#i hate u bg3 i hope u die
1ncend1ary · 4 months
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kimmkitsuragi · 6 months
astarion died in lava rip
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bettsfic · 5 months
Saw in another ask that you are playing bg3...... Verrry interesting to me as someone who loves both your writing and bg3..... 👀👀 U see where I'm going.... Have U had similar thoughts..... Anyway ofc it's important to have leisure time without it always feeding something else!! So I hope U are having fun and relaxing, not too serious an ask 😌🩵
oh i have Ideas. honestly i'm chomping at the bit to read fic but if i get even a whisper of a spoiler i will wither and die. i don't normally care about spoilers but i'm only going to get to play this game for the first time once and i want to make it count. (i'm a beastmaster ranger which apparently everyone hates but it's awesome?? it took a long time for me to come up with a character concept that would get astarion's approval while still being mostly good aligned. the only thing i could come up with was a character with pack mentality. kind to companions and animals, and fuck everyone else. hence beastmaster.)
ALSO i need to tell someone this: in my next playthrough, i'm going to be playing Ken. you know, from Barbie. at first my idea was that it would just be an AU Ken but then i realized no, it's Ken from Barbieland who one day woke up on a mindflayer ship. i am so excited.
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utterdrip · 4 months
hello im back (that anon who cant play bg3 herself but needs to Explode dekarios-style over her tav and astarion)
i wrote a full ask for axelias backstory to provide context but then i realized how long the ask would get . so here i am with half of what i need to rant over AJSJSJA
ANYWAYS axelia (my rogue tiefling who was a street urchin) and astarion are absolutely enemies to lovers in the same way shadowheart and lae'zel would be enemies to lovers !! they initially hate each other w a Passion but thats before they realize how eerily similar they are w their experiences and outlooks, and how the other can only really begin to understand why they behave the way they do
initially axelia hates astarion bc she has Issues with political figures (the start of her Trauma is bc of one bribed politician that fucked her already poor family over .) and while she wouldnt admit it easily she had a bias AJSJAJAJJ the only thing she really cared about when she got out of the nautiloid was to get back to her younger sister (hope). astarion would pick up on the friction pretty quickly and sass her right back the most to the point where its honestly a routine for them to fight and the only thing missing is either of them copying shadowheart and laezel w the blade at the throat
however. axelia got to know more about astarion beyond his facade . what really was the first thing that made her empathize w This One Of All People is how they both really dont trust/like ppl who display themselves as a lawful hero AJSJAJJAJ she grew up as a street urchin who was forced into that position bc of a guy who pretended to be good, and nobody would help her, a starving dirty tiefling child whos providing for both her and her sister, without smth in return ? so yeah no she Fucking Gets It .
time passes on and she develops an old married couple dynamic w astarion AJJSJSJA like still bickering but more lighthearted as they learn to empathize more w each other. fast forward to him trying to seduce her for the first time and it was a "might as well happen" thing for her KWNRKSJAJA she felt comfy enough that she didnt see any reason to refuse, and she didnt want to admit it at the time but she was def growing more unironically fond of him and his company
the more she hears about astarions story the more she gets furious for him and determined to show him that there are people who will fight for him . its the protective kind of love that axelia doesnt even realize is whats happening. she just knows that above all else, cazador needs to Die and she'd be willing to risk her own safety just to help astarion see it through
by this time theyre in a relationship w no labels AJJSAAA basically act 2 relationship. theyre both not exactly sure what they are to each other but they both know they can rely on the other to actually Give A Shit about them. while they both still love to argue and Disrespect each other its the fun kind where they definitely know its just banter at this point that they can easily use to team up on the others <33
act 3 comes and while axelia also gets the fear behind astarion wanting to ascend so badly she also knows that thats not a decision hed be too proud of if he could see the consequences now AJSJAJAJ so ofc spawn route <33
this is already a super long ask and i apologize for that but thats roughly how i see them progressing if i could acrually play the game </3 i have more Thoughts but ill shut up for now AJSJSJAJA but thank you for reading all that if ever <33
-✨️ (new anon !)
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axelia sounds like a fucking Deligjt and i empathize SO HARD. with distrusting political figures. astarion says magistrate and i tense up like a scared cat
it mustve been like whiplash for axelia tho!! him first acting all posh and haughty and “im a magistrate i put away trouble makers i do it sooooo often its boooooring to talk about” and then. hes like okay so if u had to die. how would u want to die. are u cool if i just like drain the baddies we kill. can i please please pleeeease open this door to creatures fucking i wanna see what they look like and make fun of them. like this little fop being the most bastard gremlin of a man is everything to me
honestly playful bickering is So Important to me like if u cant chat the shit with your partner, if you cant make fun of yourself with and for them its just boring imo.
i wonder—how does she begin to start opening up to him as well? like is there a specific catalyst do u think? like i feel like her having a protective anger over astarion would make him be like ????we are barely more than strangers why do—oooooooooohhhhh you have siblings. dont you (disdainfully)
idk im just throwing shit at the wall bht im adoring this i reallt hope ur able to make it a reality sooner!!!!!!
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auhohitsenvi2 · 4 years
vampire elf’s whole motivation is Not Wanting To Die (which after years of therapy is now a Big Mood)
i have a sneaking suspicion that’s gonna come into play later
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