#i had to do research on passports and shit for this lmao
lou-bonfightme · 2 years
Paris, toujours || [self-para]
In which Toulouse gets a surprise gift from his father...[takes place: August 27]
[tw -- none]
There was a package in the mail for Toulouse. From his father.
Odd. This would be strange usually, considering that Hector was not the sort of father to give gifts or send things along. Unless you were his darling daughter, of course. For the boys? No, that was never the sort of parent he had been. It was a decently heavy parcel, so not simply just a letter.
Toulouse had frowned at it as he had taken it out of the mailbox. He’d handed it off to Opal, as he usually did. She liked getting the mail. It her feel very important and she looked through all of it with a thoroughness that was impressive for someone who could only vaguely read.
Once inside, he had sat down on the couch, Opal climbing up next to him and peeking over his arm as he pulled the strip off and opened it. Out slid a burgundy passport. Then, clattering after it, a national identity card. Finally, a small piece of paper written in his father’s easily identifiable, slanted handwriting.
Long overdue, I believe. - H.H.B.
“Ooh,” Opal said, leaning across Lou’s thigh to pick up the passport and start flipping through the pages. “Tonton! Vous!” She held up the front page which, yes, had a picture of him.
“Oui, c’est moi,” Lou said, blinking as he took the passport from her and looked at the expiration date: August 22, 2032. It was brand new. He looked at the identification card. Same thing. Under Magick status, it simply said: Magick. Not “dangerous Magick” as his paperwork had read for the last almost four years. Toulouse clutched the pieces of paper and plastic in his hands as if they were going to disappear. He smiled a little to himself and then looked at Opal.
“Aimeriez-vous aller à Paris?” he asked her.
Opal’s brow furrowed for a moment as she parsed out what he had said. “Paris?”
“Oui, ta maman et moi sommes nés là-bas.”
“Je suis né là aussi?”
“Non,” Lou chuckled. “Mais tu es Parisienne.”
“Oh. D’accord.” Opal slipped off the couch to start playing with her toys, the question forgotten.
Lou pulled out his phone and rang his father. He wasn’t expecting him to answer necessarily. His father was a busy man. His father and him had not spoken for a very long time. Almost a year, if Lou thought correctly. Not that that was hard to do. Neither of them had kept in the best touch over the years, but the silence this time was intentional. Lou was furious at his father for how he had treated Berlioz. But right now, all of that was forgotten.
Hector’s phone went to voicemail. As expected.
“Bonjour, père,” Lou said. “I was just calling to say merci beaucoup for the package.” He turned the passport over and over in his hand, admiring the smooth leather surface, the shining gold emblem. For years, Lou had not been a citizen of anywhere at all. Technically, he had been in Swynlake as a refugee. He was not a British citizen.
And he had not been a French one either, barred from the country due to his status as a werewolf. Barred from the place of his birth. The place he had grown up. The place he loved, more than anywhere else in the world.
Now, he could go back. He could walk his favourite streets again, see his favourite artwork in the tiny museums tucked away from the prying eyes of tourists; he could walk along the Seine, retrace the paths of his childhood. And he could take his own children there. Tell them stories of where he had been born and grown up. He could show Belle around the streets she had been born too. They could visit la Palais Garnier together. He could take Hades to his favourite restaurants--where they served caviar and champagne by the bottle only. These possibilities rolled out in front of him like a red carpet, welcoming him home.
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isa-ah · 4 years
this is eden but: good luck dude!! i’m hoping the best for ya’ll and that nicole gets the job and all goes smoothly! can i ask where abroad you/ya’ll are going to? regardless, i’m happy for ya’ll assuming all goes well!
thank you!! she was at a 3 and a 1/2 hour interview today and they said they'd be bringing her back for a second interview which sounds pretty promising if you ask me so 🤞 lmfao and we're looking at immigrating to spain! we've done a lot of researching into different places but spains a very forgiving place to be on visa, has a pretty good climate for lgbt ppl like us, and from what los read up on and told me about their work and home life is so extremely different from the US im like .. so fucking excited. like i WANT to get a job when we move. every job ive had here has made me wildly s******l from really shitty work environment and awful pay for soul sapping work and no freetime lmfao and beyond that if we settle down somewhere that's not very touristy were going to be paying less than we are for this apartment for smtn that's way more comfortable which means I could arguably get by just doing freelance work anyway! that shits wild!
step one is trying to put aside money for our name changes (they're like $400-500 and we're scratching for dimes but I Know it'll work out) so we can invest in passports come january and if that second stimulus check ever Fucking passes that's going to be our tickets so 🤞 I've been setting aside money for a different trip anyway, we want to take our gilf van cross country to see our family in VA and FL and then have the gilfmobile shipped out of somewhere in FL to meet us once were over there! that's also expensive but what's another grand when ive already sunk several into our old man.
that alone is really exciting bc like i know people in Europe are super adverse to driving fucking anywhere but for us and our van it'd be so Easy to go pretty much anywhere within a three days drive of home and camp out in the van to enjoy shit. like how exciting is that? hello? it's just a nice bonus that Nicole went all over europe last year on a cruise and is suuuper in love w everything over there. she hasn't stopped talking about it since so the three of us are gunna pool resources and then once we've got a foothold she's gunna get her own place n me and lo will have our own too. once we have that man were gunna be a gay haven for all our LGBT friends trying to get out of the US who need a safety net and somewhere to weather getting used to shit. we can do that for people! shits wild! I'm so excited about it.
in the meantime im just fucking it up on duolingo trying to cram spanish into my brain for the next year so im not the Worst when we get there lmao
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swearronchanel · 7 years
Oops I did it again: Unnecessary post of random thoughts part 2 - series 5, Episode 8
Because I got some laughs last time posting my actual thoughts while watching and since series 6 STARTS TOMORROW (it’s 11pm here) I’m going to do it again with Series 5, episode 8. Yup, that episode
- lol what boat is this and why is it worthy for the intro - yass Trixie - Damn Vanessa already so inspiring - Shelagh ! hello nurse Turner - Lame ass rules. Give single girls the pill who’s going to snitch - “It’s a start and you still change lives, for the better ” get yourself a Shelagh :beauty and support - Violet’s headscarf is cute - Oh yea I forgot it’s this lady who’s kinda related - Don’t care about this story tbh - Hey Tom 😏 - “I should put a shirt on” , “that would be preferable” Lady why you lying to a vicar - Sister E being cute with the gremlins - Sister MJ with the puppet 😂😂 I love her - Susan Mullocks!! So precious - How tf do they make the baby look so real but can’t make a wig to look real for Pats - Shelagh looks so pretty, I like the lavender. Let’s see what 1962 does for her wardrobe cause she looked so good in the Christmas special - “Baby Williams evacuated his bowels” Lmao babs got shitted on - “It’s called distival” nooooo - Trixie wants Pantyhose lol, go get em girl💁🏼 - “Sounds like a breeding ground for yeast” I LOVE U PHYLLIS 😂😂 - Aw I miss Sister E’s yelling 💔 - “Love knows no boundaries” lol yo Violet is actually precious she needs more screen time - Alright an Australian’s cool but there needs to be a story line for an American girl so it can be me - Someone set that up I’d do it for free - Tom why you so handsome? - also why tf are you two always making out? I don’t care but like Shelagh and Patrick are married and never kiss - lol It’s so funny that they never kiss but they’re going to have a baby on the show - hey pats and delia - wait delia’s welsh why does she not have a passport ? - Can you go to other countries in the U.K. with no passport? I remember that in the European mainland going to France and Spain from Italy but I haven’t been to the U.K. so I don’t know - here I am being a dumbass American - poor mrs cottingham - the wedding dresses lmao, weird to think nuns get “married’ to god - sister MJ😭 she’s not even that tall though - shit I’ve had too many thoughts I’m only 20 mins in - sister E with her last baby omg my heart - I THOUGHT I WAS OKAY IM NOT - Fred found her I wanna cry but I ain’t no bitch - jk I am I feel tears forming - que linda Angela 😭💕 - “Patrick you’re needed at Nonnatus house” damn it I’m crying - everyone on the stairs, my heart hurts - “How is our sister to rise again if her earthly form is not in tact..” omg sister Monica Joan I CANT 💔💔💔 - I already miss sister E and I didn’t see series 6 yet, she would’ve take NONE OF sisters Ursula’s shit - “Patrick Distival’s being withdrawn” - Oh fu*k. - yo queen Laura freaking Main needs an award for her acting - Maybe I should stop cursing - But seriously she’s made me cry or want to cry so many times in this show, I don’t even get this attached like this to tv show characters - I knew they’d give the Australian girl sister E’s dress before they did - Patrick put the damn cigarette out - Wow I’m sad - “She never once said thank you in 18yrs of bicycle maintenance” I loved fred and sister e friendship though omg - Phyllis taking charge lets get it - The nuns in sister e’s room aw dios te bendiga - How do I get to be as beautiful as Trixie wtf - Phyllis, Shelagh and Patsy = power research team - Phyllis’s glasses Lmaoo - Go take those pills back ! - Lol the coffee place is called Paris why does Delia need a passport to go - probably was a lot funnier to me than it really is - “God love ya but you look lonely” I am crying again 💔 - PHYLLIS COMFORTING TRIXIE, MY HEART. I NEED A HUG FROM PHYLLIS - “If there’s any justice in the world you’ll get your reward” I love them omg, I need a Phyllis to my Trixie - “When I see Tom and Barbara now I don’t see what I might have had, I see what they have.. I can’t tell you how much I’d love to feel like that. But it doesn’t need to be bc of a man"💔💔 I am in tears. I feel this so hard - Sister E in the casket. 😪 - Trixie and Peter aw, sorry your damn wife couldn’t show up man - “Nasty, personal job” stfu Mrs Bubsy, go back to Wales - “She’s coming to Paris with me” haaa tell me Pats - Lol @ Tom doing a conga line - Shelagh’s coat is so pretty ! and ofc she’s perfect in it - Aw Mrs Mullocks it’s not ur fault - “I didn’t have gin, we were on a budget” same. try Vlad, horrible taste but works - Again Laura Main, so good with the facial expressions, like I wanna cry with her and hug her - Ha they lit dancing to the twist while the bride’s in labor. Didn’t this happen in an earlier series? - I’m pretty sure someone gave birth during a wedding. Chummy delivered the baby I remember - everyone in black in front of Nonnatus hurts me - THE SHOES, I cry - Damn I forgot how sad this was 💔 - why am I in the feels, i shouldn’t have watched this - Cue Vanessa Redgrave’s outro - “The world was hers no longer..” - “The hope that knew no end” THERE’S SO MUCH HOPE, THERE WAS HOPE IN SOUTH AFRICA, HOPE FOR SHELAGH AND PATRICK EVEN THOUGH THEY DONT KNOW YET, HOPE IN SERIES 6, HOPE IN TODAY FROM THE WOMENS MARCH for 2017 AH - Too many feels. But - The End .
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suspendrs · 7 years
we've got to get away from here, 3 8 11 12 14 15
oh my lord this is a lot thank you anon
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
this is hella more than a line but this is my favorite bit of the piece:
They’re going to kill him. Harry, this beautiful creature without an ounce of malice in his body. They’re going to kill him simply because the blood pumping through his veins isn’t human. They’re going to kill him because they don’t understand him, not the way Louis does. They’re going to kill him because Louis can’t make them see.
He cries for Harry’s innocence, for his excitement, for his smile and his hugs and his laugh. He cries because Harry has no idea what’s going on, as smart as he is, because he’s too good to know what these horrible humans expect of him. Harry probably doesn’t even know what terrorism is, hasn’t been brainwashed to fear anyone that isn’t like him, to blindly protect nationalism, to protect borders that are only made up. He doesn’t know what makes one country different from another, never even fully understood the concept of a passport. Harry is everything good that the Earth has banished, Louis thinks. Maybe the thing that makes him not human is that he’s not bad at all, like everyone else. Even Louis himself is to blame, he thinks, for ever thinking Harry could survive here.
8. Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
well we all know harry is a real life alien so i’ve been trying to come up with an alien au for probably a year but my friends kept shooting down all my possible crack fic ideas (i’m rly bad at crack ok i’m not funny) so then this came about one night and i sent it to the gc and they loved it so yay.
11. What do you like best about this fic?
i like this fic a lot bc i think it’s really original and it hella could have just been an x files au and that was what i was originally going to do but i think the characters are all really original and i’m super happy with the way the plot came out.
12. What do you like least about this fic?
i definitely could have done more research for this fic and could have made it hella longer and more detailed but i was writing it during school and was way too busy to fully invest in it. for example, i wish liam and niall’s characters had been more developed and i’d have loved to include more of harry learning about earth and yeah idk i just wish it wasn’t so rushed.
14. Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
um nothing i was basically just shitposting about the american government and conspiracy theories lmao but if you learned smth from it pls let me know what it is i’d love to hear about it.
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
i learned that i cannot write even the most ridiculous au without hella angst and that i really heckin like writing fantasy/science fiction type shit like this
ask me questions about my fics || read we’ve got to get away from here
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