. But that doesn’t mean I’m leaving you. Here –” He held out the necklace to her. “Remember what I told you about this?”
Calliope nodded, her eyes wide.
“I’m gonna give it to you. So it’ll be like I’m right there with you, even when I’m not.”
He slipped the cord over her head. The arrowhead settled against her chest, gleaming greenish-blue in the moonlight. Calliope silently reached up to touch it, then leaned over to rest her head against his shoulder.
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