#i have australian friends
roachmattea · 5 months
https://youtu.be/zkvu3Y63XWQ?si=ODrvkvvp3pJIE8np i think his name is max rate him please
max like je
he Looks australian. australian mutuals what do you think
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tarotmantic · 4 months
AO final. if u even care
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vaimetanyx · 1 year
I wanted rain so I decided to make god cry
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Either you love or hate these things, I have had no other reaction
(Full process under the cut)
[Skull pauldron] [Belt] [Greaves] [Toga + sash] [Wig + Laurels] [Armbands] [Flaming feet] [Satyr Sack] [Stygius v1] [Stygius v2] [Nectar]
These things are terrible and were terrible to make but are actually quite comfy to wear!
I started off with some yellow toe socks, and some cheap insoles. The black ones were used as a draft, before I cut out a white pair and painted them yellow. Then I sewed the insoles into position, trying to stick to areas that would later be covered by the actual show sole so they wouldn't be noticed. There was no way to do with without wearing the socks, which turned out to be the case with several stops of this process.
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Next was cutting and shaping the show soles! These were from $4 slip on flats, since I wanted a sturdy sole without being too thick. To get the rough size and shape of my feet on the sole I did paint my foot and just stick it on there, before realising I'd made a mistake and having to hop one legged through my house to wash my foot off in the laundry sink. But! It did give me a good base to work off, so I was able to cut out the right shape and then bevel the edges for a more natural look.
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I should have bought white shoes. Or done more research about how paints react to whatever rubber mix these shoe soles are made of. Because painting these yellow was so incredibly painful because they kept getting slightly sticky even if the coats dried properly. It was also quite difficult to get them to stick to the material of the socks since hot glue doesn't like a lot of rubber/plastics if it's sticking to something else, and contact adhesive doesn't like most materials. So I had to use epoxy resin to try and connect these two together since it was the strongest thing I had, and boy was it painful trying to figure out the right amount so it wouldn't all squeeze out the sides and ruin the whole shoesock. Overall terrible experience, -1/10, but they ended up on the feet and painted yellow which was the goal.
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Then I got to paint my legs orange along with the socks in order to get that on-fire look. it wasn't the most even gradient due to some of the angles I had to work at while wearing them, but thankfully not too noticeable.
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And with that, they were done, and ready to horrify everyone I come across! The greaves have worn some of the orange paint off the socks after my first con, but thankfully that's not noticeable if I place the socks and greaves in the same position each time I wear the outfit.
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steakout-05 · 1 month
after rewatching TADC 2, i noticed that Gummigoo's lads were sitting on top of a Tim Tam log, which is a chocolate-covered biscuit that is very beloved and popular over here in Australia :D
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Seb Australia 2009 comp bcs I am in 2009 hell for the foreseeable future
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hoffmansbignaturals · 4 months
excited for saw xi so i can go see it cosplaying adam and then sob obnoxiously outside the theatre when he doesn’t make an appearance
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seagull-scribbles · 8 months
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Messy sketch based on a messy sketch I did back in 2020
This was picked for the 800 follower celebration, thank you everyone for all your support on my art journey
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bookofmac · 1 year
if everyone keeps going 'why arent they more gay?' about class of '07 i'm going to explode.
the show is set in 2017, the year that marriage equality was publicly debated and then eventually voted in it and it was a ROUGH year.
also, they went to CATHOLIC SCHOOL!!! I might just be speaking for myself here, but I wouldnt be getting into a relationship with any of the girls I went to school with if i was stuck on the campus with them, like a non zero amount of the student leadership were young libs (australian conservative party's youth branch).
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personinthepalace · 2 months
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Little Lunch (2015) and The InBESTigators (2019) -> produced by Gristmill Productions
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elbiotipo · 2 months
Just woke up from a nap and enjoyed my new Stalin Stanley thermos and had some proper mate, so I'll try to answer some old asks. Just warning you if you get a jumpscare.
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onelove4boognish · 1 month
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tarotmantic · 4 months
really immersing myself in current tennis is like causing me real grief as i am forced to recognise that tennis is not the same as it has been my whole life 🥲🥲🥲🥲 like i grew up on fedal era and we’re truly in the next gen era now,,,,,
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djungleskogs · 15 days
trying to stop myself buying flight tickets to san francisco
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maliciousalice · 10 months
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I am mentally ill.
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m-an-u · 1 year
7 year old me after figuring out you can take pics of yourself using the back camera* 👍
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
The Last
slow building apocalyptic thriller
an american academic is at a conference in a remote Swiss hotel when a nuclear apocalypse strands him with just 20 others
50 days in, a body is found in a watertank and he becomes obsessed with investigating to find out who did it
even though the remaining people are just trying to quietly survive as supplies slowly dwindle and the winter approaches
#the last#hanna jameson#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#so I read this because there’s an aromantic side character!#she’s an interesting/complex character who has a friends w benefits thing with the MC#a few stereotypes but like she actively counters them#the only weird thing about it is that it’s implied she’s a republican who voted for the ppl who started the nuclear war…..#like. would a right wing person identify as aro lmao#but also like i’m okay with not all ‘representation’ being good people.#as for the rest of the actual book i found it quite interesting overall!#i enjoyed that it wasn’t just 'fighting dangerous people to survive' immediately like a lot of the postapoc genre#(though i wonder how much food they had to be fine for 2 months??)#though there is a bit of that in places when they leave the hotel#a lot of interesting characters and like.....discussion on what different kinds of people would do in that situation#the australian accent (audiobook) of the australian character…..not sure about that LMAO#also I don’t believe the internet would still function after half the world has blown up? like this thing needs upkeep right#there’s a bit where the MC is talking to two dudes who start talking like: so are we gonna repopulate society?#and being creepy about the women. and the MC is obviously like: yikes!#but also nobody even suggests like……we could just die? without repopulating humanity whatever the fuck that means?#why is that concept not even brought up?????? i am horrified that anyone would consider having children in that scenario. christ.#anyway i guess yeah overall a few things im like hm about but it's a pretty good book#aromantic books#(also the MC has a wife on the other side of the world but like. there's not any actual romance. his thing with the aro woman is offpage)
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