#i hate that i don't have a car to drive and my life went downhill
euargh · 1 year
note to self: finally cut your hair and chemically straighten it soon. it's getting too long and easily gets greasy/itchy. i look like a deranged rat and showered. just dreading the burns I get when I chemically straighten my hair lmao
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canofspooks · 1 year
Phantom Goes Cross-Country (Chapter 1)
Summary: After Danny's life goes downhill, his friends save the day with a roadtrip. Maybe all he needs is to get out of Amity for a while.
Words: 870
AO3 Link
Only a few hours away from Amity Park, and Danny already felt the relief sinking into his bones as he leaned out the window of the car. Without the haze of ectoplasmic mist, he could see dozens more stars dotting the night sky. It was silly, wasn't it? All this time, he could've taken a bus over to the next town and seen just as much of a difference in scenery.
But he hadn't - hence the part where he was getting "kidnapped" by his friends from highschool on an impromptu road trip.
He glanced over at Sam asleep in the back seat. How she managed to pass out in her elaborate outfit was beyond him. It felt like her boots went on forever, only to be continued on by the leather pants that couldn't have been comfortable to sleep in. She had more belts than he thought necessary, and a black tank top adorned with a completely unnecessary amount of chain jewelry.
It was a lazy outfit by Sam's standards, she told him when they first picked him up. Danny's idea of "lazy" involved a t-shirt and shorts - what Sam had rolled up in was mildly motivated at least.
By comparison, he and Tucker were in rags. Tucker was a hipster and wore it on his sleeve, and Danny had rolled out of bed, thrown a hoodie on, and called it a day. It was on-par with what one would expect from a couple of guys in their 20's, and Danny was happy to be a stereotype.
"Is the beanie glued on your head, or…" Danny teased.
Tucker raised an eyebrow. "Says the guy still wearing a hoodie he got in middle school."
With the silence already broken, Tucker's shoulders relaxed. He kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead, and hands grabbing the steering wheel with a death grip, but Danny had seen his friend have the same frightened rabbit posture back when they were first learning to drive. Turns out not much had changed in that time.
"So… what'd you finally decide to do about the ghosts?" Tucker asked.
"I called in a favor with Vlad Masters. He owes me one."
That was a bit of an understatement. What hadn't he done to prepare? With only a couple days' notice about this little reunion trip, Danny had been in overdrive for the last 72 hours. He'd gotten his vacation days in order, done a little mild threatening to make sure his coworkers would actually come to their shifts, called Vlad for the first time in ages to beg the man to keep an eye on Amity, and tipped off the G.I.W. to make sure they'd be on-alert for anything in the next few weeks. And really, he wouldn't be gone long, so what was the worst that could happen?
"Are you still cool with him, or did he go back to being an evil fuck the minute you turned 18?"
Danny leaned back in his seat and looked up at the ceiling. How the hell did they get so many stains on the ceiling of the car, but none on the seats?
"Nah, he's…" and Danny hated to admit this, "he's actually pretty chill now. I think he's just lonely - I should try to hook him up with somebody when I get back, if only so he stops bugging me."
"Bugging you in like a horny way or…?"
"Bugging me in an 'old, weird rich grandma who keeps offering to pay for my top surgery' way. The dude motherhens hard if I drop even a pound. It's fucking annoying. He should get his own kid to worry about."
"I will take one for the team and let Vlad be my sugar daddy, if you won't."
Danny gagged. "Tucker, that is the worst thing you've ever said. I'd rather you joke about my parents."
Between fits of laughter that left him light-headed, Danny realized it didn't hurt as much to mention them. The context was silly, sure, but even jokes always left him with a sour taste in his mouth and a pit in his stomach. Now? Nothing.
Maybe this trip was already starting to do some good.
"Don't tempt me. I've had five years to think of every possible dark joke and I will lay it out on you right now if you're not careful." Tucker warned, shooting a playful glare over at Danny for just a moment. Enough to qualify as "dangerous" in Tucker's eye, probably. That was progress.
"Since when were you such an edgelord?"
"Oh, like I didn't pick up a thing or two from goth-zilla… and Sam."
"Dude, you know I haven't fucked with that stuff since middle school."
"Once a goth-zilla, always a goth-zilla."
"Pull over so I can beat the shit out of you." Danny jiggled the door handle, just to get Tucker worried. Not like he was going to jump out of the moving car. He could - Phantom had done it plenty of times - but Danny was too lazy to fly around right now.
"Whatever, man. I'm not pulling over until we need to fill up on gas. You can fight me at the next gas station."
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I Am Sorry
Summary - Alone in your room, you try to figure out how your past life had been.
Pairing - Dean x Reader (??), Sam x Reader (platonic)
Warning - Angst, mentions of drinking, swearing and did I mention angst
Word Count - 2066
Square Filled - Bunker ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N - So I know I have been a little MIA for a over a week now and it has been a lot time since I have updated any of my series. But I finally got my motivation to continue this part and my other series so hopefully I won't abandon this series again. Regularity and me - we don't have a good relationship.
Anyways happy reading!
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine.
Spn divider by the talented @talesmaniac89
Series Masterlist
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There were no more tears left to cry. You had spent the whole evening crying, trying to think of any possible reason as to why Dean would do such a thing, trying to bring yourself forgive him, but you couldn't. You needed to know why Dean took such a drastic measure to erase himself from your life.
Your stomach grumbled. You sat up and rubbed your face with your hands. You didn't know what time it was, but you assumed it was sometime around midnight, considering how long you had been in the bunker. You needed food in your stomach. There was a knock on your door. You hoped it was not Dean. You couldn't face him right now.
“Y/N, it's Sam,” the voice called from the other side of the door, making you sigh in relief. You got out of your bed, and walked up to the wooden door, opening it.
“Hey,” you said.
“I got you food,” Sam smiled.
“A literal angel.” You said.
“I figured you might be hungry after everything you have been through and I also got you a drink.” He gave you a knowing smile.
“Thank you. Do you want to….come in I guess,” you told him.
“If that's okay with you.”
“Sure.” Sam followed you into the room, a plate of food in one hand, and some clothes on another.
“I hope you still like junk food.” Sam chuckled.
“Oh yeah!” You grinned, smiling for the first since the fallout.
“Here,” he handed you the clothes, “You need some fresh pair of clothes. They might be a little too big.”
“Thank you.”
“I'm sorry.” He said.
“What're you sorry for? Your brother's a dumbass,” you scoffed.
“Cas said that what he did is irreversible.” He said. “He said something about grace and how magic done by grace can't be reversible so-”
“I won't remember anything.” You said.
“I called Rowena-”
“The witch?” You asked.
“Yes. She said she will pay us a visit tomorrow. Maybe she can come up with a solution,” he hoped.
“I don't think so, Sam.” you exhaled loudly.
“Listen I am not supporting his stupid decision but Dean, at that time he thought he was doing the right thing,” He sighed. “We'll figure somethin’ out, Y/N/N.”
“He could have talked to me. We could have come up with a different solution other than me having to live without remembering half of my life,” you bitterly laughed.
“I know.” Sam walked up to you and suddenly pulled you into a tight hug.
“Sam, c-can't….breathe,” you gasped.
“Sorry,” he sheepishly smiled and let go of you, “I missed having you around. I really hated the decision Dean made. He didn't think of anyone. You were like my little sister I never thought I needed. I really missed you Y/N/N.”
“Wish I could say the same.” You gave him a sad smile.
“Eat up. You must be starving. Maybe we can reverse the spell….or whatever it is,” Sam said.
“Yeah. Thank you….for everything, Sam,” you said, as he smiled and turned to leave the room, “Sam, wait.”
“Yeah?” He looked back at you.
“What is it?” He insisted.
“How is he?” You blurted out.
“Dean? He's, you know, holed up in his room, drinking. I'll check on him on my way out to make sure his liver survives the night.” Sam said.
“Okay.” you said and wished him goodnight as he left the room. After taking a swig from the bottle of beer, you finished off with the burger Sam had brought for you before retreating back to the bed.
Sleep didn't come easy that night. Mind plagued by various thoughts, you kept tossing and turning in your bed. Not only the thoughts about how your previous life was but also the dream you had, when the Djinn had captured you, kept you up all night. Dean said those monsters show you what your heart desires, then why did you dream about a life with Dean? He was just a guy at the bar for you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you realised a big chunk of your memory was missing and you wouldn't probably ever get it back.
You wanted to scream and punch Dean for playing with your life, playing with your relationship, but right now, lying in your bed in which was supposed to be your home, you felt helpless. You got out of the bed finally giving up on sleep and started to rummage through the drawers of your nightstand - searching for anything that would possibly bring back your memory.
Nothing significant caught your eyes until you saw an old leather-bound diary and small black box. Climbing back into your bed, you looked curiously at the two things in your hand.
You opened the box and found a bunch of pictures inside it. Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked at the pages. There were four pictures in total, all of them of you and Dean. There was this one picture, which was probably clicked by Sam of you and Dean laughing in the backseat of his car but what made your heart break was the diamond ring which was clearly visible on your left hand. An inaudible sob left your lips as you saw the next picture which completely shattered your heart. You didn't have any memory of the happiest day of your life. You stared at the picture of you standing in a white dress in front of a mirror, lips curled up into a small smile and eyes sparkling with hope and happiness. You saw the reflection of Dean in a black tux in the mirror as he stood behind you with a camera pointed at the mirror, as he clicked a picture of his bride. You got married that day, you were happy, you both were. Then why did Dean have to go and throw out every good thing he ever had?
Picking up the diary, you started to look through. It was some sort of a journal you used to keep. You flipped through the pages until a certain entry grabbed your attention.
‘This is frustrating. I should be able to maintain my cool! We were on a damn Rugaru hunt. If Sam wasn't there to save my ass, I would have died. Stupid Dean with his stupid gorgeous face. There were so many times I wanted to tell him everything but what if he doesn't feel the same? Goddamnit! I think I will take off for a few days. Clear my head so that I stop daydreaming about that green eyed son of a bitch!’
You chuckled at your bluntness. You flicked through the pages and started reading another entry.
‘I feel numb. I don't know what to think anymore. He's gone. Just like that. I don't even know if he's dead or not. Sammy went out for a drive leaving me behind in the motel room. That was three days ago. I don't know what to do anymore. Bobby's dead. Cas is gone too and Dean is, I don't know anymore. I need him to come back. Please. I can't live without him. Please, come back.’
You had so many questions about what had happened that day. From the diary entries, you could feel how much love you had for Dean. He said that he still loved you. The same question haunted you again, then why did he push you away? You flipped to the last entry in the journal.
‘I am scared for him. He won't talk to me. He would barely look at me. The mark is eating him alive on the inside. I am scared and confused. I don't know how to help him. This is not the Dean Winchester I married. I need my husband back.”
That was the last entry in your diary. You read it a few times but couldn't understand anything. What was the mark? What happened in the last few days? You needed to talk to Sam, hoping he would tell you everything.
You had spent your entire night or what was left of it reading through the journal and rummaging around your room for any other clues or snippets from your forgotten life. Three short knocks on the door made you jump out of your skin.
You hesitated a little before opening the door. After everything you had learnt overnight, you were in no state to face Dean. You had questions that you needed answers but you didn't want to talk to him.
“You okay, Y/N?” A voice asked and you sighed in relief when you realised it was Sam. You went over and opened the door.
“Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why?” You casually asked, leaning against the doorframe.
“Nothing….I was going out for my morning run and heard sounds from your room. Why are you up so early? You-uh, you never were a morning person,” Sam said.
“Can't sleep.” You replied.
“This all must be very overwhelming for you.”
“And confusing. I have so many questions,” you frowned, “I need answers, Sammy.”
Sam’s eyes sparkled as he heard you call him ‘Sammy’, and he smiled at you.
“What?” You cocked your head sideways.
“You called me Sammy.” He said.
“Is that-did I do….did I say something wrong?” You asked.
“No no no, you always used to call me that. You picked up that name from Dean and then you hardly called me Sam anymore,” he chuckled, “you want to go with me for a run? It will clear your head and I know you still don't want to….meet him.”
“Uh-huh. Give a few minutes to get ready. Maybe you can give me the answers to the millions of questions I have,” you said.
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“So he became a demon?” You asked, panting as you tried to keep with Sam’s long legs. You were honestly shocked to learn about how your life had been. Demons, ghosts, werewolves, vampires - that's all that you knew in that life. The Winchesters were on a run from law and some assumed they were dead, and they did die a number of times.
“Yeah. And that's when things started to go downhill,” Sam said.
“What do you mean?” You asked as you both approached the bunker door. Sam kept quiet.
“I think you should ask Dean. It's not my place to say,” he whispered.
“But-” Sam shook his head and went down the stairs and you followed him.
Dean was still nowhere to be found which was a relief but you were also a little stressed out about his condition. He was cooped up in his room since the previous night with a bottle of Jack - as told to you by Sam - which was definitely not healthy.
“I know he is probably the last person you want to see right now but you should talk to him. He is the only person who can speak for his actions.” You nodded your head at the younger brother.
“I need a little more time before I can even look at him.” You sighed.
“I know.” The low grumble from the other side of the room, caught your attention. You turned sideways, your heart dropping to your stomach when you took in the sight of the man in front. He looked like he had aged ten years overnight. His red rimmed eyes were heavy with guilt and sadness. His scruffy cheeks were sunken and pale. “I couldn't find any of you in the bunker.”
“We went for a run.” Sam replied.
“Run? I thought you-” Dean looked at you.
“People change.” You averted your eyes, making him wince at your coldness. He knew he deserved it but he still loved you.
“Well, I took a shower so I don't reek of whiskey anymore. You never liked the smell of alcohol on me.” Dean said, trying to make small talk to break the uncomfortable silence.
“Good for you.” You needed to leave the room so you turned on your heels to leave.
“Y/N-” his voice made you stop in your tracks. “I'm sorry. You-you don't have to forgive me but….please, I-I need you to know that I'm sorry.”
“I know.” And that's all you said before you went to your room.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in this!
Feedback is highly appreciated!
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la-appel-du-vide · 3 years
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06•07•21 - Hawaii Day Six
Yet another troublesome day hahah.
We had rescheduled the shark cage dive for the girls today. The boys were scheduled to spend the first half of the day golfing. We had one car.
The solution ended up being that I would get up and drive the boys to the golf course in the morning, then we would have the car to drive to the North Shore to do the shark excursion, and they would Uber back to the hotel when they were done.
The plan started wonderfully, and I got them to the golf course on time. Then mom and I drove back to the hotel to start getting ready for the sharks. After we got dressed and packed for the day, Aubrey, Whit, Allyssa, and I went down to Eggs N' Things for breakfast (a super popular little breakfast shop). They told us it would be a 60-75 minute wait, but it ended up being two hours - so that was frustrating. I started to get nervous that we were going to have to just leave in order to get to the sharks in time. Mom was back at the hotel, texting me to hurry and getting things together so we could be on our way as soon as we were done eating. We finally got in and ordered, and were prepared to eat SO fast, but then we got the sad text from mom that they'd cancelled. AGAIN. UGHHHHH. Same "inclement weather" reason as last time. Turns out the afternoon times hardly ever pan out - so WHY DO THEY SCHEDULE THEM? 0/10 do not recommend that company. We were super disappointed.
And this is when the day started to go downhill. I thought breakfast was great, at least, but others complained that it wasn't good or worth the wait at all. So that was nice.
We got back to the hotel, and mom was brainstorming what else to do. She brought up going to the North Shore to visit Three Tables Beach - the place Mekenna wrote on her list is the best snorkel spot in Oahu. I told her that would be great, and she said she wanted to talk to my dad about it, so in the meantime, Aubrey, Whit, and I went down to the pool. I had literally just jumped in when she texted me that we had to go pick up the boys from the golf course now that we didn't need the car, and then we would go to the beach straight from there. It was bad timing, and obviously no one was excited to drive the hour to the golf course and then another hour to the beach. But Aubrey started really complaining - breakfast was horrible, we were wasting the whole day driving, she should be sitting by the pool, this new beach showed a bad UV index and rain.... on and on and on. It started to really bother me. When we got there and went to set up our stuff, she was saying how bad the beach sucked and I was just done with the bad attitude, and her hating on the things I'd loved and suggested. I needed a break from her for a while, so I went and sat by myself and just enjoyed being on the beach.
When I did get to snorkel, it was amazing! I saw more fish than we had seen anywhere else in Hawaii, and I found a sea turtle! That's the first time I've just casually run into one on my own. I swam with him for a bit, and it was so cool. The Three Tables Beach is named because of the three coral towers in the water that you can see from the beach, and there is just so much life there! I did get knocked down by a wave while I was standing in a shallow section of water, and bashed my knee on a big rock, and that hurt me to the point of tears. So that was no fun. But other than that, it was amazing.
Dad had hurt his back golfing, and didn't want to chance making it worse in the water, so he sat on the beach and waited for us. I'm really sad he missed the great snorkeling opportunity - he would have loved it.
Despite the early complaining, I think everyone ended up loving it.
It rained a bit, but it's such light and warm rain that no one minds.
I had Dad stop at Bonzai Bowls down the road before we headed back, so I could get an acai bowl that we loved last time we were in Oahu - recommended by Kenna. Dad ended up loving them, so that was cute. Because of Covid, we had to wait outside, and it ended up pouring rain while we waited, but we could take cover until the roof of the building haha.
We drove back, and realized sadly that it was our last night there, since we'd take the red-eye the following night. I got repacked (my stuff was really a hot mess on this trip - I hate living out of a suitcase), and then went down to the shops one last time. I went to the ABC Store to get us some drinks, and to replace the anklet that I'd already lost. (They were little seashell anklets, and mine fell off in the ocean. I think Allyssa's was the only one that stayed on the whole time. Aubrey's fell off but she saved it. And Whit also lost and replaced hers.)
On the trip, I ended up getting:
- New Roxy swim shorts and a towel (which they forgot to take the sensor off, so now I'm left in a predicament)
- Two seashell/Hawaiian flower anklets, and seashell anklets for my friends
- A ukulele and Quiksilver shirt for Brayden's birthday (shhhh don't tell)
- Honolulu Cookie Company cookies for Brayden
- A Hawaii collection Starbucks cold drink cup
- Two matching red Hawaiian shirts for the pups
- Some beads for my car
- Two beaded bracelets, one that matched the other girls that says Aloha
So cute, so fun. It was hard to repack, especially with so much new stuff. But I made it. It was super late by the time we were done and going to bed - so tired! I never really adjusted to Hawaii time I'd say, oops.
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