#i have to clean my room and do a shitton of laundry
threnodians · 1 year
i. hate. clothes. shopping.
but i got 5 pairs of comfy (and sorta kinda flattering? which it is so fucking hard to find pants that fit my 40inch waist and aren’t baggy af around my legs) dress pants and 3 nice tops and 3 comfy cardigans and a pair of nice flats and 6pairs of socks for those (because i don’t want blisters and also i hate flats but it is either flats or heels and... lmfao) and 3 layering tshirts and 1 tank top and panera bread for a late lunch and dunkin for breakfast for a total of $271.45 so that's a good deal ig??? esp considering each of the fucking pants were usually $60+ each but i got ‘em all for $25 and under ✨ thank goodness for kohl’s omfg
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aldieb · 9 months
👍 basically not sick any more 👎 before saturday i have to finish the last 2 chapters, get bodied by covid shot, move all my furniture to sweep/mop, thoroughly clean each room, do a shitton of laundry, and pack on top of regular 9 to 6 job stuff + at least one interview. difficult to do when you currently possess the constitution and drive of a pancake
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Ok so, story time.
For the past 7 years i've been living in a fairly hellish situation.
The house i was living in was a family house from my father's side and he moved us over to it after he and my mother decided to try and get back together. Which was a terrible decision. (Their relationship was always trash but thats a different stoey)
The house to put it simply was trash. My room flooded anytime it rained too hard, there was a rat and roach problem no matter how many times it was fumigated. The roof leaked to the point where the living room would flood as well. But we were broke af and really had no choice in places to go
Also at the family house lived his mother. Truly, a terrible woman. Only person i ever wished ill upon.
About a year or 2 after living there, my mum, sister and I had to pay rent. A decision made between my father and his mother without telling us, despite him being so insistent on us all moving in together to be a family. This coupled with the other bills (his mother made an awful habit to 'forget' to pay the bills so often times mum would have to foot it) crippled us financially for years so even at points we wanted to leave we couldn't.
Between that and my parents' failing relationship it put one hell of a strain on things and left everyone bitter and almost always fighting. What really made everything worse though, was the psychological torment.
My father's mother was,,,,,i don't even think i can describe how awful she was. She was just evil. ( we think she poisoned her dog so like, that evil)
She accused my sister of stealing from her.
She tried to slander our names to the neighbours about how me and my sister were bringing guys home.
Attempted to soak me with the hose a handful of times.
Tried to lie that my mum would short the rent.
Lock the gates on us randomly when we went out.
Would randomly turn off the water to the section of the house we were in
Stop our mail
(It should also be noted that my bedroom was located next to the washroom and she would choose to do laundry at random points multiple times a week in the early morning to wake me up)
She did everything in her power to try and fuck with us.
And then last month she decided to evict us, for no plausible reason. And with no word from my father on this (he's been MIA for about 6 months. Legit no communication), we were basically fucked.
But as luck would have it, after 7 years, an opportunity opened up. We somehow managed to find a place through one of my mother's friends to live at and my sister through her job got a loan to buy it.
And we're finally free.
I've been in the dark for the past couple of days on here cause i've been cleaning out the new place.
It's hot af to be honest, there's a shitton of mosquitos here, and i'm still jobless for the most part.
But i haven't been this happy in such a long time.
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sshoujo-ais · 5 years
1, 2, 4, 6! ✨ darlingselfshipper
thank you millie!! @darlingselfshipper
1. A large spider has gotten into the house/apartment. How does each person react?
ok i can keep my composure around small spiders, i usually just pick them up and put them outside with a piece of paper, but large spiders get my goat (and i HEARD some of them are big enough to do that literally but i’m afraid to fact check that). forrest is even worse, he refuses to enter the room where the spider is - i can be in the same room as long as i don’t have to get within Fast Scuttling Distance of the damn thing, so i keep watch until soleil arrives with all the spider-destroying heavy artillery, which ends up being a sword. every. single. time.
2. What are their sleeping arrangements? Do they get multiple mattresses, several rooms? Line a floor with mattresses and then make the entire room a bed? Who are the blanket hoggers? The ones who flail?
we have a king sized bed with a shitton of pillows and like 5 blankets that we all sleep together on, sometimes in less than comfortable stack arrangements - whenever we let soleil be in the middle she ends up splayed out across forrest and me’s bodies by the morning. during especially cold nights we end up snuggled together with soleil as big spoon, myself as middle spoon and forrest as little spoon, but soleil is so snuggly that she ends up hugging both of us at the same time and i end up squished :v when forrest is in the middle, then it’s him sleeping on his back and me and soleil clinging to each side of him like baby koalas, since he’s so soft and short and cute, like a snuggly plushie but human
4. How do they all keep house? Do they assign chores, and if so, does anyone ever slack? Does anyone ever say, “let’s clean” and (most?) everyone suddenly hops off the furniture and pitches in?
look, okay, i’ll freely admit it. if we didn’t have forrest around to mobilize us to clean every now and again, soleil and me would have a living situation nearing “damn bitch you live like this” levels. like we all do regular chores and such (i wash the dishes, forrest does the laundry, and soleil dusts) but when it comes to Actually Keeping Things Looking Nice And Orderly those of us not named forrest are utter failures at it. unless there’s gonna be guests coming over.
6. The mess that is deciding where to eat out and what to order.
i know exactly where the best place to eat out is, for the record ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)soleil and i usually team up against forrest cause we wanna go to fast food, and in the event that he doesn’t just agree to it right off the bat he probably has some very convincing argument involving the fact that he wants us to wear something fancy to a fancy restaurant because we’d all look gorgeous together and neither me nor soleil can really resist that most of the time (sometimes we ignore him and just keep chanting MCDONALDS MCDONALDS MCDONALDS though until he gives up). now, if me and soleil can’t agree on a specific fast food place though? that alliance is broken super quickly, and we end up passive aggressively disagreeing with the other’s suggestions even though we’d probably like to go there ourselves. forrest ends up having to be The Responsible One and compiling a list of like 5 random places that all 3 of us then vote on, and once we’ve FINALLY come to a decision we’re just amazed that nobody thought of doing that at the very beginning.
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5 Things Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @luxa-is-fangirl-trash. Love you cutie!! 😙💚
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
1. Ibuprofen (a God-sent, honestly)
2. Hand sanitizer
3. Mini first aid kit (I’m the biggest klutz & very accident prone)
4. Coupons (I don’t buy anything without coupons)
5. Burt’s Bees Chapstick
5 things in my room:
1. My lava lamps (I love those colorful shits)
2. My massive CD & record collection (I don’t own any digital music because I prefer the gorgeous, physical copies to play on my record player & CD player)
3. White board (I have to write little reminders to myself daily because my memory is shit)
4. Silver stationary (I have a shitton of those metal stationary containers for papers, pencils, etc. because I’m OCD af)
5. Reusable tote bags (I have an obsession with them & refuse to get plastic bags from any store)
5 things that make me happy:
1. My friends (online & in-person)
2. My music (I’d die without it tbh)
3. Food (the fastest way to my heart)
4. Art (mine & other’s artwork)
5. Nature (I love sitting outside at night & enjoying the breeze & quiet sounds)
5 things I’m currently into:
1. Professional garb/dressing nice (I’ve always hated dressing in heels & dresses, but now that I have to for work I’m starting to hate it a little less)
2. Programming (I’m working with a research mentor at my uni & he’s teaching me programming with Python for my undergrad thesis & I’m having a blast)
3. Cleaning (It’s very relaxing to me)
4. Baking (I always liked it, but I’ve recently been getting into it even more)
5. Physics (I was always terrified & hated Physics, but my research mentor has made me enjoy it)
5 things on my To-Do list:
1. Finish work prep for tomorrow
2. Figure out wtf is going on with my shit computer
3. Finish up my programming hw
4. Do the laundry & organize my clothes
5. Try to relax
I’m tagging @glimmer-cove @dragon-chica @under-the-water-imagines & @trixies-allstar-crown
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mindfulwrath · 6 years
These Things Come In Threes
This one’s for @enigmog
Words: 1,193 Warnings: Uhhhhh lots of derogatory conversation about dick-sucking?, Gavin is still a horrible human being, but more subtly so
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | | Part VII | Part VII.5 (NSFW) | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X (Final)
"All right, what the fuck?" Geoff yells, stopping two steps inside the door. The whole entertainment center is smashed all over the floor. Gavin's lounging on the couch with a tumbler of bourbon and a cigarette. He smiles at Geoff as Jack and Michael come in and survey the wreckage.
"Allo, Geoff!" Gavin chirps. "Hi Jack, hiya Michael-my-boi!"
"Gavin, what the fuck did you do?" Michael demands, looking about as steamed as Geoff feels.
"Ah, yeah," Gavin says, leaning his head on the back of the couch. "Things might've got a bit heated. It's all fine now."
"You fucking idiot," Jack says, shaking her head and moving into the kitchen.
"A bit?" Geoff says. "You call that a bit heated? What the fuck, Gavin? That's my stuff! That's my shit!"
"Ah, you can take it out of my cut," Gavin says, waving his cigarette lazily. Geoff suspects he hasn't even been smoking it, just letting it burn in his hand for the look of the thing. The mincey little prick.
"Oh, you bet your twiggy ass I will," Geoff says. "Where's Ryan?"
"Havin' a kip," Gavin says, cocking his head towards the bedroom.
"Oaw, goddammit!" Geoff cries. "All right, that's it, next fuckin' heist, we're using your place, so you can get all your shit smashed and dick-suck stains all over your fuckin' bed."
"Gross," says Michael. He flops down on the couch and kicks his feet up onto Gavin's leg, drapes one arm over the back of the couch and one on the arm.
"That's, ehhhhhh, homophobic?" Gavin says primly.
"You fuckin' dumbass, nobody in the room is straight," Michael says, rolling his eyes.
"Well, I'm gay and it hurts my feelings," says Gavin.
"I fucking hate you both," Geoff grumbles. He stumps into the kitchen and grabs a coke out of the fridge. "But especially Gavin. You fuckin' . . . dick-suckin' dick-slut."
"C'mon, Geoff, it's one load of laundry," Jack says, rolling her eyes.
"It's not," Geoff says, jabbing a finger at her. "It's every time I try and go to bed, I have to think about fuckin' Gavin goin' hurkle-gurkle all over my fuckin' bed!"
"Ah, classic," Gavin says, grinning. He raises his glass to Geoff and takes a long drink.
"I bet he can't even get to the fuckin' base," Michael says, poking Gavin in the stomach with his toe. "With that fuckin' proboscis in the way."
"It's always the nose," Gavin says, baffled and hurt. "Why d'you always go for the nose?"
"Low-hanging fruit," Jack says, deadpan. Michael bursts out laughing, and Gavin makes a face like a cat that's been dunked in smelly water. Even Geoff has to chuckle, just for that.
"Oh!" Michael gasps, clutching his belly. "Oh, man, you walked right into that one! You walked the fuck right into it, nose-first!"
Gavin mumbles something under his breath and presses the lit cigarette to Michael's jeans. Michael yelps and kicks it—and the glass tumbler—out of Gavin's hands.
"Quit breaking my shit!" Geoff yells, as the tumbler smashes on the floor and bourbon goes everywhere. He wasn't going to drink it, but fuck, it's a hideous waste. That was good booze. He's more upset about the bourbon than the glass.
"He broke this one!" Gavin squawks, pointing an accusing finger at Michael.
"Fuck you!" Michael retorts, shoving him to the other end of the couch. "You tried to fuckin' set me on fire!"
"Boys," Jack warns.
Down the hallway, the bedroom door opens.
All four of them freeze.
Ryan looks like a mess. His hair's all fucked up, and he's not looking at anybody, and he hasn't showered. He's still smudged with blood and gunpowder, black and red paint all over his face. That's the big one, the way Geoff knows that something's up. After the mask, the face paint is always the first thing to go.
"Hey, uh, buddy," Geoff says carefully, as Ryan shuffles into the main room. "How'd the uh—how'd the thing go? You get your guy? You get the stuff?"
Ryan shoves a memory stick into Geoff's hand, barely pausing on his way to the door.
"Ryan," Gavin whines. "Where're you going, Ryan?"
"Out," Ryan says shortly. He slams the door behind him. Silence rings in his wake.
"Jeez," Geoff says. The memory stick sweats in his hand and he tucks it into his pocket. "How many bees does he have up his asshole?"
"A shitton, apparently," says Jack. "Gavin, when you said things got heated, I mean. . . ."
"Just a smedge," Gavin allows. "Juuuuust a smiggity sme—a smeggit—wot?"
"You get a little too toothy when you were blowin' him or somethin'?" Michael sniggers.
"All right," Gavin says, offended. "Will you bloody lay off?"
"Yeah, Michael, leave ole Bite-Job McGurkle alone," says Geoff.
"I'll kill you," Gavin pouts. It's about as intimidating as being threatened by a kitten.
"Aw, of course you will, buddy," says Geoff, smiling at him.
Gavin mutters something under his breath that's at least half made-up words. Michael snorts and puts his feet up on Gavin's leg again. Geoff shakes his head and finally cracks open his soda.
"So who's gonna clean up my fucking apartment?" he demands.
"Gavin," Michael and Jack say simultaneously.
"Oauw, why?!" Gavin cries.
"What the fuck do mean, why? 'Cuz you fucked it up, you fuckin' idiot!"
"No I didn't! That was Ryan!"
"Oh, sure it was, uh-huh," says Geoff.
"Yeah, totally unprovoked," Jack says, rolling her eyes. "Not your fault at all."
"It wasn't, guys!" Gavin whines. "You know sometimes he gets stuck in bloody murder-mode, it's not my fault! He nearly killed me!"
"You probably deserved it," says Jack.
Gavin makes a terribly pitiful face. Michael rolls his eyes and gets to his feet.
"Fine, whatever, I'll fuckin' do it," he says. "Since nobody else is enough of an adult."
"Thanks, Michael-my-boi," Gavin says.
"What—just do it your fucking self!" Michael cries. His voice squeaks up into that rage-quit register it finds whenever he's losing Mario Kart. "Don't sit there on your ass going fanks, Moichal my boi like some kinda fuckin'—fuck you. Just fuck you, Gavin. God, you're fucking insufferable."
"I love you, boi," Gavin says meekly.
"Eat a dick," says Michael, getting the broom and dustpan out of the water-heater closet.
"Preeeeeetty sure he already did," Jack mentions.
"All right, look," Gavin snaps, actually properly annoyed now. "If you won't bloody lay off, I'll set Ryan on you. And then, you'll all be sucking knobs in Hell, yeah?"
Geoff laughs so hard it doubles him over. He has to put the soda down so he doesn't spill it. Jack is shaking her head, less than amused.
"Gavin, you're a fucking cunt," Michael says, sweeping up glittering lines of broken glass.
"Oh, God," Geoff wheezes. "Hoooh! I just—I'd pay to see that. I'd pay money to see you try and swing that. He'd wring your dumb little neck!"
Gavin is not laughing. Gavin is not amused.
"Bloody show you, won't I," he mutters.
"Yeah you will, buddy," says Geoff, wiping mirthful tears from his eyes. "Yeah, sure you will."
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