#i have a hard time telling btw i was in the 'just friends' camp but seeing sOME scenes have me going.... hmmm...
technicalthinker · 1 year
Ok so I'm a complete outsider who only interacts with 911 through Tumblr, I enjoy going into the tag when I see it trending, but so I'm curious what Buddie shippers think-
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ordon-pumpkin · 5 months
Percy Jackson spoilers and criticism below.
I see people complain about how the show just has the characters figuring out things way too quickly (I completely agree with this.) Then I see people complaining about that criticism saying things like “Oh it makes sense! They would know that because Annabeth’s been at camp, Grover is a satyr, and Percy’s mom taught him about the myths!” However, there is a difference between them knowing about the stories and them IMMEDIATELY figuring each potential trap/situation out and zapping the energy from the scenes.
These same instances in the book usually involve a feeling of unease, something feels off, things seem kind of familiar, and it slowly dawns on them what they are dealing with OR they are escaping one situation to be thrust into another and don’t have time to think about it at all. There’s tension, there’s drama. I’m here for it. The show on the other hand? Oof.
Also the circumstances in which they encounter these situations in the book greatly influence how things go. They are human(ish) after all and them getting into these messes makes them easier to connect to as characters. Let’s break it down a little more there.
- With Medusa they were lost in the woods and hungry. The smell of food lured them in. They were hungry children dang it! From the circus lol (Honestly, this instance didn’t bother me too much in the show when I first watched it because it was early on before the knowing things too soon became an ongoing theme.)
- With the Lotus Hotel and Casino they were tired and feeling grimy, having just traveled in the back of a truck with a bunch of animals in horrible conditions. It was scorching hot outside. They were absolutely exhausted and wound up there where a doorman invited them in and it was a relief to have somewhere to take a break, recoup and figure out their next move. Once inside they had access to a shower! There were snacks. Plus the place was incredible. It also showed their interests with Annabeth being drawn in to trivia and city building games, Percy liked the bungee jumping! Grover played a reverse hunting game! Percy figured out the trap by asking a guy using 70s slang and dressed to match, what year it was. He kept asking and getting different answers. Then he was able to snap Annabeth out of it by describing spiders, which he knew she had a fear of from the Tunnel of Love ride. (This whole scene in the show was such a let down, so was the Tunnel of Love scene but I’ll leave that alone for now.)
- With Crusty they were on the run and dashed into the store. This encounter is one of my favorite moments of Percy’s quick thinking in the books btw. Also his absolute lack of hesitation to slice someone’s head if they mess with his friends. Percy is smart. He’s very street smart actually. In the book this scene shows that really well. (The way I paused the show in frustration and almost turned it off when the episode started already at Crusty’s with the line “I know who you are.” Like of course. That’s just how we’re telling this story now. Check. They met Crusty. And he doesn’t feel like a threat at all. But they met him I guess.)
The exhaustion and the circumstances in these instances in the book and getting into these traps aren’t the trio being “stupid.” They were moments that set up the situation to feel more relatable, alive, tense, and interesting. The show’s changes have taken away most of the tension from these scenes. Them knowing and catching on to things so quickly is lazy and it is incredibly boring. It just feels like they are checking off a list of places from the books they wanted in the show, while losing the entire energy and impact of those locations and scenes.
To me everything in this show feels like it’s at 20%. The humor, the stakes, the tension, the personality, the freaking lighting (why is so much of this show so hard to even see?), the whimsy, the magic, the charm. It’s all so dialed back and watered down. The book is a roller coaster of making you laugh and putting you on the edge of your seat with the tension and situations these kids get into. It’s campy, it’s intense, it’s crazy, and so energetic. The show feels bland in comparison. Idk how you manage to make Percy Jackson feel boring but they did it.
I’m not asking for it to be an exact copy of the book. I’m just disappointed with how dull it is. When it’s boring and it’s a scene that was the furthest thing from that in the original version then YES I’m going to compare it and wonder why there were changes to make it less interesting. In fact, my favorite scene in the show so far is actually the taxi in the parking garage scene. It captured the energy and vibe of Percy Jackson really well and it’s a scene not in the books at all. The energy is important and this show is lacking severely most of the time. It has some really good moments (back to that 20% thing) but overall it’s such a let down.
We have one episode left of the season and I don’t exactly have high hopes of it making things better. It just makes me sad because I wanted to love this series. The incredibly talented cast, a major studio behind it, passionate people being involved including the author, amazing source material… I look at all of the ingredients and it should be amazing. But I’m pretty disappointed right now.
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parentsday · 2 months
Hiii! Since you asked about headcanons/analysis stuff:
There's a common interpretation on the fandom about Max's treatment of David in the early episodes coming, at least partially, from trust issues regarding adults/authority figures. And I've seen push back against it, too. People who say it's just because David is annoyingly positive. Nothing else.
And sure, I can see that. But Nikki also acts in a cheerful manner and mostly enjoys camp, and Max doesn't treat her with the level of rudeness he treated David in season one. This could be due to her being his little partner in crime, but idk. I always interpreted it as him thinking that David is some fake nice adult who will just let him down if he allows it.
And, while I was thinking about this, I realized how this interpretation of Max's behaviour towards David adds another heartbreaking layer to Parents day.
Max's perception of David started changing after Order of the sparrow, specifically after the "Somebody fucking has to" moment. For just a moment, the annoying, overly positive persona drops, and Max is able to see a nuanced human being. And it's clear that he starts understanding David a little more, because in Cult camp (literally the next episode), he allows himself to be brainwashed and trusts that David will save the camp (btw, we as a fandom don’t talk about this aspect of this episode enough).
So yeah, his perception of David changes for the better.
But then, parents day happens.
And David spends most of the episode being an absolute jerk, even if he doesn't realize it.
He pushes SO HARD to try and make the day perfect, basically ignores Max when he states that his parents aren't coming, gets way too serious about playing the role of Max's dad for the day, forces Max into the activities and then, at the end of a day that was already shitty for Max, he yells at him.
I think the context of Max's opinion on David finnaly becoming more positive makes this episode so much sadder.
Because it ceases to be just about Max's neglectful parents.
Now it's also about the closest thing he has to a trustworthy adult making him uncomfortable, ignoring his feelings and then yelling at him and telling him that he "has a bad attitude" and "brings everyone else down instead of trying just a little bit to have fun".
(Which are things he must have heard from adults before, if he behaves the way he does at camp in school and other places)
Remember in Friends like these when he said "Life's just one dissapointment after another. I can't belive I let myself forget it"? I think he might have had the same train of thought here: "I can't believe I let myself forget David is an asshole that only cares about impressing Campbell and making this stupid camp look good". Or: "I can't believe I let myself forget that every single adult thinks I'm a bad kid and a lost cause."
And I know it gets fixed quickly, with David apologizing shortly after, but still. I think the idea of Max being dissapointed at David in Parents day, even if it was just for some moments, is so good.
I also think this is the episode that comfirms to Max that David is genuinely a good person trying his best. He spent the entire day having to think about the fact that his parents suck, and then there's David, who is kind, apologizes for upsetting him and takes him to eat pizza and have a little heartfelt talk.
When was the last time his parents apologized to him, or cared about what he wanted/needed, or talked to him so gently?
The contrast between his parents and David is so big, and I think that's what makes Max finnaly go "Yeah, this guy isn't actually that bad."
(Sorry for rambling, omg.)
hi first of all thank u for an ask and such insightful one at it too !! this was an incredibly pleasant read and a lot of the stuff you say i personally find very good analysis of the show and agree with, however i do have some stuff to say abt it soo here we go ^-^ (this will be a long one so sorry about this in advance)
as i said in some previous reply, max is an incredibly peculiar guy when it comes to the way this show treats his trauma and the way he himself behaves as a result of it, and that’s by design! a lot of the thing he says and does in the first two seasons when it comes to david are there for reasons of narrative set up, and are later masterfully recontextualized by parents day later, leaving very little room for interpretation when it comes to how and why he operates. im gonna go out on a limb and say that i don’t think it’s a stretch to assume that most of his actions towards david in the early show stem from the childish born-from-trauma need for attention and also from his need for societal reinforcement of his own ego’s right to exist. when it comes to the first one i see most people agree (bc it’s a basic child psychology fact), but turn their noses in reference to the second one.
contrary to popular belief, max being in need of constant affirmation that he, as a person with little self value, deserves to exist next to other people is something that we see examples of constantly and is not a terrible part of his character that needs to be ignored. max is a neglect victim who from our knowledge is given very little attention by his parents, as a result of it he is a pessimistic asshole kid whose ego suffers from the very thing that made it this way. its in his strained relationship with nikki and neil, its in him arguing with david to put himself in the position of an adult, its him putting himself above others when it’s not needed and its in him putting his own egos safety first when time comes to accept that things are moving forward (two final episodes from both s3 and s4 are good examples of this). its not an inherently positive trait, but it is one okay for him to have by the virtue of being a young abused child with no support system, and denying it will leave him devoid of this characterization. in freudian (ugh) terms, we cannot separate his character’s superego from his id in a way that won’t harm the way he was intentionally written. Id, ego and superego are all influenced by our relationship with our parents, the amount of nurturing of a child's emotional and psychological needs parents does will result in the child’s psychological state forming a certain way, max as a character who is heavily reliant of his lackluster relationship with his parents is not devoid of this and it affects his relationship with david too. and the reason i’m saying all of this is exactly due to this.
david, when put in most simple terms, is a character who’s an adult figure present and mature enough in max’s current social position that it allows him to treat max as a child, something max is not used to. not used to to such an extent that it puts a strain on his ego in the process. david feeds his need for any form of attention, positive or not, just as much as he clips away at max’s need to be seen as socially important and in a position of an adult. it’s arguable if both of these are good or not but the main thing they are in relation to is obvious: max feels that being an adult who meets both of his psychological needs in ways that are unfamiliar to him makes david an untrustworthy person, thats exactly where you interpretation comes in clutch.
max and his behavior towards david cannot be separated from david being an adult, that is made clear with the way he treats nikki as an equal just because she is a person his age, despite her sharing a lot of david’s traits. going through the episodes you mentioned, order of the sparrow episode lets max see david perspective for the very first time. max is allowed to peek into the reason why david acts the way he does, however it alone doesn’t make him see david in a good light, if anything it makes him appear genuine in his actions. it also lets max have something for david that he didn’t have before: trust. it ends up being used in cult camp as a confirmation of it being something david can live up to (you are absolutely right, we really don’t talk abt this episode and it’s narrative weight enough). all of this has been adding onto the way max himself perceives david, parents day, however, lets both of them internalize the sentiment of mutual understanding towards each other together. parents day does this by lampshading max and david parallelism, making this whole episode consist of max seeing his parents in david just as much as david sees himself in max through the whole show and putting them in each others shoes by the end of it. the episode ends with david choosing max as a priority, he is still acting selfishly (once again david is an asshole) but choosing to do so towards max because the situation allows him to understand max the way s1 finale let max understand him. and with the final turning point in their dynamic, max understands that both his ego and need for attention can exist without them being reinforced by an adult treating him like he is an adult too. max was chosen as a priority for the very first time and that alone made him feel of more value than the treatment he initially yearned for would have. above all else parents day makes max see david as someone he can look up to as a person in emotional way, not only in a life or death situations, the shot of david from his perspective in the end making sure that we don’t miss it.
most of this is not me disagreeing with you, on the opposite i think a lot of the arguments you make are nice and are mindful interaction with the media. gold star for enjoying meta analysis to both of us i guess ⭐️. my main problem is, however, the fact that using all of this to basically say ‘maxs parents suck so he has a distain for david because of it’ is a heavy oversimplification that you somehow go against in your initial statement too and that i, personally, just don’t enjoy. this alone does not make your interpretation wrong though, if anything just reinforces your general idea into a more concrete argument rather than a collection of bits and pieces of evidence pointing to it. hope all of this made sense
tldr; man idk no summing up this one as to not take away from the overall statement im making with this. read the post 🫶
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pablitogavii · 1 year
heyy! i loove your writing style. could you maybe write a smut where gavi is very veeeryy dominant i’m dying for that pls 😭🙏🏼
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You were currently scrolling through your phone bored out of your mind while your boyfriend was "busy"playing FIFA online with some of his friends.
"Amor.." you move your foot over his crotch hoping to signal that you were in a particular mood tonight...I mean he did satisfy your craving only one day ago but you couldn't help it when he looked so hot all the freaking time!
"Shh princesa, I'm playing" he moved his headset only to tell you that before putting it back on and laughing about something one of the guys said. You groaned rolling your eyes and retrieving your foot from his lap.
Send to: bestie<3
you: I'm going to start hating football!
bestie<3: Pablo not giving you attention??
you: yes!!! It's annoying! And he keeps licking his lips girl..fuck!!
bestie<3: just make him pay attention to you ;)
you: how?? his eyes are glued to the stupid screen!
bestie<3: I'm sure he will pay attention the moment you start talking about some other dude?? ;))
That gave you a great idea since Pablo did show quite the jealousy about Ansu in the past few days when you came to watch some of his trainings at the camp.
You put your phone away moving behind Gavi and tapping his bicep which btw was flexed and absolutely delicious looking..fuck this better work!
"Que?" he said moving his headset once more pausing his game and muting his mike.
"Sorry! Just one question, amor. Ansu scored more goals than you this season right??" you said pretending to be serious feeling his bicep flex under your hand the moment you mentioned his friends name.
"He only has two more goals and it's still not the end of the season! Why do you care about goals he scores anyways!?" Pablo was defensive right away and you liked seeing him riled up like this...it was such a turn on!
"I bet he scores more "goals" somewhere else too..." you poked the right spot while messing with an old Barça t-shirt Pablo was wearing while he stared at you in disbelief.
"What did you just say to me princesa!?" Pablo's voice got deeper whenever his dominant side surfaced and you loved every second of it feeling your panties dampen under deep vibrations.
"Nothing...keep playing your game. I'll go to sleep" you say smiling to yourself victoriously but as you tried to get up his rough hands grabbed your hips tightly pulling you back and making you land on top of his lap.
"You are gonna regret doubting your papi princesa..." his hands squeezed around your ass cheeks tightly enough to make it painful and you winced now helplessly turned on ready to take your punishment if it meant he will stop playing that stupid game and play with you instead!
"Really papi??" you teased which was a big mistake after getting him riled up regretting it the moment he spanked you hard leaving a red mark on your cheek.
"I'm gonna score so many "goals" tonight that you won't be able to walk for weeks!" he growled tossing you on the bed before getting on top of you and starting to kiss down your body tearing off any remaining pieces of clothing.
"Papi..please" you moaned and he spanked you once more making you wince and whine in desperation..he was driving you crazy and he knew it.
"Shut your disrespecting mouth princesa! I treat you so well every night...and you dare say Ansu is a better than me!? You dare tell me he can fuck you better than I can!? Well, I have news for you princesa..nobody will ever fuck you like me and I think you know that...that's why you are such a slut for my cock, aren't you?" he was biting marks into my sensitive skin as a way of marking his territory and you enjoyed every second of it.
"I asked you a fucking question!" he opened your legs presenting you to him and you whined as the cold air hit your sensitive core.
"Yes...I'm a slut for your cock papi..only your cock" you pouted hoping he will have some mercy but he was nowhere near forgetting the poisonous words that left your mouth.
"Prove it..." Pablo stood up looking down at his hard member and you took a hint getting on your knees in front of him and staring to lick his tip like a starved kitten.
"Enough teasing! Unless you never want this punishment to end!" Pablo grabbed your hair pushing more of his cock into your mouth as you started to suck him off still unable to fit all of him into your mouth.
Your hand massaged his balls while he threw his head back rutting more into your mouth feeling himself getting on the verge of his orgasm.
"Stop! I don't want to cum yet...not until I'm inside of your princesa" he said pulling your head back and making you remove your lips from his cock and look up at him patient for next instruction.
You loved the way he dominated you but still made you feel special at the same time. He helped you up wiping some saliva from your lips before kissing them passionately and making you fall back down onto the bed.
"Try saying Ansu is better than me now!" his hand was wrapped around your throat while he got so deep inside of you that your mind went blank.
"I can't hear you princesa....who is better than me??" he released your neck a little letting you breathe while still pounding roughly into your pussy with no mercy.
"N..nobody is better...ahh. than you..papi" you menage to speak in a broken language seeing his smirk grow as you stroked his ego with those words.
"That's right! Nobody is better than me on that pitch! And certainly nobody is better than me at fucking your tight little pussy..fuck you clench around me so perfectly princesa!" Pablo groaned kissing your lips feeling your high approaching as your thighs shook violently from over stimulation.
"Please..please papi..give it to me..fill me up good" you begged feeling his cock twitching inside of you as Pablo arrived at his own orgasm rutting in and out of you furiously.
"Fuck princesa! Tu eres perfecta para mi" he groaned into your neck while still buried deep inside of you and you moaned when he started moving again.
"I told you I will score so many goals tonight.." he smirked twisting you around and sitting up with you straddled in his lap and his cock buried inside of you.
"Be a good princesa and ride my cock baby" he smirked and you obeyed moving your hips as he hit all the right spots making another wave of pleasure spread through your body.
"Is this why you were mala princesa? HUh? You wanted my attention?" he smirked starting to pound into you once more and you threw your head back from how good this new angle was making you feel and he smirked.
"YES! Ahh yes..please don't stop!" you begged feeling him only speed up as another orgasm washed over you leaving you sweaty, exhausted and happy holding onto Pablo's shoulder's for dear life.
He laid you down and you were breathing heavily seeing stars form how intense the last orgasm was but Pablo was far from done..he was determined to prove himself to you tonight.
His lips attached to your overly sensitive core and you whined grabbing his hair while he was eating you like a starved man his first meal.
"P..P..Pablo.ahh..too..too much..ahh I can't..uhh" you felt your thighs shaking afraid of completely losing control but Pablo reassured you were in safe hands and you completely trusted him.
"Tell me..who is the best player in Barça?" he spoke into your pussy sending vibrations that felt better than any orgasm you ever had.
"Pablo Gavi...ahh" you said and he added more tongue sending your mind into overdrive as your back arched while he kept your hips glued to the bed torturing you.
"Who scores the most goals?" he asked rubbing his chin on your clit and your eyes were tearful now from how badly you needed to come and form his merciless teasing.
"Pablo Gavi!" you screamed in frustration and he smirked continuing to eat you out and just as you orgasm was about to come he asked one last question.
"Who is the only man who can fuck you this good!?" he said
"PABLO GAVI!" you screamed and the moment his lips met with your folds again orgasm washed over your as you squirted and he licked you clean proud of his achievement.
"Next time better watch your mouth or I will make sure you don't get this cock for a whole week" he warned and you pouted feeling almost drunk on ecstasy so the only thing you could do is nod while he put his t-shirt over your body and tucked you underneath the blankets.
"Sorry boys, my princesa was misbehaving.." he said before continuing to play his game...little devil ;))
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skamenglishsubs · 2 years
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 2, Episode 1
Season 2 picks up after the Christmas break, it is now early January 2021, and Wilhelm is asleep, dreaming of Simon...
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Cinematography: The show does a slow transition from Wilhelm's sex dream by changing the colours from the soft golden light of his dream, to the harsh early January daylight, and by letting the sound of a vacuum cleaner pierce the signature [dreamy electronic music] of his dream.
Subtext: We're seeing Wilhelm move like a ghost through the palace, ignoring everyone, even his mother. He's still angry with her, and they haven't really talked all break.
Blink and you miss it: It's hard to make out, but Erik's silver cigarette case is also inscribed with Sällskapet - The Society, the ultra-douche nobility club.
Cinematography: Just like last season was bookended by a fourth wall break, here comes the opening montage and a very angry Wilhelm staring into the camera.
Subtext: The August montage tells us a bunch of things. He's been spending Christmas break alone at school since he doesn't really have a family to spend it with, and his eating disorder/body dysmorphia sure isn't getting better.
Culture: Simon is playing the song Aldrig Igen by Cherrie, which is about leaving someone who has hurt you. The repeating refrain goes: "Never gonna happen again. I don't want to feel like that."
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Culture: Minimum age for getting your driver's license in Sweden is 18. It's getting more and more rare for people to get their driver's license as soon as possible, because it's simply not a necessity for most. When I went to high school last century (in the 90's), about half the class got theirs at that time. These days less than a third get theirs that early.
Subtext: Although Felice didn't really have a plot of her own this season, I'm glad to see that she learned something last season and keeps ignoring her annoying, prattling, mom. That her friend Sara got into the Manor House is much more important than whatever horsey-horse blah her mom is whining about.
Subtext: Madison hands Sara a crystal, of course she's into that. But I'm not crunchy enough to figure out what the hell she means by "among other things". Help. Anyone? What is that even? Amethyst?
Subtext: "Native Americans and other indigenous peoples have burned sage for centuries as part of a spiritual ritual to cleanse a person or space, and to promote healing and wisdom." Thank you Google for that explanation. And of course it's something Madison would do.
Lost in translation: The English translation of their chanting didn't quite capture everything. A literal translation would be "Fine girls, deep pockets, worship our fine pussies!" But fina flickor is an expression that means well-mannered upper-class girls, djupa fickor is a Swedish idiom that means being rich, and these two fragments both rhymes with and alliterates with fina fittor, except the latter is extremely vulgar, which creates an interesting juxtaposition of contrasting tone. Btw, my high school Swedish teacher was the best teacher I've ever had, and I know he would be so fucking proud of me right now if he could see me writing this! Tack, Magnus.
Subtext: And here comes the first mention of this season's main theme; traditions, upholding them, breaking them, examining them... Interestingly enough it's Felice who suggests breaking it, while all the other girls insist that Sara has to continue the tradition. And boy, does she ever. At least the fire department didn't show up...
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Subtext: The real reason August didn't join Vincent or Nils on their expensive Christmas vacation to the Seychelles is of course that he can't afford it. But his dismissive joke also just point to his own eating disorder problems. August, get help.
Subtext: When Simon insta-stalks Marcus we get to see a bit of his personality. Apparently, Marcus likes camping, fishing, hiking, horses, and his Volvo. The 850 is a classic 90's station wagon, and although it's pretty unusual for 18-year-olds to own a car in Sweden, something like that checks out and it's probably his car.
Subtext: Vincent is such an ass, and I love every second of it. He has zero respect for the younger students, he doesn't give a shit that Wilhelm is royal.
Subtext: Wilhelm is being an assertive bitch to August here and insists on him addressing him in third person, as if they weren't familiar...
Blink and you miss it: ...which makes Nils and Vincent laugh, and Vincent makes a mocking salute to Wilhelm.
Subtext: But in the end, August is the prefect, so they do as he says and allow the first-years to join the party, even though they have no idea why August is letting Wilhelm get away with it.
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Cinematography: This season also does a lot of mirroring where scenes in this season look like scenes in the first season. This particular one mirrors the one where Simon appears at the initiation party for Wilhelm and catches his eye, except it's a lot more sad this time.
Subtext: Oh look, The Theme™ pops up again, and Simon is of course not a fan of keeping the shitty traditions that forced Sara to do something stupid, so that he had to rush to school to check up on her.
Subtext: Wilhelm is an awkward idiot around Simon. He really has no idea how to reconnect with him.
Cinematography: Again, we're mirroring the initiation party in s1 where Simon excuses himself, but this time Wilhelm doesn't chase after him.
Subtext: I'm sorry what now? Nils is not straight? That came out of fucking nowhere, but ok, let's roll with it! Also, whoever subtitled this is obviously familiar with Tinder, but not with Grindr. Nils says that he saw Marcus on Grindr, not that they matched, because that's not how Grindr works.
Subtext: The main theme of the entire show is about social class, if you haven't figured this out by now. Nils is firmly in team upper-class, and tells Wilhelm how he's supposed to handle dating: Only date or hook up with people from your own class, or with people who know how to keep everything discreet, private, and down-low.
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Subtext: Wilhelm looks around in confusion, because he expected Simon to be singing in the choir. Where the hell is Simon?
Subtext: Meanwhile, Simon is late and on the bus with his friends on Team Rebound, who are giving him advice that's gonna turn out to be pretty crap.
Culture: Padel is so middle class, Vincent is right! Padel surged in popularity in Sweden in 2021 for some weird reason, and tons of padel courts popped up all over the country. However, the hype completely crashed in 2022, so most of those places are now facing bankruptcy and people actually talk about padeldöden - padel death, so the sport is kind of a joke right now.
Subtext: Wilhelm puts on the most fake smile ever and says hi to Alexander who is back at school. They were all correct when they said that Alexander really wouldn't get punished for getting caught with the drugs, his parents simply bribed the school to hush it down, but their treatment of Alexander will backfire spectacularly on Wilhelm later in the season.
Subtext: The show is doing a bit of exposition here, but it's also reminding us of who knows what about the sex tape, and why Wilhelm hasn't told Simon that he knows who did it. One more thing that will backfire spectacularly.
Subtext: And in a quick throwaway comment we learn that the late prince Erik had a thing with a porn model, and that the royal court successfully swept that whole thing under the carpet, as they do.
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Subtext: The rest of the girls thoughtlessly let Sara pick up the tab for their coffee, which is nothing to them, but for Sara it's half her savings. She's treating them without protest, but doesn't buy anything for herself because she simply can't afford it.
Subtext: Don't sit next to him, don't talk to him, pretend he doesn't exist! Simon is really trying to follow the advice of his friends.
Cinematography: Oh look, a mirroring of the scary movie scene where they touch hands in season 1. Except this time Simon jerks his hand away.
Subtext: The Theme! This time it's Wilhelm who's on team fuck the traditions, although he's doing it just to undermine August.
Lost in translation: Vincent actually uses the word kladdiga - sticky, smudgy - about their hands, which in Swedish implies they're all toddlers who should sit down and shut up while the adults are talking.
Subtext: No, Wilhelm really didn't stick up for anyone last season, he threw Alexander under the bus, and he threw Simon under the bus, so we're just heaping on the guilt now.
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Subtext: And we're doing some more exposition to remind everyone about who knows what about the sex tape. Here Sara finds out that August knows that Wilhelm knows it was him, and he's blaming her for telling him, even though she hasn't told anyone. Not even Simon, speaking about things that will backfire spectacularly.
Subtext: Sara's plotline is gaining steam, much like she did after touching August, if you know what I mean, eh, eh, eh? She knows he's a piece of shit, she knows he's a bad person that she can't trust, but she also thinks he's hot as fuck and this obviously causes quite a lot of conflicting emotions in her.
Subtext: No, Wilhelm truly doesn't realize this. He's been trying to get close to Simon in order to get him back, but he still hasn't got a damn clue as to why Simon is keeping his distance.
Subtext: Note that Simon going after Marcus is 100% reactive. He asked him for a ride because he needed to for Sara's sake. And now he's agreeing to karaoke night because Wilhelm just hurt him again, and because his friends have been encouraging him to go for a rebound boyfriend.
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Culture: Carola Häggkvist is a very well known Swedish artist and songwriter who had her breakthrough at 17 in the 1983 Eurovision Song Contest with the song Marcus is choosing. She only came in third that time, but won the ESC in 1991 with the song Fångad av en Stormvind. Despite being wacko Christian for a while and married to Norwegian preacher Runar Søgaard, who lost his weapons license after shooting a deer from his bedroom window, she has now mended her ways and is somewhat of a gay icon in Sweden, performing at Stockholm Pride in 2013.
Culture: Främling is about meeting a stranger, falling in love, and taking a chance on this newfound love. Marcus might look like a doofus, but his song choice is pretty clever, although obvious.
Subtext: Can we just appreciate Vincent's dramatics for a second? A first-year not moving their ass off a couch he wants to sit in is apparently causing his entire world to come crashing down. The audacity! Chaos! The system is there for a reason! It provides stability! What's next? Everyone is just gonna sit around playing the bongos? Someone needs to enforce the proper order of things, because August apparently refuses to do so!
Subtext: Some nice foreshadowing here where Alexander checkmates Wilhelm.
Culture: The Swedish Royal Court is an organisation with hundreds of employees who assist the royal family in all their official duties. Here we're seeing the Queen having a late night meeting with some court officials. Although the show doesn't say, it's likely that Minou who was introduced in season 1 is the head of the press and information department, and that the new character Jan-Olof is the Marshal of the Court, which would put him in charge of planning and preparing all official events that the royal family attends.
Subtext: From the perspective of the Queen and the court, Wilhelm's outburst comes out of nowhere. He's been refusing to talk to his mother for weeks, and now he suddenly calls them up, rants about Simon being on a date with another boy, and screams that he doesn't want to become king in the future. In addition, he threatens to talk to the press himself, which makes Minou somewhat concerned to put it lightly.
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sushisocks · 7 months
DO I HAVE ANGSTY SEAN HEADCANONS???!? Is my tumblr url sushisocks??? I'm including just a couple non-angsty ones that are v important to me bcz we're here to have fun, after all lolol
Lets start out with a light one; Sean absolutely has ADHD and dyslexia. Everybody knows Sean can't read, but nobody asks WHY Sean can't read despite frequent opportunities to learn. Based on the camp interactions with Lenny, we know he has been willing to attempt to learn, but has given up. This reads a lot more like learning disability to me, than it does laziness!!
In a similar vein; Sean taking frequent naps/falling asleep a lot is because he's a light sleeper - he has had a hard time falling asleep and staying that way ever since his father got murdered in his bed by the law. Left an impression Sean can't really shake even when surrounded by friends and allies - it's easier to nap when it's light out and people are awake in the area. Combine that with the ADHD and suddenly he's sleeping when he's not supposed to - like on guard duty.
Btw Sean has REAL BAD nightmares so that doesn't help at ALL either
Sean's mom probably passed when he was very young - he doesn't have any tangible memories of her in the same way he does his dad. Telling stories about him is how Sean keeps the only real family he had alive.
SIMILARLY I imagine it was just the two of them fleeing to America together; Sean was right there when Darragh got killed in his sleep - I imagine him waking up to a gunshot tbh.
In previous posts I've talked some about Sean's parallels and similarities to Arthur. Consider; Sean having similar self-esteem issues as Arthur, but instead of being quiet and disparaging about it, Sean covers it up by boasting and talking a big game. Nobody tries to talk Sean up because they all think he has a big ego, and it sort of just feeds into the insecurities Sean already has & is trying to avoid thinking about.
Also; Sean is generally an open book about his feelings, but he struggles a LOT with being truly vulnerable or getting at the deeper stuff. He'll also always downplay and make a joke out of truly traumatic and desperate situations he's been in. Though he DOES tell you what happened, he's chuckling and acting like it's nothing. (This isn't even a headcanon, he actually does this very consistently. It's why Karen is so mad at him in that one camp interaction after the party lol)
The only times Sean feels comfortable not being The Camp Clown is when Dutch isn't around, with a limited amount of people to witness. He still feels weird about the fact that he did actually try to kill him, when they first met, like he actually pulled the trigger (I feel like people are prone to forget this abt him), and he's never sure if Dutch might resent or distrust him a little for it. Same goes for Hosea.
A MacSummers one I came up w on discord literally yesterday; Sean has a Claddagh ring heirloom he got from his late mother through his late father. He gifts it to Lenny at some point, who doesn't realize the symbolism, just the sentimental value. Lenny wears it on a chain around his neck.
The previous one could work for MacJones too but tbh I think it hits harder for MacSummers lol (im biased)
Sean blocked out a lot of what he experienced while holed up at Ike Skelding's; the teethpulling and the burned feet were probably some of the lighter things he had to endure.
Sidenote the fact that his feet were fucking burned being as brushed off as it is makes me fucking insane. How bad were they burned Sean? Are you in pain atm? Should you be walking?
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sluzheart · 1 year
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No one loves like us
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parings: lo’ak x reader x tsireya lo’ak x reader lo’ak x tsireya tsireya x reader x lo’ak tsireya x lo’ak tsireya x reader kiri x rotxo rotxo x kiri neteyam x aunoung aunoung x neteyam
warnings: fluff, angst, crack, death, cussing, spider slander (i’m sorry i can’t help it), did not proof read tell me if i fucked up idc
a/n: Their is barely any lo’ak x reader x tsireya so i decided to take matters into my own hands enjoy :) will be making a little series out of this but i will do a Metkayina reader as well
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*if the reader was Omaticaya*
- so you were tsu’teys daughter your mother  was a close friends of jakes her being a sky person and tsu’tey well they fell in love making your creation  but they when tsu’tey died  in the war of the sky people your mother went but she had not realized yet that she was with child
- so your mother survived the war but as she grew heavier her body started shutting down slowly and after she had you she only lasted a few year to the age you were 5 and her dying wish was for jake and Neytiri to take care of you so they did
- with you being a year older than lo’ak you would always tease him saying that you being older is why you could do things as in calling him dick head and penis face like kiri but jake always spilt the two of you up
- when jake was hard on on lo’ak you always defended him whether you would get in trouble or not but you didn’t care he was your best friend and you weren’t gonna let his sometimes shitty dad make him feel worthless
- But anyways you realized you had a crush on lo’ak when one day he was playing with tuk and neteyam and you were chilling with kiri it’s not that you didn’t want to play you were just tired  just started at him taking in all of his features his freckles the scars and his hands the same ones you had 5 fingers and it clicked you were in love with your best fucking friend
- and then telling kiri was ughhhh so just kiri
- ^ drabble about this you were in the forest with kiri she wanted to explore with you today and have your little talks there were nice with tuk but you got her in ways no one else did her connection with eywa and all so sitting down by a river bend and she asked you “so you and lo’ak huh?” usually your response would have been “no way in hell that’s my best friend” but this time you just remained quiet for kiri to figure it out then she gasped “No my brother really y/n?!” you splashed water in her direction “shut up” “so after all these years you finally accept the truth” you rolled your eyes “yea yea whatever you say” “will i get to be your maid of honor” you scoffed “Kiri unless your gonna be there while me and lo’ak mate then i think not” “ohh so you plan on mating huh” she said with a teasing  and sarcastic tone you flipped her off and changed or at least tried to change the subject
- but anyways you also had told neteyam he was another best friend of yours well the whole sully family was except for spider he was a friend not best friend
- which resulted the whole family trying to set the two of you up even Neytiri and jake and his oblivious ass was confused but anyways it was embarrassing as hell you wanted to dig your self in a hole and die
- but how you guys became girlfriend and boyfriends was stupid cute but stupid you were out on  a hunt by yourselves which is a surprise because you + lo’ak = getting in trouble for shits and giggles but anyways lo’ak spoke up “I bet that you can’t find a bigger catch than me” you smirked “well see about that” so your competitive side took over you hunted almost everything that was eatable and good meat after the day and you returned to food to camp (jake was impressed by how much you both caught btw) lo’ak caught a lot but not as much as you and you walked around the village boasting to him “I win lo’ak” your genuine smile showing and your freckles glowed under the moon he nodded “not really but okay” you looked like a deer in headlights “what do you mean “not really” i caught at least 2 times more than you did” “I mean yea but the biggest and greatest catch was?” “what” you responded sarcastically “you” he whispered it you could barely hear it but your heart exploded right their “lo’ak you mean that?” he came closer to you “of course I do”…..and the rest was history
- until the sky people came they came and destroyed your home your memories a piece of you that you were born with lo’ak comforted you everything you knew was gone besides lo’ak and the other sullys
- But any ways i’m getting tired of writing this part let just get to when you arrive at the Metkayina clan
- when you saw tsireya god your eyes popped out of your damn head and lo’aks too she was beautiful and she stared right back at the two of you she felt like a missing piece apart of you you needed to have
- but when you guys got settled you and lo’ak went strolling around talking about you new home until you mentioned tsireya “shes beautiful y’know” “who?” “tsireya” he nodded in agreement you wanted to bring up that you wanted her to be apart of the relationship having more than one mate was common it wasn’t foreign but at the same time it felt so scary so un heard of you were always the bold one in the relationship so you went head first “what if we ask her to mate with us?” lo’ak whipped his head at you so face his braids almost hitting you in the face “are you sure you wanna do that  n/n?” you rolled you eyes “yes lo’ak i do and i know you do too i could practically see drooling at her” “shut up you were too” “was not” “yes you were” this bickering went on for a while but it was all shits and giggles nothing serious
- but anyways when you guys both started courting tsireya all the sully knew and her idiot brother which you didn’t have a problem with since he apologized for fighting lo’ak and neteyam and leaving lo’ak in the middle of the ocean he was actually cool you and him got along pretty well and you guys joked around a lot actually
- but anyways back to courting tsireya you guys spent a lot of time with her and she enjoyed it it made her feel special about her self and not because she was the oldest child (i know she not but for this lets just act like it) and Tsahik in training it gave her some stress free and allowed her self to breathe for once
- but she accepted your courting and agreed to be mates with you once you all finish your rites of passage (i know that’s not the name but can someone tell me what it is for future reference)
- So after all the sky people stuff (neteyam did not die dont fucking play with me bitch) you all were determined to finish your rites of passage
- lo’ak had already bonded with a tuklan bonded with a Skimwing and tsireya had only one more to go and she would be ready for her adulthood you had already bonded with a Skimwing you just needed a tuklan and you found one la’nou she was a singer in her “clan” she sung beautifully and was sweet and kind but will protect the ones she loves perfect for you and you bonded with her your rites of passages were complete the ceremony would be that night sooner than later
- you wore this along with this necklace ronal gave you it was beautiful really while tsireya wore a dress her mother weaved her along with his crown  and lo’ak on the other hand he didn’t change at all he wanted to go home and sleep he was being his dumb self as usual but when saw tsireya and you that all changed he was glad to be there ecstatic even the  festival was full with music and it was amazing you wouldn’t trade it for the world
- after everyone started to go home you lo’ak and tsireya went to a secluded area far away from the village and you sat there in each others embrace and it felt warm it felt welcomed it felt like home
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robynbaldurlogs · 3 months
baldur log day 1 + 2
day 1 i dont have much to show for this day visually bc i wasnt actively documenting... but essentially, i: made my character, went through the beginning tutorials and stuff, took the little brain guy with me, saved shadowheart, and crashed on the beach. then i stopped playing. here is the only image i took before i got off LOL
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day 2 ok. so: shadowheart is cool as fuck. i LOVE her already. cannot wait to strengthen the social link with her or whatever the hell you call it. get the friendship numbers up. this fuckass poem had me dead:
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shoutout the bitch queen ig whoever you are. keep serving also i love this fucking guy. i can tell hes a conniving fuck but ohhhh hes kinda hot though!
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like why is he kinda cunty. but yea anyways he joined my party. also met this guy. gale. he is strangely charming. but he also gives me zephyr breeze vibes (which is bad) and jack sparrow vibes (which is very good). told my friend speves that and that i thought he looked like a smart himbo and she was like "i dont blame you for that read" + "we'll see" which i Dont Know how to take. my judgements were based off the literal first minute of conversation btw
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+ really stupid visual glitch i almost didnt notice. theyre fusing
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shadowheart talk your shit man.
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"just waiting, like a lovesick puppy?" ...... thats a bad thing? whatever you say man. gonna scare shadowheart with commitment. COMMITMENT JUMPSCARE BOO also little parentheses shadowheart is the most fucking dementia raven way ass name and i love it but it was hard to take it seriously for a little bit. warrior cats ass name. also i got crazy fucking lucky with my rolls. dont have many screenshots but i kept getting high numbers it was lucky as shit up until gale talked to me about needing to consume magical items like crack i read his mind with the mindflayer tadpole and found out it was cus he consumed some crazy ass Dark Magic or something, got a critical failure first, then just used some inspiration i had to get it right, and rolled high as shit LMAO
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hit the rolls TWICE btw. read his mind once and then went deeper into his mind which had a 15 dc and got that too. hell yeah baby. also afterwards i was totally honest with him about reading his mind and he freaked the fuck out which fair i read your mind. i get it. but still
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then i calmed him down by being like "hey man i had to know. youre dangerous" and passed the persuasion check :sunglasses: easiest game of my fucking life oh i talked to shadowheart abt her pains before that which was cool every conversation i have with her makes me like her more.
i met wyll. great guy. i went to camp to long rest and he dropped some INSANE fucking knowledge on me. like. i could live by this
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so i switched gale out in my party with him LMAOOOOOOO and had a conversation with astarion about how hed kill me if i started turning. i asked what he would prefer personally and he said decapitation. which was CRAZY. so i was like yeah sure king decapitate me if i turn. do your thing. i trust your judgment
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also talked to shadowheart bc i will seize every chance to learn more about her
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then i left camp, talked to kagha while looking for a healer, got them to free a tiefling girl through more persuasion rolls (BECAUSE IM GOATED) and talked to the healer nettie who was fixing a Regular Bird
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she told me how strange it is that we arent turning, to swear on my life id drink a poison if i saw any symptoms (which i of course agreed to, shadowheart approved and astarion did not) and stopped playing on the way to rescue halsin. fun times!
p.s. days doesnt necessarily mean im playing this daily but rather just what happens when i play per irl day... days just works as a way to categorize tbh
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one shot based on my other post abt Jason being able to not eat a lot for long periods of time bc of his time with lupa and the wolves :)
Takes place on the Argo II btw
As usual,jason only took a small amount of food. Only this time it didn't really do as unnoticed like it normally did.
"Y'know you can eat more, we have a fridge that refills its self!" Leo said to Jason while shoving mash potatoes in his mouth.
Jason just shrugged. "I just get fill easy, " he mumbled.
Annabeth looked up, slightly concerned. "You sure? There's always more. "
"Yeah!" Percy exclaimed, his mouth full of blue pancake.
Jason hated the attention he was suddenly getting. "I'm fine," he said flatly hoping that they would drop it.
He didn't really want to tell them that his mom abandoned him when he was 2 and that wolves raised him.
But of course, because that's what he didn't want to happen, that's exactly what happened.
"Who we're you raised by that they didn't let you eat a full meal?" Percy asked, squinting at Jason as if trying to get a read on him.
"Didnt you're mom raise you? " Piper asked.
jason looked down at his plate, a small, bitter chuckle escaping his lips. Of course he was going to have to tell them the thing he most didn't want to share.
"My mother abandoned me in a forest as basically a offering to Juno, after that wolves raised me," Jason deadpanned.
The whole table was quiet for a moment.
Until all Hades broke lose.
"You were raised by wolves?"
"How did you survive?!"
"Wait you were raised by lupa weren't you?"
And more shouts and questions that got shouted out. But the loudest was annabeth.
She banged the table so hard that her water glass fell. "You're mother did what? "
jason flinched back, all of the yelling had rattled him, and he had to take a moment to gather what has happening.
Annabeth got up and started pacing while she ranted. "I mean I knew she was bad, Thalia ran away from her, but I didn't know she was that bad! "
Jason looked down at his hands that were now shaking. "Sorry" he mumbled. He hated all the yelling. It reminded him of a very distant memory of his mom screaming at him and Thalia when she got drunk.
Annabeth stopped pacing and looked at him quizzically. "What are you sorry for? It's us who should be sorry, we were yelling."
The others suddenly looked a bit sheepish for yelling.
jason had no clue how to react to all of this. "Oh." Was all he could mange to say.
Leo frowned. "What does being raised by wolves have to do with-" he cut him self off as realization hit him. "Did they don't give u enough to eat?"
Jason was trembling like a leaf on a windy day. "I don't- I can't- it was a while ago- i-" he stuttered, his face burning.
Hazels (lmao forgot abt my girl for a second there) face dawned with understanding. "Is that why you didn't eat much at Camp Jupiter too? You've just gotten into the habit of not eating a lot? "
Jason shrugged numbly (pls im cringying while writing this is), he was still embarrassed.
Frank (oop I forgot abt him too) frowned. "Well we'll have to help you break that habit then!"
The others mumbled in agreement and Jason smiled the slightest bit. He knew ig probably wouldn't work, he'd tried to break the habit a while ago but he was thankful that he had such great friends.
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differenteagletragedy · 5 months
hi I just wanted to say I adore how far you've gone w the swap au (I sent the original ask lol) and I wanna ask: any hcs for cove/derek's route in the swap au? or any hcs for poly swap au? 👀
Thank you for all you have done for me, I will never forget it, Swap AU is my favorite place <3
-- Ok so usually what I've been doing is just thinking of random moments and then writing a story about them and building the universe that way so this will be very helpful!!!
-- Cliff had his shop, Baxter's dad was looking for local investment opportunities and they went into business together. I do not know anything about business, but they became ~business partners~ so Cliff would come over to the Ward house sometimes and he'd bring Cove, that's how he met Baxter
-- They were both only 13, so Baxter isn't going to do the very forward flirting that made Cove not like him so much in canon Step 3, so they make friends. In canon, Baxter likes Cove so much, he thinks he's so sweet and good so that's true here. He becomes Baxter's confidante, he's the only one he tells about MC.
-- Cove and MC never have a thing, but they are good friends! Close enough that when the business relationship between Baxter's dad and Cliff sours (Cliff finds out that he is NOT a good person and is fine with his business taking a little hit so that he doesn't associate with him anymore) Cove can go hang out with MC and Baxter can show up without Wards getting into a tizzy.
-- Which, btw, Wards haaaaate MC's moms with a passion for so many reasons, the list gets longer as the years go by. The reason they let Baxter hang out around there is because 1, Baxter is kind of a pain in the ass and would pester them to the ends of the earth if they didn't let him go, and 2, it's a little obvious if they don't let their kid hang out with the kid with two moms and they don't want to be THAT loud about their bigotry. They have plenty of remarks about MC's family to share behind closed doors.
-- Cove doesn't get all "no free time only school/sports" like Derek does, so there's never really a lull in the friendship. MC is Baxter's best friend, but Cove is high up there too.
-- Cove's route will obviously be a lot of beach stuff. Baxter is still scared of the ocean, so this is something you can share with Cove. It's a little hard to think of parallels between Derek's route and AU Cove's route because Derek's is all about his big family, but that first summer with Cove is fun and it keeps being fun after :)
-- Derek is different in Swap AU in that by the time he's 19, he hasn't had years of crushing on MC, he's just a guy that comes to town for training and happens to move across the street from a lil cutie. He's confident in his looks like he is in canon, and he's fine with some flirting in that way that very nice pretty people can be. He'll obviously be much busier than Baxter was in canon Step 3 and he can't drop everything for MC, but he does have a good time with them and Baxter.
-- He'd ask MC to take him sightseeing, and to go camping instead of to big fancy mountain lodge. He'd also be good with leading the search for an ice cream truck. He wouldn't be good with the themes, but he'd absolutely help with Miranda's party and wouldn't have the hang up where he felt like he couldn't stay for the festivities.
-- He actually wouldn't have many of his canon hang ups to deal with here because he's on his own. That means you get a free-wheeling, footloose and fancy free Derek, and how nice!
-- Cove is around forever, he's just that bud. He never stepped back, you never lost touch, he's the friend that lies in a different neighborhood.
-- Derek will keep in touch too, no need for a big reunion in five years!
-- Baxter and MC get married, Cove is Baxter's best man. It would be very cute if Derek's was MC's, but they have more people to choose from (Liz, etc.)
-- See now I'm thinking about Swap AU wedding and I have to go, this is the best universe!!!
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riddlerosehearts · 13 days
BG3 Tag Game
thank you to @nerdalmighty for tagging me!! 💖
tagging @smooti @the-blue-wraith @werevampiwolf @lockescoles and anyone else who wants to participate! no pressure, just tagging a few mutuals who i've seen post about the game.
Favorite romance: well, the only one i really know anything about is gale's romance (i know a few details here and there about most of the others but i haven't actually seen how they play out) so it has to be him. but i love gale so much i would be incredibly surprised if any of the others ever surpassed him. he's so funny but he's also such a gentleman, and all of his romance scenes are just beautiful. every time he calls my tav "my love" i feel like i am going to melt into a puddle.
Favorite class to play: i really need to try more of the classes but i've had so much fun playing my bard!! i love using tasha's hideous laughter/otto's irresistible dance on everything. imagine being a famous bard who's also hailed as a hero that helped defeat the chosen of the dead three, and when people ask how you did it, you get to say you just concentrated really hard on making ketheric thorm fall over in a fit of laughter while everyone else beat him up.
Favorite NPC: oh my god this is such a hard question... i honestly loved ketheric's story, and i also love alfira and rolan!! i'm actually so attached to the tiefling refugees in general, it's always a delight to see any of them again. and raphael is an incredibly fun villain.
Favorite song off the soundtrack: hmm, probably either raphael's final act because it feels so much like a classic disney villain song or wash my pain away, because it's just a beautiful song that makes me emotional.
Tell us a little about your Tav: my tav is a half-elf lore bard named elenion who pretends to be super confident and outgoing but is actually a shy nerdy anthropologist. they're very much high INT low WIS and will make ridiculous decisions if they think they might end up with interesting knowledge or a good story to tell (this is the entire reason they let astarion stick around at first even though he was obviously a vampire, btw). they also fell in love with gale within 5 minutes of meeting him and are best friends with wyll.
Something you wish was in the game: i'm in agreement that i wish there were more interactions between the companions at camp!! they talk about each other a lot, but not to each other so much other than the banter you get while walking around, and i'd just love to see them all bond more. i also wish there were more body type options, so you could make more androgynous-looking characters without having to mod the game.
Do you create fanworks? Share something with us: not currently but i would actually love to make gifs of the game!! and i probably will start doing that sometime later this year, whenever i'm able to get a new graphics card for my PC.
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dearsnow · 2 years
Request: @thatonecanoodlingcounselor
Hello there! I saw your requests open! Can you make a fic similar to 'cause and effect," but with Jacob? It doesn't have to be exactly like that, but I'm a sucker for an angsty situation having a sweet ending! :P Love your work btw
- the events of last night do not matter because jacob custos does not like you, and you should not like him. (angst -> fluff, jacob custos x gn reader, requests are still open!)
word count: 908
a/n - i love love writing things like this 🫶🫶 also “chasing pavements” by adele was playing while i wrote this so if you want something to listen to during this fic, put that baby on blast
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There’s a time and place for feelings, you tell yourself. The middle of summer in Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp is neither the time nor the place. Last night meant absolutely nothing. The way he held your face so gently, his calloused palm melting into your skin as he almost, almost kissed you was just a spur-of-the-moment action. Jacob Custos does not love you, and you cannot love him.
Everyone knows he and Emma have a thing. It’s never been official but it’s so incredibly evident in the way they look at each other. That burning passion in their eyes and stolen kisses when they think you’re not looking says more than yelling their relationship to the sky ever could. It hurts.
You hate having emotions. Bending to the push and pull of the tide, never being able to just shut them off when you need to or turn them on when the moment calls for it. There’s always been one thing that has helped you deal with it, though. Your one and only instinct: flight.
You never told your kindergarten crush you liked them. Every person you think you may get along with slips out of your grasp because you just can’t bring yourself to further your relationship. It’s hard for you to say your feelings because you are completely and absolutely terrified of rejection. There’s nothing wrong with that; it’s just a survival instinct. Avoiding being hurt emotionally. Now, you need that instinct more than ever.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for yo-“
“Not right now, sorry.” You brush past Jacob, trying to keep your voice steady. There’s nowhere you need to be and you hope he doesn’t know that. “I’m busy.”
“Oh. Okay.” You cringe at the twist of sadness in his voice, but he’ll get over it eventually. Maybe Emma can comfort him.
You hate being jealous of Emma. She’s a great friend and you can honestly say you like her- she’s just the exact type of person someone like Jacob would fall for. She’s funny, charming, and straightforward. Everything you think you can never be.
That’s why you walk away. You walk far enough to be sure he can’t see you, finally letting the beaded tears on your waterline slip down your face. You reach up to brush them away, a familiar lump in your throat forcing a sob out of your mouth. You’re glad you can at least be sad in silence, though.
Suddenly, you’re clued in to the sound of footsteps pounding so fast the person attached to them must be sprinting for their life. You begin to turn around, though it’s not fast enough. Someone’s body slams into you like a freight train, sending you both tumbling to the ground.
“Oh geez, sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“What the hell.” You mutter, your face pressed into your very own Jacob’s shoulder. Your head is pounding due to the fall and you know with certainty that your body is going to ache in the morning. “Can you get off, please? I’m gonna die.”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” He helps you to your feet, a sheepish grin plastered across his face. “I heard you. Crying, I mean. Not that I was following you. Okay, maybe I was following you. And you’ve been avoiding me. I just wanted to know what’s up and stuff. I don’t even know if the two things are connected or anything. So, are you okay? What happened?” There’s a pit in his stomach as he sees your tear-streaked face.
“I’m fine. I just figured it would be better if we didn’t talk.”
“Why? We were doing pretty good. Especially after last night.” He winks at you, and you can feel the corners of your mouth pulling up despite your sullen mood.
“That’s exactly why.” His eyebrows furrow and you can almost see a cartoonish question mark appearing above his head. It’s almost amusing.
He looks at you pointedly. “I thought we liked each other. Like like-like. Did I mix the signals?”
You’re dumbfounded. You were absolutely certain he didn’t like you. That’s literally why you tried avoiding him. “Aren’t you and Emma together?”
He laughs so loudly it startles you a bit. “Nope. We are done-zo. She doesn’t want a relationship and I want you.” He spreads his arms to emphasize his point, shooting you a smile. “It definitely wasn’t anything serious. Besides, that was a month ago. I’ve liked you from the start, though. Don’t ever,” he jokingly glares at you, “ever think I don’t like you. Oh shit, is that why you were avoiding me? You thought I didn’t like you? Damn. My bad.”
You roll your eyes, but there’s a slight smile on your face. “Duh.”
“That’s too bad. I’m actually kind of in love with you, just so you know.”
You let yourself fully smile this time. Your cheeks may be slightly damp, and you might have a couple of leaves in your hair, but you really think you couldn’t be happier. Steeling your nerves, you utter, “That’s good, because I really really like you.”
He throws his arms up in the air and lets out a victory woop before ensnaring you in a tight hug. “I’m so gonna rub this in Nick’s face.” He whispers, his face so close to yours you can feel his breath tickling you.
“You better.” You laugh, joy bubbling into your voice. “Just make sure I’m there to see it.”
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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rzyraffek · 2 years
The man deserves more attention so this one is gonna be funny, What if John goes out with the s/o (moved to Australia with the reader, (THE READER IS AUSTRALIAN 😭) and her family goes camping for Easter and John and reader, cousins goes to the beach and Yada yada make a picnic go for a swim, but John decided he will go in later so s/o went into the water with her cousin and John looks back for 1 second and all he sees is his girlfriend pushing her cousin into a big ass wave
This can be headcanon, btw I LOVE YOUR WORK ❤️ ❤️ (she/her
IT IS FUNNY ALSO THANKS SO MUCH💖💖💖 I never been in to Australia but I talked to one autstralian guy on some discord server for 20 min so im basicly one of them/j Request open
Hush guy in Austria
This guy loves wildlife and overall camping
But he is scared of planes, so when they were moving out to Australia he was so nervous😖 he was holding her hand for the whole flight and every time when plane was a little shakey he was convinced that thats it, its the day he dies
He will joke about how hes gonna fight kangaroo
He is so in love with her Accent and oh lourd teach him some curse words and pick up lines
"Honey is it legal to Hunt animals there? Yknow....just asking... for a friend ofc"
He was so nervous to met her family! Yknow first impression, diffrent culture, PERENTS OF HIS FUTURE WIFE?(dont tell s/o but hes gonna propose soon)
But she has big lovley family! They imidetly acept him. (He will kinda tear up if her family is wholesome and instantly loves him like one of their own) He doesnt really have good relationship with his family so he enjoys it
You guys decided to to camping near some pretty beach. He decided to be manly strong super masculine man and set up tent , while she was vibing with her cousin
John goes to them and waves while she and her cousin are splashing water at eachother. He had to turn around, her mom asked him question, probably some typical mom stuff like: tell s/o to use Sunscream! He turns to grab it, he goes back to love of his life and he just sees her yeeting her cousin in huge ass wave (bonus points if the cousin is like 10years old)
Well John thoughts were probably like : opionA:poor guy got yeeted optionB: Aint way in hell im going there i will be next
He was next
She was like "🥺aww sweetie pls i wont try to drown you😈" *drowns him by yeeting him in to abyss*
Top 10 saddest anime betrays
He will go shakey shakey watrer too cold I wanna get out :(, "NO get over here😈" she says as she drags gim back to wattrr (spelling water coreclty is my top1 fear apereantly)
For next few hours he will stick to cooking sosaques on fire and talking to her family (to gain this respect, yknow better be on good side of ur soon to be wife love
Sorry for long wait I exploded
Also I wanna thanks for all likes and reblogs, this 2week been hard on me irl but yall blow my stuff up more than ususal, so thanks💖😈
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doublestandardlove · 3 months
i don't think i've talked about this, but i friggin' love the prom like y'all i'm so aghh- yeahh freshman me related a little too hard to alyssa greene ;_;
anyways, here's my thing ig (headcanon??) eh here (it's a tad long, sorry :/)
alyssa's mom, mrs. greene's name is veronica. just learned that btw lol (how canon is that? idk)
my personal headcanon for veronica greene is that she was never married to alyssa's father.
they had been dating for three years, and veronica was hoping that he'd propose soon. they had engaged in premarital sex a few times, but not enough to raise suspicion when veronica started getting concerningly sick in the wee hours of the morning.
it wasn't until veronica's coworker suggested getting a pregnancy test that she even entertained the possibility. while they'd been dating for a considerable time, her family had been anxiously waiting for marriage, and so had she.
when she found out she was pregnant, veronica was overjoyed. she scheduled a doctor's appointment immediately, planning to tell alyssa's father as soon as he got home. maybe this was the push they needed to get married.
besides, she was only slightly ashamed for engaging in premarital sex, and marriage would make the sin go away.
but he was not elated. at all. he hadn't wanted a child, especially not so soon. veronica was disheartened by his reluctance, but he promised that they would talk about next steps in the morning.
when the sun rose, he was gone. veronica was absolutely devastated. she texted and called him a million times, begging him to come back. when he eventually picked up, he claimed that he wasn't ready to be a father, but he would send money every few months.
veronica went to live with her family, who were just over the moon to have another greene. her parents were slightly disappointed in her for not abstaining (virginity rocks!), but took her in nonetheless.
when alyssa greene was born, she was raised by a village. her grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends, cousins, etc. the entire extended family rose out of the woodwork to help raise this baby. with such a strong family and a small town, alyssa was well supported.
veronica hoped that one day, alyssa's father would mature enough to realize that he's ready to be a father to alyssa. so, she tried her best to raise alyssa as the best, hoping her father would hear of his daughter's achievements and be proud.
maybe if alyssa was perfect, a good, polite girl and an academic achiever, he would come back. he would see the daughter that he made and want to come back to meet such an accomplished girl.
veronica held on to this hope for years, posting alyssa's achievements on facebook and twitter, hoping for some outreach. she prayed that the Lord would bring him back to her, and he'd want to marry her and see their daughter off to college.
but it never happened. veronica blamed herself for not having enough faith, blamed her parents for not steering her hard enough in the right direction, blamed alyssa for not trying hard enough.
nothing was ever enough for her.
alyssa knew that her father wasn't coming back. she'd heard the whispered gossip from her nosy cousins and the conversations behind closed doors. she grew resentful of the hope her mother harbored, knowing they were suffering in vain. she resented her father for leaving them. leaving alyssa with her perfectionist mother.
it was unfair that they both had to suffer because her father was a coward.
alyssa never told her mother about these feelings, repressing them like she repressed everything that wouldn't fit her mother's expectations. she learned to act, how to smile even though all she wanted to do was cry. alyssa learned how not to feel, so she couldn't feel the pit in her stomach or the scream building in her throat. she learned how to hide and deny, going through every motion like clockwork.
it wasn't until one summer at bible camp that she learned how to love.
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Cindered Shadows Ch 4 & 5
Alright! Spoilers below for Cindered Shadows C4
For those of you wondering, yes, I'm still playing Warriors too, I just wanted to switch it up for the night.
Man, feels good playing some classic Fire Emblem.
So they're basically telling me, don't fight the thing. Which makes me want to fight the thing. But I only have 10 turns, so no messing around this time.
Not gonna lie, that was pretty fun. I feel like this was a pretty well-designed map. There was enough pressure to force me to get moving and enough enemy obstacles to make it challenging, but without making it impossible. Same with the turn count.
Dimitri MVP. Deserved. Him or Ashe or Yuri honestly. Though special mentions to Hapi and Constance for making short work of all the armored knights.
I just lost 30 smithing stones because my storehouse was full. I'm literally crying. Not really but ahhhhh. why.
More love for how goofy Byleth's answers can be here. I'm picking "I was pretty sure we were going to die." It's just hysterical picturing this "Ashen Demon," but in reality he's just constantly sure they're all about to die.
And no matter how many times I pick that no one believes me 😭
Aelfric's been kidnapped. That's the guy with the longish brown hair, right?
I like Yuri insisting they tell the church about it. Seems more sensible.
This letter lying around conveniently is a bit sus. Feels like a trap.
It would be super funny if Edelgard was the rat and she wanted the chalice for her conquest. I know that's not the case, but imagine.
I'm still not used to Yuri's voice. It's so much deeper than he looks like it would be.
Ohhhhh, wait, wait, wait. Hapi says she was abducted once for someone's "twisted" experiments. Gotta be TWSITD, right? And she specifically says "her," so Cornelia likely over Kyrona. Because in Hopes she was nervous being in the Kingdom, worried she'd run into a "her." Must be Cornelia.
Mysterious Woman acting pretty sus.
Honestly, all this "Aelfric's sooooo perfect!" makes me a bit suspicious of him. The game is just pushing him as this totally pure dude a bit too hard, and there's got to be more to him then "saint."
Oh, hey, look, Claude and Dimitri hanging out again.
Alois is here now?? Finally someone found out what's going on? Because I'm sure by now Dedue and Hubert are getting ulcers.
Yuri we don't disrespect Alois in this house. You take that back.
Byleth can pick, "I don't know this man." 🤣😂
Overall, I feel like this game is doing a good job making Hilda and Linhardt feel relevant to the story, but everyone else feels tacked on.
So if we're visiting Rhea now, does that mean everyone came back up? I'm gonna call BS if Hubert and Dedue just let Edelgard and Dimitri go to this dangerous area without them.
Byleth is so uber special he unlocked the Chalice by himself! It's this kinda stuff that I don't like about Byleth.
Rhea be like, "Here, take some experienced knights to help unkidnap your beloved Aelfric and protect all the heirs to the existing kingdoms in Fodlan, who will for some reason participate in this too." Everyone, "Nah, let's do this ourselves! Who needs experienced knights and extra manpower to save someone we care about! Let's put all of Fodlan's future leaders at risk too while we're at it!" Rhea "Sounds good!" Like I know this is DLC, but there's only so much disbelief I'm willing to suspend.
And now Balthus is like, "Oh, you may be our great friend and trusted leader and we're in the middle of a crisis, but btw, how did you end up here?" Like, I know they want to explain Yuri's backstory . . . but, like, why didn't a Deer, Eagle, or Lion ask that? The writers could've tried a bit harder.
See, this is what I mean. Linhardt cuts in because his crest knowledge is important to the storyline, and the three lords also trail in because . . . they're the lords. Like, don't get me wrong, I love some more Dimitri content, but I feel there's a ton of missed opportunity here with Dimitri having a chalice around that could bring back the dead, new lore for Claude to learn, and new dirt that could get dug up on the church for Edelgard, but like, there's nothing.
So all 4 of the crests needed to unlock the chalice are in the wolves, hummm, this isn't suspicious - at all. Nope.
Constance being like, "oh, mine's a secret even from the Empire." . . . right in front of Edelgard. Not a secret anymore. See, this scene makes more sense WITHOUT Edelgard, who added nothing of substance and makes it more awkward being there.
Yuri is like, "no, this isn't suspicious at all." Actually, yes, yes it is. Dimitri's spot on saying they could've just stolen the chalice if that's all they wanted. There's more going on and Yuri's either unintelligent (or writing forced unintelligence) or deflecting because he doesn't want them to guess.
I have to run around and talk to everyone again 😭😭 I thought I'd get a level to play 😭😭 But it makes sense because we had back-to-back levels, and honestly, not mad about it because that's more tiny dialogue bits for characters I mostly like.
OMG, all the Ashen Wolves are standing around together and Hilda's just chillin there because, lamo.
Ohhhhh, Constance, asking if he's an ally or enemy??? She's the smart one, y'all, realizing how sus this all is.
WTF Linhardt 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 "It's like casting a line and thinking you've landed the Big One . . . but then you reel it in, and it's Seteth." 🤣😂🤣😂 Confirmed he gets the best lines. Has someone drawn fanart of Linhardt fishing Seteth out of the water?
Ashe asking good questions too, proud of my boy.
This rouge's like, "why hasn't the church done more to help?" Like, bitch, Rhea offered. Go ask the Ashen Wolves why they said no.
Both Claude and Dimitri are like, "there's something weird going on." Props to them. Don't blame Edelgard for being more hung up on Constance's reveals.
There's a connection between Byleth and Yuri? Did I totally miss that or did it come out of nowhere?
LAMO, I love Byleth's answers for this. Getting flustered about the "date," telling Yuri his smile doesn't reach his eyes (poor Claude isn't unique anymore), or just "not now." IDK which to pick, I think "not now" is funniest and lines up the most with what I've picked so far for Byleth.
Yuri's like, "meet me at midnight, alone." Either dude is thirsty or he should've added "unarmed and possibly drunk or drugged." I wouldn't trust Yuri father than I could throw him. And Yuri's not big, but I'm not even 5 foot so . . .
Rhea's letting it all play out in case Sothis wakes up?
Ashe's too precious, worried about Constance wanting to turn herself in to save Aelfric.
Edelgard, "you make Hubert look like a spring chicken." She just killed Balthus and Hubert in one sentence. I disagree, though, that whole "I've never even seen sunlight" look makes Hubert look older.
OMG METODY!!! Long time no see. I wonder what Edelgard thinks. Not gonna lie, he's not unattractive if you're into unhinged people.
Aelfric is so sus, "just flee! my flock!" Like, it's too much.
The sigh thing is so weird. Like, who wrote that?
The bird flew off with Balthus, but they're like, whateves, we got Aelfric 🤣😂 🤣😂
I'm going to lie, I think I just have to turn my brain off regarding the writing around some of this.
AELFRIC IS PLAYABLE??? That's a surprise.
GOD, I want to kill Yuri. Why the hell is he asking for more demonic beasts. Like, he literally spawned them in the middle of my units and nowhere near the enemy in some areas.
Man, I wish Edelgard was closer to Metodey and see if she had unique dialogue with him. But she's all the way over in the other corner.
Balthus MVP. Honestly, deserved. Dude was dropped in a corner by himself and never broke a sweat. I was worried at first, but he never even really got hit.
Wait, what just happened?
I knew it. I knew Yuri was sus. I'm sure he'll either redeem himself or is some kind of double-agent or something because he's playable, but yeah between diverting everyone from talking about everything and never telling his friends jack shit. . . like I said, wouldn't trust him for a second.
Which is funny, because they tried that with Claude, and I'd trust Claude a fair amount at least, but with Yuri they got that "smile doesn't reach his eyes" way more convincing.
And Aelfric was always suspicious as hell.
Byleth has this "I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed" face lamo.
Dimitri's worried about Byleth 😭😭, like y'all, Dimileth is a good ship and anyone who says otherwise can eat shit.
Edelgard is like, you must be wounded. Byleth's like, no. What was the point of that dialogue?
Oh, so Edelgard actually got a line. Dimitri had the worried line, Claude had the figuring out line, so Edelgard needed . . . something.
RHEA! She figured it out. #Girlboss
I still need a fanfic where Dimitri struggles with using the chalice to bring back all his dead . . . everything. Ohhh, make it post-TS too when he thinks Dedue is dead for max pain.
Dimitri's so pissed off that the wolves are in danger.
So what does Rhea mean it can "breathe a spirit into a body" but can't bring back the departed? Like a body swap sort of thing? I get how that works for her plans for Sothis to come back, but how would it work elsewhere? And no, not at all wanting to know because fanfic. /s
So who is Aelfric trying to bring back to life? Not Sothis.
Rhea's like, "it's a serene, peaceful area," and Byleth can be like "the kitchen" channeling his inner Raphael or Ingrid, I see. I'm soooo picking that one.
LAMO, Dimitri calling me out "I'd hardly call the dining hall peaceful. Are you sure you're not just hungry?" 🤣😂 🤣😂
Right so the knights have to attack the bandits so that way theres an actual excuse for why they're not around for the next battle other than the Ashen Wolves being like "leave it to us!"
Dimitri's like "I'm sure Yuri has his reasons." Boy knows he's a playable character in the main game and spinoffs so he must be a good guy.
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little-red-devil · 1 year
bestie can you explain the gio situation everything i know is second hand
bestie I hope you're comfortable, because this is a NOVEL!! 😓
Okay sooo, this all started before the World Cup when Gregg Berhalter told Gio Reyna he was on the squad, but would have a "limited role" (he was just coming back from a hamstring injury so I kind of get it) and will probably not play much. Now Gio didn't like that and according to both him and Berhalter he didn't have the best attitude and lacked effort in training before/during the WC, which lead to some difficulties in camp, and they even considered sending him home!!!! They [Gio, Berhalter, other coaches] had a conversation about his behavior, and he apologized to them and also the whole team. He was forgiven and there were no other issues beyond that (this convo happened after the Wales game, but before England). Gio also said on instagram that he was told this situation would remain "in house" and that the public wouldn't know about it. This is the same precedent set by Berhalter when he didn't comment specifically as to why McKennie was sent home during World Cup Qualifying last fall.
"But if the public was never meant to know about it, then why do we know about it?" I'm SOO glad you asked 🙃 You see, literally DAYS after the US was eliminated from the WC, Berhalter spoke at a leadership summit and told this story. Now to his credit he never called out Gio Reyna by name, but there were already rumors swirling that they had issues during the tournament so it wasn't hard to put 2-and-2 together. ALSO while Gregg never said Gio's name, SOMEONE DID AND THEY TOLD THE WHOLE THING TO THE ATHLETIC and it bothers me so much that nobody talks about that 😡 Anyways, USMNT Twitter went into a frenzy, but after Gio's statement things calmed down for a while.
[TW for talks about DV]
UNTIL Berhalter releases a statement saying that someone was trying to BLACKMAIL him out of the head coach job (his contract ran out after the WC, but there was a chance it could be extended). He admits that when they were both in college he and his then girlfriend (now wife) had been drinking, they had an argument, and he kicked her in the legs. Now I think we can all agree that domestic violence of any kind is wrong regardless of how long ago it was, and that is not up for debate.
It was revealed in early January that the person who brought these allegations against Gregg was actually Danielle Reyna, Gio's mom, who was Rosalind Berhalter's roommate/teammate at UNC when the incident happened. She brought it up in an hour-ish long phone call with Earnie Stewart (who was the US Soccer Sporting Director at the time) because she was upset the her son was being dragged on the internet, said something like "if Gregg can be forgiven for that, then Gio can be forgiven for his behavior at the WC." After the news broke, she made a statement saying the call wasn't malicious in any way, that she and Claudio were talking on the phone with Earnie as a friend, and didn't think about the fact that he would have to report this.
Anyways, an investigation was held by US Soccer, and the full report (which is like 40 PAGES LONG btw😓😓) of it was just released yesterday. They concluded that it was a one-off incident and that Berhalter was still in the running to the the USMNT head coach. It also revealed that the Reynas, mainly Claudio, had been reaching out to US Soccer since 2016 with complaints/concerns about how Gio was treated (playing time, referee decisions, etc). As far as I could tell there was no evidence suggesting that their grievances were actually accommodated by US Soccer, so really they were just complaining to complain.
I saw a few unsavory quotes from the Reyna's circulating around Twitter, but being mean/shady people isn't necessarily a crime in my eyes. In my PERSONAL OPINION, it's unfair that Gio's character is being called into question because his parents have said/done some shady things, and I'm not going to hold him responsible for THEIR actions. In regards to Berhalter, I can understand his frustration with the Reyna's and it sucks that their friendship (which has lasted for literal DECADES) seems to have come to and end like this. However, I still don't want him as the head coach, but that's because I don't like his playing style/favoritism when he calls in certain players lol. As for the Reyna's, I think they need to stop talking and just let their son's talent speak for itself. ALSO this would have never happened if US Soccer wasn't such an old boy's club where they hire old US players who aren't qualified for the job, but that's a whole other issue LMAO 😂😂
Sorry this was long and kind of all over the place lol I clearly have a lot of thoughts about this. Anyways, this was the gist of it, hope it helps 😊
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