#i have SO many ideas rn and no wjere to put them
rorimoon9597 · 7 months
Has anyone realised that Keith had an actual sixth sense and that it's NOT explained in the show at all?
In s1 ep1, he says that he was drawn out to the desert because of some strange energy that he could feel. None of the other characters are shown to have this ability except for non human characters. Then, when he's going to find Red, he literally feels for her energy while the others had to look for markings or (in Pidge's case) use a device to track down their lions. And he just- felt for her energy and followed it???
Then there's that fight when he's got to choose between getting the teleduv part or going after Lotor's generals and he feels for the energy of the blast and moves Voltron so that the teleduv part gets hit instead???
Then in season 7, in the episode 'The Ruins', when they're fighting a guy who used to be a Druid, the Druid guy is teleporting all over the place and Keith just- feels for where he's going then throws his blade into the guys chest and kills him????
This is such a cool ability, and I think Keith's Galra traits should have been explored in the show, cause the writers were missing out on some REALLY cool things with Keith.
Like yeah, Allura being able to do Alchemy things is cool, but what about Keith and his odd abilities? I really, really want those to have been explored more.
Oh well. More self-indulgent fic writing for me, I guess.
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